コード例 #1
ファイル: ScdInterface.cpp プロジェクト: obmun/moab
ErrorCode ScdInterface::assign_global_ids(ScdBox *box)
  // Get a ptr to global id memory
  void* data;
  int count = 0;
  Tag gid_tag;
  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, gid_tag, 
                                          MB_TAG_CREAT & MB_TAG_DENSE, &count);
  ERRORR(rval, "Trouble getting global id tag handle.");
  Range tmp_range(box->start_vertex(), box->start_vertex() + box->num_vertices());
  rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(gid_tag, tmp_range.begin(), tmp_range.end(), count, data);
  ERRORR(rval, "Failed to get tag iterator.");
  assert(count == box->num_vertices());
  int* gid_data = (int*) data;
  int di = box->par_data().gDims[3] - box->par_data().gDims[0] + 1;
  int dj = box->par_data().gDims[4] - box->par_data().gDims[1] + 1;

  for (int kl = box->box_dims()[2]; kl <= box->box_dims()[5]; kl++) {
    for (int jl = box->box_dims()[1]; jl <= box->box_dims()[4]; jl++) {
      for (int il = box->box_dims()[0]; il <= box->box_dims()[3]; il++) {
        int itmp = (!box->locally_periodic()[0] && box->par_data().gPeriodic[0] && il == box->par_data().gDims[3] ? 
                    box->par_data().gDims[0] : il);
        *gid_data = (-1 != kl ? kl * di * dj : 0) + jl * di + itmp + 1;

  return MB_SUCCESS;
コード例 #2
ファイル: AssocPair.cpp プロジェクト: chrismullins/lasso
int AssocPair::set_relation(iBase_EntitySetHandle set1, iBase_EntityHandle ent2)
  if (entOrSet[0] == iRel_ENTITY || entOrSet[1] == iRel_SET)
    ERRORR(iBase_FAILURE, "Invalid relation type");

  // check that if we're passing in an ent for a 'both'-type
  // assoc, there's already a set associated to the other ent
  iBase_EntityHandle tmp_ent;
  if (entOrSet[1] == iRel_BOTH &&
      relSides[0]->get_relation_side(&set1, 1, &tmp_ent) != iBase_SUCCESS)
    ERRORR(iBase_FAILURE, "Couldn't find associated set on right side");

  // set set1 => ent2
  if (relStatus[0] == iRel_ACTIVE)
    CHK_ERRORR( relSides[0]->set_relation_side(&set1, 1, &ent2) );

  // set ent1 <= set2
  if (relStatus[1] == iRel_ACTIVE)
    CHK_ERRORR( relSides[1]->set_relation_side(&ent2, 1, &set1) );

  // if the left side is a 'both'-type association, set the contents of set1
  // to point to ent2 as well
  if (entOrSet[0] == iRel_BOTH)
    CHK_ERRORR( populate_recursive(0, set1, ent2) );

コード例 #3
ファイル: AssocPair.cpp プロジェクト: chrismullins/lasso
int AssocPair::set_relation(iBase_EntityHandle ent1, iBase_EntityHandle ent2)
  if (entOrSet[0] == iRel_SET || entOrSet[1] == iRel_SET)
    ERRORR(iBase_FAILURE, "Invalid relation type");

  // check that if we're passing in an ent for a 'both'-type
  // assoc, there's already a set associated to the other ent
  iBase_EntityHandle tmp_ent;
  if (entOrSet[0] == iRel_BOTH &&
      relSides[1]->get_relation_side(&ent2, 1, &tmp_ent) != iBase_SUCCESS)
    ERRORR(iBase_FAILURE, "Couldn't find associated set on left side");
  if (entOrSet[1] == iRel_BOTH &&
      relSides[0]->get_relation_side(&ent1, 1, &tmp_ent) != iBase_SUCCESS)
    ERRORR(iBase_FAILURE, "Couldn't find associated set on right side");

  // set ent1 => ent2
  if (relStatus[0] == iRel_ACTIVE)
    CHK_ERRORR( relSides[0]->set_relation_side(&ent1, 1, &ent2) );

  // set ent1 <= ent2
  if (relStatus[1] == iRel_ACTIVE)
    CHK_ERRORR( relSides[1]->set_relation_side(&ent2, 1, &ent1) );

コード例 #4
ファイル: AssocPair.cpp プロジェクト: chrismullins/lasso
int AssocPair::get_relation(int iface_no, iBase_EntitySetHandle *sets,
                            int num_sets, iBase_EntitySetHandle *tag_values)
  if (relStatus[iface_no] == iRel_NOTEXIST)
    ERRORR(iBase_FAILURE, "Relation does not exist on this side");
  if (entOrSet[!iface_no] == iRel_ENTITY) // other iface is not sets
    ERRORR(iBase_INVALID_ENTITY_HANDLE, "Expected Entity, got EntitySet");

  return relSides[iface_no]->get_relation_side(sets, num_sets, tag_values);
コード例 #5
ファイル: AssocPair.cpp プロジェクト: chrismullins/lasso
int AssocPair::rmv_relation(int iface_no, iBase_EntitySetHandle *sets,
                            int num_sets)
  if (relStatus[iface_no] == iRel_NOTEXIST)
    ERRORR(iBase_FAILURE, "Relation does not exist on this side");

  // TODO: handle "both" case

  // Remove the opposite side first
  if (relStatus[!iface_no] == iRel_ACTIVE) {
    if (entOrSet[!iface_no] == iRel_ENTITY) {
      std::vector<iBase_EntityHandle> other_entities(num_sets);
      CHK_ERRORR( get_relation(iface_no, sets, num_sets, &other_entities[0]) );
      CHK_ERRORR( relSides[!iface_no]->rmv_relation_side(&other_entities[0],
                                                         num_sets) );
    else {
      std::vector<iBase_EntitySetHandle> other_sets(num_sets);
      CHK_ERRORR( get_relation(iface_no, sets, num_sets, &other_sets[0]) );
      CHK_ERRORR( relSides[!iface_no]->rmv_relation_side(&other_sets[0],
                                                         num_sets) );

  return relSides[iface_no]->rmv_relation_side(sets, num_sets);
コード例 #6
ファイル: AssocPair.cpp プロジェクト: chrismullins/lasso
int AssocPair::change_type(int iface_no, iRel_RelationType type)
  if (entOrSet[iface_no] == type)
  if (entOrSet[iface_no] == iRel_ENTITY || type == iRel_ENTITY)
    ERRORR(iBase_FAILURE, "Can only change type from \"set\" to \"both\", or "

  entOrSet[iface_no] = type;
  if (relStatus[iface_no] != iRel_ACTIVE)

  iBase_EntitySetHandle *sets = NULL;
  int set_alloc = 0, set_size;
  CHK_ERRORR( relSides[iface_no]->get_related_sets(&sets, &set_alloc,
                                                   &set_size) );
  if (type == iRel_BOTH) {
    if (entOrSet[!iface_no] == iRel_ENTITY) {
      std::vector<iBase_EntityHandle> related_ents(set_size);
      CHK_ERRORR( relSides[iface_no]->get_relation_side(sets, set_size,
                                                        &related_ents[0]) );

      for (int i = 0; i < set_size; i++)
        CHK_ERRORR( populate_recursive(iface_no, sets[i], related_ents[i]) );
    else {
      std::vector<iBase_EntitySetHandle> related_sets(set_size);
      CHK_ERRORR( relSides[iface_no]->get_relation_side(sets, set_size,
                                                        &related_sets[0]) );

      for (int i = 0; i < set_size; i++)
        CHK_ERRORR( populate_recursive(iface_no, sets[i], related_sets[i]) );
  else if (type == iRel_SET) {
    for (int i = 0; i < set_size; i++)
      CHK_ERRORR( unpopulate_recursive(iface_no, sets[i]) );

コード例 #7
ファイル: AssocPair.cpp プロジェクト: chrismullins/lasso
int AssocPair::set_relation(iBase_EntitySetHandle set1,
                            iBase_EntitySetHandle set2)
  if (entOrSet[0] == iRel_ENTITY || entOrSet[1] == iRel_ENTITY)
    ERRORR(iBase_FAILURE, "Invalid relation type");

  // set set1 => set2
  if (relStatus[0] == iRel_ACTIVE)
    CHK_ERRORR( relSides[0]->set_relation_side(&set1, 1, &set2) );

  // set set1 <= set2
  if (relStatus[1] == iRel_ACTIVE)
    CHK_ERRORR( relSides[1]->set_relation_side(&set2, 1, &set1) );

  // if either side is a 'both'-type association, set the contents of set1
  // to point to set2 as well (and/or vice-versa)
  if (entOrSet[0] == iRel_BOTH)
    CHK_ERRORR( populate_recursive(0, set1, set2) );
  if (entOrSet[1] == iRel_BOTH)
    CHK_ERRORR( populate_recursive(1, set2, set1) );

コード例 #8
ファイル: ScdInterface.cpp プロジェクト: obmun/moab
ErrorCode ScdInterface::construct_box(HomCoord low, HomCoord high, const double * const coords, unsigned int num_coords,
                                      ScdBox *& new_box, int * const lperiodic, ScdParData *par_data,
                                      bool assign_gids, int tag_shared_ents)
    // create a rectangular structured mesh block
  ErrorCode rval;

  int tmp_lper[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  if (lperiodic) std::copy(lperiodic, lperiodic+3, tmp_lper);
  if (-1 != tag_shared_ents) ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Parallel capability requested but MOAB not compiled parallel.");
  if (-1 == tag_shared_ents && !assign_gids) assign_gids = true; // need to assign gids in order to tag shared verts
  if (par_data && low == high && ScdParData::NOPART != par_data->partMethod) {
      // requesting creation of parallel mesh, so need to compute partition
    if (!par_data->pComm) {
        // this is a really boneheaded way to have to create a PC
      par_data->pComm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(mbImpl, 0);
      if (NULL == par_data->pComm) par_data->pComm = new ParallelComm(mbImpl, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    int ldims[6];
    rval = compute_partition(par_data->pComm->size(), par_data->pComm->rank(), *par_data, 
                             ldims, tmp_lper, par_data->pDims);
    ERRORR(rval, "Error returned from compute_partition.");
    if (par_data->pComm->get_debug_verbosity() > 0) {
      std::cout << "Proc " << par_data->pComm->rank() << ": " << *par_data;
      std::cout << "Proc " << par_data->pComm->rank() << " local dims: " 
                << low << "-" << high << std::endl;
  HomCoord tmp_size = high - low + HomCoord(1, 1, 1, 0);
  if ((tmp_size[1] && num_coords && (int)num_coords < tmp_size[0]) ||
      (tmp_size[2] && num_coords && (int)num_coords < tmp_size[0]*tmp_size[1]))
    return MB_FAILURE;

  rval = create_scd_sequence(low, high, MBVERTEX, 0, new_box);
  ERRORR(rval, "Trouble creating scd vertex sequence.");

    // set the vertex coordinates
  double *xc, *yc, *zc;
  rval = new_box->get_coordinate_arrays(xc, yc, zc);
  ERRORR(rval, "Couldn't get vertex coordinate arrays.");

  if (coords && num_coords) {
    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (int kl = low[2]; kl <= high[2]; kl++) {
      for (int jl = low[1]; jl <= high[1]; jl++) {
        for (int il = low[0]; il <= high[0]; il++) {
          xc[i] = coords[3*i];
          if (new_box->box_size()[1])
            yc[i] = coords[3*i+1];
          if (new_box->box_size()[2])
            zc[i] = coords[3*i+2];
  else {
    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (int kl = low[2]; kl <= high[2]; kl++) {
      for (int jl = low[1]; jl <= high[1]; jl++) {
        for (int il = low[0]; il <= high[0]; il++) {
          xc[i] = (double) il;
          if (new_box->box_size()[1])
            yc[i] = (double) jl;
          else yc[i] = 0.0;
          if (new_box->box_size()[2])
            zc[i] = (double) kl;
          else zc[i] = 0.0;

    // create element sequence
  Core *mbcore = dynamic_cast<Core*>(mbImpl);
  SequenceManager *seq_mgr = mbcore->sequence_manager();

  EntitySequence *tmp_seq;
  EntityHandle start_ent;

    // construct the sequence
  EntityType this_tp = MBHEX;
  if (1 >= tmp_size[2]) this_tp = MBQUAD;
  if (1 >= tmp_size[2] && 1 >= tmp_size[1]) this_tp = MBEDGE;
  rval = seq_mgr->create_scd_sequence(low, high, this_tp, 0, start_ent, tmp_seq, 
  ERRORR(rval, "Trouble creating scd element sequence.");


    // add vertex seq to element seq, forward orientation, unity transform
  rval = new_box->add_vbox(new_box,
                             // p1: imin,jmin
                           low, low, 
                             // p2: imax,jmin
                           low + HomCoord(1, 0, 0),
                           low + HomCoord(1, 0, 0),
                             // p3: imin,jmax
                           low + HomCoord(0, 1, 0),
                           low + HomCoord(0, 1, 0));
  ERRORR(rval, "Error constructing structured element sequence.");

    // add the new hexes to the scd box set; vertices were added in call to create_scd_sequence
  Range tmp_range(new_box->start_element(), new_box->start_element() + new_box->num_elements() - 1);
  rval = mbImpl->add_entities(new_box->box_set(), tmp_range);
  ERRORR(rval, "Couldn't add new hexes to box set.");

  if (par_data) new_box->par_data(*par_data);

  if (assign_gids) {
    rval = assign_global_ids(new_box);
    ERRORR(rval, "Trouble assigning global ids");

  if (par_data && -1 != tag_shared_ents) {
    rval = tag_shared_vertices(par_data->pComm, new_box);
  return MB_SUCCESS;
コード例 #9
ErrorCode Intx2MeshOnSphere::update_tracer_data(EntityHandle out_set, Tag & tagElem, Tag & tagArea)
  EntityHandle dum = 0;

  Tag corrTag;
  ErrorCode rval = mb->tag_get_handle(CORRTAGNAME,
                                           1, MB_TYPE_HANDLE, corrTag,
                                           MB_TAG_DENSE, &dum); // it should have been created
  ERRORR(rval, "can't get correlation tag");

  Tag gid;
  rval = mb->tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, gid, MB_TAG_DENSE);
  ERRORR(rval,"can't get global ID tag" );

  // get all polygons out of out_set; then see where are they coming from
  Range polys;
  rval = mb->get_entities_by_dimension(out_set, 2, polys);
  ERRORR(rval, "can't get polygons out");

  // rs2 is the red range, arrival; rs1 is blue, departure;
  // there is a connection between rs1 and rs2, through the corrTag
  // corrTag is __correlation
  // basically, mb->tag_get_data(corrTag, &(redPoly), 1, &bluePoly);
  // also,  mb->tag_get_data(corrTag, &(bluePoly), 1, &redPoly);
  // we start from rs2 existing, then we have to update something
  std::vector<double>  currentVals(rs2.size());
  rval = mb->tag_get_data(tagElem, rs2, &currentVals[0]);
  ERRORR(rval, "can't get existing tag values");

  // for each polygon, we have 2 indices: red and blue parents
  // we need index blue to update index red?
  std::vector<double> newValues(rs2.size(), 0.);// initialize with 0 all of them
  // area of the polygon * conc on red (old) current quantity
  // finaly, divide by the area of the red
  double check_intx_area=0.;
  for (Range::iterator it= polys.begin(); it!=polys.end(); it++)
    EntityHandle poly=*it;
    int blueIndex, redIndex;
    rval =  mb->tag_get_data(blueParentTag, &poly, 1, &blueIndex);
    ERRORR(rval, "can't get blue tag");
    EntityHandle blue = rs1[blueIndex];
    rval =  mb->tag_get_data(redParentTag, &poly, 1, &redIndex);
    ERRORR(rval, "can't get red tag");
    //EntityHandle red = rs2[redIndex];
    // big assumption here, red and blue are "parallel" ;we should have an index from
    // blue to red (so a deformed blue corresponds to an arrival red)
    double areap = area_spherical_element(mb, poly, R);
    // so the departure cell at time t (blueIndex) covers a portion of a redCell
    // that quantity will be transported to the redCell at time t+dt
    // the blue corresponds to a red arrival
    EntityHandle redArr;
    rval = mb->tag_get_data(corrTag, &blue, 1, &redArr);
    if (0==redArr || MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND==rval)
      if (!remote_cells)
        ERRORR( MB_FAILURE, "no remote cells, failure\n");
      // maybe the element is remote, from another processor
      int global_id_blue;
      rval = mb->tag_get_data(gid, &blue, 1, &global_id_blue);
      ERRORR(rval, "can't get arrival red for corresponding blue gid");
      // find the
      int index_in_remote = remote_cells->find(1, global_id_blue);
      if (index_in_remote==-1)
        ERRORR( MB_FAILURE, "can't find the global id element in remote cells\n");
      remote_cells->vr_wr[index_in_remote] += currentVals[redIndex]*areap;
    else if (MB_SUCCESS==rval)
      int arrRedIndex = rs2.index(redArr);
      if (-1 == arrRedIndex)
        ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "can't find the red arrival index");
      newValues[arrRedIndex] += currentVals[redIndex]*areap;

      ERRORR(rval, "can't get arrival red for corresponding ");
  // now, send back the remote_cells to the processors they came from, with the updated values for
  // the tracer mass in a cell
  if (remote_cells)
    // so this means that some cells will be sent back with tracer info to the procs they were sent from
    (parcomm->proc_config().crystal_router())->gs_transfer(1, *remote_cells, 0);
    // now, look at the global id, find the proper "red" cell with that index and update its mass
    //remote_cells->print("remote cells after routing");
    int n = remote_cells->get_n();
    for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
      EntityHandle redCell = remote_cells->vul_rd[j];// entity handle sent back
      int arrRedIndex = rs2.index(redCell);
      if (-1 == arrRedIndex)
        ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "can't find the red arrival index");
      newValues[arrRedIndex] += remote_cells->vr_rd[j];

  // now divide by red area (current)
  int j=0;
  Range::iterator iter = rs2.begin();
  void * data=NULL; //used for stored area
  int count =0;
  double total_mass_local=0.;
  while (iter != rs2.end())
    rval = mb->tag_iterate(tagArea, iter, rs2.end(), count, data);
    ERRORR(rval, "can't tag iterate");
    double * ptrArea=(double*)data;
    for (int i=0; i<count; i++, iter++, j++, ptrArea++)
      newValues[j]/= (*ptrArea);
  rval = mb->tag_set_data(tagElem, rs2, &newValues[0]);
  ERRORR(rval, "can't set new values tag");

  double total_mass=0.;
  double total_intx_area =0;
  int mpi_err = MPI_Reduce(&total_mass_local, &total_mass, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != mpi_err) return MB_FAILURE;
  // now reduce total area
  mpi_err = MPI_Reduce(&check_intx_area, &total_intx_area, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != mpi_err) return MB_FAILURE;
  if (my_rank==0)
    std::cout <<"total mass now:" << total_mass << "\n";
    std::cout <<"check: total intersection area: (4 * M_PI * R^2): " << total_intx_area << "\n";

  if (remote_cells)
    delete remote_cells;
  return MB_SUCCESS;
コード例 #10
ファイル: AssocPair.cpp プロジェクト: chrismullins/lasso
int AssocPair::change_status(int iface_no, iRel_RelationStatus status)
  if (relStatus[iface_no] == status)

  relStatus[iface_no] = status;

  if (status == iRel_NOTEXIST) {
    // Destroy the assoc tag
    CHK_ERRORR( relSides[iface_no]->destroy_relation_side() );
  else if (status == iRel_INACTIVE) {
    // Create the assoc tag
    CHK_ERRORR( relSides[iface_no]->create_relation_side() );
  // Update the assoc tag
  else if (status == iRel_ACTIVE) {
    CHK_ERRORR( relSides[iface_no]->destroy_relation_side() );
    CHK_ERRORR( relSides[iface_no]->create_relation_side() );

    if (entOrSet[!iface_no] == iRel_ENTITY) {
      iBase_EntityHandle *entities = NULL;
      int ent_alloc = 0, ent_size;

      CHK_ERRORR( relSides[!iface_no]->get_related_ents(&entities, &ent_alloc,
                                                        &ent_size) );
      if (entOrSet[iface_no] == iRel_ENTITY) {
        std::vector<iBase_EntityHandle> related_ents(ent_size);
        int result = relSides[!iface_no]->get_relation_side(
          entities, ent_size, &related_ents[0]);

        if (result == iBase_SUCCESS) {
          if (iface_no == 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ent_size; i++)
              CHK_ERRORR( set_relation(related_ents[i], entities[i]) );
            for (int i = 0; i < ent_size; i++)
              CHK_ERRORR( set_relation(entities[i], related_ents[i]) );
      else {
        std::vector<iBase_EntitySetHandle> related_sets(ent_size);
        int result = relSides[!iface_no]->get_relation_side(
          entities, ent_size, &related_sets[0]);

        if (result == iBase_SUCCESS) {
          if (iface_no == 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ent_size; i++)
              CHK_ERRORR( set_relation(related_sets[i], entities[i]) );
            for (int i = 0; i < ent_size; i++)
              CHK_ERRORR( set_relation(entities[i], related_sets[i]) );
    else {
      iBase_EntitySetHandle *sets = NULL;
      int set_alloc = 0, set_size;

      CHK_ERRORR( relSides[!iface_no]->get_related_sets(&sets, &set_alloc,
                                                        &set_size) );
      if (entOrSet[iface_no] == iRel_ENTITY) {
        std::vector<iBase_EntityHandle> related_ents(set_size);
        int result = relSides[!iface_no]->get_relation_side(
          sets, set_size, &related_ents[0]);

        if (result == iBase_SUCCESS) {
          if (iface_no == 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < set_size; i++)
              CHK_ERRORR( set_relation(related_ents[i], sets[i]) );
            for (int i = 0; i < set_size; i++)
              CHK_ERRORR( set_relation(sets[i], related_ents[i]) );
      else {
        std::vector<iBase_EntitySetHandle> related_sets(set_size);
        int result = relSides[!iface_no]->get_relation_side(
          sets, set_size, &related_sets[0]);

        if (result == iBase_SUCCESS) {
          if (iface_no == 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < set_size; i++)
              CHK_ERRORR( set_relation(related_sets[i], sets[i]) );
            for (int i = 0; i < set_size; i++)
              CHK_ERRORR( set_relation(sets[i], related_sets[i]) );
  else {
    ERRORR(iBase_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid argument for relation status");
