コード例 #1
ファイル: daoInterface.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/dao
int DaoInterface_BindTo( DaoInterface *self, DaoType *type, DMap *binds )
	DNode *it;
	DMap *newbinds = NULL;
	DList *methods;
	void *pvoid[2];
	daoint i, n, bl;

	/* XXX locking */
	if( type->interfaces == NULL ) type->interfaces = DHash_New( DAO_DATA_VALUE, 0 );

	pvoid[0] = type;
	pvoid[1] = self->abtype;
	if( (it = DMap_Find( type->interfaces, self )) ) return it->value.pVoid != NULL;
	if( binds && DMap_Find( binds, pvoid ) ) return 1;
	if( binds ==NULL ) newbinds = binds = DHash_New( DAO_DATA_VOID2, 0 );
	DaoInterface_TempBind( self, type, binds );
	methods = DList_New(0);
	DMap_SortMethods( self->methods, methods );
	bl = DaoInterface_CheckBind( methods, type, binds );
	DList_Delete( methods );
	if( newbinds ) DMap_Delete( newbinds );
	DMap_Insert( type->interfaces, self, bl ? self : NULL );
	if( bl == 0 ) return 0;
	for(i=0,n=self->supers->size; i<n; i++){
		DaoInterface *super = (DaoInterface*) self->supers->items.pValue[i];
		if( DMap_Find( type->interfaces, super ) ) continue;
		DMap_Insert( type->interfaces, super, super );
	return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: daoTasklet.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/dao
static int DaoCallServer_CheckEvent( DaoTaskEvent *event, DaoFuture *fut, DaoChannel *chan )
	DaoTaskEvent event2 = *event;
	daoint i, move = 0, closed = 0;
	switch( event->type ){
		move = event->future->precond == fut;
		if( event->channel == chan ){
			move = chan->buffer->size > 0;
			move |= chan->cap <= 0 && chan->buffer->size == 0;
		move = event->channel == chan && chan->buffer->size < chan->cap;
		if( event->selects == NULL ) break;
		if( fut  ) move |= DMap_Find( event->selects->value, fut ) != NULL;
		if( chan ) move |= DMap_Find( event->selects->value, chan ) != NULL;
		//move = DaoTaskEvent_CheckSelect( event );
	default: break;
	return move;
コード例 #3
ファイル: daoInterface.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/dao
int DaoInterface_CheckBind( DList *methods, DaoType *type, DMap *binds )
	DNode *it;
	DaoRoutine *rout2;
	daoint i, n, id;
	if( type->tid == DAO_OBJECT || type->tid == DAO_CLASS ){
		DaoClass *klass = & type->aux->xClass;
		for(i=0,n=methods->size; i<n; i++){
			DaoRoutine *rout = methods->items.pRoutine[i];
			rout2 = klass->initRoutines;
			if( !(rout->attribs & DAO_ROUT_INITOR) ){
				id = DaoClass_FindConst( klass, rout->routName );
				if( id <0 ) return 0;
				rout2 = (DaoRoutine*) DaoClass_GetConst( klass, id );
				if( rout2->type != DAO_ROUTINE ) return 0;
			/*printf( "AAA: %s %s\n", rout->routType->name->chars,rout2->routType->name->chars);*/
			if( DaoRoutine_IsCompatible( rout2, rout->routType, binds ) ==0 ) return 0;
	}else if( type->tid == DAO_INTERFACE ){
		DaoInterface *inter = (DaoInterface*) type->aux;
		for(i=0,n=methods->size; i<n; i++){
			DaoRoutine *rout = methods->items.pRoutine[i];
			DString *name = rout->routName;
			if( rout->attribs & DAO_ROUT_INITOR ) name = inter->abtype->name;
			it = DMap_Find( inter->methods, name );
			if( it == NULL ) return 0;
			if( DaoRoutine_IsCompatible( it->value.pRoutine, rout->routType, binds ) ==0 ) return 0;
	}else if( type->tid == DAO_CINVALUE ){
		DaoCinType *cintype = (DaoCinType*) type->aux;
		for(i=0,n=methods->size; i<n; i++){
			DaoRoutine *rout = methods->items.pRoutine[i];
			DString *name = rout->routName;
			if( rout->attribs & DAO_ROUT_INITOR ) name = cintype->vatype->name;
			it = DMap_Find( cintype->methods, name );
			if( it == NULL ) return 0;
			if( DaoRoutine_IsCompatible( it->value.pRoutine, rout->routType, binds ) ==0 ) return 0;
		for(i=0,n=methods->size; i<n; i++){
			DaoRoutine *rout = methods->items.pRoutine[i];
			DString *name = rout->routName;
			DaoRoutine *func;
			if( rout->attribs & DAO_ROUT_INITOR ) name = type->name;
			func = DaoType_FindFunction( type, name );
			if( func == NULL ) return 0;
			if( DaoRoutine_IsCompatible( func, rout->routType, binds ) ==0 ) return 0;
	return 1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: daoThread.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/dao
static void DaoMT_Critical( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int n )
	void *key;
	DNode *it;
	DMap *cache = (DMap*) DaoProcess_GetAuxData( proc, DaoMT_ProcMutexCache );
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoProcess_InitCodeSection( proc, 0 );
	DaoRoutine *routine = proc->activeRoutine;

	if( sect == NULL ) return;

	/* Get the original routine, if this one is a specialized copy: */
	while( routine->original ) routine = routine->original;

	// Use "routine + sect->c" instead of "sect" as the key for mutex,
	// as "sect" may be different for different copy of specialized routine.
	// But "sect->c" won't change after being set during compiling.
	key = routine + sect->c;

	if( cache == NULL ){
		cache = DHash_New(0,0); /* Local cache is used to avoid extra locking; */
		DaoProcess_SetAuxData( proc, DaoMT_ProcMutexCache, cache );
	it = DMap_Find( cache, key ); /* Check local cache first; */
	if( it == NULL ) it = DMap_Insert( cache, key, DaoMT_GetMutex( routine, key ) );
	DMutex_Lock( (DMutex*) it->value.pVoid );
	DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
	DMutex_Unlock( (DMutex*) it->value.pVoid );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
コード例 #5
ファイル: daoObject.c プロジェクト: cgbystrom/scriptorium
int DaoObject_GetData( DaoObject *self, DString *name, DaoValue **data, DaoObject *othis )
	DNode *node;
	DaoValue *p = NULL;
	DaoClass *klass = self->defClass;
	DaoObject *null = & klass->objType->value->xObject;
	int child = othis && DaoObject_ChildOf( (DaoValue*)othis, (DaoValue*)self );
	int id, st, up, pm, access;

	*data = NULL;
	node = DMap_Find( self->defClass->lookupTable, name );
	if( node == NULL ) return DAO_ERROR_FIELD_NOTEXIST;

	pm = LOOKUP_PM( node->value.pInt );
	st = LOOKUP_ST( node->value.pInt );
	up = LOOKUP_UP( node->value.pInt );
	id = LOOKUP_ID( node->value.pInt );
	if( self == null && st == DAO_OBJECT_VARIABLE ) return DAO_ERROR_FIELD_NOTPERMIT;
	access = othis == self || pm == DAO_PERM_PUBLIC || (child && pm >= DAO_PERM_PROTECTED);
	if( access == 0 ) return DAO_ERROR_FIELD_NOTPERMIT;
	switch( st ){
	case DAO_OBJECT_VARIABLE : p = self->objValues[id]; break;
	case DAO_CLASS_VARIABLE  : p = klass->variables->items.pVar[id]->value; break;
	case DAO_CLASS_CONSTANT  : p = klass->constants->items.pConst[id]->value; break;
	default : break;
	*data = p;
	return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: daoObject.c プロジェクト: cosim/dao
static void DaoObject_Print( DaoValue *self0, DaoProcess *proc, DaoStream *stream, DMap *cycData )
	int ec;
	char buf[50];
	DaoObject *self = & self0->xObject;
	sprintf( buf, "[%p]", self );
	if( self0 == self->defClass->objType->value ){
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, self->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "[null]" );
	if( cycData != NULL && DMap_Find( cycData, self ) != NULL ){
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, self->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	if( cycData ) MAP_Insert( cycData, self, self );

	DString_SetChars( proc->mbstring, "serialize" );
	DaoValue_Clear( & proc->stackValues[0] );
	ec = DaoObject_InvokeMethod( self, proc->activeObject, proc, proc->mbstring, NULL,0,1,1 );
	if( ec && ec != DAO_ERROR_FIELD_NOTEXIST ){
		DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, daoExceptionNames[ec], proc->mbstring->chars, NULL );
	}else if( ec == DAO_ERROR_FIELD_NOTEXIST || proc->stackValues[0] == NULL ){
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, self->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
		DaoValue_Print( proc->stackValues[0], proc, stream, cycData );
コード例 #7
ファイル: dao_font.c プロジェクト: dreamsxin/DaoGraphics-1
DaoxGlyph* DaoxFont_GetGlyph( DaoxFont *self, size_t codepoint )
	DNode *node = DMap_Find( self->glyphs, (void*) codepoint );

	if( node ) return (DaoxGlyph*) node->value.pVoid;
	return DaoxFont_LoadGlyph( self, codepoint );
コード例 #8
ファイル: dao_profiler.c プロジェクト: cgbystrom/scriptorium
static DaoComplex* DaoProcess_GetTimeData( DaoProcess *self, DaoStackFrame *frame )
	DaoComplex com = {DAO_COMPLEX,0,0,0,1,{0.0,0.0}};
	DMap *mapTime = DaoProcess_GetTimeMap( self );
	DNode *it = DMap_Find( mapTime, frame );
	if( it == NULL ) it = DMap_Insert( mapTime, frame, & com );
	return (DaoComplex*) it->value.pValue;
コード例 #9
ファイル: daoMacro.c プロジェクト: hooloong/dao
/* Find a leaf at the level.
static DMacroNode* DMacroNode_FindLeaf( DMacroNode *self, DMap *check, int level )
	DNode *used = DMap_Find( check, self );
	DMacroNode *node;
	daoint j;
	/* for variable not in a group */
	if( self->level == level+1 && self->leaves->size && used ==NULL ) return self;
	for(j=0; j<self->nodes->size; j++){
		node = (DMacroNode*) self->nodes->items.pVoid[j];
		if( node->level == level+1 ){ /* leaf is a node inside of a node */
			used = DMap_Find( check, node );
			if( node->leaves->size && used == NULL ) return node;
		node = DMacroNode_FindLeaf( node, check, level );
		if( node ) return node;
	return NULL;
コード例 #10
ファイル: daoClass.c プロジェクト: wherby/dao
static int DaoClass_MapIndex( DaoClass *mixin, int st, int id, DMap *mixed )
	int offset = 0;
	DaoClass *mx = DaoClass_FindMixin( mixin, st, id, & offset );
	DNode *it = DMap_Find( mixed, mx );
	if( it != NULL ) it = MAP_Find( it->value.pMap, LOOKUP_BIND( st, 0, 0, id-offset ) );
	if( it != NULL ) return LOOKUP_ID( it->value.pInt );
	return id;
コード例 #11
ファイル: daoValue.c プロジェクト: daokoder/dao
int DaoValue_CompareExt( DaoValue *left, DaoValue *right, DMap *cycmap )
	DMap *input = cycmap;
	void *pters[2];
	int res = 0;

	if( left == right ) return 0;
	if( left == NULL || right == NULL ) return left < right ? -100 : 100;
	if( left->type != right->type ){
		double L, R;
		res = left->type < right->type ? -100 : 100;
		if( left->type < DAO_BOOLEAN || left->type > DAO_FLOAT ) return res;
		if( right->type < DAO_BOOLEAN || right->type > DAO_FLOAT ) return res;
		L = DaoValue_GetFloat( left );
		R = DaoValue_GetFloat( right );
		return L == R ? 0 : (L < R ? -1 : 1);
	switch( left->type ){
	case DAO_TUPLE   :
	case DAO_LIST    :
	case DAO_OBJECT  :
	case DAO_CDATA   :
		pters[0] = left;
		pters[1] = right;
		if( cycmap != NULL ){
			DNode *it = DMap_Find( cycmap, pters );
			if( it != NULL ) return left < right ? -100 : 100;
		if( cycmap == NULL ) cycmap = DHash_New(DAO_DATA_VOID2,0);
		DMap_Insert( cycmap, pters, NULL );
	switch( left->type ){
	case DAO_NONE : break;
	case DAO_BOOLEAN : res = number_compare( left->xBoolean.value, right->xBoolean.value ); break;
	case DAO_INTEGER : res = number_compare( left->xInteger.value, right->xInteger.value ); break;
	case DAO_FLOAT   : res = number_compare( left->xFloat.value, right->xFloat.value ); break;
	case DAO_COMPLEX : res = DaoComplex_Compare( (DaoComplex*) left, (DaoComplex*) right ); break;
	case DAO_STRING  : res = DString_CompareUTF8( left->xString.value, right->xString.value ); break;
	case DAO_ENUM    : res = DaoEnum_Compare( (DaoEnum*) left, (DaoEnum*) right ); break;
	case DAO_TUPLE   : res = DaoTuple_Compare( (DaoTuple*) left, (DaoTuple*) right, cycmap ); break;
	case DAO_LIST    : res = DaoList_Compare( (DaoList*) left, (DaoList*) right, cycmap ); break;
	case DAO_OBJECT  : res = DaoObject_Compare( (DaoObject*)left, (DaoObject*)right, cycmap ); break;
	case DAO_CDATA   :
	case DAO_CSTRUCT : res = DaoCstruct_Compare( (DaoCstruct*)left, (DaoCstruct*)right, cycmap ); break;
	case DAO_TYPE    : res = DaoType_Compare( (DaoType*) left, (DaoType*) right ); break;
	case DAO_ARRAY   : res = DaoArray_Compare( (DaoArray*) left, (DaoArray*) right ); break;
	default: res = left < right ? -100 : 100; break; /* Needed for map; */
	if( cycmap != input ) DMap_Delete( cycmap );
	return res;
コード例 #12
ファイル: daoThread.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/dao
static DMutex* DaoMT_GetMutex( DaoRoutine *routine, void *key )
	DNode *it;
	DMap *mutexes;
	DMutex *mutex = NULL;

	DMutex_Lock( & mainVmSpace->miscMutex );
	it = DMap_Find( routine->body->aux, DaoMT_RoutMutexSet );
	if( it == NULL ) it = DMap_Insert( routine->body->aux, DaoMT_RoutMutexSet, DHash_New(0,0) );
	mutexes = (DMap*) it->value.pVoid;
	it = DMap_Find( mutexes, key );
	if( it == NULL ){
		mutex = (DMutex*) dao_calloc(1,sizeof(DMutex));
		DMutex_Init( mutex );
		DMap_Insert( mutexes, key, mutex );
		mutex = (DMutex*) it->value.pVoid;
	DMutex_Unlock( & mainVmSpace->miscMutex );
	return mutex;
コード例 #13
ファイル: dao_dataframe.c プロジェクト: hooloong/dao
daoint DaoxDataFrame_GetIndex( DaoxDataFrame *self, int dim, const char *label )
	DString slab = DString_WrapMBS( label );
	DMap *labmap = NULL;
	DNode *it;
	if( dim < 0 || dim >= 3 ) return -1;
	if( self->groups[dim] >= self->labels[dim]->size ) return -1;
	labmap = self->labels[dim]->items.pMap[ self->groups[dim] ];
	it = labmap == NULL ? NULL : DMap_Find( labmap, & slab );
	if( it ) return it->value.pInt;
	return -1;
コード例 #14
ファイル: daoValue.c プロジェクト: daokoder/dao
void DaoValue_SetType( DaoValue *to, DaoType *tp )
	DaoVmSpace *vms;
	DaoType *tp2;
	DNode *it;
	if( to->type != tp->tid && tp->tid != DAO_ANY ) return;
	if( tp->attrib & DAO_TYPE_SPEC ) return;
	switch( to->type ){
	case DAO_ARRAY :
		if( to->xArray.size ) return;
		if( tp->tid != DAO_ARRAY || tp->args == NULL || tp->args->size == 0 ) break;
		tp = tp->args->items.pType[0];
		if( tp->tid == DAO_NONE || tp->tid > DAO_COMPLEX ) break;
		DaoArray_SetNumType( (DaoArray*) to, tp->tid );
	case DAO_LIST :
		/* var x: any = {}, x->ctype should be list<any> */
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ){
			vms = DaoType_GetVmSpace( tp );
			tp = vms->typeListAny;
		if( to->xList.ctype && !(to->xList.ctype->attrib & DAO_TYPE_UNDEF) ) break;
		GC_Assign( & to->xList.ctype, tp );
	case DAO_MAP :
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ){
			vms = DaoType_GetVmSpace( tp );
			tp = vms->typeMapAny;
		if( to->xMap.ctype && !(to->xMap.ctype->attrib & DAO_TYPE_UNDEF) ) break;
		GC_Assign( & to->xMap.ctype, tp );
	case DAO_TUPLE :
		tp2 = to->xTuple.ctype;
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ) break;
		if( tp->args->size ==0 ) break; /* not to the generic tuple type */
		if( tp2 == NULL || tp2->mapNames == NULL || tp2->mapNames->size ==0 ){
			GC_Assign( & to->xTuple.ctype, tp );
		if( tp->mapNames == NULL || tp->mapNames->size ) break;
		for(it=DMap_First(tp2->mapNames); it!=NULL; it=DMap_Next(tp2->mapNames, it)){
			if( DMap_Find( tp->mapNames, it->key.pVoid ) == NULL ) break;
		if( it ) break;
		GC_Assign( & to->xTuple.ctype, tp );
	default : break;
コード例 #15
ファイル: daoInterface.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/dao
static void DaoInterface_TempBind( DaoInterface *self, DaoType *type, DMap *binds )
	daoint i, N = self->supers->size;
	void *pvoid[2];
	pvoid[0] = type;
	pvoid[1] = self->abtype;
	if( DMap_Find( binds, pvoid ) ) return;
	DMap_Insert( binds, pvoid, NULL );
	for(i=0; i<N; i++){
		DaoInterface *super = (DaoInterface*) self->supers->items.pValue[i];
		DaoInterface_TempBind( super, type, binds );
コード例 #16
ファイル: daoClass.c プロジェクト: wherby/dao
static void DaoClass_SetupMethodFields( DaoClass *self, DaoMethodFields *mf )
	DaoValue *cst;
	DMap *overloads = DMap_New(D_STRING,0);
	DNode *it, *search;
	daoint i, id, pm, pm2;

	for(i=0; i<mf->names->size; ++i){
		DString *name = mf->names->items.pString[i];
		it = DMap_Find( self->lookupTable, name );
		if( it == NULL ) continue;
		if( LOOKUP_ST( it->value.pInt ) != DAO_CLASS_CONSTANT ) continue;

		id = LOOKUP_ID( it->value.pInt );
		DMap_Insert( overloads, name, self->constants->items.pConst[id]->value );

	for(i=0; i<mf->names->size; ++i){
		DString *name = mf->names->items.pString[i];
		it = DMap_Find( self->lookupTable, name );
		if( it == NULL ) continue;
		if( LOOKUP_ST( it->value.pInt ) != DAO_CLASS_CONSTANT ) continue;

		cst = mf->routines->items.pValue[i];
		search = DMap_Find( overloads, name );
		if( cst == search->value.pValue ) continue;

		pm = LOOKUP_PM( it->value.pInt );
		pm2 = mf->perms->items.pInt[i];
		if( pm2 > pm ) pm = pm2;
		// Add again the overloaded methods, so that a new overloading structure
		// will be created for the host class. This is necessary to avoid messing
		// the function calls in the methods of the mixins.
		DaoClass_AddConst( self, name, cst, pm );
	DMap_Delete( overloads );
コード例 #17
ファイル: daoInterface.c プロジェクト: daokoder/dao
DaoRoutine* DaoInterface_BindTo( DaoInterface *self, DaoType *type, DMap *binds )
	DNode *it;
	DMap *newbinds = NULL;
	DList *methods;
	DaoRoutine *incompatible;
	void *pvoid[2];
	daoint i, n;

	if( self->abtype->kernel->SetupMethods ){
		DaoTypeKernel *kernel = self->abtype->kernel;
		kernel->SetupMethods( kernel->nspace, self->abtype->core );

	/* XXX locking */
	if( type->interfaces == NULL ){
		type->interfaces = DHash_New( DAO_DATA_VALUE, DAO_DATA_VALUE );

	pvoid[0] = type;
	pvoid[1] = self->abtype;
	if( (it = DMap_Find( type->interfaces, self )) ) return it->value.pRoutine;
	if( binds && DMap_Find( binds, pvoid ) ) return NULL;
	if( binds ==NULL ) newbinds = binds = DHash_New( DAO_DATA_VOID2, 0 );
	DaoInterface_TempBind( self, type, binds );
	methods = DList_New(0);
	DMap_SortMethods( self->methods, methods );
	incompatible = DaoInterface_CheckBind( methods, type, binds );
	DList_Delete( methods );
	if( newbinds ) DMap_Delete( newbinds );
	DMap_Insert( type->interfaces, self, incompatible );
	if( incompatible ) return incompatible;
	for(i=0,n=self->bases->size; i<n; i++){
		DaoInterface *base = (DaoInterface*) self->bases->items.pValue[i];
		if( DMap_Find( type->interfaces, base ) ) continue;
		DMap_Insert( type->interfaces, base, NULL );
	return NULL;
コード例 #18
ファイル: daoInterface.c プロジェクト: daokoder/dao
static int DaoInterface_CheckMethod( DaoRoutine *routine, DaoType *type, DMap *binds )
	DaoRoutine *method = NULL;
	DNode *it;

	if( type->tid == DAO_OBJECT || type->tid == DAO_CLASS ){
		DaoClass *klass = & type->aux->xClass;
		method = klass->initRoutines;
		if( !(routine->attribs & DAO_ROUT_INITOR) ){
			int id = DaoClass_FindConst( klass, routine->routName );
			if( id <0 ) return 0;
			method = (DaoRoutine*) DaoClass_GetConst( klass, id );
			if( method->type != DAO_ROUTINE ) return 0;
	}else if( type->tid == DAO_INTERFACE ){
		DaoInterface *inter = (DaoInterface*) type->aux;
		DString *name = routine->routName;
		if( routine->attribs & DAO_ROUT_INITOR ) name = inter->abtype->name;
		it = DMap_Find( inter->methods, name );
		if( it != NULL ) method = it->value.pRoutine;
	}else if( type->tid == DAO_CINVALUE ){
		DaoCinType *cintype = (DaoCinType*) type->aux;
		DString *name = routine->routName;
		if( routine->attribs & DAO_ROUT_INITOR ) name = cintype->vatype->name;
		it = DMap_Find( cintype->methods, name );
		if( it == NULL && cintype->target != NULL ){
			return DaoInterface_CheckMethod( routine, cintype->target, binds );
		if( it != NULL ) method = it->value.pRoutine;
		DString *name = routine->routName;
		if( routine->attribs & DAO_ROUT_INITOR ) name = type->name;
		method = DaoType_FindFunction( type, name );
	if( method == NULL ) return 0;
	/*printf( "AAA: %s %s\n", routine->routType->name->chars,method->routType->name->chars);*/
	return DaoRoutine_IsCompatible( method, routine->routType, binds );
コード例 #19
ファイル: daoInterface.c プロジェクト: daokoder/dao
int DaoType_MatchInterface( DaoType *self, DaoInterface *inter, DMap *binds )
	DMap *inters = self->interfaces;
	DNode *it;

	if( inter == NULL ) return DAO_MT_NOT;
	if( inters == NULL ){
		return DAO_MT_SUB * (DaoInterface_BindTo( inter, self, binds ) == NULL);
	if( (it = DMap_Find( inters, inter )) ){
		return it->value.pRoutine ? DAO_MT_NOT : DAO_MT_SUB;
	return DAO_MT_SUB * (DaoInterface_BindTo( inter, self, binds ) == NULL);
コード例 #20
ファイル: daoInterface.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/dao
int DaoType_MatchInterface( DaoType *self, DaoInterface *inter, DMap *binds )
	DMap *inters = self->interfaces;
	DNode *it;
	daoint i;
	if( inter == NULL ) return DAO_MT_NOT;
	if( inter->abtype->kernel->SetupMethods ){
		DaoTypeKernel *kernel = inter->abtype->kernel;
		kernel->SetupMethods( kernel->nspace, kernel->typer );
	if( inters == NULL ) return DAO_MT_SUB * DaoInterface_BindTo( inter, self, binds );
	if( (it = DMap_Find( inters, inter )) ) return it->value.pVoid ? DAO_MT_SUB : DAO_MT_NOT;
	return DAO_MT_SUB * DaoInterface_BindTo( inter, self, binds );
コード例 #21
ファイル: dao_xml.c プロジェクト: dreamsxin/DaoGraphics-1
int DaoXmlParser_ParseFormatedChar( DaoXmlParser *self, DString *string )
	DNode *it;
	if( *self->source != '&' ){
		DString_AppendChar( string, *self->source );
		self->source += 1;
		return 0;
	if( DaoXmlParser_ParseEscapedChar( self, self->escape ) ) return 1;
	it = DMap_Find( self->escapes, self->escape );
	if( it == NULL ) return 1;
	DString_Append( string, it->value.pString );
	return 0;
コード例 #22
ファイル: dao_profiler.c プロジェクト: cgbystrom/scriptorium
static void DaoxProfiler_Update( DaoxProfiler *self, DaoStackFrame *frame, double time )
	DaoComplex com = {DAO_COMPLEX,0,0,0,1,{0.0,0.0}};
	DaoRoutine *caller = frame->prev ? frame->prev->routine : NULL;
	DaoRoutine *callee = frame->routine;
	DNode *it, *it2;

	if( frame->returning == 0xffff ) caller = NULL;
	while( caller && caller->original ) caller = caller->original;
	while( callee && callee->original ) callee = callee->original;

	DMutex_Lock( & self->mutex );
		it = DMap_Find( self->profile, callee );
		if( it == NULL ) it = DMap_Insert( self->profile, callee, self->one );

		it2 = DMap_Find( it->value.pMap, caller );
		if( it2 == NULL ) it2 = DMap_Insert( it->value.pMap, caller, & com );
		it2->value.pValue->xComplex.value.real += time;
		it2->value.pValue->xComplex.value.imag += 1;
	DMutex_Unlock( & self->mutex );
コード例 #23
ファイル: daoValue.c プロジェクト: wherby/dao
void DaoValue_SetType( DaoValue *to, DaoType *tp )
	DaoType *tp2;
	DNode *it;
	if( to->type != tp->tid && tp->tid != DAO_ANY ) return;
	if( tp->attrib & DAO_TYPE_SPEC ) return;
	switch( to->type ){
	case DAO_ARRAY :
		if( to->xArray.size ) return;
		if( tp->tid != DAO_ARRAY || tp->nested == NULL || tp->nested->size == 0 ) break;
		tp = tp->nested->items.pType[0];
		if( tp->tid == DAO_NONE || tp->tid > DAO_COMPLEX ) break;
		DaoArray_SetNumType( (DaoArray*) to, tp->tid );
	case DAO_LIST :
		/* v : any = {}, v->unitype should be list<any> */
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ) tp = dao_list_any;
		if( to->xList.unitype && !(to->xList.unitype->attrib & DAO_TYPE_UNDEF) ) break;
		GC_ShiftRC( tp, to->xList.unitype );
		to->xList.unitype = tp;
	case DAO_MAP :
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ) tp = dao_map_any;
		if( to->xMap.unitype && !(to->xMap.unitype->attrib & DAO_TYPE_UNDEF) ) break;
		GC_ShiftRC( tp, to->xMap.unitype );
		to->xMap.unitype = tp;
	case DAO_TUPLE :
		tp2 = to->xTuple.unitype;
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ) break;
		if( tp->nested->size ==0 ) break; /* not to the generic tuple type */
		if( tp2 == NULL || tp2->mapNames == NULL || tp2->mapNames->size ==0 ){
			GC_ShiftRC( tp, to->xTuple.unitype );
			to->xTuple.unitype = tp;
		if( tp->mapNames == NULL || tp->mapNames->size ) break;
		for(it=DMap_First(tp2->mapNames); it!=NULL; it=DMap_Next(tp2->mapNames, it)){
			if( DMap_Find( tp->mapNames, it->key.pVoid ) == NULL ) break;
		if( it ) break;
		GC_ShiftRC( tp, to->xTuple.unitype );
		to->xTuple.unitype = tp;
	default : break;
コード例 #24
ファイル: daoClass.c プロジェクト: wherby/dao
static void DaoClass_SetField( DaoValue *self0, DaoProcess *proc, DString *name, DaoValue *value )
	DaoClass *self = & self0->xClass;
	DNode *node = DMap_Find( self->lookupTable, name );
	if( node && LOOKUP_ST( node->value.pInt ) == DAO_CLASS_VARIABLE ){
		int up = LOOKUP_UP( node->value.pInt );
		int id = LOOKUP_ID( node->value.pInt );
		DaoVariable *dt = self->variables->items.pVar[id];
		if( DaoValue_Move( value, & dt->value, dt->dtype ) ==0 )
			DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_ERROR_PARAM, "not matched" );
		/* XXX permission */
		DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_ERROR_FIELD, "not exist" );
コード例 #25
ファイル: daoValue.c プロジェクト: daokoder/dao
static int DaoValue_TryCastTuple( DaoValue *src, DaoValue **dest, DaoType *tp )
	DaoTuple *tuple;
	DaoType **item_types = tp->args->items.pType;
	DaoType *totype = src->xTuple.ctype;
	DaoValue **data = src->xTuple.values;
	DMap *names = totype ? totype->mapNames : NULL;
	DNode *node, *search;
	daoint i, T = tp->args->size;
	int tm, eqs = 0;
	// Auto-cast tuple type, on the following conditions:
	// (1) the item values of "dest" must match exactly to the item types of "tp";
	// (2) "tp->mapNames" must contain "(*dest)->xTuple.ctype->mapNames";
	if( src->xTuple.ctype == NULL ){
		GC_IncRC( tp );
		src->xTuple.ctype = tp;
		return 1;
	if( DaoType_MatchValue( tp, src, NULL ) < DAO_MT_SIM ) return 1; /* Redundant? */
	// Casting is not necessary if the tuple's field names are a superset of the
	// field names of the target type:
	if( tp->mapNames == NULL || tp->mapNames->size ==0 ) goto Finalize;
	if( names ){
		daoint count = 0;
		for(node=DMap_First(names); node; node=DMap_Next(names,node)){
			search = DMap_Find( tp->mapNames, node->key.pVoid );
			if( search && node->value.pInt != search->value.pInt ) return 0;
			count += search != NULL;
		/* be superset of the field names of the target type: */
		if( count == tp->mapNames->size ) goto Finalize;
	tuple = DaoTuple_New( T );
	for(i=0; i<T; i++){
		DaoType *it = item_types[i];
		if( it->tid == DAO_PAR_NAMED ) it = & it->aux->xType;
		DaoValue_Move( data[i], tuple->values+i, it );
	GC_IncRC( tp );
	tuple->ctype = tp;
	GC_Assign( dest, tuple );
	return 1;
コード例 #26
ファイル: daoInterface.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/dao
DaoCinType* DaoInterface_GetConcrete( DaoInterface *self, DaoType *type )
	DNode *it;
	if( self->concretes == NULL ) return NULL;

	it = DMap_Find( self->concretes, type );
	if( it == NULL ){
		for(it=DMap_First(self->concretes); it; it=DMap_Next(self->concretes,it)){
			if( DaoType_MatchTo( it->key.pType, type, NULL ) >= DAO_MT_EQ ){
				return (DaoCinType*) it->value.pVoid;
		return NULL;
	return (DaoCinType*) it->value.pVoid;
コード例 #27
void DaoObject_Print( DaoValue *self, DaoStream *stream, DMap *cycmap, DaoProcess *proc )
	int ec = 0;
	char buf[50];
	DMap *inmap = cycmap;
	DaoObject *object = (DaoObject*) self;
	DaoValue *params[2];
	DaoRoutine *meth;

	sprintf( buf, "[%p]", object );
	if( self == object->defClass->objType->value ){
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, object->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "[null]" );
	if( cycmap != NULL && DMap_Find( cycmap, object ) != NULL ){
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, object->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	if( cycmap == NULL ) cycmap = DHash_New(0,0);
	DMap_Insert( cycmap, self, self );

	DaoValue_Clear( & proc->stackValues[0] );

	params[0] = (DaoValue*) dao_type_string;
	params[1] = (DaoValue*) stream;
	meth = DaoClass_FindMethod( object->defClass, "(string)", NULL );
	if( meth ){
		ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self, params, 2 );
		if( ec ) ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self, params, 1 );
		meth = DaoClass_FindMethod( object->defClass, "serialize", NULL );
		if( meth ) ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self, NULL, 0 );
	if( ec ){
		DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, daoExceptionNames[ec], proc->string->chars, NULL );
	}else if( meth && proc->stackValues[0] ){
		DaoValue_Print( proc->stackValues[0], stream, cycmap, proc );
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, object->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	if( inmap == NULL ) DMap_Delete( cycmap );
コード例 #28
ファイル: daoClass.c プロジェクト: wherby/dao
void DaoClass_ResetAttributes( DaoClass *self )
	DNode *node;
	DString *mbs = DString_New(1);
	int i, k, id, autodef = self->classRoutines->overloads->routines->size == 0;

	DaoClass_MakeInterface( self );

	for(i=0; i<self->classRoutines->overloads->routines->size; i++){
		DaoRoutine *r2 = self->classRoutines->overloads->routines->items.pRoutine[i];
		DArray *types = r2->routType->nested;
		autodef = r2->parCount == 0;
		if( autodef ) break;
		for(k=0; k<types->size; k++){
			int tid = types->items.pType[k]->tid;
			if( tid != DAO_PAR_DEFAULT && tid != DAO_PAR_VALIST ) break;
		autodef = k == types->size;
		if( autodef ) break;
	if( autodef && self->parent ){
		if( self->parent->type == DAO_CLASS ){
			DaoClass *klass = (DaoClass*) self->parent;
			autodef = autodef && (klass->attribs & DAO_CLS_AUTO_DEFAULT);
			autodef = 0;
#if 0
	printf( "%s %i\n", self->className->mbs, autodef );
	if( autodef ) self->attribs |= DAO_CLS_AUTO_DEFAULT;
	for(i=DVM_NOT; i<=DVM_BITRIT; i++){
		DString_SetMBS( mbs, daoBitBoolArithOpers[i-DVM_NOT] );
		node = DMap_Find( self->lookupTable, mbs );
		if( node == NULL ) continue;
		if( LOOKUP_ST( node->value.pInt ) != DAO_CLASS_CONSTANT ) continue;
		id = LOOKUP_ID( node->value.pInt );
		k = self->constants->items.pConst[id]->value->type;
		if( k != DAO_ROUTINE ) continue;
	DString_Delete( mbs );
コード例 #29
ファイル: dao_sys.c プロジェクト: sanyaade-teachings/dao
static int addStringFromMap( DaoValue *self, DString *S, DaoMap *sym, const char *key, int id )
	DNode *node;

	if( S==NULL || sym==NULL ) return 0;
	DString_SetMBS( self->xString.data, key );
	node = DMap_Find( sym->items, & self );
	if( node ){
		DaoList *list = & node->value.pValue->xList;
		if( list->type == DAO_LIST && list->items.size > id ){
			DaoValue *p = list->items.items.pValue[ id ];
			if( p->type == DAO_STRING ){
				DString_Append( S, p->xString.data );
				return 1;
	return 0;
コード例 #30
ファイル: daoObject.c プロジェクト: cgbystrom/scriptorium
static void DaoObject_Print( DaoValue *self0, DaoProcess *proc, DaoStream *stream, DMap *cycData )
	int ec = 0;
	char buf[50];
	DaoObject *self = & self0->xObject;
	DaoValue *params[2];
	DaoRoutine *meth;

	sprintf( buf, "[%p]", self );
	if( self0 == self->defClass->objType->value ){
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, self->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "[null]" );
	if( cycData != NULL && DMap_Find( cycData, self ) != NULL ){
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, self->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	if( cycData ) MAP_Insert( cycData, self, self );

	DaoValue_Clear( & proc->stackValues[0] );

	params[0] = (DaoValue*) dao_type_string;
	params[1] = (DaoValue*) stream;
	meth = DaoClass_FindMethod( self->defClass, "(string)", NULL );
	if( meth ){
		ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self0, params, 2 );
		if( ec ) ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self0, params, 1 );
		meth = DaoClass_FindMethod( self->defClass, "serialize", NULL );
		if( meth ) ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self0, NULL, 0 );
	if( ec ){
		DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, daoExceptionNames[ec], proc->string->chars, NULL );
	}else if( meth && proc->stackValues[0] ){
		DaoValue_Print( proc->stackValues[0], proc, stream, cycData );
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, self->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );