コード例 #1
ファイル: SoyRender.cpp プロジェクト: SoylentGraham/SoyLib
void ofCube(const vec3f& Center,float WidthHeightDepth)
	ofTranslate( Center );
	ofScale( WidthHeightDepth/2.f, WidthHeightDepth/2.f, WidthHeightDepth/2.f );

	//	front/back top/bottom left/right
	vec3f FTL( -1, -1, -1 );
	vec3f FTR(  1, -1, -1 );
	vec3f FBR(  1,  1, -1 );
	vec3f FBL( -1,  1, -1 );
	vec3f BTL( -1, -1,  1 );
	vec3f BTR(  1, -1,  1 );
	vec3f BBR(  1,  1,  1 );
	vec3f BBL( -1,  1,  1 );
	//	front
	ofTriangle( FBL, FTL, FTR );
	ofTriangle( FTR, FBR, FBL );

	//	back
	ofTriangle( BBL, BTL, BTR );
	ofTriangle( BTR, BBR, BBL );

	//	left
	ofTriangle( BBL, BTL, FTL );
	ofTriangle( FTL, FBL, BBL );

	//	right
	ofTriangle( FBR, FTR, BTR );
	ofTriangle( BTR, BBR, FBR );

	//	top
	ofTriangle( FTR, FTL, BTL );
	ofTriangle( BTL, BTR, FTR );

	//	bottom
	ofTriangle( FBR, FBL, BBL );
	ofTriangle( BBL, BBR, FBR );

コード例 #2
ファイル: OSGUtils.cpp プロジェクト: lanixXx/scratch
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> BuildFrustumNode(std::string const &name,
                                          osg::Camera const * camera,
                                          Frustum & frustum,
                                          double near_dist,
                                          double far_dist)
    // Projection and ModelView matrices

    osg::Matrixd proj;
    osg::Matrixd mv;
    osg::Matrixd vm;
    osg::Vec3d eye(0,0,0);

    if (camera)
        proj = camera->getProjectionMatrix();
        mv = camera->getViewMatrix();
        vm = camera->getViewMatrix();

        osg::Vec3d vpt,up;
        // return empty group if camera is invalid
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> gp = new osg::Group;
        return gp;

    osg::Matrixd const mv_inv = osg::Matrixd::inverse( mv );

    // Get near and far from the Projection matrix.
    double near = proj(3,2) / (proj(2,2)-1.0);
    double far = proj(3,2) / (1.0+proj(2,2));

    if(near_dist > 0.0) {
        near = near_dist;
    if(far_dist > 0.0) {
        far = far_dist;

    // Get the sides of the near plane.
    const double nLeft = near * (proj(2,0)-1.0) / proj(0,0);
    const double nRight = near * (1.0+proj(2,0)) / proj(0,0);
    const double nTop = near * (1.0+proj(2,1)) / proj(1,1);
    const double nBottom = near * (proj(2,1)-1.0) / proj(1,1);

    // Get the sides of the far plane.
    const double fLeft = far * (proj(2,0)-1.0) / proj(0,0);
    const double fRight = far * (1.0+proj(2,0)) / proj(0,0);
    const double fTop = far * (1.0+proj(2,1)) / proj(1,1);
    const double fBottom = far * (proj(2,1)-1.0) / proj(1,1);

    // Our vertex array needs only 9 vertices: The origin, and the
    // eight corners of the near and far planes.
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3dArray> v = new osg::Vec3dArray;
    v->resize( 21 );

    // near and far are negated because the opengl
    // camera is at (0,0,0) with the view dirn pointing
    // down the -Z axis

    osg::Vec3d NBL(nLeft,nBottom,-near);
    NBL = NBL * mv_inv;

    osg::Vec3d NBR(nRight,nBottom,-near);
    NBR = NBR *mv_inv;

    osg::Vec3d NTR(nRight,nTop,-near);
    NTR = NTR * mv_inv;

    osg::Vec3d NTL(nLeft,nTop,-near);
    NTL = NTL * mv_inv;

    osg::Vec3d FBL(fLeft, fBottom, -far);
    FBL = FBL * mv_inv;

    osg::Vec3d FBR(fRight, fBottom, -far);
    FBR = FBR * mv_inv;

    osg::Vec3d FTR(fRight, fTop, -far);
    FTR = FTR * mv_inv;

    osg::Vec3d FTL(fLeft, fTop, -far);
    FTL = FTL* mv_inv;

    // get the normals for the frustum planes
    osg::Vec3d p_left = (NBL+FTL)*0.5;
    osg::Vec3d d_left = (FTL-NTL)^(NBL-NTL); d_left.normalize();

    osg::Vec3d p_right = (NBR+FTR)*0.5;
    osg::Vec3d d_right = (NTR-FTR)^(FBR-FTR); d_right.normalize();

    osg::Vec3d p_top = (NTL+FTR)*0.5;
    osg::Vec3d d_top = (FTR-NTR)^(NTL-NTR); d_top.normalize();

    osg::Vec3d p_btm = (NBL+FBR)*0.5;
    osg::Vec3d d_btm = (FBL-NBL)^(NBR-NBL); d_btm.normalize();

    osg::Vec3d p_near = (NBL+NTR)*0.5;
    osg::Vec3d d_near = (NTL-NTR)^(NBR-NTR); d_near.normalize();

    osg::Vec3d p_far = (FBL+FTR)*0.5;
    osg::Vec3d d_far = (FTR-FBL)^(FBL-FTL); d_far.normalize();

    // save
        frustum.list_planes[0].n = d_left;
        frustum.list_planes[0].p = p_left;
        frustum.list_planes[0].d = d_left*p_left;

        frustum.list_planes[1].n = d_btm;
        frustum.list_planes[1].p = p_btm;
        frustum.list_planes[1].d = d_btm*p_btm;

        frustum.list_planes[2].n = d_right;
        frustum.list_planes[2].p = p_right;
        frustum.list_planes[2].d = d_right*p_right;

        frustum.list_planes[3].n = d_top;
        frustum.list_planes[3].p = p_top;
        frustum.list_planes[3].d = d_top*p_top;

        frustum.list_planes[4].n = d_near;
        frustum.list_planes[4].p = p_near;
        frustum.list_planes[4].d = d_near*p_near;

        frustum.list_planes[5].n = d_far;
        frustum.list_planes[5].p = p_far;
        frustum.list_planes[5].d = d_far*p_far;

        // TODO/Note: The magnitude of these edges
        // should be similar to the magnitude of the
        // edges of any geometry used in the SAT!

        // near edges
        frustum.list_edges[0].dirn_ab = NTL-NBL; // left
        frustum.list_edges[0].a = NBL;

        frustum.list_edges[1].dirn_ab = NBL-NBR; // btm
        frustum.list_edges[1].a = NBR;

        frustum.list_edges[2].dirn_ab = NBR-NTR; // right
        frustum.list_edges[2].a = NTR;

        frustum.list_edges[3].dirn_ab = NTR-NTL; // top
        frustum.list_edges[3].a = NTL;

        // side edges
        frustum.list_edges[4].dirn_ab = FTL-NTL; // tl
        frustum.list_edges[4].a = NTL; // tl

        frustum.list_edges[5].dirn_ab = FBL-NBL;
        frustum.list_edges[5].a = NBL;

        frustum.list_edges[6].dirn_ab = FBR-NBR;
        frustum.list_edges[6].a = NBR;

        frustum.list_edges[7].dirn_ab = FTR-NTR;
        frustum.list_edges[7].a = NTR;

        // far edges
        frustum.list_edges[8].dirn_ab = FTL-FBL; // left
        frustum.list_edges[8].a = FBL;

        frustum.list_edges[9].dirn_ab = FBL-FBR; // btm
        frustum.list_edges[9].a = FBR;

        frustum.list_edges[10].dirn_ab = FBR-FTR; // right
        frustum.list_edges[10].a = FTR;

        frustum.list_edges[11].dirn_ab = FTR-FTL; // top
        frustum.list_edges[11].a = FTL;

        // frustum vx
        frustum.list_vx[0] = NBL;
        frustum.list_vx[1] = NBR;
        frustum.list_vx[2] = NTR;
        frustum.list_vx[3] = NTL;
        frustum.list_vx[4] = FBL;
        frustum.list_vx[5] = FBR;
        frustum.list_vx[6] = FTR;
        frustum.list_vx[7] = FTL;

        // pyramid vx
        frustum.list_pyr_vx[0] = &(frustum.eye);
        frustum.list_pyr_vx[1] = &(frustum.list_vx[4]);
        frustum.list_pyr_vx[2] = &(frustum.list_vx[5]);
        frustum.list_pyr_vx[3] = &(frustum.list_vx[6]);
        frustum.list_pyr_vx[4] = &(frustum.list_vx[7]);

        // eye
        frustum.eye = eye;

    // get a length to show the normals
    double const normal_length = (FTR-FBR).length()*0.5;
    d_left *= normal_length;
    d_right *= normal_length;
    d_top *= normal_length;
    d_btm *= normal_length;
    d_near *= normal_length;
    d_far *= normal_length;

    v->at(0) = v->at(0) * mv_inv;

    v->at(1) = NBL;
    v->at(2) = NBR;
    v->at(3) = NTR;
    v->at(4) = NTL;

    v->at(5) = FBL;
    v->at(6) = FBR;
    v->at(7) = FTR;
    v->at(8) = FTL;

    v->at(9) = p_left;
    v->at(10) = p_left+d_left;

    v->at(11) = p_right;
    v->at(12) = p_right+d_right;

    v->at(13) = p_top;
    v->at(14) = p_top+d_top;

    v->at(15) = p_btm;
    v->at(16) = p_btm+d_btm;

    v->at(17) = p_near;
    v->at(18) = p_near+d_near;

    v->at(19) = p_far;
    v->at(20) = p_far+d_far;

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> geom = new osg::Geometry;
    geom->setUseDisplayList( false );
    geom->setVertexArray( v );

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec4Array> c = new osg::Vec4Array;
//    c->push_back(osg::Vec4(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5));
    geom->setColorArray( c, osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL );

    GLushort idxLines[8] = {
        0, 5, 0, 6, 0, 7, 0, 8 };
    GLushort idxLoops0[4] = {
        1, 2, 3, 4 };
    GLushort idxLoops1[4] = {
        5, 6, 7, 8 };
//    GLushort idxNormals[12] = {
//        9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 };
    geom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawElementsUShort( osg::PrimitiveSet::LINES, 8, idxLines ) );
    geom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawElementsUShort( osg::PrimitiveSet::LINE_LOOP, 4, idxLoops0 ) );
    geom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawElementsUShort( osg::PrimitiveSet::LINE_LOOP, 4, idxLoops1 ) );
//    geom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawElementsUShort( osg::PrimitiveSet::LINES, 12, idxNormals ) );

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> geode = new osg::Geode;
    geode->addDrawable( geom );

    // Create parent MatrixTransform to transform the view volume by
    // the inverse ModelView matrix.
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> gp = new osg::Group;

    return gp;
コード例 #3
ファイル: sat.cpp プロジェクト: lanixXx/scratch
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> BuildFrustumNode(osg::Camera * camera)
    // Projection and ModelView matrices

    osg::Matrixd proj;
    osg::Matrixd mv;
    osg::Matrixd vm;

    if (camera)
        proj = camera->getProjectionMatrix();
        mv = camera->getViewMatrix();
        vm = camera->getViewMatrix();
        // Create some kind of reasonable default Projection matrix.
        proj.makePerspective( 30., 1., 1., 10. );
        // leave mv as identity

    osg::Matrixd const mv_inv = osg::Matrixd::inverse( mv );

    // Get near and far from the Projection matrix.
    const double near = proj(3,2) / (proj(2,2)-1.0);
    const double far = proj(3,2) / (1.0+proj(2,2));

    // Get the sides of the near plane.
    const double nLeft = near * (proj(2,0)-1.0) / proj(0,0);
    const double nRight = near * (1.0+proj(2,0)) / proj(0,0);
    const double nTop = near * (1.0+proj(2,1)) / proj(1,1);
    const double nBottom = near * (proj(2,1)-1.0) / proj(1,1);

    // Get the sides of the far plane.
    const double fLeft = far * (proj(2,0)-1.0) / proj(0,0);
    const double fRight = far * (1.0+proj(2,0)) / proj(0,0);
    const double fTop = far * (1.0+proj(2,1)) / proj(1,1);
    const double fBottom = far * (proj(2,1)-1.0) / proj(1,1);

    // Our vertex array needs only 9 vertices: The origin, and the
    // eight corners of the near and far planes.
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3dArray> v = new osg::Vec3dArray;
    v->resize( 21 );

    // near and far are negated because the opengl
    // camera is at (0,0,0) with the view dirn pointing
    // down the -Z axis

    osg::Vec3d NBL(nLeft,nBottom,-near);
    NBL = NBL * mv_inv;

    osg::Vec3d NBR(nRight,nBottom,-near);
    NBR = NBR *mv_inv;

    osg::Vec3d NTR(nRight,nTop,-near);
    NTR = NTR * mv_inv;

    osg::Vec3d NTL(nLeft,nTop,-near);
    NTL = NTL * mv_inv;

    osg::Vec3d FBL(fLeft, fBottom, -far);
    FBL = FBL * mv_inv;

    osg::Vec3d FBR(fRight, fBottom, -far);
    FBR = FBR * mv_inv;

    osg::Vec3d FTR(fRight, fTop, -far);
    FTR = FTR * mv_inv;

    osg::Vec3d FTL(fLeft, fTop, -far);
    FTL = FTL* mv_inv;

    // get the normals for the frustum planes
    osg::Vec3d p_left = NBL+ (FTL-NBL)*0.5;
    osg::Vec3d d_left = (FTL-NTL)^(NBL-NTL); d_left.normalize();

    osg::Vec3d p_right = (NBR+FTR)*0.5;
    osg::Vec3d d_right = (NTR-FTR)^(FBR-FTR); d_right.normalize();

    osg::Vec3d p_top = (NTL+FTR)*0.5;
    osg::Vec3d d_top = (FTR-NTR)^(NTL-NTR); d_top.normalize();

    osg::Vec3d p_btm = (NBL+FBR)*0.5;
    osg::Vec3d d_btm = (FBL-NBL)^(NBR-NBL); d_btm.normalize();

    osg::Vec3d p_near = (NBL+NTR)*0.5;
    osg::Vec3d d_near = (NTL-NTR)^(NBR-NTR); d_near.normalize();

    osg::Vec3d p_far = (FBL+FTR)*0.5;
    osg::Vec3d d_far = (FTR-FBL)^(FBL-FTL); d_far.normalize();

    // save
        g_list_frustum_plane_pts[0] = p_left;
        g_list_frustum_plane_pts[1] = p_right;
        g_list_frustum_plane_pts[2] = p_top;
        g_list_frustum_plane_pts[3] = p_btm;
        g_list_frustum_plane_pts[4] = p_near;
        g_list_frustum_plane_pts[5] = p_far;

        g_list_frustum_plane_norms[0] = d_left;
        g_list_frustum_plane_norms[1] = d_right;
        g_list_frustum_plane_norms[2] = d_top;
        g_list_frustum_plane_norms[3] = d_btm;
        g_list_frustum_plane_norms[4] = d_near;
        g_list_frustum_plane_norms[5] = d_far;

        // TODO/Note: The magnitude of these edges
        // should be similar to the magnitude of the
        // edges of any geometry used in the SAT!

        // near edges
        g_list_frustum_edges[0] = NTL-NBL; // left
        g_list_frustum_edges[1] = NBL-NBR;
        g_list_frustum_edges[2] = NBR-NTR;
        g_list_frustum_edges[3] = NTR-NTL;

        // side edges
        g_list_frustum_edges[4] = FTL-NTL; // tl
        g_list_frustum_edges[5] = FBL-NBL;
        g_list_frustum_edges[6] = FBR-NBR;
        g_list_frustum_edges[7] = FTR-NTR;

        // far edges
        // (assume symmetric frustum so these
        //  arent needed)
//        g_list_frustum_edges[8] = FTL-FBL; // left
//        g_list_frustum_edges[9] = FBL-FBR;
//        g_list_frustum_edges[10] = FBR-FTR;
//        g_list_frustum_edges[11] = FTR-FTL;

        // frustum vx
        g_list_frustum_vx[0] = NBL;
        g_list_frustum_vx[1] = NBR;
        g_list_frustum_vx[2] = NTR;
        g_list_frustum_vx[3] = NTL;
        g_list_frustum_vx[4] = FBL;
        g_list_frustum_vx[5] = FBR;
        g_list_frustum_vx[6] = FTR;
        g_list_frustum_vx[7] = FTL;

    // get a length to show the normals
    double const normal_length = (FTR-FBR).length()*0.5;
    d_left *= normal_length;
    d_right *= normal_length;
    d_top *= normal_length;
    d_btm *= normal_length;
    d_near *= normal_length;
    d_far *= normal_length;

    v->at(0) = v->at(0) * mv_inv;

    v->at(1) = NBL;
    v->at(2) = NBR;
    v->at(3) = NTR;
    v->at(4) = NTL;

    v->at(5) = FBL;
    v->at(6) = FBR;
    v->at(7) = FTR;
    v->at(8) = FTL;

    v->at(9) = p_left;
    v->at(10) = p_left+d_left;

    v->at(11) = p_right;
    v->at(12) = p_right+d_right;

    v->at(13) = p_top;
    v->at(14) = p_top+d_top;

    v->at(15) = p_btm;
    v->at(16) = p_btm+d_btm;

    v->at(17) = p_near;
    v->at(18) = p_near+d_near;

    v->at(19) = p_far;
    v->at(20) = p_far+d_far;

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> geom = new osg::Geometry;
    geom->setUseDisplayList( false );
    geom->setVertexArray( v );

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec4Array> c = new osg::Vec4Array;
    geom->setColorArray( c, osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL );

    GLushort idxLines[8] = {
        0, 5, 0, 6, 0, 7, 0, 8 };
    GLushort idxLoops0[4] = {
        1, 2, 3, 4 };
    GLushort idxLoops1[4] = {
        5, 6, 7, 8 };
//    GLushort idxNormals[12] = {
//        9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 };
    geom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawElementsUShort( osg::PrimitiveSet::LINES, 8, idxLines ) );
    geom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawElementsUShort( osg::PrimitiveSet::LINE_LOOP, 4, idxLoops0 ) );
    geom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawElementsUShort( osg::PrimitiveSet::LINE_LOOP, 4, idxLoops1 ) );
//    geom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawElementsUShort( osg::PrimitiveSet::LINES, 12, idxNormals ) );

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> geode = new osg::Geode;
    geode->addDrawable( geom );

    // Create parent MatrixTransform to transform the view volume by
    // the inverse ModelView matrix.
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> gp = new osg::Group;

    return gp;