コード例 #1
ファイル: shapefile.hpp プロジェクト: MaZderMind/osmium
            int add_logical_attribute(int n, v8::Local<v8::Value> value) const {
                v8::String::Utf8Value str(value);

                if (atoi(*str) == 1 || !strncasecmp(*str, "T", 1) || !strncasecmp(*str, "Y", 1)) {
                    return DBFWriteLogicalAttribute(m_dbf_handle, m_current_shape, n, 'T');
                } else if ((!strcmp(*str, "0")) || !strncasecmp(*str, "F", 1) || !strncasecmp(*str, "N", 1)) {
                    return DBFWriteLogicalAttribute(m_dbf_handle, m_current_shape, n, 'F');
                } else {
                    return DBFWriteNULLAttribute(m_dbf_handle, m_current_shape, n);
コード例 #2
ファイル: scribe.cpp プロジェクト: dmagiccys/pfmabe
NV_INT32 scribe (NV_INT32 num_cols, NV_INT32 num_rows, NV_FLOAT32 xorig, NV_FLOAT32 yorig, NV_FLOAT32 min_z, NV_FLOAT32 max_z, NV_FLOAT32 *ar,
                 QString shapeName, OPTIONS *options, PFM_OPEN_ARGS open_args)
  NV_INT32                index_contour, num_points, i, num_interp, bytes, num_contours = 0;
  NV_FLOAT64              *dcontour_x, *dcontour_y, *dcontour_m, ix[2], iy[2], dx, dy, cell_diag_length, segment_length;
  NV_FLOAT32              level, half_gridx, half_gridy, *contour_x, *contour_y;
  NV_CHAR                 shape_name[512], prj_name[512];
  FILE                    *prj_fp;
  SHPHandle               shp_hnd;
  SHPObject               *shape;
  DBFHandle               dbf_hnd;  

  void contourMinMax (NV_FLOAT32, NV_FLOAT32);
  void contourEmphasis (NV_INT32);
  void contourMaxDensity (NV_INT32);
  void contourMaxPoints (NV_INT32);
  void contourLevels (NV_INT32 numLevels, NV_FLOAT32 *);
  NV_INT32 initContour (NV_FLOAT32, NV_INT32, NV_INT32, NV_FLOAT32 *);
  NV_INT32 getContour (NV_FLOAT32 *, NV_INT32 *, NV_INT32 *, NV_FLOAT32 *, NV_FLOAT32 *);
  void smooth_contour (NV_INT32 num_interp, NV_INT32 *num_pts, NV_FLOAT64 *contour_x, NV_FLOAT64 *contour_y);

  strcpy (shape_name, shapeName.toAscii ());

  if ((shp_hnd = SHPCreate (shape_name, SHPT_ARCM)) == NULL)
      QMessageBox::warning (0, pfmGeotiff::tr ("pfmGeotiff"),
                            pfmGeotiff::tr ("Unable to create ESRI SHP file ") + QDir::toNativeSeparators (shapeName) + 
                            pfmGeotiff::tr ("  The error message returned was:\n\n") +
                            QString (strerror (errno)) + 
                            pfmGeotiff::tr ("\n\nContours will not be generated."));

      return (0);

  //  Making dummy DBF file so Arc won't barf.

  if ((dbf_hnd = DBFCreate (shape_name)) == NULL)
      QMessageBox::warning (0, pfmGeotiff::tr ("pfmGeotiff"),
                            pfmGeotiff::tr ("Unable to create ESRI DBF file ") + QDir::toNativeSeparators (shapeName) + 
                            pfmGeotiff::tr ("  The error message returned was:\n\n") +
                            QString (strerror (errno)) + 
                            pfmGeotiff::tr ("\n\nContours will not be generated."));

      return (0);

  //  Adding a dummy field.

  if (DBFAddField (dbf_hnd, "nada", FTLogical, 1, 0) == -1)
      QMessageBox::warning (0, pfmGeotiff::tr ("pfmGeotiff"), pfmGeotiff::tr ("Error adding field to DBF file."));
      return (0);

  //  Stupid freaking .prj file

  strcpy (prj_name, shapeName.replace (".pfm", ".prj").toAscii ());
  if ((prj_fp = fopen (prj_name, "w")) == NULL)
      QMessageBox::warning (0, pfmGeotiff::tr ("pfmGeotiff"),
                            pfmGeotiff::tr ("Unable to create ESRI PRJ file ") + QDir::toNativeSeparators (QString (prj_name)) + 
                            pfmGeotiff::tr ("  The error message returned was:\n\n") +
                            QString (strerror (errno)) + 
                            pfmGeotiff::tr ("\n\nContours will not be generated."));

      return (0);

  fprintf (prj_fp, "COMPD_CS[\"WGS84 with ellipsoid Z\",GEOGCS[\"WGS 84\",DATUM[\"WGS_1984\",SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7030\"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6326\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9108\"]],AXIS[\"Lat\",NORTH],AXIS[\"Long\",EAST],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4326\"]],VERT_CS[\"ellipsoid Z in meters\",VERT_DATUM[\"Ellipsoid\",2002],UNIT[\"metre\",1],AXIS[\"Z\",UP]]]\n");

  //  Check the smoothing factor range and get the number of interpolation points per unsmoothed contour segment

  if (options->smoothing_factor < 0) options->smoothing_factor = 0;
  if (options->smoothing_factor > 10) options->smoothing_factor = 10;

  ix[0] = (xorig + (open_args.head.x_bin_size_degrees * num_cols) * 0.5) / open_args.head.x_bin_size_degrees;
  iy[0] = (yorig + (open_args.head.y_bin_size_degrees * num_rows) * 0.5) / open_args.head.y_bin_size_degrees;
  ix[1] = ix[0] + 1.0;
  iy[1] = iy[0] + 1.0;

  dx = ix[1] - ix[0];
  dy = iy[1] - iy[0];

  cell_diag_length = sqrt (pow (dx, 2) + pow (dy, 2));

  num_interp = 1;

  if (options->smoothing_factor)
      segment_length = DEFAULT_SEGMENT_LENGTH / options->smoothing_factor;

      if (cell_diag_length > segment_length)
          num_interp = (NV_INT32) ((cell_diag_length / segment_length) + 0.5);
          num_interp = 1;

  //  allocate memory for contour arrays

  if (options->smoothing_factor > 0)
      bytes = (((num_interp * (CONTOUR_POINTS - 1)) + 1) * sizeof (NV_FLOAT64));
      bytes = (CONTOUR_POINTS * sizeof (NV_FLOAT64));

  if ((contour_x = (NV_FLOAT32 *) malloc (bytes / 2)) == NULL)
      perror ("Allocating contour_x in scribe.cpp");
      exit (-1);
  if ((contour_y = (NV_FLOAT32 *) malloc (bytes / 2)) == NULL)
      perror ("Allocating contour_y in scribe.cpp");
      exit (-1);
  if ((dcontour_x = (NV_FLOAT64 *) malloc (bytes)) == NULL)
      perror ("Allocating dcontour_x in scribe.cpp");
      exit (-1);
  if ((dcontour_y = (NV_FLOAT64 *) malloc (bytes)) == NULL)
      perror ("Allocating dcontour_y in scribe.cpp");
      exit (-1);
  if ((dcontour_m = (NV_FLOAT64 *) malloc (bytes)) == NULL)
      perror ("Allocating dcontour_m in scribe.cpp");
      exit (-1);

  //  Set the min and max contours, the index contour interval, the maximum contour density, and the
  //  number of points to be returned by the package.

  contourMinMax (min_z, max_z);
  contourMaxDensity (options->maxd);
  contourMaxPoints (CONTOUR_POINTS);
  contourEmphasis (1);

  //  If the contour interval is set to 0.0 use the user defined levels.
  if (options->cint == 0.0)
      contourLevels (options->num_levels, options->contour_levels);

  //  Pass the grid array (arranged 1D) to the contouring package.

  initContour (options->cint, num_rows, num_cols, ar);

  //  Compute half of a grid cell in degrees.

  half_gridx = open_args.head.x_bin_size_degrees * 0.5;
  half_gridy = open_args.head.y_bin_size_degrees * 0.5;

  //  Get the contours from the package until all are saved.

  while (getContour (&level, &index_contour, &num_points, contour_x, contour_y))
      if (level != 0.0) fprintf(stderr,"%s %d %f\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,level);

      if (num_points > 1)
          //  Convert from grid points (returned contours) to position.  Contours are output as elevations, not depths.

          for (i = 0 ; i < num_points ; i++)
              dcontour_x[i] = xorig + (contour_x[i] * open_args.head.x_bin_size_degrees) + half_gridx;
              dcontour_y[i] = yorig + (contour_y[i] * open_args.head.y_bin_size_degrees) + half_gridy;

          //  smooth out the contour.

          if (options->smoothing_factor > 0) smooth_contour (num_interp, &num_points, dcontour_x, dcontour_y);

          for (i = 0 ; i < num_points ; i++) dcontour_m[i] = (NV_FLOAT64) level;

          shape = SHPCreateObject (SHPT_ARCM, -1, 0, NULL, NULL, num_points, dcontour_x, dcontour_y, NULL, dcontour_m);
          SHPWriteObject (shp_hnd, -1, shape);
          SHPDestroyObject (shape);

          DBFWriteLogicalAttribute (dbf_hnd, num_contours, 0, '0');


  free (contour_x);
  free (contour_y);
  free (dcontour_x);
  free (dcontour_y);
  free (dcontour_m);

  SHPClose (shp_hnd);
  DBFClose (dbf_hnd);  
  fclose (prj_fp);

  return (num_contours);
コード例 #3
ファイル: shapefile.hpp プロジェクト: MaZderMind/osmium
 void add_attribute(const int field, const bool value) const {
     int ok = DBFWriteLogicalAttribute(m_dbf_handle, m_current_shape, field, value ? 'T' : 'F');
     if (!ok) {
         throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Can't add bool to field"));