main(int argc, char **argv) { EZ_Widget *hello; EZ_LabelPixmap *pixmap; int fontId; float aaa = 100.0; EZ_Initialize(argc,argv,0); fontId = EZ_LoadXFont("-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-240-*-*-*-*-*-*"); pixmap = EZ_CreateRotateTextPixmap(TXT,fontId, 32, 0, 45); hello = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_ICON, NULL, EZ_LABEL_STRING, "Hello World", EZ_LABEL_PIXMAP, pixmap, EZ_SHAPED_WINDOW, 1, EZ_FOREGROUND, "red", 0); EZ_AddWidgetCallBack(hello, /* register call back */ EZ_CALLBACK, cleanExit, NULL, 0); EZ_DisplayWidget(hello); EZ_EventMainLoop(); }
/*---------------------- Open_Info_Widget() ------------------------*/ int Open_Info_Widget() { char tmp_name[128], tmp_cmd[256]; /* check to make sure we have a minc file loaded */ if (file_format!=MINC_FORMAT) { EZW_Error("Error: This is not a minc file!"); return(-1); } /* create a temp filename */ tmpnam(tmp_name); /* issue shell command to create a mincheader dump file */ sprintf(tmp_cmd,"mincheader %s > %s \n",fname, tmp_name); if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr,"issue shell command: %s \n", tmp_cmd); system (tmp_cmd); /* set window name to the current filename (minus leading dirs) */ EZ_ConfigureWidget(Info_Widget,EZ_LABEL_STRING,basfname,0); /* load the mincheader dump info into a text widget and siplay the result */ EZ_ActivateWidget(Info_Widget); EZ_TextLoadFile(Mincheader_Widget,tmp_name); EZ_DisplayWidget(Info_Widget); XStoreName(theDisp, EZ_GetWidgetWindow(Info_Widget), "xdisp: Minc Header\0"); /* clean up the tmp file */ sprintf(tmp_cmd,"rm %s &\n",tmp_name); if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr,"issue shell command: %s\n",tmp_cmd); system (tmp_cmd); }
main(int argc, char **argv) { EZ_Widget *menu, *button, *tmp; EZ_Initialize(argc, argv, 0); button = EZ_CreateButton(NULL,"An Optional Button", -1); /* a button */ menu = EZ_CreatePopupMenu(NULL); EZ_ConfigureWidget(button, EZ_EVENT_HANDLER, buttonEventHandler, EZ_CLIENT_PTR_DATA, menu, 0); EZ_ConfigureWidget(menu, EZ_CALLBACK, menuCallBack, EZ_CLIENT_PTR_DATA, button, 0); { char **ptr = colors; int i = 0; while(*ptr) { tmp = EZ_CreateMenuNormalButton(menu, *ptr, -1, i++); ptr++; } } EZ_DisplayWidget(button); EZ_EventMainLoop(); }
main(int argc, char **argv) { EZ_Widget *frame, *canvas; EZ_Initialize(argc, argv, 1); /* * canvases do not resize propertly as toplevel * widgets (bug!) It is recommended to put it * under a frame at least for now. */ frame = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_FRAME, NULL, EZ_FILL_MODE, EZ_FILL_BOTH, 0); canvas = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_3D_CANVAS, frame, EZ_WIDTH_HINT, 640, EZ_HEIGHT_HINT, 420, EZ_BORDER_WIDTH, 0, EZ_BORDER_TYPE, EZ_BORDER_SUNKEN, EZ_EVENT_HANDLE, eventHandler, NULL, 0); /* * now display the canvas. One must first display * a 3DCanvas before calling any GL functions !!! */ EZ_DisplayWidget(canvas); /* the little glimage */ { EZ_Pixmap *testPixmap; testPixmap = EZ_CreateLabelPixmapFromXpmFile("flowers.xpm"); testImage = EZ_CreateGLImage(testPixmap); EZ_FreeLabelPixmap(testPixmap); EZ_GetGLImageInfo(testImage, NULL, NULL, &imageW, &imageH); } /* the background pixmap */ { EZ_Pixmap *testPixmap; testPixmap = EZ_CreateLabelPixmapFromImageFile("guilin.gif"); bkImage = EZ_CreateGLImage(testPixmap); EZ_FreeLabelPixmap(testPixmap); EZ_GetGLImageInfo(bkImage, NULL, NULL, &bkImgW, &bkImgH); } /* now setup global GL attributes */ EZ_RGBMode(); /* we are using RGB mode */ EZ_ShadeModel(EZ_SMOOTH); /* turn on smooth shading */ EZ_AutoSelectBackBuffer(); /* select a back buffer */ EZ_DrawBuffer(EZ_BACK); /* draw the background */ /* * We'll draw a 2D polygon, so we don't have to setup * a complex projection matrix. The default matrix mode * is EZ_MODELVIEW. We just set the projection matrix * on this default matrix stack. */ EZ_LoadIdentity(); /* clear the top mtx 2 id */ EZ_Ortho2(-1.0,1.0,-1.0,1.0); /* project the unit cube */ EZ_EventMainLoop(); /* handle events */ }
main(int ac, char **av) { int i; EZ_Widget *frame, *led, *led1; EZ_Initialize(ac,av,0); colorArray = (unsigned long *)malloc(2000 * sizeof(unsigned long)); onoffArray = (char *)malloc(2000 * sizeof(char)); for(i=0; i < 20; i++) colors[i] = EZ_AllocateColorFromRGB(255, 10 * i, 0); frame = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_FRAME, NULL, EZ_LABEL_STRING, "Led ...", EZ_FILL_MODE, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_ORIENTATION, EZ_VERTICAL, EZ_BG_IMAGE_FILE, "bg1.gif", 0); led = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_LED, frame, EZ_LED_WIDTH, 30, EZ_LED_HEIGHT, 20, EZ_BORDER_WIDTH, 2, EZ_BORDER_TYPE, EZ_BORDER_EMBOSSED, EZ_LABEL_POSITION, EZ_CENTER, EZ_LED_COLOR_FUNCTION, pickColor, 0); EZ_DisplayWidget(frame); EZ_CreateTimer(0, 50000, -1, rtimer_callback, led, 0); EZ_EventMainLoop(); }
main(int ac, char **av) { EZ_Widget *frame, *tmp, *btn; int i; EZ_Initialize(ac,av,0); MY_BG_ATOM = EZ_GetAtom("MY_BG_ATOM"); frame = EZ_CreateFrame(NULL, "Drag sources"); tmp = EZ_CreateFrame(frame, NULL); EZ_ConfigureWidget(tmp, EZ_ORIENTATION, EZ_VERTICAL, EZ_FILL_MODE, EZ_FILL_BOTH, 0); for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { btn = EZ_CreateButton(tmp, colors[i], -1); EZ_ConfigureWidget(btn, EZ_EXPAND, True, EZ_BACKGROUND, colors[i], 0); EZ_WidgetAddDnDDataEncoder(btn, MY_BG_ATOM, 0, encodeBG, NULL, NULL, NULL); } EZ_DisplayWidget(frame); EZ_EventMainLoop(); }
main(int ac, char **av) { EZ_Widget *gb, *text, *mbtn, *menu, *tmp; EZ_Initialize(ac,av,0); /* a toplevel gridbag. Extra spaces go to ROW and COLUME 4 */ gb = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_FRAME, NULL, EZ_PADX, 0, EZ_PADY, 0, /*idx min weight pad */ EZ_GRID_CONSTRAINS, EZ_ROW, 1, 300, 10, 0, EZ_GRID_CONSTRAINS, EZ_COLUMN, NCOLS-2, 200, 10, 0, EZ_BACKGROUND, "grey85", 0); /* the first row is a menu bar with 3 buttons. * The (NCOLS-2)th column which has a weight 10, * this pushes the last menu button to the right edge. */ mbtn = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_MENU_BUTTON, gb, /* X, Y, W, H */ EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, 0, 0, 1, 1, /* fill_mode, gravity */ EZ_GRID_CELL_PLACEMENT, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_CENTER, EZ_LABEL_STRING, "MButton 1", EZ_PADY, 0, 0); menu = EZ_CreateSimpleMenu("Exit%f|||||",my_exit); EZ_SetMenuButtonMenu(mbtn, menu); mbtn = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_MENU_BUTTON, gb, EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, 1, 0, 1, 1, EZ_GRID_CELL_PLACEMENT, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_CENTER, EZ_LABEL_STRING, "MButton 2", EZ_PADY, 0, 0); menu = EZ_CreateSimpleMenu("|||||"); EZ_SetMenuButtonMenu(mbtn, menu); mbtn = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_MENU_BUTTON, gb, EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, NCOLS-1, 0, 1, 1, EZ_GRID_CELL_PLACEMENT, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_CENTER, EZ_LABEL_STRING, "Help", EZ_PADY, 0, 0); menu = EZ_CreateSimpleMenu("|||||"); EZ_SetMenuButtonMenu(mbtn, menu); text = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_TEXT, gb, EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, 0, 1, NCOLS, 3, EZ_EXPAND, True, EZ_PROPAGATE, False, EZ_TEXT_BACKGROUND, "grey95", EZ_SELECTION_BACKGROUND,"yellow", 0); EZ_DisplayWidget(gb); EZ_TextLoadFile(text, "GridBag.c"); EZ_EventMainLoop(); }
main(int ac, char **av) { EZ_Widget *frame, *btn; EZ_Pixmap *shapeMask; EZ_Initialize(ac, av, 0); /* make a shape mask */ { EZ_Item *fig; XPoint xpoints[200]; XGCValues gcvalues; unsigned long gcmask; GC gc; int i; double x, dx = 0.0628; fig = EZ_CreateItem(EZ_FIG_ITEM, EZ_PADX, 0, EZ_PADY, 0, EZ_BORDER_WIDTH, 0, 0); gcvalues.foreground = 1L; gcvalues.background = 0L; gcvalues.font = EZ_GetFontFromId(1)->fid; gc = EZ_GetGC( GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFont, &gcvalues); for(x=0.0, i = 0; i < 100; i++) { x += dx; xpoints[i].x = (int)(80.0 * cos(x) * sin(0.5*x)); xpoints[i].y = (int)(60.0 * sin(x) * sin(0.5*x)); } EZ_FigItemAddPolygon(fig, gc, xpoints, 100, CoordModeOrigin); EZ_FigItemAddString(fig, gc, "A Shaped Window", 15, EZ_CENTER, -70, 50); shapeMask = EZ_CreateShapeMaskFromFigure(fig); EZ_DestroyItem(fig); EZ_FreeGC(gc); } frame = EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_FRAME, NULL, "Frame", "frame", EZ_IPADX, 4, EZ_SHAPE_PIXMAP, shapeMask, 0); btn = EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_NORMAL_BUTTON, frame, "AButton", "aButton", EZ_LABEL_STRING, "Done", EZ_CALLBACK, quit, NULL, 0); EZ_DisplayWidget(frame); EZ_EventMainLoop(); }
main(int ac, char **av) { EZ_Widget *frame, *entry1, *entry2, *btn,*frame5 , *tmp; EZ_Initialize(ac, av, 0); frame = EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_FRAME, NULL, "Entries", "entries", 0); tmp = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_LABEL, frame, EZ_LABEL_STRING, "User Name:", EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, 0,0,1,1, EZ_GRID_CELL_PLACEMENT, EZ_FILL_NONE, EZ_RIGHT, 0); tmp = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_LABEL, frame, EZ_LABEL_STRING, "Password:"******"nameEntry", "NameEntry", EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, 1,0,1,1, EZ_GRID_CELL_PLACEMENT, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_LEFT, EZ_FONT_NAME, "-sony-fixed-medium-r-normal--24-170-100-100-c-120-jisx0201.1976-0", 0); entry2= EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_ENTRY, frame, "passwdEntry", "PasswdEntry", EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, 1,1,1,1, EZ_GRID_CELL_PLACEMENT, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_LEFT, EZ_FONT_NAME, "-sony-fixed-medium-r-normal--24-170-100-100-c-120-jisx0201.1976-0", 0); EZ_OnOffSecretEntry(entry2, True); frame5 = EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_FRAME, frame, "Frame5", "frame5", EZ_BG_IMAGE_FILE, "marble", EZ_DOCKABLE, True, EZ_BORDER_TYPE, EZ_BORDER_RAISED, EZ_BORDER_WIDTH, 2, 0); btn = EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_NORMAL_BUTTON, frame5, "AButton", "aButton", EZ_LABEL_STRING, "Done", EZ_CALLBACK, quit, frame, 0); EZ_DisplayWidget(frame); EZ_EventMainLoop(); }
main(int ac, char **av) { EZ_Widget *frame, *btn; EZ_Initialize(ac, av, 0); frame = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_FRAME, NULL, EZ_LABEL_STRING, "Test Animation", 0); btn = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_NORMAL_BUTTON, frame, EZ_LABEL_STRING, "A Button", EZ_FOREGROUND, "red", EZ_CALLBACK, animate, NULL, 0); setupAnimationF(btn, "burning", "borrar-", 1, 0); EZ_DisplayWidget(frame); EZ_EventMainLoop(); }
main(int ac, char **av) { EZ_Widget *frame, *hgram; EZ_Initialize(ac, av, 0); frame = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_FRAME, NULL, EZ_FILL_MODE, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_ORIENTATION, EZ_VERTICAL, EZ_PADX, 0, EZ_PADY, 0, 0); hgram = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_HISTOGRAM, frame, EZ_BORDER_WIDTH, 2, EZ_BAR_COLOR_N, 0, "green", EZ_BAR_COLOR_N, 1, "yellow", EZ_BAR_ORIENTATION, EZ_HORIZONTAL, EZ_IPADY, 2, EZ_IPADX, 2, 0); EZ_SetHistogramValues(hgram, values, 3); EZ_DisplayWidget(frame); EZ_CreateTimer(0, 100000, -1, timer_callback, hgram, 0); EZ_EventMainLoop(); }
main(int ac, char **av) { int i; EZ_Widget *ezclock; EZ_Timer *timer; EZ_Initialize(ac,av,0); ezclock= EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_LCD, NULL, EZ_LCD_NDIGITS, 5, EZ_LCD_FONT_SIZE, 30, 0); for(i = 1; i < ac; ) { if(!strcmp(av[i], "-bg")) { if(i+1 < ac) EZ_ConfigureWidget(ezclock, EZ_LCD_BACKGROUND, av[(++i)], 0);} if(!strcmp(av[i], "-fg")) { if(i+1 < ac) EZ_ConfigureWidget(ezclock, EZ_LCD_FOREGROUND, av[(++i)], 0); } i++; } EZ_DisplayWidget(ezclock); timer = EZ_CreateTimer(0, 200000, -1, timer_callback, ezclock, 0); EZ_EventMainLoop(); }
main(int ac, char **av) { EZ_Widget *frame, *ltree, *label, *phandle; EZ_TreeNode *root; EZ_Initialize(ac, av, 0); PIXMAP_ATOM = EZ_GetAtom("PixmapTestAtom"); frame = EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_FRAME, NULL, "server", "Server", EZ_FILL_MODE, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_LABEL_STRING, "Pixmap client", EZ_IPADX, 4, EZ_SIZE, 800, 400, 0); ltree = EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_TREE, frame, "tree", "Tree", EZ_WIDTH, 300, 0); phandle = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_PANE_HANDLE, frame, 0); label = EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_LABEL, frame, "label", "Label", EZ_FOREGROUND, "red", EZ_FONT_NAME, "-Adobe-Times-Bold-I-Normal--*-240-*-*-*-*-*-*", 0); EZ_AddWidgetCallBack(ltree, EZ_CALLBACK, ltreeCB, label, 0); EZ_GlobHiddenFiles(True); root = EZ_CreateDirTree(NULL, "./*", NULL, 0); /* */ EZ_SetListTreeWidgetTree(ltree, root); EZ_DisplayWidget(frame); EZ_EventMainLoop(); }
main(int argc, char **argv) { EZ_Widget *frame, *canvas; /* * Initialize EZWGL, don't forget to * initialize the graphics library also. */ EZ_Initialize(argc, argv, 1); /* notice the 1 */ /* * canvases do not resize propertly as toplevel * widgets (bug!) It is recommended to put it * under a frame at least for now. */ frame = EZ_CreateFrame(NULL, NULL); EZ_ConfigureWidget(frame, EZ_FILL_MODE, EZ_FILL_BOTH,0); canvas = EZ_Create3DCanvas(frame); /* * the min size for 3DCanvas is too small * so we HINT it with a bigger size. */ EZ_ConfigureWidget(canvas, EZ_ORIENTATION, EZ_VERTICAL_BOTTOM, EZ_WIDTH_HINT, 320, EZ_HEIGHT_HINT, 320, EZ_EVENT_HANDLE, eventHandler, NULL, 0); /* * now display the canvas. One must first display * a 3DCanvas before calling any GL functions !!! */ EZ_DisplayWidget(canvas); /* now setup global GL attributes */ EZ_RGBMode(); /* we are using RGB mode */ EZ_AutoSelectBackBuffer(); /* select a back buffer */ EZ_DrawBuffer(EZ_BACK);/* always draw into the back buf */ EZ_ShadeModel(EZ_SMOOTH); /* turn on smooth shading */ EZ_Enable(EZ_DEPTH_TEST); /* turn on zbuffer */ EZ_Enable(EZ_CULL_FACE); /* turn on backface cull */ EZ_Enable(EZ_LIGHTING); /* turn on lighting */ EZ_Enable(EZ_LIGHT0); /* turn on 3 lights */ EZ_Enable(EZ_LIGHT1); EZ_Enable(EZ_LIGHT2); EZ_Enable(EZ_COLOR_MATERIAL); /* enable color material */ EZ_MatrixMode(EZ_PROJECTION); /* set up a proj matrix */ EZ_LoadIdentity(); /* clear the top mtx 2 id */ EZ_Perspective(60.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100.0); EZ_MatrixMode(EZ_MODELVIEW); EZ_LoadIdentity(); EZ_LookAt(0.0,0.0,60.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,1.0,0.0); EZ_GetMatrix(ViewMatrix); EZ_GenerateRotationMatrix(RotationMatrix, 90.0, 1.0,0.0,0.0); /* now we have to set up the three lights */ { static EZ_LightSrc *Light1, *Light2, *Light3; static float light1[] = { EZ_POSITION_F, 1.0,0.0,2.0, 1.0, EZ_DIFFUSE_F, 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0, EZ_NULL_F, }; static float light2[] = { EZ_POSITION_F, 0.0,5.0,10.0,1.0, EZ_SPECULAR_F, 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0, EZ_SPOT_DIRECTION_F, 0.0,0.0,-1.0,0.0, EZ_SPOT_CUTOFF_F, 30.0, EZ_SPOT_EXPONENT_F, 10.0, EZ_NULL_F, }; static float light3[] = { EZ_POSITION_F, 4.0,0.0,8.0, 1.0, EZ_DIFFUSE_F, 1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0, EZ_SPECULAR_F, 1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0, EZ_NULL_F, }; Light1 = EZ_DefineLight(light1); Light2 = EZ_DefineLight(light2); Light3 = EZ_DefineLight(light3); EZ_BindLight(0, Light1); EZ_BindLight(1, Light2); EZ_BindLight(2, Light3); } /* set up some material properties */ { static float specular[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0}; static float shininess[] = {4.0}; EZ_Materialfv(EZ_FRONT,EZ_SPECULAR,specular); EZ_Materialfv(EZ_FRONT,EZ_SHININESS,shininess); } /* * We don't draw anything here, let the * event handler handle the drawing */ while(1) { EZ_ServiceEvents(); draw(canvas); } }
main(int ac, char **av) { EZ_Widget *frame, *scrollbar1, *scrollbar2, *scrollbar12, *scrollbar21; EZ_Widget *scrollbar3, *scrollbar4, *frame5, *btn; EZ_Initialize(ac, av, 0); /*EZ_DisableHighlight();*/ frame = EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_FRAME, NULL, "Frames", "frames", EZ_FILL_MODE, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_IPADX, 4, EZ_GRID_CONSTRAINS, EZ_ROW, 0, 100, 100, 0, EZ_GRID_CONSTRAINS, EZ_COLUMN, 0, 200, 100, 0, 0); scrollbar1= EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR, frame, "SCROLLBAR1", "SCROLLBAR1", EZ_BACKGROUND, "#cc00cc", EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, 0, 0, 1, 1, EZ_GRID_CELL_PLACEMENT, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_BOTTOM, EZ_CALLBACK, noop, NULL, 0); EZ_UpdateScrollbar(scrollbar1, 100, 10, 20); scrollbar2= EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR, frame, "SCROLLBAR2", "SCROLLBAR2", EZ_SLIDER_STYLE, 1, EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, 0, 1, 1, 1, EZ_GRID_CELL_PLACEMENT, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_CENTER, EZ_CALLBACK, noop, NULL, 0); EZ_UpdateScrollbar(scrollbar2, 100, 30, 40); scrollbar3= EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR, frame, "SCROLLBAR3", "SCROLLBAR3", EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, 1, 0, 1, 4, EZ_GRID_CELL_PLACEMENT, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_CENTER, EZ_WIDTH, 0, EZ_CALLBACK, noop, NULL, 0); EZ_UpdateScrollbar(scrollbar3, 60, 40, 20); scrollbar4= EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR, frame, "SCROLLBAR4", "SCROLLBAR4", EZ_BACKGROUND, "#00cccc", EZ_SLIDER_STYLE, 3, EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, 2, 0, 1, 4, EZ_GRID_CELL_PLACEMENT, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_CENTER, EZ_CALLBACK, noop, NULL, 0); frame5 = EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_FRAME, frame, "Frame5", "frame5", EZ_BG_IMAGE_FILE, "marble", EZ_DOCKABLE, True, EZ_BORDER_TYPE, EZ_BORDER_RAISED, EZ_BORDER_WIDTH, 2, 0); btn = EZ_CreateWidgetXrm(EZ_WIDGET_NORMAL_BUTTON, frame5, "AButton", "aButton", EZ_LABEL_STRING, "Done", EZ_CALLBACK, quit, frame, 0); EZ_DisplayWidget(frame); EZ_EventMainLoop(); }
static int initgui(void) { int i; EZ_Widget *tmp; topw=EZ_CreateFrame(0,0); EZ_ConfigureWidget(topw,EZ_PADY,0,EZ_ORIENTATION,EZ_VERTICAL_TOP,EZ_SIDE,EZ_LEFT,0); upframew=EZ_CreateFrame(topw,0); EZ_ConfigureWidget(topw,EZ_IPADX,6,0); bbsnamew=EZ_CreateLabel(upframew,maincfg.CFG_BOARDNAME); EZ_ConfigureWidget(bbsnamew,EZ_BORDER_TYPE,EZ_BORDER_RIDGE,EZ_BORDER_WIDTH,1,EZ_WIDTH,500,0); sizecw=EZ_CreateCheckButton(upframew,"Show buttons",0,1,0,1); nodelistw=EZ_CreateListBox(topw,0,1); EZ_ConfigureWidget(nodelistw,EZ_HEIGHT,5+16*nlines,EZ_WIDTH,640,EZ_FONT_NAME,"-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-130-75-75-c-70-iso8859-1",0); EZ_SetWidgetCallBack(nodelistw,listsel,0); botw=EZ_CreateFrame(topw,0); EZ_ConfigureWidget(botw,EZ_SIDE,EZ_LEFT,0); cmd1w=EZ_CreateFrame(botw,0); EZ_ConfigureWidget(cmd1w,EZ_ORIENTATION,EZ_HORIZONTAL,EZ_SIDE,EZ_LEFT,EZ_PADY,1,0); cmd1lw=EZ_CreateFrame(cmd1w,0); openvieww=EZ_CreateButton(cmd1lw,"Open view",0); EZ_ConfigureWidget(openvieww,EZ_WIDTH,80,EZ_HEIGHT,25,EZ_X,0,EZ_Y,0,0); EZ_SetWidgetCallBack(openvieww,openview,0); closevieww=EZ_CreateButton(cmd1lw,"Close view",0); EZ_ConfigureWidget(closevieww,EZ_WIDTH,80,EZ_HEIGHT,25,EZ_X,81,EZ_Y,0,0); EZ_SetWidgetCallBack(closevieww,closeview,0); chatw=EZ_CreateButton(cmd1lw,"Chat",0); EZ_ConfigureWidget(chatw,EZ_WIDTH,80,EZ_HEIGHT,25,EZ_X,0,EZ_Y,26,0); EZ_SetWidgetCallBack(chatw,chat,0); kickw=EZ_CreateButton(cmd1lw,"Kick user",0); EZ_ConfigureWidget(kickw,EZ_WIDTH,80,EZ_HEIGHT,25,EZ_X,81,EZ_Y,26,0); EZ_SetWidgetCallBack(kickw,kick,0); editw=EZ_CreateButton(cmd1lw,"Edit user",0); EZ_ConfigureWidget(editw,EZ_WIDTH,80,EZ_HEIGHT,25,EZ_X,0,EZ_Y,52,0); EZ_SetWidgetCallBack(editw,edit,0); quitw=EZ_CreateButton(cmd1lw,"Quit",0); EZ_ConfigureWidget(quitw,EZ_WIDTH,80,EZ_HEIGHT,25,EZ_X,81,EZ_Y,52,0); EZ_SetWidgetCallBack(quitw,quit,0); for (i=0; i < 4 ; i++) { radiow[i]=EZ_CreateRadioButton(cmd1lw,viewnames[i],-1,0,i); EZ_ConfigureWidget(radiow[i],EZ_X,170+i*120,EZ_Y,1,0); EZ_SetWidgetCallBack(radiow[i],radiocall,0); } EZ_SetRadioButtonGroupVariableValue(tmp,0); infow=EZ_CreateListBox(cmd1lw,0,1); EZ_ConfigureWidget(infow,EZ_Y,30,EZ_X,170,EZ_WIDTH,440,EZ_HEIGHT,5+16*isize,EZ_FONT_NAME,"-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-130-75-75-c-70-iso8859-1",0); buildnodew(0); EZ_SetListBoxItems(infow,lulines,ilines); EZ_DisplayWidget(topw); EZ_CreateTimer(1,0,-1,mytimer,0,0); }
main(int ac, char **av) { EZ_Item *item; EZ_Widget *tree, *btn; EZ_TreeNode *root, *node1, *node2, *node11, *tmp; EZ_TextProperty *p1, *p2, *p3; EZ_Initialize(ac, av, 0); tree = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_LIST_TREE, NULL, EZ_WIDTH_HINT, 400, EZ_HEIGHT_HINT, 400, EZ_IPADY, 2, EZ_ROW_BG, 1, "white", "bisque", EZ_SELECTION_BACKGROUND, "green3", 0); EZ_ConfigureWidget(tree, EZ_CALLBACK, callback, tree, NULL); p1 = EZ_GetTextProperty(EZ_PIXMAP_FILE, "question.xpm", EZ_FOREGROUND, "red", EZ_FONT_NAME, "-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*", 0); p2 = EZ_GetTextProperty(EZ_PIXMAP_FILE, "folder.xpm", EZ_FOREGROUND, "blue", 0); p3 = EZ_GetTextProperty(EZ_PIXMAP_FILE, "file.xpm", EZ_FOREGROUND, "yellow", 0); /* the root node */ item = EZ_CreateLabelItem("root", p1); Root = root = EZ_CreateTreeNode(NULL, item); /* children */ item = EZ_CreateLabelItem("child 1", p2); node1 = EZ_CreateTreeNode(root, item); item = EZ_CreateLabelItem("child 2", p2); node2 = EZ_CreateTreeNode(root, item); /* grand children */ item = EZ_CreateLabelItem("grandchild 11", p3); node11 = EZ_CreateTreeNode(node1, item); item = EZ_CreateLabelItem("grandchild 12", p3); tmp = EZ_CreateTreeNode(node1, item); item = EZ_CreateLabelItem("grandchild 21", p3); tmp = EZ_CreateTreeNode(node2, item); /* grand grand children */ item = EZ_CreateLabelItem("gg child 111", p2); tmp = EZ_CreateTreeNode(node11, item); btn = EZ_CreateButton(NULL, "A Widget", 0); /* EZ_AddWidgetCallBack(btn, EZ_CALLBACK, resettree, root, 0);*/ item = EZ_CreateWidgetItem(btn); EZ_AddWidgetCallBack(btn, EZ_CALLBACK, wcallback, item, 0); node11 = EZ_CreateTreeNode(node11, item); item = EZ_CreateLabelItem("child of widget item", p2); node11 = EZ_CreateTreeNode(node11, item); item = EZ_CreateLabelItem("test node 1", p2); node11 = EZ_CreateTreeNode(node11, item); item = EZ_CreateLabelItem("test node 2", p2); node11 = EZ_CreateTreeNode(node11, item); item = EZ_CreateLabelItem("test node 3", p2); node11 = EZ_CreateTreeNode(node11, item); item = EZ_CreateLabelItem("test node 4", p2); node11 = EZ_CreateTreeNode(node11, item); item = EZ_CreateLabelItem("test node 5", p2); tmp = node11 = EZ_CreateTreeNode(node11, item); { unsigned long gcmask; XGCValues gcvalues; unsigned long red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta; GC gc; gcvalues.foreground = red; gc = EZ_GetGC( GCForeground, &gcvalues); item = EZ_CreateItem(EZ_FIG_ITEM, NULL); /*EZ_FigItemAddRectangle(item, gc, 0,0,90, 80);*/ gcvalues.foreground = green; gc = EZ_GetGC( GCForeground, &gcvalues); EZ_FigItemAddFilledArc(item, gc, 0, 0, 50, 50, 0, 300*64); /* item = EZ_CreateLabelItem("test node 6", p2);*/ node11 = EZ_CreateTreeNode(node11, item); } EZ_SetListTreeWidgetTree(tree, root); EZ_ListTreeWidgetSelectNode(tree, tmp, NULL); EZ_TreeSetCharacter(root, EZ_BRANCHED_LIST_TREE, 20, 2, 2); EZ_DisplayWidget(tree); EZ_EventMainLoop(); }