bool ExternalOutput::initContext() { if (context_->oformat->video_codec != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE && context_->oformat->audio_codec != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE && video_stream_ == NULL && audio_stream_ == NULL) { AVCodec* videoCodec = avcodec_find_encoder(context_->oformat->video_codec); ELOG_DEBUG("Found Video Codec %s", videoCodec->name); if (videoCodec==NULL) { ELOG_ERROR("Could not find video codec"); return false; } video_stream_ = avformat_new_stream (context_, videoCodec); video_stream_->id = 0; video_stream_->codec->codec_id = context_->oformat->video_codec; video_stream_->codec->width = 640; video_stream_->codec->height = 480; video_stream_->codec->time_base = (AVRational) { 1,30 }; // A decent guess here suffices; if processing the file with ffmpeg, // use -vsync 0 to force it not to duplicate frames. video_stream_->codec->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P; if (context_->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) { video_stream_->codec->flags|=CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; } context_->oformat->flags |= AVFMT_VARIABLE_FPS; AVCodec* audioCodec = avcodec_find_encoder(context_->oformat->audio_codec); if (audioCodec==NULL) { ELOG_ERROR("Could not find audio codec"); return false; } ELOG_DEBUG("Found Audio Codec %s", audioCodec->name); audio_stream_ = avformat_new_stream (context_, audioCodec); audio_stream_->id = 1; audio_stream_->codec->codec_id = context_->oformat->audio_codec; audio_stream_->codec->sample_rate = context_->oformat->audio_codec == AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_MULAW ? 8000 : 48000; // TODO is it always 48 khz for opus? audio_stream_->codec->time_base = (AVRational) { 1, audio_stream_->codec->sample_rate }; audio_stream_->codec->channels = context_->oformat->audio_codec == AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_MULAW ? 1 : 2; // TODO is it always two channels for opus? if (context_->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) { audio_stream_->codec->flags|=CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; } context_->streams[0] = video_stream_; context_->streams[1] = audio_stream_; if (avio_open(&context_->pb, context_->filename, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) < 0) { ELOG_ERROR("Error opening output file"); return false; } if (avformat_write_header(context_, NULL) < 0) { ELOG_ERROR("Error writing header"); return false; } ELOG_DEBUG("avformat configured"); } return true; }
// We'll allow our audioQueue to be significantly larger than our video queue // This is safe because A) audio is a lot smaller, so it isn't a big deal to hold on to a lot of it and // B) our audio sample rate is typically 20 msec packets; video is anywhere from 33 to 100 msec (30 to 10 fps) // Allowing the audio queue to hold more will help prevent loss of data when the video framerate is low. ExternalOutput::ExternalOutput(const std::string& outputUrl) : fec_receiver_(this), audioQueue_(600, 60), videoQueue_(120, 60), inited_(false), video_stream_(NULL), audio_stream_(NULL), firstVideoTimestamp_(-1), firstAudioTimestamp_(-1), firstDataReceived_(-1), videoOffsetMsec_(-1), audioOffsetMsec_(-1), vp8SearchState_(lookingForStart) { ELOG_DEBUG("Creating output to %s", outputUrl.c_str()); // TODO these should really only be called once per application run av_register_all(); avcodec_register_all(); context_ = avformat_alloc_context(); if (context_==NULL){ ELOG_ERROR("Error allocating memory for IO context"); } else { outputUrl.copy(context_->filename, sizeof(context_->filename),0); context_->oformat = av_guess_format(NULL, context_->filename, NULL); if (!context_->oformat){ ELOG_ERROR("Error guessing format %s", context_->filename); } else { context_->oformat->video_codec = AV_CODEC_ID_VP8; context_->oformat->audio_codec = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE; // We'll figure this out once we start receiving data; it's either PCM or OPUS } } unpackagedBufferpart_ = unpackagedBuffer_; lastFullIntraFrameRequest_ = 0; sinkfbSource_ = this; fbSink_ = NULL; unpackagedSize_ = 0; }
int OutputProcessor::encodeAudio(unsigned char* inBuff, int nSamples, AVPacket* pkt) { if (audioCoder == 0) { ELOG_DEBUG("No se han inicializado los parámetros del audioCoder"); return -1; } AVFrame *frame; /* frame containing input raw audio */ frame = avcodec_alloc_frame(); if (!frame) { ELOG_ERROR("could not allocate audio frame"); exit(1); } uint16_t* samples; int ret, got_output, buffer_size; //float t, tincr; frame->nb_samples = aCoderContext->frame_size; frame->format = aCoderContext->sample_fmt; // frame->channel_layout = aCoderContext->channel_layout; /* the codec gives us the frame size, in samples, * we calculate the size of the samples buffer in bytes */ ELOG_DEBUG("channels %d, frame_size %d, sample_fmt %d", aCoderContext->channels, aCoderContext->frame_size, aCoderContext->sample_fmt); buffer_size = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, aCoderContext->channels, aCoderContext->frame_size, aCoderContext->sample_fmt, 0); samples = (uint16_t*) av_malloc(buffer_size); if (!samples) { ELOG_ERROR("could not allocate %d bytes for samples buffer", buffer_size); exit(1); } /* setup the data pointers in the AVFrame */ ret = avcodec_fill_audio_frame(frame, aCoderContext->channels, aCoderContext->sample_fmt, (const uint8_t*) samples, buffer_size, 0); if (ret < 0) { ELOG_ERROR("could not setup audio frame"); exit(1); } ret = avcodec_encode_audio2(aCoderContext, pkt, frame, &got_output); if (ret < 0) { ELOG_ERROR("error encoding audio frame"); exit(1); } if (got_output) { //fwrite(, 1, pkt.size, f); ELOG_DEBUG("Got OUTPUT"); } return ret; }
bool ExternalOutput::initContext() { ELOG_DEBUG("Init Context"); if (oformat_->video_codec != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE && videoCodec_ == NULL) { videoCodec_ = avcodec_find_encoder(oformat_->video_codec); ELOG_DEBUG("Found Codec %s", videoCodec_->name); ELOG_DEBUG("Initing context with fps: %d", (int)prevEstimatedFps_); if (videoCodec_==NULL){ ELOG_ERROR("Could not find codec"); return false; } video_st = avformat_new_stream (context_, videoCodec_); video_st->id = 0; videoCodecCtx_ = video_st->codec; videoCodecCtx_->codec_id = oformat_->video_codec; videoCodecCtx_->width = 640; videoCodecCtx_->height = 480; videoCodecCtx_->time_base = (AVRational){1,(int)prevEstimatedFps_}; videoCodecCtx_->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P; if (oformat_->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER){ videoCodecCtx_->flags|=CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; } oformat_->flags |= AVFMT_VARIABLE_FPS; ELOG_DEBUG("Init audio context"); audioCodec_ = avcodec_find_encoder(oformat_->audio_codec); ELOG_DEBUG("Found Audio Codec %s", audioCodec_->name); if (audioCodec_==NULL){ ELOG_ERROR("Could not find audio codec"); return false; } audio_st = avformat_new_stream (context_, audioCodec_); audio_st->id = 1; audioCodecCtx_ = audio_st->codec; audioCodecCtx_->codec_id = oformat_->audio_codec; audioCodecCtx_->sample_rate = 8000; audioCodecCtx_->channels = 1; // audioCodecCtx_->sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S8; if (oformat_->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER){ audioCodecCtx_->flags|=CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; } context_->streams[0] = video_st; context_->streams[1] = audio_st; aviores_ = avio_open(&context_->pb, url.c_str(), AVIO_FLAG_WRITE); if (aviores_<0){ ELOG_ERROR("Error opening output file"); return false; } writeheadres_ = avformat_write_header(context_, NULL); if (writeheadres_<0){ ELOG_ERROR("Error writing header"); return false; } ELOG_DEBUG("AVFORMAT CONFIGURED"); } return true; }
bool ExternalOutput::initContext() { if (video_codec_ != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE && audio_codec_ != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE && video_stream_ == nullptr && audio_stream_ == nullptr) { AVCodec* video_codec = avcodec_find_encoder(video_codec_); if (video_codec == nullptr) { ELOG_ERROR("Could not find video codec"); return false; } need_to_send_fir_ = true; video_queue_.setTimebase(video_map_.clock_rate); video_stream_ = avformat_new_stream(context_, video_codec); video_stream_->id = 0; video_stream_->codec->codec_id = video_codec_; video_stream_->codec->width = 640; video_stream_->codec->height = 480; video_stream_->time_base = (AVRational) { 1, 30 }; // A decent guess here suffices; if processing the file with ffmpeg, // use -vsync 0 to force it not to duplicate frames. video_stream_->codec->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P; if (context_->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) { video_stream_->codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; } context_->oformat->flags |= AVFMT_VARIABLE_FPS; AVCodec* audio_codec = avcodec_find_encoder(audio_codec_); if (audio_codec == nullptr) { ELOG_ERROR("Could not find audio codec"); return false; } audio_stream_ = avformat_new_stream(context_, audio_codec); audio_stream_->id = 1; audio_stream_->codec->codec_id = audio_codec_; audio_stream_->codec->sample_rate = audio_map_.clock_rate; audio_stream_->time_base = (AVRational) { 1, audio_stream_->codec->sample_rate }; audio_stream_->codec->channels = audio_map_.channels; if (context_->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) { audio_stream_->codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; } context_->streams[0] = video_stream_; context_->streams[1] = audio_stream_; if (avio_open(&context_->pb, context_->filename, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) < 0) { ELOG_ERROR("Error opening output file"); return false; } if (avformat_write_header(context_, nullptr) < 0) { ELOG_ERROR("Error writing header"); return false; } } return true; }
void Resender::start() { ELOG_DEBUG("start"); sent_ = 0; timer_.cancel(); if (thread_.get() != NULL) { ELOG_ERROR("Starting Resender, joining thread to terminate"); thread_->join(); ELOG_ERROR("Thread terminated on start"); } timer_.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(3)); timer_.async_wait(boost::bind(&Resender::resend, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error)); thread_.reset(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Resender::run, this))); }
void NiceConnection::updateIceState(IceState state) { if(iceState_==state) return; ELOG_INFO("%s - NICE State Changing from %u to %u %p", transportName->c_str(), this->iceState_, state, this); this->iceState_ = state; switch( iceState_) { case NICE_FINISHED: return; case NICE_FAILED: ELOG_ERROR("Nice Failed, stopping ICE"); this->running_=false; break; case NICE_READY: case NICE_CANDIDATES_RECEIVED: break; default: break; } // Important: send this outside our state lock. Otherwise, serious risk of deadlock. if (this->listener_ != NULL) this->listener_->updateIceState(state, this); }
bool SrtpChannel::configureSrtpSession(srtp_t *session, const char* key, enum TransmissionType type) { srtp_policy_t policy; memset(&policy, 0, sizeof(policy)); crypto_policy_set_aes_cm_128_hmac_sha1_80(&policy.rtp); crypto_policy_set_aes_cm_128_hmac_sha1_80(&policy.rtcp); if (type == SENDING) { policy.ssrc.type = ssrc_any_outbound; } else { policy.ssrc.type = ssrc_any_inbound; } policy.ssrc.value = 0; policy.window_size = 1024; policy.allow_repeat_tx = 1; = NULL; //ELOG_DEBUG("auth_tag_len %d", policy.rtp.auth_tag_len); gsize len = 0; uint8_t *akey = (uint8_t*) g_base64_decode((gchar*) key, &len); ELOG_DEBUG("set master key/salt to %s/", octet_string_hex_string(akey, 16)); // allocate and initialize the SRTP session policy.key = akey; int res = srtp_create(session, &policy); if (res!=0){ ELOG_ERROR("Failed to create srtp session with %s, %d", octet_string_hex_string(akey, 16), res); } return res!=0? false:true; }
bool WebRtcConnection::addRemoteCandidate(const std::string &mid, int mLineIndex, const std::string &sdp) { // TODO Check type of transport. ELOG_DEBUG("Adding remote Candidate %s, mid %s, sdpMLine %d",sdp.c_str(), mid.c_str(), mLineIndex); MediaType theType; std::string theMid; if ((!"video"))||(mLineIndex ==remoteSdp_.videoSdpMLine)){ theType = VIDEO_TYPE; theMid = "video"; }else{ theType = AUDIO_TYPE; theMid = "audio"; } SdpInfo tempSdp; std::string username, password; remoteSdp_.getCredentials(username, password, theType); tempSdp.setCredentials(username, password, OTHER); bool res = false; if(tempSdp.initWithSdp(sdp, theMid)){ if (theType == VIDEO_TYPE||bundle_){ ELOG_DEBUG("Setting VIDEO CANDIDATE" ); res = videoTransport_->setRemoteCandidates(tempSdp.getCandidateInfos(), bundle_); } else if (theType==AUDIO_TYPE){ ELOG_DEBUG("Setting AUDIO CANDIDATE"); res = audioTransport_->setRemoteCandidates(tempSdp.getCandidateInfos(), bundle_); }else{ ELOG_ERROR("Cannot add remote candidate with no Media (video or audio)"); } } for (uint8_t it = 0; it < tempSdp.getCandidateInfos().size(); it++){ remoteSdp_.addCandidate(tempSdp.getCandidateInfos()[it]); } return res; }
int AudioEncoder::encodeAudio(unsigned char* inBuffer, int nSamples, AVPacket* pkt) { AVFrame *frame = av_frame_alloc(); if (!frame) { ELOG_ERROR("could not allocate audio frame"); return 0; } int ret, got_output, buffer_size; frame->nb_samples = aCoderContext_->frame_size; frame->format = aCoderContext_->sample_fmt; // frame->channel_layout = aCoderContext_->channel_layout; /* the codec gives us the frame size, in samples, * we calculate the size of the samples buffer in bytes */ ELOG_DEBUG("channels %d, frame_size %d, sample_fmt %d", aCoderContext_->channels, aCoderContext_->frame_size, aCoderContext_->sample_fmt); buffer_size = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, aCoderContext_->channels, aCoderContext_->frame_size, aCoderContext_->sample_fmt, 0); uint16_t* samples = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(malloc(buffer_size)); if (!samples) { ELOG_ERROR("could not allocate %d bytes for samples buffer", buffer_size); return 0; } /* setup the data pointers in the AVFrame */ ret = avcodec_fill_audio_frame(frame, aCoderContext_->channels, aCoderContext_->sample_fmt, (const uint8_t*) samples, buffer_size, 0); if (ret < 0) { free(samples); ELOG_ERROR("could not setup audio frame"); return 0; } ret = avcodec_encode_audio2(aCoderContext_, pkt, frame, &got_output); if (ret < 0) { ELOG_ERROR("error encoding audio frame"); free(samples); return 0; } if (got_output) { // fwrite(, 1, pkt.size, f); ELOG_DEBUG("Got OUTPUT"); } return ret; }
ExternalOutput::ExternalOutput(std::shared_ptr<Worker> worker, const std::string& output_url, const std::vector<RtpMap> rtp_mappings) : worker_{worker}, pipeline_{Pipeline::create()}, audio_queue_{5.0, 10.0}, video_queue_{5.0, 10.0}, inited_{false}, video_stream_{nullptr}, audio_stream_{nullptr}, video_source_ssrc_{0}, first_video_timestamp_{-1}, first_audio_timestamp_{-1}, first_data_received_{}, video_offset_ms_{-1}, audio_offset_ms_{-1}, need_to_send_fir_{true}, rtp_mappings_{rtp_mappings}, video_codec_{AV_CODEC_ID_NONE}, audio_codec_{AV_CODEC_ID_NONE}, pipeline_initialized_{false} { ELOG_DEBUG("Creating output to %s", output_url.c_str()); fb_sink_ = nullptr; sink_fb_source_ = this; // TODO(pedro): these should really only be called once per application run av_register_all(); avcodec_register_all(); fec_receiver_.reset(webrtc::UlpfecReceiver::Create(this)); stats_ = std::make_shared<Stats>(); quality_manager_ = std::make_shared<QualityManager>(); for (auto rtp_map : rtp_mappings_) { switch (rtp_map.media_type) { case AUDIO_TYPE: audio_maps_[rtp_map.payload_type] = rtp_map; break; case VIDEO_TYPE: video_maps_[rtp_map.payload_type] = rtp_map; break; case OTHER: break; } } context_ = avformat_alloc_context(); if (context_ == nullptr) { ELOG_ERROR("Error allocating memory for IO context"); } else { output_url.copy(context_->filename, sizeof(context_->filename), 0); context_->oformat = av_guess_format(nullptr, context_->filename, nullptr); if (!context_->oformat) { ELOG_ERROR("Error guessing format %s", context_->filename); } } }
int InputProcessor::unpackageAudio(unsigned char* inBuff, int inBuffLen, unsigned char* outBuff) { int l = inBuffLen - RtpHeader::MIN_SIZE; if (l < 0){ ELOG_ERROR ("Error unpackaging audio"); return 0; } memcpy(outBuff, &inBuff[RtpHeader::MIN_SIZE], l); return l; }
bool ExternalOutput::bufferCheck(RTPPayloadVP8* payload) { if (payload->dataLength + unpackagedSize_ >= UNPACKAGE_BUFFER_SIZE) { ELOG_ERROR("Not enough buffer. Dropping frame. Please adjust your UNPACKAGE_BUFFER_SIZE in ExternalOutput.h"); unpackagedSize_ = 0; unpackagedBufferpart_ = unpackagedBuffer_; vp8SearchState_ = lookingForStart; return false; } return true; }
void elog::setLogInFile(const std::string& _filename) { elog::unsetLogInFile(); ELOG_PRINT("Log in file: '" << _filename << "'"); g_lock.lock(); FILE*& file = getLogFile(); file = fopen(_filename.c_str(), "w"); g_lock.unlock(); if (file == nullptr) { ELOG_ERROR("Can not open file: '" << _filename << "'"); } }
bool ExternalOutput::init(){ av_register_all(); avcodec_register_all(); context_ = avformat_alloc_context(); if (context_==NULL){ ELOG_ERROR("Error allocating memory for IO context"); return false; } oformat_ = av_guess_format(NULL, url.c_str(), NULL); if (!oformat_){ ELOG_ERROR("Error opening output file %s", url.c_str()); return false; } context_->oformat = oformat_; context_->oformat->video_codec = AV_CODEC_ID_VP8; context_->oformat->audio_codec = AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_MULAW; url.copy(context_->filename, sizeof(context_->filename),0); video_st = NULL; audio_st = NULL; in = new InputProcessor(); MediaInfo m; // m.processorType = RTP_ONLY; m.hasVideo = false; m.hasAudio = false; if (m.hasAudio) { m.audioCodec.sampleRate = 8000; m.audioCodec.bitRate = 64000; m.audioCodec.codec = AUDIO_CODEC_VORBIS; audioCoder_ = new AudioEncoder(); if (!audioCoder_->initEncoder(m.audioCodec)) exit(0); } gotUnpackagedFrame_ = 0; unpackagedSize_ = 0; in->init(m, this); thread_ = boost::thread(&ExternalOutput::sendLoop, this); sending_ = true; ELOG_DEBUG("Initialized successfully"); return true; }
ExternalOutput::ExternalOutput(const std::string& outputUrl) : audioQueue_(5.0, 10.0), videoQueue_(5.0, 10.0), inited_(false), video_stream_(NULL), audio_stream_(NULL), first_video_timestamp_(-1), first_audio_timestamp_(-1), first_data_received_(), video_offset_ms_(-1), audio_offset_ms_(-1), vp8SearchState_(lookingForStart), needToSendFir_(true) { ELOG_DEBUG("Creating output to %s", outputUrl.c_str()); // TODO(pedro): these should really only be called once per application run av_register_all(); avcodec_register_all(); fec_receiver_.reset(webrtc::UlpfecReceiver::Create(this)); // our video timebase is easy: always 90 khz. We'll set audio once we receive a packet and can inspect its header. videoQueue_.setTimebase(90000); context_ = avformat_alloc_context(); if (context_ == NULL) { ELOG_ERROR("Error allocating memory for IO context"); } else { outputUrl.copy(context_->filename, sizeof(context_->filename), 0); context_->oformat = av_guess_format(NULL, context_->filename, NULL); if (!context_->oformat) { ELOG_ERROR("Error guessing format %s", context_->filename); } else { context_->oformat->video_codec = AV_CODEC_ID_VP8; context_->oformat->audio_codec = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE; // We'll figure this out once we start receiving data; it's either PCM or OPUS } } unpackagedBufferpart_ = unpackagedBuffer_; sink_fb_source_ = this; fb_sink_ = nullptr; unpackagedSize_ = 0; videoSourceSsrc_ = 0; }
ExternalOutput::ExternalOutput(const std::string& outputUrl) { ELOG_DEBUG("Creating output to %s", outputUrl.c_str()); // TODO these should really only be called once per application run av_register_all(); avcodec_register_all(); context_ = avformat_alloc_context(); if (context_==NULL) { ELOG_ERROR("Error allocating memory for IO context"); } else { outputUrl.copy(context_->filename, sizeof(context_->filename),0); context_->oformat = av_guess_format(NULL, context_->filename, NULL); if (!context_->oformat) { ELOG_ERROR("Error guessing format %s", context_->filename); } else { context_->oformat->video_codec = AV_CODEC_ID_VP8; context_->oformat->audio_codec = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE; // We'll figure this out once we start receiving data; it's either PCM or OPUS } } video_stream_ = NULL; audio_stream_ = NULL; unpackagedBufferpart_ = unpackagedBuffer_; initTimeVideo_ = -1; initTimeAudio_ = -1; lastFullIntraFrameRequest_ = 0; sinkfbSource_ = this; fbSink_ = NULL; unpackagedSize_ = 0; inputProcessor_ = new InputProcessor(); }
int ExternalOutput::writeAudioData(char* buf, int len){ if (in!=NULL){ if (videoCodec_ == NULL) { return 0; } rtpheader *head = (rtpheader*)buf; //We dont need any other payload at this time if(head->payloadtype != PCMU_8000_PT){ return 0; } int ret = in->unpackageAudio(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(buf), len, unpackagedAudioBuffer_); if (ret <= 0) return ret; timeval time; gettimeofday(&time, NULL); unsigned long long millis = (time.tv_sec * 1000) + (time.tv_usec / 1000); if (millis -lastTime_ >FIR_INTERVAL_MS){ this->sendFirPacket(); lastTime_ = millis; } if (initTime_ == 0) { initTime_ = millis; } if (millis < initTime_){ ELOG_WARN("initTime is smaller than currentTime, possible problems when recording "); } if (ret > UNPACKAGE_BUFFER_SIZE){ ELOG_ERROR("Unpackaged Audio size too big %d", ret); } AVPacket avpkt; av_init_packet(&avpkt); = unpackagedAudioBuffer_; avpkt.size = ret; avpkt.pts = millis - initTime_; avpkt.stream_index = 1; av_write_frame(context_, &avpkt); av_free_packet(&avpkt); return ret; } return 0; }
int InputProcessor::unpackageAudio(unsigned char* inBuff, int inBuffLen, unsigned char* outBuff) { RTPHeader* head = reinterpret_cast<RTPHeader*>(inBuff); if (head->getPayloadType()!=0){ ELOG_DEBUG("PT AUDIO %d", head->getPayloadType()); // return -1; } // ELOG_DEBUG("Audio Timestamp %u", head->getTimestamp()); int l = inBuffLen - RTPHeader::MIN_SIZE; if (l<0){ ELOG_ERROR ("Error unpackaging audio"); return 0; } memcpy(outBuff, &inBuff[RTPHeader::MIN_SIZE], l); return l; }
static elog::level getLogLevel(const std::string& _value) { if (_value == "0") { return elog::level_none; } else if (_value == "1") { return elog::level_critical; } else if (_value == "2") { return elog::level_error; } else if (_value == "3") { return elog::level_warning; } else if (_value == "4") { return elog::level_info; } else if (_value == "5") { return elog::level_debug; } else if (_value == "6") { return elog::level_verbose; } ELOG_ERROR("Unknow log level : " << _value); return elog::level_verbose; }
void NiceConnection::updateComponentState(unsigned int compId, IceState state) { ELOG_DEBUG("%s - NICE Component State Changed %u - %u, total comps %u", transportName->c_str(), compId, state, iceComponents_); comp_state_list_[compId] = state; if (state == NICE_READY) { for (unsigned int i = 1; i<=iceComponents_; i++) { if (comp_state_list_[i] != NICE_READY) { return; } } }else if (state == NICE_FAILED){ ELOG_ERROR("%s - NICE Component %u FAILED", transportName->c_str(), compId); for (unsigned int i = 1; i<=iceComponents_; i++) { if (comp_state_list_[i] != NICE_FAILED) { return; } } } this->updateIceState(state); }
int ExternalInput::init() { context_ = avformat_alloc_context(); av_register_all(); avcodec_register_all(); avformat_network_init(); // open rtsp av_init_packet(&avpacket_); = NULL; ELOG_DEBUG("Trying to open input from url %s", url_.c_str()); int res = avformat_open_input(&context_, url_.c_str(), NULL, NULL); char errbuff[500]; ELOG_DEBUG("Opening input result %d", res); if (res != 0) { av_strerror(res, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&errbuff), 500); ELOG_ERROR("Error opening input %s", errbuff); return res; } res = avformat_find_stream_info(context_, NULL); if (res < 0) { av_strerror(res, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&errbuff), 500); ELOG_ERROR("Error finding stream info %s", errbuff); return res; } // VideoCodecInfo info; MediaInfo om; AVStream *st, *audio_st; int streamNo = av_find_best_stream(context_, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, NULL, 0); if (streamNo < 0) { ELOG_WARN("No Video stream found"); // return streamNo; } else { om.hasVideo = true; video_stream_index_ = streamNo; st = context_->streams[streamNo]; } int audioStreamNo = av_find_best_stream(context_, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, NULL, 0); if (audioStreamNo < 0) { ELOG_WARN("No Audio stream found"); ELOG_DEBUG("Has video, audio stream number %d. time base = %d / %d ", video_stream_index_, st->time_base.num, st->time_base.den); // return streamNo; } else { om.hasAudio = true; audio_stream_index_ = audioStreamNo; audio_st = context_->streams[audio_stream_index_]; ELOG_DEBUG("Has Audio, audio stream number %d. time base = %d / %d ", audio_stream_index_, audio_st->time_base.num, audio_st->time_base.den); audio_time_base_ = audio_st->time_base.den; ELOG_DEBUG("Audio Time base %d", audio_time_base_); if (audio_st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_MULAW) { ELOG_DEBUG("PCM U8"); om.audioCodec.sampleRate = 8000; om.audioCodec.codec = AUDIO_CODEC_PCM_U8; om.rtpAudioInfo.PT = PCMU_8000_PT; } else if (audio_st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_OPUS) { ELOG_DEBUG("OPUS"); om.audioCodec.sampleRate = 48000; om.audioCodec.codec = AUDIO_CODEC_OPUS; om.rtpAudioInfo.PT = OPUS_48000_PT; } if (!om.hasVideo) st = audio_st; } if (st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_VP8 || !om.hasVideo) { ELOG_DEBUG("No need for video transcoding, already VP8"); video_time_base_ = st->time_base.den; needTranscoding_ = false; decodedBuffer_.reset((unsigned char*) malloc(100000)); MediaInfo om; om.processorType = PACKAGE_ONLY; if (audio_st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_MULAW) { ELOG_DEBUG("PCM U8"); om.audioCodec.sampleRate = 8000; om.audioCodec.codec = AUDIO_CODEC_PCM_U8; om.rtpAudioInfo.PT = PCMU_8000_PT; } else if (audio_st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_OPUS) { ELOG_DEBUG("OPUS"); om.audioCodec.sampleRate = 48000; om.audioCodec.codec = AUDIO_CODEC_OPUS; om.rtpAudioInfo.PT = OPUS_48000_PT; } op_.reset(new OutputProcessor()); op_->init(om, this); } else { needTranscoding_ = true; inCodec_.initDecoder(st->codec); bufflen_ = st->codec->width*st->codec->height*3/2; decodedBuffer_.reset((unsigned char*) malloc(bufflen_)); om.processorType = RTP_ONLY; om.videoCodec.codec = VIDEO_CODEC_VP8; om.videoCodec.bitRate = 1000000; om.videoCodec.width = 640; om.videoCodec.height = 480; om.videoCodec.frameRate = 20; om.hasVideo = true; om.hasAudio = false; if (om.hasAudio) { om.audioCodec.sampleRate = 8000; om.audioCodec.bitRate = 64000; } op_.reset(new OutputProcessor()); op_->init(om, this); } av_init_packet(&avpacket_); thread_ = boost::thread(&ExternalInput::receiveLoop, this); running_ = true; if (needTranscoding_) encodeThread_ = boost::thread(&ExternalInput::encodeLoop, this); return true; }
void WebRtcConnection::onTransportData(char* buf, int len, Transport *transport) { if (audioSink_ == NULL && videoSink_ == NULL && fbSink_==NULL){ return; } // PROCESS RTCP RtcpHeader* chead = reinterpret_cast<RtcpHeader*>(buf); if (chead->isRtcp()) { thisStats_.processRtcpPacket(buf, len); if (chead->packettype == RTCP_Sender_PT) { //Sender Report rtcpProcessor_->analyzeSr(chead); } } // DELIVER FEEDBACK (RR, FEEDBACK PACKETS) if (chead->isFeedback()){ if (fbSink_ != NULL && shouldSendFeedback_) { fbSink_->deliverFeedback(buf,len); } } else { // RTP or RTCP Sender Report if (bundle_) { // Check incoming SSRC RtpHeader *head = reinterpret_cast<RtpHeader*> (buf); RtcpHeader *chead = reinterpret_cast<RtcpHeader*> (buf); uint32_t recvSSRC; if (chead->packettype == RTCP_Sender_PT) { //Sender Report recvSSRC = chead->getSSRC(); }else{ recvSSRC = head->getSSRC(); } // Deliver data if (recvSSRC==this->getVideoSourceSSRC()) { parseIncomingPayloadType(buf, len, VIDEO_PACKET); videoSink_->deliverVideoData(buf, len); } else if (recvSSRC==this->getAudioSourceSSRC()) { parseIncomingPayloadType(buf, len, AUDIO_PACKET); audioSink_->deliverAudioData(buf, len); } else { ELOG_ERROR("Unknown SSRC %u, localVideo %u, remoteVideo %u, ignoring", recvSSRC, this->getVideoSourceSSRC(), this->getVideoSinkSSRC()); } } else if (transport->mediaType == AUDIO_TYPE) { if (audioSink_ != NULL) { parseIncomingPayloadType(buf, len, AUDIO_PACKET); RtpHeader *head = reinterpret_cast<RtpHeader*> (buf); RtcpHeader *chead = reinterpret_cast<RtcpHeader*> (buf); // Firefox does not send SSRC in SDP if (this->getAudioSourceSSRC() == 0) { unsigned int recvSSRC; this->setAudioSourceSSRC(head->getSSRC()); if (chead->packettype == RTCP_Sender_PT) { // Sender Report recvSSRC = chead->getSSRC(); } else { recvSSRC = head->getSSRC(); } ELOG_DEBUG("Audio Source SSRC is %u", recvSSRC); this->setAudioSourceSSRC(recvSSRC); } audioSink_->deliverAudioData(buf, len); } } else if (transport->mediaType == VIDEO_TYPE) { if (videoSink_ != NULL) { parseIncomingPayloadType(buf, len, VIDEO_PACKET); RtpHeader *head = reinterpret_cast<RtpHeader*> (buf); RtcpHeader *chead = reinterpret_cast<RtcpHeader*> (buf); // Firefox does not send SSRC in SDP if (this->getVideoSourceSSRC() == 0) { unsigned int recvSSRC; if (chead->packettype == RTCP_Sender_PT) { //Sender Report recvSSRC = chead->getSSRC(); } else { recvSSRC = head->getSSRC(); } ELOG_DEBUG("Video Source SSRC is %u", recvSSRC); this->setVideoSourceSSRC(recvSSRC); } // change ssrc for RTP packets, don't touch here if RTCP videoSink_->deliverVideoData(buf, len); } } } // check if we need to send FB || RR messages rtcpProcessor_->checkRtcpFb(); }
void WebRtcConnection::updateState(TransportState state, Transport * transport) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(updateStateMutex_); WebRTCEvent temp = globalState_; std::string msg = ""; ELOG_INFO("Update Transport State %s to %d", transport->transport_name.c_str(), state); if (videoTransport_ == NULL && audioTransport_ == NULL) { ELOG_ERROR("Update Transport State with Transport NULL, this should not happen!"); return; } if (globalState_ == CONN_FAILED) { // if current state is failed -> noop return; } switch (state){ case TRANSPORT_STARTED: if (bundle_){ temp = CONN_STARTED; }else{ if ((!remoteSdp_.hasAudio || (audioTransport_ != NULL && audioTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_STARTED)) && (!remoteSdp_.hasVideo || (videoTransport_ != NULL && videoTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_STARTED))) { // WebRTCConnection will be ready only when all channels are ready. temp = CONN_STARTED; } } break; case TRANSPORT_GATHERED: if (bundle_){ if(!trickleEnabled_){ temp = CONN_GATHERED; msg = this->getLocalSdp(); } }else{ if ((!remoteSdp_.hasAudio || (audioTransport_ != NULL && audioTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_GATHERED)) && (!remoteSdp_.hasVideo || (videoTransport_ != NULL && videoTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_GATHERED))) { // WebRTCConnection will be ready only when all channels are ready. if(!trickleEnabled_){ temp = CONN_GATHERED; msg = this->getLocalSdp(); } } } break; case TRANSPORT_READY: if (bundle_){ temp = CONN_READY; }else{ if ((!remoteSdp_.hasAudio || (audioTransport_ != NULL && audioTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_READY)) && (!remoteSdp_.hasVideo || (videoTransport_ != NULL && videoTransport_->getTransportState() == TRANSPORT_READY))) { // WebRTCConnection will be ready only when all channels are ready. temp = CONN_READY; } } break; case TRANSPORT_FAILED: temp = CONN_FAILED; sending_ = false; msg = remoteSdp_.getSdp(); ELOG_INFO("WebRtcConnection failed, stopping sending"); cond_.notify_one(); break; default: ELOG_DEBUG("New state %d", state); break; } if (audioTransport_ != NULL && videoTransport_ != NULL) { ELOG_INFO("%s - Update Transport State end, %d - %d, %d - %d, %d - %d", transport->transport_name.c_str(), (int)audioTransport_->getTransportState(), (int)videoTransport_->getTransportState(), this->getAudioSourceSSRC(), this->getVideoSourceSSRC(), (int)temp, (int)globalState_); } if (globalState_ == temp) return; globalState_ = temp; if (connEventListener_ != NULL) { connEventListener_->notifyEvent(globalState_, msg); } }
void ExternalOutput::writeVideoData(char* buf, int len){ RtpHeader* head = reinterpret_cast<RtpHeader*>(buf); if (head->getPayloadType() == RED_90000_PT) { int totalLength = head->getHeaderLength(); int rtpHeaderLength = totalLength; RedHeader *redhead = reinterpret_cast<RedHeader*>(buf + totalLength); if (redhead->payloadtype == VP8_90000_PT) { while (redhead->follow) { totalLength += redhead->getLength() + 4; // RED header redhead = reinterpret_cast<RedHeader*>(buf + totalLength); } // Parse RED packet to VP8 packet. // Copy RTP header memcpy(deliverMediaBuffer_, buf, rtpHeaderLength); // Copy payload data memcpy(deliverMediaBuffer_ + totalLength, buf + totalLength + 1, len - totalLength - 1); // Copy payload type RtpHeader *mediahead = reinterpret_cast<RtpHeader*>(deliverMediaBuffer_); mediahead->setPayloadType(redhead->payloadtype); buf = reinterpret_cast<char*>(deliverMediaBuffer_); len = len - 1 - totalLength + rtpHeaderLength; } } if (firstVideoTimestamp_ == -1) { firstVideoTimestamp_ = head->getTimestamp(); } int gotUnpackagedFrame = false; int ret = inputProcessor_->unpackageVideo(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(buf), len, unpackagedBufferpart_, &gotUnpackagedFrame); if (ret < 0){ ELOG_ERROR("Error Unpackaging Video"); return; } initContext(); if (video_stream_ == NULL) { // could not init our context yet. return; } unpackagedSize_ += ret; unpackagedBufferpart_ += ret; if (gotUnpackagedFrame) { unpackagedBufferpart_ -= unpackagedSize_; long long currentTimestamp = head->getTimestamp(); if (currentTimestamp - firstVideoTimestamp_ < 0) { // we wrapped. add 2^32 to correct this. We only handle a single wrap around since that's ~13 hours of recording, minimum. currentTimestamp += 0xFFFFFFFF; } long long timestampToWrite = (currentTimestamp - firstVideoTimestamp_) / (90000 / video_stream_->time_base.den); // All of our video offerings are using a 90khz clock. // Adjust for our start time offset timestampToWrite += videoOffsetMsec_ / (1000 / video_stream_->time_base.den); // in practice, our timebase den is 1000, so this operation is a no-op. /* ELOG_DEBUG("Writing video frame %d with timestamp %u, normalized timestamp %u, video offset msec %u, length %d, input timebase: %d/%d, target timebase: %d/%d", */ /* head->getSeqNumber(), head->getTimestamp(), timestampToWrite, videoOffsetMsec_, unpackagedSize_, */ /* video_stream_->codec->time_base.num, video_stream_->codec->time_base.den, // timebase we requested */ /* video_stream_->time_base.num, video_stream_->time_base.den); // actual timebase */ AVPacket avpkt; av_init_packet(&avpkt); = unpackagedBufferpart_; avpkt.size = unpackagedSize_; avpkt.pts = timestampToWrite; avpkt.stream_index = 0; av_write_frame(context_, &avpkt); av_free_packet(&avpkt); unpackagedSize_ = 0; unpackagedBufferpart_ = unpackagedBuffer_; } }
int ExternalOutput::deliverVideoData(char* buf, int len){ if (in!=NULL){ rtpheader *head = (rtpheader*) buf; if (head->payloadtype == RED_90000_PT) { int totalLength = 12; if (head->extension) { totalLength += ntohs(head->extensionlength)*4 + 4; // RTP Extension header } int rtpHeaderLength = totalLength; redheader *redhead = (redheader*) (buf + totalLength); //redhead->payloadtype = remoteSdp_.inOutPTMap[redhead->payloadtype]; if (redhead->payloadtype == VP8_90000_PT) { while (redhead->follow) { totalLength += redhead->getLength() + 4; // RED header redhead = (redheader*) (buf + totalLength); } // Parse RED packet to VP8 packet. // Copy RTP header memcpy(deliverMediaBuffer_, buf, rtpHeaderLength); // Copy payload data memcpy(deliverMediaBuffer_ + totalLength, buf + totalLength + 1, len - totalLength - 1); // Copy payload type rtpheader *mediahead = (rtpheader*) deliverMediaBuffer_; mediahead->payloadtype = redhead->payloadtype; buf = deliverMediaBuffer_; len = len - 1 - totalLength + rtpHeaderLength; } } int estimatedFps=0; int ret = in->unpackageVideo(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(buf), len, unpackagedBufferpart_, &gotUnpackagedFrame_, &estimatedFps); // ELOG_DEBUG("Estimated FPS %d, previous %d", estimatedFps, prevEstimatedFps_); if (ret < 0) return 0; if (videoCodec_ == NULL) { if ((estimatedFps!=0)&&((estimatedFps < prevEstimatedFps_*(1-0.2))||(estimatedFps > prevEstimatedFps_*(1+0.2)))){ // ELOG_DEBUG("OUT OF THRESHOLD changing context"); prevEstimatedFps_ = estimatedFps; } if (warmupfpsCount_++ == 20){ if (!this->initContext()){ ELOG_ERROR("Contex cannot be initialized properly, closing..."); this->closeSink(); } } return 0; } unpackagedSize_ += ret; unpackagedBufferpart_ += ret; if (gotUnpackagedFrame_ && videoCodec_!=NULL) { timeval time; gettimeofday(&time, NULL); long millis = (time.tv_sec * 1000) + (time.tv_usec / 1000); if (initTime_ == 0) { initTime_ = millis; } unpackagedBufferpart_ -= unpackagedSize_; AVPacket avpkt; av_init_packet(&avpkt); = unpackagedBufferpart_; avpkt.size = unpackagedSize_; avpkt.pts = millis - initTime_; avpkt.stream_index = 0; av_write_frame(context_, &avpkt); av_free_packet(&avpkt); gotUnpackagedFrame_ = 0; unpackagedSize_ = 0; } } return 0; }
void elog::init(int _argc, const char** _argv) { ELOG_INFO("E-log system init (BEGIN)"); // retrive application Name: std::string applName = _argv[0]; int lastSlash = applName.rfind('/'); applName = &applName[lastSlash+1]; // get name: applName bool userSpecifyLogFile = false; for (int32_t iii=0; iii<_argc ; ++iii) { std::string data = _argv[iii]; if (startWith(data, "--elog-level=")) { ELOG_INFO("Change global level at " << getLogLevel(std::string(data.begin()+13, data.end()))); elog::setLevel(getLogLevel(std::string(data.begin()+13, data.end()))); } else if (data == "--elog-color") { elog::setColor(true); } else if (data == "--elog-no-color") { elog::setColor(false); } else if (data == "--elog-back-trace") { elog::setBackTrace(true); } else if (startWith(data, "--elog-file=")) { std::string value(data.begin()+12, data.end()); if (value.size() == 0) { elog::unsetLogInFile(); } else { elog::setLogInFile(value); } userSpecifyLogFile = true; } else if (startWith(data, "--elog-config=")) { std::string value(data.begin()+14, data.end()); elog::setTime(false); elog::setLine(false); elog::setFunction(false); elog::setLibName(false); elog::setThreadId(false); elog::setThreadNameEnable(false); for (size_t iii=0; iii<value.size(); ++iii) { if (value[iii] == 't') { elog::setTime(true); } else if (value[iii] == 'T') { elog::setThreadId(true); } else if (value[iii] == 'N') { elog::setThreadNameEnable(true); } else if (value[iii] == 'L') { elog::setLine(true); } else if (value[iii] == 'l') { elog::setLibName(true); } else if (value[iii] == 'f') { elog::setFunction(true); } else { ELOG_ERROR("In program argument: --elog-config= , the value '" << value[iii] << "' is not supported"); } } } else if (startWith(data, "--elog-lib=")) { std::string value(data.begin()+11, data.end()); std::vector<std::string> list = split(value, '/'); if (list.size() != 2) { list = split(value, ':'); if (list.size() != 2) { list = split(value, '+'); if (list.size() != 2) { ELOG_ERROR("Can not set the --elog-lib= with value='" << value << "' not formated name:X or name/X or name+X"); continue; } } } ELOG_INFO("Change level of '" << list[0] << "' at " << getLogLevel(list[1])); elog::setLevel(list[0], getLogLevel(list[1])); } else if ( data == "-h" || data == "--help") { ELOG_PRINT("elog - help : "); ELOG_PRINT(" " << _argv[0] << " [options]"); ELOG_PRINT(" --elog-level= Change the default log level (set all Log level):"); ELOG_PRINT(" 0: debug None (default in release)"); ELOG_PRINT(" 1: debug Critical"); ELOG_PRINT(" 2: debug Error"); ELOG_PRINT(" 3: debug Warning"); ELOG_PRINT(" 4: debug Info (default in debug)"); ELOG_PRINT(" 5: debug Debug"); ELOG_PRINT(" 6: debug Verbose"); ELOG_PRINT(" --elog-lib=name:X Set a library specific level:"); ELOG_PRINT(" name Name of the library"); ELOG_PRINT(" X Log level to set [0..6]"); ELOG_PRINT(" note: ':' can be replace with '/' or '+'"); ELOG_PRINT(" --elog-file=pathToFile File to store the logs: (disable console logs)"); ELOG_PRINT(" --elog-color Enable color in log (default in Linux/debug)"); ELOG_PRINT(" --elog-no-color Disable color in log (default in Linux/release and Other)"); ELOG_PRINT(" --elog-back-trace Enable back-trace when an error log level is generated (to get a fast debug)"); ELOG_PRINT(" --elog-config= Configure the Log interface"); ELOG_PRINT(" t: diplay time"); #ifdef ELOG_BUILD_ETHREAD ELOG_PRINT(" T: diplay thread id"); ELOG_PRINT(" N: diplay thread name"); #endif ELOG_PRINT(" L: diplay line number"); ELOG_PRINT(" l: diplay lib name"); ELOG_PRINT(" f: diplay function name"); ELOG_PRINT(" -h/--help: Dispplay this help"); ELOG_PRINT(" example:"); ELOG_PRINT(" " << _argv[0] << " --elog-color --elog-level=2 --elog-lib=etk:5 --elog-lib=appl:6 --elog-config=NLlf"); } else if (startWith(data, "--elog") == true) { ELOG_ERROR("Can not parse the argument : '" << data << "'"); } } if (userSpecifyLogFile == false) { #ifdef DEBUG #if defined(__TARGET_OS__Windows) elog::setLogInFile("log.txt"); #endif #else #if defined(__TARGET_OS__Linux) //elog::setLogInFile("/var/log/elog_" +applName + ".log"); elog::setLogInFile("/tmp/elog_" +applName + ".log"); #elif defined(__TARGET_OS__MacOs) elog::setLogInFile(applName + ".log"); #elif defined(__TARGET_OS__Windows) elog::setLogInFile(applName + ".log"); #endif #endif } ELOG_INFO("E-LOG system init (END)"); }
int ExternalOutput::writeVideoData(char* buf, int len){ if (in!=NULL){ rtpheader *head = (rtpheader*) buf; if (head->payloadtype == RED_90000_PT) { int totalLength = 12; if (head->extension) { totalLength += ntohs(head->extensionlength)*4 + 4; // RTP Extension header } int rtpHeaderLength = totalLength; redheader *redhead = (redheader*) (buf + totalLength); //redhead->payloadtype = remoteSdp_.inOutPTMap[redhead->payloadtype]; if (redhead->payloadtype == VP8_90000_PT) { while (redhead->follow) { totalLength += redhead->getLength() + 4; // RED header redhead = (redheader*) (buf + totalLength); } // Parse RED packet to VP8 packet. // Copy RTP header memcpy(deliverMediaBuffer_, buf, rtpHeaderLength); // Copy payload data memcpy(deliverMediaBuffer_ + totalLength, buf + totalLength + 1, len - totalLength - 1); // Copy payload type rtpheader *mediahead = (rtpheader*) deliverMediaBuffer_; mediahead->payloadtype = redhead->payloadtype; buf = reinterpret_cast<char*>(deliverMediaBuffer_); len = len - 1 - totalLength + rtpHeaderLength; } } int estimatedFps=0; int ret = in->unpackageVideo(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(buf), len, unpackagedBufferpart_, &gotUnpackagedFrame_, &estimatedFps); if (ret < 0) return 0; if (videoCodec_ == NULL) { if ((estimatedFps!=0)&&((estimatedFps < prevEstimatedFps_*(1-0.2))||(estimatedFps > prevEstimatedFps_*(1+0.2)))){ prevEstimatedFps_ = estimatedFps; } if (warmupfpsCount_++ == 20){ if (prevEstimatedFps_==0){ warmupfpsCount_ = 0; return 0; } if (!this->initContext()){ ELOG_ERROR("Context cannot be initialized properly, closing..."); return -1; } } return 0; } unpackagedSize_ += ret; unpackagedBufferpart_ += ret; if (unpackagedSize_ > UNPACKAGE_BUFFER_SIZE){ ELOG_ERROR("Unpackaged size bigget than buffer %d", unpackagedSize_); } if (gotUnpackagedFrame_ && videoCodec_!=NULL) { timeval time; gettimeofday(&time, NULL); unsigned long long millis = (time.tv_sec * 1000) + (time.tv_usec / 1000); if (initTime_ == 0) { initTime_ = millis; } if (millis < initTime_) { ELOG_WARN("initTime is smaller than currentTime, possible problems when recording "); } unpackagedBufferpart_ -= unpackagedSize_; AVPacket avpkt; av_init_packet(&avpkt); = unpackagedBufferpart_; avpkt.size = unpackagedSize_; avpkt.pts = millis - initTime_; avpkt.stream_index = 0; av_write_frame(context_, &avpkt); av_free_packet(&avpkt); gotUnpackagedFrame_ = 0; unpackagedSize_ = 0; unpackagedBufferpart_ = unpackagedBuffer_; } } return 0; }
void WebRtcConnection::onTransportData(char* buf, int len, Transport *transport) { if (audioSink_ == NULL && videoSink_ == NULL && fbSink_==NULL){ return; } // PROCESS STATS if (this->statsListener_){ // if there is no listener we dont process stats RtpHeader *head = reinterpret_cast<RtpHeader*> (buf); if (head->payloadtype != RED_90000_PT && head->payloadtype != PCMU_8000_PT) thisStats_.processRtcpPacket(buf, len); } RtcpHeader* chead = reinterpret_cast<RtcpHeader*>(buf); // DELIVER FEEDBACK (RR, FEEDBACK PACKETS) if (chead->isFeedback()){ if (fbSink_ != NULL) { fbSink_->deliverFeedback(buf,len); } } else { // RTP or RTCP Sender Report if (bundle_) { // Check incoming SSRC RtpHeader *head = reinterpret_cast<RtpHeader*> (buf); RtcpHeader *chead = reinterpret_cast<RtcpHeader*> (buf); unsigned int recvSSRC; if (chead->packettype == RTCP_Sender_PT) { //Sender Report recvSSRC = chead->getSSRC(); }else{ recvSSRC = head->getSSRC(); } // Deliver data if (recvSSRC==this->getVideoSourceSSRC() || recvSSRC==this->getVideoSinkSSRC()) { videoSink_->deliverVideoData(buf, len); } else if (recvSSRC==this->getAudioSourceSSRC() || recvSSRC==this->getAudioSinkSSRC()) { audioSink_->deliverAudioData(buf, len); } else { ELOG_ERROR("Unknown SSRC %u, localVideo %u, remoteVideo %u, ignoring", recvSSRC, this->getVideoSourceSSRC(), this->getVideoSinkSSRC()); } } else if (transport->mediaType == AUDIO_TYPE) { if (audioSink_ != NULL) { RtpHeader *head = reinterpret_cast<RtpHeader*> (buf); // Firefox does not send SSRC in SDP if (this->getAudioSourceSSRC() == 0) { ELOG_DEBUG("Audio Source SSRC is %u", head->getSSRC()); this->setAudioSourceSSRC(head->getSSRC()); //this->updateState(TRANSPORT_READY, transport); } head->setSSRC(this->getAudioSinkSSRC()); audioSink_->deliverAudioData(buf, len); } } else if (transport->mediaType == VIDEO_TYPE) { if (videoSink_ != NULL) { RtpHeader *head = reinterpret_cast<RtpHeader*> (buf); RtcpHeader *chead = reinterpret_cast<RtcpHeader*> (buf); // Firefox does not send SSRC in SDP if (this->getVideoSourceSSRC() == 0) { unsigned int recvSSRC; if (chead->packettype == RTCP_Sender_PT) { //Sender Report recvSSRC = chead->getSSRC(); } else { recvSSRC = head->getSSRC(); } ELOG_DEBUG("Video Source SSRC is %u", recvSSRC); this->setVideoSourceSSRC(recvSSRC); //this->updateState(TRANSPORT_READY, transport); } // change ssrc for RTP packets, don't touch here if RTCP if (chead->packettype != RTCP_Sender_PT) { head->setSSRC(this->getVideoSinkSSRC()); } videoSink_->deliverVideoData(buf, len); } } } }