コード例 #1
ファイル: patches.c プロジェクト: jayschwa/quake2world
 * @brief
static void BuildPatch(int32_t fn, winding_t *w) {
	patch_t *patch;
	d_bsp_plane_t *plane;

	patch = (patch_t *) Mem_Malloc(sizeof(*patch));

	face_patches[fn] = patch;

	patch->face = &d_bsp.faces[fn];
	patch->winding = w;

	// resolve the normal
	plane = &d_bsp.planes[patch->face->plane_num];

	if (patch->face->side)
		VectorNegate(plane->normal, patch->normal);
		VectorCopy(plane->normal, patch->normal);

	WindingCenter(w, patch->origin);

	// nudge the origin out along the normal
	VectorMA(patch->origin, 2.0, patch->normal, patch->origin);

	patch->area = WindingArea(w);

	if (patch->area < 1.0) // clamp area
		patch->area = 1.0;

	EmissiveLight(patch); // surface light
コード例 #2
ファイル: patches.cpp プロジェクト: Isaacssv552/ufoai
 * @brief Build a patch for a surface that emits light
 * @note This is called in the lighting stage
 * @param fn The face number of the surface that emits the light
 * @param w The winding
 * @sa BuildLights
static void BuildPatch (int fn, winding_t* w)
	patch_t* patch;
	dBspPlane_t* plane;

	patch = Mem_AllocType(patch_t);

	face_patches[fn] = patch;

	patch->face = &curTile->faces[fn];
	patch->winding = w;

	/* resolve the normal */
	plane = &curTile->planes[patch->face->planenum];

	if (patch->face->side)
		VectorNegate(plane->normal, patch->normal);
		VectorCopy(plane->normal, patch->normal);

	WindingCenter(w, patch->origin);

	/* nudge the origin out along the normal */
	VectorMA(patch->origin, 2.0, patch->normal, patch->origin);

	patch->area = WindingArea(w);

	if (patch->area < 1.0)  /* clamp area */
		patch->area = 1.0;

	EmissiveLight(patch);  /* surface light */