コード例 #1
ファイル: test_matrices.c プロジェクト: RobotXiaoFeng/acado

int sumOfSquares()
	int i;

	/* sum of first n squares */
	const int N = 100;
	real_t av[N];
	real_t aT[N];
	real_t bv[N];
	real_t c;

	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) av[i] = i+1;
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) aTv[i] = i+1;
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) bv[i] = i+1;

	myStatic DenseMatrix a;
	DenseMatrixCON( &a, 1, N, N, av);
	myStatic DenseMatrix aT;
	DenseMatrixCON( &aT, N, 1, 1, aTv);

	a.times(1, 1.0, bv, N, 0.0, &c, 1);
	fprintf(stdFile, "Dot product; Error in sum of first %d squares: %9.2e\n", N, c - (1.0/6.0)*N*(N+1)*(2*N+1));
	aT.transTimes(1, 1.0, bv, N, 0.0, &c, 1);
	fprintf(stdFile, "Transpose; Error in sum of first %d squares: %9.2e\n", N, c - (1.0/6.0)*N*(N+1)*(2*N+1));

	return 0;
コード例 #2
 *	s e t u p C o n s t r a i n t M a t r i x
returnValue setupConstraintMatrix(	const mxArray* prhsA, int nV, int nC,
									DenseMatrix* A
	real_t *A_for = 0;
	static real_t A_mem[NCMAX*NVMAX];

	if ( prhsA == 0 )

	if ( mxIsSparse( prhsA ) != 0 )
		myMexErrMsgTxt( "ERROR (qpOASES_e): Cannot handle sparse matrices!" );
		/* make a deep-copy in order to avoid modifying input data when regularising */
		A_for = (real_t*) mxGetPr( prhsA );
		convertFortranToC( A_for, nV,nC,A_mem );
		DenseMatrixCON( A, nC,nV,nV, A_mem );

コード例 #3
 *	s e t u p H e s s i a n M a t r i x
returnValue setupHessianMatrix(	const mxArray* prhsH, int nV,
								DenseMatrix* H
	real_t *H_for = 0;
	/*static real_t H_mem[NVMAX*NVMAX];*/

	if ( prhsH == 0 )

	if ( mxIsSparse( prhsH ) != 0 )
		myMexErrMsgTxt( "ERROR (qpOASES_e): Cannot handle sparse matrices!" );
		/* make a deep-copy in order to avoid modifying input data when regularising */
		H_for = (real_t*) mxGetPr( prhsH );
		/*qpOASES_printM( H_for,nV,nV );*/
		/*convertFortranToC( H_for, nV,nV,H_mem );  not neccessary as H is symmetric! */
		DenseMatrixCON( H, nV,nV,nV, H_for );

コード例 #4
ファイル: test_matrices.c プロジェクト: RobotXiaoFeng/acado
int hilbert()
	int i, j;
	real_t d, err;

	/* permuted 4x4 Hilbert matrix, row major format */
	real_t _Av[] = {1.0/3.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25,
		0.25, 0.5, 1.0/3.0, 0.2,
		0.2, 1.0/3.0, 0.25, 1.0/6.0,
		1.0/6.0, 0.25, 0.2, 1.0/7.0};
	/* and its inverse, column major format */
	real_t Bv[] = {240, 16, -120, -140,
		-2700, -120, 1200, 1680,
		6480, 240, -2700, -4200,
		-4200, -140, 1680, 2800};

	/* result */
	real_t *Av = new real_t[4*4];
	real_t *Cv = new real_t[4*4];

	myStatic DenseMatrix A;
	DenseMatrixCON( &A, 4, 4, 4, Av );

	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) Av[i] = _Av[i];

	A.times(4, 1.0, Bv, 4, 0.0, Cv, 4);

	err = 0.0;
	for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			d = fabs(Cv[j*4+i] - static_cast<real_t>(i == j));
			if (d > err) err = d;
	fprintf(stdFile, "Hilbert; Deviation from identity: %9.2e\n", err);

	delete[] Cv;
	A.free ();	// or delete[] Av;

	return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_matrices.c プロジェクト: RobotXiaoFeng/acado
int submatrix()
	int i, j;
	real_t d, err;

	/* 2x3 transposed submatrix */
	real_t _Asubv[] = {1.0/3.0, 0.25,
		1.0, 0.5,
		0.5, 1.0/3.0,
		0.25, 0.2};
	real_t Bsubv[] = {240, 16, -120, -140,
		-2700, -120, 1200, 1680};
	real_t Csubv[2*2];

	real_t *Asubv = new real_t[2*4];

	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) Asubv[i] = _Asubv[i];

	myStatic DenseMatrix Asub;
	DenseMatrixCON( &Asub, 4, 2, 2, Asubv );

	Asub.transTimes(2, 1.0, Bsubv, 4, 0.0, Csubv, 2);

	err = 0.0;
	for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
			d = fabs(Csubv[j*2+i] - static_cast<real_t>(i == j));
			if (d > err) err = d;
	fprintf(stdFile, "Submatrix transpose; Deviation from identity: %9.2e\n", err);
	Asub.free ();	// or delete[] Asubv;

	return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_matrices.c プロジェクト: RobotXiaoFeng/acado
int indexDenseSubmatrix()
	/* dense submatrices via index lists */
	const int M = 20, N = 15, K = 5;
	int i, j, k, m, n;
	Indexlist rows(N), cols(N);
	int *rNum, *cNum;
	real_t err = 0.0;
	real_t *Av, *X, *Y, *x, *y, *xc, *yc;

	// prepare index lists
	m = (M-3)/4;
	n = (N-3)/4;
	for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { rows.addNumber(M-1 - 2*i); rows.addNumber(2*i); }
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { cols.addNumber(N-1 - 2*i); cols.addNumber(2*i); }
	m *= 2;
	n *= 2;

	fprintf(stdFile, "Rows: ");
	for (i = 0; i < m; i++) fprintf(stdFile, " %2d", rNum[i]);
	fprintf(stdFile, "\n");

	fprintf(stdFile, "Cols: ");
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) fprintf(stdFile, " %2d", cNum[i]);
	fprintf(stdFile, "\n");

	// prepare input matrices
	Av = new real_t[M*N];
	X = new real_t[n*K];
	Y = new real_t[m*K];
	x = new real_t[n*K];
	y = new real_t[m*K];
	xc = new real_t[n*K];
	yc = new real_t[m*K];

	myStatic DenseMatrix A;
	DenseMatrixCON( &A, M, N, N, Av );
	for (i = 0; i < M*N; i++) Av[i] = -0.5*N*M + (real_t)i;
	for (i = 0; i < n*K; i++) X[i] = 1.0 / (real_t)(i+1);
	for (i = 0; i < m*K; i++) Y[i] = 1.0 / (real_t)(i+1);

	// multiply
	A.times(&rows, &cols, K, 1.0, X, n, 0.0, y, m);

	// check result
	for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
		for (k = 0; k < K; k++)
			yc[j+k*m] = -y[j+k*m];
			for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
				yc[j+k*m] += Av[cNum[i]+rNum[j]*N] * X[i+k*n];
			if (fabs(yc[j+k*m]) > err) err = fabs(yc[j+k*m]);
	fprintf(stdFile, "Indexlist submatrix; error: %9.2e\n", err);

	// transpose multiply
	A.transTimes(&rows, &cols, K, 1.0, Y, m, 0.0, x, n);

	// check result
	err = 0.0;
	for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
		for (k = 0; k < K; k++)
			xc[j+k*n] = -x[j+k*n];
			for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
				xc[j+k*n] += Av[cNum[j]+rNum[i]*N] * Y[i+k*m];
			if (fabs(xc[j+k*n]) > err) err = fabs(xc[j+k*n]);
	fprintf(stdFile, "Indexlist transpose submatrix; error: %9.2e\n", err);

	// check result

	// clean up
	delete[] yc;
	delete[] xc;
	delete[] y;
	delete[] x;
	delete[] Y;
	delete[] X;
	A.free ();	// or delete[] Av;

	return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: OQPinterface.c プロジェクト: fengxh/Julia
 *	s o l v e O Q P b e n c h m a r k
returnValue solveOQPbenchmarkB(	int nQP, int nV,
								real_t* _H, const real_t* const g,
								const real_t* const lb, const real_t* const ub,
								BooleanType isSparse, BooleanType useHotstarts, 
								const Options* options, int maxAllowedNWSR,
								real_t* maxNWSR, real_t* avgNWSR, real_t* maxCPUtime, real_t* avgCPUtime,
								real_t* maxStationarity, real_t* maxFeasibility, real_t* maxComplementarity
	int k;
	myStatic QProblemB qp;
	returnValue returnvalue;

	/* 1) Keep nWSR and store current and maximum number of
	 *    working set recalculations in temporary variables */
	int nWSRcur;

	real_t CPUtimeLimit = *maxCPUtime;
	real_t CPUtimeCur = CPUtimeLimit;
	real_t stat, feas, cmpl;

	/* 2) Pointers to data of current QP ... */
	const real_t* gCur;
	const real_t* lbCur;
	const real_t* ubCur;

	/* 3) Vectors for solution obtained by qpOASES. */
	myStatic real_t x[NVMAX];
	myStatic real_t y[NVMAX];

	/* 4) Prepare matrix objects */
	DenseMatrix *H;
	myStatic DenseMatrix HH;
	DenseMatrixCON( &HH, nV, nV, nV, _H );
	H = &HH;
	*maxNWSR = 0;
	*avgNWSR = 0;
	*maxCPUtime = 0.0;
	*avgCPUtime = 0.0;
	*maxStationarity = 0.0;
	*maxFeasibility = 0.0;
	*maxComplementarity = 0.0;

	QProblemBCON( &qp,nV,HST_UNKNOWN );
	QProblemB_setOptions( &qp,*options );
	/*QProblemB_setPrintLevel( &qp,PL_LOW );*/

	for( k=0; k<nQP; ++k )
		/* 1) Update pointers to current QP data. */
		gCur   = &( g[k*nV] );
		lbCur  = &( lb[k*nV] );
		ubCur  = &( ub[k*nV] );

		/* 2) Set nWSR and maximum CPU time. */
		nWSRcur = maxAllowedNWSR;
		CPUtimeCur = CPUtimeLimit;

		/* 3) Solve current QP. */
		if ( ( k == 0 ) || ( useHotstarts == BT_FALSE ) )
			/* initialise */
			returnvalue = QProblemB_initM( &qp,H,gCur,lbCur,ubCur, &nWSRcur,&CPUtimeCur );
			if ( ( returnvalue != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN ) && ( returnvalue != RET_MAX_NWSR_REACHED ) )
				return THROWERROR( returnvalue );
			/* hotstart */
			returnvalue = QProblemB_hotstart( &qp,gCur,lbCur,ubCur, &nWSRcur,&CPUtimeCur );
			if ( ( returnvalue != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN ) && ( returnvalue != RET_MAX_NWSR_REACHED ) )
				return THROWERROR( returnvalue );

		/* 4) Obtain solution vectors and objective function value ... */
		QProblemB_getPrimalSolution( &qp,x );
		QProblemB_getDualSolution( &qp,y );

		/* 5) Compute KKT residuals */
		qpOASES_getKktViolationSB( nV, _H,gCur,lbCur,ubCur, x,y, &stat,&feas,&cmpl );

		/* 6) update maximum values. */
		if ( nWSRcur > *maxNWSR )
			*maxNWSR = nWSRcur;
		if (stat > *maxStationarity) *maxStationarity = stat;
		if (feas > *maxFeasibility) *maxFeasibility = feas;
		if (cmpl > *maxComplementarity) *maxComplementarity = cmpl;

		if ( CPUtimeCur > *maxCPUtime )
			*maxCPUtime = CPUtimeCur;
		*avgNWSR += nWSRcur;
		*avgCPUtime += CPUtimeCur;
	*avgNWSR /= nQP;
	*avgCPUtime /= ((double)nQP);
