コード例 #1
float FCurveSequence::DEPRECATED_GetLerpLooping() const
	// Only supported for sequences with a single curve.  If you have multiple curves, use your FCurveHandle to compute
	// interpolation alpha values.
	checkSlow(Curves.Num() == 1);

	return bIsLooping ? GetLerp() : FCurveHandle(this, 0).DEPRECATED_GetLerpLooping();
コード例 #2
FCurveHandle FCurveSequence::AddCurve( const float InStartTimeSeconds, const float InDurationSeconds, const ECurveEaseFunction::Type InEaseFunction )
	// Keep track of how long this sequence is
	TotalDuration = FMath::Max(TotalDuration, InStartTimeSeconds + InDurationSeconds);
	// The initial state is to be at the end of the animation.
	StartTime = TotalDuration;

	// Actually make this curve and return a handle to it.
	Curves.Add( FSlateCurve(InStartTimeSeconds, InDurationSeconds, InEaseFunction) );
	return FCurveHandle(this, Curves.Num() - 1);
コード例 #3
	/** A fadeout has completed */
	void FadeoutComplete()
		// Make sure we are no longer fading
		FadeAnimation = FCurveSequence();
		FadeCurve = FCurveHandle();

		// Clear the complete state to hide all the images/throbber

		// Make sure we have left responsive mode
		if ( ThrottleHandle.IsValid() )
			FSlateThrottleManager::Get().LeaveResponsiveMode( ThrottleHandle );

		// Clear reference
		if( MyList.IsValid() )