コード例 #1
ファイル: GripPackets.c プロジェクト: PsyPhy/GripMMI
// Fill a EPMTransferFrameHeaderInfo structure with the corresponding values from an EPM Transfer Frame packet.
// The bytes are in ESA/EPM order in the packet, and need to be reversed to be used by Intel/Windows.
void ExtractEPMTransferFrameHeaderInfo ( EPMTransferFrameHeaderInfo *header, const EPMTelemetryPacket *epm_packet  ) {
	unsigned char *ptr = ((unsigned char *) epm_packet); 
	header->epmLanSyncMarker = ExtractReversedLong( ptr );
	header->spare1 = ExtractChar( ptr );
	header->softwareUnitID = ExtractChar( ptr );
	header->packetType = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	header->spare2 = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	header->numberOfWords = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
コード例 #2
ファイル: lexer.cpp プロジェクト: yqtaowhu/TinyCompiler
void Scanner::AtIdentifier()  //判断其余字符
	while(isalnum(c) || c == '_')   //字母数字或下划线
		AddToBuffer(c);          //加入
		ExtractChar();          //读取下一个字符,一直到不满足条件
コード例 #3
ファイル: GripPackets.c プロジェクト: PsyPhy/GripMMI
// Extract a Grip housekeeping packet from an EPM packet.
// Careful! It is not complete. Not all values are filled.
void ExtractGripHealthAndStatusInfo( GripHealthAndStatusInfo *health_packet, const EPMTelemetryPacket *epm_packet ) {

	const char *ptr;

	// Point to the actual data in the packet.
	ptr = epm_packet->sections.rawData;

	// Skip to the values of interest to us.
	// DEX-ICD-00383-QS Section says that these items should be at an offset of 68 bytes.
	// To this must be added an addtional 8 bytes to take into account information about the number
	// of housekeeping values and the location of the HK Value Check Status List within the packet,
	// as indicated in EPM-OHB-LI-0039 Table 6-5.
	ptr += 76;

	health_packet->horizontalTargetFeedback = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	health_packet->verticalTargetFeedback = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );

	health_packet->toneFeedback = ExtractChar( ptr );
	health_packet->cradleDetectors = ExtractChar( ptr );

	health_packet->user = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	health_packet->protocol = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	health_packet->task = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	health_packet->step = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );

	health_packet->scriptEngineStatusEnum = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	health_packet->iochannelStatusEnum = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	health_packet->motionTrackerStatusEnum = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	health_packet->crewCameraStatusEnum = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );

	health_packet->crewCameraRate = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );

	health_packet->runningBits = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	health_packet->cpuUsage = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	health_packet->memoryUsage = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );

	health_packet->freeDiskSpaceC = ExtractReversedLong( ptr );
	health_packet->freeDiskSpaceD = ExtractReversedLong( ptr );
	health_packet->freeDiskSpaceE = ExtractReversedLong( ptr );

	health_packet->crc = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
コード例 #4
ファイル: lexer.cpp プロジェクト: yqtaowhu/TinyCompiler
void Scanner::AtLineComment()       //如果以/开头
	if (c == '/'&&in.peek() == '/') //下一个字符是/
			ExtractChar();//提取字符 ,即提取下一个字符 /
		} while (c != '\n'&&!in.eof());// c=='\n'说明换行了

コード例 #5
ファイル: lexer.cpp プロジェクト: yqtaowhu/TinyCompiler
void Scanner::AtInterger()
	while (isdigit(c))    //
	/*if (tolower(c) == 'e' || (c == '.' && in.peek() != '.'))

コード例 #6
ファイル: lexer.cpp プロジェクト: yqtaowhu/TinyCompiler
void Scanner::AtOperation()        //运算符的判断
	bool match = false;
	if (!in.eof() && !isalnum(c) && c != '_'&&!isspace(c))
		if (TryToIdentify())   //判断关系操作符   for example   <=此时为真
			match = true;

	if (!match && !TryToIdentify())
		throw "illegal expression";
コード例 #7
ファイル: GripPackets.c プロジェクト: PsyPhy/GripMMI
// Extract a real-time science data packet from an EPM packet.
void ExtractGripRealtimeDataInfo( GripRealtimeDataInfo *realtime_packet, const EPMTelemetryPacket *epm_packet ) {
	const char *ptr;
	int slice;
	int sensor;
	int i;
	short value;
	long lvalue;
	EPMTelemetryHeaderInfo telemetry_header;
	long double timestamp;

	// Point to the actual data in the packet.
	ptr = epm_packet->sections.rawData;
	// Get the acquisition ID and packet count for that acquisition.
	realtime_packet->acquisitionID = (unsigned long) ExtractReversedLong( ptr );
	realtime_packet->rtPacketCount = ExtractReversedLong( ptr );
	for ( slice = 0; slice < RT_SLICES_PER_PACKET; slice++ ) {
		// Get the manipulandum pose data. 
		realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].poseTick = ExtractReversedLong( ptr );
		for ( i = X; i <= Z; i++ ) realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].position[i] = (double) ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
		for ( i = X; i <= M; i++ ) realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].quaternion[i] = ExtractReversedFloat( ptr );
		for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].markerVisibility[i] = ExtractReversedLong( ptr );
		realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].manipulandumVisibility = ExtractChar( ptr );
		// Get the analog data.
		realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].analogTick = ExtractReversedLong( ptr );
		for ( sensor = 0; sensor < 2; sensor++ ) {
			for ( i = X; i <=Z; i++ ) {
				value = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
				realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].ft[sensor].force[i] = (double) value / 100.0;
			for ( i = X; i <=Z; i++ ) {
				value = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
				realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].ft[sensor].torque[i] = (double) value / 1000.0;
		for ( i = X; i <= Z; i++ ) {
			lvalue = ExtractReversedLong( ptr );
			realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].acceleration[i] = ((double) lvalue) / 1000.0 / 9.8;
	// Now timestamp the individual slices as best we can.
	// First, get the time stamp from the EPM telemetry packet header.
	ExtractEPMTelemetryHeaderInfo( &telemetry_header, epm_packet );
	timestamp = EPMtoSeconds( (&telemetry_header) );
	realtime_packet->packetTimestamp = timestamp;
	// EPM-OHB-SP-0005_iss4 says about EPM Coarse time:
	//   "This double word gives the command execution time (UTC) in elapsed seconds from a defined epoch. 
	//     The defined epoch is GPS time, i.e. midnight 5-6 January 1980."
	//  and:
	//   "The time shall be set once all data for a telemetry packet are available by the originator."
	// Therefore, the last slice is presumed to have been taken just before the time of the packet UTC timestamp.
	realtime_packet->dataSlice[RT_SLICES_PER_PACKET - 1].bestGuessPoseTimestamp = timestamp;
	realtime_packet->dataSlice[RT_SLICES_PER_PACKET - 1].bestGuessAnalogTimestamp = timestamp;
	// Earlier slices are offset from there. 
	for ( slice = RT_SLICES_PER_PACKET - 2; slice >= 0; slice-- ) {

#if 0
		// Theoretically, we could get a better estimate of the precise time of the slice.
		// But how the ticks are determined for each slice is not very clear. This code was
		//  intended to use the tick info, but I have commented it out because I cannot figure
		//  out from the documetation that has been provided if this will be better than the
		//  approximate solution that is in the #else below.

		// If we have a tick for the slice, we use it to compute the offset from the slice 
		//  that comes just after it. Otherwise, we assume RT_DEFAULT_SECONDS_PER_SLICE between slices. 
		if ( realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].poseTick != realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice+1].poseTick ) {
			realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].bestGuessPoseTimestamp = 
				realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice+1].bestGuessPoseTimestamp -
				RT_SECONDS_PER_TICK * ( realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice+1].poseTick - realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].poseTick );
		else {
			realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].bestGuessPoseTimestamp =
				realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice+1].bestGuessPoseTimestamp - RT_DEFAULT_SECONDS_PER_SLICE;
		if ( realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].analogTick != realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice+1].analogTick ) {
			realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].bestGuessAnalogTimestamp = 
				realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice+1].bestGuessAnalogTimestamp -
				RT_SECONDS_PER_TICK * ( realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice+1].analogTick - realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].analogTick );
		else {
			realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].bestGuessAnalogTimestamp =
				realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice+1].bestGuessAnalogTimestamp - RT_DEFAULT_SECONDS_PER_SLICE;
		// Here we assume that slices are spaced equally in time and that the marker and analog
		//  data are aligned such that the last slice occurred at the same time as the packet timestamp.
		//  This is not completely true, but I am not able to do better by reverse engineering the packets
		//   that we have. We don't need millisecond precision anyway for these purposes.
		realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].bestGuessPoseTimestamp =
			realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice+1].bestGuessPoseTimestamp - RT_DEFAULT_SECONDS_PER_SLICE;
		realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice].bestGuessAnalogTimestamp =
			realtime_packet->dataSlice[slice+1].bestGuessAnalogTimestamp - RT_DEFAULT_SECONDS_PER_SLICE;
コード例 #8
ファイル: GripPackets.c プロジェクト: PsyPhy/GripMMI
// Extract EPM Telemetry Header information into a usable form, taking into account byte order.
void ExtractEPMTelemetryHeaderInfo ( EPMTelemetryHeaderInfo *header, const EPMTelemetryPacket *epm_packet  ) {
	// Fill a structure with the header values from an EPM TCP packet.
	// The bytes are in ESA/EPM order in the TCP packet, and need to be reversed for Windows.
	unsigned char *ptr = ((unsigned char *) epm_packet); 

	header->transferFrameInfo.epmLanSyncMarker = ExtractReversedLong( ptr );
	header->transferFrameInfo.spare1 = ExtractChar( ptr );
	header->transferFrameInfo.softwareUnitID = ExtractChar( ptr );
	header->transferFrameInfo.packetType = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	header->transferFrameInfo.spare2 = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	header->transferFrameInfo.numberOfWords = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );

	header->epmSyncMarker = ExtractReversedLong( ptr );
	header->subsystemMode = ExtractChar( ptr );
	header->subsystemID = ExtractChar( ptr );
	header->destination= ExtractChar( ptr );
	header->subsystemUnitID = ExtractChar( ptr );
	header->TMIdentifier = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	header->TMCounter = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	header->model = ExtractChar( ptr );
	header->taskID = ExtractChar( ptr );
	header->subsystemUnitVersion = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	header->coarseTime = ExtractReversedLong( ptr );
	header->fineTime = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	header->timerStatus = ExtractChar( ptr );
	header->experimentMode = *ptr; ptr++;
	header->checksumIndicator = ExtractReversedShort( ptr );
	header->receiverSubsystemID = ExtractChar( ptr );
	header->receiverSubsystemUnitID = ExtractChar( ptr );
	header->numberOfWords = ExtractReversedShort( ptr ); 
コード例 #9
ファイル: lexer.cpp プロジェクト: yqtaowhu/TinyCompiler
Token Scanner::GetNextToken()
	bool match = false;
		ExtractChar();   //从文件中获取一个字符                //列如 begin,首先c=b;加入缓冲区,重新读取c=e
		if (state != NONE_ST) match = true;                    //此时状态为标识符,则调用AtIdentifier
		switch (state)										  					
		case INTEGER_ST:
		case EOF_ST:
		case NONE_ST:         //不做运算
		if (state == NONE_ST)
			AtLineComment();       //注释
			if (c == '\n')
				column= 0;
				first_line= row;              //第几列
				first_pos = column;            //第几行
				if (in.eof())
					state = EOF_ST;
				else if (!isspace(c))         //空格
					if (isalpha(c) || c == '_')     //字母或下划线开头
						state = IDENTIFIER_ST;     //表明其实标识符
					else if (isdigit(c))
						state = INTEGER_ST;
						state = OPERATION_ST;
	} while (!match);
	return token;