コード例 #1
uint		DCMUpdate(	ulong		GyroTS,	// Gyro timestamp
                        Vector*		Gyro,   // Gyro measurement
                        ulong		AccTS,	// Acc timestamp
                        Vector*		Acc,    // Acc measurement
                        ulong		MagTS,  // Mag timestamp
                        Vector*		Mag,    // Mag measurement
                        DCMData*	IMUResult)
    if (_DCMInit != 1)
        return DCM_NOTINIT;
    // Calculate integration time interval for respective sensors
    float	GyroDT	= TMRGetTSRate() * (GyroTS - _DCM_GyroTS);
    float	AccDT	= TMRGetTSRate() * (AccTS  - _DCM_AccTS);
    float	MagDT	= TMRGetTSRate() * (MagTS  - _DCM_MagTS);
    // Update last sample timestamps for respective sensors
    _DCM_GyroTS     = GyroTS;
    _DCM_AccTS		= AccTS;
    _DCM_MagTS		= MagTS;

    // Accelerometer-based and Magnetometer-based rotation correction vectors
    Vector			DriftComp;		// Current step total drift compensation
    VectorSet(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, &DriftComp);
    if (TRUE == _DCM_UseAcc)
        // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Calculate Acc-based correction">
        // Local variables used in calculations of the Accelerometer-based correction
        Vector			EarthZ;		// Earth vertical in the Body frame
        Vector			AccNorm;	// Normalized Accelerometer measurement
        // in the Body frame
        Vector			AccError;	// Rotational "error" between the Earth
        // vertical (in Body frame) and
        // acceleration vector.
        Vector			AccPterm;	// Proportional term
        Vector			AccIterm;	// Current step component of Integral term
        // Calculating Accelerometer-based correction
        // Extract Z-axis in the Earth frame as seen from the Body frame
        // from the DCM
        // We have to "normalize" gravity vector so that calculated
        // error proportional to rotation error and independent of
        // the level of current acceleration
        VectorNormalize(Acc, &AccNorm);
        // Cross-product of the axis Z in the Earth frame (as seen
        // from the Body frame) of the DCM with the normalized
        // Accelerometer measurement (true Z-axis of Earth frame
        // in the Body frame ignoring linear accelerations) is the
        // ERROR accumulated in DCM and defines how much the Rotation
        // Matrix need to be rotated so that these vectors match.
        VectorCrossProduct(&EarthZ, &AccNorm, &AccError);
        // Accelerometer correction P-Term
        VectorScale(&AccError,  _DCMAccKp,              &AccPterm);
        // Accelerometer correction I-Term
        VectorScale(&AccError, (_DCMAccKi * AccDT),  &AccIterm);
        VectorAdd(&_DCMAccIterm, &AccIterm, &_DCMAccIterm);
        // Adjust drift compensation vector with Accelerometer-
        // based correction factors
        VectorAdd(&DriftComp, &AccPterm,     &DriftComp);
        VectorAdd(&DriftComp, &_DCMAccIterm, &DriftComp);
        // </editor-fold>
    if (TRUE == _DCM_UseMag)
        // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Calculate Mag-based correction">
        // Local variables used in calculations of the Magnetometer-based correction
        Vector			EarthMag;	// Magnetic vector measurement
        // transformed to Earth frame using
        // current rotation matrix
        Vector			MagNorm;	// Normalized Magnetometer measurement
        // in the Earth frame
        Vector			MagError;	// Rotational "error" between rotated
        // magnetic vector (in Body frame) and
        // measured magnetic vector.
        Vector			MagPterm;	// Proportional term
        Vector			MagIterm;	// Current step component of Integral term
        // Calculating Magnetometer-based correction
        // Transform magnetic vector measurement to Earth frame
        DCMToEarth(Mag, &EarthMag);
        // We have to "normalize" magnetic vector so that calculated
        // error proportional to rotation error and independent of
        // the strength of magnetic field
        VectorNormalize(&EarthMag, &MagNorm);
        // If magnetic vector is used ONLY for Yaw drift compensation we
        // should nullify Z-axis component (Z-axis component of the reference
        // vector _DCM_BaseMAG was nullified in DCMReset(...) )
        if (TRUE == _DCM_UseMagYawOnly)
            MagNorm.Z = 0.0;
        // Cross-product of the original magnetic vector transformed
        // to Body frame using the DCM with the normalized
        // magnetometer measurement in the Body frame is the ERROR
        // accumulated in DCM and defines how much the Rotation
        // Matrix need to be rotated so that these vectors match.
        VectorCrossProduct(&MagNorm, &_DCM_BaseMAG, &MagError);
        // Magnetometer correction P-Term
        VectorScale(&MagError,  _DCMMagKp,              &MagPterm);
        // Magnetometer correction I-Term
        VectorScale(&MagError, (_DCMMagKi * MagDT),  &MagIterm);
        VectorAdd(&_DCMMagIterm, &MagIterm, &_DCMMagIterm);
        // Adjust drift compensation vector with Magnetometer-
        // based correction factors
        VectorAdd(&DriftComp, &MagPterm,     &DriftComp);
        VectorAdd(&DriftComp, &_DCMMagIterm, &DriftComp);
        // </editor-fold>

    // Local variables used in "rotating" Rotational Matrix
    Vector  RotationDelta;
    Matrix  SmallRotation;
    Matrix  Rotated;
    // Calculating total adjustment and "rotate" Rotational Matrix
    // Calculate rotation delta in body frame in radians through "integration"
    // of the gyro rotation rates
    VectorScale(	Gyro, GyroDT, &RotationDelta);
    VectorAdd(&RotationDelta, &DriftComp, &RotationDelta);
    // Construct "infinitesimal" rotation matrix
    MatrixSetSmallRotation(&RotationDelta, &SmallRotation);
    // Rotate DCM by "small rotation"
    MatrixMult(&_DCMRM, &SmallRotation, &Rotated);
    // Normalize and store current DCM Rotation Matrix
    _DCMNormalize(&Rotated, &_DCMRM);

    // Load Current orientation parameters into DCMData
    IMUResult->Roll     = _DCMRoll(&_DCMRM);
    IMUResult->Pitch	= _DCMPitch(&_DCMRM);
    IMUResult->Yaw		= _DCMYaw(&_DCMRM);
    IMUResult->Incl     = _DCMIncl(&_DCMRM);
    IMUResult->Azimuth	= DCMRangeTo2Pi(_DCM_BaseAzimuth + IMUResult->Yaw);
    IMUResult->TS       = TMRGetTS();
    return	DCM_OK;
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: ANAAGRAHARI/custom-pic-quad
int main(void)
	// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Initialization of HW components/modules">
	// Initialization of HW components/modules
	TMRInit(2);			// Initialize Timer interface with Priority=2
	BLIInit();			// Initialize Signal interface
	BLIAsyncStart(50, 50);	// Fast blinking - initialization
	MCMInitT(2.5, 2500);	// Initialize Motor Control for PPM with setting
							// Throttle to HIGH for delay interval to let ESC
							// capture Throttle range
	ADCInit(3);			// Initialize ADC to control battery
	RCInit(4);			// Initialize Receiver interface with Priority=4
	I2CInit(5, 1);		// Initialize I2C1 module with IPL=5 and Fscl=400 KHz
	UARTInitTX(6, 350);	// Initialize UART1 for TX on IPL=6 at 
	// BaudRate =   48	=>   115,200 bps	- ZigBEE
	// BaudRate =  100	=>   250,000 bps
	// BaudRate =  200	=>   500,000 bps
	// BaudRate =  250	=>   625,000 bps
	// BaudRate =  350	=>   833,333 bps	- SD Logger, FTDI
	// BaudRate =  500	=> 1,250,000 bps
	// BaudRate = 1000	=> 2,500,000 bps
	// Initialize Magnetometer
	if (HMCInit(6, 1, 0))	// Initialize magnetic Sensor
							// ODR  = 6 (max, 75 Hz),
							// Gain = 1 (1.3 Gs)
							// DLPF = 0 (no averaging)
		BLIDeadStop("EM", 2);
	// Initialize motion sensor - No calibration at this time!!!
	if ( MPUInit(0, 3) )	// Initialize motion Sensor
		// 1 kHz/(0+1) = 1000 Hz (1ms)
		// DLPF=3 => Bandwidth 44 Hz (delay: 4.9 msec)
		BLIDeadStop("EA", 2);
	AltimeterInit(4);	// Initialize Altimeter with IPL=4 (if needed)
	// NOTE: All sensors areinitialized, so no more synchronous I2C
	//		 operations are needed. Thus we may start Altimeter to give
	//		 it more time to "warm-up"
	AltimeterReset();	// NOTE: will be reset again later
	BLIAsyncStop();		// Initialization complete
	// </editor-fold>

	// Quadrocopter control variables
	// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Timing control variables">
	ulong		StartTS		= 0;	// Flight start time
	ulong		StepTS;				// Control Loop step start time
	ulong		Alarm		= 0;	// "alarm" variable used to set
									// the duration of the Control Loop
	// </editor-fold>

	// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Variable required to process RC Feed ">
	RCData		RCFeed;			// Control input from Receiver adjusted
								// by control rates. It may also be
								// corrected (if necessary) to account
								// for "+" or "X" configuration as
								// specified by MODE_CB_to_MF flag
	RCData		RCSmthd;		// Smoothed control input used in all
								// subsequent control calculations
	RCData		RCFinal;		// Smoothed RC input adjusted for the
								// Yaw angle to provide "Course Lock" (if
								// required). Final RC input provided to
								// Quarocopter Control Module
	// We need battery Nominal voltage to adjust RC Throttle as battery
	// charge depletes.
	float		BatNomV		= ADCGetBatteryNomVoltage ();
	Matrix		Mtr_CB_To_MF;	// Rotation matrix used to adjust Control
								// Board orientation to Model front
	Matrix		Mtr_CrsLck;		// Rotation matrix used to adjust RC input
								// to account for current Yaw to implement
								// "Course Lock"
	if (MODE_CB_to_MF)
		// Initialize Rotation Matrix for pre-set angle
		MatrixYawRotation(__CB_To_MF_Angle__, &Mtr_CB_To_MF);
		// Reset Rotation matrix to Identity
	// </editor-fold>
	DCMData		IMU;				// Orientation data from DCM
	MCMData		MC;					// Motor control Variables

	// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="ARMing RC and initializing IMU">
	// Wait for the Receiver ARMing: Throttle should go up and then down
	BLIAsyncStart(200, 200);		// Really slow
	// </editor-fold>

	// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Intialize Re-Start">
	StartTS		= 0;					// Reset timing of control Loop
	BLIAsyncMorse(	"I", 1);			// dit - dit
	RCReadWhenReady (&RCFeed);			// Get reading from receiver
	// Safety check:  CONTROL should be UP and THROTTLE - LOW
	while 	(
			0 == RCFeed.Control
			RCFeed.Throttle > 0.1
		RCReadWhenReady (&RCFeed);		// Get next reading from receiver
	BLIAsyncStop ();

	// Normalize last read RC values as they will represent the first
	// input into the control algorithm, so should be adjusted accordingly
	// Reset Smothed RC data (initialize filter)
	// Initialize sensors... Performed after ARMing to ensure that model
	// is stable
	BLIAsyncStart(100, 50);
	// Start IMU and wait until orientation estimate stabilizes
	BLIAsyncStart(50, 100);
	// Reset Altimeter
	QCMReset ();			// Initialize (reset) QCM variables
	// Force update of DCMData as inside the control Loop this
	// call is non-blocking!
	if (IMU_OK != IMUGetUpdateWhenReady (&IMU))
		// Failure...
		BLIDeadStop ("A", 1);
	// </editor-fold>

	// Quadrocopter Control Loop
	while (1)
		// Timing of control Loop
		// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Control Loop timing management">
		// Sets the "frquency" of Control Loop
		Alarm = TMRSetAlarm (10);	// Set Alarm 10 msec in the future
		StepTS =  TMRGetTS ();		// Capture TS of this step
		if ( 0 == StartTS )			// First iteration of Control?
		  StartTS =  StepTS;		// Yes, capture timestamp
		// </editor-fold>

		// Read commands from receiver - non-blocking call!
		// (we will get out of this call even if connection to the
		// receiver is lost!)
		// At the end processed Receiver data is stored in RCSmthd
		// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Process Receiver feed">
		if ( RCRead(&RCFeed) )
			// Every NEW sample need to be "normalized"
			// Adjust orientation from "+" to "X" if needed
			if (MODE_CB_to_MF)
				// Control board front does not coincide with the model front
				Vector	RCInput;
				Vector	RCRotated;
				VectorSet(RCFeed.Roll, RCFeed.Pitch, RCFeed.Yaw, &RCInput);
				MatrixTimesVector(&Mtr_CB_To_MF, &RCInput, &RCRotated);
				RCFeed.Roll		= RCRotated.X;
				RCFeed.Pitch	= RCRotated.Y;
				RCFeed.Yaw		= RCRotated.Z;	// NOTE: Yaw is not affected!
		// Smooth RC data 
		// Roll, Pitch, and Yaw are smoothed with the IIR(4)
		RCSmthd.Roll	= (RCSmthd.Roll	* 3.0	+ RCFeed.Roll ) * 0.25;	// 1/4 = 0.25
		RCSmthd.Pitch	= (RCSmthd.Pitch* 3.0 	+ RCFeed.Pitch) * 0.25;
		if (MODE_Course_Lock)
			// In this mode Yaw is integrated over the Control Loop
			// duration (0.01 sec) and normalized to +/-Pi range
			RCSmthd.Yaw = QCMRangeToPi(RCSmthd.Yaw + RCFeed.Yaw * 0.01);
			// Without Course-Lock Yaw is treated as "direct input" and
			// just smothed similar to other control variables.
			RCSmthd.Yaw		= (RCSmthd.Yaw	* 3.0	+ RCFeed.Yaw  ) * 0.25;
		// Throttle is smoothed with the IIR(4) and adjusted to
		// account for actual battery voltage. This is done to
		// improve "hovering" when throttle stick is not moving.
		// Adjust Native (from RC) throttle to a value corresponding
		float BatV		= ADCGetBatteryVoltage();
		float BatAdjTh	= RCFeed.Throttle;
		if (BatV > 2.0)		// Sanity check :)
			BatAdjTh	= BatAdjTh	* BatNomV / BatV;
		RCSmthd.Throttle	= (RCSmthd.Throttle*3.0	+ BatAdjTh) * 0.25;	// 1/4 = 0.25
		RCSmthd.Control		= RCFeed.Control;
		// </editor-fold>

		// Implement Motor Cut-Off if RC Control is LOW
		// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Process RC Control">
		if ( 0 == RCSmthd.Control )
			// Yes, Control is reliably low!
			// Override motor control
			MC.F = MC.B = MC.L = MC.R = 0;
			// Flight terminated, post EOF to Data Logger
			TMRDelay(10);	// Wait for pipe to clear
			UARTPostIfReady( NULL, 0);
			// ... and again - to be sure!
			TMRDelay(10);	// Wait for pipe to clear
			UARTPostIfReady( NULL, 0);
			goto Re_Start;
		// </editor-fold>

		// Obtain and process battery charge status
		// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Process Battery level">
		float BatteryCharge	= QCMBatteryMgmt();	
		if (BatteryCharge < 0.35)	// BC < 35%
			float MaxLevel = 2.0 * BatteryCharge;
			if (RCSmthd.Throttle > MaxLevel)
				RCSmthd.Throttle = MaxLevel;
		// </editor-fold>

		// Read current orientation from the IMU  with sensors' raw
		// measurements (non-blocking call) and, if necessary, perform
		// adjustment to RCSmthd to obtain RCFinal
		// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Process IMU data and generate Motor Control">
		// First, unconditionally promote RCSmthd to RCFinal
		RCDataCopy(&RCSmthd, &RCFinal);
		if (IMU_OK == IMUGetUpdate(&IMU))
			if (MODE_Course_Lock)
				// We need to rotate RC input to adjust for current Yaw
				// to implement "Course Lock" - RC Roll and Pitch commands
				// are interpreted as being applied to the original (pre-
				// takeoff) orientation of the model
				Vector	RCInput;
				Vector	RCRotated;
				// Build rotation matrix to adjust for orientation discrepancy
				MatrixYawRotation(-IMU.Yaw, &Mtr_CrsLck);
				// Load RC input into RCInput vector
				VectorSet(RCSmthd.Roll, RCSmthd.Pitch, RCSmthd.Yaw, &RCInput);
				// Rotate RCInput vector
				MatrixTimesVector(&Mtr_CrsLck, &RCInput, &RCRotated);
				// Save rotated values
				RCFinal.Roll		= RCRotated.X;
				RCFinal.Pitch		= RCRotated.Y;
				RCFinal.Yaw			= RCRotated.Z;
			// Calculate motor control based
			// upon IMU data
			QCMPerformStep(&RCFinal, &IMU, &MC);
			// IMU Failed to provide update -
			// set Motor Control to RC throttle
			MC.F = MC.B = MC.L = MC.R = RCFinal.Throttle;
		// </editor-fold>

		// Implement Motor Cut-Off to protect props if model is
		// dangerously tilted (> 60 degrees) while RC Throttle is low
		if (IMU.Incl <= 0.5 && RCFinal.Throttle <= 0.40)
			// Override motor control
			MC.F = MC.B = MC.L = MC.R = 0.0;

		// Update motor control
		// Load and post telemetry data (non-blocking call)
		// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Populating Telemetry">
		TM.TS			= StepTS - StartTS;
		TM.Roll			= IMU.Roll;
		TM.Pitch		= IMU.Pitch;
		TM.Yaw			= IMU.Yaw;
		TM.Inclination	= IMU.Incl;
		TM.Azimuth		= IMU.Azimuth;
		#ifdef  _TMReport_GYRO_
			#ifdef	_TMReport_GYRO_Rotated
			// We rotate Gyro vector using "partial" DCM built using
			// only Roll and Pitch angles as the actual Yaw does not
			// affect Angualr Velocity by axis
			Vector		Earth;	// One of the Earth axis in Body frame
			Vector		Cross;	// Temporary vector to hold the cross
								// product
			// Calculate Roll and Pitch rates
			// Retrieve Earth Z-axis and calculate cross-product of
			// Z-axis with Gyro vector
			VectorCrossProduct(DCMEarthZ(&Earth), &IMU.GyroRate, &Cross);
			TM.Gyro.X = Cross.X;
			TM.Gyro.Y = Cross.Y;
			// Calculate Yaw rate
			// Retrieve Earth X-axis and calculate cross-product of
			// X-axis with Gyro vector
			VectorCrossProduct(DCMEarthX(&Earth), &IMU.GyroRate, &Cross);
			TM.Gyro.Z = Cross.Z;
			// Just report native Gyro data
			VectorCopy(&IMU.GyroRate, &TM.Gyro);
		#ifdef  _TMReport_ACC_
		// Just report native Gyro data
		VectorCopy(&IMU.Gravity, &TM.Acc);
		TM.RollDer		= QSD.RollDer;
		TM.PitchDer		= QSD.PitchDer;
		TM.YawDer		= QSD.YawDer;
		TM.RC_Throttle	= RCFinal.Throttle;
		TM.RC_Roll		= RCFinal.Roll;
		TM.RC_Pitch		= RCFinal.Pitch;
		TM.RC_Yaw		= RCFinal.Yaw;
		#ifdef _TMReport_RCSmthd_
		TM.RCS_Throttle	= RCSmthd.Throttle;
		TM.RCS_Roll		= RCSmthd.Roll;
		TM.RCS_Pitch	= RCSmthd.Pitch;
		TM.RCS_Yaw		= RCSmthd.Yaw;
		#ifdef _TMReport_RCFeed_
		TM.RCN_Throttle	= RCFeed.Throttle;
		TM.RCN_Roll		= RCFeed.Roll;
		TM.RCN_Pitch	= RCFeed.Pitch;
		TM.RCN_Yaw		= RCFeed.Yaw;
		#ifdef _TMReport_Altimetry_
		if ( 0 == AltimeterGetAltData(	IMU.TS,
								&TM.AltResult) )
			goto EndOfCycle;	// Skip reporting on this step
		#ifdef _TMReport_PID_
		#ifdef _TMReport_PID_Details
		TM.DRProp		= QSD.DeltaRollProp;
		TM.DRDiff		= QSD.DeltaRollDiff;
		TM.DRInt		= QSD.DeltaRollInt;
		TM.DRTot		= QSD.DeltaRoll;
		#ifdef _TMReport_PID_Details
		TM.DPProp		= QSD.DeltaPitchProp;
		TM.DPDiff		= QSD.DeltaPitchDiff;
		TM.DPInt		= QSD.DeltaPitchInt;
		TM.DPTot		= QSD.DeltaPitch;
		#ifdef _TMReport_PID_Details
		TM.DYProp		= QSD.DeltaYawProp;
		TM.DYDiff		= QSD.DeltaYawDiff;
		TM.DYInt		= QSD.DeltaYawInt;
		TM.DYTot		= QSD.DeltaYaw;
		TM.Throttle		= QSD.Throttle;				// Real Throttle
		TM.Voltage 		= ADCGetBatteryVoltage();
		// </editor-fold>
		UARTPostIfReady( (unsigned char *) &TM, sizeof(TM)	);
		// Insert controlled "delay" to slow down the Control Loop
		// to pre-set frequency
	return 1;