コード例 #1
DesktopNotification::HandleAlertServiceNotification(const char *aTopic)
  if (NS_FAILED(CheckInnerWindowCorrectness())) {

  if (!strcmp("alertclickcallback", aTopic)) {
  } else if (!strcmp("alertfinished", aTopic)) {
コード例 #2
sbSecurityMixin::GetPermissionForScopedName(const nsAString &aScopedName,
        bool disableNotificationCheck)
    LOG(( "sbSecurityMixin::GetPermissionForScopedName()"));

    // If this instance was set to be privileged, skip the check
    if (mPrivileged) {
        return PR_TRUE;

    bool allowed = PR_FALSE;

    nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> codebase;
    GetCodebase( getter_AddRefs(codebase) );

    if ( StringBeginsWith( aScopedName, NS_LITERAL_STRING("internal:") ) ) {
        if (!codebase) {
            // internal stuff always allowed, should never be called from insecure code.
            allowed = PR_TRUE;
        } else {
            // I think this is always a bad thing. It should represent calling of
            // methods flagged as internal only being called by insecure code (not
            // using system principal)
            NS_WARNING("sbSecurityMixin::GetPermissionForScopedName() -- AHHH!!! Asked for internal with codebase");
            return PR_FALSE;

    // without a codebase we're either calling internal stuff or wrong.
    if (!codebase)
        return allowed;

    // look up information about the scope
    const struct Scope* scope = GetScopeForScopedName( aScopedName );

    if (scope) {
        // if the current scope is in the table then use the values in the table
        // to get permission
        allowed = GetPermission( codebase, scope );
    else if ( StringBeginsWith( aScopedName, NS_LITERAL_STRING("site:") ) ) {
        // site library methods are always cleared
        allowed = PR_TRUE;
    else if ( StringBeginsWith( aScopedName, NS_LITERAL_STRING("helper:") ) ) {
        // helper classes always allowed
        allowed = PR_TRUE;
    else if ( StringBeginsWith( aScopedName, NS_LITERAL_STRING("classinfo:") ) ) {
        // class info stuff always allowed - this might need to move above the codebase check.
        allowed = PR_TRUE;

    // if we found additional info about the scope, work out if there's a
    // notification to fire
    if ( scope && !disableNotificationCheck ) {
        const char* notification =
            allowed ? scope->allowed_notification : scope->blocked_notification;
        LOG(( "sbSecurityMixin::GetPermissionsForScopedName() notification=%s",
              notification ));

        if ( strcmp(notification, sNotificationAlert) == 0 ) {
            LOG(( "sbSecurityMixin::GetPermissionsForScopedName() - ALERT" ));
            // Launch a prompt asking the user if they want to do this action.

            allowed =
                sbRemotePlayer::GetUserApprovalForHost( codebase,
                        scope->name );

        else if ( strcmp(notification, sNotificationStatus) == 0 ) {
            LOG(( "sbSecurityMixin::GetPermissionsForScopedName() - STATUS" ));
        else if ( strcmp(notification, sNotificationHat) == 0 ) {
            LOG(( "sbSecurityMixin::GetPermissionsForScopedName() - HAT" ));
            // notification is not "none"

            // we want to fire a notification, but does the user want a notification?

            // get the prefs service
            nsresult rv;
            nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefService =
                do_GetService( "@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1", &rv );
            NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS( rv, allowed );

            bool notify;
            // look up the pref
            nsCString prefKey("songbird.rapi.");
            rv = prefService->GetBoolPref( prefKey.get(), &notify );
            NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS( rv, allowed );

            LOG(( "sbSecurityMixin::GetPermissionsForScopedName() pref value: %s",
                  notify?"true":"false" ));

            // if the pref is true we should notify
            if (notify) {
                DispatchNotificationEvent(notification, scope, allowed);

    return allowed;