コード例 #1
ファイル: daoStream.c プロジェクト: daokoder/dao
static void DaoIO_Writeln0( DaoStream *self, DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoValue *params[DAO_MAX_PARAM];
	DMap *cycmap = NULL;
	int i;
	if( DaoIO_CheckMode( self, proc, DAO_STREAM_WRITABLE ) == 0 ) return;
	for(i=0; i<N; i++){
		if( p[i]->type > DAO_ARRAY ){
			cycmap = DHash_New(0,0);
	// DaoValue_Print() may call user defined function and change the stack
	// and invalidate the parameter array:
	memmove( params, p, N*sizeof(DaoValue*) );
	for(i=0; i<N; i++){
		if( params[i]->type > DAO_ARRAY ) DMap_Reset( cycmap );
		DaoValue_Print( params[i], self, cycmap, proc );
		if( i+1<N ) DaoStream_WriteChars( self, " ");
	DaoStream_WriteChars( self, "\n");
	if( cycmap ) DMap_Delete( cycmap );
コード例 #2
ファイル: daoClass.c プロジェクト: wherby/dao
void DaoClass_MakeInterface( DaoClass *self )
	daoint i, j;
	DaoType *tp;
	DaoRoutine *meth;
	DaoInterface *inter = self->inter;
	DMap *deftypes = DHash_New(0,0);

	DArray_Clear( self->inter->supers );
	DMap_Clear( self->inter->methods );

	if( self->parent && self->parent->type == DAO_CLASS )
		DArray_Append( inter->supers, self->parent->xClass.inter );

	for(i=0; i<self->cstDataName->size; ++i){
		DString *name = self->cstDataName->items.pString[i];
		DaoValue *value = self->constants->items.pConst[i]->value;
		DaoRoutine *rout = (DaoRoutine*) value;
		DNode *it;

		if( value->type != DAO_ROUTINE ) continue;
		if( value->xRoutine.attribs & DAO_ROUT_DECORATOR ) continue;

		it = MAP_Find( self->lookupTable, rout->routName );
		if( it == NULL || LOOKUP_PM( it->value.pInt ) != DAO_DATA_PUBLIC ) continue;

		DMap_Reset( deftypes );
		DMap_Insert( deftypes, rout->routHost, inter->abtype );

		if( rout->overloads == NULL ){
			tp = DaoType_DefineTypes( rout->routType, rout->nameSpace, deftypes );
			if( tp == NULL ) continue; /* TODO: handle error; */
			meth = DaoRoutine_New( rout->nameSpace, inter->abtype, 0 );
			meth->attribs = rout->attribs;
			DString_Assign( meth->routName, rout->routName );
			GC_ShiftRC( tp, meth->routType );
			meth->routType = tp;
			DaoMethods_Insert( inter->methods, meth, meth->nameSpace, meth->routHost );
			for(j=0; j<rout->overloads->routines->size; ++j){
				DaoRoutine *rout2 = rout->overloads->routines->items.pRoutine[j];
				if( rout2->attribs & DAO_ROUT_DECORATOR ) continue;
				tp = DaoType_DefineTypes( rout2->routType, rout2->nameSpace, deftypes );
				if( tp == NULL ) continue; /* TODO: handle error; */
				meth = DaoRoutine_New( rout2->nameSpace, inter->abtype, 0 );
				meth->attribs = rout2->attribs;
				DString_Assign( meth->routName, rout->routName );
				GC_ShiftRC( tp, meth->routType );
				meth->routType = tp;
				DaoMethods_Insert( inter->methods, meth, meth->nameSpace, meth->routHost );
	DMap_Delete( deftypes );
コード例 #3
ファイル: dao_xml.c プロジェクト: dreamsxin/DaoGraphics-1
void DaoXmlDOM_CacheNode( DaoXmlDOM *self, DaoXmlNode *node )
	daoint i;
	for(i=0; i<node->children->size; ++i){
		DaoXmlDOM_CacheNode( self, (DaoXmlNode*) node->children->items.pVoid[i] );
	node->id = 0;
	node->parent = NULL;
	node->data = NULL;
	node->children->size = 0;
	node->name->size = 0;
	/* Most nodes will have empty contents, and some may have long contents,
	// so it is better to clear the string: */
	DString_Clear( node->content );
	DMap_Reset( node->attributes );
	DList_Append( self->caches, node );
コード例 #4
ファイル: daoStream.c プロジェクト: daokoder/dao
static void DaoIO_Write0( DaoStream *self, DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DMap *cycmap = NULL;
	int i;

	for(i=0; i<N; i++){
		if( p[i]->type > DAO_ARRAY ){
			cycmap = DHash_New(0,0);
	for(i=0; i<N; i++){
		if( p[i]->type > DAO_ARRAY ) DMap_Reset( cycmap );
		DaoValue_Print( p[i], self, cycmap, proc );
	if( cycmap ) DMap_Delete( cycmap );
コード例 #5
ファイル: dao_profiler.c プロジェクト: cgbystrom/scriptorium
void DaoProfiler_Report( DaoProfiler *self0, DaoStream *stream )
	DaoComplex com = {DAO_COMPLEX,0,0,0,1,{0.0,0.0}};
	DaoxProfiler *self = (DaoxProfiler*) self0;
	DMap *summary = DMap_New( DAO_DATA_VALUE, 0 );
	DMap *summary2 = DMap_New( DAO_DATA_VALUE, 0 );
	DString *name1 = DString_New();
	DString *name2 = DString_New();
	DNode *it, *it2;
	int count, max = 20;
	char buf1[32];
	char buf2[24];
	char buf[120];

	for(it=DMap_First(self->profile); it; it=DMap_Next(self->profile,it)){
		DaoRoutine *callee = (DaoRoutine*) it->key.pValue;
		com.value = DaoProfiler_Sum( it->value.pMap );
		com.value.real = - com.value.real;
		com.value.imag = - com.value.imag;
		DMap_Insert( summary, & com, it );

	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "\n" );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter2 );
	snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), header_format, "Routine", "#Calls", "CPU Time" );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter2 );
	for(count=max,it=DMap_First(summary); it; it=DMap_Next(summary,it),--count){
		DNode *it2 = (DNode*) it->value.pVoid;
		dao_complex data = it->key.pValue->xComplex.value;
		DaoRoutine *callee = (DaoRoutine*) it2->key.pValue;
		DaoRoutine_MakeName( callee, name1, 28, 10, 2 );
		snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), row_format, name1->chars, (int) -data.imag, -data.real );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
		if( count == 0 ) break;

	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "\n" );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter3 );
	snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), header_format2, "Routine", "Caller", "#Calls", "CPU Time" );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter3 );
	for(count=max,it=DMap_First(summary); it; it=DMap_Next(summary,it),--count){
		DNode *it2 = (DNode*) it->value.pVoid;
		DaoRoutine *callee = (DaoRoutine*) it2->key.pValue;
		DMap *profile = it2->value.pMap;

		DaoRoutine_MakeName( callee, name1, 30, 0, 0 );

		DMap_Reset( summary2 );
		for(it2=DMap_First(profile); it2; it2=DMap_Next(profile,it2)){
			DaoRoutine *caller = (DaoRoutine*) it2->key.pValue;
			DaoComplex *data = (DaoComplex*) it2->value.pValue;
			com.value.real = - data->value.real;
			com.value.imag = - data->value.imag;
			DMap_Insert( summary2, & com, caller );
		for(it2=DMap_First(summary2); it2; it2=DMap_Next(summary2,it2)){
			DaoRoutine *caller = (DaoRoutine*) it2->value.pValue;
			dao_complex data = it2->key.pValue->xComplex.value;
			DString_Reset( name2, 0 );
			if( caller ) DaoRoutine_MakeName( caller, name2, 22, 0, 0 );
			snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), row_format2, name1->chars, name2->chars, (int) -data.imag, -data.real );
			DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
			DString_Reset( name1, 0 );
		if( count == 0 ) break;
	DString_Delete( name1 );
	DString_Delete( name2 );
コード例 #6
ファイル: daoStream.c プロジェクト: daokoder/dao
// C printf format: %[parameter][flags][width][.precision][length]type
// Dao writef format: %[flags][width][.precision]type[color]
// Where 'flags', 'width' and 'precision' will conform to the C format,
// but 'type' can only be:
//   d, i, o, u, x/X : for integer;
//   e/E, f/F, g/G : for float and double;
//   c/C : for character, C for local encoding;
//   s/S : for string, S for local encoding;
//   p : for any type, write address;
//   a : automatic, for any type, write in the default format;
// Namely the standard ones except 'n', and plus 'a'.
// Optional 'color' format will be in form of: [foreground:background], [foreground]
// or [:background]. The supported color name format will depend on the color printing
// handle. Mininum requirement is the support of the following 8 color names:
// black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan.
static void DaoIO_Writef0( DaoStream *self, DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoValue *value;
	DString *fmt2;
	DString *fgcolor = NULL;
	DString *bgcolor = NULL;
	DMap *cycmap = NULL;
	const char *convs = "asSpcCdiouxXfFeEgG";
	char F, *s, *end, *fg, *bg, *fmt, message[100];
	int i, k, id = 0;

	if( DaoIO_CheckMode( self, proc, DAO_STREAM_WRITABLE ) == 0 ) return;

	fmt2 = DString_New();
	for(i=0; i<N; i++){
		if( p[i]->type > DAO_ARRAY ){
			cycmap = DHash_New(0,0);

	s = p[0]->xString.value->chars;
	end = s + p[0]->xString.value->size;
	for(; s<end; s++){
		if( *s != '%' ){
			DaoStream_WriteChar( self, *s );

		fmt = s;
		s += 1;
		if( *s =='%' || *s == '[' ){
			DaoStream_WriteChar( self, *s );

		if( ++id >= N || p[id] == NULL ) goto NullParameter;
		value = p[id];

		/* flags: */
		while( *s == '+' || *s == '-' || *s == '#' || *s == '0' || *s == ' ' ) s += 1;
		while( isdigit( *s ) ) s += 1; /* width; */
		if( *s == '.' ){ /* precision: */
			s += 1;
			while( isdigit( *s ) ) s += 1;
		DString_SetBytes( fmt2, fmt, s - fmt + 1 );
		if( strchr( convs, *s ) == NULL ){
			DaoProcess_RaiseWarning( proc, NULL, "invalid format conversion" );
		F = *s;
		s += 1;
		fg = bg = NULL;
		if( *s == '[' ){
			s += 1;
			fmt = s;
			while( isalnum( *s ) ) s += 1;
			if( fgcolor == NULL ) fgcolor = DString_New();
			DString_SetBytes( fgcolor, fmt, s - fmt );
			if( fgcolor->size ) fg = fgcolor->chars;
			if( *s == ':' ){
				s += 1;
				fmt = s;
				while( isalnum( *s ) ) s += 1;
				if( bgcolor == NULL ) bgcolor = DString_New();
				DString_SetBytes( bgcolor, fmt, s - fmt );
				if( bgcolor->size ) bg = bgcolor->chars;
			if( *s != ']' ) goto WrongColor;
			s -= 1;
		if( fg || bg ){
			if( DaoStream_SetColor( self, fg, bg ) == 0 ) goto WrongColor;
		self->format = fmt2->chars;
		if( F == 'c' || F == 'C' ){
			if( value->type != DAO_INTEGER ) goto WrongParameter;
			DString_Reset( fmt2, 0 );
			DString_AppendWChar( fmt2, value->xInteger.value );
			self->format = "%s";
			if( F == 'C' ) DString_ToLocal( fmt2 );
			DaoStream_WriteString( self, fmt2 );
		}else if( F == 'd' || F == 'i' || F == 'o' || F == 'x' || F == 'X' ){
			if( value->type == DAO_NONE || value->type > DAO_FLOAT ) goto WrongParameter;
			DString_InsertChars( fmt2, "ll", fmt2->size-1, 0, 2 );
			self->format = fmt2->chars;
			DaoStream_WriteInt( self, DaoValue_GetInteger( value ) );
		}else if( toupper( F ) == 'E' || toupper( F ) == 'F' || toupper( F ) == 'G' ){
			if( value->type == DAO_NONE || value->type > DAO_FLOAT ) goto WrongParameter;
			DaoStream_WriteFloat( self, DaoValue_GetFloat( value ) );
		}else if( F == 's' && value->type == DAO_STRING ){
			DaoStream_WriteString( self, value->xString.value );
		}else if( F == 'S' && value->type == DAO_STRING ){
			DaoStream_WriteLocalString( self, value->xString.value );
		}else if( F == 'p' ){
			DaoStream_WritePointer( self, value );
		}else if( F == 'a' ){
			self->format = NULL;
			if( value->type > DAO_ARRAY ) DMap_Reset( cycmap );
			DaoValue_Print( value, self, cycmap, proc );
			goto WrongParameter;
		self->format = NULL;
		if( fg || bg ) DaoStream_SetColor( self, NULL, NULL );
		sprintf( message, "%i-th parameter is null!", id );
		DaoProcess_RaiseWarning( proc, NULL, message );
		sprintf( message, "%i-th parameter has wrong color format!", id );
		DaoProcess_RaiseWarning( proc, NULL, message );
		self->format = NULL;
		if( fg || bg ) DaoStream_SetColor( self, NULL, NULL );
		sprintf( message, "%i-th parameter has wrong type for format \"%s\"!", id, fmt2->chars );
		DaoProcess_RaiseWarning( proc, NULL, message );
	if( cycmap ) DMap_Delete( cycmap );
	if( fgcolor ) DString_Delete( fgcolor );
	if( bgcolor ) DString_Delete( bgcolor );
	DString_Delete( fmt2 );