コード例 #1
ファイル: LAB6.c プロジェクト: Eddie-Molina/Embedded-Systems
void main() 
    Initial(); //Initialize all settings required for general QwikFlash and LCD operation
    DisplayC(Clear1); //Clear the LCD one time at the beginning of your program  

    //Your personal PORT/TRIS/ADCON/etc settings or configurations can go here 
    //Or make your own function and call it

    TRISBbits.RB0 = 1;          // set PortB0 as input port
    TRISBbits.RB1 = 1;          // set PortB1 as input port
    TRISBbits.RB2 = 1;          // set PortB2 as input port
    TRISBbits.RB3 = 1;          // set PortB3 as input port

    T0CON = 0b00000101;         // timer 0 configuration register bit settings
    INTCON = 0b00110000;        // interrupt configuration register bit settings
    INTCON2 = 0b11110000;       // interrupt configuration register 2 bit settings
    INTCON3 = 0b00001000;       // interrupt configuration register 3 bit settings
    RCON = 0b10000000;

    TMR0H = 0x67;               // Load preload value in timer 0 in high byte
    TMR0L = 0x69;               // Load preload value in timer 0 in low byte

    INTCONbits.PEIE = 1;        // Set PEIE enable bit
    INTCONbits.GIE = 1;         // GIE enable bit
    T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 1;       // turn timer 0 on

    while (1) 
        // switch1 is a flag that is set from the low 
        // priority interrupt
        if (switch1)
            DisplayC(pause1);   // display the pause symbol
            Str_2[1] = 0x03;
            DisplayC(play1);    // display the play symbol
            Str_2[1] = 0x04;

        // if switch 1, switch 2, and pushbutton 1 are set
        // then increment timer
        if (switch1 == 1 && PORTBbits.RB2 == 1 && PORTBbits.RB3 == 1)
            Str_2[7] = '+';     // display ++ for increment
            Str_2[8] = '+';
            Str_2[7] = ' ';     // clear ++ for increment
            Str_2[8] = ' ';
コード例 #2
ファイル: LAB5.c プロジェクト: Eddie-Molina/Embedded-Systems
void main()
    Initial();              //Initialize all settings required for general QwikFlash and LCD operation
	DisplayC(Clear1);       //Clear the LCD one time at the beginning of your program  
    long retTen;            // initialize variable for 10K ohm potentiometer
    long retPot;            // initialize variable for Potentiometer 1 on circuit board
    SSPSTAT = 0b11000000;   // SMP and CKE
    SSPCON1 = 0b00100000;   // Enable SPI serial port
    //Your personal PORT/TRIS/ADCON/etc settings or configurations can go here 
    //Or make your own function and call it            
        retTen = tenK();        // Store value from 10K ohm potentiometer
        retPot = pot1();        // Store value from Potentiometer 1 on circuit board
        displayAnalog(retTen, retPot);        

コード例 #3
ファイル: LAB3.c プロジェクト: Eddie-Molina/Embedded-Systems
 * void mult()
 * This function multiplies the bits from portB and portC, resulting in integer
 * values, which are converted to ascii, then are displayed on the LCD.	
void mult(unsigned char x, unsigned char y)
    unsigned char fnum;
    unsigned char snum;
    unsigned char tnum;
    unsigned char prod;
    prod = x * y;                // multiply bits in portB and portC
    fnum = prod / 100;           // save the first digit in variable fnum
    snum = prod / 10;            // make prod a 2 digit number      
    snum = snum % 10;            // save the second digit in variable snum
    tnum = prod % 10;            // save the third digit in variable tnum
    Str_1[1] = ' ';
    Str_1[2] = ' ';
    Str_1[3] = 'B';
    Str_1[4] = '*';
    Str_1[5] = 'C';
    Str_1[6] = '=';
    Str_2[2] = ' ';
    Str_2[3] = ' ';
    Str_2[4] = ' ';
    Str_2[5] = 48 + fnum;       // offset fnum by 48 in order 
                                // to display equivalent digit from ascii table
    Str_2[6] = 48 + snum;       // offset snum by 48 in order 
                                // to display equivalent digit from ascii table
    Str_2[7] = 48 + tnum;;      // offset tnum by 48 in order 
                                // to display equivalent digit from ascii table
    Str_2[8] = ' ';
    DisplayC(Str_1);        // display characters in first row of LCD
    DisplayC(Str_2);        // display characters in second row of LCD
コード例 #4
ファイル: LAB3.c プロジェクト: Eddie-Molina/Embedded-Systems
 * void sub()
 * This function subtracts the bits in portC from portB resulting in integer
 * values, which are converted to ascii, then are displayed on the LCD.
void sub(unsigned char x, unsigned char y)
    unsigned char fnum;
    unsigned char snum;
    int sub;
    sub = x - y;                // subtract portC from portB
    if (sub >= 0)               // if statement for positive numbers
        fnum = sub / 10;        // save the first digit in variable fnum
        snum = sub % 10;        // save the second digit in variable snum
        Str_1[1] = ' ';
        Str_1[2] = ' ';
        Str_1[3] = 'B';
        Str_1[4] = '-';
        Str_1[5] = 'C';
        Str_1[6] = '=';
        Str_1[7] = ' ';
        Str_1[8] = ' ';
        Str_2[4] = '+';
        Str_2[5] = 48 + fnum;   // offset fnum by 48 in order 
                                // to display equivalent digit from ascii table
        Str_2[6] = 48 + snum;   // offset snum by 48 in order 
                                // to display equivalent digit from ascii table
        Str_2[7] = ' ';
        Str_2[8] = ' ';
        DisplayC(Str_1);        // display characters in first row of LCD
        DisplayC(Str_2);        // display characters in second row of LCD

    else                        // else for negative numbers
        sub = sub * -1;         // convert sub to a negative number
        fnum = sub / 10;        // save the first digit in variable fnum    
        snum = sub % 10;        // save the second digit in variable snum   
        Str_1[1] = ' ';
        Str_1[2] = ' ';
        Str_1[3] = 'B';
        Str_1[4] = '-';
        Str_1[5] = 'C';
        Str_1[6] = '=';
        Str_1[7] = ' ';
        Str_1[8] = ' ';
        Str_2[4] = '-';
        Str_2[5] = 48 + fnum;   // offset fnum by 48 in order 
                                // to display equivalent digit from ascii table
        Str_2[6] = 48 + snum;   // offset snum by 48 in order 
                                // to display equivalent digit from ascii table
        Str_2[7] = ' ';
        Str_2[8] = ' ';
        DisplayC(Str_1);        // display characters in first row of LCD
        DisplayC(Str_2);        // display characters in second row of LCD
コード例 #5
ファイル: Bike.c プロジェクト: jbowen93/Portfolio-Code
void LCDconfig() {
    // Configure the LCD pins for output
    LCD_RS_TRIS   = 0;              //TRISH1
    LCD_E_TRIS    = 0;              //TRISH2
    LCD_DATA_TRIS = 0b00001111;     // TRISJ, Note the LCD is only on the upper nibble
    // The lower nibble is all inputs

    // Initialize the LCD and print to it

コード例 #6
ファイル: LAB3.c プロジェクト: Eddie-Molina/Embedded-Systems
void main()
    Initial(); 	  	  //Initialize all settings required for general QwikFlash and LCD operation
	DisplayC(Clear1); //Clear the LCD one time at the beginning of your program  
    TRISB = 0b00111111; // make portB an input port
    TRISC = 0b00001111; // make portC an input port
	//Your personal PORT/TRIS/ADCON/etc settings or configurations can go here 
	//Or make your own function and call it
        unsigned char pB = PORTB;
        unsigned char pC = PORTC;
        unsigned char mask = 0b00001111;
        pB = pB & mask;         // mask portB off
        pC = pC & mask;         // mask portC off
        if((PORTBbits.RB4 == 0) && (PORTBbits.RB5 == 0))    // for add operation
        {                                                   // or multiply operation
            add(pB, pC);
            //mult(pB, pC);
        if((PORTBbits.RB4 == 0) && (PORTBbits.RB5 == 1))    // for subtract operation
            sub(pB, pC);    
        if((PORTBbits.RB4 == 1) && (PORTBbits.RB5 == 0))    // for AND operation
            and(pB, pC);
        if((PORTBbits.RB4 == 1) && (PORTBbits.RB5 == 1))    // for NOT operation
            not(pB, pC);        
コード例 #7
ファイル: LAB3.c プロジェクト: Eddie-Molina/Embedded-Systems
 * void not()
 * This function executes the NOT operation for the bits in portB, then displays
 * the ascii characters 1 or 0 onto the LCD.
void not(unsigned char x, unsigned char y)
    Str_1[1] = ' ';
    Str_1[2] = 'N';
    Str_1[3] = 'O';
    Str_1[4] = 'T';
    Str_1[5] = '(';
    Str_1[6] = 'B';
    Str_1[7] = ')';
    Str_1[8] = ' ';
    Str_2[8] = (!PORTBbits.RB0) + 48;   //not operation for bit 0 in portB
    Str_2[7] = (!PORTBbits.RB1) + 48;   //not operation for bit 1 in portB
    Str_2[6] = (!PORTBbits.RB2) + 48;   //not operation for bit 2 in portB
    Str_2[5] = (!PORTBbits.RB3) + 48;   //not operation for bit 3 in portB
    Str_2[4] = ' ';
    Str_2[3] = ' ';
    Str_2[2] = ' ';
    DisplayC(Str_1);                  // display characters in first row of LCD
    DisplayC(Str_2);                  // display characters in second row of LCD
コード例 #8
ファイル: LAB3.c プロジェクト: Eddie-Molina/Embedded-Systems
 * void and()
 * This function performs the AND operation with the bits from portB and portC,
 * and displays the ascii characters 1 or 0 onto the LCD.
void and(unsigned char x, unsigned char y)
    Str_1[1] = ' ';
    Str_1[2] = ' ';
    Str_1[3] = 'B';
    Str_1[4] = '&';
    Str_1[5] = 'C';
    Str_1[6] = '=';
    Str_1[7] = ' ';
    Str_1[8] = ' ';
    Str_2[8] = (PORTBbits.RB0 & PORTCbits.RC0) + 48;  // AND operation for bits RB0 and RC0  
    Str_2[7] = (PORTBbits.RB1 & PORTCbits.RC1) + 48;  // AND operation for bits RB1 and RC1 
    Str_2[6] = (PORTBbits.RB2 & PORTCbits.RC2) + 48;  // AND operation for bits RB2 and RC2 
    Str_2[5] = (PORTBbits.RB3 & PORTCbits.RC3) + 48;  // AND operation for bits RB3 and RC3 
    Str_2[4] = ' ';
    Str_2[3] = ' ';
    Str_2[2] = ' ';
    DisplayC(Str_1);    // display characters in first row of LCD
    DisplayC(Str_2);    // display characters in second row of LCD
コード例 #9
ファイル: LAB3.c プロジェクト: Eddie-Molina/Embedded-Systems
 * void add()
 * This function adds the bits from portB and portC resulting in integer
 * values which are converted to ascii, then are displayed on the LCD
void add(unsigned char x, unsigned char y)
    unsigned char fnum;
    unsigned char snum;
    unsigned char add;
    add = x + y;            // adds portB and portC
    fnum = add / 10;        // save the first digit in variable fnum
    snum = add % 10;        // save the second digit in variable snum
    Str_1[1] = ' ';
    Str_1[2] = ' ';
    Str_1[3] = 'B';
    Str_1[4] = '+';
    Str_1[5] = 'C';
    Str_1[6] = '=';
    Str_2[5] = 48 + fnum;   // offset fnum by 48 in order 
                            // to display equivalent digit from ascii table
    Str_2[6] = 48 + snum;   // offset snum by 48 in order 
                            // to display equivalent digit from ascii table
    Str_2[7] = ' ';
    Str_2[8] = ' ';
    DisplayC(Str_1);        // display characters in first row of LCD
    DisplayC(Str_2);        // display characters in second row of LCD

コード例 #10
ファイル: LAB5.c プロジェクト: Eddie-Molina/Embedded-Systems
 *	int pot1()
 *	This function is for the potentiometer that is fixed on the circuit board, 
 *  and it converts the value read from the potentiometer, which is analog, and
 *  turns it into two digital values. From there it is displayed onto LCD of the
 *  QwikFlash.
long pot1()
    long adLow1;
    long adHigh1;
    long addbit1;
    long addbit2;
    unsigned char fnum1;
    unsigned char snum1;
    unsigned char tnum1;
    ADCON0 = 0b00100001;                    // FOSC / 4, Channel 7, A/D module turned on
    ADCON1 = 0b11000000;                    // Right justified, FOSC/4
    ADCON0bits.GO = 1;                      // Turn on ADC
    adHigh1 = ADRESH;
    adLow1 = ADRESL;
    addbit1 = (adHigh1 << 8) + adLow1;      // Shift adHighy1 to the left 8 bits
                                            // and add adLow1 bits.
    addbit1 = ((addbit1 * 98) / 1023) + 2;  // Make addbit1 a 2 digit value.
    addbit2 = addbit1;                      // Store unedited version of addbit1
    tnum1 = addbit1 / 100;                  // Store the third digit in tnum1
    addbit1 = addbit1 % 100;
    fnum1 = addbit1 / 10;                   // Store the first digit in fnum1
    snum1 = addbit1 % 10;                   // Store the second digit in snum1
    Str_2[1] = 'F';
    Str_2[2] = 'R';
    Str_2[3] = 'E';
    Str_2[4] = 'Q';
    Str_2[5] = ' ';
    Str_2[6] = tnum1 + 48;      // Add 48 to get the ascii value
    Str_2[7] = fnum1 + 48;      // Add 48 to get the ascii value
    Str_2[8] = snum1 + 48;
    ADCON1 = 0b10001110;
    return addbit2;
コード例 #11
ファイル: LAB5.c プロジェクト: Eddie-Molina/Embedded-Systems
 *	int pot1()
 *	This function is for the 10 Kohm potentiometer and it converts the value 
 *  read from the potentiometer, which is analog, and turns it into two digital 
 *  values. From there it is displayed onto LCD of the QwikFlash.
long tenK()
    long adLow;
    long adHigh;
    long addbit;
    long addbit1;
    unsigned char fnum;
    unsigned char snum;
    TRISEbits.TRISE2 = 1; // Set E2 as an input port.
    ADCON0 = 0b00111001;
    ADCON1 = 0b11000000;
    ADCON0bits.GO = 1;
    adLow = ADRESL;
    adHigh = ADRESH;
    addbit = (adHigh << 8) + adLow;     // Shift adHighy to the left 8 bits
                                        // and add adLow bits.
    addbit1 = (addbit * 5) / 1023;
    addbit = (addbit * 50) / 1023;      // Make addbit a 2 digit value.
    fnum = addbit / 10;   // Store the first digit in fnum 
    snum = addbit % 10;   // Store the second digit in snum
    Str_1[1] = 'A';
    Str_1[2] = 'M';
    Str_1[3] = 'P';
    Str_1[4] = ' ';
    Str_1[5] = ' ';
    Str_1[6] = fnum + 48;   // Store the first digit in fnum
    Str_1[7] = '.';   
    Str_1[8] = snum + 48;   // Store the second digit in snum
    ADCON1 = 0b10001110;
    return addbit1;
コード例 #12
ファイル: LAB6.c プロジェクト: Eddie-Molina/Embedded-Systems
void interrupt My_ISR_High(void) 
    //interrupt handling for HIGH
    if (INT0IF == 1 && INT0IE == 1) 
        seconds = 0;
        minutes = 0;
        hours = 0;
        Str_1[1] = '0';
        Str_1[2] = '0';
        Str_1[3] = ':';
        Str_1[4] = '0';
        Str_1[5] = '0';
        Str_1[6] = ':';
        Str_1[7] = '0';
        Str_1[8] = '0';
        INT0IF = 0;    // reset interrupt flag
        // toggle LEDs on QwikFlash Board
        if (counter % 2 == 0)
            PORTAbits.RA3 = 1;
            PORTAbits.RA2 = 0;
            PORTAbits.RA1 = 1;
            PORTAbits.RA3 = 0;
            PORTAbits.RA2 = 1;
            PORTAbits.RA1 = 0;


コード例 #13
ファイル: LAB6.c プロジェクト: Eddie-Molina/Embedded-Systems
 *   void timeInDay()
 *   This function is used to increment the time from 0 seconds all the way to
 *   24 hours. Then it resets after a full 24 hours. This function also displays
 *   the time onto the LCD.
void timeInDay(void) 
    if (seconds > 59) 
        seconds = 0;

    if (minutes > 59) 
        minutes = 0;

    if (hours > 23) 
        hours = 0;

    int num1 = seconds / 10;
    int num2 = seconds % 10;
    int num3 = minutes / 10;
    int num4 = minutes % 10;
    int num5 = hours / 10;
    int num6 = hours % 10;
    Str_1[1] = num5 + 48;
    Str_1[2] = num6 + 48;
    Str_1[3] = ':';
    Str_1[4] = num3 + 48;
    Str_1[5] = num4 + 48;
    Str_1[6] = ':';
    Str_1[7] = num1 + 48;
    Str_1[8] = num2 + 48;