コード例 #1
ファイル: radix.c プロジェクト: mjschultz/py-radix
 * if func is supplied, it will be called as func(node->data)
 * before deleting the node
static void
radix_clear_head(radix_tree_t *radix, radix_node_t *head, rdx_cb_t func, void *cbctx)
        if (head) {
                radix_node_t *Xstack[RADIX_MAXBITS + 1];
                radix_node_t **Xsp = Xstack;
                radix_node_t *Xrn = head;

                while (Xrn) {
                        radix_node_t *l = Xrn->l;
                        radix_node_t *r = Xrn->r;

                        if (Xrn->prefix) {
                                if (Xrn->data && func)
                                        func(Xrn, cbctx);

                        if (l) {
                                if (r)
                                        *Xsp++ = r;
                                Xrn = l;
                        } else if (r) {
                                Xrn = r;
                        } else if (Xsp != Xstack) {
                                Xrn = *(--Xsp);
                        } else {
                                Xrn = (radix_node_t *) 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: dynamic.c プロジェクト: Wintereise/ddosmon-mod
static void
expire_dynamic_trigger(void *data)
	banrecord_t *rec = data;
	struct in_addr sin;
	prefix_t *pfx;
	patricia_node_t *node;
	trigger_t *t = rec->trigger;

	run_triggers(ACTION_UNBAN, rec->trigger, &rec->pkt, rec);

	switch (t->type) {
		sin.s_addr = rec->pkt.pkt_src.s_addr;
		sin.s_addr = rec->pkt.pkt_dst.s_addr;

	pfx = New_Prefix(AF_INET, &sin, 32);

	node = patricia_lookup(banrecord_trie, pfx);
	patricia_remove(banrecord_trie, node);


コード例 #3
ファイル: alist.c プロジェクト: job/irrd
remove_access_list (int num, int permit, prefix_t *prefix, prefix_t *wildcard,
                    int exact, int refine) {
    condition_t *condition;

    if (num < 0 || num >= MAX_ALIST)
        return (-1);
    if (access_list[num] == NULL) {
        return (-1);
    condition = find_access_list (num, permit, prefix, wildcard, exact, refine);
    if (condition == NULL)
        return (-1);

    Deref_Prefix (condition->prefix);
    Deref_Prefix (condition->wildcard);
    LL_Remove (access_list[num], condition);

    return (LL_GetCount (access_list[num]));
コード例 #4
ファイル: route_table.c プロジェクト: ederlf/horse
add_ipv4_entry(struct route_table *rt, struct route_entry_v4 *e)
    patricia_node_t *node;
    uint32_t ip = htonl(e->ip);
    int bitlen = 32 - ntz(e->netmask);
    prefix_t *pref = New_Prefix(AF_INET, &ip, bitlen);
    node = patricia_lookup (rt->ipv4_table, pref);
    Deref_Prefix (pref);
    node->data = (void*) e;
コード例 #5
ファイル: route_table.c プロジェクト: ederlf/horse
struct route_entry_v4 
*ipv4_lookup(const struct route_table *rt, uint32_t ip)
    ip = htonl(ip);
    prefix_t *pref = New_Prefix(AF_INET, &ip, 32);
    patricia_node_t *node = patricia_search_best(rt->ipv4_table, pref);
    Deref_Prefix (pref);
    if (node != NULL){
        return (struct route_entry_v4*) node->data;
    return NULL;
コード例 #6
ファイル: dynamic.c プロジェクト: Wintereise/ddosmon-mod
static banrecord_t *
ban_find(uint32_t ip)
	prefix_t *pfx;
	patricia_node_t *node;
	struct in_addr sin;

	sin.s_addr = ip;
	pfx = New_Prefix(AF_INET, &sin, 32);

	node = patricia_search_exact(banrecord_trie, pfx);


	return node != NULL ? node->data : NULL;
コード例 #7
ファイル: dynamic.c プロジェクト: Wintereise/ddosmon-mod
static banrecord_t *
trigger_ban(trigger_t *t, packet_info_t *packet, iprecord_t *irec)
	banrecord_t *rec;
	prefix_t *pfx;
	patricia_node_t *node;
	struct in_addr sin;

	switch (t->type) {
		sin.s_addr = packet->pkt_src.s_addr;
		sin.s_addr = packet->pkt_dst.s_addr;

	if (ban_find(sin.s_addr) != NULL)
		return NULL;

	rec = calloc(sizeof(banrecord_t), 1);

	rec->trigger = t;
	memcpy(&rec->irec, irec, sizeof(iprecord_t));
	memcpy(&rec->pkt, packet, sizeof(packet_info_t));
	rec->added = mowgli_eventloop_get_time(eventloop);
	rec->expiry_ts = rec->added + (t->expiry ? t->expiry : expiry);

	pfx = New_Prefix(AF_INET, &sin, 32);

	node = patricia_lookup(banrecord_trie, pfx);
	node->data = rec;


	run_triggers(ACTION_BAN, t, packet, rec);

	rec->timer = mowgli_timer_add_once(eventloop, "expire_dynamic_trigger", expire_dynamic_trigger, rec, (t->expiry ? t->expiry : expiry));

	return rec;
コード例 #8
ファイル: libpatricia.c プロジェクト: valderrama/ModSSOBand
Clear_Patricia (patricia_tree_t *patricia, void_fn_t func)
    assert (patricia);
    if (patricia->head) {

        patricia_node_t *Xstack[PATRICIA_MAXBITS+1];
        patricia_node_t **Xsp = Xstack;
        patricia_node_t *Xrn = patricia->head;

        while (Xrn) {
            patricia_node_t *l = Xrn->l;
            patricia_node_t *r = Xrn->r;

    	    if (Xrn->prefix) {
		Deref_Prefix (Xrn->prefix);
		if (Xrn->data && func)
	    	    func (Xrn->data);
    	    else {
		assert (Xrn->data == NULL);
    	    Delete (Xrn);

            if (l) {
                if (r) {
                    *Xsp++ = r;
                Xrn = l;
            } else if (r) {
                Xrn = r;
            } else if (Xsp != Xstack) {
                Xrn = *(--Xsp);
            } else {
                Xrn = (patricia_node_t *) 0;
    assert (patricia->num_active_node == 0);
    Delete (patricia);
コード例 #9
ファイル: route_atob.c プロジェクト: deepfield/MRT
static void 
read_ascii (FILE *fd, io_t *IO)
    LINKED_LIST *ll_ann, *ll_with;
    bgp_attr_t *attr;
    int announce_flag = 0;
    int line_num = 0;
    int have_data = 0;
    int have_data2 = 0;
    time_t tstamp = 0;
    int type = 0;
    int subtype = 0;
    int bgptype = 0;
    int newtype = 0;
    gateway_t *gateway_from = NULL;
    gateway_t *gateway_to = NULL;
    int first = 1;
    u_char bgp_packet[BGPMAXPACKETSIZE], *bp = bgp_packet;
    u_char buffer[MAX_MSG_SIZE], *buffer_p = buffer;
    u_char *end = buffer + sizeof (buffer);
    int eof = 0;
    buffer_t *stdbuf;

    int state1 = 0, state2 = 0;

    int version = 0, as = 0, holdtime = 0, optlen = 0;
    u_long id = 0;

    int code = 0, subcode = 0;

    int viewno = 0;
    char *filename = NULL;

    prefix_t *route_prefix = NULL;
    time_t originated = 0;
    u_long status = 0;
    int seq_num = 0;

    attr = bgp_new_attr (PROTO_BGP);
    ll_ann = LL_Create (LL_DestroyFunction, Deref_Prefix, 0);
    ll_with = LL_Create (LL_DestroyFunction, Deref_Prefix, 0);

    stdbuf = New_Buffer_Stream (fd);
    for (;;) {
        char *line = NULL, *ret = NULL;
	int len = 0;
        int ok = 0;
	char *cp;

        if (buffer_gets (stdbuf) <= 0) {
	else {
	    len = buffer_data_len (stdbuf);
	    line = buffer_data (stdbuf);

	    if (line[len - 1] == '\n') {
	        line[len - 1] = '\0';
	    trace (TR_TRACE, MRT->trace, "++%s\n", line);

	    if ((cp = strpbrk (line, "#!")) != NULL) {
	        *cp = '\0';
	        len = cp - line;

	    if (first && nulline (line))
	    first = 0;
	if (eof || nulline (line)) {
	    if (have_data && have_data2) {
		trace (TR_ERROR, MRT->trace, "Mixture of two formats\n");
		goto error;
	    if (bgptype == BGP_UPDATE && have_data) {
		flushout (IO, tstamp, type, subtype, attr, ll_ann, ll_with, 
	    else if (have_data2) {
		flushout2 (IO, tstamp, type, subtype, 
			   bgp_packet, bp - bgp_packet, 
			   gateway_from, gateway_to);
    	    else if (bgptype == BGP_KEEPALIVE) {
		if (type == MSG_PROTOCOL_BGP4MP) {
		    memset (bgp_packet, 0xff, BGP_HEADER_MARKER_LEN);
	  	    BGP_PUT_HDRTYPE (bgptype, bgp_packet);
		    bp = bgp_packet + BGP_HEADER_LEN;
	  	    BGP_PUT_HDRLEN (bp - bgp_packet, bgp_packet);
		else {
		    bp = bgp_packet;
		flushout2 (IO, tstamp, type, subtype, 
		   	   bgp_packet, bp - bgp_packet, 
			   gateway_from, gateway_to);
    	    else if (bgptype == BGP_OPEN) {
		if (type == MSG_PROTOCOL_BGP4MP) {
		    memset (bgp_packet, 0xff, BGP_HEADER_MARKER_LEN);
	  	    BGP_PUT_HDRTYPE (bgptype, bgp_packet);
		    bp = bgp_packet + BGP_HEADER_LEN;
		else {
		    bp = bgp_packet;
		BGP_PUT_BYTE (version, bp);
		BGP_PUT_SHORT (as, bp);
		BGP_PUT_SHORT (holdtime, bp);
		BGP_PUT_NETLONG (id, bp);
		BGP_PUT_BYTE (0, bp); /* XXX */
		if (type == MSG_PROTOCOL_BGP4MP) {
	  	    BGP_PUT_HDRLEN (bp - bgp_packet, bgp_packet);
		flushout2 (IO, tstamp, type, subtype, 
		 	   bgp_packet, bp - bgp_packet, 
			   gateway_from, gateway_to);
    	    else if (bgptype == BGP_NOTIFY) {
		if (type == MSG_PROTOCOL_BGP4MP) {
		    memset (bgp_packet, 0xff, BGP_HEADER_MARKER_LEN);
	  	    BGP_PUT_HDRTYPE (bgptype, bgp_packet);
		    bp = bgp_packet + BGP_HEADER_LEN;
		else {
		    bp = bgp_packet;
		BGP_PUT_BYTE (code, bp);
		BGP_PUT_BYTE (subcode, bp);
		if (type == MSG_PROTOCOL_BGP4MP) {
	  	    BGP_PUT_HDRLEN (bp - bgp_packet, bgp_packet);
		flushout2 (IO, tstamp, type, subtype, 
		 	   bgp_packet, bp - bgp_packet, 
			   gateway_from, gateway_to);
	    else if (newtype == BGP4MP_STATE_CHANGE) {
		bp = bgp_packet;
		BGP_PUT_SHORT (state1, bp);
		BGP_PUT_SHORT (state2, bp);
		flushout2 (IO, tstamp, type, subtype, 
		 	   bgp_packet, bp - bgp_packet, 
			   gateway_from, NULL);
	    else if (newtype == BGP4MP_SNAPSHOT) {
		bp = bgp_packet;
		BGP_PUT_SHORT (viewno, bp);
		if (filename)
		    BGP_PUT_DATA (filename, strlen (filename), bp);
		BGP_PUT_BYTE (0, bp);
    		trace_mrt_header (MRT->trace, tstamp, type, subtype);
    		io_write (IO, tstamp, type, subtype, 
			  bp - bgp_packet, bgp_packet);
	    else if (newtype == BGP4MP_ENTRY) {
		if (route_prefix != NULL) {
		    buffer_p = bgp_table_dump_entry (buffer_p, end, type, 
						     subtype, viewno, 
				   route_prefix, status, originated, attr);
		if (buffer_p - buffer > 0) {
    		    trace_mrt_header (MRT->trace, tstamp, type, subtype);
    		    io_write (IO, tstamp, type, subtype, 
			      buffer_p - buffer, buffer);

	    if (eof)
	if (MRT->force_exit_flag)
	    exit (1);
	    bgp_deref_attr (attr);
	    attr = bgp_new_attr (PROTO_BGP);
	    LL_Clear (ll_ann);
	    LL_Clear (ll_with);

    	    announce_flag = 0;
    	    have_data = 0;
    	    have_data2 = 0;
    	    tstamp = 0;
    	    type = 0;
    	    subtype = 0;
    	    bgptype = 0;
    	    newtype = 0;
    	    gateway_to = NULL;
    	    gateway_from = NULL;
    	    route_prefix = NULL;
	    seq_num = 0;
    	    first = 1;
    	    if (filename)
		free (filename);
	    filename = NULL;

    if (have_data) {
	/* a prefix -- line begins with a space */
	if (isspace (line[0])) {
	    prefix_t *prefix;
	    char *cp = line +1;

	    while (isspace (*cp))
	    if ((prefix = ascii2prefix (0, cp)) != NULL) {
		if (announce_flag == 1) {
		    LL_Add (ll_ann, prefix);
		else {
		    LL_Add (ll_with, prefix);

	if (have_data2) {
	    prefix_t *prefix;
	    int num;
	    u_long value;

	    if (isspace (line[0]) &&
		    strpbrk (line, ".:") && strchr (line, '/') &&
		    parse_line (line, "%d %m", &num, &prefix) == 2) {
		u_char *here = bp;
		/* v4 or v6 address with prefixlen */
#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
		if (prefix->family == AF_INET6)
		    BGP_PUT_PREFIX6 (prefix->bitlen, prefix_tochar (prefix), 
#endif /* HAVE_IPV6 */
		    BGP_PUT_PREFIX (prefix->bitlen, prefix_tochar (prefix), 
		Deref_Prefix (prefix);
		if (num != bp - here) {
		    trace (TR_ERROR, MRT->trace, 
			   "length was %d but must be %d\n", num, bp - here);
		    goto error;
	    else if (isspace (line[0]) &&
	    	         strpbrk (line, ".:") && 
		    	 parse_line (line, "%d %M", &num, &prefix) == 2) {
		/* v4 or v6 address w/o prefixlen */
		if (prefix->family == AF_INET6 && num > 16) {
		    trace (TR_ERROR, MRT->trace, 
			   "length was %d but must be less than or equal %d\n",
			    num, 16);
		    Deref_Prefix (prefix);
		    goto error;
		if (prefix->family == AF_INET && num > 4) {
		    trace (TR_ERROR, MRT->trace, 
			   "length was %d but must be less than or equal %d\n",
			    num, 4);
		    Deref_Prefix (prefix);
		    goto error;
		BGP_PUT_DATA (prefix_tochar (prefix), num, bp);
		Deref_Prefix (prefix);
	    else if (isspace (line[0]) &&
	    		parse_line (line, "%d %i", &num, &value) == 2) {
		if (num == 1)
		    BGP_PUT_BYTE (value, bp);
		else if (num == 2)
		    BGP_PUT_SHORT (value, bp);
		else if (num == 4)
		    BGP_PUT_LONG (value, bp);
		else {
		    trace (TR_ERROR, MRT->trace, 
			   "unknown length %d\n", num);
		    goto error;

	if ((ret = checkstradvance (line, "TIME"))) {
	    struct tm tm;
	    if (strptime (ret, "%D %T", &tm)) {
		time_t now;
		time (&now);
		tm.tm_isdst = localtime (&now)->tm_isdst;
		adjust_y2k (&tm);
		tstamp = mktime (&tm);

	else if ((ret = checkstradvance (line, "TO"))) {
	    int as;
    	    char data[MAXLINE];
	    prefix_t *prefix;
	    if (sscanf (ret, "%s AS%d", data, &as) >= 2 ||
	        sscanf (ret, "AS%d %s", &as, data) >= 2 /* obsolete */) {
		prefix = ascii2prefix (0, data);
		gateway_to = add_gateway (prefix, as, NULL);
		Deref_Prefix (prefix);

	else if ((ret = checkstradvance (line, "FROM"))) {
	    int as;
    	    char data[MAXLINE];
	    if (sscanf (ret, "%s AS%d", data, &as) >= 2 ||
	        sscanf (ret, "AS%d %s", &as, data) >= 2 /* obsolete */) {
		prefix_t *prefix = ascii2prefix (0, data);
		gateway_from = add_gateway (prefix, as, NULL);
		attr->gateway = gateway_from;
		Deref_Prefix (prefix);

	/* type BGP/UPDATE */
	else if ((ret = checkstradvance (line, "TYPE"))) {
	    char *subtypestr;
	    char **cpp;
	    int i;

	    if ((subtypestr = strchr (ret, '/')) != NULL)
		*subtypestr++ = '\0';

	    cpp = S_MRT_MSG_TYPES;
	    for (i = 0; cpp[i]; i++) {
	        if (strcasecmp (cpp[i], ret) == 0)
	    type = (enum MRT_MSG_TYPES) i;

	    if (subtypestr) {
		char *subsubtypestr;

	        if ((subsubtypestr = strchr (subtypestr, '/')) != NULL)
		    *subsubtypestr++ = '\0';
		if ((cpp = S_MRT_MSG_SUBTYPES[type]) != NULL) {
		    for (i = 0; cpp[i]; i++) {
		        if (strcasecmp (cpp[i], subtypestr) == 0)
		    subtype = i;
		newtype = subtype;

		if (type == MSG_PROTOCOL_BGP ||
			type == MSG_PROTOCOL_BGP4PLUS_01) {
		    if (subtype == MSG_BGP_UPDATE) {
		        bgptype = BGP_UPDATE;
			newtype = BGP4MP_MESSAGE;
		    else if (subtype == MSG_BGP_KEEPALIVE) {
		        bgptype = BGP_KEEPALIVE;
			newtype = BGP4MP_MESSAGE;
		    else if (subtype == MSG_BGP_NOTIFY) {
		        bgptype = BGP_NOTIFY;
			newtype = BGP4MP_MESSAGE;
		    else if (subtype == MSG_BGP_OPEN) {
		        bgptype = BGP_OPEN;
			newtype = BGP4MP_MESSAGE;
		    else if (subtype == MSG_BGP_SYNC) {
			newtype = BGP4MP_SNAPSHOT;
		    else if (subtype == MSG_BGP_STATE_CHANGE) {
			newtype = BGP4MP_STATE_CHANGE;
		    else if (subtype == MSG_TABLE_DUMP) {
			newtype = BGP4MP_ENTRY;
		else if (type == MSG_PROTOCOL_BGP4MP && (
			subtype == BGP4MP_MESSAGE || 
			subtype == BGP4MP_MESSAGE_OLD)) {
		    for (i = 0; sbgp_pdus[i]; i++) {
		        if (strcasecmp (sbgp_pdus[i], subsubtypestr) == 0) {
		    	    bgptype = i;

	    if (type == MSG_PROTOCOL_BGP
		    || type == MSG_PROTOCOL_BGP4PLUS
		    || type == MSG_PROTOCOL_BGP4PLUS_01
		    || type == MSG_TABLE_DUMP
		    || type == MSG_PROTOCOL_BGP4MP
		    ) {
		/* OK */
	    else {
		trace (TR_ERROR, MRT->trace, 
		       "Unknown message type %s at line %d\n", ret, line_num);
		goto error;

	else if ((ret = checkstradvance (line, "DATA"))) {
	    bp = bgp_packet;
	else if (newtype == BGP4MP_STATE_CHANGE &&
	         (ret = checkstradvance (line, "PEER"))) {
	    int as;
    	    char data[MAXLINE];
	    if (sscanf (ret, "%s AS%d", data, &as) >= 2 ||
	        sscanf (ret, "AS%d %s", &as, data) >= 2 /* obsolete */) {
		prefix_t *prefix = ascii2prefix (0, data);
		gateway_from = add_gateway (prefix, as, NULL);
		Deref_Prefix (prefix);
	else if (newtype == BGP4MP_STATE_CHANGE &&
	         (ret = checkstradvance (line, "STATE"))) {
	    char *cp = strchr (ret, '/');
	    int i;

	    if (cp == NULL)
		goto error;
	    *cp++ = '\0';
	    for (i = 0; sbgp_states[i]; i++) {
		if (strcasecmp (sbgp_states[i], ret) == 0) {
		    state1 = i;
	    for (i = 0; sbgp_states[i]; i++) {
		if (strcasecmp (sbgp_states[i], cp) == 0) {
		    state2 = i;
	else if ((newtype == BGP4MP_SNAPSHOT || newtype == BGP4MP_ENTRY) &&
	         (ret = checkstradvance (line, "VIEW"))) {
	    viewno = atoi (ret);
	else if (newtype == BGP4MP_SNAPSHOT &&
	         (ret = checkstradvance (line, "FILE"))) {
	    if (filename)
		free (filename);
	    filename = strdup (ret);
	else if (newtype == BGP4MP_ENTRY &&
	         (ret = checkstradvance (line, "PREFIX"))) {
	    if (route_prefix == NULL) {
	    	buffer_p = buffer;
		if (type == MSG_TABLE_DUMP) {
	    	    BGP_PUT_SHORT (viewno, buffer_p);
            	    BGP_PUT_SHORT (seq_num, buffer_p);
	    else {
		buffer_p = bgp_table_dump_entry (buffer_p, end, type, subtype,
                      viewno, route_prefix, status, originated, attr);
	    route_prefix = ascii2prefix (0, ret);
	    bgp_deref_attr (attr);
	    attr = bgp_new_attr (PROTO_BGP);
	else if (newtype == BGP4MP_ENTRY &&
	         (ret = checkstradvance (line, "SEQUENCE"))) {
	    seq_num = atoi (ret);
	else if (newtype == BGP4MP_ENTRY &&
	        (ret = checkstradvance (line, "ORIGINATED"))) {
	    struct tm tm;
	    if (strptime (ret, "%D %T", &tm)) {
		time_t now;
		time (&now);
		tm.tm_isdst = localtime (&now)->tm_isdst;
		adjust_y2k (&tm);
		originated = mktime (&tm);
	else if (newtype == BGP4MP_ENTRY &&
	         (ret = checkstradvance (line, "STATUS"))) {
	    sscanf (ret, "%li", &status);
	else if (bgptype == BGP_OPEN &&
		(ret = checkstradvance (line, "VERSION"))) {
	    version = atoi (ret);
	else if (bgptype == BGP_OPEN &&
		(ret = checkstradvance (line, "AS"))) {
	    as = atoi (ret);
	else if (bgptype == BGP_OPEN &&
		(ret = checkstradvance (line, "HOLD_TIME"))) {
	    holdtime = atoi (ret);
	else if (bgptype == BGP_OPEN &&
		(ret = checkstradvance (line, "ID"))) {
	    inet_pton (AF_INET, ret, &id);
	else if (bgptype == BGP_OPEN &&
		(ret = checkstradvance (line, "OPT_PARM_LEN"))) {
	    optlen = atoi (ret);
	else if (bgptype == BGP_NOTIFY &&
		(ret = checkstradvance (line, "CODE"))) {
	    char *cp;
	    code = atoi (ret);
	    if ((cp = strchr (ret, '/')) != NULL)
		subcode = atoi (cp + 1);
	else if (bgptype == BGP_UPDATE &&
		(ret = checkstradvance (line, "ANNOUNCE"))) {
	    announce_flag = 1;
	else if (bgptype == BGP_UPDATE &&
		(ret = checkstradvance (line, "WITHDRAW"))) {
	    announce_flag = 0;
	else if ((bgptype == BGP_UPDATE || newtype == BGP4MP_ENTRY) &&
		(ok = bgp_scan_attr (line, attr, MRT->trace)) > 0) {
	    /* OK */
	else if ((bgptype == BGP_UPDATE || newtype == BGP4MP_ENTRY) && ok < 0) {
	    trace (TR_ERROR, MRT->trace, 
	           "Invalid BGP attribute at line %d\n", line_num);
	    goto error;
	else {
	    trace (TR_ERROR, MRT->trace, "Unrecognized line at %d\n", line_num);
	    goto error;

    if (filename)
	free (filename);
    bgp_deref_attr (attr);
    LL_Destroy (ll_ann);
    LL_Destroy (ll_with);
    Delete_Buffer (stdbuf);