コード例 #1
	virtual void InitRHI()
		FRHIResourceCreateInfo CreateInfo;
		VertexBufferRHI = RHICreateVertexBuffer(12 * sizeof(FPackedNormal), BUF_Dynamic, CreateInfo);
		// Copy the vertex data into the vertex buffer.
		FPackedNormal* TangentBufferData = (FPackedNormal*)RHILockVertexBuffer(VertexBufferRHI, 0, 12 * sizeof(FPackedNormal), RLM_WriteOnly);
		for(int32 FaceIndex = 0;FaceIndex < 6;++FaceIndex)
			const FVector UnprojectedTangentX = FVector(+1,-1,0).SafeNormal();
			const FVector UnprojectedTangentY(-1,-1,-1);
			const FVector FaceNormal = FaceNormals[FaceIndex].ToFloat();
			const FVector ProjectedFaceTangentX = (UnprojectedTangentX - FaceNormal * (UnprojectedTangentX | FaceNormal)).SafeNormal();
			*TangentBufferData++ = FPackedNormal(ProjectedFaceTangentX);
			*TangentBufferData++ = FPackedNormal(FVector4(FaceNormal, FMath::Sign(UnprojectedTangentY | (FaceNormal ^ ProjectedFaceTangentX))));
コード例 #2
void ASimpleCylinderActor::GenerateCylinder(TArray<FRuntimeMeshVertexSimple>& InVertices, TArray<int32>& InTriangles, float InHeight, float InWidth, int32 InCrossSectionCount, bool bInCapEnds, bool bInDoubleSided, bool bInSmoothNormals/* = true*/)
	// -------------------------------------------------------
	// Basic setup
	int32 VertexIndex = 0;
	int32 TriangleIndex = 0;

	// -------------------------------------------------------
	// Make a cylinder section
	const float AngleBetweenQuads = (2.0f / (float)(InCrossSectionCount)) * PI;
	const float VMapPerQuad = 1.0f / (float)InCrossSectionCount;
	FVector Offset = FVector(0, 0, InHeight);

	// Start by building up vertices that make up the cylinder sides
	for (int32 QuadIndex = 0; QuadIndex < InCrossSectionCount; QuadIndex++)
		float Angle = (float)QuadIndex * AngleBetweenQuads;
		float NextAngle = (float)(QuadIndex + 1) * AngleBetweenQuads;

		// Set up the vertices
		FVector p0 = FVector(FMath::Cos(Angle) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(Angle) * InWidth, 0.f);
		FVector p1 = FVector(FMath::Cos(NextAngle) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(NextAngle) * InWidth, 0.f);
		FVector p2 = p1 + Offset;
		FVector p3 = p0 + Offset;

		// Set up the quad triangles
		int32 VertIndex1 = VertexIndex++;
		int32 VertIndex2 = VertexIndex++;
		int32 VertIndex3 = VertexIndex++;
		int32 VertIndex4 = VertexIndex++;

		InVertices[VertIndex1].Position = p0;
		InVertices[VertIndex2].Position = p1;
		InVertices[VertIndex3].Position = p2;
		InVertices[VertIndex4].Position = p3;

		// Now create two triangles from those four vertices
		// The order of these (clockwise/counter-clockwise) dictates which way the normal will face. 
		InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex4;
		InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex3;
		InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex1;

		InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex3;
		InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex2;
		InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex1;

		// UVs.  Note that Unreal UV origin (0,0) is top left
		InVertices[VertIndex1].UV0 = FVector2D(1.0f - (VMapPerQuad * QuadIndex), 1.0f);
		InVertices[VertIndex2].UV0 = FVector2D(1.0f - (VMapPerQuad * (QuadIndex + 1)), 1.0f);
		InVertices[VertIndex3].UV0 = FVector2D(1.0f - (VMapPerQuad * (QuadIndex + 1)), 0.0f);
		InVertices[VertIndex4].UV0 = FVector2D(1.0f - (VMapPerQuad * QuadIndex), 0.0f);

		// Normals
		FVector NormalCurrent = FVector::CrossProduct(InVertices[VertIndex1].Position - InVertices[VertIndex3].Position, InVertices[VertIndex2].Position - InVertices[VertIndex3].Position).GetSafeNormal();

		if (bInSmoothNormals)
			// To smooth normals we give the vertices different values than the polygon they belong to.
			// GPUs know how to interpolate between those.
			// I do this here as an average between normals of two adjacent polygons
			float NextNextAngle = (float)(QuadIndex + 2) * AngleBetweenQuads;
			FVector p4 = FVector(FMath::Cos(NextNextAngle) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(NextNextAngle) * InWidth, 0.f);

			// p1 to p4 to p2
			FVector NormalNext = FVector::CrossProduct(p1 - p2, p4 - p2).GetSafeNormal();
			FVector AverageNormalRight = (NormalCurrent + NormalNext) / 2;
			AverageNormalRight = AverageNormalRight.GetSafeNormal();

			float PreviousAngle = (float)(QuadIndex - 1) * AngleBetweenQuads;
			FVector pMinus1 = FVector(FMath::Cos(PreviousAngle) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(PreviousAngle) * InWidth, 0.f);

			// p0 to p3 to pMinus1
			FVector NormalPrevious = FVector::CrossProduct(p0 - pMinus1, p3 - pMinus1).GetSafeNormal();
			FVector AverageNormalLeft = (NormalCurrent + NormalPrevious) / 2;
			AverageNormalLeft = AverageNormalLeft.GetSafeNormal();

			InVertices[VertIndex1].Normal = FPackedNormal(AverageNormalLeft);
			InVertices[VertIndex2].Normal = FPackedNormal(AverageNormalRight);
			InVertices[VertIndex3].Normal = FPackedNormal(AverageNormalRight);
			InVertices[VertIndex4].Normal = FPackedNormal(AverageNormalLeft);
			// If not smoothing we just set the vertex normal to the same normal as the polygon they belong to
			InVertices[VertIndex1].Normal = InVertices[VertIndex2].Normal = InVertices[VertIndex3].Normal = InVertices[VertIndex4].Normal = FPackedNormal(NormalCurrent);

		// Tangents (perpendicular to the surface)
		FVector SurfaceTangent = p0 - p1;
		SurfaceTangent = SurfaceTangent.GetSafeNormal();
		InVertices[VertIndex1].Tangent = InVertices[VertIndex2].Tangent = InVertices[VertIndex3].Tangent = InVertices[VertIndex4].Tangent = FPackedNormal(SurfaceTangent);

		// -------------------------------------------------------
		// If double sided, create extra polygons but face the normals the other way.
		if (bInDoubleSided)
			VertIndex1 = VertexIndex++;
			VertIndex2 = VertexIndex++;
			VertIndex3 = VertexIndex++;
			VertIndex4 = VertexIndex++;

			InVertices[VertIndex1].Position = p0;
			InVertices[VertIndex2].Position = p1;
			InVertices[VertIndex3].Position = p2;
			InVertices[VertIndex4].Position = p3;

			// Reverse the poly order to face them the other way
			InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex4;
			InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex1;
			InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex3;

			InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex3;
			InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex1;
			InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex2;

			// UVs  (Unreal 1,1 is top left)
			InVertices[VertIndex1].UV0 = FVector2D(1.0f - (VMapPerQuad * QuadIndex), 1.0f);
			InVertices[VertIndex2].UV0 = FVector2D(1.0f - (VMapPerQuad * (QuadIndex + 1)), 1.0f);
			InVertices[VertIndex3].UV0 = FVector2D(1.0f - (VMapPerQuad * (QuadIndex + 1)), 0.0f);
			InVertices[VertIndex4].UV0 = FVector2D(1.0f - (VMapPerQuad * QuadIndex), 0.0f);

			// Just simple (unsmoothed) normal for these
			InVertices[VertIndex1].Normal = InVertices[VertIndex2].Normal = InVertices[VertIndex3].Normal = InVertices[VertIndex4].Normal = FPackedNormal(NormalCurrent);

			// Tangents (perpendicular to the surface)
			FVector SurfaceTangentDbl = p0 - p1;
			SurfaceTangentDbl = SurfaceTangentDbl.GetSafeNormal();
			InVertices[VertIndex1].Tangent = InVertices[VertIndex2].Tangent = InVertices[VertIndex3].Tangent = InVertices[VertIndex4].Tangent = FPackedNormal(SurfaceTangentDbl);

		// -------------------------------------------------------
		// Caps are closed here by triangles that start at 0, then use the points along the circle for the other two corners.
		// A better looking method uses a vertex in the center of the circle, but uses two more polygons.  We will demonstrate that in a different sample.
		if (QuadIndex != 0 && QuadIndex != InCrossSectionCount - 1 && bInCapEnds)
			// Bottom cap
			FVector capVertex0 = FVector(FMath::Cos(0) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(0) * InWidth, 0.f);
			FVector capVertex1 = FVector(FMath::Cos(Angle) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(Angle) * InWidth, 0.f);
			FVector capVertex2 = FVector(FMath::Cos(NextAngle) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(NextAngle) * InWidth, 0.f);

			VertIndex1 = VertexIndex++;
			VertIndex2 = VertexIndex++;
			VertIndex3 = VertexIndex++;
			InVertices[VertIndex1].Position = capVertex0;
			InVertices[VertIndex2].Position = capVertex1;
			InVertices[VertIndex3].Position = capVertex2;

			InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex1;
			InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex2;
			InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex3;

			InVertices[VertIndex1].UV0 = FVector2D(0.5f - (FMath::Cos(0) / 2.0f), 0.5f - (FMath::Sin(0) / 2.0f));
			InVertices[VertIndex2].UV0 = FVector2D(0.5f - (FMath::Cos(-Angle) / 2.0f), 0.5f - (FMath::Sin(-Angle) / 2.0f));
			InVertices[VertIndex3].UV0 = FVector2D(0.5f - (FMath::Cos(-NextAngle) / 2.0f), 0.5f - (FMath::Sin(-NextAngle) / 2.0f));

			FVector CapNormalCurrent = FVector::CrossProduct(InVertices[VertIndex1].Position - InVertices[VertIndex3].Position, InVertices[VertIndex2].Position - InVertices[VertIndex3].Position).GetSafeNormal();
			InVertices[VertIndex1].Normal = InVertices[VertIndex2].Normal = InVertices[VertIndex3].Normal = FPackedNormal(CapNormalCurrent);

			// Tangents (perpendicular to the surface)
			FVector SurfaceTangentCap = p0 - p1;
			SurfaceTangentCap = SurfaceTangentCap.GetSafeNormal();
			InVertices[VertIndex1].Tangent = InVertices[VertIndex2].Tangent = InVertices[VertIndex3].Tangent = FPackedNormal(SurfaceTangentCap);

			// Top cap
			capVertex0 = capVertex0 + Offset;
			capVertex1 = capVertex1 + Offset;
			capVertex2 = capVertex2 + Offset;

			VertIndex1 = VertexIndex++;
			VertIndex2 = VertexIndex++;
			VertIndex3 = VertexIndex++;
			InVertices[VertIndex1].Position = capVertex0;
			InVertices[VertIndex2].Position = capVertex1;
			InVertices[VertIndex3].Position = capVertex2;

			InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex3;
			InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex2;
			InTriangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex1;

			InVertices[VertIndex1].UV0 = FVector2D(0.5f - (FMath::Cos(0) / 2.0f), 0.5f - (FMath::Sin(0) / 2.0f));
			InVertices[VertIndex2].UV0 = FVector2D(0.5f - (FMath::Cos(Angle) / 2.0f), 0.5f - (FMath::Sin(Angle) / 2.0f));
			InVertices[VertIndex3].UV0 = FVector2D(0.5f - (FMath::Cos(NextAngle) / 2.0f), 0.5f - (FMath::Sin(NextAngle) / 2.0f));

			CapNormalCurrent = FVector::CrossProduct(InVertices[VertIndex1].Position - InVertices[VertIndex3].Position, InVertices[VertIndex2].Position - InVertices[VertIndex3].Position).GetSafeNormal();
			InVertices[VertIndex1].Normal = InVertices[VertIndex2].Normal = InVertices[VertIndex3].Normal = FPackedNormal(CapNormalCurrent);

			// Tangents (perpendicular to the surface)
			SurfaceTangentCap = p0 - p1;
			SurfaceTangentCap = SurfaceTangentCap.GetSafeNormal();
			InVertices[VertIndex1].Tangent = InVertices[VertIndex2].Tangent = InVertices[VertIndex3].Tangent = FPackedNormal(SurfaceTangentCap);
コード例 #3
void ABranchingLinesActor::GenerateCylinder(TArray<FRuntimeMeshVertexSimple>& Vertices, TArray<int32>& Triangles, FVector StartPoint, FVector EndPoint, float InWidth, int32 InCrossSectionCount, int32& VertexIndex, int32& TriangleIndex, bool bInSmoothNormals/* = true*/)
	// Make a cylinder section
	const float AngleBetweenQuads = (2.0f / (float)(InCrossSectionCount)) * PI;
	const float UMapPerQuad = 1.0f / (float)InCrossSectionCount;

	FVector StartOffset = StartPoint - FVector(0, 0, 0);
	FVector Offset = EndPoint - StartPoint;

	// Find angle between vectors
	FVector LineDirection = (StartPoint - EndPoint);
	FVector RotationAngle = LineDirection.Rotation().Add(90.f, 0.f, 0.f).Euler();

	// Start by building up vertices that make up the cylinder sides
	for (int32 QuadIndex = 0; QuadIndex < InCrossSectionCount; QuadIndex++)
		float Angle = (float)QuadIndex * AngleBetweenQuads;
		float NextAngle = (float)(QuadIndex + 1) * AngleBetweenQuads;

		// Set up the vertices
		FVector p0 = (CachedCrossSectionPoints[QuadIndex] * InWidth) + StartOffset;
		p0 = RotatePointAroundPivot(p0, StartPoint, RotationAngle);
		FVector p1 = CachedCrossSectionPoints[QuadIndex + 1] * InWidth + StartOffset;
		p1 = RotatePointAroundPivot(p1, StartPoint, RotationAngle);
		FVector p2 = p1 + Offset;
		FVector p3 = p0 + Offset;

		// Set up the quad triangles
		int32 VertIndex1 = VertexIndex++;
		int32 VertIndex2 = VertexIndex++;
		int32 VertIndex3 = VertexIndex++;
		int32 VertIndex4 = VertexIndex++;

		Vertices[VertIndex1].Position = p0;
		Vertices[VertIndex2].Position = p1;
		Vertices[VertIndex3].Position = p2;
		Vertices[VertIndex4].Position = p3;

		// Now create two triangles from those four vertices
		// The order of these (clockwise/counter-clockwise) dictates which way the normal will face. 
		Triangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex4;
		Triangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex3;
		Triangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex1;

		Triangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex3;
		Triangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex2;
		Triangles[TriangleIndex++] = VertIndex1;

		// UVs.  Note that Unreal UV origin (0,0) is top left
		Vertices[VertIndex1].UV0 = FVector2D(1.0f - (UMapPerQuad * QuadIndex), 1.0f);
		Vertices[VertIndex2].UV0 = FVector2D(1.0f - (UMapPerQuad * (QuadIndex + 1)), 1.0f);
		Vertices[VertIndex3].UV0 = FVector2D(1.0f - (UMapPerQuad * (QuadIndex + 1)), 0.0f);
		Vertices[VertIndex4].UV0 = FVector2D(1.0f - (UMapPerQuad * QuadIndex), 0.0f);

		// Normals
		FVector NormalCurrent = FVector::CrossProduct(Vertices[VertIndex1].Position - Vertices[VertIndex3].Position, Vertices[VertIndex2].Position - Vertices[VertIndex3].Position).GetSafeNormal();

		if (bInSmoothNormals)
			// To smooth normals we give the vertices different values than the polygon they belong to.
			// GPUs know how to interpolate between those.
			// I do this here as an average between normals of two adjacent polygons
			float NextNextAngle = (float)(QuadIndex + 2) * AngleBetweenQuads;
			FVector p4 = (CachedCrossSectionPoints[QuadIndex + 2] * InWidth) + StartOffset;
			p4 = RotatePointAroundPivot(p4, StartPoint, RotationAngle);

			// p1 to p4 to p2
			FVector NormalNext = FVector::CrossProduct(p1 - p2, p4 - p2).GetSafeNormal();
			FVector AverageNormalRight = (NormalCurrent + NormalNext) / 2;
			AverageNormalRight = AverageNormalRight.GetSafeNormal();

			float PreviousAngle = (float)(QuadIndex - 1) * AngleBetweenQuads;
			FVector pMinus1 = FVector(FMath::Cos(PreviousAngle) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(PreviousAngle) * InWidth, 0.f) + StartOffset;
			pMinus1 = RotatePointAroundPivot(pMinus1, StartPoint, RotationAngle);

			// p0 to p3 to pMinus1
			FVector NormalPrevious = FVector::CrossProduct(p0 - pMinus1, p3 - pMinus1).GetSafeNormal();
			FVector AverageNormalLeft = (NormalCurrent + NormalPrevious) / 2;
			AverageNormalLeft = AverageNormalLeft.GetSafeNormal();

			Vertices[VertIndex1].Normal = FPackedNormal(AverageNormalLeft);
			Vertices[VertIndex2].Normal = FPackedNormal(AverageNormalRight);
			Vertices[VertIndex3].Normal = FPackedNormal(AverageNormalRight);
			Vertices[VertIndex4].Normal = FPackedNormal(AverageNormalLeft);
			// If not smoothing we just set the vertex normal to the same normal as the polygon they belong to
			Vertices[VertIndex1].Normal = Vertices[VertIndex2].Normal = Vertices[VertIndex3].Normal = Vertices[VertIndex4].Normal = FPackedNormal(NormalCurrent);

		// Tangents (perpendicular to the surface)
		FVector SurfaceTangent = p0 - p1;
		SurfaceTangent = SurfaceTangent.GetSafeNormal();
		Vertices[VertIndex1].Tangent = Vertices[VertIndex2].Tangent = Vertices[VertIndex3].Tangent = Vertices[VertIndex4].Tangent = FPackedNormal(SurfaceTangent);