コード例 #1
int   Read_Modulefile( Tcl_Interp	*interp, 
		       char		*filename)
    int    result;
    char   *startp, *endp;

    ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_START, LOC, _proc_Read_Modulefile, NULL);

     **  Parameter check. A valid filename is to be given.

    if( !filename) {
	if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_PARAM, LOC, "filename", NULL))
	    return( TCL_ERROR);		/** -------- EXIT (FAILURE) -------> **/

     **  Check for the module 'magic cookie'
     **  Trust stdin as a valid module file ...
    if( !strcmp( filename, _fil_stdin) && !check_magic( filename,
	if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_MAGIC, LOC, filename, NULL))
	    return( TCL_ERROR);		/** -------- EXIT (FAILURE) -------> **/

     **  Now do execute that module file and evaluate the result of the
     **  latest executed command

    result = Execute_TclFile(interp, filename);

    if(EM_ERROR == ReturnValue(interp, result))
	ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_DEBUG, LOC, "Execution of '",
		filename, "' failed", NULL);

     **  Return the result as derivered from the module file execution
    ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_END, LOC, _proc_Read_Modulefile, NULL);

    return( result);

} /** End of 'Read_Modulefile' **/
コード例 #2
int SourceVers( Tcl_Interp *interp, char *path, char *name)
    struct stat	  stats;		/** Buffer for the stat() systemcall **/
    int save_flags;
    char *buffer;
    char *modname;			/** ptr to module part of name	     **/
    int Result = TCL_OK;
    char *version;
    char *new_argv[3];
    char *mod, *ver;

     **  If there's a problem with the input parameters it means, that
     **  we do not have to source anything
     **  Only a valid TCL interpreter should be there
    if( !path || !name)
	return( TCL_OK);
    if( !interp)
	return( TCL_ERROR);
     **  Build the full name of the RC file and check whether it exists and
     **  has the magic cookie inside
    if ((char *) NULL == (buffer = stringer(NULL, 0, path,"/",version_file,
	if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL))
	    return( TCL_ERROR);
    if( !stat( buffer, &stats)) {
	    check_magic( buffer, MODULES_MAGIC_COOKIE,
	) {
	    save_flags = g_flags;
	    g_flags = M_LOAD;

	    if( TCL_ERROR != (Result = Execute_TclFile( interp, buffer)) &&
		(version = (char *) Tcl_GetVar(interp, "ModulesVersion", 0))) {
		 **  The version has been specified in the
		 **  '.version' file. Set up the result code
		/* for deep modulefile dirs ... just use lowest part */
		if (!(modname = (char*) strrchr( name, '/'))) {
			modname = name;
		} else {
		null_free((void *) &buffer);
		if ((char *) NULL == (buffer = stringer(NULL, 0,
		modname,"/",version, NULL)))
		    if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL))
			return( TCL_ERROR);

		new_argv[0] = "module-version";
		new_argv[1] = buffer;
		new_argv[2] = _default;
		 **  Define the default version
		if( TCL_OK != cmdModuleVersion( (ClientData) 0,
		    (Tcl_Interp *) NULL, 3, (CONST84 char **) new_argv)) {
			Result = TCL_ERROR;
	    } /** if( Execute...) **/

	    g_flags = save_flags;

	} else
	    ErrorLogger( ERR_MAGIC, LOC, buffer, NULL);

    } /** if( !stat) **/
     ** free buffer memory
    null_free((void *) &buffer);
     **  Result determines if this was successful

    return( Result);

} /** End of 'SourceVers' **/
コード例 #3
int SourceRC(Tcl_Interp *interp, char *path, char *name)
    struct stat	  stats;		/** Buffer for the stat() systemcall **/
    int 	  save_flags, i = 0;
    char	 *buffer;
    int		  Result = TCL_OK;
    static char	**srclist = (char **)NULL;
    static int	  listsize = 0, listndx = 0;

	/* dummy condition to use 'i': */
	if (i == 0) {

     **  If there is a problem with the input parameters it means, that
     **  we do not have to source anything
     **  Only a valid TCL interpreter should be there
    if (!path || !name) {
		return (TCL_OK);

    if (!interp) {
		return (TCL_ERROR);
     **  Build the full name of the RC file
     **  Avoid duplicate sourcing
    if ((char *)NULL == (buffer = stringer(NULL, 0, path,"/", name, NULL))) {
		if (OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) {
			goto unwind0;
     **  Check whether the RC file exists and has the magic cookie inside
    if (!stat(buffer, &stats)) {
		if (check_magic(buffer, MODULES_MAGIC_COOKIE,
			 **  Set the flags to 'load only'. This prevents from accidently
			 **  printing something
			save_flags = g_flags;
			g_flags = M_LOAD;
			 **  Source now
			if (TCL_ERROR == Execute_TclFile(interp, buffer)) {
				if (OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_SOURCE, LOC, buffer, NULL)) {
					Result = TCL_ERROR;
			g_flags = save_flags;
			 **  Save the currently sourced file in the list
			 **  Check whether the list is big enough to fit in a new entry
			if (!listsize) {
				listsize = SRCFRAG;
				if ((char **)NULL == (srclist = (char **)module_malloc((size_t)((unsigned long)listsize * sizeof(char **))))) {
					ErrorLogger(ERR_ALLOC, LOC, NULL);
					goto unwind1;
			} else if ((listndx + 1) >= listsize) {
				listsize += SRCFRAG;
				if (!(srclist = (char **)module_realloc(srclist,
														(size_t)((unsigned long)listsize * sizeof(char **))))) {
					ErrorLogger(ERR_ALLOC, LOC, NULL);
					goto unwind1;
			 **  Put the current RC files name on the list:
			srclist[listndx++] = buffer;
		} else {
			ErrorLogger(ERR_MAGIC, LOC, buffer, NULL);
			null_free((void *)&buffer);
    } /** end "if (!stat)" **/
     **  Return our result
    return (Result);

    null_free((void *)&buffer);
    return (TCL_ERROR);

} /** End of 'SourceRC' **/
コード例 #4
int	cmdModule(	ClientData	 client_data,
	       		Tcl_Interp	*interp,
	       		int		 argc,
	       		CONST84 char	*argv[])
    int		  return_val = -1, i;
    int		  store_flags = g_flags;
    char	 *store_curmodule = NULL;
    char	 *save_module_command = NULL;
    int 	  match = 0;

     **  These skip the arguments past the shell and command.

    int		  num_modulefiles = argc - 2;
    char	**modulefile_list = (char **) argv + 2;

#if 0
	int x=0;
#  define _XD	fprintf(stderr,":%d:",++x),
#  define _XD

#define	_MTCH	_XD match =
#define	_ISERR	((match == -1) && (*TCL_RESULT(interp)))
#define _TCLCHK(a) {if(_ISERR) ErrorLogger(ERR_EXEC,LOC,TCL_RESULT(a),NULL);}

    ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_START, LOC, _proc_cmdModule, NULL);

     **  Help or whatis mode?

    if( g_flags & (M_HELP | M_WHATIS))
	return( TCL_OK);

     **  Parameter check

    if( argc < 2) {
	(void) ErrorLogger( ERR_USAGE, LOC, "module", " command ",
	    " [arguments ...] ", NULL);
	(void) ModuleCmd_Help( interp, 0, modulefile_list);
	return( TCL_ERROR);		/** -------- EXIT (FAILURE) -------> **/

     **  Non-persist mode?
    if (g_flags & M_NONPERSIST) {
	return (TCL_OK);

     **  Display whatis mode?

    if( g_flags & M_DISPLAY) {
	fprintf( stderr, "%s\t\t ", argv[ 0]);
	for( i=1; i<argc; i++)
	    fprintf( stderr, "%s ", argv[ i]);
	fprintf( stderr, "\n");
	return( TCL_OK);
     **  For recursion.  This can be called multiple times.

    save_module_command = module_command;
    module_command  = strdup( argv[1]);

    if( g_current_module)
	store_curmodule = g_current_module;
     **  If the command is '-', we want to just start 
     **    interpreting Tcl from stdin.

    if(_XD !strcmp( module_command, "-")) { 
	return_val = Execute_TclFile( interp, _fil_stdin);

     **  Evaluate the module command and call the according subroutine
     **  --- module LOAD|ADD

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command, addRE)) {
	return_val = ModuleCmd_Load( interp, 1,num_modulefiles,modulefile_list);

        **  We always say the load succeeded.  ModuleCmd_Load will
        **  output any necessary error messages.

        return_val = TCL_OK;

     **  --- module UNLOAD

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command, rmRE)) {
        ModuleCmd_Load( interp, 0, num_modulefiles, modulefile_list);
	return_val = TCL_OK;

     **  --- module SWITCH

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command, swRE)) {
	return_val = ModuleCmd_Switch( interp, num_modulefiles,modulefile_list);

     **  --- module DISPLAY

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command, dispRE)) {
	return_val = ModuleCmd_Display( interp,num_modulefiles,modulefile_list);

     **  --- module LIST

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command, listRE)) {
	if (! (sw_format & SW_SET) ) {	/* default format options */
		sw_format |= (SW_HUMAN | SW_TERSE );
		sw_format &= ~(SW_PARSE | SW_LONG );
	/* use SW_LIST to indicate LIST & not AVAIL */
	sw_format |= SW_LIST;
	return_val = ModuleCmd_List( interp, num_modulefiles, modulefile_list);

     **  --- module AVAIL

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command,availRE)) {
	if (! (sw_format & SW_SET) ) {	/* default format options */
		sw_format |= (SW_HUMAN | SW_TERSE);
		sw_format &= ~(SW_PARSE | SW_LONG );
	/* use SW_LIST to indicate LIST & not AVAIL */
	sw_format &= ~SW_LIST;
	return_val = ModuleCmd_Avail( interp, num_modulefiles, modulefile_list);

     **  --- module WHATIS and APROPOS

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command,whatisRE)) {
	return_val = ModuleCmd_Whatis(interp, num_modulefiles, modulefile_list);

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command,aproposRE)) {
	return_val = ModuleCmd_Apropos(interp, num_modulefiles,modulefile_list);

     **  --- module CLEAR

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command,clearRE)) {
	return_val = ModuleCmd_Clear( interp, num_modulefiles, modulefile_list);

     **  --- module UPDATE

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command,updateRE)) {
	return_val = ModuleCmd_Update(interp, num_modulefiles, modulefile_list);

     **  --- module PURGE

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command,purgeRE)) {
	return_val = ModuleCmd_Purge( interp, num_modulefiles, modulefile_list);

     **  --- module INIT

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command,initRE)) {
        if( Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command, "^inita|^ia")){/* initadd */
	    g_flags |= M_LOAD;
	    return_val = ModuleCmd_Init(interp,num_modulefiles,modulefile_list);
	    g_flags &= ~M_LOAD;
        if( Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command, "^initr|^iw")){ /* initrm */
	    g_flags |= M_REMOVE;
	    return_val = ModuleCmd_Init(interp,num_modulefiles,modulefile_list);
	    g_flags &= ~M_REMOVE;
        if( Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command, "^initl|^il")){/* initlist*/
	    g_flags |= M_DISPLAY;
	    return_val = ModuleCmd_Init(interp,num_modulefiles,modulefile_list);
	    g_flags &= ~M_DISPLAY;
        if(Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command, "^inits|^is")){/* initswitch*/
	    g_flags |= M_SWITCH;
	    return_val = ModuleCmd_Init(interp,num_modulefiles,modulefile_list);
	    g_flags &= ~M_SWITCH;
        if(Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command, "^initc|^ic")){/* initclear*/
	    g_flags |= M_CLEAR;
	    return_val = ModuleCmd_Init(interp,num_modulefiles,modulefile_list);
	    g_flags &= ~M_CLEAR;
	    g_flags |= (M_PREPEND | M_LOAD);
	    return_val = ModuleCmd_Init(interp,num_modulefiles,modulefile_list);
	    g_flags &= ~(M_PREPEND | M_LOAD);

     **  --- module USE

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command, useRE)) {
	return_val = ModuleCmd_Use( interp, num_modulefiles, modulefile_list);

     **  --- module UNUSE

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command, unuseRE)) {
	return_val = ModuleCmd_UnUse( interp, num_modulefiles, modulefile_list);

     **  --- module REFRESH 

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command, refreshRE)) {
	return_val = ModuleCmd_Refresh( interp, num_modulefiles, modulefile_list);

     **  --- module HELP

    } else if(_MTCH Tcl_RegExpMatch(interp,module_command, helpRE)) {
	return_val = ModuleCmd_Help( interp, num_modulefiles, modulefile_list);
     **  Tracing

    if( CheckTracingList(interp,  module_command,
	num_modulefiles, modulefile_list))
	Module_Tracing( return_val, argc, (char **) argv);

     **  Evaluate the subcommands return value in order to get rid of unrecog-
     **  nized commands

    if( return_val < 0)
	if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_COMMAND, LOC, module_command, NULL))
          return (TCL_ERROR);
     **  Clean up from recursion

    g_flags = store_flags;
    if( store_curmodule)
	g_current_module = store_curmodule;

    module_command = save_module_command;
     **  Return on success

    ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_END, LOC, _proc_cmdModule, NULL);

    return( return_val);

} /** End of 'cmdModule' **/