コード例 #1
ファイル: jswrap_spi_i2c.c プロジェクト: RobinLin/Espruino
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "I2C",
  "name" : "readFrom",
  "generate" : "jswrap_i2c_readFrom",
  "params" : [
    ["address","JsVar","The 7 bit address of the device to request bytes from, or an object of the form `{address:12, stop:false}` to send this data without a STOP signal."],
    ["quantity","int32","The number of bytes to request"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","The data that was returned - as a Uint8Array"],
  "return_object" : "Uint8Array"
Request bytes from the given slave device, and return them as a Uint8Array (packed array of bytes). This is like using Arduino Wire's requestFrom, available and read functions.  Sends a STOP
JsVar *jswrap_i2c_readFrom(JsVar *parent, JsVar *addressVar, int nBytes) {
  IOEventFlags device = jsiGetDeviceFromClass(parent);
  if (!DEVICE_IS_I2C(device)) return 0;

  bool sendStop = true;
  int address = i2c_get_address(addressVar, &sendStop);

  if (nBytes<=0)
    return 0;
  if ((unsigned int)nBytes+256 > jsuGetFreeStack()) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Not enough free stack to receive this amount of data");
    return 0;
  unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)alloca((size_t)nBytes);

  jshI2CRead(device, (unsigned char)address, nBytes, buf, sendStop);

  JsVar *array = jsvNewTypedArray(ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_UINT8, nBytes);
  if (array) {
    JsvArrayBufferIterator it;
    jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, array, 0);
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=0;i<(unsigned)nBytes;i++) {
      jsvArrayBufferIteratorSetByteValue(&it, (char)buf[i]);
  return array;
コード例 #2
ファイル: jswrap_spi_i2c.c プロジェクト: RobinLin/Espruino
void jswrap_i2c_writeTo(JsVar *parent, JsVar *addressVar, JsVar *args) {
  IOEventFlags device = jsiGetDeviceFromClass(parent);
  if (!DEVICE_IS_I2C(device)) return;

  bool sendStop = true;
  int address = i2c_get_address(addressVar, &sendStop);

  size_t l = (size_t)jsvIterateCallbackCount(args);
  if (l+256 > jsuGetFreeStack()) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Not enough free stack to send this amount of data");

  unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *)alloca(l);
  jsvIterateCallbackToBytes(args, data, l);

  jshI2CWrite(device, (unsigned char)address, l, data, sendStop);
コード例 #3
ファイル: jswrap_spi_i2c.c プロジェクト: RobinLin/Espruino
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "I2C",
  "name" : "setup",
  "generate" : "jswrap_i2c_setup",
  "params" : [
    ["options","JsVar",["An optional structure containing extra information on initialising the I2C port","```{scl:pin, sda:pin, bitrate:100000}```","You can find out which pins to use by looking at [your board's reference page](#boards) and searching for pins with the `I2C` marker. Note that 400000kHz is the maximum bitrate for most parts."]]
Set up this I2C port

If not specified in options, the default pins are used (usually the lowest numbered pins on the lowest port that supports this peripheral)
void jswrap_i2c_setup(JsVar *parent, JsVar *options) {
  IOEventFlags device = jsiGetDeviceFromClass(parent);
  if (!DEVICE_IS_I2C(device)) return;
  JshI2CInfo inf;
  if (jsvIsObject(options)) {
    inf.pinSCL = jshGetPinFromVarAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "scl", 0));
    inf.pinSDA = jshGetPinFromVarAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "sda", 0));
    JsVar *v = jsvObjectGetChild(options, "bitrate", 0);
    if (v)
      inf.bitrate = jsvGetIntegerAndUnLock(v);
  jshI2CSetup(device, &inf);
  // Set up options, so we can initialise it on startup
  if (options)
    jsvUnLock(jsvSetNamedChild(parent, options, DEVICE_OPTIONS_NAME));
    jsvRemoveNamedChild(parent, DEVICE_OPTIONS_NAME);
コード例 #4
ファイル: jswrap_wice.c プロジェクト: WiceAS/Espruino
void doMeasurement() {

  JsVar *i2c1 = jspGetNamedField(execInfo.root, "I2C1", false);
  IOEventFlags device = jsiGetDeviceFromClass(i2c1);
  if (!DEVICE_IS_I2C(device)) {
    blink(PIN_RED, 100); 

  unsigned char dataPtr[2];

  jshI2CWrite(device, (unsigned char)(CMD_TEMP_ADDR), 1, (unsigned char*)dataPtr, true);
  int i = 0;
  for (i=0; i<2; i++) { dataPtr[i] = 0; }
  jshI2CRead(device, (unsigned char)CMD_TEMP_ADDR, 2, (unsigned char*)dataPtr, true);

  int temp = ((dataPtr[0] * 256) + dataPtr[1]);
  /// http://www.silabs.com/Support%20Documents/TechnicalDocs/Si7050-1-3-4-5-A20.pdf#page=14
  JsVarFloat realTemp = ((175.72f * temp) / 65536.0f) - 46.85f;

  char temperatureBuffer[6] = {0};
  ftoa_bounded(realTemp, temperatureBuffer, 5);
  temperatureBuffer[5] = '\0';

  char serialNumber[SERIAL_LEN] = {0};
  getSerial(serialNumber, SERIAL_LEN);

  /// Generate the JSON that we send to gateway skyand then to API{\"nodeSerial\":\"%s\",\"channel\":\"temp\",\"value\":\"%s\",\"metric\":\"c\"}');", serialNumber + SERIAL_OFFSE
  if (doTimeout) { //regular message
    messageVar = jsvVarPrintf("{\"ns\":\"%s\",\"ch\":\"t\",\"v\":\"%s\",\"m\":\"c\"}", serialNumber + SERIAL_OFFSET, temperatureBuffer);
  } else { //this only happens if we forced the read
    messageVar = jsvVarPrintf("{\"ns\":\"%s\",\"ch\":\"t\",\"v\":\"%s\",\"m\":\"c\",\"f\":\"y\"}", serialNumber + SERIAL_OFFSET, temperatureBuffer);
  WDEBUG("sending on DASH: "); WDEBUGSTRVAR(messageVar); WDEBUGLN("");
  JsVar *serial = jspGetNamedField(execInfo.root, SERIAL1_DASH7, false);
  jswrap_serial_print(serial, messageVar);
  transmittingData = true; // see jswrap_wice_idle