EIF_BOOLEAN eif_path_name_compare(EIF_CHARACTER_8* s, EIF_CHARACTER_8* t, EIF_INTEGER length) { #ifdef EIF_WINDOWS return EIF_TEST(!strnicmp((char*)s, (char*)t, length)); #else /* Unix */ return EIF_TEST(!strncmp((char*)s, (char*)t, length)); #endif }
rt_public EIF_BOOLEAN eequal(register EIF_REFERENCE target, register EIF_REFERENCE source) { /* Eiffel standard equality: it assumes that dynamic type of Eiffel * object refered by `source' conforms to dynamic type of Eiffel * object refered by `target'. `source' and `target' cannot be NULL * or special objects here. * If both `source' and `target' have the same dynamic type and this * type is not composite, then perform a block comparison; otherwise * perform a field by field comparison. * It is the feature `standard_is_equal' of class ANY. * Return a boolean. */ REQUIRE ("source_not_null", source); REQUIRE ("target_not_null", target); if (source == target) { /* Minor optimization, if references are equal then it is the same object. */ return EIF_TRUE; } if (Dftype(source) == Dftype(target)) { /* Dynamic type are the same: because of the intra-expanded * references, we can perform only a block comparison if * the target (or the source) is a composite object (i.e: it has * expanded attributes): since an attribute keeps expanded or * not expanded all the time, we can test either the source or * the target. */ if (HEADER(source)->ov_flags & EO_SPEC) { /* Works for both SPECIAL and TUPLE object */ /* Eiffel standard equality on special objects: type check assumes * the comparison is on areas of the same type (containing the same * thing). Called by the redefinition of feature `equal' of special * class. `source' and/or `target' cannot be NULL. * Return a boolean. */ /* First condition: same count */ if ((RT_SPECIAL_COUNT(source) != RT_SPECIAL_COUNT(target)) || (RT_SPECIAL_ELEM_SIZE(source) != RT_SPECIAL_ELEM_SIZE(target))) { return EIF_FALSE; } else { /* Second condition: block equality */ return EIF_TEST(!memcmp (source, target, RT_SPECIAL_VISIBLE_SIZE(source))); } } else { if (!(HEADER(source)->ov_flags & EO_COMP)) /* Perform a block comparison */ return EIF_TEST(!memcmp (source, target, EIF_Size(Dtype(source)))); else return e_field_equal(target, source); } } /* Field by field comparison */ return EIF_FALSE; }
/* {EV_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON_I}.update_for_pick_and_drop */ void F1179_16587 (EIF_REFERENCE Current, EIF_BOOLEAN arg1) { GTCX EIF_REFERENCE loc1 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_REFERENCE loc2 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_REFERENCE tr1 = NULL; EIF_REFERENCE tr2 = NULL; EIF_BOOLEAN tb1; EIF_BOOLEAN tb2; EIF_BOOLEAN tb3; RTCDT; RTLD; RTLI(5); RTLR(0,Current); RTLR(1,loc1); RTLR(2,tr1); RTLR(3,loc2); RTLR(4,tr2); RTGC; if (arg1) { tb1 = '\0'; tb2 = '\0'; tb3 = '\0'; if (F1181_16614(Current)) { tr1 = F1049_13622(RTCV(F1093_14440(Current))); loc1 = tr1; tb3 = EIF_TEST(loc1); } if (tb3) { tr1 = *(EIF_REFERENCE *)(RTCV(loc1) + O11165[Dtype(loc1)-1092]); loc2 = RTCCL(tr1); tb2 = EIF_TEST(loc2); } if (tb2) { tr1 = F70_2603(RTCV(F1029_13066(Current))); tr2 = RTCCL(loc2); tb2 = F733_6803(RTCV(tr1), tr2); tb1 = (EIF_BOOLEAN) !tb2; } if (tb1) { *(EIF_BOOLEAN *)(Current + O12423[dtype-1178]) = (EIF_BOOLEAN) (EIF_BOOLEAN) 1; F1181_16613(Current); } } else { if (*(EIF_BOOLEAN *)(Current + O12423[dtype-1178])) { *(EIF_BOOLEAN *)(Current + O12423[dtype-1178]) = (EIF_BOOLEAN) (EIF_BOOLEAN) 0; F1181_16612(Current); } } RTLE; }
/* {ISE_EXCEPTION_MANAGER}.raise */ void F96_3056 (EIF_REFERENCE Current, EIF_REFERENCE arg1) { GTCX EIF_POINTER loc1 = (EIF_POINTER) 0; EIF_POINTER loc2 = (EIF_POINTER) 0; EIF_REFERENCE loc3 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_POINTER tp1; EIF_REFERENCE tr1 = NULL; EIF_INTEGER_32 ti4_1; EIF_BOOLEAN tb1; RTLD; RTLI(4); RTLR(0,arg1); RTLR(1,Current); RTLR(2,tr1); RTLR(3,loc3); RTGC; tb1 = F117_3324(RTCV(arg1)); if ((EIF_BOOLEAN) !tb1) { if ((EIF_BOOLEAN) EIF_TEST(eif_is_in_rescue())) { tr1 = F96_3055(Current); F117_3328(RTCV(arg1), tr1); } F96_3067(Current, arg1); { /* INLINED CODE (default_pointer) */ tp1 = (EIF_POINTER) 0; /* END INLINED CODE */ } loc1 = tp1; tr1 = *(EIF_REFERENCE *)(RTCV(arg1) + _REFACS_3_); loc3 = tr1; if (EIF_TEST(loc3)) { loc2 = F212_4145(RTCV(loc3)); } else { { /* INLINED CODE (default_pointer) */ tp1 = (EIF_POINTER) 0; /* END INLINED CODE */ } loc2 = tp1; } ti4_1 = (FUNCTION_CAST(EIF_INTEGER_32, (EIF_REFERENCE)) R3177[Dtype(arg1)-116])(RTCV(arg1)); eif_builtin_ISE_EXCEPTION_MANAGER_developer_raise (Current, ti4_1, loc1, loc2); } RTLE; }
EIF_BOOLEAN en_ipv6_supported() { static int res = -1; EIF_NET_INITIALIZE; if (res == -1) { HMODULE lib; SOCKET fd = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd == INVALID_SOCKET) { res = 0; } else { closesocket (fd); if ((lib = LoadLibrary ("ws2_32.dll")) == 0) { res = 0; } else if (GetProcAddress (lib, "getaddrinfo") == 0) { FreeLibrary (lib); res = 0; } else if (GetProcAddress (lib, "freeaddrinfo") == 0) { FreeLibrary (lib); res = 0; } else if (GetProcAddress (lib, "getnameinfo") == 0) { FreeLibrary (lib); res = 0; } else { FreeLibrary(lib); res = 1; } } } return EIF_TEST(res); }
/* {INET_PROPERTIES}.is_ipv6_available */ EIF_TYPED_VALUE F862_6939 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX char *l_feature_name = "is_ipv6_available"; RTEX; EIF_BOOLEAN Result = ((EIF_BOOLEAN) 0); RTSN; RTDA; RTLD; RTLI(1); RTLR(0,Current); RTLU (SK_BOOL, &Result); RTLU (SK_REF, &Current); RTEAA(l_feature_name, 861, Current, 0, 0, 12477); RTSA(Dtype(Current)); RTSC; RTME(Dtype(Current), 1); RTDBGEAA(861, Current, 12477); RTIV(Current, RTAL);Result = (EIF_BOOLEAN) EIF_TEST(en_ipv6_available()); RTVI(Current, RTAL); RTRS; RTHOOK(1); RTDBGLE; RTMD(1); RTLE; RTLO(2); RTEE; { EIF_TYPED_VALUE r; r.type = SK_BOOL; r.it_b = Result; return r; } }
/* {OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT}.root_directory_supported */ EIF_TYPED_VALUE F11_318 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX char *l_feature_name = "root_directory_supported"; RTEX; EIF_BOOLEAN Result = ((EIF_BOOLEAN) 0); RTSN; RTDA; RTLD; RTLI(1); RTLR(0,Current); RTLU (SK_BOOL, &Result); RTLU (SK_REF, &Current); RTEAA(l_feature_name, 10, Current, 0, 0, 398); RTSA(Dtype(Current)); RTSC; RTME(Dtype(Current), 1); RTDBGEAA(10, Current, 398); RTIV(Current, RTAL);Result = (EIF_BOOLEAN) EIF_TEST(eif_root_dir_supported()); RTVI(Current, RTAL); RTRS; RTHOOK(1); RTDBGLE; RTMD(1); RTLE; RTLO(2); RTEE; { EIF_TYPED_VALUE r; r.type = SK_BOOL; r.it_b = Result; return r; } }
/* {EV_GTK_WIDGET_IMP}.make */ void F1081_14166 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX EIF_POINTER loc1 = (EIF_POINTER) 0; EIF_POINTER loc2 = (EIF_POINTER) 0; EIF_INTEGER_32 ti4_1; RTCDT; RTLD; RTLI(1); RTLR(0,Current); RTGC; loc1 = (FUNCTION_CAST(EIF_POINTER, (EIF_REFERENCE)) R10990[dtype-1078])(Current); loc2 = *(EIF_POINTER *)(Current + O10979[dtype-1078]); ti4_1 = RTOSCF(14165,F1081_14165,(Current)); gtk_widget_add_events((GtkWidget*) loc1, (gint) ti4_1); if ((EIF_BOOLEAN)(loc1 != loc2)) { ti4_1 = RTOSCF(14165,F1081_14165,(Current)); gtk_widget_add_events((GtkWidget*) loc2, (gint) ti4_1); } if ((EIF_BOOLEAN) EIF_TEST(GTK_IS_WINDOW((loc2)))) { gtk_widget_realize((GtkWidget*) loc2); } else { gtk_widget_show((GtkWidget*) loc2); } F1029_13080(Current, (EIF_BOOLEAN) 1); RTLE; }
/* * Is current execution during rescue? */ EIF_BOOLEAN eif_is_in_rescue(void) { GE_context* context; context = GE_current_context(); return (EIF_TEST(context->in_rescue > 0)); }
/* {LINKED_STACK}.item */ EIF_REFERENCE F648_6062 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX EIF_REFERENCE loc1 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_REFERENCE tr1 = NULL; EIF_REFERENCE Result = ((EIF_REFERENCE) 0); RTCFDT; RTLD; RTLI(4); RTLR(0,loc1); RTLR(1,Current); RTLR(2,tr1); RTLR(3,Result); RTGC; RTCT0(NULL, EX_CHECK); tr1 = *(EIF_REFERENCE *)(Current + O5147[Dtype(Current)-644]); loc1 = tr1; if (EIF_TEST(loc1)) { RTCK0; } else { RTCF0; } Result = (FUNCTION_CAST(EIF_REFERENCE, (EIF_REFERENCE)) R3869[Dtype(loc1)-233])(RTCV(loc1)); RTLE; return Result; }
/* {DISPOSABLE}.is_in_final_collect */ EIF_TYPED_VALUE F139_1936 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX char *l_feature_name = "is_in_final_collect"; RTEX; EIF_BOOLEAN Result = ((EIF_BOOLEAN) 0); RTSN; RTDA; RTLD; RTLI(1); RTLR(0,Current); RTLU (SK_BOOL, &Result); RTLU (SK_REF, &Current); RTEAA(l_feature_name, 138, Current, 0, 0, 2472); RTSA(Dtype(Current)); RTSC; RTME(Dtype(Current), 1); RTDBGEAA(138, Current, 2472); RTIV(Current, RTAL); Result = EIF_TEST(inline_F139_1936 ()); RTVI(Current, RTAL); RTRS; RTHOOK(1); RTDBGLE; RTMD(1); RTLE; RTLO(2); RTEE; { EIF_TYPED_VALUE r; r.type = SK_BOOL; r.it_b = Result; return r; } }
/* {INET_PROPERTIES}.is_ipv4_stack_preferred */ EIF_TYPED_VALUE F157_8695 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX char *l_feature_name = "is_ipv4_stack_preferred"; RTEX; EIF_BOOLEAN Result = ((EIF_BOOLEAN) 0); RTSN; RTDA; RTLD; RTLI(1); RTLR(0,Current); RTLU (SK_BOOL, &Result); RTLU (SK_REF, &Current); RTEAA(l_feature_name, 156, Current, 0, 0, 2265); RTSA(Dtype(Current)); RTSC; RTME(Dtype(Current), 1); RTDBGEAA(156, Current, 2265); RTIV(Current, RTAL);Result = (EIF_BOOLEAN) EIF_TEST(en_get_prefer_ipv4()); RTVI(Current, RTAL); RTRS; RTHOOK(1); RTDBGLE; RTMD(1); RTLE; RTLO(2); RTEE; { EIF_TYPED_VALUE r; r.type = SK_BOOL; r.it_b = Result; return r; } }
/* {EV_PIXEL_BUFFER_IMP}.height */ EIF_INTEGER_32 F1053_13755 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX EIF_REFERENCE loc1 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_POINTER tp1; EIF_REFERENCE tr1 = NULL; EIF_INTEGER_32 ti4_1; RTLD; RTLI(3); RTLR(0,Current); RTLR(1,loc1); RTLR(2,tr1); RTGC; if ((EIF_BOOLEAN) ((EIF_INTEGER_32) gtk_major_version > ((EIF_INTEGER_32) 1L))) { tp1 = *(EIF_POINTER *)(Current+ _PTROFF_4_2_0_0_0_0_); RTLE; return (EIF_INTEGER_32) inline_F24_253(tp1); } else { tr1 = *(EIF_REFERENCE *)(Current + _REFACS_3_); loc1 = tr1; if (EIF_TEST(loc1)) { ti4_1 = F950_11092(RTCV(loc1)); RTLE; return (EIF_INTEGER_32) ti4_1; } } RTLE; return (EIF_INTEGER_32) 0; }
/* {OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT}.case_sensitive_path_names */ EIF_TYPED_VALUE F11_319 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX char *l_feature_name = "case_sensitive_path_names"; RTEX; EIF_BOOLEAN Result = ((EIF_BOOLEAN) 0); RTSN; RTDA; RTLD; RTLI(1); RTLR(0,Current); RTLU (SK_BOOL, &Result); RTLU (SK_REF, &Current); RTEAA(l_feature_name, 10, Current, 0, 0, 399); RTSA(Dtype(Current)); RTSC; RTME(Dtype(Current), 1); RTDBGEAA(10, Current, 399); RTIV(Current, RTAL);Result = (EIF_BOOLEAN) EIF_TEST(eif_case_sensitive_path_names()); RTVI(Current, RTAL); RTRS; RTHOOK(1); RTDBGLE; RTMD(1); RTLE; RTLO(2); RTEE; { EIF_TYPED_VALUE r; r.type = SK_BOOL; r.it_b = Result; return r; } }
/* {INDEXABLE_ITERATION_CURSOR}.make */ void F533_5658 (EIF_REFERENCE Current, EIF_REFERENCE arg1) { GTCX EIF_REFERENCE loc1 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_NATURAL_32 tu4_1; RTLD; RTLI(3); RTLR(0,Current); RTLR(1,arg1); RTLR(2,loc1); RTGC; RTAR(Current, arg1); *(EIF_REFERENCE *)(Current) = (EIF_REFERENCE) arg1; loc1 = arg1; loc1 = RTRV(eif_non_attached_type(29),loc1); if (EIF_TEST(loc1)) { tu4_1 = *(EIF_NATURAL_32 *)(RTCV(loc1)+ _LNGOFF_0_0_0_0_); *(EIF_NATURAL_32 *)(Current+ _LNGOFF_1_1_0_0_) = (EIF_NATURAL_32) tu4_1; } else { tu4_1 = (EIF_NATURAL_32) ((EIF_INTEGER_32) 0L); *(EIF_NATURAL_32 *)(Current+ _LNGOFF_1_1_0_0_) = (EIF_NATURAL_32) tu4_1; } *(EIF_INTEGER_32 *)(Current+ _LNGOFF_1_1_0_4_) = (EIF_INTEGER_32) ((EIF_INTEGER_32) 1L); *(EIF_BOOLEAN *)(Current+ _CHROFF_1_0_) = (EIF_BOOLEAN) (EIF_BOOLEAN) 0; RTLE; }
/* {EV_PND_TARGET_DATA}.name */ EIF_TYPED_VALUE F873_8152 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX char *l_feature_name = "name"; RTEX; EIF_REFERENCE loc1 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_TYPED_VALUE up1x = {{0}, SK_POINTER}; #define up1 up1x.it_p EIF_REFERENCE tr1 = NULL; EIF_REFERENCE Result = ((EIF_REFERENCE) 0); RTSN; RTDA; RTLD; RTLI(4); RTLR(0,loc1); RTLR(1,Current); RTLR(2,tr1); RTLR(3,Result); RTLU (SK_REF, &Result); RTLU (SK_REF, &Current); RTLU(SK_REF, &loc1); RTEAA(l_feature_name, 872, Current, 1, 0, 13792); RTSA(Dtype(Current)); RTSC; RTME(Dtype(Current), 0); RTGC; RTDBGEAA(872, Current, 13792); RTIV(Current, RTAL); RTHOOK(1); tr1 = ((up1x = (FUNCTION_CAST(EIF_TYPED_VALUE, (EIF_REFERENCE)) RTWF(6086, Dtype(Current)))(Current)), (((up1x.type & SK_HEAD) == SK_REF)? (EIF_REFERENCE) 0: (up1x.it_r = RTBU(up1x))), (up1x.type = SK_POINTER), up1x.it_r); loc1 = RTCCL(tr1); if (EIF_TEST(loc1)) { RTHOOK(2); RTDBGAL(Current, 0, 0xF80000E1, 0,0); /* Result */ Result = (EIF_REFERENCE) RTCCL(loc1); } else { RTHOOK(3); RTDBGAL(Current, 0, 0xF80000E1, 0,0); /* Result */ tr1 = RTLN(225); (FUNCTION_CAST(void, (EIF_REFERENCE)) RTWC(4330, Dtype(tr1)))(tr1); RTNHOOK(3,1); Result = (EIF_REFERENCE) RTCCL(tr1); } RTVI(Current, RTAL); RTRS; RTHOOK(4); RTDBGLE; RTMD(0); RTLE; RTLO(3); RTEE; { EIF_TYPED_VALUE r; r.type = SK_REF; r.it_r = Result; return r; } #undef up1 }
/* {INDEXABLE_ITERATION_CURSOR}.is_valid */ EIF_BOOLEAN F533_5673 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX EIF_REFERENCE loc1 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_REFERENCE tr1 = NULL; EIF_NATURAL_32 tu4_1; EIF_BOOLEAN Result = ((EIF_BOOLEAN) 0); RTLD; RTLI(3); RTLR(0,loc1); RTLR(1,Current); RTLR(2,tr1); RTGC; Result = '\01'; tr1 = *(EIF_REFERENCE *)(Current); loc1 = tr1; loc1 = RTRV(eif_non_attached_type(29),loc1); if (EIF_TEST(loc1)) { tu4_1 = *(EIF_NATURAL_32 *)(RTCV(loc1)+ _LNGOFF_0_0_0_0_); Result = (EIF_BOOLEAN)(tu4_1 == *(EIF_NATURAL_32 *)(Current+ _LNGOFF_1_1_0_0_)); } RTLE; return Result; }
/* {TYPE}.name */ EIF_REFERENCE F829_8487 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX EIF_REFERENCE loc1 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_REFERENCE tr1 = NULL; EIF_REFERENCE tr2 = NULL; EIF_REFERENCE Result = ((EIF_REFERENCE) 0); RTLD; RTLI(5); RTLR(0,loc1); RTLR(1,Current); RTLR(2,tr1); RTLR(3,tr2); RTLR(4,Result); RTGC; tr1 = *(EIF_REFERENCE *)(Current); loc1 = tr1; if (EIF_TEST(loc1)) { RTLE; return (EIF_REFERENCE) loc1; } else { tr1 = RTLNS(927, 927, _OBJSIZ_1_0_0_4_0_0_0_0_); tr2 = (EIF_REFERENCE) eif_builtin_TYPE_runtime_name (Current); F921_10332(RTCV(tr1), tr2); Result = (EIF_REFERENCE) tr1; RTAR(Current, Result); *(EIF_REFERENCE *)(Current) = (EIF_REFERENCE) Result; } RTLE; return Result; }
rt_public EIF_BOOLEAN eif_is_passive (EIF_SCP_PID s) { EIF_TYPED_VALUE ou; ou.item.b = EIF_FALSE; ou.type = SK_BOOL; RTS_TCB(scoop_task_is_passive,0,s,&ou); return EIF_TEST (ou.item.b); }
rt_public EIF_BOOLEAN eif_is_uncontrolled (EIF_SCP_PID c, EIF_SCP_PID s) { EIF_TYPED_VALUE ou; ou.item.b = EIF_FALSE; ou.type = SK_BOOL; RTS_TCB(scoop_task_check_uncontrolled,c,s,&ou); return EIF_TEST (ou.item.b); }
/* {INDEXABLE_ITERATION_CURSOR}.is_valid */ EIF_TYPED_VALUE F633_12768 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX char *l_feature_name = "is_valid"; RTEX; EIF_REFERENCE loc1 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_TYPED_VALUE up1x = {{0}, SK_POINTER}; #define up1 up1x.it_p EIF_REFERENCE tr1 = NULL; EIF_NATURAL_32 tu4_1; EIF_NATURAL_32 tu4_2; EIF_BOOLEAN tb1; EIF_BOOLEAN Result = ((EIF_BOOLEAN) 0); RTCDT; RTSN; RTDA; RTLD; RTLI(3); RTLR(0,loc1); RTLR(1,Current); RTLR(2,tr1); RTLU (SK_BOOL, &Result); RTLU (SK_REF, &Current); RTLU(SK_REF, &loc1); RTEAA(l_feature_name, 632, Current, 1, 0, 5626); RTSA(dtype); RTSC; RTME(dtype, 0); RTGC; RTDBGEAA(632, Current, 5626); RTIV(Current, RTAL); RTHOOK(1); RTDBGAL(Current, 0, 0x04000000, 1,0); /* Result */ tb1 = '\01'; tr1 = ((up1x = (FUNCTION_CAST(EIF_TYPED_VALUE, (EIF_REFERENCE)) RTWF(11852, dtype))(Current)), (((up1x.type & SK_HEAD) == SK_REF)? (EIF_REFERENCE) 0: (up1x.it_r = RTBU(up1x))), (up1x.type = SK_POINTER), up1x.it_r); loc1 = RTCCL(tr1); loc1 = RTRV(eif_non_attached_type(15),loc1); if (EIF_TEST(loc1)) { tu4_1 = *(EIF_NATURAL_32 *)(loc1 + RTVA(3787, "version", loc1)); tu4_2 = *(EIF_NATURAL_32 *)(Current + RTWA(11844, dtype)); tb1 = (EIF_BOOLEAN)(tu4_1 == tu4_2); } Result = (EIF_BOOLEAN) tb1; RTVI(Current, RTAL); RTRS; RTHOOK(2); RTDBGLE; RTMD(0); RTLE; RTLO(3); RTEE; { EIF_TYPED_VALUE r; r.type = SK_BOOL; r.it_b = Result; return r; } #undef up1 }
/* {EV_DOCKABLE_TARGET_I}.enable_docking */ void F1349_13102 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX char *l_feature_name = "enable_docking"; RTEX; EIF_REFERENCE loc1 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_REFERENCE loc2 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_REFERENCE loc3 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_TYPED_VALUE up1x = {{0}, SK_POINTER}; #define up1 up1x.it_p EIF_TYPED_VALUE ui4_1x = {{0}, SK_INT32}; #define ui4_1 ui4_1x.it_i4 EIF_REFERENCE tr1 = NULL; EIF_REFERENCE tr2 = NULL; EIF_INTEGER_32 ti4_1; EIF_BOOLEAN tb1; EIF_BOOLEAN tb2; RTCDT; RTSN; RTDA; RTLD; RTLI(6); RTLR(0,loc1); RTLR(1,tr1); RTLR(2,tr2); RTLR(3,Current); RTLR(4,loc2); RTLR(5,loc3); RTLU (SK_VOID, NULL); RTLU (SK_REF, &Current); RTLU(SK_REF, &loc1); RTLU(SK_REF, &loc2); RTLU(SK_REF, &loc3); RTEAA(l_feature_name, 1348, Current, 3, 0, 18807); RTSA(dtype); RTSC; RTME(dtype, 0); RTGC; RTDBGEAA(1348, Current, 18807); RTIV(Current, RTAL); if ((RTAL & CK_REQUIRE) || RTAC) { RTHOOK(1); RTCT("application_exists", EX_PRE); tr1 = RTLN(1214); (FUNCTION_CAST(void, (EIF_REFERENCE)) RTWC(32, Dtype(tr1)))(tr1); RTNHOOK(1,1); tr2 = ((up1x = (FUNCTION_CAST(EIF_TYPED_VALUE, (EIF_REFERENCE)) RTVF(8541, "application", tr1))(tr1)), (((up1x.type & SK_HEAD) == SK_REF)? (EIF_REFERENCE) 0: (up1x.it_r = RTBU(up1x))), (up1x.type = SK_POINTER), up1x.it_r); loc1 = RTCCL(tr2); RTTE(EIF_TEST(loc1), label_1); RTCK; RTJB; label_1: RTCF; }
/* {FILE}.end_of_file */ EIF_BOOLEAN F785_7704 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX EIF_POINTER tp1; tp1 = *(EIF_POINTER *)(Current + O6325[Dtype(Current)-784]); return (EIF_BOOLEAN) (EIF_BOOLEAN) EIF_TEST(eif_file_feof((FILE*) tp1)); }
/* {CONSOLE}.end_of_file */ EIF_BOOLEAN F1205_17244 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX EIF_POINTER tp1; tp1 = *(EIF_POINTER *)(Current+ _PTROFF_3_7_2_4_1_0_); return (EIF_BOOLEAN) (EIF_BOOLEAN) EIF_TEST(console_eof((FILE*) tp1)); }
/* {CONSOLE}.console_eof */ EIF_BOOLEAN F1205_17283 (EIF_REFERENCE Current, EIF_POINTER arg1) { GTCX EIF_BOOLEAN Result = ((EIF_BOOLEAN) 0); Result = (EIF_BOOLEAN) EIF_TEST(console_eof((FILE*) arg1)); return Result; }
rt_public EIF_BOOLEAN eif_is_synced_on (EIF_SCP_PID c, EIF_SCP_PID s) { EIF_BOOLEAN res; EIF_TYPED_VALUE ou; ou.item.b = EIF_FALSE; ou.type = SK_BOOL; RTS_TCB(scoop_task_is_synced_on,c,s,&ou); res = EIF_TEST (ou.item.b); return res; }
/* {EV_TREE_NODE_I}.parent */ EIF_TYPED_VALUE F1448_14559 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX char *l_feature_name = "parent"; RTEX; EIF_REFERENCE loc1 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_TYPED_VALUE up1x = {{0}, SK_POINTER}; #define up1 up1x.it_p EIF_REFERENCE tr1 = NULL; EIF_REFERENCE Result = ((EIF_REFERENCE) 0); RTCFDT; RTSN; RTDA; RTLD; RTLI(4); RTLR(0,loc1); RTLR(1,Current); RTLR(2,tr1); RTLR(3,Result); RTLU (SK_REF, &Result); RTLU (SK_REF, &Current); RTLU(SK_REF, &loc1); RTEAA(l_feature_name, 1447, Current, 1, 0, 19977); RTSA(Dtype(Current)); RTSC; RTME(Dtype(Current), 0); RTGC; RTDBGEAA(1447, Current, 19977); RTIV(Current, RTAL); RTHOOK(1); tr1 = ((up1x = (FUNCTION_CAST(EIF_TYPED_VALUE, (EIF_REFERENCE)) RTWF(10841, Dtype(Current)))(Current)), (((up1x.type & SK_HEAD) == SK_REF)? (EIF_REFERENCE) 0: (up1x.it_r = RTBU(up1x))), (up1x.type = SK_POINTER), up1x.it_r); loc1 = RTCCL(tr1); if (EIF_TEST(loc1)) { RTHOOK(2); RTDBGAL(Current, 0, 0xF800050E, 0,0); /* Result */ tr1 = ((up1x = (FUNCTION_CAST(EIF_TYPED_VALUE, (EIF_REFERENCE)) RTVF(9319, "interface", loc1))(loc1)), (((up1x.type & SK_HEAD) == SK_REF)? (EIF_REFERENCE) 0: (up1x.it_r = RTBU(up1x))), (up1x.type = SK_POINTER), up1x.it_r); Result = RTCCL(tr1); Result = RTRV(eif_non_attached_type(1294), Result); } RTVI(Current, RTAL); RTRS; RTHOOK(3); RTDBGLE; RTMD(0); RTLE; RTLO(3); RTEE; { EIF_TYPED_VALUE r; r.type = SK_REF; r.it_r = Result; return r; } #undef up1 }
/* {EV_DYNAMIC_LIST_I}.go_to */ void F1057_13806 (EIF_REFERENCE Current, EIF_REFERENCE arg1) { GTCX EIF_REFERENCE loc1 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_REFERENCE loc2 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_REFERENCE tr1 = NULL; EIF_INTEGER_32 ti4_1; EIF_BOOLEAN tb1; RTCFDT; RTCDT; RTLD; RTLI(5); RTLR(0,loc1); RTLR(1,Current); RTLR(2,arg1); RTLR(3,loc2); RTLR(4,tr1); RTGC; { static EIF_TYPE_INDEX typarr0[] = {685,0,0xFFFF}; EIF_TYPE_INDEX typres0; typarr0[1] = eif_final_id(Y10726,Y10726_gen_type,dftype,1056); typres0 = eif_compound_id(dftype, typarr0); loc1 = arg1; loc1 = RTRV(eif_non_attached_type(typres0), loc1); } RTCT0("dlc_not_void", EX_CHECK); if ((EIF_BOOLEAN)(loc1 != NULL)) { RTCK0; } else { RTCF0; } tb1 = *(EIF_BOOLEAN *)(RTCV(loc1)+ _CHROFF_1_0_); if (tb1) { ti4_1 = (FUNCTION_CAST(EIF_INTEGER_32, (EIF_REFERENCE)) R10701[dtype-1057])(Current); *(EIF_INTEGER_32 *)(Current + O10693[dtype-1056]) = (EIF_INTEGER_32) (EIF_INTEGER_32) (ti4_1 + ((EIF_INTEGER_32) 1L)); } else { tb1 = *(EIF_BOOLEAN *)(RTCV(loc1)+ _CHROFF_1_1_); if (tb1) { *(EIF_INTEGER_32 *)(Current + O10693[dtype-1056]) = (EIF_INTEGER_32) ((EIF_INTEGER_32) 0L); } else { tr1 = *(EIF_REFERENCE *)(RTCV(loc1)); loc2 = tr1; if (EIF_TEST(loc2)) { ti4_1 = F1057_13796(Current, loc2, ((EIF_INTEGER_32) 1L)); *(EIF_INTEGER_32 *)(Current + O10693[dtype-1056]) = (EIF_INTEGER_32) ti4_1; } else { } } } RTLE; }
/* {KNOT}.getright */ EIF_TYPED_VALUE F861_6976 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX char *l_feature_name = "getright"; RTEX; EIF_REFERENCE loc1 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_TYPED_VALUE up1x = {{0}, SK_POINTER}; #define up1 up1x.it_p EIF_REFERENCE tr1 = NULL; EIF_REFERENCE Result = ((EIF_REFERENCE) 0); RTSN; RTDA; RTLD; RTLI(4); RTLR(0,loc1); RTLR(1,Current); RTLR(2,tr1); RTLR(3,Result); RTLIU(4); RTLU (SK_REF, &Result); RTLU (SK_REF, &Current); RTLU(SK_REF, &loc1); RTEAA(l_feature_name, 860, Current, 1, 0, 12650); RTSA(Dtype(Current)); RTSC; RTME(Dtype(Current), 0); RTGC; RTDBGEAA(860, Current, 12650); RTIV(Current, RTAL); RTHOOK(1); tr1 = ((up1x = (FUNCTION_CAST(EIF_TYPED_VALUE, (EIF_REFERENCE)) RTWF(4901, Dtype(Current)))(Current)), (((up1x.type & SK_HEAD) == SK_REF)? (EIF_REFERENCE) 0: (up1x.it_r = RTBU(up1x))), (up1x.type = SK_POINTER), up1x.it_r); loc1 = RTCCL(tr1); if (EIF_TEST(loc1)) { RTHOOK(2); RTDBGAL(Current, 0, 0xF800035C, 0,0); /* Result */ Result = (EIF_REFERENCE) RTCCL(loc1); } else { RTHOOK(3); RTDBGAL(Current, 0, 0xF800035C, 0,0); /* Result */ Result = (EIF_REFERENCE) NULL; } RTVI(Current, RTAL); RTRS; RTHOOK(4); RTDBGLE; RTMD(0); RTLE; RTLO(3); RTEE; { EIF_TYPED_VALUE r; r.type = SK_REF; r.it_r = Result; return r; } #undef up1 }
/* {DS_SPARSE_CONTAINER_CURSOR}.correct_mismatch */ void F880_7083 (EIF_REFERENCE Current) { GTCX char *l_feature_name = "correct_mismatch"; RTEX; EIF_INTEGER_32 loc1 = (EIF_INTEGER_32) 0; EIF_REFERENCE loc2 = (EIF_REFERENCE) 0; EIF_TYPED_VALUE up1x = {{0}, SK_POINTER}; #define up1 up1x.it_p EIF_TYPED_VALUE up2x = {{0}, SK_POINTER}; #define up2 up2x.it_p EIF_REFERENCE tr1 = NULL; EIF_REFERENCE tr2 = NULL; EIF_INTEGER_32 ti4_1; EIF_BOOLEAN tb1; EIF_BOOLEAN tb2; RTCDT; RTSN; RTDA; RTLD; RTLI(4); RTLR(0,loc2); RTLR(1,Current); RTLR(2,tr1); RTLR(3,tr2); RTLIU(4); RTLU (SK_VOID, NULL); RTLU (SK_REF, &Current); RTLU(SK_INT32, &loc1); RTLU(SK_REF, &loc2); RTEAA(l_feature_name, 879, Current, 2, 0, 12793); RTSA(dtype); RTSC; RTME(dtype, 0); RTGC; RTDBGEAA(879, Current, 12793); RTIV(Current, RTAL); RTHOOK(1); tb1 = '\01'; tr1 = ((up1x = (FUNCTION_CAST(EIF_TYPED_VALUE, (EIF_REFERENCE)) RTWF(3278, dtype))(Current)), (((up1x.type & SK_HEAD) == SK_REF)? (EIF_REFERENCE) 0: (up1x.it_r = RTBU(up1x))), (up1x.type = SK_POINTER), up1x.it_r); RTNHOOK(1,1); tr2 = ((up2x = (FUNCTION_CAST(EIF_TYPED_VALUE, (EIF_REFERENCE)) RTVF(3407, "stored_version", tr1))(tr1)), (((up2x.type & SK_HEAD) == SK_REF)? (EIF_REFERENCE) 0: (up2x.it_r = RTBU(up2x))), (up2x.type = SK_POINTER), up2x.it_r); loc2 = tr2; if (!((EIF_BOOLEAN) !EIF_TEST(loc2))) { tb2 = (((FUNCTION_CAST(EIF_TYPED_VALUE, (EIF_REFERENCE)) RTVF(4360, "is_empty", loc2))(loc2)).it_b); tb1 = tb2; } if (tb1) { RTHOOK(2); (FUNCTION_CAST(void, (EIF_REFERENCE)) RTWF(4998, dtype))(Current); } else {