コード例 #1
ファイル: daoTasklet.c プロジェクト: hooloong/dao
void DaoCallServer_AddCall( DaoProcess *caller )
	DaoProcess *callee = DaoVmSpace_AcquireProcess( caller->vmSpace );
	DaoStackFrame *frame = caller->topFrame;
	DaoTaskEvent *event = DaoCallServer_MakeEvent();
	DaoType *type = (DaoType*) frame->routine->routType->aux;
	DaoFuture *future = DaoFuture_New( type, 1 );
	DaoValue **params = caller->stackValues + caller->topFrame->stackBase;
	int i, count = caller->topFrame->parCount;

	future->state = DAO_CALL_PAUSED;
	future->actor = caller->topFrame->object;
	GC_IncRC( future->actor );

	GC_ShiftRC( future, callee->future );
	callee->future = future;
	future->process = callee;
	GC_IncRC( future->process );

	callee->parCount = count;
	for(i=0; i<count; ++i) DaoValue_Copy( params[i], & callee->paramValues[i] );
	DaoProcess_PushRoutine( callee, caller->topFrame->routine, future->actor );

	DaoTaskEvent_Init( event, DAO_EVENT_RESUME_TASKLET, DAO_EVENT_RESUME, future, NULL );

	DaoProcess_PopFrame( caller );
	DaoProcess_PutValue( caller, (DaoValue*) future );

	DaoCallServer_Add( event );
コード例 #2
ファイル: daoTasklet.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/dao
DaoFuture* DaoProcess_GetInitFuture( DaoProcess *self )
	DaoFuture *future;
	if( self->future ) return self->future;

	future = DaoFuture_New( NULL, 1 );
	GC_Assign( & self->future, future );
	GC_Assign( & future->process, self );
	return future;
コード例 #3
ファイル: daoTasklet.c プロジェクト: sanyaade-teachings/dao
DaoFuture* DaoProcess_GetInitFuture( DaoProcess *self )
	if( self->future ) return self->future;

	self->future = DaoFuture_New( NULL, 1 );
	self->future->process = self;
	GC_IncRC( self->future );
	GC_IncRC( self );
	return self->future;
コード例 #4
ファイル: daoThread.c プロジェクト: hooloong/dao
static void DaoMT_Start( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int n )
	DaoProcess *clone;
	DaoVmCode *vmc, *end;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	DaoType *type = DaoProcess_GetReturnType( proc );
	DaoFuture *future = DaoFuture_New( type, 0 );
	int entry, nop = proc->activeCode[1].code == DVM_NOP;

	DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, (DaoValue*) future );
	if( sect == NULL || DaoMT_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == 0 ) return;

	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	end = proc->activeRoutine->body->vmCodes->data.codes + proc->activeCode[nop+1].b;
	clone = DaoVmSpace_AcquireProcess( proc->vmSpace );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	DaoProcess_SetActiveFrame( proc, proc->topFrame );
	DaoMT_InitProcess( proc, clone );
	clone->topFrame->entry = entry;
	// Use the cloned process instead of the parent process, in case that
	// the cloned process will not be joined by the parent process:
	clone->topFrame->outer = clone;
	future->process = clone;
	GC_IncRC( clone );
	GC_ShiftRC( future, clone->future );
	clone->future = future;
	future->state = DAO_CALL_RUNNING;

	for(vmc=sect; vmc!=end; vmc++){
		int i = -1, code = vmc->code;
		if( code == DVM_GETVH || (code >= DVM_GETVH_I && code <= DVM_GETVH_C) ){
			i = vmc->b;
		}else if( code == DVM_SETVH || (code >= DVM_SETVH_II && code <= DVM_SETVH_CC) ){
			i = vmc->b;
		if( i >= 0 ){
			/* These values should be shared with the parent thread: */
			GC_ShiftRC( proc->activeValues[i], clone->activeValues[i] );
			clone->activeValues[i] = proc->activeValues[i];
	DaoCallServer_AddTask( DaoMT_Start0, clone, p[0]->xEnum.value );
コード例 #5
ファイル: daoThread.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/dao
static void DaoMT_Start( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int n )
	DaoProcess *clone;
	DaoVmCode *vmc, *end, *sect;
	DaoType *type = DaoProcess_GetReturnType( proc );
	DaoFuture *future = DaoFuture_New( type, 0 );
	int entry, nop = proc->activeCode[1].code == DVM_NOP;

	DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, (DaoValue*) future );
	sect = DaoProcess_InitCodeSection( proc, 0 );
	if( sect == NULL ) return;

	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	end = proc->activeRoutine->body->vmCodes->data.codes + proc->activeCode[nop+1].b;
	clone = DaoVmSpace_AcquireProcess( proc->vmSpace );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	DaoMT_InitProcess( proc, clone, 0 );
	clone->topFrame->entry = entry;
	// Use the cloned process instead of the parent process, in case that
	// the cloned process will not be joined by the parent process:
	clone->topFrame->outer = clone;
	future->process = clone;
	GC_IncRC( clone );
	GC_Assign( & clone->future, future );
	future->state = DAO_CALL_RUNNING;

	for(vmc=sect; vmc!=end; vmc++){
		int i = -1, code = vmc->code;
		if( code == DVM_GETVH || (code >= DVM_GETVH_I && code <= DVM_GETVH_C) ){
			i = vmc->b;
		}else if( code == DVM_SETVH || (code >= DVM_SETVH_II && code <= DVM_SETVH_CC) ){
			i = vmc->b;
		if( i >= 0 ) DaoValue_Move( proc->activeValues[i], & clone->activeValues[i], NULL );
	DaoCallServer_AddTask( DaoMT_Start0, clone, p[0]->xEnum.value ? clone : NULL );
コード例 #6
ファイル: daoTasklet.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/dao
void DaoCallServer_AddCall( DaoProcess *caller )
	DaoFuture *future;
	DaoTaskEvent *event;
	DaoProcess *callee = DaoVmSpace_AcquireProcess( caller->vmSpace );
	DaoStackFrame *frame = caller->topFrame;
	DaoRoutine *routine = frame->routine;
	DaoType *type = (DaoType*) routine->routType->aux;
	DaoValue **params = caller->stackValues + caller->topFrame->stackBase;
	int i, count = caller->topFrame->parCount;

	if( caller->activeCode->b & DAO_CALL_BLOCK ){
		DaoValue **calleeValues, **callerValues = caller->activeValues;
		DaoStackFrame *sectFrame = DaoProcess_FindSectionFrame( caller );
		DaoStackFrame *callerFrame = caller->topFrame->prev;
		DaoVmCode *vmc, *end, *sect;
		if( sectFrame != callerFrame ){
			DaoVmSpace_ReleaseProcess( caller->vmSpace, callee );
			DaoProcess_RaiseError( caller, NULL, "Invalid code section" );
		if( routine->body ){
			DaoProcess_PushRoutine( callee, callerFrame->routine, callerFrame->object );
			callerValues = caller->stackValues + callerFrame->stackBase;
			DaoProcess_PushRoutine( callee, caller->activeRoutine, caller->activeObject );
		DaoProcess_SetActiveFrame( callee, callee->topFrame );
		calleeValues = callee->stackValues + callee->topFrame->stackBase;
		callee->activeCode = caller->activeCode;
		vmc = callerFrame->routine->body->vmCodes->data.codes + callerFrame->entry;
		end = callerFrame->routine->body->vmCodes->data.codes + vmc->b;
		sect = vmc + 1;
		for(vmc=sect; vmc!=end; vmc++){
			int i = -1, code = vmc->code;
			if( code == DVM_GETVH || (code >= DVM_GETVH_I && code <= DVM_GETVH_C) ){
				i = vmc->b;
			}else if( code == DVM_SETVH || (code >= DVM_SETVH_II && code <= DVM_SETVH_CC) ){
				i = vmc->b;
			if( i >= 0 ) DaoValue_Move( callerValues[i], & calleeValues[i], NULL );

	future = DaoFuture_New( type, 1 );
	future->state = DAO_CALL_PAUSED;
	future->actor = caller->topFrame->object;
	GC_IncRC( future->actor );

	GC_Assign( & future->process, callee );
 	GC_Assign( & callee->future, future );

	callee->parCount = count;
	/* Use routine->parCount instead of caller->topFrame->parCount, for default parameters: */
	for(i=0; i<routine->parCount; ++i) DaoValue_Copy( params[i], & callee->paramValues[i] );
	if( routine->body ){
		DaoProcess_PushRoutine( callee, routine, future->actor );
		DaoProcess_PushFunction( callee, routine );
		callee->activeNamespace = caller->activeNamespace;
	if( caller->activeCode->b & DAO_CALL_BLOCK ){
		callee->topFrame->host = callee->topFrame;
		callee->topFrame->retmode = DVM_RET_PROCESS;
		callee->topFrame->returning = 0;

	DaoCallServer_TryInit( mainVmSpace );
	event = DaoCallServer_MakeEvent();
	DaoTaskEvent_Init( event, DAO_EVENT_RESUME_TASKLET, DAO_EVENT_RESUME, future, NULL );

	DaoProcess_PopFrame( caller );
	DaoProcess_PutValue( caller, (DaoValue*) future );

	DaoCallServer_Add( event );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( caller );
	DaoProcess_PutValue( caller, (DaoValue*) future );
	DaoProcess_InterceptReturnValue( callee );
	DaoProcess_Execute( callee );
	DaoProcess_ReturnFutureValue( callee, future );
	DaoVmSpace_ReleaseProcess( caller->vmSpace, callee );