static const char* s_StrErrorInternal(int error) { static const struct { int errnum; const char* errstr; } errmap[] = { # ifdef NCBI_OS_MSWIN {WSAEINTR, "Interrupted system call"}, {WSAEBADF, "Bad file number"}, {WSAEACCES, "Access denied"}, {WSAEFAULT, "Segmentation fault"}, {WSAEINVAL, "Invalid agrument"}, {WSAEMFILE, "Too many open files"}, /* * Windows Sockets definitions of regular Berkeley error constants */ {WSAEWOULDBLOCK, "Resource temporarily unavailable"}, {WSAEINPROGRESS, "Operation now in progress"}, {WSAEALREADY, "Operation already in progress"}, {WSAENOTSOCK, "Not a socket"}, {WSAEDESTADDRREQ, "Destination address required"}, {WSAEMSGSIZE, "Invalid message size"}, {WSAEPROTOTYPE, "Wrong protocol type"}, {WSAENOPROTOOPT, "Bad protocol option"}, {WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT, "Protocol not supported"}, {WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT, "Socket type not supported"}, {WSAEOPNOTSUPP, "Operation not supported"}, {WSAEPFNOSUPPORT, "Protocol family not supported"}, {WSAEAFNOSUPPORT, "Address family not supported"}, {WSAEADDRINUSE, "Address already in use"}, {WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL, "Cannot assign requested address"}, {WSAENETDOWN, "Network is down"}, {WSAENETUNREACH, "Network is unreachable"}, {WSAENETRESET, "Connection dropped on network reset"}, {WSAECONNABORTED, "Software caused connection abort"}, {WSAECONNRESET, "Connection reset by peer"}, {WSAENOBUFS, "No buffer space available"}, {WSAEISCONN, "Socket is already connected"}, {WSAENOTCONN, "Socket is not connected"}, {WSAESHUTDOWN, "Cannot send after socket shutdown"}, {WSAETOOMANYREFS, "Too many references"}, {WSAETIMEDOUT, "Operation timed out"}, {WSAECONNREFUSED, "Connection refused"}, {WSAELOOP, "Infinite loop"}, {WSAENAMETOOLONG, "Name too long"}, {WSAEHOSTDOWN, "Host is down"}, {WSAEHOSTUNREACH, "Host unreachable"}, {WSAENOTEMPTY, "Not empty"}, {WSAEPROCLIM, "Too many processes"}, {WSAEUSERS, "Too many users"}, {WSAEDQUOT, "Quota exceeded"}, {WSAESTALE, "Stale descriptor"}, {WSAEREMOTE, "Remote error"}, /* * Extended Windows Sockets error constant definitions */ {WSASYSNOTREADY, "Network subsystem is unavailable"}, {WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED, "Winsock.dll version out of range"}, {WSANOTINITIALISED, "Not yet initialized"}, {WSAEDISCON, "Graceful shutdown in progress"}, # ifdef WSAENOMORE /*NB: replaced with WSA_E_NO_MORE*/ {WSAENOMORE, "No more data available"}, # endif /*WSAENOMORE*/ # ifdef WSA_E_NO_MORE {WSA_E_NO_MORE, "No more data available"}, # endif /*WSA_E_NO_MORE*/ # ifdef WSAECANCELLED /*NB: replaced with WSA_E_CANCELLED*/ {WSAECANCELLED, "Call has been cancelled"}, # endif /*WSAECANCELLED*/ # ifdef WSA_E_CANCELLED {WSA_E_CANCELLED, "Call has been cancelled"}, # endif /*WSA_E_CANCELLED*/ {WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE, "Invalid procedure table"}, {WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER, "Invalid provider version number"}, {WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT,"Cannot init provider"}, {WSASYSCALLFAILURE, "System call failed"}, {WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND, "Service not found"}, {WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND, "Class type not found"}, {WSAEREFUSED, "Query refused"}, /* * WinSock 2 extension */ # ifdef WSA_IO_PENDING {WSA_IO_PENDING, "Operation has been queued"}, # endif /*WSA_IO_PENDING*/ # ifdef WSA_IO_INCOMPLETE {WSA_IO_INCOMPLETE, "Operation still in progress"}, # endif /*WSA_IO_INCOMPLETE*/ # ifdef WSA_INVALID_HANDLE {WSA_INVALID_HANDLE, "Invalid handle"}, # endif /*WSA_INVALID_HANDLE*/ # ifdef WSA_INVALID_PARAMETER {WSA_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter"}, # endif /*WSA_INVALID_PARAMETER*/ # ifdef WSA_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY {WSA_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, "Out of memory"}, # endif /*WSA_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY*/ # ifdef WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED {WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED, "Operation aborted"}, # endif /*WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED*/ # endif /*NCBI_OS_MSWIN*/ # ifdef NCBI_OS_MSWIN # define EAI_BASE 0 # else # define EAI_BASE 100000 # endif /*NCBI_OS_MSWIN*/ # ifdef EAI_ADDRFAMILY {EAI_ADDRFAMILY + EAI_BASE, "Address family not supported"}, # endif /*EAI_ADDRFAMILY*/ # ifdef EAI_AGAIN {EAI_AGAIN + EAI_BASE, "Temporary failure in name resolution"}, # endif /*EAI_AGAIN*/ # ifdef EAI_BADFLAGS {EAI_BADFLAGS + EAI_BASE, "Invalid value for lookup flags"}, # endif /*EAI_BADFLAGS*/ # ifdef EAI_FAIL {EAI_FAIL + EAI_BASE, "Non-recoverable failure in name resolution"}, # endif /*EAI_FAIL*/ # ifdef EAI_FAMILY {EAI_FAMILY + EAI_BASE, "Address family not supported"}, # endif /*EAI_FAMILY*/ # ifdef EAI_MEMORY {EAI_MEMORY + EAI_BASE, "Memory allocation failure"}, # endif /*EAI_MEMORY*/ # ifdef EAI_NODATA {EAI_NODATA + EAI_BASE, "No address associated with nodename"}, # endif /*EAI_NODATA*/ # ifdef EAI_NONAME {EAI_NONAME + EAI_BASE, "Host/service name not known"}, # endif /*EAI_NONAME*/ # ifdef EAI_OVERFLOW {EAI_OVERFLOW + EAI_BASE, "Buffer overflow"}, # endif /*EAI_OVERFLOW*/ # ifdef EAI_SERVICE {EAI_SERVICE + EAI_BASE, "Service name not supported for socket type"}, # endif /*EAI_SERVICE*/ # ifdef EAI_SOCKTYPE {EAI_SOCKTYPE + EAI_BASE, "Socket type not supported"}, # endif /*EAI_SOCKTYPE*/ /* GNU extensions */ # ifdef EAI_ALLDONE {EAI_ALLDONE + EAI_BASE, "All requests done"}, # endif /*EAI_ALLDONE*/ # ifdef EAI_CANCELED {EAI_CANCELED + EAI_BASE, "Request canceled"}, # endif /*EAI_BADFLAGS*/ # ifdef EAI_INPROGRESS {EAI_INPROGRESS + EAI_BASE, "Processing request in progress"}, # endif /*EAI_INPROGRESS*/ # ifdef EAI_INTR {EAI_INTR + EAI_BASE, "Interrupted by a signal"}, # endif /*EAI_INTR*/ # ifdef EAI_NOTCANCELED {EAI_NOTCANCELED + EAI_BASE, "Request not canceled"}, # endif /*EAI_NOTCANCELED*/ # ifdef NCBI_OS_MSWIN # define DNS_BASE 0 # else # define DNS_BASE 200000 # endif /*NCBI_OS_MSWIN*/ # ifdef HOST_NOT_FOUND {HOST_NOT_FOUND + DNS_BASE, "Host not found"}, # endif /*HOST_NOT_FOUND*/ # ifdef TRY_AGAIN {TRY_AGAIN + DNS_BASE, "DNS server failure"}, # endif /*TRY_AGAIN*/ # ifdef NO_RECOVERY {NO_RECOVERY + DNS_BASE, "Unrecoverable DNS error"}, # endif /*NO_RECOVERY*/ # ifdef NO_ADDRESS {NO_ADDRESS + DNS_BASE, "No address record found in DNS"}, # endif /*NO_ADDRESS*/ # ifdef NO_DATA {NO_DATA + DNS_BASE, "No DNS data of requested type"}, # endif /*NO_DATA*/ /* Last dummy entry - must present */ {0, 0} }; #if defined(NCBI_OS_LINUX) || defined(NCBI_OS_CYGWIN) /* To work correctly, descending order of offsets is required here */ static const struct { int erroff; const char* (*errfun)(int errnum); } errsup[] = { # ifdef __GLIBC__ {DNS_BASE, hstrerror}, # endif /*__GLIBC__*/ # if defined(HAVE_GETADDRINFO) || defined(HAVE_GETNAMEINFO) {EAI_BASE, gai_strerror}, # endif /*HAVE_GETADDRINFO || HAVE_GETNAMEINFO*/ /* Last dummy entry - must present */ {0, 0} }; #endif /*NCBI_OS_LINUX || NCBI_OS_CYGWIN*/ size_t i; if (!error) return 0; #if defined(NCBI_OS_LINUX) || defined(NCBI_OS_CYGWIN) for (i = 0; i < sizeof(errsup) / sizeof(errsup[0]) - 1/*dummy*/; ++i) { if (errsup[i].erroff < error) { const char* errstr = errsup[i].errfun(error - errsup[i].erroff); if (errstr && *errstr) return ERR_STRDUP(errstr); } } #endif /*NCBI_OS_LINUX || NCBI_OS_CYGWIN*/ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(errmap) / sizeof(errmap[0]) - 1/*dummy*/; ++i) { if (errmap[i].errnum == error) return ERR_STRDUP(errmap[i].errstr); } # if defined(NCBI_OS_MSWIN) && defined(_UNICODE) return UTIL_TcharToUtf8(_wcserror(error)); # else return ERR_STRDUP(strerror(error)); # endif /*NCBI_OS_MSWIN && _UNICODE*/ }
/* lcgi:cfg */ int LCGIResp_Config(LCGIResp *me, UrlParts *pup) { int nErr = EFAILED; const char *cpszUrl = (char*)MEMCHR(pup->cpcPath, '.', UP_PATHLEN(pup)) + 1; AEEResBlob *pBlob = 0; int nBlobLen = 0; if (!LCGIResp_FindOrMakeInvoke(me,pup,&cpszUrl)) { return SUCCESS; } // if (STRBEGINS("menu", cpszUrl)) { nErr = Config_Menu(me, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } else if (LCGIResp_SafeReferer(me)) { if (STRBEGINS("proxies.reset.sub", cpszUrl)) { nErr = Config_ProxyResetDone(me, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } else if (STRBEGINS("proxies.reset", cpszUrl)) { nErr = Config_ProxyReset(me, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } else if (STRBEGINS("proxies.ok", cpszUrl)) { char *pszURLData = 0; nErr = ERR_STRDUP((char*)pup->cpcSrch + 1, &pszURLData); if (SUCCESS == nErr) { nErr = Config_ProxySubmit(me,pszURLData,&pBlob,&nBlobLen); } FREEIF(pszURLData); } else if (STRBEGINS("proxies", cpszUrl)) { nErr = Config_Proxies(me, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } else if (STRBEGINS("cookies.sub", cpszUrl)) { char *pszURLData = 0; nErr = ERR_STRDUP((char*)pup->cpcSrch + 1, &pszURLData); if (SUCCESS == nErr) { nErr = Config_CookiesSubmit(me, pszURLData, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } FREEIF(pszURLData); } else if (STRBEGINS("cookies.del.sub", cpszUrl)) { nErr = Config_CookiesDeleteDone(me, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } else if (STRBEGINS("cookies.del", cpszUrl)) { nErr = Config_CookiesDelete(me, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } else if (STRBEGINS("", cpszUrl)) { nErr = Config_CookiesInfo(me, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } else if (STRBEGINS("cookies", cpszUrl)) { nErr = Config_Cookies(me, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } else if (STRBEGINS("mailto.reset.sub", cpszUrl)) { nErr = Config_MailResetDone(me, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } else if (STRBEGINS("mailto.reset", cpszUrl)) { nErr = Config_MailReset(me, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } else if (STRBEGINS("mailto.sub", cpszUrl)) { char *pszURLData = 0; nErr = ERR_STRDUP((char*)pup->cpcSrch + 1, &pszURLData); if (SUCCESS == nErr) { nErr = Config_MailSubmit(me, pszURLData, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } FREEIF(pszURLData); } else if (STRBEGINS("mailto", cpszUrl)) { nErr = Config_Mail(me, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } else if (STRBEGINS("homepage.reset.sub", cpszUrl)) { nErr = Config_HomePageResetDone(me, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } else if (STRBEGINS("homepage.reset", cpszUrl)) { nErr = Config_HomePageReset(me, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } else if (STRBEGINS("homepage.sub", cpszUrl)) { char *pszURLData = 0; nErr = ERR_STRDUP((char*)pup->cpcSrch + 1, &pszURLData); if (SUCCESS == nErr) { nErr = Config_HomePageSubmit(me, pszURLData, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } FREEIF(pszURLData); } else if (STRBEGINS("homepage", cpszUrl)) { nErr = Config_HomePage(me, &pBlob, &nBlobLen); } } if ((AEEResBlob *)0 != pBlob) { if (0 < AEEResBlob_StrRepl(&pBlob, &nBlobLen, "invoke%s\0", me->szInvoke)) { nErr = ENOMEMORY; } if (SUCCESS == nErr) { nErr = ISOURCEUTIL_SourceFromMemory(me->plcgie->piSourceUtil, RESBLOB_DATA(pBlob), STRLEN(RESBLOB_DATA(pBlob)), GET_HELPER()->free, pBlob, &me->wri.pisMessage); } if (SUCCESS == nErr) { me->wri.lContentLength = STRLEN(RESBLOB_DATA(pBlob)); me->wri.nCode = WEBCODE_OK; } else { FREE(pBlob); } } return nErr; }