static void udpInterface(Dict* config, struct Context* ctx) { Dict* udp = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("UDPInterface")); Dict* connectTo = Dict_getDict(udp, String_CONST("connectTo")); if (connectTo) { struct Dict_Entry* entry = *connectTo; while (entry != NULL) { String* key = (String*) entry->key; if (entry->val->type != Object_DICT) { Log_critical1(ctx->logger, "interfaces.UDPInterface.connectTo: entry [%s] " "is not a dictionary type.", key->bytes); exit(-1); } Dict* value = entry->val->as.dictionary; Log_keys1(ctx->logger, "Attempting to connect to node [%s].", key->bytes); struct Allocator* perCallAlloc = ctx->alloc->child(ctx->alloc); Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("address"), key, perCallAlloc); rpcCall(String_CONST("UDPInterface_beginConnection"), value, ctx, perCallAlloc); perCallAlloc->free(perCallAlloc); entry = entry->next; } } }
static int getcmds(Dict* config) { uint8_t privateKey[32]; struct Address addr; parsePrivateKey(config, &addr, privateKey); uint8_t myIp[40]; Address_printIp(myIp, &addr); Dict* router = Dict_getDict(config, BSTR("router")); Dict* iface = Dict_getDict(router, BSTR("interface")); String* type = Dict_getString(iface, BSTR("type")); String* tunDevice = Dict_getString(iface, BSTR("tunDevice")); if (!String_equals(type, BSTR("TUNInterface"))) { fprintf(stderr, "router.interface.type is not recognized.\n"); return -1; } char* tunDev = tunDevice ? tunDevice->bytes : "tun0"; if (strrchr(tunDev, '/') != NULL) { tunDev = strrchr(tunDev, '/') + 1; } printf("#!/bin/bash\n" "# Run these commands as root now and every time the system is rebooted\n" "# in order to get the interfaces setup properly.\n\n"); printf("/sbin/ip addr add %s dev %s\n", myIp, tunDev); printf("/sbin/ip -6 route add fc00::/8 dev %s\n", tunDev); printf("/sbin/ip link set %s up\n", tunDev); return 0; }
void Configurator_config(Dict* config, struct sockaddr_storage* addr, int addrLen, String* adminPassword, struct event_base* eventBase, struct Log* logger, struct Allocator* alloc) { struct Allocator* tempAlloc = alloc->child(alloc); struct AdminClient* client = AdminClient_new(addr, addrLen, adminPassword, eventBase, logger, tempAlloc); struct Context ctx = { .logger = logger, .alloc = tempAlloc, .client = client }; List* authedPasswords = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("authorizedPasswords")); if (authedPasswords) { authorizedPasswords(authedPasswords, &ctx); } Dict* ifaces = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("interfaces")); udpInterface(ifaces, &ctx); Dict* routerConf = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("router")); Dict* iface = Dict_getDict(routerConf, String_CONST("interface")); tunInterface(iface, tempAlloc, &ctx); List* securityList = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("security")); security(securityList, tempAlloc, &ctx); tempAlloc->free(tempAlloc); }
static void reconf(struct event_base* eventbase, Dict* mainConf, struct Log* logger, struct Allocator* alloc) { Dict* adminConf = Dict_getDict(mainConf, String_CONST("admin")); String* address = Dict_getString(adminConf, String_CONST("bind")); String* password = Dict_getString(adminConf, String_CONST("password")); if (!(address && password)) { Log_critical(logger, "Can't get the admin address and password from conf file."); exit(-1); } struct sockaddr_storage addr; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); int addrLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); if (evutil_parse_sockaddr_port(address->bytes, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, &addrLen)) { Log_critical(logger, "Unable to parse [%s] as an ip address port, " "eg:", address->bytes); exit(-1); } Configurator_config(mainConf, &addr, addrLen, password, eventbase, logger, alloc); }
static bool checkArgs(Dict* args, struct Function* func, String* txid, struct Admin* admin) { struct Dict_Entry* entry = *func->args; String* error = NULL; uint8_t buffer[1024]; struct Allocator* alloc = BufferAllocator_new(buffer, 1024); while (entry != NULL) { String* key = (String*) entry->key; Assert_true(entry->val->type == Object_DICT); Dict* value = entry->val->as.dictionary; entry = entry->next; if (*Dict_getInt(value, String_CONST("required")) == 0) { continue; } String* type = Dict_getString(value, String_CONST("type")); if ((type == STRING && !Dict_getString(args, key)) || (type == DICT && !Dict_getDict(args, key)) || (type == INTEGER && !Dict_getInt(args, key)) || (type == LIST && !Dict_getList(args, key))) { error = String_printf(alloc, "Entry [%s] is required and must be of type [%s]", key->bytes, type->bytes); break; } } if (error) { Dict d = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(error), NULL); Admin_sendMessage(&d, txid, admin); } return !error; }
void Configurator_config(Dict* config, struct Sockaddr* sockAddr, String* adminPassword, struct EventBase* eventBase, struct Log* logger, struct Allocator* alloc) { struct Allocator* tempAlloc = Allocator_child(alloc); struct UDPAddrIface* udp = UDPAddrIface_new(eventBase, NULL, alloc, NULL, logger); struct AdminClient* client = AdminClient_new(&udp->generic, sockAddr, adminPassword, eventBase, logger, tempAlloc); struct Context ctx = { .logger = logger, .alloc = tempAlloc, .client = client, .base = eventBase, }; waitUntilPong(&ctx); List* authedPasswords = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("authorizedPasswords")); if (authedPasswords) { authorizedPasswords(authedPasswords, &ctx); } Dict* ifaces = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("interfaces")); udpInterface(ifaces, &ctx); if (Defined(HAS_ETH_INTERFACE)) { ethInterface(ifaces, &ctx); } Dict* routerConf = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("router")); routerConfig(routerConf, tempAlloc, &ctx); List* secList = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("security")); security(tempAlloc, secList, logger, &ctx); Log_debug(logger, "Cjdns started in the background"); Allocator_free(tempAlloc); }
void Configurator_config(Dict* config, struct Sockaddr* sockAddr, String* adminPassword, struct EventBase* eventBase, struct Log* logger, struct Allocator* alloc) { struct Except* eh = NULL; struct Allocator* tempAlloc = Allocator_child(alloc); struct AdminClient* client = AdminClient_new(sockAddr, adminPassword, eventBase, logger, tempAlloc); struct Context ctx = { .logger = logger, .alloc = tempAlloc, .client = client, .base = eventBase, }; List* authedPasswords = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("authorizedPasswords")); if (authedPasswords) { authorizedPasswords(authedPasswords, &ctx); } Dict* ifaces = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("interfaces")); udpInterface(ifaces, &ctx); #ifdef HAS_ETH_INTERFACE ethInterface(ifaces, &ctx); #endif Dict* routerConf = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("router")); routerConfig(routerConf, tempAlloc, &ctx); List* securityList = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("security")); security(securityList, tempAlloc, &ctx); Dict* dnsConf = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("dns")); dns(dnsConf, &ctx, eh); Allocator_free(tempAlloc); }
static int getcmds(Dict* config) { uint8_t privateKey[32]; struct Address addr; parsePrivateKey(config, &addr, privateKey); uint8_t myIp[40]; Address_printIp(myIp, &addr); Dict* router = Dict_getDict(config, BSTR("router")); Dict* iface = Dict_getDict(router, BSTR("interface")); String* type = Dict_getString(iface, BSTR("type")); String* tunDevice = Dict_getString(iface, BSTR("tunDevice")); if (!String_equals(type, BSTR("TUNInterface"))) { fprintf(stderr, "router.interface.type is not recognized.\n"); return -1; } char *tunDev = (tunDevice) ? tunDevice->bytes : DEFAULT_TUN_DEV; if (strrchr(tunDev, '/') != NULL) { tunDev = strrchr(tunDev, '/') + 1; } printf("#!/bin/bash\n" "# Run these commands immediately after cjdns is initialized\n" "# in order to get the interfaces setup properly.\n" "# If you are using persistent tunnels (see,\n" "# you may run them once every time the system starts up.\n"); #ifdef __APPLE__ printf("ifconfig %s inet6 %s\n", tunDev, myIp); printf("route -n add -inet6 fc00::/8 -interface %s\n", tunDev); #else printf("/sbin/ip addr add %s dev %s\n", myIp, tunDev); printf("/sbin/ip -6 route add fc00::/8 dev %s\n", tunDev); printf("/sbin/ip link set %s up\n", tunDev); #endif /* __APPLE__ */ return 0; }
static void registerRouter(Dict* config, uint8_t myPubKey[32], struct Context* context) { Dict* iface = Dict_getDict(config, BSTR("interface")); if (String_equals(Dict_getString(iface, BSTR("type")), BSTR("TUNInterface"))) { String* tunPath = Dict_getString(iface, BSTR("tunDevice")); context->routerIf = TUNInterface_new(tunPath, context->base, context->allocator); } context->routerModule = RouterModule_register(context->registry, context->allocator, myPubKey, context->base, context->logger, context->admin); }
static Iface_DEFUN messageToAngel(struct Message* msg, struct Iface* iface) { struct NodeContext* ctx = Identity_check((struct NodeContext*) iface); if (ctx->boundAddr) { return 0; } struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc); Dict* config = BencMessageReader_read(msg, alloc, NULL); Dict* admin = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("admin")); String* bind = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("bind")); struct Sockaddr_storage ss; Assert_true(!Sockaddr_parse(bind->bytes, &ss)); ctx->boundAddr = Sockaddr_clone(&ss.addr, ctx->alloc); Allocator_free(alloc); EventBase_endLoop(ctx->base); return 0; }
static void configureUDP(Dict* config, struct Context* ctx) { String* bindStr = Dict_getString(config, BSTR("bind")); char* bindAddress = bindStr ? bindStr->bytes : NULL; struct UDPInterface* udpContext = UDPInterface_new(ctx->base, bindAddress, ctx->allocator, ctx->eHandler, ctx->logger); if (bindStr) { struct Interface* udpDefault = UDPInterface_getDefaultInterface(udpContext); struct Interface* authedDef = CryptoAuth_wrapInterface(udpDefault, NULL, true, true, ctx->ca); struct UDPInterfaceContext* uictx = ctx->allocator->malloc(sizeof(struct UDPInterfaceContext), ctx->allocator); uictx->context = ctx; uictx->udpContext = udpContext; authedDef->receiveMessage = serverFirstIncoming; authedDef->receiverContext = uictx; } Dict* connectTo = Dict_getDict(config, BSTR("connectTo")); if (connectTo) { struct Dict_Entry* entry = *connectTo; while (entry != NULL) { String* key = (String*) entry->key; if (entry->val->type != Object_DICT) { fprintf(stderr, "interfaces.UDPInterface.connectTo: entry %s is not a dictionary type.\n", key->bytes); abort(); } Dict* value = entry->val->as.dictionary; udpConnectTo(key, value, udpContext, ctx); entry = entry->next; } } }
static struct Admin* newAdmin(Dict* mainConf, char* user, struct Log* logger, struct event_base* eventBase, struct Allocator* alloc) { Dict* adminConf = Dict_getDict(mainConf, String_CONST("admin")); String* address = Dict_getString(adminConf, String_CONST("bind")); String* password = Dict_getString(adminConf, String_CONST("password")); struct sockaddr_storage addr; int addrLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); if (address) { if (evutil_parse_sockaddr_port(address->bytes, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, &addrLen)) { Log_critical(logger, "Unable to parse [%s] as an ip address port, " "eg:", address->bytes); exit(-1); } } if (!password) { uint8_t buff[32]; randomBase32(buff); password = String_new((char*)buff, alloc); } struct Admin* admin = Admin_new(&addr, addrLen, password, user, eventBase, AbortHandler_INSTANCE, logger, alloc); return admin; }
static void udpInterface(Dict* config, struct Context* ctx) { List* ifaces = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("UDPInterface")); if (!ifaces) { ifaces = List_addDict(ifaces, Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("UDPInterface")), ctx->alloc); } uint32_t count = List_size(ifaces); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { Dict *udp = List_getDict(ifaces, i); if (!udp) { continue; } // Setup the interface. String* bindStr = Dict_getString(udp, String_CONST("bind")); Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc); if (bindStr) { Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("bindAddress"), bindStr, ctx->alloc); } rpcCall(String_CONST("UDPInterface_new"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc); // Make the connections. Dict* connectTo = Dict_getDict(udp, String_CONST("connectTo")); if (connectTo) { struct Dict_Entry* entry = *connectTo; struct Allocator* perCallAlloc = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc); while (entry != NULL) { String* key = (String*) entry->key; if (entry->val->type != Object_DICT) { Log_critical(ctx->logger, "interfaces.UDPInterface.connectTo: entry [%s] " "is not a dictionary type.", key->bytes); exit(-1); } Dict* value = entry->val->as.dictionary; Log_keys(ctx->logger, "Attempting to connect to node [%s].", key->bytes); key = String_clone(key, perCallAlloc); char* lastColon = strrchr(key->bytes, ':'); if (!Sockaddr_parse(key->bytes, NULL)) { // it's a sockaddr, fall through } else if (lastColon) { // try it as a hostname. int port = atoi(lastColon+1); if (!port) { Log_critical(ctx->logger, "Couldn't get port number from [%s]", key->bytes); exit(-1); } *lastColon = '\0'; struct Sockaddr* adr = Sockaddr_fromName(key->bytes, perCallAlloc); if (adr != NULL) { Sockaddr_setPort(adr, port); key = String_new(Sockaddr_print(adr, perCallAlloc), perCallAlloc); } else { Log_warn(ctx->logger, "Failed to lookup hostname [%s]", key->bytes); entry = entry->next; continue; } } Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("address"), key, perCallAlloc); rpcCall(String_CONST("UDPInterface_beginConnection"), value, ctx, perCallAlloc); entry = entry->next; } Allocator_free(perCallAlloc); } } }
static void ethInterface(Dict* config, struct Context* ctx) { List* ifaces = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("ETHInterface")); if (!ifaces) { ifaces = List_addDict(ifaces, Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("ETHInterface")), ctx->alloc); } uint32_t count = List_size(ifaces); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { Dict *eth = List_getDict(ifaces, i); if (!eth) { continue; } // Setup the interface. String* deviceStr = Dict_getString(eth, String_CONST("bind")); Log_info(ctx->logger, "Setting up ETHInterface [%d].", i); Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc); if (deviceStr) { Log_info(ctx->logger, "Binding to device [%s].", deviceStr->bytes); Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("bindDevice"), deviceStr, ctx->alloc); } if (rpcCall0(String_CONST("ETHInterface_new"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc, false)) { Log_warn(ctx->logger, "Failed to create ETHInterface."); continue; } // Make the connections. Dict* connectTo = Dict_getDict(eth, String_CONST("connectTo")); if (connectTo) { Log_info(ctx->logger, "ETHInterface should connect to a specific node."); struct Dict_Entry* entry = *connectTo; while (entry != NULL) { String* key = (String*) entry->key; if (entry->val->type != Object_DICT) { Log_critical(ctx->logger, "interfaces.ETHInterface.connectTo: entry [%s] " "is not a dictionary type.", key->bytes); exit(-1); } Dict* value = entry->val->as.dictionary; Log_keys(ctx->logger, "Attempting to connect to node [%s].", key->bytes); struct Allocator* perCallAlloc = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc); // Turn the dict from the config into our RPC args dict by filling in all // the arguments, Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("macAddress"), key, perCallAlloc); Dict_putInt(value, String_CONST("interfaceNumber"), i, perCallAlloc); rpcCall(String_CONST("ETHInterface_beginConnection"), value, ctx, perCallAlloc); Allocator_free(perCallAlloc); entry = entry->next; } } int64_t* beaconP = Dict_getInt(eth, String_CONST("beacon")); if (beaconP) { int64_t beacon = *beaconP; if (beacon > 3 || beacon < 0) { Log_error(ctx->logger, "interfaces.ETHInterface.beacon may only be 0, 1,or 2"); } else { // We can cast beacon to an int here because we know it's small enough Log_info(ctx->logger, "Setting beacon mode on ETHInterface to [%d].", (int) beacon); Dict d = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("interfaceNumber"), Int_OBJ(i), Dict_CONST(String_CONST("state"), Int_OBJ(beacon), NULL)); rpcCall(String_CONST("ETHInterface_beacon"), &d, ctx, ctx->alloc); } } } }
/** @return a string representing the address and port to connect to. */ static String* initAngel(int fromAngel, int toAngel, int corePipes[2][2], struct PipeInterface** piOut, struct EventBase* eventBase, struct Log* logger, struct Allocator* alloc, struct Random* rand) { #define TO_CORE (corePipes[0][1]) #define FROM_CORE (corePipes[1][0]) #define TO_ANGEL_AS_CORE (corePipes[1][1]) #define FROM_ANGEL_AS_CORE (corePipes[0][0]) Dict core = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("fromCore"), Int_OBJ(FROM_CORE), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("toCore"), Int_OBJ(TO_CORE), NULL )); Dict admin = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("bind"), String_OBJ(String_CONST("")), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("core"), Dict_OBJ(&core), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("pass"), String_OBJ(String_CONST("abcd")), NULL ))); Dict message = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("admin"), Dict_OBJ(&admin), NULL ); struct Allocator* tempAlloc; BufferAllocator_STACK(tempAlloc, 1024); #define BUFFER_SZ 1023 uint8_t buff[BUFFER_SZ + 1] = {0}; struct Writer* w = ArrayWriter_new(buff, BUFFER_SZ, tempAlloc); StandardBencSerializer_get()->serializeDictionary(w, &message); Log_info(logger, "Writing intial configuration to angel on [%d] config: [%s]", toAngel, buff); write(toAngel, buff, w->bytesWritten(w)); // This is angel->core data, we can throw this away. //Waiter_getData(buff, BUFFER_SZ, fromAngel, eventBase, NULL); //Log_info(logger, "Init message from angel to core: [%s]", buff); Bits_memset(buff, 0, BUFFER_SZ); struct PipeInterface* pi = PipeInterface_new(FROM_ANGEL_AS_CORE, TO_ANGEL_AS_CORE, eventBase, logger, alloc, rand); *piOut = pi; Log_info(logger, "PipeInterface [%p] is now ready.", (void*)pi); // Make sure the angel sends data to the core. InterfaceWaiter_waitForData(&pi->generic, eventBase, alloc, NULL); // Send response on behalf of core. char coreToAngelResponse[128] = " PADDING " "\xff\xff\xff\xff" "d" "5:error" "4:none" "e"; char* start = strchr(coreToAngelResponse, '\xff'); struct Message m = { .bytes = (uint8_t*) start, .length = strlen(start), .padding = start - coreToAngelResponse }; pi->generic.sendMessage(&m, &pi->generic); // This is angel->client data, it will tell us which port was bound. Waiter_getData(buff, BUFFER_SZ, fromAngel, eventBase, NULL); printf("Response from angel to client: [%s]\n", buff); struct Reader* reader = ArrayReader_new(buff, BUFFER_SZ, tempAlloc); Dict configStore; Dict* config = &configStore; Assert_true(!StandardBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(reader, tempAlloc, config)); Dict* responseAdmin = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("admin")); String* bind = Dict_getString(responseAdmin, String_CONST("bind")); Assert_true(bind); return String_clone(bind, alloc); } /** * This spawns itself as the Angel process which spawns itself again as the core process. * The "core process" pipes all of its inputs back to the originating process */ struct AdminTestFramework* AdminTestFramework_setUp(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc > 1 && !strcmp("angel", argv[1])) { exit(AngelInit_main(argc, argv)); } struct Allocator* alloc = CanaryAllocator_new(MallocAllocator_new(1<<20), NULL); struct Writer* logwriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, alloc); Assert_always(logwriter); struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(logwriter, alloc); struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(alloc); struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, NULL); int fromAngel; int toAngel; int corePipes[2][2]; if (Pipe_createUniPipe(corePipes[0]) || Pipe_createUniPipe(corePipes[1])) { Except_raise(NULL, -1, "Failed to create pipes [%s]", Errno_getString()); } spawnAngel(&fromAngel, &toAngel); struct PipeInterface* pi; String* addrStr = initAngel(fromAngel, toAngel, corePipes, &pi, eventBase, logger, alloc, rand); Log_info(logger, "Angel initialized."); String* password = String_new("abcd", alloc); struct Admin* admin = Admin_new(&pi->generic, alloc, logger, eventBase, password); // Now setup the client. struct sockaddr_storage addr; int addrLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); Bits_memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); Assert_true(!evutil_parse_sockaddr_port(addrStr->bytes, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, &addrLen)); struct AdminClient* client = AdminClient_new((uint8_t*) &addr, addrLen, password, eventBase, logger, alloc); Assert_always(client); return alloc->clone(sizeof(struct AdminTestFramework), alloc, &(struct AdminTestFramework) { .admin = admin, .client = client, .alloc = alloc, .eventBase = eventBase, .logger = logger, .addr = alloc->clone(addrLen, alloc, &addr), .addrLen = addrLen, .angelInterface = &pi->generic }); }
static void routerConfig(Dict* routerConf, struct Allocator* tempAlloc, struct Context* ctx) { tunInterface(Dict_getDict(routerConf, String_CONST("interface")), tempAlloc, ctx); ipTunnel(Dict_getDict(routerConf, String_CONST("ipTunnel")), tempAlloc, ctx); }
static void ethInterface(Dict* config, struct Context* ctx) { List* ifaces = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("ETHInterface")); if (!ifaces) { ifaces = List_new(ctx->alloc); List_addDict(ifaces, Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("ETHInterface")), ctx->alloc); } uint32_t count = List_size(ifaces); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { Dict *eth = List_getDict(ifaces, i); if (!eth) { continue; } String* deviceStr = Dict_getString(eth, String_CONST("bind")); if (!deviceStr || !String_equals(String_CONST("all"), deviceStr)) { continue; } Log_info(ctx->logger, "Setting up all ETHInterfaces..."); Dict* res = NULL; Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc); if (rpcCall0(String_CONST("ETHInterface_listDevices"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc, &res, false)) { Log_info(ctx->logger, "Getting device list failed"); break; } List* devs = Dict_getList(res, String_CONST("devices")); uint32_t devCount = List_size(devs); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < devCount; j++) { Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc); String* deviceName = List_getString(devs, j); // skip loopback... if (String_equals(String_CONST("lo"), deviceName)) { continue; } Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("bindDevice"), deviceName, ctx->alloc); Dict* resp; Log_info(ctx->logger, "Creating new ETHInterface [%s]", deviceName->bytes); if (rpcCall0(String_CONST("ETHInterface_new"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc, &resp, false)) { Log_warn(ctx->logger, "Failed to create ETHInterface."); continue; } int ifNum = *(Dict_getInt(resp, String_CONST("interfaceNumber"))); ethInterfaceSetBeacon(ifNum, eth, ctx); } return; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { Dict *eth = List_getDict(ifaces, i); if (!eth) { continue; } // Setup the interface. String* deviceStr = Dict_getString(eth, String_CONST("bind")); Log_info(ctx->logger, "Setting up ETHInterface [%d].", i); Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc); if (deviceStr) { Log_info(ctx->logger, "Binding to device [%s].", deviceStr->bytes); Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("bindDevice"), deviceStr, ctx->alloc); } Dict* resp = NULL; if (rpcCall0(String_CONST("ETHInterface_new"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc, &resp, false)) { Log_warn(ctx->logger, "Failed to create ETHInterface."); continue; } int ifNum = *(Dict_getInt(resp, String_CONST("interfaceNumber"))); ethInterfaceSetBeacon(ifNum, eth, ctx); // Make the connections. Dict* connectTo = Dict_getDict(eth, String_CONST("connectTo")); if (connectTo) { Log_info(ctx->logger, "ETHInterface should connect to a specific node."); struct Dict_Entry* entry = *connectTo; while (entry != NULL) { String* key = (String*) entry->key; if (entry->val->type != Object_DICT) { Log_critical(ctx->logger, "interfaces.ETHInterface.connectTo: entry [%s] " "is not a dictionary type.", key->bytes); exit(-1); } Dict* value = entry->val->as.dictionary; Log_keys(ctx->logger, "Attempting to connect to node [%s].", key->bytes); struct Allocator* perCallAlloc = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc); // Turn the dict from the config into our RPC args dict by filling in all // the arguments, Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("macAddress"), key, perCallAlloc); Dict_putInt(value, String_CONST("interfaceNumber"), ifNum, perCallAlloc); rpcCall(String_CONST("ETHInterface_beginConnection"), value, ctx, perCallAlloc); Allocator_free(perCallAlloc); entry = entry->next; } } } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { #ifdef Log_KEYS fprintf(stderr, "Log_LEVEL = KEYS, EXPECT TO SEE PRIVATE KEYS IN YOUR LOGS!\n"); #endif Assert_true(argc > 0); struct Except* eh = NULL; // Allow it to allocate 4MB struct Allocator* allocator = MallocAllocator_new(1<<22); struct Random* rand = Random_new(allocator, NULL, eh); struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(allocator); if (argc == 2) { // one argument if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) { return usage(argv[0]); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--genconf") == 0) { return genconf(rand); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--pidfile") == 0) { // Performed after reading the configuration } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--reconf") == 0) { // Performed after reading the configuration } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--bench") == 0) { return benchmark(); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0) { //printf("Version ID: %s\n", RouterModule_gitVersion()); return 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized option '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[1]); fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", argv[0]); return -1; } } else if (argc > 2) { // more than one argument? fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many arguments\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", argv[0]); return -1; } if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) { // We were started from a terminal // The chances an user wants to type in a configuration // bij hand are pretty slim so we show him the usage return usage(argv[0]); } else { // We assume stdin is a configuration file and that we should // start routing } struct Reader* stdinReader = FileReader_new(stdin, allocator); Dict config; if (JsonBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(stdinReader, allocator, &config)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse configuration.\n"); return -1; } struct Writer* logWriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, allocator); struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(logWriter, allocator); // --------------------- Setup Pipes to Angel --------------------- // int pipeToAngel[2]; int pipeFromAngel[2]; if (Pipe_createUniPipe(pipeToAngel) || Pipe_createUniPipe(pipeFromAngel)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to create pipes to angel [%s]", Errno_getString()); } char pipeToAngelStr[8]; snprintf(pipeToAngelStr, 8, "%d", pipeToAngel[0]); char pipeFromAngelStr[8]; snprintf(pipeFromAngelStr, 8, "%d", pipeFromAngel[1]); char* args[] = { "angel", pipeToAngelStr, pipeFromAngelStr, NULL }; // --------------------- Spawn Angel --------------------- // String* privateKey = Dict_getString(&config, String_CONST("privateKey")); String* corePath = getCorePath(allocator); if (!corePath) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Can't find a usable cjdns core executable, " "make sure it is in the same directory as cjdroute"); } if (!privateKey) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Need to specify privateKey."); } Log_info(logger, "Forking angel to background."); Process_spawn(corePath->bytes, args); // --------------------- Get Admin --------------------- // Dict* configAdmin = Dict_getDict(&config, String_CONST("admin")); String* adminPass = Dict_getString(configAdmin, String_CONST("password")); String* adminBind = Dict_getString(configAdmin, String_CONST("bind")); if (!adminPass) { adminPass = String_newBinary(NULL, 32, allocator); Random_base32(rand, (uint8_t*) adminPass->bytes, 32); adminPass->len = strlen(adminPass->bytes); } if (!adminBind) { adminBind = String_new("", allocator); } // --------------------- Get user for angel to setuid() ---------------------- // String* securityUser = NULL; List* securityConf = Dict_getList(&config, String_CONST("security")); for (int i = 0; i < List_size(securityConf); i++) { securityUser = Dict_getString(List_getDict(securityConf, i), String_CONST("setuser")); if (securityUser) { int64_t* ea = Dict_getInt(List_getDict(securityConf, i), String_CONST("exemptAngel")); if (ea && *ea) { securityUser = NULL; } break; } } // --------------------- Pre-Configure Angel ------------------------- // Dict* preConf = Dict_new(allocator); Dict* adminPreConf = Dict_new(allocator); Dict_putDict(preConf, String_CONST("admin"), adminPreConf, allocator); Dict_putString(adminPreConf, String_CONST("core"), corePath, allocator); Dict_putString(preConf, String_CONST("privateKey"), privateKey, allocator); Dict_putString(adminPreConf, String_CONST("bind"), adminBind, allocator); Dict_putString(adminPreConf, String_CONST("pass"), adminPass, allocator); if (securityUser) { Dict_putString(adminPreConf, String_CONST("user"), securityUser, allocator); } #define CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE 1024 uint8_t buff[CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE] = {0}; struct Writer* toAngelWriter = ArrayWriter_new(buff, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE - 1, allocator); if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->serializeDictionary(toAngelWriter, preConf)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to serialize pre-configuration"); } write(pipeToAngel[1], buff, toAngelWriter->bytesWritten(toAngelWriter)); Log_keys(logger, "Sent [%s] to angel process.", buff); // --------------------- Get Response from Angel --------------------- // uint32_t amount = Waiter_getData(buff, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE, pipeFromAngel[0], eventBase, eh); Dict responseFromAngel; struct Reader* responseFromAngelReader = ArrayReader_new(buff, amount, allocator); if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(responseFromAngelReader, allocator, &responseFromAngel)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to parse pre-configuration response [%s]", buff); } // --------------------- Get Admin Addr/Port/Passwd --------------------- // Dict* responseFromAngelAdmin = Dict_getDict(&responseFromAngel, String_CONST("admin")); adminBind = Dict_getString(responseFromAngelAdmin, String_CONST("bind")); if (!adminBind) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "didn't get address and port back from angel"); } struct Sockaddr_storage adminAddr; if (Sockaddr_parse(adminBind->bytes, &adminAddr)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Unable to parse [%s] as an ip address port, eg:", adminBind->bytes); } // sanity check Assert_true(EventBase_eventCount(eventBase) == 0); // --------------------- Configuration ------------------------- // Configurator_config(&config, &adminAddr.addr, adminPass, eventBase, logger, allocator); return 0; }
static void udpInterface(Dict* config, struct Context* ctx) { List* ifaces = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("UDPInterface")); if (!ifaces) { ifaces = List_new(ctx->alloc); List_addDict(ifaces, Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("UDPInterface")), ctx->alloc); } uint32_t count = List_size(ifaces); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { Dict *udp = List_getDict(ifaces, i); if (!udp) { continue; } // Setup the interface. String* bindStr = Dict_getString(udp, String_CONST("bind")); Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc); if (bindStr) { Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("bindAddress"), bindStr, ctx->alloc); } Dict* resp = NULL; rpcCall0(String_CONST("UDPInterface_new"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc, &resp, true); int ifNum = *(Dict_getInt(resp, String_CONST("interfaceNumber"))); // Make the connections. Dict* connectTo = Dict_getDict(udp, String_CONST("connectTo")); if (connectTo) { struct Dict_Entry* entry = *connectTo; struct Allocator* perCallAlloc = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc); while (entry != NULL) { String* key = (String*) entry->key; if (entry->val->type != Object_DICT) { Log_critical(ctx->logger, "interfaces.UDPInterface.connectTo: entry [%s] " "is not a dictionary type.", key->bytes); exit(-1); } Dict* all = entry->val->as.dictionary; Dict* value = Dict_new(perCallAlloc); String* pub_d = Dict_getString(all, String_CONST("publicKey")); String* pss_d = Dict_getString(all, String_CONST("password")); String* peerName_d = Dict_getString(all, String_CONST("peerName")); String* login_d = Dict_getString(all, String_CONST("login")); if ( !pub_d || !pss_d ) { const char * error_name = "(unknown)"; if ( !pub_d ) { error_name = "publicKey"; } if ( !pss_d ) { error_name = "password"; } Log_warn(ctx->logger, "Skipping peer: missing %s for peer [%s]", error_name, key->bytes); if (abort_if_invalid_ref) { Assert_failure("Invalid peer reference"); } else { entry = entry->next; continue; } } Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("publicKey"), pub_d, perCallAlloc); Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("password"), pss_d, perCallAlloc); Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("peerName"), peerName_d, perCallAlloc); Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("login"), login_d, perCallAlloc); Log_keys(ctx->logger, "Attempting to connect to node [%s].", key->bytes); key = String_clone(key, perCallAlloc); char* lastColon = CString_strrchr(key->bytes, ':'); if (!Sockaddr_parse(key->bytes, NULL)) { // it's a sockaddr, fall through } else if (lastColon) { // try it as a hostname. int port = atoi(lastColon+1); if (!port) { Log_critical(ctx->logger, "Couldn't get port number from [%s]", key->bytes); exit(-1); } *lastColon = '\0'; struct Sockaddr* adr = Sockaddr_fromName(key->bytes, perCallAlloc); if (adr != NULL) { Sockaddr_setPort(adr, port); key = String_new(Sockaddr_print(adr, perCallAlloc), perCallAlloc); } else { Log_warn(ctx->logger, "Failed to lookup hostname [%s]", key->bytes); entry = entry->next; continue; } } struct Allocator* child = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc); struct Message* msg = Message_new(0, AdminClient_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE + 256, child); int r = BencMessageWriter_writeDictTry(value, msg, NULL); const int max_reference_size = 298; if (r != 0 || msg->length > max_reference_size) { Log_warn(ctx->logger, "Peer skipped:"); Log_warn(ctx->logger, "Too long peer reference for [%s]", key->bytes); if (abort_if_invalid_ref) { Assert_failure("Invalid peer reference"); } else { entry = entry->next; continue; } } Dict_putInt(value, String_CONST("interfaceNumber"), ifNum, perCallAlloc); Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("address"), key, perCallAlloc); rpcCall(String_CONST("UDPInterface_beginConnection"), value, ctx, perCallAlloc); entry = entry->next; } Allocator_free(perCallAlloc); } } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc > 1 && !strcmp("--genconf", argv[argc-1])) { genconf(); return 0; } struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<22); struct EventBase* base = EventBase_new(alloc); struct Writer* logWriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, alloc); struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(logWriter, alloc); struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, logger, NULL); struct Reader* stdinReader = FileReader_new(stdin, alloc); Dict config; if (JsonBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(stdinReader, alloc, &config)) { Log_critical(logger, "Failed to parse configuration"); return -1; } Dict* dns = Dict_getDict(&config, String_CONST("dns")); if (!dns) { Log_critical(logger, "No DNS in configuration"); return -1; } struct Sockaddr_storage addr; Assert_true(!Sockaddr_parse("::", &addr)); struct AddrInterface* ifaceB = UDPAddrInterface_new(base, &addr.addr, alloc, NULL, logger); struct RainflyClient* client = RainflyClient_new(ifaceB, base, rand, logger); String* bind = Dict_getString(dns, String_CONST("bind")); Assert_true(!Sockaddr_parse(bind ? bind->bytes : "[::]:5353", &addr)); struct AddrInterface* iface = UDPAddrInterface_new(base, &addr.addr, alloc, NULL, logger); struct DNSServer* dnsServer = DNSServer_new(iface, logger, client); List* auth = Dict_getList(dns, String_CONST("authorities")); for (int i = 0; i < (int)List_size(auth); i++) { String* str = List_getString(auth, i); if (!str) { Log_warn(logger, "Element [%d] in [dns.authorities] list of wrong type", i); continue; } uint8_t key[32] = {0}; if (str->len < 52 || Base32_decode(key, 32, str->bytes, 52) != 32) { Log_warn(logger, "Failed to parse key [%s]", str->bytes); continue; } if (RainflyClient_addKey(client, key)) { Log_warn(logger, "Failed to add key to RainflyClient [%s]", str->bytes); } } List* servers = Dict_getList(dns, String_CONST("servers")); for (int i = 0; i < (int)List_size(servers); i++) { String* str = List_getString(servers, i); if (!str) { Log_warn(logger, "Element [%d] in [dns.servers] list of wrong type", i); continue; } struct Sockaddr_storage node; if (Sockaddr_parse(str->bytes, &node)) { Log_warn(logger, "Failed to parse server name [%s]", str->bytes); continue; } if (RainflyClient_addServer(client, &node.addr)) { Log_warn(logger, "Failed to add server to RainflyClient [%s]", str->bytes); } } List* legacy = Dict_getList(dns, String_CONST("legacy")); for (int i = 0; i < (int)List_size(legacy); i++) { String* str = List_getString(legacy, i); if (!str) { Log_warn(logger, "Element [%d] in [dns.legacy] list of wrong type", i); continue; } struct Sockaddr_storage node; if (Sockaddr_parse(str->bytes, &node)) { Log_warn(logger, "Failed to parse legacy server name [%s]", str->bytes); continue; } if (DNSServer_addServer(dnsServer, &node.addr)) { Log_warn(logger, "Failed to add server to DNSServer [%s]", str->bytes); } } EventBase_beginLoop(base); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { #ifdef Log_KEYS fprintf(stderr, "Log_LEVEL = KEYS, EXPECT TO SEE PRIVATE KEYS IN YOUR LOGS!\n"); #endif if (argc < 2) { // Fall through. } else if (!CString_strcmp("angel", argv[1])) { return AngelInit_main(argc, argv); } else if (!CString_strcmp("core", argv[1])) { return Core_main(argc, argv); } Assert_ifParanoid(argc > 0); struct Except* eh = NULL; // Allow it to allocate 8MB struct Allocator* allocator = MallocAllocator_new(1<<23); struct Random* rand = Random_new(allocator, NULL, eh); struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(allocator); if (argc == 2) { // one argument if ((CString_strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) || (CString_strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0)) { return usage(allocator, argv[0]); } else if (CString_strcmp(argv[1], "--genconf") == 0) { return genconf(rand); } else if (CString_strcmp(argv[1], "--pidfile") == 0) { // deprecated fprintf(stderr, "'--pidfile' option is deprecated.\n"); return 0; } else if (CString_strcmp(argv[1], "--reconf") == 0) { // Performed after reading the configuration } else if (CString_strcmp(argv[1], "--bench") == 0) { return benchmark(); } else if ((CString_strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0) || (CString_strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0)) { printf("Cjdns protocol version: %d\n", Version_CURRENT_PROTOCOL); return 0; } else if (CString_strcmp(argv[1], "--cleanconf") == 0) { // Performed after reading configuration } else if (CString_strcmp(argv[1], "--nobg") == 0) { // Performed while reading configuration } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized option '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[1]); fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", argv[0]); return -1; } } else if (argc > 2) { // more than one argument? fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many arguments [%s]\n", argv[0], argv[1]); fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", argv[0]); // because of '--pidfile $filename'? if (CString_strcmp(argv[1], "--pidfile") == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\n'--pidfile' option is deprecated.\n"); } return -1; } if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) { // We were started from a terminal // The chances an user wants to type in a configuration // bij hand are pretty slim so we show him the usage return usage(allocator, argv[0]); } else { // We assume stdin is a configuration file and that we should // start routing } struct Reader* stdinReader = FileReader_new(stdin, allocator); Dict config; if (JsonBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(stdinReader, allocator, &config)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse configuration.\n"); return -1; } if (argc == 2 && CString_strcmp(argv[1], "--cleanconf") == 0) { struct Writer* stdoutWriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, allocator); JsonBencSerializer_get()->serializeDictionary(stdoutWriter, &config); printf("\n"); return 0; } int forceNoBackground = 0; if (argc == 2 && CString_strcmp(argv[1], "--nobg") == 0) { forceNoBackground = 1; } struct Writer* logWriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, allocator); struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(logWriter, allocator); // --------------------- Get Admin --------------------- // Dict* configAdmin = Dict_getDict(&config, String_CONST("admin")); String* adminPass = Dict_getString(configAdmin, String_CONST("password")); String* adminBind = Dict_getString(configAdmin, String_CONST("bind")); if (!adminPass) { adminPass = String_newBinary(NULL, 32, allocator); Random_base32(rand, (uint8_t*) adminPass->bytes, 32); adminPass->len = CString_strlen(adminPass->bytes); } if (!adminBind) { Except_throw(eh, "You must specify admin.bind in the cjdroute.conf file."); } // --------------------- Welcome to cjdns ---------------------- // char* archInfo = ArchInfo_describe(ArchInfo_detect(), allocator); char* sysInfo = SysInfo_describe(SysInfo_detect(), allocator); Log_info(logger, "Cjdns %s %s", archInfo, sysInfo); // --------------------- Check for running instance --------------------- // Log_info(logger, "Checking for running instance..."); checkRunningInstance(allocator, eventBase, adminBind, adminPass, logger, eh); // --------------------- Setup Pipes to Angel --------------------- // char angelPipeName[64] = "client-angel-"; Random_base32(rand, (uint8_t*)angelPipeName+13, 31); Assert_ifParanoid(EventBase_eventCount(eventBase) == 0); struct Pipe* angelPipe = Pipe_named(angelPipeName, eventBase, eh, allocator); Assert_ifParanoid(EventBase_eventCount(eventBase) == 2); angelPipe->logger = logger; char* args[] = { "angel", angelPipeName, NULL }; // --------------------- Spawn Angel --------------------- // String* privateKey = Dict_getString(&config, String_CONST("privateKey")); char* corePath = Process_getPath(allocator); if (!corePath) { Except_throw(eh, "Can't find a usable cjdns core executable, " "make sure it is in the same directory as cjdroute"); } if (!privateKey) { Except_throw(eh, "Need to specify privateKey."); } Log_info(logger, "Forking angel to background."); Process_spawn(corePath, args, eventBase, allocator); // --------------------- Get user for angel to setuid() ---------------------- // String* securityUser = NULL; List* securityConf = Dict_getList(&config, String_CONST("security")); for (int i = 0; securityConf && i < List_size(securityConf); i++) { securityUser = Dict_getString(List_getDict(securityConf, i), String_CONST("setuser")); if (securityUser) { int64_t* ea = Dict_getInt(List_getDict(securityConf, i), String_CONST("exemptAngel")); if (ea && *ea) { securityUser = NULL; } break; } } // --------------------- Pre-Configure Angel ------------------------- // Dict* preConf = Dict_new(allocator); Dict* adminPreConf = Dict_new(allocator); Dict_putDict(preConf, String_CONST("admin"), adminPreConf, allocator); Dict_putString(adminPreConf, String_CONST("core"), String_new(corePath, allocator), allocator); Dict_putString(preConf, String_CONST("privateKey"), privateKey, allocator); Dict_putString(adminPreConf, String_CONST("bind"), adminBind, allocator); Dict_putString(adminPreConf, String_CONST("pass"), adminPass, allocator); if (securityUser) { Dict_putString(adminPreConf, String_CONST("user"), securityUser, allocator); } Dict* logging = Dict_getDict(&config, String_CONST("logging")); if (logging) { Dict_putDict(preConf, String_CONST("logging"), logging, allocator); } struct Message* toAngelMsg = Message_new(0, 1024, allocator); BencMessageWriter_write(preConf, toAngelMsg, eh); Interface_sendMessage(&angelPipe->iface, toAngelMsg); Log_debug(logger, "Sent [%d] bytes to angel process", toAngelMsg->length); // --------------------- Get Response from Angel --------------------- // struct Message* fromAngelMsg = InterfaceWaiter_waitForData(&angelPipe->iface, eventBase, allocator, eh); Dict* responseFromAngel = BencMessageReader_read(fromAngelMsg, allocator, eh); // --------------------- Get Admin Addr/Port/Passwd --------------------- // Dict* responseFromAngelAdmin = Dict_getDict(responseFromAngel, String_CONST("admin")); adminBind = Dict_getString(responseFromAngelAdmin, String_CONST("bind")); if (!adminBind) { Except_throw(eh, "didn't get address and port back from angel"); } struct Sockaddr_storage adminAddr; if (Sockaddr_parse(adminBind->bytes, &adminAddr)) { Except_throw(eh, "Unable to parse [%s] as an ip address port, eg:", adminBind->bytes); } // sanity check, Pipe_named() creates 2 events, see above. Assert_ifParanoid(EventBase_eventCount(eventBase) == 2); // --------------------- Configuration ------------------------- // Configurator_config(&config, &adminAddr.addr, adminPass, eventBase, logger, allocator); // --------------------- noBackground ------------------------ // int64_t* noBackground = Dict_getInt(&config, String_CONST("noBackground")); if (forceNoBackground || (noBackground && *noBackground)) { EventBase_beginLoop(eventBase); } //Allocator_free(allocator); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { Assert_ifParanoid(argc > 0); struct Allocator* allocator = MallocAllocator_new(1<<23); if (argc != 6 || (argc == 2 && (!(CString_strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) || (CString_strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0)))) { return usage(allocator, argv[0]); } struct Except* eh = NULL; struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(allocator); struct Log* logger = FileWriterLog_new(stdout, allocator); String* privateKey = String_new(argv[3], allocator); String* adminBind = String_new(argv[4], allocator); String* adminPass = String_new(argv[5], allocator); String* logTo = String_new("stdout", allocator); // --------------------- Welcome to cjdns ---------------------- // char* sysInfo = SysInfo_describe(SysInfo_detect(), allocator); Log_info(logger, "Cjdns %s %s", ArchInfo_getArchStr(), sysInfo); // --------------------- Setup Pipes to Angel --------------------- // struct Allocator* corePipeAlloc = Allocator_child(allocator); String* corePipeDir = String_new(argv[1], allocator); String* corePipeName = String_new(argv[2], allocator); if (!Defined(win32) && access(corePipeDir->bytes, W_OK)) { Except_throw(eh, "Don't have write permission to [%s].", corePipeDir->bytes); } Assert_ifParanoid(EventBase_eventCount(eventBase) == 0); struct Pipe* corePipe = Pipe_named(corePipeDir->bytes, corePipeName->bytes, eventBase, eh, corePipeAlloc); Assert_ifParanoid(EventBase_eventCount(eventBase) == 2); corePipe->logger = logger; // --------------------- Pre-Configure Core ------------------------- // Dict* preConf = Dict_new(allocator); Dict* adminPreConf = Dict_new(allocator); Dict* logPreConf = Dict_new(allocator); Dict_putDict(preConf, String_CONST("admin"), adminPreConf, allocator); Dict_putDict(preConf, String_CONST("logging"), logPreConf, allocator); Dict_putString(preConf, String_CONST("privateKey"), privateKey, allocator); Dict_putString(adminPreConf, String_CONST("bind"), adminBind, allocator); Dict_putString(adminPreConf, String_CONST("pass"), adminPass, allocator); Dict_putString(logPreConf, String_CONST("logTo"), logTo, allocator); struct Message* toCoreMsg = Message_new(0, 1024, allocator); BencMessageWriter_write(preConf, toCoreMsg, eh); Iface_CALL(corePipe->iface.send, toCoreMsg, &corePipe->iface); Log_debug(logger, "Sent [%d] bytes to core.", toCoreMsg->length); // --------------------- Get Response from Core --------------------- // struct Message* fromCoreMsg = InterfaceWaiter_waitForData(&corePipe->iface, eventBase, allocator, eh); Dict* responseFromCore = BencMessageReader_read(fromCoreMsg, allocator, eh); // --------------------- Close the Core Pipe --------------------- // Allocator_free(corePipeAlloc); corePipe = NULL; // --------------------- Get Admin Addr/Port/Passwd --------------------- // Dict* responseFromCoreAdmin = Dict_getDict(responseFromCore, String_CONST("admin")); adminBind = Dict_getString(responseFromCoreAdmin, String_CONST("bind")); if (!adminBind) { Except_throw(eh, "Didn't get ADMIN_BIND back from cjdroute."); } struct Sockaddr_storage adminAddr; if (Sockaddr_parse(adminBind->bytes, &adminAddr)) { Except_throw(eh, "Unable to parse [%s] as an IP address:port.", adminBind->bytes); } Assert_ifParanoid(EventBase_eventCount(eventBase) == 0); Log_info(logger, "Admin API ready at [%s].", adminBind->bytes); return 0; }
/* * This process is started with 2 parameters, they must all be numeric in base 10. * toAngel the pipe which is used to send data back to the angel process. * fromAngel the pipe which is used to read incoming data from the angel. * * Upon initialization, this process will wait for an initial configuration to be sent to * it and then it will send an initial response. */ int Core_main(int argc, char** argv) { struct Except* eh = NULL; if (argc != 3) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "This is internal to cjdns and shouldn't started manually."); } struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(ALLOCATOR_FAILSAFE); struct Log* preLogger = FileWriterLog_new(stderr, alloc); struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(alloc); // -------------------- Setup the Pre-Logger ---------------------- // struct Log* logger = IndirectLog_new(alloc); IndirectLog_set(logger, preLogger); // -------------------- Setup the PRNG ---------------------- // struct Random* rand = LibuvEntropyProvider_newDefaultRandom(eventBase, logger, eh, alloc); // -------------------- Change Canary Value ---------------------- // MallocAllocator_setCanary(alloc, (long)Random_int64(rand)); struct Allocator* tempAlloc = Allocator_child(alloc); // The first read inside of getInitialConfig() will begin it waiting. struct Pipe* angelPipe = Pipe_named(argv[2], eventBase, eh, alloc); angelPipe->logger = logger; angelPipe->onClose = angelDied; struct Interface* angelIface = FramingInterface_new(65535, &angelPipe->iface, alloc); Dict* config = getInitialConfig(angelIface, eventBase, tempAlloc, eh); struct Hermes* hermes = Hermes_new(angelIface, eventBase, logger, alloc); String* privateKeyHex = Dict_getString(config, String_CONST("privateKey")); Dict* adminConf = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("admin")); String* pass = Dict_getString(adminConf, String_CONST("pass")); String* bind = Dict_getString(adminConf, String_CONST("bind")); if (!(pass && privateKeyHex && bind)) { if (!pass) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Expected 'pass'"); } if (!bind) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Expected 'bind'"); } if (!privateKeyHex) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Expected 'privateKey'"); } Except_raise(eh, -1, "Expected 'pass', 'privateKey' and 'bind' in configuration."); } Log_keys(logger, "Starting core with admin password [%s]", pass->bytes); uint8_t privateKey[32]; if (privateKeyHex->len != 64 || Hex_decode(privateKey, 32, (uint8_t*) privateKeyHex->bytes, 64) != 32) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "privateKey must be 64 bytes of hex."); } struct Sockaddr_storage bindAddr; if (Sockaddr_parse(bind->bytes, &bindAddr)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "bind address [%s] unparsable", bind->bytes); } struct AddrInterface* udpAdmin = UDPAddrInterface_new(eventBase, &bindAddr.addr, alloc, eh, logger); struct Admin* admin = Admin_new(udpAdmin, alloc, logger, eventBase, pass); char* boundAddr = Sockaddr_print(udpAdmin->addr, tempAlloc); Dict adminResponse = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("bind"), String_OBJ(String_CONST(boundAddr)), NULL ); Dict response = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(String_CONST("none")), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("admin"), Dict_OBJ(&adminResponse), NULL )); // This always times out because the angel doesn't respond. Hermes_callAngel(&response, angelResponse, NULL, alloc, eh, hermes); // --------------------- Setup the Logger --------------------- // Dict* logging = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("logging")); String* logTo = Dict_getString(logging, String_CONST("logTo")); if (logTo && String_equals(logTo, String_CONST("stdout"))) { // do nothing, continue logging to stdout. } else { struct Log* adminLogger = AdminLog_registerNew(admin, alloc, rand); IndirectLog_set(logger, adminLogger); logger = adminLogger; } // CryptoAuth struct Address addr; parsePrivateKey(privateKey, &addr, eh); struct CryptoAuth* cryptoAuth = CryptoAuth_new(alloc, privateKey, eventBase, logger, rand); struct Sockaddr* myAddr = Sockaddr_fromBytes(addr.ip6.bytes, Sockaddr_AF_INET6, alloc); struct SwitchCore* switchCore = SwitchCore_new(logger, alloc); struct DHTModuleRegistry* registry = DHTModuleRegistry_new(alloc); ReplyModule_register(registry, alloc); // Router struct RouterModule* router = RouterModule_register(registry, alloc, addr.key, eventBase, logger, admin, rand); SerializationModule_register(registry, logger, alloc); struct IpTunnel* ipTun = IpTunnel_new(logger, eventBase, alloc, rand, hermes); struct Ducttape* dt = Ducttape_register(privateKey, registry, router, switchCore, eventBase, alloc, logger, admin, ipTun, rand); struct SwitchPinger* sp = SwitchPinger_new(&dt->switchPingerIf, eventBase, logger, alloc); // Interfaces. struct InterfaceController* ifController = DefaultInterfaceController_new(cryptoAuth, switchCore, router, logger, eventBase, sp, rand, alloc); // ------------------- Register RPC functions ----------------------- // SwitchPinger_admin_register(sp, admin, alloc); UDPInterface_admin_register(eventBase, alloc, logger, admin, ifController); #ifdef HAS_ETH_INTERFACE ETHInterface_admin_register(eventBase, alloc, logger, admin, ifController); #endif RouterModule_admin_register(router, admin, alloc); AuthorizedPasswords_init(admin, cryptoAuth, alloc); Admin_registerFunction("ping", adminPing, admin, false, NULL, admin); Core_admin_register(myAddr, dt, logger, ipTun, alloc, admin, eventBase); Security_admin_register(alloc, logger, admin); IpTunnel_admin_register(ipTun, admin, alloc); struct Context* ctx = Allocator_clone(alloc, (&(struct Context) { .allocator = alloc, .admin = admin, .logger = logger, .hermes = hermes }));
static void handleRequestFromChild(struct Admin* admin, uint8_t buffer[MAX_API_REQUEST_SIZE], size_t amount, struct Allocator* allocator) { struct Reader* reader = ArrayReader_new(buffer + TXID_LEN, amount - TXID_LEN, allocator); Dict message; if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(reader, allocator, &message)) { Log_info(admin->logger, "Got unparsable data from admin interface."); return; } String* query = Dict_getString(&message, CJDHTConstants_QUERY); if (!query) { Log_info(admin->logger, "Got a non-query from admin interface."); return; } // txid becomes the user supplied txid combined with the inter-process txid. String* userTxid = Dict_getString(&message, TXID); String* txid = String_newBinary((char*)buffer, ((userTxid) ? userTxid->len : 0) + TXID_LEN, allocator); if (userTxid) { Bits_memcpy(txid->bytes + TXID_LEN, userTxid->bytes, userTxid->len); } // If they're asking for a cookie then lets give them one. String* cookie = String_CONST("cookie"); if (String_equals(query, cookie)) { Dict* d = Dict_new(allocator); char bytes[32]; snprintf(bytes, 32, "%u", (uint32_t) Time_currentTimeSeconds(admin->eventBase)); String* theCookie = &(String) { .len = strlen(bytes), .bytes = bytes }; Dict_putString(d, cookie, theCookie, allocator); Admin_sendMessage(d, txid, admin); return; } // If this is a permitted query, make sure the cookie is right. String* auth = String_CONST("auth"); bool authed = false; if (String_equals(query, auth)) { if (!authValid(&message, buffer + TXID_LEN, reader->bytesRead(reader), admin)) { Dict* d = Dict_new(allocator); Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("error"), String_CONST("Auth failed."), allocator); Admin_sendMessage(d, txid, admin); return; } query = Dict_getString(&message, String_CONST("aq")); authed = true; } Dict* args = Dict_getDict(&message, String_CONST("args")); bool noFunctionsCalled = true; for (int i = 0; i < admin->functionCount; i++) { if (String_equals(query, admin->functions[i].name) && (authed || !admin->functions[i].needsAuth)) { if (checkArgs(args, &admin->functions[i], txid, admin)) { admin->functions[i].call(args, admin->functions[i].context, txid); } noFunctionsCalled = false; } } if (noFunctionsCalled) { Dict* d = Dict_new(allocator); Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("error"), String_CONST("No functions matched your request."), allocator); Dict* functions = Dict_new(allocator); for (int i = 0; i < admin->functionCount; i++) { Dict_putDict(functions, admin->functions[i].name, admin->functions[i].args, allocator); } if (functions) { Dict_putDict(d, String_CONST("availableFunctions"), functions, allocator); } Admin_sendMessage(d, txid, admin); return; } return; }
static void udpInterface(Dict* config, struct Context* ctx) { List* ifaces = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("UDPInterface")); if (!ifaces) { ifaces = List_new(ctx->alloc); List_addDict(ifaces, Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("UDPInterface")), ctx->alloc); } uint32_t count = List_size(ifaces); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { Dict *udp = List_getDict(ifaces, i); if (!udp) { continue; } // Setup the interface. String* bindStr = Dict_getString(udp, String_CONST("bind")); Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc); if (bindStr) { Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("bindAddress"), bindStr, ctx->alloc); } Dict* resp = NULL; rpcCall0(String_CONST("UDPInterface_new"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc, &resp, true); int ifNum = *(Dict_getInt(resp, String_CONST("interfaceNumber"))); // Make the connections. Dict* connectTo = Dict_getDict(udp, String_CONST("connectTo")); if (connectTo) { struct Dict_Entry* entry = *connectTo; struct Allocator* perCallAlloc = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc); while (entry != NULL) { String* key = (String*) entry->key; if (entry->val->type != Object_DICT) { Log_critical(ctx->logger, "interfaces.UDPInterface.connectTo: entry [%s] " "is not a dictionary type.", key->bytes); exit(-1); } Dict* value = entry->val->as.dictionary; Log_keys(ctx->logger, "Attempting to connect to node [%s].", key->bytes); key = String_clone(key, perCallAlloc); char* lastColon = CString_strrchr(key->bytes, ':'); if (!Sockaddr_parse(key->bytes, NULL)) { // it's a sockaddr, fall through } else if (lastColon) { // try it as a hostname. Log_critical(ctx->logger, "Couldn't add connection [%s], " "hostnames aren't supported.", key->bytes); exit(-1); } Dict_putInt(value, String_CONST("interfaceNumber"), ifNum, perCallAlloc); Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("address"), key, perCallAlloc); rpcCall(String_CONST("UDPInterface_beginConnection"), value, ctx, perCallAlloc); // Make a IPTunnel exception for this node Dict* aed = Dict_new(perCallAlloc); *lastColon = '\0'; Dict_putString(aed, String_CONST("route"), String_new(key->bytes, perCallAlloc), perCallAlloc); *lastColon = ':'; rpcCall(String_CONST("RouteGen_addException"), aed, ctx, perCallAlloc); entry = entry->next; } Allocator_free(perCallAlloc); } } }
static void handleRequestFromChild(struct Admin* admin, union Admin_TxidPrefix* txid_prefix, Dict* message, uint8_t* buffer, size_t amount, struct Allocator* allocator) { String* query = Dict_getString(message, CJDHTConstants_QUERY); if (!query) { Log_info(admin->logger, "Got a non-query from admin interface on channel [%u].", admin->messageHeader.channelNum); adminChannelClose(admin, admin->messageHeader.channelNum); return; } // txid becomes the user supplied txid combined with the inter-process txid. String* userTxid = Dict_getString(message, TXID); uint32_t txidlen = ((userTxid) ? userTxid->len : 0) + Admin_TxidPrefix_SIZE; String* txid = String_newBinary(NULL, txidlen, allocator); Bits_memcpyConst(txid->bytes, txid_prefix->raw, Admin_TxidPrefix_SIZE); if (userTxid) { Bits_memcpy(txid->bytes + Admin_TxidPrefix_SIZE, userTxid->bytes, userTxid->len); } // If they're asking for a cookie then lets give them one. String* cookie = String_CONST("cookie"); if (String_equals(query, cookie)) { Dict* d = Dict_new(allocator); char bytes[32]; snprintf(bytes, 32, "%u", (uint32_t) Time_currentTimeSeconds(admin->eventBase)); String* theCookie = &(String) { .len = strlen(bytes), .bytes = bytes }; Dict_putString(d, cookie, theCookie, allocator); Admin_sendMessage(d, txid, admin); return; } // If this is a permitted query, make sure the cookie is right. String* auth = String_CONST("auth"); bool authed = false; if (String_equals(query, auth)) { if (!authValid(message, buffer, amount, admin)) { Dict* d = Dict_new(allocator); Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("error"), String_CONST("Auth failed."), allocator); Admin_sendMessage(d, txid, admin); return; } query = Dict_getString(message, String_CONST("aq")); authed = true; } Dict* args = Dict_getDict(message, String_CONST("args")); bool noFunctionsCalled = true; for (int i = 0; i < admin->functionCount; i++) { if (String_equals(query, admin->functions[i].name) && (authed || !admin->functions[i].needsAuth)) { if (checkArgs(args, &admin->functions[i], txid, admin)) { admin->functions[i].call(args, admin->functions[i].context, txid); } noFunctionsCalled = false; } } if (noFunctionsCalled) { Dict* d = Dict_new(allocator); Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("error"), String_CONST("No functions matched your request."), allocator); Dict* functions = Dict_new(allocator); for (int i = 0; i < admin->functionCount; i++) { Dict_putDict(functions, admin->functions[i].name, admin->functions[i].args, allocator); } if (functions) { Dict_putDict(d, String_CONST("availableFunctions"), functions, allocator); } Admin_sendMessage(d, txid, admin); return; } return; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { #ifdef Log_KEYS fprintf(stderr, "Log_LEVEL = KEYS, EXPECT TO SEE PRIVATE KEYS IN YOUR LOGS!\n"); #endif Crypto_init(); assert(argc > 0); if (argc == 1) { // no arguments if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) { // We were started from a terminal // The chances an user wants to type in a configuration // bij hand are pretty slim so we show him the usage return usage(argv[0]); } else { // We assume stdin is a configuration file and that we should // start routing } } if (argc == 2) { // one argument if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) { return usage(argv[0]); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--genconf") == 0) { return genconf(); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--getcmds") == 0) { // Performed after reading the configuration } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--pidfile") == 0) { // Performed after reading the configuration } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized option '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[1]); fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", argv[0]); return -1; } } if (argc > 2) { // more than one argument? fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many arguments\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", argv[0]); return -1; } struct Context context; memset(&context, 0, sizeof(struct Context)); context.base = event_base_new(); // Allow it to allocate 4MB context.allocator = MallocAllocator_new(1<<22); struct Reader* reader = FileReader_new(stdin, context.allocator); Dict config; if (JsonBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(reader, context.allocator, &config)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse configuration.\n"); return -1; } if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--getcmds") == 0) { return getcmds(&config); } if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--pidfile") == 0) { pidfile(&config); return 0; } char* user = setUser(Dict_getList(&config, BSTR("security"))); // Admin Dict* adminConf = Dict_getDict(&config, BSTR("admin")); if (adminConf) { admin(adminConf, user, &context); } // Logging struct Writer* logwriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, context.allocator); struct Log logger = { .writer = logwriter }; context.logger = &logger; struct Address myAddr; uint8_t privateKey[32]; parsePrivateKey(&config, &myAddr, privateKey); context.eHandler = AbortHandler_INSTANCE; context.switchCore = SwitchCore_new(context.logger, context.allocator); = CryptoAuth_new(&config, context.allocator, privateKey, context.base, context.logger); context.registry = DHTModules_new(context.allocator); ReplyModule_register(context.registry, context.allocator); // Router Dict* routerConf = Dict_getDict(&config, BSTR("router")); registerRouter(routerConf, myAddr.key, &context); SerializationModule_register(context.registry, context.allocator); // Authed passwords. List* authedPasswords = Dict_getList(&config, BSTR("authorizedPasswords")); if (authedPasswords) { authorizedPasswords(authedPasswords, &context); } // Interfaces. Dict* interfaces = Dict_getDict(&config, BSTR("interfaces")); Dict* udpConf = Dict_getDict(interfaces, BSTR("UDPInterface")); if (udpConf) { configureUDP(udpConf, &context); } if (udpConf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No interfaces configured to connect to.\n"); return -1; } // pid file String* pidFile = Dict_getString(&config, BSTR("pidFile")); if (pidFile) { Log_info1(context.logger, "Writing pid of process to [%s].\n", pidFile->bytes); FILE* pf = fopen(pidFile->bytes, "w"); if (!pf) { Log_critical2(context.logger, "Failed to open pid file [%s] for writing, errno=%d\n", pidFile->bytes, errno); return -1; } fprintf(pf, "%d", getpid()); fclose(pf); } Ducttape_register(&config, privateKey, context.registry, context.routerModule, context.routerIf, context.switchCore, context.base, context.allocator, context.logger); uint8_t address[53]; Base32_encode(address, 53, myAddr.key, 32); Log_info1(context.logger, "Your address is: %s.k\n", address); uint8_t myIp[40]; Address_printIp(myIp, &myAddr); Log_info1(context.logger, "Your IPv6 address is: %s\n", myIp); // Security. security(Dict_getList(&config, BSTR("security")), context.logger, context.eHandler); event_base_loop(context.base, 0); // Never reached. return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { #ifdef Log_KEYS fprintf(stderr, "Log_LEVEL = KEYS, EXPECT TO SEE PRIVATE KEYS IN YOUR LOGS!\n"); #endif Crypto_init(); Assert_true(argc > 0); if (argc == 2) { // one argument if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) { return usage(argv[0]); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--genconf") == 0) { return genconf(); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--pidfile") == 0) { // Performed after reading the configuration } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--reconf") == 0) { // Performed after reading the configuration } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--bench") == 0) { return benchmark(); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0) { printf("Version ID: %s\n", RouterModule_gitVersion()); return 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized option '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[1]); fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", argv[0]); return -1; } } else if (argc > 2) { // more than one argument? fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many arguments\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", argv[0]); return -1; } if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) { // We were started from a terminal // The chances an user wants to type in a configuration // bij hand are pretty slim so we show him the usage return usage(argv[0]); } else { // We assume stdin is a configuration file and that we should // start routing } struct event_base* eventBase = event_base_new(); // Allow it to allocate 4MB struct Allocator* allocator = MallocAllocator_new(1<<22); struct Reader* reader = FileReader_new(stdin, allocator); Dict config; if (JsonBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(reader, allocator, &config)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse configuration.\n"); return -1; } // Logging. struct Writer* logwriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, allocator); struct Log* logger = &(struct Log) { .writer = logwriter }; // pid file String* pidFile = Dict_getString(&config, String_CONST("pidFile")); if (pidFile) { if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--pidfile") == 0) { printf("%s", pidFile->bytes); return 0; } Log_info(logger, "Writing pid of process to [%s].\n", pidFile->bytes); FILE* pf = fopen(pidFile->bytes, "w"); if (!pf) { Log_critical(logger, "Failed to open pid file [%s] for writing, errno=%d\n", pidFile->bytes, errno); return -1; } fprintf(pf, "%d", (int) getpid()); fclose(pf); } // re-configure if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--reconf") == 0) { reconf(eventBase, &config, logger, allocator); return 0; } // ca, needed for admin. struct Address myAddr; uint8_t privateKey[32]; parsePrivateKey(&config, &myAddr, privateKey); struct CryptoAuth* cryptoAuth = CryptoAuth_new(&config, allocator, privateKey, eventBase, logger); // Admin char* user = setUser(Dict_getList(&config, String_CONST("security"))); struct Admin* admin = newAdmin(&config, user, logger, eventBase, allocator); struct SwitchCore* switchCore = SwitchCore_new(logger, allocator); struct DHTModuleRegistry* registry = DHTModuleRegistry_new(allocator); ReplyModule_register(registry, allocator); // Router struct Interface* routerIf = NULL; Dict* routerConf = Dict_getDict(&config, String_CONST("router")); Dict* iface = Dict_getDict(routerConf, String_CONST("interface")); if (String_equals(Dict_getString(iface, String_CONST("type")), String_CONST("TUNInterface"))) { String* ifName = Dict_getString(iface, String_CONST("tunDevice")); char assignedTunName[TUNConfigurator_IFNAMSIZ]; void* tunPtr = TUNConfigurator_initTun(((ifName) ? ifName->bytes : NULL), assignedTunName, logger, AbortHandler_INSTANCE); struct Jmp jmp; Jmp_try(jmp) { TUNConfigurator_setIpAddress( assignedTunName, myAddr.ip6.bytes, 8, logger, &jmp.handler); } Jmp_catch { Log_warn(logger, "Unable to configure ip address [%s]", jmp.message); } struct TUNInterface* tun = TUNInterface_new(tunPtr, eventBase, allocator); routerIf = &tun->iface; }
/* * This process is started with 2 parameters, they must all be numeric in base 10. * toAngel the pipe which is used to send data back to the angel process. * fromAngel the pipe which is used to read incoming data from the angel. * * Upon initialization, this process will wait for an initial configuration to be sent to * it and then it will send an initial response. */ int Core_main(int argc, char** argv) { struct Except* eh = NULL; int toAngel; int fromAngel; if (argc != 4 || !(toAngel = atoi(argv[2])) || !(fromAngel = atoi(argv[3]))) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "This is internal to cjdns and shouldn't started manually."); } struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(ALLOCATOR_FAILSAFE); struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(alloc); struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, eh); // -------------------- Setup the Pre-Logger ---------------------- // struct Writer* logWriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, alloc); struct Log* preLogger = WriterLog_new(logWriter, alloc); struct IndirectLog* indirectLogger = IndirectLog_new(alloc); indirectLogger->wrappedLog = preLogger; struct Log* logger = &indirectLogger->pub; // The first read inside of getInitialConfig() will begin it waiting. struct PipeInterface* pi = PipeInterface_new(fromAngel, toAngel, eventBase, logger, alloc, rand); Dict* config = getInitialConfig(&pi->generic, eventBase, alloc, eh); String* privateKeyHex = Dict_getString(config, String_CONST("privateKey")); Dict* adminConf = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("admin")); String* pass = Dict_getString(adminConf, String_CONST("pass")); if (!pass || !privateKeyHex) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Expected 'pass' and 'privateKey' in configuration."); } Log_keys(logger, "Starting core with admin password [%s]", pass->bytes); uint8_t privateKey[32]; if (privateKeyHex->len != 64 || Hex_decode(privateKey, 32, (uint8_t*) privateKeyHex->bytes, 64) != 32) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "privateKey must be 64 bytes of hex."); } struct Admin* admin = Admin_new(&pi->generic, alloc, logger, eventBase, pass); Dict adminResponse = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(String_CONST("none")), NULL); Admin_sendMessageToAngel(&adminResponse, admin); // --------------------- Setup the Logger --------------------- // // the prelogger will nolonger be used. struct Log* adminLogger = AdminLog_registerNew(admin, alloc, rand); indirectLogger->wrappedLog = adminLogger; logger = adminLogger; // CryptoAuth struct Address addr; parsePrivateKey(privateKey, &addr, eh); struct CryptoAuth* cryptoAuth = CryptoAuth_new(alloc, privateKey, eventBase, logger, rand); struct SwitchCore* switchCore = SwitchCore_new(logger, alloc); struct DHTModuleRegistry* registry = DHTModuleRegistry_new(alloc); ReplyModule_register(registry, alloc); // Router struct RouterModule* router = RouterModule_register(registry, alloc, addr.key, eventBase, logger, admin, rand); SerializationModule_register(registry, logger, alloc); struct IpTunnel* ipTun = IpTunnel_new(logger, eventBase, alloc, rand); struct Ducttape* dt = Ducttape_register(privateKey, registry, router, switchCore, eventBase, alloc, logger, admin, ipTun, rand); struct SwitchPinger* sp = SwitchPinger_new(&dt->switchPingerIf, eventBase, logger, alloc); // Interfaces. struct InterfaceController* ifController = DefaultInterfaceController_new(cryptoAuth, switchCore, router, logger, eventBase, sp, alloc); // ------------------- Register RPC functions ----------------------- // SwitchPinger_admin_register(sp, admin, alloc); UDPInterface_admin_register(eventBase, alloc, logger, admin, ifController); #ifdef HAS_ETH_INTERFACE ETHInterface_admin_register(eventBase, alloc, logger, admin, ifController); #endif RouterModule_admin_register(router, admin, alloc); AuthorizedPasswords_init(admin, cryptoAuth, alloc); Admin_registerFunction("ping", adminPing, admin, false, NULL, admin); Admin_registerFunction("Core_exit", adminExit, logger, true, NULL, admin); Core_admin_register(addr.ip6.bytes, dt, logger, alloc, admin, eventBase); Security_admin_register(alloc, logger, admin); IpTunnel_admin_register(ipTun, admin, alloc); struct MemoryContext* mc = alloc->clone(sizeof(struct MemoryContext), alloc, &(struct MemoryContext) { .allocator = alloc, .admin = admin });
static void sendConfToCore(struct Interface* toCoreInterface, struct Allocator* alloc, Dict* config, struct Except* eh, struct Log* logger) { #define CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE 1024 uint8_t buff[CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE + 32] = {0}; uint8_t* start = buff + 32; struct Writer* writer = ArrayWriter_new(start, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE - 33, alloc); if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->serializeDictionary(writer, config)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to serialize pre-configuration for core."); } struct Message m = { .bytes = start, .length = writer->bytesWritten(writer), .padding = 32 }; Log_keys(logger, "Sent [%d] bytes to core [%s].", m.length, m.bytes); toCoreInterface->sendMessage(&m, toCoreInterface); } static void setUser(char* user, struct Log* logger, struct Except* eh) { struct Jmp jmp; Jmp_try(jmp) { Security_setUser(user, logger, &jmp.handler); } Jmp_catch { if (jmp.code == Security_setUser_PERMISSION) { return; } Except_raise(eh, jmp.code, "%s", jmp.message); } } /** * Input: * { * "admin": { * "core": "/path/to/core/binary", * "bind": "", * "pass": "******", * "user": "******" * } * } * for example: * d5:admind4:core30:./build/admin/angel/cjdns-core4:bind15: * * Pre-existing core mode: * { * "admin": { * "core": { * "fromCore": 12, * "toCore": 14 * }, * "bind": "", * "pass": "******", * "user": "******" * } * } * * If "core" is a dictionary, the angel will behave as though the core is already spawned and * it will read from the core on the file descriptor given by "fromCore" and write to the file * given by "toCore". * * "user" is optional, if set the angel will setuid() that user's uid. */ int AngelInit_main(int argc, char** argv) { struct Except* eh = NULL; int inFromClientNo; int outToClientNo; if (argc < 3 || (inFromClientNo = atoi(argv[2])) == 0) { inFromClientNo = STDIN_FILENO; } if (argc < 4 || (outToClientNo = atoi(argv[3])) == 0) { outToClientNo = STDOUT_FILENO; } struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<21); struct Writer* logWriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, alloc); struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(logWriter, alloc); struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, logger, eh); alloc = CanaryAllocator_new(alloc, rand); struct Allocator* tempAlloc = Allocator_child(alloc); struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(alloc); Log_debug(logger, "Initializing angel with input [%d] and output [%d]", inFromClientNo, outToClientNo); Log_debug(logger, "Getting pre-configuration from client"); #define CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE 1024 uint8_t buff[CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE] = {0}; Waiter_getData(buff, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE, inFromClientNo, eventBase, eh); Log_debug(logger, "Finished getting pre-configuration from client"); struct Reader* reader = ArrayReader_new(buff, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE, tempAlloc); Dict config; if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(reader, tempAlloc, &config)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to parse configuration."); } Dict* admin = Dict_getDict(&config, String_CONST("admin")); String* core = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("core")); String* bind = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("bind")); String* pass = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("pass")); String* user = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("user")); int toCore = -1; int fromCore = -1; if (!core) { Dict* coreDict = Dict_getDict(admin, String_CONST("core")); int64_t* toCorePtr = Dict_getInt(coreDict, String_CONST("toCore")); int64_t* fromCorePtr = Dict_getInt(coreDict, String_CONST("fromCore")); toCore = (toCorePtr) ? *toCorePtr : -1; fromCore = (fromCorePtr) ? *fromCorePtr : -1; } if (!bind || !pass || (!core && (toCore == -1 || fromCore == -1))) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "missing configuration params in preconfig. [%s]", buff); } if (core) { Log_info(logger, "Initializing core [%s]", core->bytes); initCore(core->bytes, &toCore, &fromCore, eh); } Log_debug(logger, "Sending pre-configuration to core."); struct PipeInterface* pif = PipeInterface_new(fromCore, toCore, eventBase, logger, alloc, rand); struct Interface* coreIface = &pif->generic; PipeInterface_waitUntilReady(pif); sendConfToCore(coreIface, tempAlloc, &config, eh, logger); struct Message* coreResponse = InterfaceWaiter_waitForData(coreIface, eventBase, tempAlloc, eh); if (write(outToClientNo, coreResponse->bytes, coreResponse->length)) { // Ignore the result of write() without the compiler complaining. } #ifdef Log_KEYS uint8_t lastChar = coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1]; coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1] = 0; Log_keys(logger, "Sent [%s%c] to client.", coreResponse->bytes, lastChar); coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1] = lastChar; #endif if (user) { setUser(user->bytes, logger, eh); } Allocator_free(tempAlloc); Angel_start(coreIface, eventBase, logger, alloc); return 0; }