Date Date::Minutes(int n) { return Date(n * gsSecsPerMinute, true); }
Date Date::startOfYear () const { return Date (1, 1, year (), 0, 0, 0); }
Date Date::operator+ (const int delta) { return Date (_t + delta); }
void MyDayInfoPlot::DrawPricePlot(wxDC&dc){ TotalDayInfoStru MyDays[TOTAY_DAYS_MYDAYINFO]; double MaxSz,MinSz,MaxSh,MinSh,MaxTotal,MinTotal,MaxDelta,MinDelta; MaxSz=MinSz=MaxSh=MinSh=MaxTotal=MinTotal=MaxDelta=MinDelta=0; for (int tidx=0;tidx<TOTAY_DAYS_MYDAYINFO;tidx++){ MyDays[tidx].Valid=false; } wxString keyPath=WStockConfig::GetMyDayInfoPath(); wxFileName keyf(keyPath); keyf.MakeAbsolute(); xmlDocPtr doc=NULL; if (keyf.FileExists()){ //Load Stocks Name From file doc = xmlParseFile((const char*)keyf.GetFullPath().mb_str()); } //If Load Fail, Create the Xml Memory if (doc==NULL){ dc.DrawText(_("No Info File Found!"),10,10); return; } for (xmlNodePtr node=doc->children->children;node;node=node->next){ if (xmlStrcmp(node->name,(const xmlChar*)"DayInfo")==0){ wxString Date(wxConvUTF8.cMB2WC( (char*)xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar*)"Date")),*wxConvCurrent); wxString Sz(wxConvUTF8.cMB2WC( (char*)xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar*)"ShenZhen")),*wxConvCurrent); wxString Sh(wxConvUTF8.cMB2WC( (char*)xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar*)"ShangHai")),*wxConvCurrent); wxString Total(wxConvUTF8.cMB2WC( (char*)xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar*)"Total")),*wxConvCurrent); wxString Delta(wxConvUTF8.cMB2WC( (char*)xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar*)"TodayEarning")),*wxConvCurrent); wxDateTime date; date.ParseDate(Date); int idx=(wxDateTime::Today()-date).GetDays(); if (idx<TOTAY_DAYS_MYDAYINFO){ Sz.ToDouble(&MyDays[idx].sz); Sh.ToDouble(&MyDays[idx].sh); Total.ToDouble(&MyDays[idx].total); Delta.ToDouble(&MyDays[idx].delta); MyDays[idx].Valid = true; MyDays[idx].date = date; } } } int i; for (i=0;i<TOTAY_DAYS_MYDAYINFO;i++){ if (MyDays[i].Valid){ if (MyDays[i].sz>MaxSz) MaxSz = MyDays[i].sz; if (MyDays[i].sz<MinSz) MinSz = MyDays[i].sz; if (MyDays[i].sh>MaxSh) MaxSh = MyDays[i].sh; if (MyDays[i].sh<MinSh) MinSh = MyDays[i].sh; if (MyDays[i].total>MaxTotal) MaxTotal = MyDays[i].total; if (MyDays[i].total<MinTotal) MinTotal = MyDays[i].total; if (MyDays[i].delta>MaxDelta) MaxDelta = MyDays[i].delta; if (MyDays[i].delta<MinDelta) MinDelta = MyDays[i].delta; } } dc.SetPen(wxPen(*wxBLACK,3)); int XStart=100,YStart=10,YFree=60; int TotalY=dc.GetSize().y-30-YFree; int XTotal = dc.GetSize().x-110; float TotalDelta=0; if (MinDelta<0) TotalDelta = MaxTotal - MinDelta+YFree; else TotalDelta = MaxTotal+YFree; if (TotalDelta<0.0003) TotalDelta = 1; int ZeroY = (int)(double)(TotalY/TotalDelta * MaxTotal + YStart); dc.DrawLine(XStart,YStart,XStart,YStart + TotalY + YFree); dc.DrawLine(XStart-10,ZeroY,XStart+XTotal,ZeroY); for (i=0;i<TOTAY_DAYS_MYDAYINFO;i++){ if (MyDays[i].Valid){ int MyTotalY=(int)(double)(ZeroY - TotalY/TotalDelta * MyDays[i].total); int MyDeltaY=(int)(double)(ZeroY - TotalY/TotalDelta * MyDays[i].delta); dc.SetBrush(*wxBLACK_BRUSH); dc.DrawRectangle(XStart+(i+1)*(XTotal / (TOTAY_DAYS_MYDAYINFO + 1)) - 5,MyTotalY,10,Abs(ZeroY-MyTotalY)); dc.SetBrush(*wxGREEN_BRUSH); dc.DrawRectangle(XStart+(i+1)*(XTotal / (TOTAY_DAYS_MYDAYINFO + 1)) - 5,MyDeltaY,10,Abs(ZeroY-MyDeltaY)); //wxLogMessage(wxT("Draw Rect at:%d %d %d %d"),(int)(XStart+(i+1)*(XTotal / (TOTAY_DAYS_MYDAYINFO + 1)) - 5), //MyDeltaY,10,Abs(ZeroY-MyDeltaY)); dc.DrawText(MyDays[i].date.FormatISODate(),XStart+(i+1)*(XTotal / (TOTAY_DAYS_MYDAYINFO + 1))-30,YStart+TotalY); } } }
Date Date::startOfWeek () const { Date sow (_t); sow -= (dayOfWeek () * 86400); return Date (sow.month (), (), sow.year (), 0, 0, 0); }
MakeOIS& MakeOIS::withSettlementDays(Natural settlementDays) { settlementDays_ = settlementDays; effectiveDate_ = Date(); return *this; }
Time ActualActual::ISMA_Impl::yearFraction(const Date& d1, const Date& d2, const Date& d3, const Date& d4) const { if (d1 == d2) return 0.0; if (d1 > d2) return -yearFraction(d2,d1,d3,d4); // when the reference period is not specified, try taking // it equal to (d1,d2) Date refPeriodStart = (d3 != Date() ? d3 : d1); Date refPeriodEnd = (d4 != Date() ? d4 : d2); QL_REQUIRE(refPeriodEnd > refPeriodStart && refPeriodEnd > d1, "invalid reference period: " << "date 1: " << d1 << ", date 2: " << d2 << ", reference period start: " << refPeriodStart << ", reference period end: " << refPeriodEnd); // estimate roughly the length in months of a period Integer months = Integer(0.5+12*Real(refPeriodEnd-refPeriodStart)/365); // for short periods... if (months == 0) { // ...take the reference period as 1 year from d1 refPeriodStart = d1; refPeriodEnd = d1 + 1*Years; months = 12; } Time period = Real(months)/12.0; if (d2 <= refPeriodEnd) { // here refPeriodEnd is a future (notional?) payment date if (d1 >= refPeriodStart) { // here refPeriodStart is the last (maybe notional) // payment date. // refPeriodStart <= d1 <= d2 <= refPeriodEnd // [maybe the equality should be enforced, since // refPeriodStart < d1 <= d2 < refPeriodEnd // could give wrong results] ??? return period*Real(dayCount(d1,d2)) / dayCount(refPeriodStart,refPeriodEnd); } else { // here refPeriodStart is the next (maybe notional) // payment date and refPeriodEnd is the second next // (maybe notional) payment date. // d1 < refPeriodStart < refPeriodEnd // AND d2 <= refPeriodEnd // this case is long first coupon // the last notional payment date Date previousRef = refPeriodStart - months*Months; if (d2 > refPeriodStart) return yearFraction(d1, refPeriodStart, previousRef, refPeriodStart) + yearFraction(refPeriodStart, d2, refPeriodStart, refPeriodEnd); else return yearFraction(d1,d2,previousRef,refPeriodStart); } } else { // here refPeriodEnd is the last (notional?) payment date // d1 < refPeriodEnd < d2 AND refPeriodStart < refPeriodEnd QL_REQUIRE(refPeriodStart<=d1, "invalid dates: " "d1 < refPeriodStart < refPeriodEnd < d2"); // now it is: refPeriodStart <= d1 < refPeriodEnd < d2 // the part from d1 to refPeriodEnd Time sum = yearFraction(d1, refPeriodEnd, refPeriodStart, refPeriodEnd); // the part from refPeriodEnd to d2 // count how many regular periods are in [refPeriodEnd, d2], // then add the remaining time Integer i=0; Date newRefStart, newRefEnd; for (;;) { newRefStart = refPeriodEnd + (months*i)*Months; newRefEnd = refPeriodEnd + (months*(i+1))*Months; if (d2 < newRefEnd) { break; } else { sum += period; i++; } } sum += yearFraction(newRefStart,d2,newRefStart,newRefEnd); return sum; } }
void FenetreProgrammerActivite::enregistrer(){ programmation& progact = agenda::getInstance().ajouterProgrammationActivite(activite, Date(ProgDate->date().day(),ProgDate->date().month(),ProgDate->date().year()),Horaire(ProgHh->value(), ProgHm->value())); if(&progact!=0){ QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText("L'Activité a été programmée"); msgBox.exec(); this->close(); } else { delete &progact; QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText("L'Activité n'a pas été programmée"); msgBox.exec(); } }
int main() { try { odb::session s; // this keeps shared pointers consistent after reloading them from the db (turns on object cache) std::unique_ptr<odb::database> db( new Database( "Branch_removeEmployee.test.db", true ) ); // a set storing all employees we want to add std::unordered_set< std::shared_ptr<Employee> > employees; employees.insert( std::shared_ptr<Employee>( new Employee( "A", Date(1,1,1967) ) ) ); employees.insert( std::shared_ptr<Employee>( new Employee( "B", Date(2,1,1968) ) ) ); employees.insert( std::shared_ptr<Employee>( new Employee( "C", Date(3,1,1969) ) ) ); // we will add all employees to one branch std::shared_ptr<Branch> b( new Branch( "Main", Address() ) ); for( const std::shared_ptr<Employee> & e : employees ) assert( b->addEmployee( e ) ); // for accessing the stored branch by id std::string branch_id; // store branch and employees { odb::transaction t( db->begin() ); for( const std::shared_ptr<Employee> & e : employees ) { db->persist( e ); std::cout << "Stored " << e->getName() << "\n"; } branch_id = db->persist( b ); t.commit(); } // remove an employee from the stored branch one after the other for( auto i = employees.begin(); i != employees.end(); ) { // retrieve the stored branch and remove an employee { odb::transaction t( db->begin() ); std::shared_ptr<Branch> b( db->load<Branch>( branch_id ) ); for( const odb::lazy_weak_ptr<Employee> & le : b->getEmployees() ) { std::cout << "Still persistent: " << le.object_id() << "\n"; } assert( (*i)->getBranch() == b ); // should be connected to branch // remove employee assert( b->removeEmployee( (*i) ) ); assert( b->getEmployees().size() == employees.size()-1 ); // should be removed locally assert( (*i)->getBranch() == nullptr ); // should not be connected to any branch anymore // remove second time (should fail) assert( !b->removeEmployee( (*i) ) ); // should not be able to remove twice assert( b->getEmployees().size() == employees.size()-1 ); // should stay the same assert( (*i)->getBranch() == nullptr ); // should still not be connected to any branch db->update( b ); t.commit(); } // reload person from database and check if employee got removed { odb::transaction t( db->begin() ); std::shared_ptr<Branch> b( db->load<Branch>( branch_id ) ); assert( b->getEmployees().size() == employees.size()-1 ); // should be removed in database too t.commit(); } std::cout << "Deleting: " << (*i) << " - " << (*i)->getName() << "\n"; i = employees.erase( i ); } } catch( const odb::exception & e ) { std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; std::exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } return 0; }
bool CDate::EncodeDate( const CString& DateString, const CString& DateFormat, struct tm& Result) { CString Date(DateString); static const char * Months[] = {"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"}; static const char * WeekDays[] = {"Sun", "Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"}; static const char * Zones[] = {"UTC", "GMT", "EDT", "EST", "CDT", "CST", "MDT", "MST", "PDT", "PST"}; static const int ZonesHoursSkew[] = {0, 0, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8}; CString WeekDay; CString Month; CString Zone; Date.Replace('-', ' '); memset(&Result, 0, sizeof(Result)); bool fScan = SSScan( Date, &DateFormat, &WeekDay, NULL, &Result.tm_mday, &Month, &Result.tm_year, &Result.tm_hour, NULL, &Result.tm_min, NULL, &Result.tm_sec, &Zone); Trace(tagDateTime, levVerbose, ("CDate:: EncodeDate - scanned %s with " \ "WeekDay: %s " \ "Day: %d " \ "Month: %s " \ "Year: %d " \ "Hour: %d " \ "Minute: %d " \ "Second: %d " \ "Zone: %s", Date.GetBuffer(), WeekDay.GetBuffer(), Result.tm_mday, Month.GetBuffer(), Result.tm_year, Result.tm_hour, Result.tm_min, Result.tm_sec, Zone.GetBuffer())); if (fScan) { int i; if (Result.tm_year > 1900) Result.tm_year-=1900; for (i = 0; i < BASE_DIM(Months); i++) { if (Month.Same(Months[i])) { Result.tm_mon = i; break; } } for (i = 0; i < BASE_DIM(WeekDays); i++) { // support full weekdays as well if (WeekDay.StartsWithSame(WeekDays[i])) { Result.tm_wday = i; break; } } // time zone adjustments int ZoneAdjustment = 0; if (Zone.IsInt( & ZoneAdjustment)) { ZoneAdjustment *= 3600; } else { for (i = 0; i < BASE_DIM(Zones); i++) { if (Zone.Same(Zones[i])) { ZoneAdjustment = ZonesHoursSkew[i] * 3600; break; } } } Trace(tagDateTime, levVerbose, ("CDate:: EncodeSimpleDate - ZoneAdjustment %d second(s)", ZoneAdjustment)); Result.tm_isdst = 0; if (ZoneAdjustment) { time_t AdjustedTime; #ifdef _UNIX base_gmtime(AdjustedTime, Result); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 _tzset(); AdjustedTime = mktime(&Result); AdjustedTime -= _timezone; #endif AdjustedTime -= ZoneAdjustment; base_localtime(AdjustedTime, Result); } // Result.tm_gmtoff = ZoneAdjustment; return true; } return false; }
NoArbSabrSmileSection::NoArbSabrSmileSection( const Date &d, Rate forward, const std::vector<Real> &sabrParams, const DayCounter &dc, Real shift) : SmileSection(d, dc, Date()), forward_(forward), params_(sabrParams), shift_(shift) { init(); }
Date Grader07::getDueDate() { return Date(12, 5, 2013); }
Date Date::Days(int n) { return Date(n * gsSecsPerDay, true); }
Date Date::Seconds(int n) { return Date(n, true); }
/// constructor with year Calendar::Calendar(int year) : m_startDate(Date(MonthOfYear::Jan, 1, year)), m_endDate(Date(MonthOfYear::Dec, 31, year)) {}
void MonthDayRuleTest::test_utilities() { int yearIndex; SetDate date; Year year ( DateUtil::year()); Date newYearDate (year, Month(1), DayOfMonth(1)); Date july4Date (year, Month(7), DayOfMonth(4)); Date christmasDate(year, Month(12), DayOfMonth(25)); //test: MontDayRule::virtual Date calcDate(const Year& year) const ; MonthDayRule newYearRule ("Rule", Month(1), DayOfMonth(1)); date = newYearRule.calcDate(year); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(newYearDate == *date.begin()); for (yearIndex = year.getValue(); yearIndex <= year.getValue() + 50; ++yearIndex){ date = newYearRule.calcDate(Year(yearIndex)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(newYearDate == *date.begin()); newYearDate.addYear(1); } MonthDayRule july4Rule ("July4Rule", Month(7), DayOfMonth(4)); date = july4Rule.calcDate(year); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(july4Date == *date.begin()); MonthDayRule christmasRule("ChristmasRule", Month(12), DayOfMonth(25)); date = christmasRule.calcDate(year); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(christmasDate == *date.begin()); //Test for weekendAdjustment WeekendRuleSharedPtr weekendRulePtr(new WeekendRule("WeekendRule")); weekendRulePtr->addDay(WeekDay::Saturday); weekendRulePtr->addDay(WeekDay::Sunday); MonthDayRule adjustingNewYearRule ("AdjustingNewYear", Month(1), DayOfMonth(1)); adjustingNewYearRule.setStartEffectiveDate(20110101); adjustingNewYearRule.setWeekendAdjustment(WeekendAdjustment::ClosestWeekDay); adjustingNewYearRule.setWeekendRule(weekendRulePtr); //First check for Saturday -> prior Friday date = adjustingNewYearRule.calcDate(Year(2011)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Date(20101231) == *date.begin()); //First check for Sunday -> next Monday date = adjustingNewYearRule.calcDate(Year(2012)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Date(20120102) == *date.begin()); //Check for no adjustment is required date = adjustingNewYearRule.calcDate(Year(2013)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Date(20130101) == *date.begin()); //Rule is disabled try{ newYearRule.setEnabledFlag(false); newYearRule.calcDate(year); } catch (BaseException& ex){ CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(ex,"Calculation called on disabled rule"); } newYearRule.setEnabledFlag(true); //Rule start date year > calc year try{ newYearRule.calcDate(Year(2010)); } catch (BaseException& ex){ CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(ex,"Calculation called for year before rule is in effect"); } //Rule calc year > rule end date year try{ newYearRule.setEndEffectiveDate(20121231); newYearRule.calcDate(Year(2030)); } catch (BaseException& ex){ CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(ex,"Calculation called for year after rule is in effect"); } }
void CValue::SetDate(CString s) { Copy(Date(s)); }
MakeCms::operator boost::shared_ptr<Swap>() const { Date startDate; if (effectiveDate_ != Date()) startDate = effectiveDate_; else { Natural fixingDays = iborIndex_->fixingDays(); Date referenceDate = Settings::instance().evaluationDate(); Date spotDate = floatCalendar_.advance(referenceDate, fixingDays*Days); startDate = spotDate+forwardStart_; } Date terminationDate = startDate+swapTenor_; Schedule cmsSchedule(startDate, terminationDate, cmsTenor_, cmsCalendar_, cmsConvention_, cmsTerminationDateConvention_, cmsRule_, cmsEndOfMonth_, cmsFirstDate_, cmsNextToLastDate_); Schedule floatSchedule(startDate, terminationDate, floatTenor_, floatCalendar_, floatConvention_, floatTerminationDateConvention_, floatRule_ , floatEndOfMonth_, floatFirstDate_, floatNextToLastDate_); Leg cmsLeg = CmsLeg(cmsSchedule, swapIndex_) .withNotionals(nominal_) .withPaymentDayCounter(cmsDayCount_) .withPaymentAdjustment(cmsConvention_) .withFixingDays(swapIndex_->fixingDays()) .withGearings(cmsGearing_) .withSpreads(cmsSpread_) .withCaps(cmsCap_) .withFloors(cmsFloor_); if (couponPricer_) setCouponPricer(cmsLeg, couponPricer_); Rate usedSpread = iborSpread_; if (useAtmSpread_) { QL_REQUIRE(!iborIndex_->forwardingTermStructure().empty(), "null term structure set to this instance of " << iborIndex_->name()); QL_REQUIRE(!swapIndex_->forwardingTermStructure().empty(), "null term structure set to this instance of " << swapIndex_->name()); QL_REQUIRE(couponPricer_, "no CmsCouponPricer set (yet)"); Leg floatLeg = IborLeg(floatSchedule, iborIndex_) .withNotionals(nominal_) .withPaymentDayCounter(floatDayCount_) .withPaymentAdjustment(floatConvention_) .withFixingDays(iborIndex_->fixingDays()); Swap temp(cmsLeg, floatLeg); temp.setPricingEngine(engine_); Real npv = temp.legNPV(0)+temp.legNPV(1); usedSpread = -npv/temp.legBPS(1)*1e-4; } else { QL_REQUIRE(usedSpread != Null<Spread>(), "null spread set"); } Leg floatLeg = IborLeg(floatSchedule, iborIndex_) .withNotionals(nominal_) .withPaymentDayCounter(floatDayCount_) .withPaymentAdjustment(floatConvention_) .withFixingDays(iborIndex_->fixingDays()) .withSpreads(usedSpread); boost::shared_ptr<Swap> swap; if (payCms_) swap = boost::shared_ptr<Swap>(new Swap(cmsLeg, floatLeg)); else swap = boost::shared_ptr<Swap>(new Swap(floatLeg, cmsLeg)); swap->setPricingEngine(engine_); return swap; }
MakeOIS::operator shared_ptr<OvernightIndexedSwap>() const { Date startDate; if (effectiveDate_ != Date()) startDate = effectiveDate_; else { Date refDate = Settings::instance().evaluationDate(); // if the evaluation date is not a business day // then move to the next business day refDate = calendar_.adjust(refDate); Date spotDate = calendar_.advance(refDate, settlementDays_*Days); startDate = spotDate+forwardStart_; if (forwardStart_.length()<0) startDate = calendar_.adjust(startDate, Preceding); else startDate = calendar_.adjust(startDate, Following); } // OIS end of month default bool usedEndOfMonth = isDefaultEOM_ ? calendar_.isEndOfMonth(startDate) : endOfMonth_; Date endDate = terminationDate_; if (endDate == Date()) { if (usedEndOfMonth) endDate = calendar_.advance(startDate, swapTenor_, ModifiedFollowing, usedEndOfMonth); else endDate = startDate + swapTenor_; } Schedule schedule(startDate, endDate, Period(paymentFrequency_), calendar_, ModifiedFollowing, ModifiedFollowing, rule_, usedEndOfMonth); Rate usedFixedRate = fixedRate_; if (fixedRate_ == Null<Rate>()) { OvernightIndexedSwap temp(type_, nominal_, schedule, 0.0, // fixed rate fixedDayCount_, overnightIndex_, overnightSpread_); if (engine_ == 0) { Handle<YieldTermStructure> disc = overnightIndex_->forwardingTermStructure(); QL_REQUIRE(!disc.empty(), "null term structure set to this instance of " << overnightIndex_->name()); bool includeSettlementDateFlows = false; shared_ptr<PricingEngine> engine(new DiscountingSwapEngine(disc, includeSettlementDateFlows)); temp.setPricingEngine(engine); } else temp.setPricingEngine(engine_); usedFixedRate = temp.fairRate(); } shared_ptr<OvernightIndexedSwap> ois(new OvernightIndexedSwap(type_, nominal_, schedule, usedFixedRate, fixedDayCount_, overnightIndex_, overnightSpread_)); if (engine_ == 0) { Handle<YieldTermStructure> disc = overnightIndex_->forwardingTermStructure(); bool includeSettlementDateFlows = false; shared_ptr<PricingEngine> engine(new DiscountingSwapEngine(disc, includeSettlementDateFlows)); ois->setPricingEngine(engine); } else ois->setPricingEngine(engine_); return ois; }
bool MonthlyFixingCurve::containsARateSetOn(QuantLib::Date date) const { return FixingRateSource::containsARateSetOn(Date(1, date.month(), date.year())); }
void __fastcall TRegPac::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { fechNac->Date=Date()-366; }
double MonthlyFixingCurve::getRateSetOn(QuantLib::Date date) const { return FixingRateSource::getRateSetOn(Date(1, date.month(), date.year())); }
Date Date::startOfDay () const { return Date (month (), day (), year (), 0, 0, 0); }
bool China::IbImpl::isBusinessDay(const Date& date) const { static const Date working_weekends[] = { // 2005 Date(5, February, 2005), Date(6, February, 2005), Date(30, April, 2005), Date(8, May, 2005), Date(8, October, 2005), Date(9, October, 2005), Date(31, December, 2005), //2006 Date(28, January, 2006), Date(29, April, 2006), Date(30, April, 2006), Date(30, September, 2006), Date(30, December, 2006), Date(31, December, 2006), // 2007 Date(17, February, 2007), Date(25, February, 2007), Date(28, April, 2007), Date(29, April, 2007), Date(29, September, 2007), Date(30, September, 2007), Date(29, December, 2007), // 2008 Date(2, February, 2008), Date(3, February, 2008), Date(4, May, 2008), Date(27, September, 2008), Date(28, September, 2008), // 2009 Date(4, January, 2009), Date(24, January, 2009), Date(1, February, 2009), Date(31, May, 2009), Date(27, September, 2009), Date(10, October, 2009), // 2010 Date(20, February, 2010), Date(21, February, 2010), Date(12, June, 2010), Date(13, June, 2010), Date(19, September, 2010), Date(25, September, 2010), Date(26, September, 2010), Date(9, October, 2010), // 2011 Date(30, January, 2011), Date(12, February, 2011), Date(2, April, 2011), Date(8, October, 2011), Date(9, October, 2011), Date(31, December, 2011), // 2012 Date(21, January, 2012), Date(29, January, 2012), Date(31, March, 2012), Date(1, April, 2012), Date(28, April, 2012), Date(29, September, 2012), // 2013 Date(5,January,2013), Date(6,January,2013), Date(16,February,2013), Date(17,February,2013), Date(7,April,2013), Date(27,April,2013), Date(28,April,2013), Date(8,June,2013), Date(9,June,2013), Date(22,September,2013), Date(29,September,2013), Date(12,October,2013), // 2014 Date(26,January,2014), Date(8,February,2014), Date(4,May,2014), Date(28,September,2014), Date(11,October,2014), // 2015 Date(4,January,2015), Date(15,February,2015), Date(28,February,2015), Date(6,September,2015), Date(10,October,2015), // 2016 Date(6,February,2016), Date(14,February,2016), Date(12,June,2016), Date(18,September,2016), Date(8,October,2016), Date(9,October,2016) }; static const Size n = sizeof(working_weekends)/sizeof(working_weekends[0]); static const std::set<Date> workingWeekends(working_weekends+0, working_weekends+n); // If it is already a SSE business day, it must be a IB business day return sseImpl->isBusinessDay(date) || (workingWeekends.find(date) != workingWeekends.end()); }
Date Date::startOfMonth () const { return Date (month (), 1, year (), 0, 0, 0); }
CatBond::results MonteCarloCatBondEngine::npv(bool includeSettlementDateFlows, Date settlementDate, Date npvDate) const { const size_t MAX_PATHS = 10000; //TODO CatBond::results result; result.reset(); double lossProbability = 0.0; double exhaustionProbability = 0.0; double expectedLoss = 0.0; //GenericRiskStatistics<GeneralStatistics> statistics; GeneralStatistics statistics; if (arguments_.cashflows.empty()) { return result; } if (settlementDate == Date()) settlementDate = Settings::instance().evaluationDate(); if (npvDate == Date()) npvDate = settlementDate; Real totalNPV = 0.0; Date effectiveDate = std::max(arguments_.startDate, settlementDate); Date maturityDate = (*arguments_.cashflows.rbegin())->date(); auto catSimulation = catRisk_->newSimulation(effectiveDate, maturityDate); std::vector<std::pair<Date, Real> > eventsPath; NotionalPath notionalPath; Real riskFreeNPV = pathNpv(includeSettlementDateFlows, settlementDate, notionalPath); size_t pathCount=0; while(catSimulation->nextPath(eventsPath) && pathCount<MAX_PATHS) { arguments_.notionalRisk->updatePath(eventsPath, notionalPath); if(notionalPath.loss()>0) { //optimization, most paths will not include any loss double thisNpv = pathNpv(includeSettlementDateFlows, settlementDate, notionalPath); totalNPV += thisNpv; lossProbability+=1; if (notionalPath.loss()==1) exhaustionProbability+=1; expectedLoss+=notionalPath.loss(); statistics.add(thisNpv, 1.0); } else { totalNPV += riskFreeNPV; statistics.add(riskFreeNPV, 1.0); } pathCount++; } lossProbability/=pathCount; exhaustionProbability/=pathCount; expectedLoss/=pathCount; result.valuationDate = settlementDate; result.value = totalNPV/(pathCount*discountCurve_->discount(npvDate)); result.settlementValue = result.value; result.lossProbability = lossProbability; result.exhaustionProbability = exhaustionProbability; result.expectedLoss = expectedLoss; if(Null<Real>()!=varLevel_) { result.var = result.value - statistics.percentile(1.0-varLevel_); result.stdDev = statistics.standardDeviation(); result.skew = statistics.skewness(); result.kurtosis = statistics.kurtosis(); } return result; }
Date Date::operator- (const int delta) { return Date (_t - delta); }
/// default constructor, uses assumed year Calendar::Calendar() : m_startDate(Date(MonthOfYear::Jan, 1, YearDescription().assumedYear())), m_endDate(Date(MonthOfYear::Dec, 31, YearDescription().assumedYear())) {}
Date UTCStamp::getDate() const { struct tm tStamp = createTMStruct(); return Date(tStamp.tm_mday, tStamp.tm_mon + 1, tStamp.tm_year + 1900); }
Date Date::Hours(int n) { return Date(n * gsSecsPerHour, true); }