static int FillHWRect(_THIS, GAL_Surface *dst, GAL_Rect *rect, Uint32 color) { int bpp; char *dst_base; Uint32 format; int dstX, dstY; /* Don't blit to the display surface when switched away */ /* Set the destination pixel format */ dst_base = (char *)((char *)dst->pixels - mapped_mem); bpp = dst->format->BitsPerPixel; format = dst->pitch | ((bpp+((bpp==8) ? 0 : 8)) << 13); /* Calculate source and destination base coordinates */ dstX = rect->x; dstY = rect->y; /* Execute the fill command */ tdfx_wait(6); tdfx_out32(DSTBASE, (Uint32)dst_base); tdfx_out32(DSTFORMAT, format); tdfx_out32(COLORFORE, color); tdfx_out32(COMMAND_2D, COMMAND_2D_FILLRECT); tdfx_out32(DSTSIZE, rect->w | (rect->h << 16)); tdfx_out32(LAUNCH_2D, dstX | (dstY << 16)); FB_AddBusySurface(dst); return(0); }
static int HWAccelBlit(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect) { SDL_VideoDevice *this = current_video; int srcX, srcY; int dstX, dstY; int dstW, dstH; RivaScreenBlt *Blt = (RivaScreenBlt *)(mapped_io + BLT_OFFSET); /* FIXME: For now, only blit to display surface */ if ( dst->pitch != SDL_VideoSurface->pitch ) { return(src->map->sw_blit(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect)); } /* Don't blit to the display surface when switched away */ if ( switched_away ) { return -2; /* no hardware access */ } if ( dst == this->screen ) { SDL_mutexP(hw_lock); } /* Calculate source and destination base coordinates (in pixels) */ dstW = dstrect->w; dstH = dstrect->h; FB_dst_to_xy(this, src, &srcX, &srcY); FB_dst_to_xy(this, dst, &dstX, &dstY); /* Adjust for the current blit rectangles */ srcX += srcrect->x; srcY += srcrect->y; dstX += dstrect->x; dstY += dstrect->y; RIVA_FIFO_FREE(Blt, 3); Blt->TopLeftSrc = (srcY << 16) | srcX; Blt->TopLeftDst = (dstY << 16) | dstX; Blt->WidthHeight = (dstH << 16) | dstW; FB_AddBusySurface(src); FB_AddBusySurface(dst); if ( dst == this->screen ) { SDL_mutexV(hw_lock); } return(0); }
static int HWAccelBlit(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect) { SDL_VideoDevice *this = current_video; int srcX, srcY; int dstX, dstY; int dstW, dstH; RivaScreenBlt *Blt = (RivaScreenBlt *)(mapped_io + BLT_OFFSET); if ( dst->pitch != SDL_VideoSurface->pitch ) { return(src->map->sw_blit(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect)); } if ( switched_away ) { return -2; } if ( dst == this->screen ) { SDL_mutexP(hw_lock); } dstW = dstrect->w; dstH = dstrect->h; FB_dst_to_xy(this, src, &srcX, &srcY); FB_dst_to_xy(this, dst, &dstX, &dstY); srcX += srcrect->x; srcY += srcrect->y; dstX += dstrect->x; dstY += dstrect->y; RIVA_FIFO_FREE(Blt, 3); Blt->TopLeftSrc = (srcY << 16) | srcX; Blt->TopLeftDst = (dstY << 16) | dstX; Blt->WidthHeight = (dstH << 16) | dstW; FB_AddBusySurface(src); FB_AddBusySurface(dst); if ( dst == this->screen ) { SDL_mutexV(hw_lock); } return(0); }
static int FillHWRect(_THIS, SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect * rect, Uint32 color) { int dstX, dstY; Uint32 fxbndry; Uint32 ydstlen; Uint32 fillop; /* Don't blit to the display surface when switched away */ if (switched_away) { return -2; /* no hardware access */ } if (dst == this->screen) { SDL_mutexP(hw_lock); } switch (dst->format->BytesPerPixel) { case 1: color |= (color << 8); case 2: color |= (color << 16); break; } /* Set up the X/Y base coordinates */ FB_dst_to_xy(this, dst, &dstX, &dstY); /* Adjust for the current rectangle */ dstX += rect->x; dstY += rect->y; /* Set up the X boundaries */ fxbndry = (dstX | ((dstX + rect->w) << 16)); /* Set up the Y boundaries */ ydstlen = (rect->h | (dstY << 16)); /* Set up for color fill operation */ fillop = MGADWG_TRAP | MGADWG_SOLID | MGADWG_ARZERO | MGADWG_SGNZERO | MGADWG_SHIFTZERO; /* Execute the operations! */ mga_wait(5); mga_out32(MGAREG_DWGCTL, fillop | MGADWG_REPLACE); mga_out32(MGAREG_FCOL, color); mga_out32(MGAREG_FXBNDRY, fxbndry); mga_out32(MGAREG_YDSTLEN + MGAREG_EXEC, ydstlen); FB_AddBusySurface(dst); if (dst == this->screen) { SDL_mutexV(hw_lock); } return (0); }
static int FillHWRect(_THIS, GAL_Surface *dst, GAL_Rect *rect, Uint32 color) { int dstX, dstY; Uint32 fxbndry; Uint32 ydstlen; Uint32 fillop; switch (dst->format->BytesPerPixel) { case 1: color |= (color<<8); case 2: color |= (color<<16); break; } /* Set up the X/Y base coordinates */ FB_dst_to_xy(this, dst, &dstX, &dstY); /* Adjust for the current rectangle */ dstX += rect->x; dstY += rect->y; /* Set up the X boundaries */ fxbndry = (dstX | ((dstX+rect->w) << 16)); /* Set up the Y boundaries */ ydstlen = (rect->h | (dstY << 16)); /* Set up for color fill operation */ fillop = MGADWG_TRAP | MGADWG_SOLID | MGADWG_ARZERO | MGADWG_SGNZERO | MGADWG_SHIFTZERO; /* Execute the operations! */ mga_wait(5); mga_out32(MGAREG_DWGCTL, fillop | MGADWG_REPLACE); mga_out32(MGAREG_FCOL, color); mga_out32(MGAREG_FXBNDRY, fxbndry); mga_out32(MGAREG_YDSTLEN + MGAREG_EXEC, ydstlen); FB_AddBusySurface(dst); return(0); }
static int FillHWRect(_THIS, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *rect, Uint32 color) { int bpp; Uint32 dst_base; Uint32 format; int dstX, dstY; if ( switched_away ) { return -2; } if ( dst == this->screen ) { SDL_mutexP(hw_lock); } dst_base = ((char *)dst->pixels - mapped_mem); bpp = dst->format->BitsPerPixel; format = dst->pitch | ((bpp+((bpp==8) ? 0 : 8)) << 13); dstX = rect->x; dstY = rect->y; tdfx_wait(6); tdfx_out32(DSTBASE, dst_base); tdfx_out32(DSTFORMAT, format); tdfx_out32(COLORFORE, color); tdfx_out32(COMMAND_2D, COMMAND_2D_FILLRECT); tdfx_out32(DSTSIZE, rect->w | (rect->h << 16)); tdfx_out32(LAUNCH_2D, dstX | (dstY << 16)); FB_AddBusySurface(dst); if ( dst == this->screen ) { SDL_mutexV(hw_lock); } return(0); }
static int FillHWRect(_THIS, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *rect, Uint32 color) { int dstX, dstY; int dstW, dstH; RivaBitmap *Bitmap = (RivaBitmap *)(mapped_io + BITMAP_OFFSET); /* Don't blit to the display surface when switched away */ if ( switched_away ) { return -2; /* no hardware access */ } if ( dst == this->screen ) { SDL_mutexP(hw_lock); } /* Set up the X/Y base coordinates */ dstW = rect->w; dstH = rect->h; FB_dst_to_xy(this, dst, &dstX, &dstY); /* Adjust for the current rectangle */ dstX += rect->x; dstY += rect->y; RIVA_FIFO_FREE(Bitmap, 1); Bitmap->Color1A = color; RIVA_FIFO_FREE(Bitmap, 2); Bitmap->UnclippedRectangle[0].TopLeft = (dstX << 16) | dstY; Bitmap->UnclippedRectangle[0].WidthHeight = (dstW << 16) | dstH; FB_AddBusySurface(dst); if ( dst == this->screen ) { SDL_mutexV(hw_lock); } return(0); }
static int FillHWRect(_THIS, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *rect, Uint32 color) { int dstX, dstY; int dstW, dstH; RivaBitmap *Bitmap = (RivaBitmap *)(mapped_io + BITMAP_OFFSET); if ( switched_away ) { return -2; } if ( dst == this->screen ) { SDL_mutexP(hw_lock); } dstW = rect->w; dstH = rect->h; FB_dst_to_xy(this, dst, &dstX, &dstY); dstX += rect->x; dstY += rect->y; RIVA_FIFO_FREE(Bitmap, 1); Bitmap->Color1A = color; RIVA_FIFO_FREE(Bitmap, 2); Bitmap->UnclippedRectangle[0].TopLeft = (dstX << 16) | dstY; Bitmap->UnclippedRectangle[0].WidthHeight = (dstW << 16) | dstH; FB_AddBusySurface(dst); if ( dst == this->screen ) { SDL_mutexV(hw_lock); } return(0); }
static int HWAccelBlit(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect) { SDL_VideoDevice *this = current_video; int pitch, w, h; int srcX, srcY; int dstX, dstY; Uint32 sign; Uint32 start, stop; int skip; Uint32 blitop; /* FIXME: For now, only blit to display surface */ if ( dst->pitch != SDL_VideoSurface->pitch ) { return(src->map->sw_blit(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect)); } /* Don't blit to the display surface when switched away */ if ( dst == this->screen ) { SDL_mutexP(hw_lock); } /* Calculate source and destination base coordinates (in pixels) */ w = dstrect->w; h = dstrect->h; FB_dst_to_xy(this, src, &srcX, &srcY); FB_dst_to_xy(this, dst, &dstX, &dstY); /* Adjust for the current blit rectangles */ srcX += srcrect->x; srcY += srcrect->y; dstX += dstrect->x; dstY += dstrect->y; pitch = dst->pitch/dst->format->BytesPerPixel; /* Set up the blit direction (sign) flags */ sign = 0; if ( srcX < dstX ) { sign |= 1; } if ( srcY < dstY ) { sign |= 4; srcY += (h - 1); dstY += (h - 1); } /* Set up the blit source row start, end, and skip (in pixels) */ stop = start = (srcY * pitch) + srcX; if ( srcX < dstX ) { start += (w - 1); } else { stop += (w - 1); } if ( srcY < dstY ) { skip = -pitch; } else { skip = pitch; } /* Set up the blit operation */ if ( (src->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY) == SDL_SRCCOLORKEY ) { Uint32 colorkey; blitop = MGADWG_BFCOL | MGADWG_BITBLT | MGADWG_SHIFTZERO | MGADWG_RSTR | (0x0C << 16) | MGADWG_TRANSC; colorkey = src->format->colorkey; switch (dst->format->BytesPerPixel) { case 1: colorkey |= (colorkey<<8); case 2: colorkey |= (colorkey<<16); break; } mga_wait(2); mga_out32(MGAREG_FCOL, colorkey); mga_out32(MGAREG_BCOL, 0xFFFFFFFF); } else { blitop = MGADWG_BFCOL | MGADWG_BITBLT | MGADWG_SHIFTZERO | MGADWG_RSTR | (0x0C << 16); } mga_wait(7); mga_out32(MGAREG_SGN, sign); mga_out32(MGAREG_AR3, start); mga_out32(MGAREG_AR0, stop); mga_out32(MGAREG_AR5, skip); mga_out32(MGAREG_FXBNDRY, (dstX | ((dstX + w-1) << 16))); mga_out32(MGAREG_YDSTLEN, (dstY << 16) | h); mga_out32(MGAREG_DWGCTL + MGAREG_EXEC, blitop); FB_AddBusySurface(src); FB_AddBusySurface(dst); if ( dst == this->screen ) { SDL_mutexV(hw_lock); } return(0); }
static int HWAccelBlit(GAL_Surface *src, GAL_Rect *srcrect, GAL_Surface *dst, GAL_Rect *dstrect) { GAL_VideoDevice *this = current_video; int bpp; Uint32 src_format; Uint32 dst_format; char *src_base; char *dst_base; int srcX, srcY; int dstX, dstY; Uint32 blitop; Uint32 use_colorkey; /* Don't blit to the display surface when switched away */ /* Set the source and destination pixel format */ src_base = (char *)((char *)src->pixels - mapped_mem); bpp = src->format->BitsPerPixel; src_format = src->pitch | ((bpp+((bpp==8) ? 0 : 8)) << 13); dst_base = (char *)((char *)dst->pixels - mapped_mem); bpp = dst->format->BitsPerPixel; dst_format = dst->pitch | ((bpp+((bpp==8) ? 0 : 8)) << 13); srcX = srcrect->x; srcY = srcrect->y; dstX = dstrect->x; dstY = dstrect->y; /* Assemble the blit operation */ blitop = COMMAND_2D_BITBLT | (0xCC << 24); if ( srcX <= dstX ) { blitop |= BIT(14); srcX += (dstrect->w - 1); dstX += (dstrect->w - 1); } if ( srcY <= dstY ) { blitop |= BIT(15); srcY += (dstrect->h - 1); dstY += (dstrect->h - 1); } /* Perform the blit! */ if ( (src->flags & GAL_SRCCOLORKEY) == GAL_SRCCOLORKEY ) { tdfx_wait(3); tdfx_out32(SRCCOLORKEYMIN, src->format->colorkey); tdfx_out32(SRCCOLORKEYMAX, src->format->colorkey); tdfx_out32(ROP_2D, 0xAA00); use_colorkey = 1; } else { use_colorkey = 0; } tdfx_wait(9); tdfx_out32(SRCBASE, (Uint32)src_base); tdfx_out32(SRCFORMAT, src_format); tdfx_out32(DSTBASE, (Uint32)dst_base); tdfx_out32(DSTFORMAT, src_format); tdfx_out32(COMMAND_2D, blitop); tdfx_out32(COMMANDEXTRA_2D, use_colorkey); tdfx_out32(DSTSIZE, dstrect->w | (dstrect->h << 16)); tdfx_out32(DSTXY, dstX | (dstY << 16)); tdfx_out32(LAUNCH_2D, srcX | (srcY << 16)); FB_AddBusySurface(src); FB_AddBusySurface(dst); return(0); }
static int HWAccelBlit(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect) { SDL_VideoDevice *this = current_video; int bpp; Uint32 src_format; Uint32 src_base; Uint32 dst_base; int srcX, srcY; int dstX, dstY; Uint32 blitop; Uint32 use_colorkey; if ( switched_away ) { return -2; } if ( dst == this->screen ) { SDL_mutexP(hw_lock); } src_base = ((char *)src->pixels - mapped_mem); bpp = src->format->BitsPerPixel; src_format = src->pitch | ((bpp+((bpp==8) ? 0 : 8)) << 13); dst_base = ((char *)dst->pixels - mapped_mem); bpp = dst->format->BitsPerPixel; srcX = srcrect->x; srcY = srcrect->y; dstX = dstrect->x; dstY = dstrect->y; blitop = COMMAND_2D_BITBLT | (0xCC << 24); if ( srcX <= dstX ) { blitop |= BIT(14); srcX += (dstrect->w - 1); dstX += (dstrect->w - 1); } if ( srcY <= dstY ) { blitop |= BIT(15); srcY += (dstrect->h - 1); dstY += (dstrect->h - 1); } if ( (src->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY) == SDL_SRCCOLORKEY ) { tdfx_wait(3); tdfx_out32(SRCCOLORKEYMIN, src->format->colorkey); tdfx_out32(SRCCOLORKEYMAX, src->format->colorkey); tdfx_out32(ROP_2D, 0xAA00); use_colorkey = 1; } else { use_colorkey = 0; } tdfx_wait(9); tdfx_out32(SRCBASE, (Uint32)src_base); tdfx_out32(SRCFORMAT, src_format); tdfx_out32(DSTBASE, (Uint32)dst_base); tdfx_out32(DSTFORMAT, src_format); tdfx_out32(COMMAND_2D, blitop); tdfx_out32(COMMANDEXTRA_2D, use_colorkey); tdfx_out32(DSTSIZE, dstrect->w | (dstrect->h << 16)); tdfx_out32(DSTXY, dstX | (dstY << 16)); tdfx_out32(LAUNCH_2D, srcX | (srcY << 16)); FB_AddBusySurface(src); FB_AddBusySurface(dst); if ( dst == this->screen ) { SDL_mutexV(hw_lock); } return(0); }