void JustDied(Unit* killer) { events.Reset(); summons.DespawnAll(); if(instance && DoEncounterAction(NULL, false, false, true)) { instance->SetBossState(BOSS_HORSEMEN, DONE); instance->SaveToDB(); } DoScriptText(SAY_DEATH[id], me); }
void AttackStart(Unit *who) { if (!movementCompleted && !movementStarted) { uiEventStarterGUID = who->GetGUID(); BeginFourHorsemenMovement(); if (!encounterActionAttack) DoEncounterAction(who, true, false, false); } else if (movementCompleted && movementStarted) { if (caster) me->Attack(who, false); else BossAI::AttackStart(who); } }
void JustDied(Unit* /*killer*/) { _JustDied(); if (instance) instance->SetData(DATA_HORSEMEN0 + id, DONE); if (instance && DoEncounterAction(NULL, false, false, true)) { // Achievements related to the 4-horsemen are given through spell 59450 which does not exist. // There is thus no way it can be given by casting the spell on the players. instance->DoUpdateAchievementCriteria( ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_BE_SPELL_TARGET, 59450); } DoScriptText(SAY_DEATH[id], me); }
void Reset() { if (!encounterActionReset) DoEncounterAction(NULL, false, true, false); me->SetReactState(REACT_AGGRESSIVE); eventStarter = NULL; nextWP = 0; punishTimer = 2000; nextMovementStarted = false; movementCompleted = false; movementStarted = false; encounterActionAttack = false; encounterActionReset = false; doDelayPunish = false; _Reset(); }
void JustDied(Unit* /*killer*/) { events.Reset(); summons.DespawnAll(); if (instance) instance->SetData(DATA_HORSEMEN0 + id, DONE); if (instance && DoEncounterAction(NULL, false, false, true)) { instance->SetBossState(BOSS_HORSEMEN, DONE); instance->SaveToDB(); // Achievements related to the 4-horsemen are given through spell 59450 which does not exist. // There is thus no way it can be given by casting the spell on the players. instance->DoUpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_BE_SPELL_TARGET, 59450); } Talk(SAY_DEATH); }
void Reset() { if (!encounterActionReset) DoEncounterAction(NULL, false, true, false); if (instance) instance->SetData(DATA_HORSEMEN0 + id, NOT_STARTED); me->SetReactState(REACT_AGGRESSIVE); uiEventStarterGUID = 0; nextWP = 0; punishTimer = 10000; nextMovementStarted = false; movementCompleted = false; movementStarted = false; encounterActionAttack = false; encounterActionReset = false; doDelayPunish = false; _Reset(); }