コード例 #1
GLOBAL Int UMF_mem_alloc_head_block
    NumericType *Numeric,
    Int nunits
    Int p, usage ;
    DEBUG2 (("GET  BLOCK: from head, size "ID" ", nunits)) ;

    ASSERT (Numeric != (NumericType *) NULL) ;
    ASSERT (Numeric->Memory != (Unit *) NULL) ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    if (UMF_allocfail)
        /* pretend to fail, to test garbage_collection */
        DEBUGm2 (("UMF_mem_alloc_head_block: pretend to fail\n")) ;
        UMF_allocfail = FALSE ;	/* don't fail the next time */
        return (0) ;

    if (nunits > (Numeric->itail - Numeric->ihead))
        DEBUG2 ((" failed\n")) ;
        return (0) ;

    /* return p as an offset from Numeric->Memory */
    p = Numeric->ihead ;
    Numeric->ihead += nunits ;

    DEBUG2 (("p: "ID"\n", p)) ;
    usage = Numeric->ihead + Numeric->tail_usage ;
    Numeric->max_usage = MAX (Numeric->max_usage, usage) ;
    return (p) ;
コード例 #2
GLOBAL void UMF_garbage_collection
    NumericType *Numeric,
    WorkType *Work,
    Int drnew,	    /* compact current front to drnew-by-dcnew */
    Int dcnew,
    Int do_Fcpos
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* local variables */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Int size, e, n_row, n_col, nrows, ncols, nrowsleft, ncolsleft, prevsize,
	csize, size2, i2, j2, i, j, cdeg, rdeg, *E, row, col,
	*Rows, *Cols, *Rows2, *Cols2, nel, e2, *Row_tuples, *Col_tuples,
	*Row_degree, *Col_degree ;
    Entry *C, *C1, *C3, *C2 ;
    Unit *psrc, *pdest, *p, *pnext ;
    Element *epsrc, *epdest ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    Int nmark ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get parameters */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ;	/* for NON_PIVOTAL_COL macro */
    Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ;	/* for NON_PIVOTAL_ROW macro */
    Row_tuples = Numeric->Uip ;
    Col_tuples = Numeric->Lip ;
    E = Work->E ;
    n_row = Work->n_row ;
    n_col = Work->n_col ;

    /* note that the tuple lengths (Col_tlen and Row_tlen) are updated, but */
    /* the tuple lists themselves are stale and are about to be destroyed */
    /* and recreated.  Do not attempt to scan them until they are recreated. */

#ifndef NDEBUG
    DEBUGm1 (("::::GARBAGE COLLECTION::::\n")) ;
    UMF_dump_memory (Numeric) ;

    Numeric->ngarbage++ ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* delete the tuple lists by marking the blocks as free */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* do not modify Row_tlen and Col_tlen */
    /* those are needed for UMF_build_tuples */

    for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
	if (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row) && Row_tuples [row])
	    DEBUG2 (("row "ID" tuples "ID"\n", row, Row_tuples [row])) ;
	    p = Numeric->Memory + Row_tuples [row] - 1 ;
	    DEBUG2 (("Freeing tuple list row "ID", p-S "ID", size "ID"\n",
		row, (Int) (p-Numeric->Memory), p->header.size)) ;
	    ASSERT (p->header.size > 0) ;
	    ASSERT (p >= Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail) ;
	    ASSERT (p < Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size) ;
	    p->header.size = -p->header.size ;
	    Row_tuples [row] = 0 ;

    for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
	if (NON_PIVOTAL_COL (col) && Col_tuples [col])
	    DEBUG2 (("col "ID" tuples "ID"\n", col, Col_tuples [col])) ;
	    p = Numeric->Memory + Col_tuples [col] - 1 ;
	    DEBUG2 (("Freeing tuple list col "ID", p-S "ID", size "ID"\n",
		col, (Int) (p-Numeric->Memory), p->header.size)) ;
	    ASSERT (p->header.size > 0) ;
	    ASSERT (p >= Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail) ;
	    ASSERT (p < Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size) ;
	    p->header.size = -p->header.size ;
	    Col_tuples [col] = 0 ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* mark the elements, and compress the name space */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    nel = Work->nel ;
    ASSERT (nel < Work->elen) ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    nmark = 0 ;
    UMF_dump_current_front (Numeric, Work, FALSE) ;
    DEBUGm1 (("E [0] "ID"  \n", E [0])) ;
		Work->Flublock == (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + E [0]))) ;
    ASSERT (IMPLIES (Work->Flublock,
		Work->Flublock == (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + E [0]))) ;
    ASSERT ((E [0] != 0) == (Work->Flublock != (Entry *) NULL)) ;

    e2 = 0 ;

    for (e = 0 ; e <= nel ; e++) /* for all elements in order of creation */
	if (E [e])
	    psrc = Numeric->Memory + E [e] ;
	    psrc-- ;		/* get the header of this block */
	    if (e > 0)
		e2++ ;	/* do not renumber element zero */
	    ASSERT (psrc->header.size > 0) ;
	    psrc->header.size = e2  ;	/* store the new name in the header */
#ifndef NDEBUG
	    nmark++ ;
	    DEBUG7 ((ID":: Mark e "ID" at psrc-S "ID", new e "ID"\n",
		nmark, e, (Int) (psrc-Numeric->Memory), e2)) ;
	    E [e] = 0 ;
	    if (e == Work->prior_element)
		Work->prior_element = e2 ;

    /* all 1..e2 are now in use (element zero may or may not be in use) */
    Work->nel = e2 ;
    nel = Work->nel ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    for (e = 0 ; e < Work->elen ; e++)
	ASSERT (!E [e]) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* compress the elements */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* point to tail marker block of size 1 + header */
    psrc = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size - 2 ;
    pdest = psrc ;
    prevsize = psrc->header.prevsize ;
    DEBUG7 (("Starting the compression:\n")) ;

    while (prevsize > 0)

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* move up to the next element above the current header, and */
	/* get the element name and size */
	/* (if it is an element, the name will be positive) */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	size = prevsize ;
	psrc -= (size + 1) ;
	e = psrc->header.size ;
	prevsize = psrc->header.prevsize ;
	/* top block at tail has prevsize of 0 */

	/* a free block will have a negative size, so skip it */
	/* otherwise, if size >= 0, it holds the element name, not the size */

	DEBUG8 (("psrc-S: "ID" prevsize: "ID" size: "ID,
	    (Int) (psrc-Numeric->Memory), prevsize, size)) ;

	if (e == 0)
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    /* this is the current frontal matrix */
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

	    Entry *F1, *F2, *Fsrc, *Fdst ;
	    Int c, r, k, dr, dc, gap, gap1, gap2, nb ;

	    /* shift the frontal matrix down */
	    F1 = (Entry *) (psrc + 1) ;

	    /* get the size of the current front.  r and c could be zero */
	    k = Work->fnpiv ;
	    dr = Work->fnr_curr ;
	    dc = Work->fnc_curr ;
	    r = Work->fnrows ;
	    c = Work->fncols ;
	    nb = Work->nb ;

	    ASSERT ((dr >= 0 && (dr % 2) == 1) || dr == 0) ;
	    ASSERT (drnew >= 0) ;
	    if (drnew % 2 == 0)
		/* make sure leading frontal matrix dimension is always odd */
		drnew++ ;
	    drnew = MIN (dr, drnew) ;
	    ASSERT ((drnew >= 0 && (drnew % 2) == 1) || drnew == 0) ;

	    pnext = pdest ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	    DEBUGm2 (("move front: dr "ID" dc "ID" r "ID" drnew "ID" c "ID
		" dcnew " ID" k "ID"\n", dr, dc, r, drnew, c, dcnew, k)) ;
	    DEBUG7 (("\n")) ;
	    DEBUG7 ((ID":: Move current frontal matrix from: psrc-S: "ID" \n",
		nmark, (Int) (psrc-Numeric->Memory))) ;
	    nmark-- ;
	    ASSERT (E [e] == 0) ;
	    ASSERT (Work->Flublock == F1) ;
	    ASSERT (Work->Flblock  == Work->Flublock + nb*nb) ;
	    ASSERT (Work->Fublock  == Work->Flblock  + dr*nb) ;
	    ASSERT (Work->Fcblock  == Work->Fublock  + nb*dc) ;
	    DEBUG7 (("C  block: ")) ;
	    UMF_dump_dense (Work->Fcblock,  dr, r, c) ;
	    DEBUG7 (("L  block: ")) ;
	    UMF_dump_dense (Work->Flblock,  dr, r, k);
	    DEBUG7 (("U' block: ")) ;
	    UMF_dump_dense (Work->Fublock,  dc, c, k) ;
	    DEBUG7 (("LU block: ")) ;
	    UMF_dump_dense (Work->Flublock, nb, k, k) ;
	    ASSERT (r <= drnew && c <= dcnew && drnew <= dr && dcnew <= dc) ;

	    /* compact frontal matrix to drnew-by-dcnew before moving it */

	    /* do not compact the LU block (nb-by-nb) */

	    /* compact the columns of L (from dr-by-nb to drnew-by-nb) */
	    Fsrc = Work->Flblock ;
	    Fdst = Work->Flblock ;
	    ASSERT (Fdst == F1 + nb*nb) ;
	    gap1 = dr - r ;
	    gap2 = drnew - r ;
	    ASSERT (gap1 >= 0) ;
	    for (j = 0 ; j < k ; j++)
		for (i = 0 ; i < r ; i++)
		    *Fdst++ = *Fsrc++ ;
		Fsrc += gap1 ;
		Fdst += gap2 ;
	    ASSERT (Fdst == F1 + nb*nb + drnew*k) ;
	    Fdst += drnew * (nb - k) ;

	    /* compact the rows of U (U' from dc-by-nb to dcnew-by-nb) */
	    Fsrc = Work->Fublock ;
	    ASSERT (Fdst == F1 + nb*nb + drnew*nb) ;
	    gap1 = dc - c ;
	    gap2 = dcnew - c ;
	    for (i = 0 ; i < k ; i++)
		for (j = 0 ; j < c ; j++)
		    *Fdst++ = *Fsrc++ ;
		Fsrc += gap1 ;
		Fdst += gap2 ;
	    ASSERT (Fdst == F1 + nb*nb + drnew*nb + dcnew*k) ;
	    Fdst += dcnew * (nb - k) ;

	    /* compact the columns of C (from dr-by-dc to drnew-by-dcnew) */
	    Fsrc = Work->Fcblock ;
	    ASSERT (Fdst == F1 + nb*nb + drnew*nb + nb*dcnew) ;
	    gap1 = dr - r ;
	    gap2 = drnew - r ;
	    for (j = 0 ; j < c ; j++)
		for (i = 0 ; i < r ; i++)
		    *Fdst++ = *Fsrc++ ;
		Fsrc += gap1 ;
		Fdst += gap2 ;
	    ASSERT (Fdst == F1 + nb*nb + drnew*nb + nb*dcnew + drnew*c) ;

	    /* recompute Fcpos, if necessary */
	    if (do_Fcpos)
		Int *Fcols, *Fcpos ;
		Fcols = Work->Fcols ;
		Fcpos = Work->Fcpos ;
		for (j = 0 ; j < c ; j++)
		    col = Fcols [j] ;
		    ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < Work->n_col) ;
		    ASSERT (Fcpos [col] == j * dr) ;
		    Fcpos [col] = j * drnew ;
#ifndef NDEBUG
		    Int cnt = 0 ;
		    for (j = 0 ; j < Work->n_col ; j++)
			if (Fcpos [j] != EMPTY) cnt++ ;
		    DEBUGm2 (("Recompute Fcpos cnt "ID" c "ID"\n", cnt, c)) ;
		    ASSERT (cnt == c) ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	    DEBUGm2 (("Compacted front, drnew "ID" dcnew "ID"\n", drnew, dcnew)) ;
	    DEBUG7 (("C  block: ")) ;
	    UMF_dump_dense (F1 + nb*nb + drnew*nb + nb*dcnew, drnew, r, c) ;
	    DEBUG7 (("L  block: ")) ;
	    UMF_dump_dense (F1 + nb*nb, drnew, r, k) ;
	    DEBUG7 (("U  block: ")) ;
	    UMF_dump_dense (F1 + nb*nb + drnew*nb, nb, k, c) ;
	    DEBUG7 (("LU block: ")) ;
	    UMF_dump_dense (F1, nb, k, k) ;

	    /* Compacted dimensions of the new frontal matrix. */
	    Work->fnr_curr = drnew ;
	    Work->fnc_curr = dcnew ;
	    Work->fcurr_size = (drnew + nb) * (dcnew + nb) ;
	    size = UNITS (Entry, Work->fcurr_size) ;

	    /* make sure the object doesn't evaporate.  The front can have
	     * zero size (Work->fcurr_size = 0), but the size of the memory
	     * block containing it cannot have zero size. */
	    size = MAX (1, size) ;

	    /* get the destination of frontal matrix */
	    pnext->header.prevsize = size ;
	    pdest -= (size + 1) ;
	    F2 = (Entry *) (pdest + 1) ;

	    ASSERT ((unsigned Int) psrc + 1 + size <= (unsigned Int) pnext) ;
	    ASSERT (psrc <= pdest) ;
	    ASSERT (F1 <= F2) ;

	    /* move the C block first */
	    Fsrc = F1 + nb*nb + drnew*nb + nb*dcnew + drnew*c ;
	    Fdst = F2 + nb*nb + drnew*nb + nb*dcnew + drnew*c ;
	    gap = drnew - r ;
	    for (j = c-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
		Fsrc -= gap ;
		Fdst -= gap ;
		/* move column j of C */
		for (i = r-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
		    *--Fdst = *--Fsrc ;
	    ASSERT (Fsrc == F1 + nb*nb + drnew*nb + nb*dcnew) ;
	    ASSERT (Fdst == F2 + nb*nb + drnew*nb + nb*dcnew) ;

	    /* move the U block */
	    Fsrc -= dcnew * (nb - k) ;
	    Fdst -= dcnew * (nb - k) ;
	    ASSERT (Fsrc == F1 + nb*nb + drnew*nb + dcnew*k) ;
	    ASSERT (Fdst == F2 + nb*nb + drnew*nb + dcnew*k) ;
	    gap = dcnew - c ;
	    for (i = k-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
		Fsrc -= gap ;
		Fdst -= gap ;
		for (j = c-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
		    *--Fdst = *--Fsrc ;
	    ASSERT (Fsrc == F1 + nb*nb + drnew*nb) ;
	    ASSERT (Fdst == F2 + nb*nb + drnew*nb) ;

	    /* move the L block */
	    Fsrc -= drnew * (nb - k) ;
	    Fdst -= drnew * (nb - k) ;
	    ASSERT (Fsrc == F1 + nb*nb + drnew*k) ;
	    ASSERT (Fdst == F2 + nb*nb + drnew*k) ;
	    gap = drnew - r ;
	    for (j = k-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
		Fsrc -= gap ;
		Fdst -= gap ;
		for (i = r-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
		    *--Fdst = *--Fsrc ;
	    ASSERT (Fsrc == F1 + nb*nb) ;
	    ASSERT (Fdst == F2 + nb*nb) ;

	    /* move the LU block */
	    Fsrc -= nb * (nb - k) ;
	    Fdst -= nb * (nb - k) ;
	    ASSERT (Fsrc == F1 + nb*k) ;
	    ASSERT (Fdst == F2 + nb*k) ;
	    gap = nb - k ;
	    for (j = k-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
		Fsrc -= gap ;
		Fdst -= gap ;
		for (i = k-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
		    *--Fdst = *--Fsrc ;
	    ASSERT (Fsrc == F1) ;
	    ASSERT (Fdst == F2) ;

	    E [0] = (pdest + 1) - Numeric->Memory ;

	    Work->Flublock = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + E [0]) ;
	    ASSERT (Work->Flublock == F2) ;
	    Work->Flblock  = Work->Flublock + nb * nb ;
	    Work->Fublock  = Work->Flblock  + drnew * nb ;
	    Work->Fcblock  = Work->Fublock  + nb * dcnew ;

	    pdest->header.prevsize = 0 ;
	    pdest->header.size = size ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	    DEBUG7 (("After moving compressed current frontal matrix:\n")) ;
	    DEBUG7 (("C  block: ")) ;
	    UMF_dump_dense (Work->Fcblock,  drnew, r, c) ;
	    DEBUG7 (("L  block: ")) ;
	    UMF_dump_dense (Work->Flblock,  drnew, r, k);
	    DEBUG7 (("U' block: ")) ;
	    UMF_dump_dense (Work->Fublock,  dcnew, c, k) ;
	    DEBUG7 (("LU block: ")) ;
	    UMF_dump_dense (Work->Flublock, nb, k, k) ;

	else if (e > 0)

	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    /* this is an element, compress and move from psrc down to pdest */
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

#ifndef NDEBUG
	    DEBUG7 (("\n")) ;
	    DEBUG7 ((ID":: Move element "ID": from: "ID" \n",
		nmark, e, (Int) (psrc-Numeric->Memory))) ;
	    nmark-- ;
	    ASSERT (e <= nel) ;
	    ASSERT (E [e] == 0) ;

	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    /* get the element scalars, and pointers to C, Rows, and Cols: */
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

	    p = psrc + 1 ;
	    GET_ELEMENT (epsrc, p, Cols, Rows, ncols, nrows, C) ;
	    nrowsleft = epsrc->nrowsleft ;
	    ncolsleft = epsrc->ncolsleft ;
	    cdeg = epsrc->cdeg ;
	    rdeg = epsrc->rdeg ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	    DEBUG7 ((" nrows "ID" nrowsleft "ID"\n", nrows, nrowsleft)) ;
	    DEBUG7 ((" ncols "ID" ncolsleft "ID"\n", ncols, ncolsleft)) ;
	    DEBUG8 ((" Rows:")) ;
	    for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++) DEBUG8 ((" "ID, Rows [i])) ;
	    DEBUG8 (("\n Cols:")) ;
	    for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++) DEBUG8 ((" "ID, Cols [j])) ;
	    DEBUG8 (("\n")) ;

	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    /* determine the layout of the new element */
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

	    csize = nrowsleft * ncolsleft ;
	    size2 = UNITS (Element, 1)
		  + UNITS (Int, nrowsleft + ncolsleft)
		  + UNITS (Entry, csize) ;

	    DEBUG7 (("Old size "ID" New size "ID"\n", size, size2)) ;

	    pnext = pdest ;
	    pnext->header.prevsize = size2 ;
	    pdest -= (size2 + 1) ;

	    ASSERT (size2 <= size) ;
	    ASSERT ((unsigned Int) psrc + 1 + size <= (unsigned Int) pnext) ;
	    ASSERT (psrc <= pdest) ;

	    p = pdest + 1 ;
	    epdest = (Element *) p ;
	    p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
	    Cols2 = (Int *) p ;
	    Rows2 = Cols2 + ncolsleft ;
	    p += UNITS (Int, nrowsleft + ncolsleft) ;
	    C2 = (Entry *) p ;

	    ASSERT (epdest >= epsrc) ;
	    ASSERT (Rows2 >= Rows) ;
	    ASSERT (Cols2 >= Cols) ;
	    ASSERT (C2 >= C) ;
	    ASSERT (p + UNITS (Entry, csize) == pnext) ;

	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    /* move the contribution block */
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

	    /* overlap = psrc + size + 1 > pdest ; */

	    if (nrowsleft < nrows || ncolsleft < ncols)

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
		/* compress contribution block in place prior to moving it */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */

		DEBUG7 (("Compress C in place prior to move:\n"));
#ifndef NDEBUG
		UMF_dump_dense (C, nrows, nrows, ncols) ;
		C1 = C ;
		C3 = C ;
		for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++)
		    if (Cols [j] >= 0)
			for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
			    if (Rows [i] >= 0)
				*C3++ = C1 [i] ;
		    C1 += nrows ;
		ASSERT (C3-C == csize) ;
		DEBUG8 (("Newly compressed contrib. block (all in use):\n")) ;
#ifndef NDEBUG
		UMF_dump_dense (C, nrowsleft, nrowsleft, ncolsleft) ;

	    /* shift the contribution block down */
	    C += csize ;
	    C2 += csize ;
	    for (i = 0 ; i < csize ; i++)
		*--C2 = *--C ;

	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    /* move the row indices */
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

	    i2 = nrowsleft ;
	    for (i = nrows - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
		ASSERT (Rows2+i2 >= Rows+i) ;
		if (Rows [i] >= 0)
		    Rows2 [--i2] = Rows [i] ;
	    ASSERT (i2 == 0) ;

	    j2 = ncolsleft ;
	    for (j = ncols - 1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
		ASSERT (Cols2+j2 >= Cols+j) ;
		if (Cols [j] >= 0)
		    Cols2 [--j2] = Cols [j] ;
	    ASSERT (j2 == 0) ;

	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    /* construct the new header */
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

	    /* E [0...e] is now valid */
	    E [e] = (pdest + 1) - Numeric->Memory ;
	    epdest = (Element *) (pdest + 1) ;

	    epdest->next = EMPTY ;	/* destroys the son list */
	    epdest->ncols = ncolsleft ;
	    epdest->nrows = nrowsleft ;
	    epdest->ncolsleft = ncolsleft ;
	    epdest->nrowsleft = nrowsleft ;
	    epdest->rdeg = rdeg ;
	    epdest->cdeg = cdeg ;

	    ASSERT (size2 <= size) ;
	    pdest->header.prevsize = 0 ;
	    pdest->header.size = size2 ;

	    DEBUG7 (("After moving it:\n")) ;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	    UMF_dump_element (Numeric, Work, e, FALSE) ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	    DEBUG8 ((" free\n")) ;
	DEBUG7 (("psrc "ID"  tail "ID"\n",
	(Int) (psrc-Numeric->Memory), Numeric->itail)) ;

    ASSERT (psrc == Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail) ;
    ASSERT (nmark == 0) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* final tail pointer */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    ASSERT (pdest >= Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail) ;
    Numeric->itail = pdest - Numeric->Memory ;
    pdest->header.prevsize = 0 ;
    Numeric->ibig = EMPTY ;
    Numeric->tail_usage = Numeric->size - Numeric->itail ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* clear the unused E [nel+1 .. Work->elen - 1] */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (e = nel+1 ; e < Work->elen ; e++)
	E [e] = 0 ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    UMF_dump_packed_memory (Numeric, Work) ;

    DEBUG8 (("::::GARBAGE COLLECTION DONE::::\n")) ;
コード例 #3
PRIVATE Int two_by_two	    /* returns # unmatched weak diagonals */
    /* input, not modified */
    Int n2,		/* C is n2-by-n2 */
    Int Cp [ ],		/* size n2+1, column pointers for C */
    Int Ci [ ],		/* size snz = Cp [n2], row indices for C */
    Int Degree [ ],	/* Degree [i] = degree of row i of C+C' */

    /* input, not defined on output */
    Int Next [ ],	/* Next [k] == IS_WEAK if k is a weak diagonal */
    Int Ri [ ],		/* Ri [i] is the length of row i in C */

    /* output, not defined on input */
    Int P [ ],

    /* workspace, not defined on input or output */
    Int Rp [ ],
    Int Head [ ]
    Int deg, newcol, row, col, p, p2, unmatched, k, j, j2, j_best, best, jdiff,
	jdiff_best, jdeg, jdeg_best, cp, cp1, cp2, rp, rp1, rp2, maxdeg,
	mindeg ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* place weak diagonals in the degree lists */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (deg = 0 ; deg < n2 ; deg++)
	Head [deg] = EMPTY ;

    maxdeg = 0 ;
    mindeg = Int_MAX ;
    for (newcol = n2-1 ; newcol >= 0 ; newcol--)
	if (Next [newcol] == IS_WEAK)
	    /* add this column to the list of weak nodes */
	    DEBUGm1 (("    newcol "ID" has a weak diagonal deg "ID"\n",
		newcol, deg)) ;
	    deg = Degree [newcol] ;
	    ASSERT (deg >= 0 && deg < n2) ;
	    Next [newcol] = Head [deg] ;
	    Head [deg] = newcol ;
	    maxdeg = MAX (maxdeg, deg) ;
	    mindeg = MIN (mindeg, deg) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* construct R = C' (C = strong entries in pruned submatrix) */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* Ri [0..n2-1] is the length of each row of R */
    /* use P as temporary pointer into the row form of R [ */
    Rp [0] = 0 ;
    for (row = 0 ; row < n2 ; row++)
	Rp [row+1] = Rp [row] + Ri [row] ;
	P [row] = Rp [row] ;
    /* Ri no longer needed for row counts */

    /* all entries in C are strong */
    for (col = 0 ; col < n2 ; col++)
	p2 = Cp [col+1] ;
	for (p = Cp [col] ; p < p2 ; p++)
	    /* place the column index in row = Ci [p] */
	    Ri [P [Ci [p]]++] = col ;

    /* contents of P no longer needed ] */

#ifndef NDEBUG
    DEBUG0 (("==================R: row form of strong entries in A:\n")) ;
    UMF_dump_col_matrix ((double *) NULL,
#ifdef COMPLEX
	    (double *) NULL,
	    Ri, Rp, n2, n2, Rp [n2]) ;
    ASSERT (AMD_valid (n2, n2, Rp, Ri) == AMD_OK) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* for each weak diagonal, find a pair of strong off-diagonal entries */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (row = 0 ; row < n2 ; row++)
	P [row] = EMPTY ;

    unmatched = 0 ;
    best = EMPTY ;
    jdiff = EMPTY ;
    jdeg = EMPTY ;

    for (deg = mindeg ; deg <= maxdeg ; deg++)
	/* find the next weak diagonal of lowest degree */
	DEBUGm2 (("---------------------------------- Deg: "ID"\n", deg)) ;
	for (k = Head [deg] ; k != EMPTY ; k = Next [k])
	    DEBUGm2 (("k: "ID"\n", k)) ;
	    if (P [k] == EMPTY)
		/* C (k,k) is a weak diagonal entry.  Find an index j != k such
		 * that C (j,k) and C (k,j) are both strong, and also such
		 * that Degree [j] is minimized.  In case of a tie, pick
		 * the smallest index j.  C and R contain the pattern of
		 * strong entries only.
		 * Note that row k of R and column k of C are both sorted. */

		DEBUGm4 (("===== Weak diagonal k = "ID"\n", k)) ;
		DEBUG1 (("Column k of C:\n")) ;
		for (p = Cp [k] ; p < Cp [k+1] ; p++)
		    DEBUG1 (("    "ID": deg "ID"\n", Ci [p], Degree [Ci [p]]));
		DEBUG1 (("Row k of R (strong entries only):\n")) ;
		for (p = Rp [k] ; p < Rp [k+1] ; p++)
		    DEBUG1 (("    "ID": deg "ID"\n", Ri [p], Degree [Ri [p]]));

		/* no (C (k,j), C (j,k)) pair exists yet */
		j_best = EMPTY ;
		jdiff_best = Int_MAX ;
		jdeg_best = Int_MAX ;

		/* pointers into column k (including values) */
		cp1 = Cp [k] ;
		cp2 = Cp [k+1] ;
		cp = cp1 ;

		/* pointers into row k (strong entries only, no values) */
		rp1 = Rp [k] ;
		rp2 = Rp [k+1] ;
		rp = rp1 ;

		/* while entries searched in column k and row k */
		while (TRUE)

		    if (cp >= cp2)
			/* no more entries in this column */
			break ;

		    /* get C (j,k), which is strong */
		    j = Ci [cp] ;

		    if (rp >= rp2)
			/* no more entries in this column */
			break ;

		    /* get R (k,j2), which is strong */
		    j2 = Ri [rp] ;

		    if (j < j2)
			/* C (j,k) is strong, but R (k,j) is not strong */
			cp++ ;
			continue ;

		    if (j2 < j)
			/* C (k,j2) is strong, but R (j2,k) is not strong */
			rp++ ;
			continue ;

		    /* j == j2: C (j,k) is strong and R (k,j) is strong */

		    best = FALSE ;

		    if (P [j] == EMPTY)
			/* j has not yet been matched */
			jdeg = Degree [j] ;
			jdiff = SCALAR_ABS (k-j) ;

			DEBUG1 (("Try candidate j "ID" deg "ID" diff "ID
				    "\n", j, jdeg, jdiff)) ;

			if (j_best == EMPTY)
			    /* this is the first candidate seen */
			    DEBUG1 (("   first\n")) ;
			    best = TRUE ;
			    if (jdeg < jdeg_best)
				/* the degree of j is best seen so far. */
				DEBUG1 (("   least degree\n")) ;
				best = TRUE ;
			    else if (jdeg == jdeg_best)
				/* degree of j and j_best are the same */
				/* tie break by nearest node number */
				if (jdiff < jdiff_best)
				    DEBUG1 (("   tie degree, closer\n")) ;
				    best = TRUE ;
				else if (jdiff == jdiff_best)
				    /* |j-k| = |j_best-k|.  For any given k
				     * and j_best there is only one other j
				     * than can be just as close as j_best.
				     * Tie break by picking the smaller of
				     * j and j_best */
				    DEBUG1 (("   tie degree, as close\n"));
				    best = j < j_best ;
				/* j has higher degree than best so far */
				best = FALSE ;

		    if (best)
			/* j is best match for k */
			/* found a strong pair, A (j,k) and A (k,j) */
			DEBUG1 ((" --- Found pair k: "ID" j: " ID
			    " jdeg: "ID" jdiff: "ID"\n",
			    k, j, jdeg, jdiff)) ;
			ASSERT (jdiff != EMPTY) ;
			ASSERT (jdeg != EMPTY) ;
			j_best = j ;
			jdeg_best = jdeg ;
			jdiff_best = jdiff ;

		    /* get the next entries in column k and row k */
		    cp++ ;
		    rp++ ;

		/* save the pair (j,k), if we found one */
		if (j_best != EMPTY)
		    j = j_best ;
		    DEBUGm4 ((" --- best pair j: "ID" for k: "ID"\n", j, k)) ;
		    P [k] = j ;
		    P [j] = k ;
		    /* no match was found for k */
		    unmatched++ ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* finalize the row permutation, P */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (k = 0 ; k < n2 ; k++)
	if (P [k] == EMPTY)
	    P [k] = k ;
    ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (P, Rp, n2, n2)) ;

    return (unmatched) ;
コード例 #4
GLOBAL Int UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block
    NumericType *Numeric,
    Int nunits
    Int bigsize, usage ;
    Unit *p, *pnext, *pbig ;

    ASSERT (Numeric != (NumericType *) NULL) ;
    ASSERT (Numeric->Memory != (Unit *) NULL) ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    if (UMF_allocfail)
	/* pretend to fail, to test garbage_collection */
	DEBUGm2 (("UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block: pretend to fail\n")) ;
	UMF_allocfail = FALSE ;	/* don't fail the next time */
	return (0) ;
    DEBUG2 (("UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block, size: "ID" + 1 = "ID":  ",
	nunits, nunits+1)) ;

    bigsize = 0 ;
    pbig = (Unit *) NULL ;

    ASSERT (nunits > 0) ;	/* size must be positive */
    if (Numeric->ibig != EMPTY)
	ASSERT (Numeric->ibig > Numeric->itail) ;
	ASSERT (Numeric->ibig < Numeric->size) ;
	pbig = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->ibig ;
	bigsize = -pbig->header.size ;
	ASSERT (bigsize > 0) ;	/* Numeric->ibig is free */
	ASSERT (pbig->header.prevsize >= 0) ;	/* prev. is not free */

    if (pbig && bigsize >= nunits)

	/* use the biggest block, somewhere in middle of memory */
	p = pbig ;
	pnext = p + 1 + bigsize ;
	/* next is in range */
	ASSERT (pnext < Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size) ;
	/* prevsize of next = this size */
	ASSERT (pnext->header.prevsize == bigsize) ;
	/* next is not free */
	ASSERT (pnext->header.size > 0) ;
	bigsize -= nunits + 1 ;

	if (bigsize < 4)
	    /* internal fragmentation would be too small */
	    /* allocate the entire free block */
	    p->header.size = -p->header.size ;
	    DEBUG2 (("GET  BLOCK: p: "ID" size: "ID", all of big: "ID" size: "
		ID"\n", (Int) (p-Numeric->Memory), nunits, Numeric->ibig,
		p->header.size)) ;
	    /* no more biggest block */
	    Numeric->ibig = EMPTY ;


	    /* allocate just the first nunits Units of the free block */
	    p->header.size = nunits ;
	    /* make a new free block */
	    Numeric->ibig += nunits + 1 ;
	    pbig = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->ibig ;
	    pbig->header.size = -bigsize ;
	    pbig->header.prevsize = nunits ;
	    pnext->header.prevsize = bigsize ;
	    DEBUG2 (("GET  BLOCK: p: "ID" size: "ID", some of big: "ID" left: "
		ID"\n", (Int) (p-Numeric->Memory), nunits, Numeric->ibig,
		bigsize)) ;


	/* allocate from the top of tail */
	pnext = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail ;
	DEBUG2 (("GET  BLOCK: from tail ")) ;
	if ((nunits + 1) > (Numeric->itail - Numeric->ihead))
	    DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
	    return (0) ;
	Numeric->itail -= (nunits + 1) ;
	p = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail ;
	p->header.size = nunits ;
	p->header.prevsize = 0 ;
	pnext->header.prevsize = nunits ;
	DEBUG2 (("p: "ID" size: "ID", new tail "ID"\n",
	    (Int) (p-Numeric->Memory), nunits, Numeric->itail)) ;

    Numeric->tail_usage += p->header.size + 1 ;
    usage = Numeric->ihead + Numeric->tail_usage ;
    Numeric->max_usage = MAX (Numeric->max_usage, usage) ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    UMF_debug -= 10 ;
    UMF_dump_memory (Numeric) ;
    UMF_debug += 10 ;

    /* p points to the header.  Add one to point to the usable block itself. */
    /* return the offset into Numeric->Memory */
    return ((p - Numeric->Memory) + 1) ;
コード例 #5
GLOBAL void UMF_2by2
    /* input, not modified: */
    Int n,		    /* A is n-by-n */
    const Int Ap [ ],	    /* size n+1 */
    const Int Ai [ ],	    /* size nz = Ap [n] */
    const double Ax [ ],    /* size nz if present */
#ifdef COMPLEX
    const double Az [ ],    /* size nz if present */
    double tol,		/* tolerance for determining whether or not an
			 * entry is numerically acceptable.  If tol <= 0
			 * then all numerical values ignored. */
    Int scale,		/* scaling to perform (none, sum, or max) */
    Int Cperm1 [ ],	/* singleton permutations */
#ifndef NDEBUG
    Int Rperm1 [ ],	/* not needed, since Rperm1 = Cperm1 for submatrix S */
    Int InvRperm1 [ ],	/* inverse of Rperm1 */
    Int n1,		/* number of singletons */
    Int nempty,		/* number of empty rows/cols */

    /* input, contents undefined on output: */
    Int Degree [ ],	/* Degree [j] is the number of off-diagonal
			 * entries in row/column j of S+S', where
			 * where S = A (Cperm1 [n1..], Rperm1 [n1..]).
			 * Note that S is not used, nor formed. */

    /* output: */
    Int P [ ],		/* P [k] = i means original row i is kth row in S(P,:)
			 * where S = A (Cperm1 [n1..], Rperm1 [n1..]) */
    Int *p_nweak,
    Int *p_unmatched,

    /* workspace (not defined on input or output): */
    Int Ri [ ],		/* of size >= max (nz, n) */
    Int Rp [ ],		/* of size n+1 */
    double Rs [ ],	/* of size n if present.  Rs = sum (abs (A),2) or
			 * max (abs (A),2), the sum or max of each row.  Unused
			 * if scale is equal to UMFPACK_SCALE_NONE. */
    Int Head [ ],	/* of size n.  Head pointers for bucket sort */
    Int Next [ ],	/* of size n.  Next pointers for bucket sort */
    Int Ci [ ],		/* size nz */
    Int Cp [ ]		/* size n+1 */

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* local variables */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Entry aij ;
    double cmax, value, rs, ctol, dvalue ;
    Int k, p, row, col, do_values, do_sum, do_max, do_scale, nweak, weak,
	p1, p2, dfound, unmatched, n2, oldrow, newrow, oldcol, newcol, pp ;
#ifdef COMPLEX
    Int split = SPLIT (Az) ;
    Int do_recip = FALSE ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    /* UMF_debug += 99 ; */
    DEBUGm3 (("\n ==================================UMF_2by2: tol %g\n", tol)) ;
    ASSERT (AMD_valid (n, n, Ap, Ai) == AMD_OK) ;
    for (k = n1 ; k < n - nempty ; k++)
	ASSERT (Cperm1 [k] == Rperm1 [k]) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* determine scaling options */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* use the values, but only if they are present */
    /* ignore the values if tol <= 0 */
    do_values = (tol > 0) && (Ax != (double *) NULL) ;
    if (do_values && (Rs != (double *) NULL))
	do_sum = (scale == UMFPACK_SCALE_SUM) ;
	do_max = (scale == UMFPACK_SCALE_MAX) ;
	/* no scaling */
	do_sum = FALSE ;
	do_max = FALSE ;
    do_scale = do_max || do_sum ;
    DEBUGm3 (("do_values "ID" do_sum "ID" do_max "ID" do_scale "ID"\n",
	do_values, do_sum, do_max, do_scale)) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* compute the row scaling, if requested */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* see also umf_kernel_init */

    if (do_scale)
	double rsmin ;
	for (row = 0 ; row < n ; row++)
	    Rs [row] = 0.0 ;
	for (col = 0 ; col < n ; col++)
	    p2 = Ap [col+1] ;
	    for (p = Ap [col] ; p < p2 ; p++)
		row = Ai [p] ;
		ASSIGN (aij, Ax, Az, p, split) ;
		APPROX_ABS (value, aij) ;
		rs = Rs [row] ;
		if (!SCALAR_IS_NAN (rs))
		    if (SCALAR_IS_NAN (value))
			/* if any entry in a row is NaN, then the scale factor
			 * for the row is NaN.  It will be set to 1 later. */
			Rs [row] = value ;
		    else if (do_max)
			Rs [row] = MAX (rs, value) ;
			Rs [row] += value ;
	rsmin = Rs [0] ;
	if (SCALAR_IS_ZERO (rsmin) || SCALAR_IS_NAN (rsmin))
	    rsmin = 1.0 ;
	for (row = 0 ; row < n ; row++)
	    /* do not scale an empty row, or a row with a NaN */
	    rs = Rs [row] ;
	    if (SCALAR_IS_ZERO (rs) || SCALAR_IS_NAN (rs))
		Rs [row] = 1.0 ;
	    rsmin = MIN (rsmin, Rs [row]) ;

	/* multiply by the reciprocal if Rs is not too small */
	do_recip = (rsmin >= RECIPROCAL_TOLERANCE) ;
	if (do_recip)
	    /* invert the scale factors */
	    for (row = 0 ; row < n ; row++)
		Rs [row] = 1.0 / Rs [row] ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* compute the max in each column and find diagonal */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    nweak = 0 ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
	ASSERT (Rperm1 [k] >= 0 && Rperm1 [k] < n) ;
	ASSERT (InvRperm1 [Rperm1 [k]] == k) ;

    n2 = n - n1 - nempty ;

    /* use Ri to count the number of strong entries in each row */
    for (row = 0 ; row < n2 ; row++)
	Ri [row] = 0 ;

    pp = 0 ;
    ctol = 0 ;
    dvalue = 1 ;

    /* construct C = pruned submatrix, strong values only, column form */

    for (k = n1 ; k < n - nempty ; k++)
	oldcol = Cperm1 [k] ;
	newcol = k - n1 ;
	Next [newcol] = EMPTY ;
	DEBUGm1 (("Column "ID" newcol "ID" oldcol "ID"\n", k, newcol, oldcol)) ;

	Cp [newcol] = pp ;

	dfound = FALSE ;
	p1 = Ap [oldcol] ;
	p2 = Ap [oldcol+1] ;
	if (do_values)
	    cmax = 0 ;
	    dvalue = 0 ;

	    if (!do_scale)
		/* no scaling */
		for (p = p1 ; p < p2 ; p++)
		    oldrow = Ai [p] ;
		    ASSERT (oldrow >= 0 && oldrow < n) ;
		    newrow = InvRperm1 [oldrow] - n1 ;
		    ASSERT (newrow >= -n1 && newrow < n2) ;
		    if (newrow < 0) continue ;
		    ASSIGN (aij, Ax, Az, p, split) ;
		    APPROX_ABS (value, aij) ;
		    /* if either cmax or value is NaN, define cmax as NaN */
		    if (!SCALAR_IS_NAN (cmax))
			if (SCALAR_IS_NAN (value))
			    cmax = value ;
			    cmax = MAX (cmax, value) ;
		    if (oldrow == oldcol)
			/* we found the diagonal entry in this column */
			dvalue = value ;
			dfound = TRUE ;
			ASSERT (newrow == newcol) ;
	    else if (do_recip)
		/* multiply by the reciprocal */
		for (p = p1 ; p < p2 ; p++)
		    oldrow = Ai [p] ;
		    ASSERT (oldrow >= 0 && oldrow < n) ;
		    newrow = InvRperm1 [oldrow] - n1 ;
		    ASSERT (newrow >= -n1 && newrow < n2) ;
		    if (newrow < 0) continue ;
		    ASSIGN (aij, Ax, Az, p, split) ;
		    APPROX_ABS (value, aij) ;
		    value *= Rs [oldrow] ;
		    /* if either cmax or value is NaN, define cmax as NaN */
		    if (!SCALAR_IS_NAN (cmax))
			if (SCALAR_IS_NAN (value))
			    cmax = value ;
			    cmax = MAX (cmax, value) ;
		    if (oldrow == oldcol)
			/* we found the diagonal entry in this column */
			dvalue = value ;
			dfound = TRUE ;
			ASSERT (newrow == newcol) ;
		/* divide instead */
		for (p = p1 ; p < p2 ; p++)
		    oldrow = Ai [p] ;
		    ASSERT (oldrow >= 0 && oldrow < n) ;
		    newrow = InvRperm1 [oldrow] - n1 ;
		    ASSERT (newrow >= -n1 && newrow < n2) ;
		    if (newrow < 0) continue ;
		    ASSIGN (aij, Ax, Az, p, split) ;
		    APPROX_ABS (value, aij) ;
		    value /= Rs [oldrow] ;
		    /* if either cmax or value is NaN, define cmax as NaN */
		    if (!SCALAR_IS_NAN (cmax))
			if (SCALAR_IS_NAN (value))
			    cmax = value ;
			    cmax = MAX (cmax, value) ;
		    if (oldrow == oldcol)
			/* we found the diagonal entry in this column */
			dvalue = value ;
			dfound = TRUE ;
			ASSERT (newrow == newcol) ;

	    ctol = tol * cmax ;
	    DEBUGm1 (("    cmax col "ID" %g  ctol %g\n", oldcol, cmax, ctol)) ;
	    for (p = p1 ; p < p2 ; p++)
		oldrow = Ai [p] ;
		ASSERT (oldrow >= 0 && oldrow < n) ;
		newrow = InvRperm1 [oldrow] - n1 ;
		ASSERT (newrow >= -n1 && newrow < n2) ;
		if (newrow < 0) continue ;
		Ci [pp++] = newrow ;
		if (oldrow == oldcol)
		    /* we found the diagonal entry in this column */
		    ASSERT (newrow == newcol) ;
		    dfound = TRUE ;
		/* count the entries in each column */
		Ri [newrow]++ ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* flag the weak diagonals */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	if (!dfound)
	    /* no diagonal entry present */
	    weak = TRUE ;
	    /* diagonal entry is present, check its value */
	    weak = (do_values) ?  WEAK (dvalue, ctol) : FALSE ;
	if (weak)
	    /* flag this column as weak */
	    DEBUG0 (("Weak!\n")) ;
	    Next [newcol] = IS_WEAK ;
	    nweak++ ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* count entries in each row that are not numerically weak */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	if (do_values)
	    if (!do_scale)
		/* no scaling */
		for (p = p1 ; p < p2 ; p++)
		    oldrow = Ai [p] ;
		    newrow = InvRperm1 [oldrow] - n1 ;
		    if (newrow < 0) continue ;
		    ASSIGN (aij, Ax, Az, p, split) ;
		    APPROX_ABS (value, aij) ;
		    weak = WEAK (value, ctol) ;
		    if (!weak)
			DEBUG0 (("    strong: row "ID": %g\n", oldrow, value)) ;
			Ci [pp++] = newrow ;
			Ri [newrow]++ ;
	    else if (do_recip)
		/* multiply by the reciprocal */
		for (p = p1 ; p < p2 ; p++)
		    oldrow = Ai [p] ;
		    newrow = InvRperm1 [oldrow] - n1 ;
		    if (newrow < 0) continue ;
		    ASSIGN (aij, Ax, Az, p, split) ;
		    APPROX_ABS (value, aij) ;
		    value *= Rs [oldrow] ;
		    weak = WEAK (value, ctol) ;
		    if (!weak)
			DEBUG0 (("    strong: row "ID": %g\n", oldrow, value)) ;
			Ci [pp++] = newrow ;
			Ri [newrow]++ ;
		/* divide instead */
		for (p = p1 ; p < p2 ; p++)
		    oldrow = Ai [p] ;
		    newrow = InvRperm1 [oldrow] - n1 ;
		    if (newrow < 0) continue ;
		    ASSIGN (aij, Ax, Az, p, split) ;
		    APPROX_ABS (value, aij) ;
		    value /= Rs [oldrow] ;
		    weak = WEAK (value, ctol) ;
		    if (!weak)
			DEBUG0 (("    strong: row "ID": %g\n", oldrow, value)) ;
			Ci [pp++] = newrow ;
			Ri [newrow]++ ;
    Cp [n2] = pp ;
    ASSERT (AMD_valid (n2, n2, Cp, Ci) == AMD_OK) ;

    if (nweak == 0)
	/* nothing to do, quick return */
	DEBUGm2 (("\n =============================UMF_2by2: quick return\n")) ;
	for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
	    P [k] = k ;
	*p_nweak = 0 ;
	*p_unmatched = 0 ;
	return ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    for (k = 0 ; k < n2 ; k++)
	P [k] = EMPTY ;
    for (k = 0 ; k < n2 ; k++)
	ASSERT (Degree [k] >= 0 && Degree [k] < n2) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* find the 2-by-2 permutation */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* The matrix S is now mapped to the index range 0 to n2-1.  We have
     * S = A (Rperm [n1 .. n-nempty-1], Cperm [n1 .. n-nempty-1]), and then
     * C = pattern of strong entries in S.  A weak diagonal k in S is marked
     * with Next [k] = IS_WEAK. */

    unmatched = two_by_two (n2, Cp, Ci, Degree, Next, Ri, P, Rp, Head) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    *p_nweak = nweak ;
    *p_unmatched = unmatched ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    DEBUGm4 (("UMF_2by2: weak "ID"  unmatched "ID"\n", nweak, unmatched)) ;
    for (row = 0 ; row < n ; row++)
	DEBUGm2 (("P ["ID"] = "ID"\n", row, P [row])) ;
    DEBUGm2 (("\n =============================UMF_2by2: done\n\n")) ;
コード例 #6
GLOBAL Int UMF_store_lu_drop
GLOBAL Int UMF_store_lu
    NumericType *Numeric,
    WorkType *Work
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* local variables */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Entry pivot_value ;
#ifdef DROP
    double droptol ;
    Entry *D, *Lval, *Uval, *Fl1, *Fl2, *Fu1, *Fu2,
	*Flublock, *Flblock, *Fublock ;
    Int i, k, fnr_curr, fnrows, fncols, row, col, pivrow, pivcol, *Frows,
	*Fcols, *Lpattern, *Upattern, *Lpos, *Upos, llen, ulen, fnc_curr, fnpiv,
	uilen, lnz, unz, nb, *Lilen,
	*Uilen, *Lip, *Uip, *Li, *Ui, pivcol_position, newLchain, newUchain,
	pivrow_position, p, size, lip, uip, lnzi, lnzx, unzx, lnz2i, lnz2x,
	unz2i, unz2x, zero_pivot, *Pivrow, *Pivcol, kk,
	Lnz [MAXNB] ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    Int *Col_degree, *Row_degree ;

#ifdef DROP
    Int all_lnz, all_unz ;
    droptol = Numeric->droptol ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get parameters */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    fnrows = Work->fnrows ;
    fncols = Work->fncols ;
    fnpiv = Work->fnpiv ;

    Lpos = Numeric->Lpos ;
    Upos = Numeric->Upos ;
    Lilen = Numeric->Lilen ;
    Uilen = Numeric->Uilen ;

    Lip = Numeric->Lip ;
    Uip = Numeric->Uip ;
    D = Numeric->D ;

    Flublock = Work->Flublock ;
    Flblock  = Work->Flblock ;
    Fublock  = Work->Fublock ;

    fnr_curr = Work->fnr_curr ;
    fnc_curr = Work->fnc_curr ;
    Frows = Work->Frows ;
    Fcols = Work->Fcols ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ;	/* for NON_PIVOTAL_COL macro */
    Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ;	/* for NON_PIVOTAL_ROW macro */

    Lpattern = Work->Lpattern ;
    llen = Work->llen ;
    Upattern = Work->Upattern ;
    ulen = Work->ulen ;

    nb = Work->nb ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    DEBUG1 (("\nSTORE LU: fnrows "ID
	" fncols "ID"\n", fnrows, fncols)) ;

    DEBUG2 (("\nFrontal matrix, including all space:\n"
		"fnr_curr "ID" fnc_curr "ID" nb    "ID"\n"
		"fnrows   "ID" fncols   "ID" fnpiv "ID"\n",
		fnr_curr, fnc_curr, nb, fnrows, fncols, fnpiv)) ;

    DEBUG2 (("\nJust the active part:\n")) ;
    DEBUG7 (("C  block: ")) ;
    UMF_dump_dense (Work->Fcblock,  fnr_curr, fnrows, fncols) ;
    DEBUG7 (("L  block: ")) ;
    UMF_dump_dense (Work->Flblock,  fnr_curr, fnrows, fnpiv);
    DEBUG7 (("U' block: ")) ;
    UMF_dump_dense (Work->Fublock,  fnc_curr, fncols, fnpiv) ;
    DEBUG7 (("LU block: ")) ;
    UMF_dump_dense (Work->Flublock, nb, fnpiv, fnpiv) ;
    DEBUG7 (("Current frontal matrix: (prior to store LU)\n")) ;
    UMF_dump_current_front (Numeric, Work, TRUE) ;

    Pivrow = Work->Pivrow ;
    Pivcol = Work->Pivcol ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* store the columns of L */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (kk = 0 ; kk < fnpiv ; kk++)

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* one more pivot row and column is being stored into L and U */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	k = Work->npiv + kk ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* find the kth pivot row and pivot column */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	pivrow = Pivrow [kk] ;
	pivcol = Pivcol [kk] ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	ASSERT (pivrow >= 0 && pivrow < Work->n_row) ;
	ASSERT (pivcol >= 0 && pivcol < Work->n_col) ;

	DEBUGm4 ((
	"\n -------------------------------------------------------------"
	"Store LU: step " ID"\n", k))  ;
	ASSERT (k < MIN (Work->n_row, Work->n_col)) ;
	DEBUG2 (("Store column of L, k = "ID", llen "ID"\n", k, llen)) ;
	for (i = 0 ; i < llen ; i++)
	    row = Lpattern [i] ;
	    ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < Work->n_row) ;
	    DEBUG2 (("    Lpattern["ID"] "ID" Lpos "ID, i, row, Lpos [row])) ;
	    if (row == pivrow) DEBUG2 ((" <- pivot row")) ;
	    DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
	    ASSERT (i == Lpos [row]) ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* remove pivot row from L */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	/* remove pivot row index from current column of L */
	/* if a new Lchain starts, then all entries are removed later */
	DEBUG2 (("Removing pivrow from Lpattern, k = "ID"\n", k)) ;
	pivrow_position = Lpos [pivrow] ;
	if (pivrow_position != EMPTY)
	    /* place the last entry in the column in the */
	    /* position of the pivot row index */
	    ASSERT (pivrow == Lpattern [pivrow_position]) ;
	    row = Lpattern [--llen] ;
	    /* ASSERT (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row)) ; */
	    Lpattern [pivrow_position] = row ;
	    Lpos [row] = pivrow_position ;
	    Lpos [pivrow] = EMPTY ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* store the pivot value, for the diagonal matrix D */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	/* kk-th column of LU block */
	Fl1 = Flublock + kk * nb ;

	/* kk-th column of L in the L block */
	Fl2 = Flblock + kk * fnr_curr ;

	/* kk-th pivot in frontal matrix located in Flublock [kk, kk] */
	pivot_value = Fl1 [kk] ;

	D [k] = pivot_value ;
	zero_pivot = IS_ZERO (pivot_value) ;

	DEBUG4 (("Pivot D["ID"]=", k)) ;
	EDEBUG4 (pivot_value) ;
	DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* count nonzeros in kth column of L */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	lnz = 0 ;
	lnz2i = 0 ;
	lnz2x = llen ;

#ifdef DROP
	    all_lnz = 0 ;

	    for (i = kk + 1 ; i < fnpiv ; i++)
		Entry x ;
		double s ;
		x = Fl1 [i] ;
		if (IS_ZERO (x)) continue ;
		all_lnz++ ;
		APPROX_ABS (s, x) ;
		if (s <= droptol) continue ;
		lnz++ ;
		if (Lpos [Pivrow [i]] == EMPTY) lnz2i++ ;

	    for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
		Entry x ;
		double s ;
		x = Fl2 [i] ;
		if (IS_ZERO (x)) continue ;
		all_lnz++ ;
		APPROX_ABS (s, x) ;
		if (s <= droptol) continue ;
		lnz++ ;
		if (Lpos [Frows [i]] == EMPTY) lnz2i++ ;


	    for (i = kk + 1 ; i < fnpiv ; i++)
		if (IS_ZERO (Fl1 [i])) continue ;
		lnz++ ;
		if (Lpos [Pivrow [i]] == EMPTY) lnz2i++ ;

	    for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
		if (IS_ZERO (Fl2 [i])) continue ;
		lnz++ ;
		if (Lpos [Frows [i]] == EMPTY) lnz2i++ ;


	lnz2x += lnz2i ;

	/* determine if we start a new Lchain or continue the old one */
	if (llen == 0 || zero_pivot)
	    /* llen == 0 means there is no prior Lchain */
	    /* D [k] == 0 means the pivot column is empty */
	    newLchain = TRUE ;
	    newLchain =
		    /* storage for starting a new Lchain */
		    UNITS (Entry, lnz) + UNITS (Int, lnz)
		    /* storage for continuing a prior Lchain */
		    UNITS (Entry, lnz2x) + UNITS (Int, lnz2i) ;

	if (newLchain)
	    /* start a new chain for column k of L */
	    DEBUG2 (("Start new Lchain, k = "ID"\n", k)) ;

	    pivrow_position = EMPTY ;

	    /* clear the prior Lpattern */
	    for (i = 0 ; i < llen ; i++)
		row = Lpattern [i] ;
		Lpos [row] = EMPTY ;
	    llen = 0 ;

	    lnzi = lnz ;
	    lnzx = lnz ;
	    /* continue the prior Lchain */
	    DEBUG2 (("Continue  Lchain, k = "ID"\n", k)) ;
	    lnzi = lnz2i ;
	    lnzx = lnz2x ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* allocate space for the column of L */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	size = UNITS (Int, lnzi) + UNITS (Entry, lnzx) ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	UMF_allocfail = FALSE ;
	if (UMF_gprob > 0)
	    double rrr = ((double) (rand ( ))) / (((double) RAND_MAX) + 1) ;
	    DEBUG4 (("Check random %e %e\n", rrr, UMF_gprob)) ;
	    UMF_allocfail = rrr < UMF_gprob ;
	    if (UMF_allocfail) DEBUGm2 (("Random garbage coll. (store LU)\n"));

	p = UMF_mem_alloc_head_block (Numeric, size) ;
	if (!p)
	    Int r2, c2 ;
	    /* Do garbage collection, realloc, and try again. */
	    /* Note that there are pivot rows/columns in current front. */
	    if (Work->do_grow)
		/* full compaction of current frontal matrix, since
		 * UMF_grow_front will be called next anyway. */
		r2 = fnrows ;
		c2 = fncols ;
		/* partial compaction. */
		r2 = MAX (fnrows, Work->fnrows_new + 1) ;
		c2 = MAX (fncols, Work->fncols_new + 1) ;
	    DEBUGm3 (("get_memory from umf_store_lu:\n")) ;
	    if (!UMF_get_memory (Numeric, Work, size, r2, c2, TRUE))
		DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: store LU (1)\n")) ;
		return (FALSE) ;	/* out of memory */
	    p = UMF_mem_alloc_head_block (Numeric, size) ;
	    if (!p)
		DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: store LU (2)\n")) ;
		return (FALSE) ;	/* out of memory */
	    /* garbage collection may have moved the current front */
	    fnc_curr = Work->fnc_curr ;
	    fnr_curr = Work->fnr_curr ;
	    Flublock = Work->Flublock ;
	    Flblock  = Work->Flblock ;
	    Fublock  = Work->Fublock ;
	    Fl1 = Flublock + kk * nb ;
	    Fl2 = Flblock  + kk * fnr_curr ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* store the column of L */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	lip = p ;

	Li = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + p) ;
	p += UNITS (Int, lnzi) ;
	Lval = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + p) ;
	p += UNITS (Entry, lnzx) ;

	for (i = 0 ; i < lnzx ; i++)
	    CLEAR (Lval [i]) ;

	/* store the numerical entries */

	if (newLchain)
	    /* flag the first column in the Lchain by negating Lip [k] */
	    lip = -lip ;

	    ASSERT (llen == 0) ;

#ifdef DROP

		for (i = kk + 1 ; i < fnpiv ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    double s ;
		    Int row2, pos ;
		    x = Fl1 [i] ;
		    APPROX_ABS (s, x) ;
		    if (s <= droptol) continue ;
		    row2 = Pivrow [i] ;
		    pos = llen++ ;
		    Lpattern [pos] = row2 ;
		    Lpos [row2] = pos ;
		    Li [pos] = row2 ;
		    Lval [pos] = x ;

		for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    double s ;
		    Int row2, pos ;
		    x = Fl2 [i] ;
		    APPROX_ABS (s, x) ;
		    if (s <= droptol) continue ;
		    row2 = Frows [i] ;
		    pos = llen++ ;
		    Lpattern [pos] = row2 ;
		    Lpos [row2] = pos ;
		    Li [pos] = row2 ;
		    Lval [pos] = x ;


		for (i = kk + 1 ; i < fnpiv ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    Int row2, pos ;
		    x = Fl1 [i] ;
		    if (IS_ZERO (x)) continue ;
		    row2 = Pivrow [i] ;
		    pos = llen++ ;
		    Lpattern [pos] = row2 ;
		    Lpos [row2] = pos ;
		    Li [pos] = row2 ;
		    Lval [pos] = x ;

		for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    Int row2, pos ;
		    x = Fl2 [i] ;
		    if (IS_ZERO (x)) continue ;
		    row2 = Frows [i] ;
		    pos = llen++ ;
		    Lpattern [pos] = row2 ;
		    Lpos [row2] = pos ;
		    Li [pos] = row2 ;
		    Lval [pos] = x ;


	    ASSERT (llen > 0) ;

#ifdef DROP

		for (i = kk + 1 ; i < fnpiv ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    double s ;
		    Int row2, pos ;
		    x = Fl1 [i] ;
		    APPROX_ABS (s, x) ;
		    if (s <= droptol) continue ;
		    row2 = Pivrow [i] ;
		    pos = Lpos [row2] ;
		    if (pos == EMPTY)
			pos = llen++ ;
			Lpattern [pos] = row2 ;
			Lpos [row2] = pos ;
			*Li++ = row2 ;
		    Lval [pos] = x ;

		for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    double s ;
		    Int row2, pos ;
		    x = Fl2 [i] ;
		    APPROX_ABS (s, x) ;
		    if (s <= droptol) continue ;
		    row2 = Frows [i] ;
		    pos = Lpos [row2] ;
		    if (pos == EMPTY)
			pos = llen++ ;
			Lpattern [pos] = row2 ;
			Lpos [row2] = pos ;
			*Li++ = row2 ;
		    Lval [pos] = x ;


		for (i = kk + 1 ; i < fnpiv ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    Int row2, pos ;
		    x = Fl1 [i] ;
		    if (IS_ZERO (x)) continue ;
		    row2 = Pivrow [i] ;
		    pos = Lpos [row2] ;
		    if (pos == EMPTY)
			pos = llen++ ;
			Lpattern [pos] = row2 ;
			Lpos [row2] = pos ;
			*Li++ = row2 ;
		    Lval [pos] = x ;

		for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    Int row2, pos ;
		    x = Fl2 [i] ;
		    if (IS_ZERO (x)) continue ;
		    row2 = Frows [i] ;
		    pos = Lpos [row2] ;
		    if (pos == EMPTY)
			pos = llen++ ;
			Lpattern [pos] = row2 ;
			Lpos [row2] = pos ;
			*Li++ = row2 ;
		    Lval [pos] = x ;


	DEBUG4 (("llen "ID" lnzx "ID"\n", llen, lnzx)) ;
	ASSERT (llen == lnzx) ;
	ASSERT (lnz <= llen) ;
	DEBUG4 (("lnz "ID" \n", lnz)) ;

#ifdef DROP

	    DEBUG4 (("all_lnz "ID" \n", all_lnz)) ;
	    ASSERT (lnz <= all_lnz) ;
	    Numeric->lnz += lnz ;
	    Numeric->all_lnz += all_lnz ;
	    Lnz [kk] = all_lnz ;


	    Numeric->lnz += lnz ;
	    Numeric->all_lnz += lnz ;
	    Lnz [kk] = lnz ;

	Numeric->nLentries += lnzx ;
	Work->llen = llen ;
	Numeric->isize += lnzi ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* the pivot column is fully assembled and scaled, and is now the */
	/* k-th column of L */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	Lpos [pivrow] = pivrow_position ;	/* not aliased */
	Lip [pivcol] = lip ;			/* aliased with Col_tuples */
	Lilen [pivcol] = lnzi ;			/* aliased with Col_tlen */


    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* store the rows of U */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (kk = 0 ; kk < fnpiv ; kk++)

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* one more pivot row and column is being stored into L and U */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	k = Work->npiv + kk ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* find the kth pivot row and pivot column */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	pivrow = Pivrow [kk] ;
	pivcol = Pivcol [kk] ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	ASSERT (pivrow >= 0 && pivrow < Work->n_row) ;
	ASSERT (pivcol >= 0 && pivcol < Work->n_col) ;

	DEBUG2 (("Store row of U, k = "ID", ulen "ID"\n", k, ulen)) ;
	for (i = 0 ; i < ulen ; i++)
	    col = Upattern [i] ;
	    DEBUG2 (("    Upattern["ID"] "ID, i, col)) ;
	    if (col == pivcol) DEBUG2 ((" <- pivot col")) ;
	    DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
	    ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < Work->n_col) ;
	    ASSERT (i == Upos [col]) ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* get the pivot value, for the diagonal matrix D */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	zero_pivot = IS_ZERO (D [k]) ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* count the nonzeros in the row of U */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	/* kk-th row of U in the LU block */
	Fu1 = Flublock + kk ;

	/* kk-th row of U in the U block */
	Fu2 = Fublock + kk * fnc_curr ;

	unz = 0 ;
	unz2i = 0 ;
	unz2x = ulen ;
	DEBUG2 (("unz2x is "ID", lnzx "ID"\n", unz2x, lnzx)) ;

	/* if row k does not end a Uchain, pivcol not included in ulen */
	pivcol_position = Upos [pivcol] ;
	if (pivcol_position != EMPTY)
	    unz2x-- ;
	    DEBUG2 (("(exclude pivcol) unz2x is now "ID"\n", unz2x)) ;

	ASSERT (unz2x >= 0) ;

#ifdef DROP
	    all_unz = 0 ;

	    for (i = kk + 1 ; i < fnpiv ; i++)
		Entry x ;
		double s ;
		x = Fu1 [i*nb] ;
		if (IS_ZERO (x)) continue ;
		all_unz++ ;
		APPROX_ABS (s, x) ;
		if (s <= droptol) continue ;
		unz++ ;
		if (Upos [Pivcol [i]] == EMPTY) unz2i++ ;

	    for (i = 0 ; i < fncols ; i++)
		Entry x ;
		double s ;
		x = Fu2 [i] ;
		if (IS_ZERO (x)) continue ;
		all_unz++ ;
		APPROX_ABS (s, x) ;
		if (s <= droptol) continue ;
		unz++ ;
		if (Upos [Fcols [i]] == EMPTY) unz2i++ ;


	    for (i = kk + 1 ; i < fnpiv ; i++)
		if (IS_ZERO (Fu1 [i*nb])) continue ;
		unz++ ;
		if (Upos [Pivcol [i]] == EMPTY) unz2i++ ;

	    for (i = 0 ; i < fncols ; i++)
		if (IS_ZERO (Fu2 [i])) continue ;
		unz++ ;
		if (Upos [Fcols [i]] == EMPTY) unz2i++ ;


	unz2x += unz2i ;

	ASSERT (IMPLIES (k == 0, ulen == 0)) ;

	/* determine if we start a new Uchain or continue the old one */
	if (ulen == 0 || zero_pivot)
	    /* ulen == 0 means there is no prior Uchain */
	    /* D [k] == 0 means the matrix is singular (pivot row might */
	    /* not be empty, however, but start a new Uchain to prune zero */
	    /* entries for the deg > 0 test in UMF_u*solve) */
	    newUchain = TRUE ;
	    newUchain =
		    /* approximate storage for starting a new Uchain */
		    UNITS (Entry, unz) + UNITS (Int, unz)
		    /* approximate storage for continuing a prior Uchain */
		    UNITS (Entry, unz2x) + UNITS (Int, unz2i) ;

	    /* this would be exact, except for the Int to Unit rounding, */
	    /* because the Upattern is stored only at the end of the Uchain */

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* allocate space for the row of U */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	size = 0 ;
	if (newUchain)
	    /* store the pattern of the last row in the prior Uchain */
	    size += UNITS (Int, ulen) ;
	    unzx = unz ;
	    unzx = unz2x ;
	size += UNITS (Entry, unzx) ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	UMF_allocfail = FALSE ;
	if (UMF_gprob > 0)
	    double rrr = ((double) (rand ( ))) / (((double) RAND_MAX) + 1) ;
	    DEBUG4 (("Check random %e %e\n", rrr, UMF_gprob)) ;
	    UMF_allocfail = rrr < UMF_gprob ;
	    if (UMF_allocfail) DEBUGm2 (("Random garbage coll. (store LU)\n"));

	p = UMF_mem_alloc_head_block (Numeric, size) ;
	if (!p)
	    Int r2, c2 ;
	    /* Do garbage collection, realloc, and try again. */
	    /* Note that there are pivot rows/columns in current front. */
	    if (Work->do_grow)
		/* full compaction of current frontal matrix, since
		 * UMF_grow_front will be called next anyway. */
		r2 = fnrows ;
		c2 = fncols ;
		/* partial compaction. */
		r2 = MAX (fnrows, Work->fnrows_new + 1) ;
		c2 = MAX (fncols, Work->fncols_new + 1) ;
	    DEBUGm3 (("get_memory from umf_store_lu:\n")) ;
	    if (!UMF_get_memory (Numeric, Work, size, r2, c2, TRUE))
		/* :: get memory, column of L :: */
		DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: store LU (1)\n")) ;
		return (FALSE) ;	/* out of memory */
	    p = UMF_mem_alloc_head_block (Numeric, size) ;
	    if (!p)
		/* :: out of memory, column of U :: */
		DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: store LU (2)\n")) ;
		return (FALSE) ;	/* out of memory */
	    /* garbage collection may have moved the current front */
	    fnc_curr = Work->fnc_curr ;
	    fnr_curr = Work->fnr_curr ;
	    Flublock = Work->Flublock ;
	    Flblock  = Work->Flblock ;
	    Fublock  = Work->Fublock ;
	    Fu1 = Flublock + kk ;
	    Fu2 = Fublock  + kk * fnc_curr ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* store the row of U */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	uip = p ;

	if (newUchain)
	    /* starting a new Uchain - flag this by negating Uip [k] */
	    uip = -uip ;
	    DEBUG2 (("Start new Uchain, k = "ID"\n", k)) ;

	    pivcol_position = EMPTY ;

	    /* end the prior Uchain */
	    /* save the current Upattern, and then */
	    /* clear it and start a new Upattern */
	    DEBUG2 (("Ending prior chain, k-1 = "ID"\n", k-1)) ;
	    uilen = ulen ;
	    Ui = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + p) ;
	    Numeric->isize += ulen ;
	    p += UNITS (Int, ulen) ;
	    for (i = 0 ; i < ulen ; i++)
		col = Upattern [i] ;
		ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < Work->n_col) ;
		Upos [col] = EMPTY ;
		Ui [i] = col ;

	    ulen = 0 ;

	    /* continue the prior Uchain */
	    DEBUG2 (("Continue  Uchain, k = "ID"\n", k)) ;
	    ASSERT (k > 0) ;

	    /* remove pivot col index from current row of U */
	    /* if a new Uchain starts, then all entries are removed later */
	    DEBUG2 (("Removing pivcol from Upattern, k = "ID"\n", k)) ;

	    if (pivcol_position != EMPTY)
		/* place the last entry in the row in the */
		/* position of the pivot col index */
		ASSERT (pivcol == Upattern [pivcol_position]) ;
		col = Upattern [--ulen] ;
		ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < Work->n_col) ;
		Upattern [pivcol_position] = col ;
		Upos [col] = pivcol_position ;
		Upos [pivcol] = EMPTY ;

	    /* this row continues the Uchain.  Keep track of how much */
	    /* to trim from the k-th length to get the length of the */
	    /* (k-1)st row of U */
	    uilen = unz2i ;


	Uval = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + p) ;
	/* p += UNITS (Entry, unzx), no need to increment p */

	for (i = 0 ; i < unzx ; i++)
	    CLEAR (Uval [i]) ;

	if (newUchain)
	    ASSERT (ulen == 0) ;

#ifdef DROP

		for (i = kk + 1 ; i < fnpiv ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    double s ;
		    Int col2, pos ;
		    x = Fu1 [i*nb] ;
		    APPROX_ABS (s, x) ;
		    if (s <= droptol) continue ;
		    col2 = Pivcol [i] ;
		    pos = ulen++ ;
		    Upattern [pos] = col2 ;
		    Upos [col2] = pos ;
		    Uval [pos] = x ;

		for (i = 0 ; i < fncols ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    double s ;
		    Int col2, pos ;
		    x = Fu2 [i] ;
		    APPROX_ABS (s, x) ;
		    if (s <= droptol) continue ;
		    col2 = Fcols [i] ;
		    pos = ulen++ ;
		    Upattern [pos] = col2 ;
		    Upos [col2] = pos ;
		    Uval [pos] = x ;


		for (i = kk + 1 ; i < fnpiv ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    Int col2, pos ;
		    x = Fu1 [i*nb] ;
		    if (IS_ZERO (x)) continue ;
		    col2 = Pivcol [i] ;
		    pos = ulen++ ;
		    Upattern [pos] = col2 ;
		    Upos [col2] = pos ;
		    Uval [pos] = x ;

		for (i = 0 ; i < fncols ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    Int col2, pos ;
		    x = Fu2 [i] ;
		    if (IS_ZERO (x)) continue ;
		    col2 = Fcols [i] ;
		    pos = ulen++ ;
		    Upattern [pos] = col2 ;
		    Upos [col2] = pos ;
		    Uval [pos] = x ;



	    ASSERT (ulen > 0) ;

	    /* store the numerical entries and find new nonzeros */

#ifdef DROP

		for (i = kk + 1 ; i < fnpiv ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    double s ;
		    Int col2, pos ;
		    x = Fu1 [i*nb] ;
		    APPROX_ABS (s, x) ;
		    if (s <= droptol) continue ;
		    col2 = Pivcol [i] ;
		    pos = Upos [col2] ;
		    if (pos == EMPTY)
			pos = ulen++ ;
			Upattern [pos] = col2 ;
			Upos [col2] = pos ;
		    Uval [pos] = x ;

		for (i = 0 ; i < fncols ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    double s ;
		    Int col2, pos ;
		    x = Fu2 [i] ;
		    APPROX_ABS (s, x) ;
		    if (s <= droptol) continue ;
		    col2 = Fcols [i] ;
		    pos = Upos [col2] ;
		    if (pos == EMPTY)
			pos = ulen++ ;
			Upattern [pos] = col2 ;
			Upos [col2] = pos ;
		    Uval [pos] = x ;


		for (i = kk + 1 ; i < fnpiv ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    Int col2, pos ;
		    x = Fu1 [i*nb] ;
		    if (IS_ZERO (x)) continue ;
		    col2 = Pivcol [i] ;
		    pos = Upos [col2] ;
		    if (pos == EMPTY)
			pos = ulen++ ;
			Upattern [pos] = col2 ;
			Upos [col2] = pos ;
		    Uval [pos] = x ;

		for (i = 0 ; i < fncols ; i++)
		    Entry x ;
		    Int col2, pos ;
		    x = Fu2 [i] ;
		    if (IS_ZERO (x)) continue ;
		    col2 = Fcols [i] ;
		    pos = Upos [col2] ;
		    if (pos == EMPTY)
			pos = ulen++ ;
			Upattern [pos] = col2 ;
			Upos [col2] = pos ;
		    Uval [pos] = x ;



	ASSERT (ulen == unzx) ;
	ASSERT (unz <= ulen) ;
	DEBUG4 (("unz "ID" \n", unz)) ;

#ifdef DROP

	    DEBUG4 (("all_unz "ID" \n", all_unz)) ;
	    ASSERT (unz <= all_unz) ;
	    Numeric->unz += unz ;
	    Numeric->all_unz += all_unz ;
	    /* count the "true" flops, based on LU pattern only */
	    Numeric->flops += DIV_FLOPS * Lnz [kk]	/* scale pivot column */
		+ MULTSUB_FLOPS * (Lnz [kk] * all_unz) ;    /* outer product */


	    Numeric->unz += unz ;
	    Numeric->all_unz += unz ;
	    /* count the "true" flops, based on LU pattern only */
	    Numeric->flops += DIV_FLOPS * Lnz [kk]	/* scale pivot column */
		+ MULTSUB_FLOPS * (Lnz [kk] * unz) ;    /* outer product */

	Numeric->nUentries += unzx ;
	Work->ulen = ulen ;
	DEBUG1 (("Work->ulen = "ID" at end of pivot step, k: "ID"\n", ulen, k));

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* the pivot row is the k-th row of U */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	Upos [pivcol] = pivcol_position ;	/* not aliased */
	Uip [pivrow] = uip ;			/* aliased with Row_tuples */
	Uilen [pivrow] = uilen ;		/* aliased with Row_tlen */


    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* no more pivots in frontal working array */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Work->npiv += fnpiv ;
    Work->fnpiv = 0 ;
    Work->fnzeros = 0 ;
    return (TRUE) ;
コード例 #7
ファイル: umf_grow_front.c プロジェクト: rforge/matrix
GLOBAL Int UMF_grow_front
    NumericType *Numeric,
    Int fnr2,		/* desired size is fnr2-by-fnc2 */
    Int fnc2,
    WorkType *Work,
    Int do_what		/* -1: UMF_start_front
			 * 0:  UMF_init_front, do not recompute Fcpos
			 * 1:  UMF_extend_front
			 * 2:  UMF_init_front, recompute Fcpos */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* local variables */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    double s ;
    Entry *Fcold, *Fcnew ;
    Int j, i, col, *Fcpos, *Fcols, fnrows_max, fncols_max, fnr_curr, nb,
	fnrows_new, fncols_new, fnr_min, fnc_min, minsize,
	newsize, fnrows, fncols, *E, eloc ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get parameters */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#ifndef NDEBUG
    if (do_what != -1) UMF_debug++ ;
    DEBUG0 (("\n\n====================GROW FRONT: do_what: "ID"\n", do_what)) ;
    if (do_what != -1) UMF_debug-- ;
    ASSERT (Work->do_grow) ;
    ASSERT (Work->fnpiv == 0) ;

    Fcols = Work->Fcols ;
    Fcpos = Work->Fcpos ;
    E = Work->E ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* The current front is too small, find the new size */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* maximum size of frontal matrix for this chain */
    nb = Work->nb ;
    fnrows_max = Work->fnrows_max + nb ;
    fncols_max = Work->fncols_max + nb ;
    ASSERT (fnrows_max >= 0 && (fnrows_max % 2) == 1) ;
    DEBUG0 (("Max     size: "ID"-by-"ID" (incl. "ID" pivot block\n",
	fnrows_max, fncols_max, nb)) ;

    /* current dimensions of frontal matrix: fnr-by-fnc */
    DEBUG0 (("Current : "ID"-by-"ID" (excl "ID" pivot blocks)\n",
		Work->fnr_curr, Work->fnc_curr, nb)) ;
    ASSERT (Work->fnr_curr >= 0) ;
    ASSERT ((Work->fnr_curr % 2 == 1) || Work->fnr_curr == 0) ;

    /* required dimensions of frontal matrix: fnr_min-by-fnc_min */
    fnrows_new = Work->fnrows_new + 1 ;
    fncols_new = Work->fncols_new + 1 ;
    ASSERT (fnrows_new >= 0) ;
    if (fnrows_new % 2 == 0) fnrows_new++ ;
    fnrows_new += nb ;
    fncols_new += nb ;
    fnr_min = MIN (fnrows_new, fnrows_max) ;
    fnc_min = MIN (fncols_new, fncols_max) ;
    minsize = fnr_min * fnc_min ;
    if (INT_OVERFLOW ((double) fnr_min * (double) fnc_min * sizeof (Entry)))
	/* :: the minimum front size is bigger than the integer maximum :: */
	return (FALSE) ;
    ASSERT (fnr_min >= 0) ;
    ASSERT (fnr_min % 2 == 1) ;

    DEBUG0 (("Min     : "ID"-by-"ID"\n", fnr_min, fnc_min)) ;

    /* grow the front to fnr2-by-fnc2, but no bigger than the maximum,
     * and no smaller than the minumum. */
    DEBUG0 (("Desired : ("ID"+"ID")-by-("ID"+"ID")\n", fnr2, nb, fnc2, nb)) ;
    fnr2 += nb ;
    fnc2 += nb ;
    ASSERT (fnr2 >= 0) ;
    if (fnr2 % 2 == 0) fnr2++ ;
    fnr2 = MAX (fnr2, fnr_min) ;
    fnc2 = MAX (fnc2, fnc_min) ;
    fnr2 = MIN (fnr2, fnrows_max) ;
    fnc2 = MIN (fnc2, fncols_max) ;
    DEBUG0 (("Try     : "ID"-by-"ID"\n", fnr2, fnc2)) ;
    ASSERT (fnr2 >= 0) ;
    ASSERT (fnr2 % 2 == 1) ;

    s = ((double) fnr2) * ((double) fnc2) ;
    if (INT_OVERFLOW (s * sizeof (Entry)))
	/* :: frontal matrix size int overflow :: */
	/* the desired front size is bigger than the integer maximum */
	/* compute a such that a*a*s < Int_MAX / sizeof (Entry) */
	double a = 0.9 * sqrt ((Int_MAX / sizeof (Entry)) / s) ;
	fnr2 = MAX (fnr_min, a * fnr2) ;
	fnc2 = MAX (fnc_min, a * fnc2) ;
	/* the new frontal size is a*r*a*c = a*a*s */
	newsize = fnr2 * fnc2 ;
	ASSERT (fnr2 >= 0) ;
	if (fnr2 % 2 == 0) fnr2++ ;
	fnc2 = newsize / fnr2 ;

    fnr2 = MAX (fnr2, fnr_min) ;
    fnc2 = MAX (fnc2, fnc_min) ;
    newsize = fnr2 * fnc2 ;

    ASSERT (fnr2 >= 0) ;
    ASSERT (fnr2 % 2 == 1) ;
    ASSERT (fnr2 >= fnr_min) ;
    ASSERT (fnc2 >= fnc_min) ;
    ASSERT (newsize >= minsize) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* free the current front if it is empty of any numerical values */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (E [0] && do_what != 1)
	/* free the current front, if it exists and has nothing in it */
	DEBUG0 (("Freeing empty front\n")) ;
	UMF_mem_free_tail_block (Numeric, E [0]) ;
	E [0] = 0 ;
	Work->Flublock = (Entry *) NULL ;
	Work->Flblock  = (Entry *) NULL ;
	Work->Fublock  = (Entry *) NULL ;
	Work->Fcblock  = (Entry *) NULL ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* allocate the new front, doing garbage collection if necessary */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#ifndef NDEBUG
    UMF_allocfail = FALSE ;
    if (UMF_gprob > 0)  /* a double relop, but ignore NaN case */
	double rrr = ((double) (rand ( ))) / (((double) RAND_MAX) + 1) ;
	DEBUG1 (("Check random %e %e\n", rrr, UMF_gprob)) ;
	UMF_allocfail = rrr < UMF_gprob ;
	if (UMF_allocfail) DEBUGm2 (("Random garbage collection (grow)\n")) ;

    DEBUG0 (("Attempt size: "ID"-by-"ID"\n", fnr2, fnc2)) ;
    eloc = UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block (Numeric, UNITS (Entry, newsize)) ;

    if (!eloc)
	/* Do garbage collection, realloc, and try again. Compact the current
	 * contribution block in the front to fnrows-by-fncols.  Note that
	 * there are no pivot rows/columns in current front.  Do not recompute
	 * Fcpos in UMF_garbage_collection. */
	DEBUGm3 (("get_memory from umf_grow_front\n")) ;
	if (!UMF_get_memory (Numeric, Work, 1 + UNITS (Entry, newsize),
	    Work->fnrows, Work->fncols, FALSE))
	    /* :: out of memory in umf_grow_front :: */
	    return (FALSE) ;	/* out of memory */
	DEBUG0 (("Attempt size: "ID"-by-"ID" again\n", fnr2, fnc2)) ;
	eloc = UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block (Numeric, UNITS (Entry, newsize)) ;

    /* try again with something smaller */
    while ((fnr2 != fnr_min || fnc2 != fnc_min) && !eloc)
	fnr2 = MIN (fnr2 - 2, fnr2 * UMF_REALLOC_REDUCTION) ;
	fnc2 = MIN (fnc2 - 2, fnc2 * UMF_REALLOC_REDUCTION) ;
	ASSERT (fnr_min >= 0) ;
	ASSERT (fnr_min % 2 == 1) ;
	fnr2 = MAX (fnr_min, fnr2) ;
	fnc2 = MAX (fnc_min, fnc2) ;
	ASSERT (fnr2 >= 0) ;
	if (fnr2 % 2 == 0) fnr2++ ;
	newsize = fnr2 * fnc2 ;
	DEBUGm3 (("Attempt smaller size: "ID"-by-"ID" minsize "ID"-by-"ID"\n",
	    fnr2, fnc2, fnr_min, fnc_min)) ;
	eloc = UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block (Numeric, UNITS (Entry, newsize)) ;

    /* try again with the smallest possible size */
    if (!eloc)
	fnr2 = fnr_min ;
	fnc2 = fnc_min ;
	newsize = minsize ;
	DEBUG0 (("Attempt minsize: "ID"-by-"ID"\n", fnr2, fnc2)) ;
	eloc = UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block (Numeric, UNITS (Entry, newsize)) ;

    if (!eloc)
	/* out of memory */
	return (FALSE) ;

    ASSERT (fnr2 >= 0) ;
    ASSERT (fnr2 % 2 == 1) ;
    ASSERT (fnr2 >= fnr_min && fnc2 >= fnc_min) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* copy the old frontal matrix into the new one */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* old contribution block (if any) */
    fnr_curr = Work->fnr_curr ;	    /* garbage collection can change fn*_curr */
    ASSERT (fnr_curr >= 0) ;
    ASSERT ((fnr_curr % 2 == 1) || fnr_curr == 0) ;
    fnrows = Work->fnrows ;
    fncols = Work->fncols ;
    Fcold = Work->Fcblock ;

    /* remove nb from the sizes */
    fnr2 -= nb ;
    fnc2 -= nb ;

    /* new frontal matrix */
    Work->Flublock = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + eloc) ;
    Work->Flblock  = Work->Flublock + nb * nb ;
    Work->Fublock  = Work->Flblock  + nb * fnr2 ;
    Work->Fcblock  = Work->Fublock  + nb * fnc2 ;
    Fcnew = Work->Fcblock ;

    if (E [0])
	/* copy the old contribution block into the new one */
	for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
	    col = Fcols [j] ;
	    DEBUG1 (("copy col "ID" \n",col)) ;
	    ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < Work->n_col) ;
	    for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
		Fcnew [i] = Fcold [i] ;
	    Fcnew += fnr2 ;
	    Fcold += fnr_curr ;
	    DEBUG1 (("new offset col "ID" "ID"\n",col, j * fnr2)) ;
	    Fcpos [col] = j * fnr2 ;
    else if (do_what == 2)
	/* just find the new column offsets */
	for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
	    col = Fcols [j] ;
	    DEBUG1 (("new offset col "ID" "ID"\n",col, j * fnr2)) ;
	    Fcpos [col] = j * fnr2 ;

    /* free the old frontal matrix */
    UMF_mem_free_tail_block (Numeric, E [0]) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* new frontal matrix size */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    E [0] = eloc ;
    Work->fnr_curr = fnr2 ;	    /* C block is fnr2-by-fnc2 */
    Work->fnc_curr = fnc2 ;
    Work->fcurr_size = newsize ;    /* including LU, L, U, and C blocks */
    Work->do_grow = FALSE ;	    /* the front has just been grown */

    ASSERT (Work->fnr_curr >= 0) ;
    ASSERT (Work->fnr_curr % 2 == 1) ;
    DEBUG0 (("Newly grown front: "ID"+"ID" by "ID"+"ID"\n", Work->fnr_curr,
	nb, Work->fnc_curr, nb)) ;
    return (TRUE) ;
コード例 #8
ファイル: umf_start_front.c プロジェクト: r35krag0th/pysparse
GLOBAL Int UMF_start_front    /* returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise */
    Int chain,
    NumericType *Numeric,
    WorkType *Work,
    SymbolicType *Symbolic
    Int fnrows_max, fncols_max, fnr2, fnc2, fsize, fcurr_size, maxfrsize,
	overflow, nb, f, cdeg ;
    double maxbytes ;

    nb = Symbolic->nb ;
    fnrows_max = Symbolic->Chain_maxrows [chain] ;
    fncols_max = Symbolic->Chain_maxcols [chain] ;

    DEBUGm2 (("Start Front for chain "ID".  fnrows_max "ID" fncols_max "ID"\n",
	chain, fnrows_max, fncols_max)) ;

    Work->fnrows_max = fnrows_max ;
    Work->fncols_max = fncols_max ;
    Work->any_skip = FALSE ;

    maxbytes = sizeof (Entry) *
	(double) (fnrows_max + nb) * (double) (fncols_max + nb) ;
    fcurr_size = Work->fcurr_size ;

    if (Symbolic->prefer_diagonal)
	/* Get a rough upper bound on the degree of the first pivot column in
	 * this front.  Note that Col_degree is not maintained if diagonal
	 * pivoting is preferred.  For most matrices, the first pivot column
	 * of the first frontal matrix of a new chain has only one tuple in
	 * it anyway, so this bound is exact in that case. */
	Int col, tpi, e, *E, *Col_tuples, *Col_tlen, *Cols ;
	Tuple *tp, *tpend ;
	Unit *Memory, *p ;
	Element *ep ;
	E = Work->E ;
	Memory = Numeric->Memory ;
	Col_tuples = Numeric->Lip ;
	Col_tlen = Numeric->Lilen ;
	col = Work->nextcand ;
	tpi = Col_tuples [col] ;
	tp = (Tuple *) Memory + tpi ;
	tpend = tp + Col_tlen [col] ;
	cdeg = 0 ;
	DEBUGm3 (("\n=============== start front: col "ID" tlen "ID"\n",
		col, Col_tlen [col])) ;
	for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
	    DEBUG1 (("Tuple ("ID","ID")\n", tp->e, tp->f)) ;
	    e = tp->e ;
	    if (!E [e]) continue ;
	    f = tp->f ;
	    p = Memory + E [e] ;
	    ep = (Element *) p ;
	    p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
	    Cols = (Int *) p ;
	    if (Cols [f] == EMPTY) continue ;
	    DEBUG1 (("  nrowsleft "ID"\n", ep->nrowsleft)) ;
	    cdeg += ep->nrowsleft ;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	DEBUGm3 (("start front cdeg: "ID" col "ID"\n", cdeg, col)) ;
	UMF_dump_rowcol (1, Numeric, Work, col, FALSE) ;

	/* cdeg is now the rough upper bound on the degree of the next pivot
	 * column. */

	/* If AMD was called, we know the maximum number of nonzeros in any
	 * column of L.  Use this as an upper bound for cdeg, but add 2 to
	 * account for a small amount of off-diagonal pivoting. */
	if (Symbolic->amd_dmax > 0)
	    cdeg = MIN (cdeg, Symbolic->amd_dmax) ;

	/* Increase it to account for larger columns later on.
	 * Also ensure that it's larger than zero. */
	cdeg += 2 ;

	/* cdeg cannot be larger than fnrows_max */
	cdeg = MIN (cdeg, fnrows_max) ;

	/* don't do the above cdeg computation */
	cdeg = 0 ;

    DEBUGm2 (("fnrows max "ID" fncols_max "ID"\n", fnrows_max, fncols_max)) ;

    /* the current frontal matrix is empty */
    ASSERT (Work->fnrows == 0 && Work->fncols == 0 && Work->fnpiv == 0) ;

    /* maximum row dimension is always odd, to avoid bad cache effects */
    ASSERT (fnrows_max >= 0) ;
    ASSERT (fnrows_max % 2 == 1) ;

    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * allocate working array for current frontal matrix:
     * minimum size: 1-by-1
     * maximum size: fnrows_max-by-fncols_max
     * desired size:
     *   if Numeric->front_alloc_init >= 0:
     *	    for unsymmetric matrices:
     *	    Numeric->front_alloc_init * (fnrows_max-by-fncols_max)
     *	    for symmetric matrices (diagonal pivoting preference, actually):
     *	    Numeric->front_alloc_init * (fnrows_max-by-fncols_max), or
     *	    cdeg*cdeg, whichever is smaller.
     *   if Numeric->front_alloc_init < 0:
     *	    allocate a front of size -Numeric->front_alloc_init.
     * Allocate the whole thing if it's small (less than 2*nb^2).  Make sure the
     * leading dimension of the frontal matrix is odd.
     * Also allocate the nb-by-nb LU block, the dr-by-nb L block, and the
     * nb-by-dc U block.
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* get the maximum front size, avoiding integer overflow */
    overflow = INT_OVERFLOW (maxbytes) ;
    if (overflow)
	/* :: int overflow, max front size :: */
	maxfrsize = Int_MAX / sizeof (Entry) ;
	maxfrsize = (fnrows_max + nb) * (fncols_max + nb) ;
    ASSERT (!INT_OVERFLOW ((double) maxfrsize * sizeof (Entry))) ;

    if (Numeric->front_alloc_init < 0)
	/* allocate a front of -Numeric->front_alloc_init entries */
	fsize = -Numeric->front_alloc_init ;
	fsize = MAX (1, fsize) ;
	if (INT_OVERFLOW (Numeric->front_alloc_init * maxbytes))
	    /* :: int overflow, requested front size :: */
	    fsize = Int_MAX / sizeof (Entry) ;
	    fsize = Numeric->front_alloc_init * maxfrsize ;

	if (cdeg > 0)
	    /* diagonal pivoting is in use.  cdeg was computed above */
	    Int fsize2 ;

	    /* add the L and U blocks */
	    cdeg += nb ;

	    if (INT_OVERFLOW (((double) cdeg * (double) cdeg) * sizeof (Entry)))
		/* :: int overflow, symmetric front size :: */
		fsize2 = Int_MAX / sizeof (Entry) ;
		fsize2 = MAX (cdeg * cdeg, fcurr_size) ;
	    fsize = MIN (fsize, fsize2) ;

    fsize = MAX (fsize, 2*nb*nb) ;

    /* fsize and maxfrsize are now safe from integer overflow.  They both
     * include the size of the pivot blocks. */
    ASSERT (!INT_OVERFLOW ((double) fsize * sizeof (Entry))) ;

    Work->fnrows_new = 0 ;
    Work->fncols_new = 0 ;

    /* desired size is fnr2-by-fnc2 (includes L and U blocks): */
    DEBUGm2 (("    fsize "ID"  fcurr_size "ID"\n", fsize, fcurr_size)) ;
    DEBUGm2 (("    maxfrsize "ID"  fnr_curr "ID" fnc_curr "ID"\n", maxfrsize,
	Work->fnr_curr, Work->fnc_curr)) ;

    if (fsize >= maxfrsize && !overflow)
	/* max working array is small, allocate all of it */
	fnr2 = fnrows_max + nb ;
	fnc2 = fncols_max + nb ;
	fsize = maxfrsize ;
	DEBUGm1 (("   sufficient for ("ID"+"ID")-by-("ID"+"ID")\n",
	    fnrows_max, nb, fncols_max, nb)) ;
	/* allocate a smaller working array */
	if (fnrows_max <= fncols_max)
	    fnr2 = (Int) sqrt ((double) fsize) ;
	    /* make sure fnr2 is odd */
	    fnr2 = MAX (fnr2, 1) ;
	    if (fnr2 % 2 == 0) fnr2++ ;
	    fnr2 = MIN (fnr2, fnrows_max + nb) ;
	    fnc2 = fsize / fnr2 ;
	    fnc2 = (Int) sqrt ((double) fsize) ;
	    fnc2 = MIN (fnc2, fncols_max + nb) ;
	    fnr2 = fsize / fnc2 ;
	    /* make sure fnr2 is odd */
	    fnr2 = MAX (fnr2, 1) ;
	    if (fnr2 % 2 == 0)
		fnr2++ ;
		fnc2 = fsize / fnr2 ;
	DEBUGm1 (("   smaller "ID"-by-"ID"\n", fnr2, fnc2)) ;
    fnr2 = MIN (fnr2, fnrows_max + nb) ;
    fnc2 = MIN (fnc2, fncols_max + nb) ;
    ASSERT (fnr2 % 2 == 1) ;
    ASSERT (fnr2 * fnc2 <= fsize) ;

    fnr2 -= nb ;
    fnc2 -= nb ;
    ASSERT (fnr2 >= 0) ;
    ASSERT (fnc2 >= 0) ;

    if (fsize > fcurr_size)
	DEBUGm1 (("   Grow front \n")) ;
	Work->do_grow = TRUE ;
	if (!UMF_grow_front (Numeric, fnr2, fnc2, Work, -1))
	    /* since the minimum front size is 1-by-1, it would be nearly
	     * impossible to run out of memory here. */
	    DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: start front\n")) ;
	    return (FALSE) ;
	/* use the existing front */
	DEBUGm1 (("   existing front ok\n")) ;
	Work->fnr_curr = fnr2 ;
	Work->fnc_curr = fnc2 ;
	Work->Flblock  = Work->Flublock + nb * nb ;
	Work->Fublock  = Work->Flblock  + nb * fnr2 ;
	Work->Fcblock  = Work->Fublock  + nb * fnc2 ;
    ASSERT (Work->Flblock  == Work->Flublock + Work->nb*Work->nb) ;
    ASSERT (Work->Fublock  == Work->Flblock  + Work->fnr_curr*Work->nb) ;
    ASSERT (Work->Fcblock  == Work->Fublock  + Work->nb*Work->fnc_curr) ;
    return (TRUE) ;
コード例 #9
ファイル: umf_create_element.c プロジェクト: naskiz/deal.II
GLOBAL Int UMF_create_element
    NumericType *Numeric,
    WorkType *Work,
    SymbolicType *Symbolic
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* local variables */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Int j, col, row, *Fcols, *Frows, fnrows, fncols, *Cols, len, needunits, t1,
        t2, size, e, i, *E, *Fcpos, *Frpos, *Rows, eloc, fnr_curr, f,
        got_memory, *Row_tuples, *Row_degree, *Row_tlen, *Col_tuples, max_mark,
        *Col_degree, *Col_tlen, nn, n_row, n_col, r2, c2, do_Fcpos ;
    Entry *C, *Fcol ;
    Element *ep ;
    Unit *p, *Memory ;
    Tuple *tp, *tp1, *tp2, tuple, *tpend ;
#ifndef NDEBUG
    UMF_dump_current_front (Numeric, Work, TRUE) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get parameters */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    ASSERT (Work->fnpiv == 0) ;
    ASSERT (Work->fnzeros == 0) ;
    Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ;
    Row_tuples = Numeric->Uip ;
    Row_tlen   = Numeric->Uilen ;
    Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ;
    Col_tuples = Numeric->Lip ;
    Col_tlen   = Numeric->Lilen ;
    n_row = Work->n_row ;
    n_col = Work->n_col ;
    nn = MAX (n_row, n_col) ;
    Fcols = Work->Fcols ;
    Frows = Work->Frows ;
    Fcpos = Work->Fcpos ;
    Frpos = Work->Frpos ;
    Memory = Numeric->Memory ;
    fncols = Work->fncols ;
    fnrows = Work->fnrows ;

    tp = (Tuple *) NULL ;
    tp1 = (Tuple *) NULL ;
    tp2 = (Tuple *) NULL ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* add the current frontal matrix to the degrees of each column */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (!Symbolic->fixQ)
        /* but only if the column ordering is not fixed */
#pragma ivdep
        for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
            /* add the current frontal matrix to the degree */
            ASSERT (Fcols [j] >= 0 && Fcols [j] < n_col) ;
            Col_degree [Fcols [j]] += fnrows ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* add the current frontal matrix to the degrees of each row */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#pragma ivdep
    for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
        /* add the current frontal matrix to the degree */
        ASSERT (Frows [i] >= 0 && Frows [i] < n_row) ;
        Row_degree [Frows [i]] += fncols ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Reset the external degree counters */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    E = Work->E ;
    max_mark = MAX_MARK (nn) ;

    if (!Work->pivcol_in_front)
        /* clear the external column degrees. no more Usons of current front */
        Work->cdeg0 += (nn + 1) ;
        if (Work->cdeg0 >= max_mark)
            /* guard against integer overflow.  This is very rare */
            DEBUG1 (("Integer overflow, cdeg\n")) ;
            Work->cdeg0 = 1 ;
#pragma ivdep
            for (e = 1 ; e <= Work->nel ; e++)
                if (E [e])
                    ep = (Element *) (Memory + E [e]) ;
                    ep->cdeg = 0 ;

    if (!Work->pivrow_in_front)
        /* clear the external row degrees.  no more Lsons of current front */
        Work->rdeg0 += (nn + 1) ;
        if (Work->rdeg0 >= max_mark)
            /* guard against integer overflow.  This is very rare */
            DEBUG1 (("Integer overflow, rdeg\n")) ;
            Work->rdeg0 = 1 ;
#pragma ivdep
            for (e = 1 ; e <= Work->nel ; e++)
                if (E [e])
                    ep = (Element *) (Memory + E [e]) ;
                    ep->rdeg = 0 ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* clear row/col offsets */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (!Work->pivrow_in_front)
#pragma ivdep
        for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
            Fcpos [Fcols [j]] = EMPTY ;

    if (!Work->pivcol_in_front)
#pragma ivdep
        for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
            Frpos [Frows [i]] = EMPTY ;

    if (fncols <= 0 || fnrows <= 0)
        /* no element to create */
        DEBUG2 (("Element evaporation\n")) ;
        Work->prior_element = EMPTY ;
        return (TRUE) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* create element for later assembly */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#ifndef NDEBUG
    UMF_allocfail = FALSE ;
    if (UMF_gprob > 0)
        double rrr = ((double) (rand ( ))) / (((double) RAND_MAX) + 1) ;
        DEBUG4 (("Check random %e %e\n", rrr, UMF_gprob)) ;
        UMF_allocfail = rrr < UMF_gprob ;
        if (UMF_allocfail) DEBUGm2 (("Random garbage collection (create)\n"));

    needunits = 0 ;
    got_memory = FALSE ;
    eloc = UMF_mem_alloc_element (Numeric, fnrows, fncols, &Rows, &Cols, &C,
                                  &needunits, &ep) ;

    /* if UMF_get_memory needs to be called */
    if (Work->do_grow)
        /* full compaction of current frontal matrix, since UMF_grow_front will
         * be called next anyway. */
        r2 = fnrows ;
        c2 = fncols ;
        do_Fcpos = FALSE ;
        /* partial compaction. */
        r2 = MAX (fnrows, Work->fnrows_new + 1) ;
        c2 = MAX (fncols, Work->fncols_new + 1) ;
        /* recompute Fcpos if pivot row is in the front */
        do_Fcpos = Work->pivrow_in_front ;

    if (!eloc)
        /* Do garbage collection, realloc, and try again. */
        /* Compact the current front if it needs to grow anyway. */
        /* Note that there are no pivot rows or columns in the current front */
        DEBUGm3 (("get_memory from umf_create_element, 1\n")) ;
        if (!UMF_get_memory (Numeric, Work, needunits, r2, c2, do_Fcpos))
            /* :: out of memory in umf_create_element (1) :: */
            DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: create element (1)\n")) ;
            return (FALSE) ;	/* out of memory */
        got_memory = TRUE ;
        Memory = Numeric->Memory ;
        eloc = UMF_mem_alloc_element (Numeric, fnrows, fncols, &Rows, &Cols, &C,
                                      &needunits, &ep) ;
        ASSERT (eloc >= 0) ;
        if (!eloc)
            /* :: out of memory in umf_create_element (2) :: */
            DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: create element (2)\n")) ;
            return (FALSE) ;	/* out of memory */

    e = ++(Work->nel) ;	/* get the name of this new frontal matrix */
    Work->prior_element = e ;
    DEBUG8 (("wrapup e "ID" nel "ID"\n", e, Work->nel)) ;

    ASSERT (e > 0 && e < Work->elen) ;
    ASSERT (E [e] == 0) ;
    E [e] = eloc ;

    if (Work->pivcol_in_front)
        /* the new element is a Uson of the next frontal matrix */
        ep->cdeg = Work->cdeg0 ;

    if (Work->pivrow_in_front)
        /* the new element is an Lson of the next frontal matrix */
        ep->rdeg = Work->rdeg0 ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* copy frontal matrix into the new element */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#pragma ivdep
    for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
        Rows [i] = Frows [i] ;
#pragma ivdep
    for (i = 0 ; i < fncols ; i++)
        Cols [i] = Fcols [i] ;
    Fcol = Work->Fcblock ;
    DEBUG0 (("copy front "ID" by "ID"\n", fnrows, fncols)) ;
    fnr_curr = Work->fnr_curr ;
    ASSERT (fnr_curr >= 0 && fnr_curr % 2 == 1) ;
    for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
        copy_column (fnrows, Fcol, C) ;
        Fcol += fnr_curr ;
        C += fnrows ;

    DEBUG8 (("element copied\n")) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* add tuples for the new element */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    tuple.e = e ;

    if (got_memory)

        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
        /* UMF_get_memory ensures enough space exists for each new tuple */
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

        /* place (e,f) in the element list of each column */
        for (tuple.f = 0 ; tuple.f < fncols ; tuple.f++)
            col = Fcols [tuple.f] ;
            ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
            ASSERT (NON_PIVOTAL_COL (col)) ;
            ASSERT (Col_tuples [col]) ;
            tp = ((Tuple *) (Memory + Col_tuples [col])) + Col_tlen [col]++ ;
            *tp = tuple ;

        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

        /* place (e,f) in the element list of each row */
        for (tuple.f = 0 ; tuple.f < fnrows ; tuple.f++)
            row = Frows [tuple.f] ;
            ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
            ASSERT (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row)) ;
            ASSERT (Row_tuples [row]) ;
            tp = ((Tuple *) (Memory + Row_tuples [row])) + Row_tlen [row]++ ;
            *tp = tuple ;


        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
        /* place (e,f) in the element list of each column */
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

        /* might not have enough space for each tuple */

        for (tuple.f = 0 ; tuple.f < fncols ; tuple.f++)
            col = Fcols [tuple.f] ;
            ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
            ASSERT (NON_PIVOTAL_COL (col)) ;
            t1 = Col_tuples [col] ;
            DEBUG1 (("Placing on col:"ID" , tuples at "ID"\n",
                     col, Col_tuples [col])) ;

            size = 0 ;
            len = 0 ;

            if (t1)
                p = Memory + t1 ;
                tp = (Tuple *) p ;
                size = GET_BLOCK_SIZE (p) ;
                len = Col_tlen [col] ;
                tp2 = tp + len ;

            needunits = UNITS (Tuple, len + 1) ;
            DEBUG1 (("len: "ID" size: "ID" needunits: "ID"\n",
                     len, size, needunits));

            if (needunits > size && t1)
                /* prune the tuples */
                tp1 = tp ;
                tp2 = tp ;
                tpend = tp + len ;
                for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
                    e = tp->e ;
                    ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
                    if (!E [e]) continue ;   /* element already deallocated */
                    f = tp->f ;
                    p = Memory + E [e] ;
                    ep = (Element *) p ;
                    p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
                    Cols = (Int *) p ;
                    if (Cols [f] == EMPTY) continue ;	/* already assembled */
                    ASSERT (col == Cols [f]) ;
                    *tp2++ = *tp ;	/* leave the tuple in the list */
                len = tp2 - tp1 ;
                Col_tlen [col] = len ;
                needunits = UNITS (Tuple, len + 1) ;

            if (needunits > size)
                /* no room exists - reallocate elsewhere */
                DEBUG1 (("REALLOCATE Col: "ID", size "ID" to "ID"\n",
                         col, size, 2*needunits)) ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
                UMF_allocfail = FALSE ;
                if (UMF_gprob > 0)  /* a double relop, but ignore NaN case */
                    double rrr = ((double) (rand ( ))) /
                                 (((double) RAND_MAX) + 1) ;
                    DEBUG1 (("Check random %e %e\n", rrr, UMF_gprob)) ;
                    UMF_allocfail = rrr < UMF_gprob ;
                    if (UMF_allocfail) DEBUGm2 (("Random gar. (col tuple)\n")) ;

                needunits = MIN (2*needunits, (Int) UNITS (Tuple, nn)) ;
                t2 = UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block (Numeric, needunits) ;
                if (!t2)
                    /* :: get memory in umf_create_element (1) :: */
                    /* get memory, reconstruct all tuple lists, and return */
                    /* Compact the current front if it needs to grow anyway. */
                    /* Note: no pivot rows or columns in the current front */
                    DEBUGm4 (("get_memory from umf_create_element, 1\n")) ;
                    return (UMF_get_memory (Numeric, Work, 0, r2, c2,do_Fcpos));
                Col_tuples [col] = t2 ;
                tp2 = (Tuple *) (Memory + t2) ;
                if (t1)
                    for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++)
                        *tp2++ = *tp1++ ;
                    UMF_mem_free_tail_block (Numeric, t1) ;

            /* place the new (e,f) tuple in the element list of the column */
            Col_tlen [col]++ ;
            *tp2 = tuple ;

        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
        /* place (e,f) in the element list of each row */
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

        for (tuple.f = 0 ; tuple.f < fnrows ; tuple.f++)
            row = Frows [tuple.f] ;
            ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
            ASSERT (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row)) ;
            t1 = Row_tuples [row] ;
            DEBUG1 (("Placing on row:"ID" , tuples at "ID"\n",
                     row, Row_tuples [row])) ;

            size = 0 ;
            len = 0 ;
            if (t1)
                p = Memory + t1 ;
                tp = (Tuple *) p ;
                size = GET_BLOCK_SIZE (p) ;
                len = Row_tlen [row] ;
                tp2 = tp + len ;

            needunits = UNITS (Tuple, len + 1) ;
            DEBUG1 (("len: "ID" size: "ID" needunits: "ID"\n",
                     len, size, needunits)) ;

            if (needunits > size && t1)
                /* prune the tuples */
                tp1 = tp ;
                tp2 = tp ;
                tpend = tp + len ;
                for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
                    e = tp->e ;
                    ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
                    if (!E [e])
                        continue ;	/* element already deallocated */
                    f = tp->f ;
                    p = Memory + E [e] ;
                    ep = (Element *) p ;
                    p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
                    Cols = (Int *) p ;
                    Rows = Cols + (ep->ncols) ;
                    if (Rows [f] == EMPTY) continue ;	/* already assembled */
                    ASSERT (row == Rows [f]) ;
                    *tp2++ = *tp ;	/* leave the tuple in the list */
                len = tp2 - tp1 ;
                Row_tlen [row] = len ;
                needunits = UNITS (Tuple, len + 1) ;

            if (needunits > size)
                /* no room exists - reallocate elsewhere */
                DEBUG1 (("REALLOCATE Row: "ID", size "ID" to "ID"\n",
                         row, size, 2*needunits)) ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
                UMF_allocfail = FALSE ;
                if (UMF_gprob > 0)  /* a double relop, but ignore NaN case */
                    double rrr = ((double) (rand ( ))) /
                                 (((double) RAND_MAX) + 1) ;
                    DEBUG1 (("Check random %e %e\n", rrr, UMF_gprob)) ;
                    UMF_allocfail = rrr < UMF_gprob ;
                    if (UMF_allocfail) DEBUGm2 (("Random gar. (row tuple)\n")) ;

                needunits = MIN (2*needunits, (Int) UNITS (Tuple, nn)) ;
                t2 = UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block (Numeric, needunits) ;
                if (!t2)
                    /* :: get memory in umf_create_element (2) :: */
                    /* get memory, reconstruct all tuple lists, and return */
                    /* Compact the current front if it needs to grow anyway. */
                    /* Note: no pivot rows or columns in the current front */
                    DEBUGm4 (("get_memory from umf_create_element, 2\n")) ;
                    return (UMF_get_memory (Numeric, Work, 0, r2, c2,do_Fcpos));
                Row_tuples [row] = t2 ;
                tp2 = (Tuple *) (Memory + t2) ;
                if (t1)
                    for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++)
                        *tp2++ = *tp1++ ;
                    UMF_mem_free_tail_block (Numeric, t1) ;

            /* place the new (e,f) tuple in the element list of the row */
            Row_tlen [row]++ ;
            *tp2 = tuple ;


    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#ifndef NDEBUG
    DEBUG1 (("Done extending\nFINAL: element row pattern: len="ID"\n", fncols));
    for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++) DEBUG1 ((""ID"\n", Fcols [j])) ;
    DEBUG1 (("FINAL: element col pattern:  len="ID"\n", fnrows)) ;
    for (j = 0 ; j < fnrows ; j++) DEBUG1 ((""ID"\n", Frows [j])) ;
    for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
        col = Fcols [j] ;
        ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
        UMF_dump_rowcol (1, Numeric, Work, col, !Symbolic->fixQ) ;
    for (j = 0 ; j < fnrows ; j++)
        row = Frows [j] ;
        ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
        UMF_dump_rowcol (0, Numeric, Work, row, TRUE) ;
    if (n_row < 1000 && n_col < 1000)
        UMF_dump_memory (Numeric) ;
    DEBUG1 (("New element, after filling with stuff: "ID"\n", e)) ;
    UMF_dump_element (Numeric, Work, e, TRUE) ;
    if (nn < 1000)
        DEBUG4 (("Matrix dump, after New element: "ID"\n", e)) ;
        UMF_dump_matrix (Numeric, Work, TRUE) ;

    return (TRUE) ;