/*---------------------- Open_Info_Widget() ------------------------*/ int Open_Info_Widget() { char tmp_name[128], tmp_cmd[256]; /* check to make sure we have a minc file loaded */ if (file_format!=MINC_FORMAT) { EZW_Error("Error: This is not a minc file!"); return(-1); } /* create a temp filename */ tmpnam(tmp_name); /* issue shell command to create a mincheader dump file */ sprintf(tmp_cmd,"mincheader %s > %s \n",fname, tmp_name); if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr,"issue shell command: %s \n", tmp_cmd); system (tmp_cmd); /* set window name to the current filename (minus leading dirs) */ EZ_ConfigureWidget(Info_Widget,EZ_LABEL_STRING,basfname,0); /* load the mincheader dump info into a text widget and siplay the result */ EZ_ActivateWidget(Info_Widget); EZ_TextLoadFile(Mincheader_Widget,tmp_name); EZ_DisplayWidget(Info_Widget); XStoreName(theDisp, EZ_GetWidgetWindow(Info_Widget), "xdisp: Minc Header\0"); /* clean up the tmp file */ sprintf(tmp_cmd,"rm %s &\n",tmp_name); if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr,"issue shell command: %s\n",tmp_cmd); system (tmp_cmd); }
main(int ac, char **av) { EZ_Widget *gb, *text, *mbtn, *menu, *tmp; EZ_Initialize(ac,av,0); /* a toplevel gridbag. Extra spaces go to ROW and COLUME 4 */ gb = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_FRAME, NULL, EZ_PADX, 0, EZ_PADY, 0, /*idx min weight pad */ EZ_GRID_CONSTRAINS, EZ_ROW, 1, 300, 10, 0, EZ_GRID_CONSTRAINS, EZ_COLUMN, NCOLS-2, 200, 10, 0, EZ_BACKGROUND, "grey85", 0); /* the first row is a menu bar with 3 buttons. * The (NCOLS-2)th column which has a weight 10, * this pushes the last menu button to the right edge. */ mbtn = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_MENU_BUTTON, gb, /* X, Y, W, H */ EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, 0, 0, 1, 1, /* fill_mode, gravity */ EZ_GRID_CELL_PLACEMENT, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_CENTER, EZ_LABEL_STRING, "MButton 1", EZ_PADY, 0, 0); menu = EZ_CreateSimpleMenu("Exit%f|||||",my_exit); EZ_SetMenuButtonMenu(mbtn, menu); mbtn = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_MENU_BUTTON, gb, EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, 1, 0, 1, 1, EZ_GRID_CELL_PLACEMENT, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_CENTER, EZ_LABEL_STRING, "MButton 2", EZ_PADY, 0, 0); menu = EZ_CreateSimpleMenu("|||||"); EZ_SetMenuButtonMenu(mbtn, menu); mbtn = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_MENU_BUTTON, gb, EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, NCOLS-1, 0, 1, 1, EZ_GRID_CELL_PLACEMENT, EZ_FILL_BOTH, EZ_CENTER, EZ_LABEL_STRING, "Help", EZ_PADY, 0, 0); menu = EZ_CreateSimpleMenu("|||||"); EZ_SetMenuButtonMenu(mbtn, menu); text = EZ_CreateWidget(EZ_WIDGET_TEXT, gb, EZ_GRID_CELL_GEOMETRY, 0, 1, NCOLS, 3, EZ_EXPAND, True, EZ_PROPAGATE, False, EZ_TEXT_BACKGROUND, "grey95", EZ_SELECTION_BACKGROUND,"yellow", 0); EZ_DisplayWidget(gb); EZ_TextLoadFile(text, "GridBag.c"); EZ_EventMainLoop(); }