コード例 #1
ファイル: MINDsetup.cpp プロジェクト: sonia3994/SaRoMaN
void MINDsetup::setResolution(){
  _msetup.message("+++ setResolution function +++",bhep::VERBOSE);

  resolution = EVector(meas_dim,0);
  resolution[0] = resx*mm;  
  resolution[1] = resy*mm;  
  // cov of measurements

  cov = EMatrix(meas_dim,meas_dim,0);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)meas_dim; i++) 
    cov[i][i] = resolution[i]*resolution[i];
コード例 #2
ファイル: KFSvc.cpp プロジェクト: jjgomezcadenas/alex2
  RP::Trajectory* KFSvcManager::CreateTrajectory(std::vector<const Hit* > hits, 
                                                std::vector<double> hitErrors) 
    log4cpp::Category& klog = log4cpp::Category::getRoot();

    klog << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG << " In CreateTrajectory --> " ;
    klog << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG << "Cov Matrix --> " ;
    EVector m(3,0);
    fCov = EMatrix(3,3,0);
    for (size_t i=0; i<3; ++i)
      fCov[i][i] = hitErrors[i];

    klog << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG << "Cov Matrix --> " << fCov;

    // destroy measurements in fMeas container

    RP::measurement_vector fMeas;

    auto size = hits.size();

    klog << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG << " size of hits --> " << size;
    klog << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG << " fill measurement vector --> " << size;

    for(auto hit : hits)
      klog << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG << "+++hit x = " << m[0] 
      << " y = " << m[1] << " z = " << m[2];
      klog << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG << "Create a measurement " ;

      Measurement* meas = new Measurement(); 
      string type=RP::xyz;
      meas->set_name(type);                         // the measurement type
      meas->set_hv(HyperVector(m,fCov,type));  // the HyperVector 
      meas->set_deposited_energy(hit->Edep()); // the deposited energy
      meas->set_name(RP::setup_volume,"mother");          // the volume
      // the  position of the measurement
      klog << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG << "Create measurement plane " ;


      //    Add the measurement to the vector
    // add the measurements to the trajectory
    klog << log4cpp::Priority::INFO << " Measurement vector created "  ;
    Trajectory* trj = new Trajectory();

    klog << log4cpp::Priority::INFO << " Trajectory --> " << *trj ;

    return trj;