コード例 #1
ファイル: lpd_secure.c プロジェクト: Distrotech/lprng
static const struct security *Fix_receive_auth( char *name, struct line_list *info )
	const struct security *s;

	if( name == 0 ){
		if( Is_server ){
			name = Auth_forward_DYN;
		} else {
			name = Auth_DYN;

	s = FindSecurity(name);
	if( s != NULL ){
		char buffer[64];
		const char *str;

		DEBUG1("Fix_receive_auth: name '%s' matches '%s'", name, s->name );
		if( !(str = s->config_tag) ) str = s->name;
		plp_snprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer), "%s_", str );
		Find_default_tags( info, Pc_var_list, buffer );
		Find_tags( info, &Config_line_list, buffer );
		Find_tags( info, &PC_entry_line_list, buffer );
		Expand_hash_values( info );
	if(DEBUGL1)Dump_line_list("Fix_receive_auth: info", info );
コード例 #2
ファイル: lpd_secure.c プロジェクト: Distrotech/lprng
int Check_secure_perms( struct line_list *options, int from_server,
	char *error, int errlen )
	 * line 1 - CLIENT=xxxx   - client authentication
	 * line 2 - SERVER=xxxx   - server authentication
	 * ...    - FROM=xxxx     - from
	 * line 3 - INPUT=\00x  - command line
	char *authfrom, *authuser;
	authfrom = Find_str_value(options,AUTHFROM);
	if( !authfrom ) authfrom = Find_str_value(options,FROM);
	authuser = Find_str_value(options,AUTHUSER);
	if( !from_server ){
		if( !authuser && authfrom ) authuser = authfrom;
	if( !authuser ) authuser = Find_str_value(options,CLIENT);
	Set_str_value(options, AUTHTYPE, Perm_check.authtype );
	Set_str_value(options, AUTHFROM, authfrom );
	Set_str_value(options, AUTHUSER, authuser );
	Perm_check.authfrom = Find_str_value(options,AUTHFROM);
	Perm_check.authuser = authuser = Find_str_value(options,AUTHUSER);
	if( !authuser ){
		plp_snprintf( error, errlen, "Printer %s@%s: missing authentication client id",
			Printer_DYN,Report_server_as_DYN?Report_server_as_DYN:ShortHost_FQDN );
		return( JABORT );
	Perm_check.authca = Find_str_value(options,AUTHCA);
	DEBUGFC(DRECV1)Dump_line_list("Check_secure_perms - after",options);
	DEBUGFC(DRECV1)Dump_perm_check( "Check_secure_perms - checking", &Perm_check );
コード例 #3
ファイル: lpd_secure.c プロジェクト: Einheri/wl500g
int Receive_secure( int *sock, char *input )
	char *printername;
	char error[SMALLBUFFER];	/* error message */
	char *authtype;
	char *cf, *s;
	char *jobsize = 0;
	char *user = 0;
	int tempfd = -1;
	int ack, status, from_server;
	struct line_list args, header_info, info;
	struct stat statb;
	char *tempfile = 0;
	struct security *security = 0;

	Name = "RCVSEC";
	memset( error, 0, sizeof(error));
	ack = 0;
	status = 0;

	DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Receive_secure: input line '%s'", input );
	Init_line_list( &args );
	Init_line_list( &header_info );
	Init_line_list( &info );

	DEBUGFC(DRECV1)Dump_line_list("Receive_secure - input", &args);
	if( args.count != 5 && args.count != 4 ){
		SNPRINTF( error+1, sizeof(error)-1)
			_("bad command line '%s'"), input );
		ack = ACK_FAIL;	/* no retry, don't send again */
		status = JFAIL;
		goto error;
コード例 #4
int Job_control( int *sock, char *input )
#ifdef REMOVE
	struct line_list tokens;
	char error[LINEBUFFER];
	int tokencount;
	int i, action, permission;
	char *name, *user = 0, *s, *lpc_command;

	/* get the format */

	error[0] = 0;
	Name = "Job_control";
	if( (s = safestrchr(input, '\n' )) ) *s = 0;
	DEBUGF(DCTRL1)("Job_control: socket %d, doing '%s'", *sock, input );

	/* check printername for characters, underscore, digits */
#ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020
	DEBUGFC(DCTRL2)Dump_line_list("Job_control - input", &tokens);

	tokencount = tokens.count;
	if( tokencount < 3 ){
		SNPRINTF( error, sizeof(error))
			_("bad control command '%s'"), input );
		goto error;
コード例 #5
ファイル: lpd_worker.c プロジェクト: Distrotech/lprng
pid_t Start_worker( const char *name, WorkerProc *proc, struct line_list *parms, int fd )
	struct line_list args;
	int passfd[20];
	pid_t pid;
	int intern_fd = 0,
	    intern_logger = -1,
	    intern_status = -1,
	    intern_mail = -1,
	    intern_lpd = -1;
	int passfd_count = 0;

	passfd[passfd_count++] = 0;
	passfd[passfd_count++] = 1;
	passfd[passfd_count++] = 2;
	if( Mail_fd > 0 ){
		intern_mail = passfd_count;
		passfd[passfd_count++] = Mail_fd;
	if( Status_fd > 0 ){
		intern_status = passfd_count;
		passfd[passfd_count++] = Status_fd;
	if( Logger_fd > 0 ){
		intern_logger = passfd_count;
		passfd[passfd_count++] = Logger_fd;
	if( Lpd_request > 0 ){
		intern_lpd = passfd_count;
		passfd[passfd_count++] = Lpd_request;
#ifdef DMALLOC
		extern int dmalloc_outfile_fd;
		if( dmalloc_outfile_fd > 0 ){
			intern_dmalloc = passfd_count;
			passfd[passfd_count++] = dmalloc_outfile_fd;
		DEBUG1("Start_worker: '%s' fd %d", name, fd );
		Dump_line_list("Start_worker - parms", parms );
	Merge_line_list( &args, parms, Hash_value_sep,1,1);
	Free_line_list( parms );
	if( fd ){
		intern_fd = passfd_count;
		passfd[passfd_count++] = fd;

	pid = Make_lpd_call( name, proc, passfd_count, passfd, &args,
			intern_logger, intern_status, intern_mail, intern_lpd,
			intern_fd );
	Free_line_list( &args );
コード例 #6
ファイル: sendauth.c プロジェクト: Einheri/wl500g
int Send_auth_transfer( int *sock, int transfer_timeout,
	struct job *job, struct job *logjob, char *error, int errlen, char *cmd,
	struct security *security, struct line_list *info )
	struct stat statb;
	int ack, len, n, fd;		/* ACME! The best... */
	int status = JFAIL;			/* job status */
	char *secure, *destination, *from, *client, *s;
	char *tempfile;
	char buffer[SMALLBUFFER];
	errno = 0;

	secure = 0;
	fd = Make_temp_fd(&tempfile);

	if( cmd && (s = safestrrchr(cmd,'\n')) ) *s = 0;
	DEBUG1("Send_auth_transfer: cmd '%s'", cmd );

	if(DEBUGL1)Dump_line_list("Send_auth_transfer: info ", info );

	destination = Find_str_value(info, DESTINATION, Value_sep );
	from = Find_str_value(info, FROM, Value_sep );
	client = Find_str_value(info, CLIENT, Value_sep );

	if( safestrcmp(security->config_tag, "kerberos") ){
		if( Is_server ) Put_in_auth(fd,SERVER,from);
		if( cmd ){
	} else {
		if( cmd && (Write_fd_str(fd,cmd) < 0 || Write_fd_str(fd,"\n") < 0) ){
			SNPRINTF(error, errlen) "Send_auth_transfer: '%s' write failed - %s",
				tempfile, Errormsg(errno) );
			goto error;
		if( Is_server && (Write_fd_str(fd,client) < 0 || Write_fd_str(fd,"\n") < 0) ){
			SNPRINTF(error, errlen) "Send_auth_transfer: '%s' write failed - %s",
				tempfile, Errormsg(errno) );
			goto error;
コード例 #7
ファイル: lpd_secure.c プロジェクト: Distrotech/lprng
 * Receive_secure() - receive a secure transfer
int Receive_secure( int *sock, char *input )
	char *printername;
	char error[SMALLBUFFER];	/* error message */
	char *authtype;
	char *cf, *s;
	char *jobsize = 0;
	char *user = 0;
	int tempfd = -1;
	int ack, status, from_server;
	struct line_list args, header_info, info;
	struct stat statb;
	char *tempfile = 0;
	const struct security *security = 0;

	Name = "RCVSEC";
	memset( error, 0, sizeof(error));
	ack = 0;
	status = 0;

	DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Receive_secure: input line '%s'", input );
	Init_line_list( &args );
	Init_line_list( &header_info );
	Init_line_list( &info );

	DEBUGFC(DRECV1)Dump_line_list("Receive_secure - input", &args);
	if( args.count != 5 && args.count != 4 ){
		plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1,
			_("bad command line '%s'"), input );
		ack = ACK_FAIL;	/* no retry, don't send again */
		status = JFAIL;
		goto error;
	args.list[args.count] = 0;

     * \REQ_SECUREprintername C/F user authtype jobsize\n - receive a job
     *              0           1   2  3        4
	printername = args.list[0];
	cf = args.list[1];
	user = args.list[2];	/* user is escape encoded */
	authtype = args.list[3];
	jobsize = args.list[4];

	setproctitle( "lpd %s '%s'", Name, printername );

	Perm_check.authtype = authtype;
	from_server = 0;
	if( *cf == 'F' ){
		from_server = 1;

	/* set up the authentication support information */

	if( Is_clean_name( printername ) ){
		plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1,
			_("bad printer name '%s'"), input );
		ack = ACK_FAIL;	/* no retry, don't send again */
		status = JFAIL;
		goto error;


	if( Setup_printer( printername, error+1, sizeof(error)-1, 0 ) ){
		if( jobsize ){
			plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1,
				_("bad printer '%s'"), printername );
			ack = ACK_FAIL;	/* no retry, don't send again */
			status = JFAIL;
			goto error;
	} else {
		int db, dbf;

		db = Debug;
		dbf = DbgFlag;
		s = Find_str_value(&Spool_control,DEBUG);
		if(!s) s = New_debug_DYN;
		Parse_debug( s, 0 );

		if( !(DRECVMASK & DbgFlag) ){
			Debug = db;
			DbgFlag = dbf;
		} else {
			int tdb, tdbf;
			tdb = Debug;
			tdbf = DbgFlag;
			Debug = db;
			DbgFlag = dbf;
			if( Log_file_DYN ){
				tempfd = Checkwrite( Log_file_DYN, &statb,0,0,0);
				if( tempfd > 0 && tempfd != 2 ){
				tempfd = -1;
			Debug = tdb;
			DbgFlag = tdbf;
			LOGDEBUG("Receive_secure: socket fd %d", *sock);
			Dump_line_list("Receive_secure - input", &args);
		DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Receive_secure: debug '%s', Debug %d, DbgFlag 0x%x",
			s, Debug, DbgFlag );

	if( !(security = Fix_receive_auth(authtype, &info)) ){
		plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1,
			_("unsupported authentication '%s'"), authtype );
		ack = ACK_FAIL;	/* no retry, don't send again */
		status = JFAIL;
		goto error;
	if( !security->server_receive ){
		plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1,
			_("no receive method supported for '%s'"), authtype );
		ack = ACK_FAIL;	/* no retry, don't send again */
		status = JFAIL;
		goto error;

	if( jobsize ){
		double read_len;
		read_len = strtod(jobsize,0);

		DEBUGF(DRECV2)("Receive_secure: spooling_disabled %d",
			Sp_disabled(&Spool_control) );
		if( Sp_disabled(&Spool_control) ){
			plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1,
				_("%s: spooling disabled"), Printer_DYN );
			ack = ACK_RETRY;	/* retry */
			status = JFAIL;
			goto error;
		if( Max_job_size_DYN > 0 && (read_len+1023)/1024 > Max_job_size_DYN ){
			plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1,
				_("%s: job size %0.0f is larger than %d K"),
				Printer_DYN, read_len, Max_job_size_DYN );
			ack = ACK_RETRY;
			status = JFAIL;
			goto error;
		} else if( !Check_space( read_len, Minfree_DYN, Spool_dir_DYN ) ){
			plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1,
				_("%s: insufficient file space"), Printer_DYN );
			ack = ACK_RETRY;
			status = JFAIL;
			goto error;

	tempfd = Make_temp_fd(&tempfile);
	close(tempfd); tempfd = -1;

	DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Receive_secure: sock %d, user '%s', jobsize '%s'",  
		*sock, user, jobsize );

	status = security->server_receive( sock, Send_job_rw_timeout_DYN,
		user, jobsize, from_server, authtype,
		error+1, sizeof(error)-1,
		security, tempfile, Do_secure_work);

	DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Receive_secure: status %d, ack %d, error '%s'",
		status, ack, error+1 );

	if( status ){
		if( ack == 0 ) ack = ACK_FAIL;
		error[0] = ack;
		DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Receive_secure: sending '%s'", error );
		(void)Link_send( ShortRemote_FQDN, sock,
			Send_query_rw_timeout_DYN, error, safestrlen(error), 0 );
		Errorcode = JFAIL;

	Free_line_list( &args );
	Free_line_list( &header_info );
	Free_line_list( &info );

	close( *sock ); *sock = -1;

	if( status == 0 && jobsize ){
		/* start a new server */
		DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Receive_secure: starting server");
		if( Server_queue_name_DYN ){
			Do_queue_jobs( Server_queue_name_DYN, 0 );
		} else {
			Do_queue_jobs( Printer_DYN, 0 );
コード例 #8
ファイル: lpd_secure.c プロジェクト: Distrotech/lprng
static int Do_secure_work( char *jobsize, int from_server,
	char *tempfile, struct line_list *header_info )
	int n, len, linecount = 0, done = 0, fd, status = 0;
	char *s, *t;
	char buffer[SMALLBUFFER];
	char error[SMALLBUFFER];
	struct stat statb;

	error[0] = 0;
	if( (fd = Checkread(tempfile,&statb)) < 0 ){ 
		status = JFAIL;
		plp_snprintf( error, sizeof(error),
			"Do_secure_work: reopen of '%s' failed - %s",
				tempfile, Errormsg(errno));
		goto error;

	buffer[0] = 0;
	n = 0;
	done = 0;
	linecount = 0;

	while( !done && n < (int)sizeof(buffer)-1
		&& (len = Read_fd_len_timeout( Send_query_rw_timeout_DYN, fd, buffer+n, sizeof(buffer)-1-n )) > 0 ){
		buffer[n+len] = 0;
		DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Do_secure_work: read %d - '%s'", len, buffer );
		while( !done && (s = safestrchr(buffer,'\n')) ){
			*s++ = 0;
			if( safestrlen(buffer) == 0 ){
				done = 1;
			DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Do_secure_work: line [%d] '%s'", linecount, buffer );
			if( (t = strchr(buffer,'=')) ){
				*t++ = 0;
				Set_str_value(header_info, buffer, t );
			} else {
				switch( linecount ){
					case 0:
						if( jobsize ){
							if( from_server ){
							done = 1;
						} else {
							Set_str_value(header_info,INPUT,buffer); break;
					case 1:
						done = 1;
			n = safestrlen(buffer);

	if( fd >= 0 ) close(fd); fd = -1;

	DEBUGFC(DRECV1)Dump_line_list("Do_secure_work - header", header_info );

	if( (status = Check_secure_perms( header_info, from_server, error, sizeof(error))) ){
		goto error;
	DEBUGFC(DRECV1)Dump_line_list("Do_secure_work - header after check", header_info );

	buffer[0] = 0;
	if( jobsize ){
		if( (fd = Checkread(tempfile, &statb) ) < 0 ){
			status = JFAIL;
			plp_snprintf( error, sizeof(error),
				"Do_secure_work: reopen of '%s' for read failed - %s",
					tempfile, Errormsg(errno));
			goto error;
		status = Scan_block_file( fd, error, sizeof(error), header_info );
		if( (fd = Checkwrite(tempfile,&statb,O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC,1,0)) < 0 ){
			status = JFAIL;
			plp_snprintf( error, sizeof(error),
				"Do_secure_work: reopen of '%s' for write failed - %s",
					tempfile, Errormsg(errno));
			goto error;
	} else {
		if( (fd = Checkwrite(tempfile,&statb,O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC,1,0)) < 0 ){
			status = JFAIL;
			plp_snprintf( error, sizeof(error),
				"Do_secure_work: reopen of '%s' for write failed - %s",
					tempfile, Errormsg(errno));
			goto error;
		if( (s = Find_str_value(header_info,INPUT)) ){
			Dispatch_input( &fd, s, "from secure link" );


	if( fd >= 0 ) close(fd); fd = -1;
	DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Do_secure_work: status %d, tempfile '%s', error '%s'",
		status, tempfile, error );
	if( error[0] ){
		DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Do_secure_work: updating tempfile '%s', error '%s'",
			tempfile, error );
		if( (fd = Checkwrite(tempfile,&statb,O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC,1,0)) < 0 ){
			Errorcode = JFAIL;
			logerr_die(LOG_INFO, "Do_secure_work: reopen of '%s' for write failed",
				tempfile );
	DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Do_secure_work: returning %d", status );
	return( status );
コード例 #9
ファイル: lpd_rcvjob.c プロジェクト: Nymphetaminer/dsl-n55u
int Receive_job( int *sock, char *input )
	char line[SMALLBUFFER];		/* line buffer for input */
	char error[SMALLBUFFER];	/* line buffer for input */
	char buffer[SMALLBUFFER];	/* line buffer for input */
	int errlen = sizeof(error);
	char *tempfile;				/* name of temp file */
	double file_len;			/* length of file */
	double read_len;			/* amount to read from sock */
	double jobsize = 0;			/* size of job */
	int ack = 0;				/* ack to send */
	int status = 0;				/* status of the last command */
	double len;					/* length of last read */
	char *s, *filename;			/* name of control or data file */
	int temp_fd = -1;				/* used for file opening and locking */
	int filetype;				/* type of file - control or data */
	int fd;						/* for log file */
	int hold_fd = -1;				/* hold file */
	int db, dbf, rlen;
	int fifo_fd = -1;			/* fifo lock file */
	struct line_list files, info, l;
	struct job job;
	struct stat statb;

#ifdef REMOVE
#ifdef WINDOW_1//JYWeng
//aaaaaa=fopen("/tmp/pp", "a");
//fprintf(aaaaaa, "lpd_rcvjobs.c\n");
#ifdef JYDEBUG//JYWeng
aaaaaa=fopen("/tmp/qqqqq", "a");
fprintf(aaaaaa, "Receive_job: check point 1\n");

	Name = "RECV";

	if( input && *input ) ++input;

/*JY1113: test QueueName*/
		//printf("QueueName is not LPRServer\n");
		send_ack_packet(sock, ACK_FAIL);//JY1120
	//else printf("QueueName is LPRServer\n");

#ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020
	DEBUGFC(DRECV1)Dump_line_list("Receive_job: input", &info );
	if( info.count != 1 ){
		SNPRINTF( error, errlen) _("bad command line") );
		goto error;
コード例 #10
ファイル: lpd_worker.c プロジェクト: Distrotech/lprng
static pid_t Make_lpd_call( const char *name, WorkerProc *proc, int passfd_count, int *passfd, struct line_list *args, int intern_logger, int intern_status, int intern_mail, int intern_lpd_request, int param_fd )
	int pid, fd, i, n, newfd;
	struct line_list env;

	pid = dofork(1);
	if( pid ){
	Name = "LPD_CALL";

		LOGDEBUG("Make_lpd_call: name '%s', lpd path '%s'", name, Lpd_path_DYN );
		LOGDEBUG("Make_lpd_call: passfd count %d", passfd_count );
		for( i = 0; i < passfd_count; ++i ){
			LOGDEBUG(" [%d] %d", i, passfd[i]);
		Dump_line_list("Make_lpd_call - args", args );
	for( i = 0; i < passfd_count; ++i ){
		fd = passfd[i];
		if( fd < i  ){
			/* we have fd 3 -> 4, but 3 gets wiped out */
				newfd = dup(fd);
				if( newfd < 0 ){
					Errorcode = JABORT;
					logerr_die(LOG_INFO, "Make_lpd_call: dup failed");
				DEBUG4("Make_lpd_call: fd [%d] = %d, dup2 -> %d",
					i, fd, newfd );
				passfd[i] = newfd;
			} while( newfd < i );
		LOGDEBUG("Make_lpd_call: after fixing fd count %d", passfd_count);
		for( i = 0 ; i < passfd_count; ++i ){
			fd = passfd[i];
			LOGDEBUG("  [%d]=%d",i,fd);
	for( i = 0; i < passfd_count; ++i ){
		fd = passfd[i];
		DEBUG2("Make_lpd_call: fd %d -> %d",fd, i );
		if( dup2( fd, i ) == -1 ){
			Errorcode = JABORT;
			logerr_die(LOG_INFO, "Make_lpd_call: dup2(%d,%d) failed",
				fd, i );
	/* close other ones to simulate close_on_exec() */
	n = Max_fd+10;
	for( i = passfd_count ; i < n; ++i ){
	Do_work( name, args, proc,
			intern_logger, intern_status, intern_mail,
			intern_lpd_request, param_fd );
	/* not reached: */
コード例 #11
ファイル: lprm.c プロジェクト: Einheri/wl500g
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
	int i;
	struct line_list args;


	/* set signal handlers */
	(void) plp_signal (SIGHUP, cleanup_HUP);
	(void) plp_signal (SIGINT, cleanup_INT);
	(void) plp_signal (SIGQUIT, cleanup_QUIT);
	(void) plp_signal (SIGTERM, cleanup_TERM);
	(void) signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
	(void) signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

	 * set up the user state
#ifndef NODEBUG
	Debug = 0;

	Initialize(argc, argv, envp, 'D' );
	Get_parms(argc, argv);      /* scan input args */
	if( Auth && !getenv( "AUTH" ) ){
		_("authentication requested (-A option) and AUTH environment variable not set") );

	/* now force the printer list */
	if( All_printers || (Printer_DYN && safestrcasecmp(Printer_DYN,ALL) == 0 ) ){
		All_printers = 1;
		if(DEBUGL1)Dump_line_list("lprm - final All_line_list", &All_line_list);
	DEBUG1("lprm: Printer_DYN '%s', All_printers %d, All_line_list.count %d",
		Printer_DYN, All_printers, All_line_list.count );
	if( Username_JOB && OriginalRUID ){
		struct line_list user_list;
		char *str, *t;
		struct passwd *pw;
		int found;
		uid_t uid;

		DEBUG2("lprm: checking '%s' for -U perms",
			Allow_user_setting_DYN );
		Split( &user_list, Allow_user_setting_DYN,File_sep,0,0,0,0,0,0);
		found = 0;
		for( i = 0; !found && i < user_list.count; ++i ){
			str = user_list.list[i];
			DEBUG2("lprm: checking '%s'", str );
			uid = strtol( str, &t, 10 );
			if( str == t || *t ){
				/* try getpasswd */
				pw = getpwnam( str );
				if( pw ){
					uid = pw->pw_uid;
			DEBUG2( "lprm: uid '%d'", uid );
			found = ( uid == OriginalRUID );
			DEBUG2( "lprm: found '%d'", found );
		if( !found ){
			DEBUG1( "-U (username) can only be used by ROOT or authorized users" );
			Username_JOB = 0;
	if( Username_JOB ){
		Set_DYN( &Logname_DYN, Username_JOB );
	for( i = Optind; argv[i]; ++i ){
	args.list[args.count] = 0;

	if( All_printers ){
		if( All_line_list.count == 0 ){
			FPRINTF(STDERR,"no printers\n");
		for( i = 0; i < All_line_list.count; ++i ){
			Set_DYN(&Printer_DYN,All_line_list.list[i] );
	} else {
	DEBUG1("lprm: done");
	DEBUG1("lprm: tempfiles removed");
	Errorcode = 0;
	DEBUG1("lprm: cleaning up");
コード例 #12
ファイル: lpstat.c プロジェクト: Antares84/asuswrt-merlin
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
	int i;
	struct line_list l, options, request_list;
	char msg[SMALLBUFFER], *s;


	/* set signal handlers */
	(void) plp_signal (SIGHUP, cleanup_HUP);
	(void) plp_signal (SIGINT, cleanup_INT);
	(void) plp_signal (SIGQUIT, cleanup_QUIT);
	(void) plp_signal (SIGTERM, cleanup_TERM);
	(void) signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
	(void) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

	 * set up the user state

	Status_line_count = 1;

#ifndef NODEBUG
	Debug = 0;

	Displayformat = REQ_DLONG;

	Initialize(argc, argv, envp, 'T' );
	Get_parms(argc, argv );      /* scan input args */
	if( A_flag && !getenv( "AUTH" ) ){
		FPRINTF(STDERR,"lpstat: requested authenticated transfer (-A) and AUTH environment variable not set");

	/* set up configuration */

	/* check on printing scheduler is running */
	if( t_flag ){
		All_printers = 1;
		r_flag = d_flag = p_flag = o_flag = 1;
		s_flag = 0;
	if( s_flag ){
		/* a_flag = 1; */
		r_flag = 1;
		d_flag = 1;
		v_flag = 1;
		All_printers = 1;

	if( All_printers ){
		Merge_line_list( &request_list, &All_line_list,0,0,0);
	Merge_line_list( &request_list, &Printer_list,0,0,0);
	if( options.count ){
		for( i = options.count; i > 0 ; --i ){
			options.list[i] = options.list[i-1];
		options.list[0] = safestrdup(Logname_DYN,__FILE__,__LINE__);
	options.list[options.count] = 0;

	if( Found_flag == 0 ){
		if( request_list.count == 0 ){
			Split(&request_list,Printer_DYN,", ",1,0,1,1,0,0);
		o_flag = 1;
		flag_count = 1;
#ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020
	if(DEBUGL1)Dump_line_list("lpstat - printer request list", &request_list);
	if(DEBUGL1)Dump_line_list("lpstat - options", &options);

	if( r_flag ){
		Write_fd_str(1,"scheduler is running\n");
	if( d_flag ){
		if( Printer_DYN == 0 ){
			Write_fd_str(1,"no system default destination\n");
		} else {
				"system default destination: %s\n", Printer_DYN);
	if( v_flag ){
		for( i = 0; i < request_list.count; ++i ){
			Set_DYN(&Printer_DYN,request_list.list[i] );
			SNPRINTF(msg,sizeof(msg)) "system for %s: %s\n", Printer_DYN, RemoteHost_DYN);

	/* see if additional status required */

	Free_line_list( &Printer_list );

	for( i = 0; i < request_list.count; ++i ){
		s = request_list.list[i];
		Set_DYN(&Printer_DYN,s );
		Show_status(options.list, 0);

	Free_line_list( &Printer_list );
	if( flag_count ){
		for( i = 0; i < request_list.count; ++i ){
			s = request_list.list[i];
			Set_DYN(&Printer_DYN,s );
			Show_status(options.list, 1);

	DEBUG1("lpstat: done");
	DEBUG1("lpstat: tempfiles removed");

	Errorcode = 0;
	DEBUG1("lpstat: cleaning up");