コード例 #1
// New function: compute quantile:
// (quite slow because we allocate memory to keep indexes)
double my_quantile(double *vals, long len, double quantile)
    if((quantile<0) || (quantile>1))
        //printf("Error! must supply quantile value between 0 and 1!\n");
        return -9999999999999999.999;
    //printf("Before Copy: Min: vals[0]=%lf, Max: vals[%ld]=%lf\n", vals[0], len-1, vals[len-1]);
    double *vals_copy = new double[len];
    long *indexes = new long[len];
    //printf("Before Copy2: Min: vals[0]=%lf, Max: vals[%ld]=%lf\n", vals[0], len-1, vals[len-1]);
    memcpy(vals_copy, vals, len*8); // first copy without noise. Double takes 8 (not 4) bytes !!!
    DoQuicksort(vals_copy, len, indexes); // sort
    long i = floor((len-1)*quantile); // set index
    double delta = (len-1)*quantile-double(i);
    //printf("PRINT SORTED VALUES:\n");
    //for(j=0; j<len; j++)
        //printf("vals_copy[%ld]=%lf\n", j, vals_copy[j]);
    //printf("My Quantile, len=%ld, quantile=%lf\n", len, quantile);  fflush(stdout);
    //printf("Min: vals[0]=%lf, Max: vals[%ld]=%lf\n", vals[0], len-1, vals[len-1]);
    //printf("Min: vals_copy[0]=%lf, Max: vals_copy[%ld]=%lf\n", vals_copy[0], len-1, vals_copy[len-1]);
    //printf("Index=%ld, delta=%lf, vals_copy[%ld]=%lf, vals_copy[%ld]=%lf\n", i, delta, i, vals_copy[i], i+1, vals_copy[i+1]); fflush(stdout);
    double quantile_val = (1 - delta)* vals_copy[i];
    if(i < len-1) // not last
        quantile_val += delta*vals_copy[i+1];
    //printf("My Quantile output=%lf\n", quantile_val);  fflush(stdout);
    delete [] vals_copy;
    delete [] indexes;//delete vals_copy, indexes;
    return quantile_val; 
コード例 #2
ファイル: findbestpathviterbyold.cpp プロジェクト: orzuk/HMP
// permute the indexes of the model, thus enabling a more fair 
// comparison of the trained and the original model !!!
long PermuteModelIncreasingMean(hmm_model *hmm)
	long i, j; 

	double mean_vec[MAX_X_VALS];	
	long indexes[MAX_X_VALS];
	double helperx[MAX_X_VALS][MAX_X_VALS];
	double helpery[MAX_X_VALS][MAX_Y_VALS];

	if(hmm->y_type == DISCRETE)  // here permute according to conditional means, assuming the Y's are 0,1,..
		for(i = 0; i < hmm->x_dim; i++)
			mean_vec[i] = 0; 
			for(j = 0; j < hmm->y_dim; j++)
				mean_vec[i] += hmm->N[i][j] * j; 


	else						 // here permute according to the conditional means
		for(i = 0; i < hmm->x_dim; i++)
			mean_vec[i] = 0; 
			for(j = 0; j < hmm->y_dim; j++)
				mean_vec[i] += hmm->N[i][j] * hmm->MEW[i][j];


	printf("start quicksort\n mean : ");
	print_double_vec(mean_vec, hmm->x_dim);
	// Now sort according to mean !! 	
	DoQuicksort(mean_vec, hmm->x_dim, indexes);


	printf("ned quicksort\n mean : ");
	print_double_vec(mean_vec, hmm->x_dim);

	printf("\nIndexes :\n");
	print_vec(indexes, hmm->x_dim);

	// change the X's M's variables 
	for(i = 0; i < hmm->x_dim; i++)
		for(j = 0; j < hmm->x_dim; j++)
			helperx[i][j] = hmm->M[indexes[i]][indexes[j]];
	for(i = 0; i < hmm->x_dim; i++)
		for(j = 0; j < hmm->x_dim; j++)
			hmm->M[i][j] = helperx[i][j];

	// Change the Y's N's variables 
	for(i = 0; i < hmm->x_dim; i++)
		for(j = 0; j < hmm->y_dim; j++)
			helpery[i][j] = hmm->N[indexes[i]][j];
	for(i = 0; i < hmm->x_dim; i++)
		for(j = 0; j < hmm->y_dim; j++)
			hmm->N[i][j] = helpery[i][j];

	if(hmm->y_type == CONTINUOUS)  // Change MEW and SIGMA
		for(i = 0; i < hmm->x_dim; i++)
			for(j = 0; j < hmm->y_dim; j++)
				helpery[i][j] = hmm->MEW[indexes[i]][j];
		for(i = 0; i < hmm->x_dim; i++)
			for(j = 0; j < hmm->y_dim; j++)
				hmm->MEW[i][j] = helpery[i][j];

		for(i = 0; i < hmm->x_dim; i++)
			for(j = 0; j < hmm->y_dim; j++)
				helpery[i][j] = hmm->SIGMA[indexes[i]][j];
		for(i = 0; i < hmm->x_dim; i++)
			for(j = 0; j < hmm->y_dim; j++)
				hmm->SIGMA[i][j] = helpery[i][j];


	// Change everything else 

	return 0;
