コード例 #1
double* discWeightedCondMI(uint k, uint noOfSamples, uint noOfFeatures, double **featureMatrix, double *classColumn, double *weightVector, double *outputFeatures, double *featureScores) {
    uint *intFeatures = (uint *) checkedCalloc(noOfSamples*noOfFeatures,sizeof(uint));
    uint *intClass = (uint *) checkedCalloc(noOfSamples,sizeof(uint));
    int *intOutputs = (int *) checkedCalloc(k,sizeof(int));

    uint **intFeature2D = (uint**) checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(uint*));

    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < noOfFeatures; i++) {
        intFeature2D[i] = intFeatures + i*noOfSamples;



    for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
        outputFeatures[i] = intOutputs[i];


    intFeatures = NULL;
    intClass = NULL;
    intOutputs = NULL;
    intFeature2D = NULL;

    return outputFeatures;
コード例 #2
double calculateMutualInformation(double *dataVector, double *targetVector, int vectorLength)
    double mutualInformation = 0.0;
    int firstIndex,secondIndex;
    int i;
    JointProbabilityState state = calculateJointProbability(dataVector,targetVector,vectorLength);

    ** I(X;Y) = sum sum p(xy) * log (p(xy)/p(x)p(y))
    for (i = 0; i < state.numJointStates; i++)
        firstIndex = i % state.numFirstStates;
        secondIndex = i / state.numFirstStates;

        if ((state.jointProbabilityVector[i] > 0) && (state.firstProbabilityVector[firstIndex] > 0) && (state.secondProbabilityVector[secondIndex] > 0))
            /*double division is probably more stable than multiplying two small numbers together
            ** mutualInformation += state.jointProbabilityVector[i] * log(state.jointProbabilityVector[i] / (state.firstProbabilityVector[firstIndex] * state.secondProbabilityVector[secondIndex]));
            mutualInformation += state.jointProbabilityVector[i] * log(state.jointProbabilityVector[i] / state.firstProbabilityVector[firstIndex] / state.secondProbabilityVector[secondIndex]);

    mutualInformation /= log(2.0);

    state.firstProbabilityVector = NULL;
    state.secondProbabilityVector = NULL;
    state.jointProbabilityVector = NULL;

    return mutualInformation;
}/*calculateMutualInformation(double *,double *,int)*/
コード例 #3
double calculateJointRenyiEntropy(double alpha, double *firstVector, double *secondVector, int vectorLength)
    double jointEntropy = 0.0;
    double tempValue = 0.0;
    int i;
    JointProbabilityState state = calculateJointProbability(firstVector,secondVector,vectorLength);

    /*H_\alpha(XY) = 1/(1-alpha) * log(2)(sum p(xy)^alpha)*/
    for (i = 0; i < state.numJointStates; i++)
        tempValue = state.jointProbabilityVector[i];
        if (tempValue > 0)
            jointEntropy += pow(tempValue,alpha);

    jointEntropy = log(jointEntropy);

    jointEntropy /= log(2.0);

    jointEntropy /= (1.0-alpha);

    state.firstProbabilityVector = NULL;
    state.secondProbabilityVector = NULL;
    state.jointProbabilityVector = NULL;

    return jointEntropy;
コード例 #4
double calculateJointEntropy(double *firstVector, double *secondVector, int vectorLength)
  double jointEntropy = 0.0;  
  double tempValue = 0.0;
  int i;
  JointProbabilityState state = calculateJointProbability(firstVector,secondVector,vectorLength);
  /*H(XY) = - sumx sumy p(xy) log p(xy)*/
  for (i = 0; i < state.numJointStates; i++)
    tempValue = state.jointProbabilityVector[i];
    if (tempValue > 0)
      jointEntropy -= tempValue * log(tempValue);
  jointEntropy /= log(2.0);
  state.firstProbabilityVector = NULL;
  state.secondProbabilityVector = NULL;
  state.jointProbabilityVector = NULL;
  return jointEntropy;
}/*calculateJointEntropy(double *, double *, int)*/
コード例 #5
ProbabilityState calculateProbability(double *dataVector, int vectorLength)
  int *normalisedVector;
  int *stateCounts;
  double *stateProbs;
  int numStates;
  /*double fractionalState;*/
  ProbabilityState state;
  int i;
  double length = vectorLength;

  normalisedVector = (int *) checkedCalloc(vectorLength,sizeof(int));
  numStates = normaliseArray(dataVector,normalisedVector,vectorLength);
  stateCounts = (int *) checkedCalloc(numStates,sizeof(int));
  stateProbs = (double *) checkedCalloc(numStates,sizeof(double));
  /* optimised version, may have floating point problems 
  fractionalState = 1.0 / vectorLength;
  for (i = 0; i < vectorLength; i++)
    stateProbs[normalisedVector[i]] += fractionalState;
  /* Optimised for number of FP operations now O(states) instead of O(vectorLength) */
  for (i = 0; i < vectorLength; i++)
    stateCounts[normalisedVector[i]] += 1;
  for (i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
    stateProbs[i] = stateCounts[i] / length;
  stateCounts = NULL;
  normalisedVector = NULL;
  state.probabilityVector = stateProbs;
  state.numStates = numStates;

  return state;
}/*calculateProbability(double *,int)*/
コード例 #6
double calculateRenyiEntropy(double alpha, double *dataVector, int vectorLength)
    double entropy = 0.0;
    double tempValue = 0.0;
    int i;
    ProbabilityState state = calculateProbability(dataVector,vectorLength);

    /*H_\alpha(X) = 1/(1-alpha) * log(2)(sum p(x)^alpha)*/
    for (i = 0; i < state.numStates; i++)
        tempValue = state.probabilityVector[i];

        if (tempValue > 0)
            entropy += pow(tempValue,alpha);
            /*printf("Entropy = %f, i = %d\n", entropy,i);*/

    /*printf("Entropy = %f\n", entropy);*/

    entropy = log(entropy);

    entropy /= log(2.0);

    entropy /= (1.0-alpha);

    /*printf("Entropy = %f\n", entropy);*/
    state.probabilityVector = NULL;

    return entropy;
コード例 #7
double calculateEntropy(double *dataVector, int vectorLength)
  double entropy = 0.0;
  double tempValue = 0.0;
  int i;
  ProbabilityState state = calculateProbability(dataVector,vectorLength);
  /*H(X) = - sum p(x) log p(x)*/
  for (i = 0; i < state.numStates; i++)
    tempValue = state.probabilityVector[i];
    if (tempValue > 0)
      entropy -= tempValue * log(tempValue);
  entropy /= log(2.0);
  state.probabilityVector = NULL;
  return entropy;
}/*calculateEntropy(double *,int)*/
コード例 #8
WeightedProbState calculateWeightedProbability(double *dataVector, double *exampleWeightVector, int vectorLength)
  int *normalisedVector;
  int *stateCounts;
  double *stateProbs;
  double *stateWeights;
  int numStates;
  WeightedProbState state;
  int i;
  double length = vectorLength;

  normalisedVector = (int *) checkedCalloc(vectorLength,sizeof(int));
  numStates = normaliseArray(dataVector,normalisedVector,vectorLength);
  stateCounts = (int *) checkedCalloc(numStates,sizeof(int));
  stateProbs = (double *) checkedCalloc(numStates,sizeof(double));
  stateWeights = (double *) checkedCalloc(numStates,sizeof(double));

  for (i = 0; i < vectorLength; i++)
    stateCounts[normalisedVector[i]] += 1;
    stateWeights[normalisedVector[i]] += exampleWeightVector[i];
  for (i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
    stateProbs[i] = stateCounts[i] / length;
    stateWeights[i] /= stateCounts[i];
  stateCounts = NULL;
  normalisedVector = NULL;
  state.probabilityVector = stateProbs;
  state.stateWeightVector = stateWeights;
  state.numStates = numStates;

  return state;
}/*calculateProbability(double *,int)*/
コード例 #9
double calculateConditionalEntropy(double *dataVector, double *conditionVector, int vectorLength)
  ** Conditional entropy
  ** H(X|Y) = - sumx sumy p(xy) log p(xy)/p(y)
  double condEntropy = 0.0;  
  double jointValue = 0.0;
  double condValue = 0.0;
  int i;
  JointProbabilityState state = calculateJointProbability(dataVector,conditionVector,vectorLength);
  /*H(X|Y) = - sumx sumy p(xy) log p(xy)/p(y)*/
  /* to index by numFirstStates use modulus of i
  ** to index by numSecondStates use integer division of i by numFirstStates
  for (i = 0; i < state.numJointStates; i++)
    jointValue = state.jointProbabilityVector[i];
    condValue = state.secondProbabilityVector[i / state.numFirstStates];
    if ((jointValue > 0) && (condValue > 0))
      condEntropy -= jointValue * log(jointValue / condValue);
  condEntropy /= log(2.0);
  state.firstProbabilityVector = NULL;
  state.secondProbabilityVector = NULL;
  state.jointProbabilityVector = NULL;
  return condEntropy;

}/*calculateConditionalEntropy(double *, double *, int)*/
コード例 #10
double calculateConditionalMutualInformation(double *dataVector, double *targetVector, double *conditionVector, int vectorLength)
    double mutualInformation = 0.0;
    double firstCondition, secondCondition;
    double *mergedVector = (double *) CALLOC_FUNC(vectorLength,sizeof(double));


    /* I(X;Y|Z) = H(X|Z) - H(X|YZ) */
    /* double calculateConditionalEntropy(double *dataVector, double *conditionVector, int vectorLength); */
    firstCondition = calculateConditionalEntropy(dataVector,conditionVector,vectorLength);
    secondCondition = calculateConditionalEntropy(dataVector,mergedVector,vectorLength);

    mutualInformation = firstCondition - secondCondition;

    mergedVector = NULL;

    return mutualInformation;
}/*calculateConditionalMutualInformation(double *,double *,double *,int)*/
コード例 #11
ファイル: WeightedCMIM.c プロジェクト: Craigacp/FEAST
uint* weightedCMIM(uint k, uint noOfSamples, uint noOfFeatures, uint **featureMatrix, uint *classColumn, double *weightVector, uint *outputFeatures, double *featureScores) {
    /*holds the class MI values
     **the class MI doubles as the partial score from the CMIM paper
    double *classMI = (double *) checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(double));
    /*in the CMIM paper, m = lastUsedFeature*/
    uint *lastUsedFeature = (uint *) checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(uint));

    double score, conditionalInfo;
    int currentFeature;

    double maxMI = 0.0;
    int maxMICounter = -1;

    int j, i;

    for (i = 0; i < noOfFeatures; i++) {
        classMI[i] = calcWeightedMutualInformation(featureMatrix[i],classColumn,weightVector,noOfSamples);

        if (classMI[i] > maxMI) {
            maxMI = classMI[i];
            maxMICounter = i;
        }/*if bigger than current maximum*/
    }/*for noOfFeatures - filling classMI*/

    outputFeatures[0] = maxMICounter;
    featureScores[0] = maxMI;

     ** We have populated the classMI array, and selected the highest
     ** MI feature as the first output feature
     ** Now we move into the CMIM algorithm

    for (i = 1; i < k; i++) {
        score = 0.0;

        for (j = 0; j < noOfFeatures; j++) {
            while ((classMI[j] > score) && (lastUsedFeature[j] < i)) {
                /*double calcWeightedConditionalMutualInformation(uint *firstVector, uint *targetVector, uint *conditionVector, double *weightVector, int vectorLength);*/
                currentFeature = outputFeatures[lastUsedFeature[j]];
                conditionalInfo = calcWeightedConditionalMutualInformation(featureMatrix[j], classColumn, featureMatrix[currentFeature], weightVector, noOfSamples);
                if (classMI[j] > conditionalInfo) {
                    classMI[j] = conditionalInfo;
                }/*reset classMI*/
                /*moved due to C indexing from 0 rather than 1*/
                lastUsedFeature[j] += 1;
            }/*while partial score greater than score & not reached last feature*/
            if (classMI[j] > score) {
                score = classMI[j];
                featureScores[i] = score;
                outputFeatures[i] = j;
            }/*if partial score still greater than score*/
        }/*for number of features*/
    }/*for the number of features to select*/


    classMI = NULL;
    lastUsedFeature = NULL;

    return outputFeatures;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ICAP.c プロジェクト: alecuba16/FEASTR
void ICAP(int k, int noOfSamples, int noOfFeatures, double *featureMatrix, double *classColumn, int *outputFeatures,int *noOfOutput)
    /*holds the class MI values*/
    double *classMI = (double *)checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(double));
    char *selectedFeatures = (char *)checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(char));
    /*holds the intra feature MI values*/
    int sizeOfMatrix = k*noOfFeatures;
    double *featureMIMatrix = (double *)checkedCalloc(sizeOfMatrix,sizeof(double));
    double *featureCMIMatrix = (double *)checkedCalloc(sizeOfMatrix,sizeof(double));
    /*Changed to ensure it always picks a feature*/
    double maxMI = -1.0;
    int maxMICounter = -1;
    double score, currentScore, totalFeatureInteraction, interactionInfo;
    int currentHighestFeature, arrayPosition;
    int i, j, m;

    /*holds the first element of each sample*/
  double **feature2D = (double **) checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(double *));
    for (i = 0; i < sizeOfMatrix; i++)
        featureMIMatrix[i] = -1;
        featureCMIMatrix[i] = -1;
    }/*for featureMIMatrix and featureCMIMatrix - blank to -1*/
    /*Algorithm starts here*/
    for (i = 0; i < noOfFeatures;i++)
        classMI[i] = calculateMutualInformation(feature2D[i], classColumn, noOfSamples);
        if (classMI[i] > maxMI)
            maxMI = classMI[i];
            maxMICounter = i;
        }/*if bigger than current maximum*/
    }/*for noOfFeatures - filling classMI*/
    selectedFeatures[maxMICounter] = 1;
    outputFeatures[0] = maxMICounter;
   ** Now we have populated the classMI array, and selected the highest
   ** MI feature as the first output feature
    for (i = 1; i < k; i++)
        ** to ensure it selects some features
        **if this is zero then it will not pick features where the redundancy is greater than the
        score = -DBL_MAX;
        currentHighestFeature = 0;
        currentScore = 0.0;
        for (j = 0; j < noOfFeatures; j++)
            /*if we haven't selected j*/
            if (!selectedFeatures[j])
                currentScore = classMI[j];
                totalFeatureInteraction = 0.0;
                for (m = 0; m < i; m++)
                    arrayPosition = m*noOfFeatures + j;
                    if (featureMIMatrix[arrayPosition] == -1)
                        /*work out interaction*/
                        /*double calculateMutualInformation(double *firstVector, double *secondVector, int vectorLength);*/
                        featureMIMatrix[arrayPosition] = calculateMutualInformation(feature2D[(int) outputFeatures[m]], feature2D[j], noOfSamples);
                        /*double calculateConditionalMutualInformation(double *firstVector, double *targetVector, double* conditionVector, int vectorLength);*/
                        featureCMIMatrix[arrayPosition] = calculateConditionalMutualInformation(feature2D[(int) outputFeatures[m]], feature2D[j], classColumn, noOfSamples);
                    }/*if not already known*/
                    interactionInfo = featureCMIMatrix[arrayPosition] - featureMIMatrix[arrayPosition];
                    if (interactionInfo < 0)
                      totalFeatureInteraction += interactionInfo;
                }/*for the number of already selected features*/
                currentScore += totalFeatureInteraction;

                if (currentScore > score)
                    score = currentScore;
                    currentHighestFeature = j;
            }/*if j is unselected*/
        }/*for number of features*/
        selectedFeatures[currentHighestFeature] = 1;
        outputFeatures[i] = currentHighestFeature;
    }/*for the number of features to select*/
  classMI = NULL;
  feature2D = NULL;
  featureMIMatrix = NULL;
  featureCMIMatrix = NULL;
  selectedFeatures = NULL;
コード例 #13
double* BetaGamma(int k, int noOfSamples, int noOfFeatures, double *featureMatrix, double *classColumn, double *outputFeatures, double betaParam, double gammaParam)
    double **feature2D = (double **) checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(double *));
    /*holds the class MI values*/
    double *classMI = (double *)checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(double));
    char *selectedFeatures = (char *)checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(char));
    /*holds the intra feature MI values*/
    int sizeOfMatrix = k*noOfFeatures;
    double *featureMIMatrix = (double *)checkedCalloc(sizeOfMatrix,sizeof(double));
    double maxMI = 0.0;
    int maxMICounter = -1;
    double score, currentScore, totalFeatureMI;
    int currentHighestFeature, arrayPosition;
    int i,j,m;

    ** because the array is passed as
    **  s a m p l e s
    ** f
    ** e
    ** a
    ** t
    ** u
    ** r
    ** e
    ** s
    ** this pulls out a pointer to the first sample of
    ** each feature and stores it as a multidimensional array
    ** so it can be indexed nicely
    for(j = 0; j < noOfFeatures; j++)
        feature2D[j] = featureMatrix + (int)j*noOfSamples;

    for (i = 0; i < sizeOfMatrix; i++)
        featureMIMatrix[i] = -1;
    }/*for featureMIMatrix - blank to -1*/
    ** Algorithm starts here
    for (i = 0; i < noOfFeatures; i++)
        classMI[i] = calculateMutualInformation(feature2D[i], classColumn, noOfSamples);
        if (classMI[i] > maxMI)
            maxMI = classMI[i];
            maxMICounter = i;
        }/*if bigger than current maximum*/
    }/*for noOfFeatures - filling classMI*/
    selectedFeatures[maxMICounter] = 1;
    outputFeatures[0] = maxMICounter;
   ** Now we have populated the classMI array, and selected the highest
   ** MI feature as the first output feature
   ** Now we move into the JMI algorithm
    for (i = 1; i < k; i++)
        ** to ensure it selects some features
        ** if this is zero then it will not pick features where the 
        ** redundancy is greater than the relevance
        score = -DBL_MAX;
        currentHighestFeature = 0;
        currentScore = 0.0;
        totalFeatureMI = 0.0;
        for (j = 0; j < noOfFeatures; j++)
            /*if we haven't selected j*/
            if (!selectedFeatures[j])
                currentScore = classMI[j];
                totalFeatureMI = 0.0;
                for (m = 0; m < i; m++)
                    arrayPosition = m*noOfFeatures + j;
                    if (featureMIMatrix[arrayPosition] == -1)
                        /*double calculateMutualInformation(double *firstVector, double *secondVector, int vectorLength);*/
                        featureMIMatrix[arrayPosition] = betaParam*calculateMutualInformation(feature2D[(int) outputFeatures[m]], feature2D[j], noOfSamples);
                        /*double calculateConditionalMutualInformation(double *firstVector, double *targetVector, double* conditionVector, int vectorLength);*/
                        featureMIMatrix[arrayPosition] -= gammaParam*calculateConditionalMutualInformation(feature2D[(int) outputFeatures[m]], feature2D[j], classColumn, noOfSamples);
                    }/*if not already known*/
                    totalFeatureMI += featureMIMatrix[arrayPosition];
                }/*for the number of already selected features*/
                currentScore -= (totalFeatureMI);

                if (currentScore > score)
                    score = currentScore;
                    currentHighestFeature = j;
            }/*if j is unselected*/
        }/*for number of features*/
        selectedFeatures[currentHighestFeature] = 1;
        outputFeatures[i] = currentHighestFeature;
    }/*for the number of features to select*/
  classMI = NULL;
  feature2D = NULL;
  featureMIMatrix = NULL;
  selectedFeatures = NULL;
  return outputFeatures;
コード例 #14
ファイル: JMI.c プロジェクト: alecuba16/FEASTR
void JMI(int k, int noOfSamples, int noOfFeatures, double *featureMatrix, double *classColumn, int *outputFeatures,int *noOfOutput)
  /*holds the class MI values*/
  double *classMI = (double *)checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(double));
  char *selectedFeatures = (char *)checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(char));
  /*holds the intra feature MI values*/
  int sizeOfMatrix = k*noOfFeatures;
  double *featureMIMatrix = (double *)checkedCalloc(sizeOfMatrix,sizeof(double));
  /*Changed to ensure it always picks a feature*/
  double maxMI = -1.0;
  int maxMICounter = -1;
  double score, currentScore, totalFeatureMI;
  int currentHighestFeature;
  double *mergedVector = (double *) checkedCalloc(noOfSamples,sizeof(double));
  int arrayPosition;
  double mi, tripEntropy;
  int i,j,x;
      /*holds the first element of each sample*/
  double **feature2D = (double **) checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(double *));
  for (i = 0; i < sizeOfMatrix;i++)
    featureMIMatrix[i] = -1;
  }/*for featureMIMatrix - blank to -1*/

  for (i = 0; i < noOfFeatures;i++)
    /*calculate mutual info
    **double calculateMutualInformation(double *firstVector, double *secondVector, int vectorLength);
    classMI[i] = calculateMutualInformation(feature2D[i], classColumn, noOfSamples);
    if (classMI[i] > maxMI)
      maxMI = classMI[i];
      maxMICounter = i;
    }/*if bigger than current maximum*/
  }/*for noOfFeatures - filling classMI*/
  selectedFeatures[maxMICounter] = 1;
  outputFeatures[0] = maxMICounter;
  ** We have populated the classMI array, and selected the highest
  ** MI feature as the first output feature
  ** Now we move into the JMI algorithm
  for (i = 1; i < k; i++)
    score = 0.0;
    currentHighestFeature = 0;
    currentScore = 0.0;
    totalFeatureMI = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < noOfFeatures; j++)
      /*if we haven't selected j*/
      if (selectedFeatures[j] == 0)
        currentScore = 0.0;
        totalFeatureMI = 0.0;
        for (x = 0; x < i; x++)
          arrayPosition = x*noOfFeatures + j;
          if (featureMIMatrix[arrayPosition] == -1)
            mergeArrays(feature2D[(int) outputFeatures[x]], feature2D[j],mergedVector,noOfSamples);
            /*double calculateMutualInformation(double *firstVector, double *secondVector, int vectorLength);*/
            mi = calculateMutualInformation(mergedVector, classColumn, noOfSamples);
            featureMIMatrix[arrayPosition] = mi;
          }/*if not already known*/
          currentScore += featureMIMatrix[arrayPosition];
        }/*for the number of already selected features*/
        if (currentScore > score)
		  score = currentScore;
		  currentHighestFeature = j;
	  }/*if j is unselected*/
    }/*for number of features*/
    selectedFeatures[currentHighestFeature] = 1;
    outputFeatures[i] = currentHighestFeature;
  }/*for the number of features to select*/

  classMI = NULL;
  feature2D = NULL;
  featureMIMatrix = NULL;
  mergedVector = NULL;
  selectedFeatures = NULL;
  //outputFeatures = realloc(outputFeatures, sizeof(double)*(noOfFeatures-*noOfOutput));
コード例 #15
int* weightedCondMI(uint k, uint noOfSamples, uint noOfFeatures, uint **featureMatrix, uint *classColumn, double *weightVector, int *outputFeatures, double *featureScores) {
    char *selectedFeatures = (char *) checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(char));

    /*holds the class MI values*/
    double *classMI = (double *) checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(double));

    /*Changed to ensure it always picks a feature*/
    double maxMI = -1.0;
    int maxMICounter = -1;

    double score, currentScore;
    int currentHighestFeature;

    uint *conditionVector = (uint *) checkedCalloc(noOfSamples,sizeof(uint));

    int i,j;

    for (j = 0; j < k; j++) {
        outputFeatures[j] = -1;

    for (i = 0; i < noOfFeatures; i++) {
        /*calculate mutual info
         **double calcWeightedMutualInformation(uint *firstVector, uint *secondVector, uint *weightVector, int vectorLength);
        classMI[i] = calcWeightedMutualInformation(featureMatrix[i],classColumn,weightVector,noOfSamples);

        if (classMI[i] > maxMI) {
            maxMI = classMI[i];
            maxMICounter = i;
        }/*if bigger than current maximum*/
    }/*for noOfFeatures - filling classMI*/

    selectedFeatures[maxMICounter] = 1;
    outputFeatures[0] = maxMICounter;
    featureScores[0] = maxMI;


     ** We have populated the classMI array, and selected the highest
     ** MI feature as the first output feature
     ** Now we move into the CondMI algorithm

    for (i = 1; i < k; i++) {
        score = 0.0;
        currentHighestFeature = -1;
        currentScore = 0.0;

        for (j = 0; j < noOfFeatures; j++) {
            /*if we haven't selected j*/
            if (selectedFeatures[j] == 0) {
                currentScore = 0.0;

                /*double calcWeightedConditionalMutualInformation(uint *firstVector, uint *targetVector, uint *conditionVector, double *weightVector, int vectorLength);*/
                currentScore = calcWeightedConditionalMutualInformation(featureMatrix[j],classColumn,conditionVector,weightVector,noOfSamples);

                if (currentScore > score) {
                    score = currentScore;
                    currentHighestFeature = j;
            }/*if j is unselected*/
        }/*for number of features*/

        outputFeatures[i] = currentHighestFeature;
        featureScores[i] = score;

        if (currentHighestFeature != -1) {
            selectedFeatures[currentHighestFeature] = 1;

    }/*for the number of features to select*/


    classMI = NULL;
    conditionVector = NULL;
    selectedFeatures = NULL;

    return outputFeatures;
コード例 #16
WeightedJointProbState calculateWeightedJointProbability(double *firstVector, double *secondVector, double *weightVector, int vectorLength)
  int *firstNormalisedVector;
  int *secondNormalisedVector;
  int *firstStateCounts;
  int *secondStateCounts;
  int *jointStateCounts;
  double *firstStateProbs;
  double *secondStateProbs;
  double *jointStateProbs;
  double *firstWeightVec;
  double *secondWeightVec;
  double *jointWeightVec;
  int firstNumStates;
  int secondNumStates;
  int jointNumStates;
  int i;
  double length = vectorLength;
  WeightedJointProbState state;

  firstNormalisedVector = (int *) checkedCalloc(vectorLength,sizeof(int));
  secondNormalisedVector = (int *) checkedCalloc(vectorLength,sizeof(int));
  firstNumStates = normaliseArray(firstVector,firstNormalisedVector,vectorLength);
  secondNumStates = normaliseArray(secondVector,secondNormalisedVector,vectorLength);
  jointNumStates = firstNumStates * secondNumStates;
  firstStateCounts = (int *) checkedCalloc(firstNumStates,sizeof(int));
  secondStateCounts = (int *) checkedCalloc(secondNumStates,sizeof(int));
  jointStateCounts = (int *) checkedCalloc(jointNumStates,sizeof(int));
  firstStateProbs = (double *) checkedCalloc(firstNumStates,sizeof(double));
  secondStateProbs = (double *) checkedCalloc(secondNumStates,sizeof(double));
  jointStateProbs = (double *) checkedCalloc(jointNumStates,sizeof(double));
  firstWeightVec = (double *) checkedCalloc(firstNumStates,sizeof(double));
  secondWeightVec = (double *) checkedCalloc(secondNumStates,sizeof(double));
  jointWeightVec = (double *) checkedCalloc(jointNumStates,sizeof(double));
  for (i = 0; i < vectorLength; i++)
    firstStateCounts[firstNormalisedVector[i]] += 1;
    secondStateCounts[secondNormalisedVector[i]] += 1;
    jointStateCounts[secondNormalisedVector[i] * firstNumStates + firstNormalisedVector[i]] += 1;

    firstWeightVec[firstNormalisedVector[i]] += weightVector[i];
    secondWeightVec[secondNormalisedVector[i]] += weightVector[i];
    jointWeightVec[secondNormalisedVector[i] * firstNumStates + firstNormalisedVector[i]] += weightVector[i];
  for (i = 0; i < firstNumStates; i++)
    if (firstStateCounts[i])
      firstStateProbs[i] = firstStateCounts[i] / length;
      firstWeightVec[i] /= firstStateCounts[i];
  for (i = 0; i < secondNumStates; i++)
    if (secondStateCounts[i])
      secondStateProbs[i] = secondStateCounts[i] / length;
      secondWeightVec[i] /= secondStateCounts[i];
  for (i = 0; i < jointNumStates; i++)
    if (jointStateCounts[i])
      jointStateProbs[i] = jointStateCounts[i] / length;
      jointWeightVec[i] /= jointStateCounts[i];

  firstNormalisedVector = NULL;
  secondNormalisedVector = NULL;
  firstStateCounts = NULL;
  secondStateCounts = NULL;
  jointStateCounts = NULL;
  **typedef struct 
  **  double *jointProbabilityVector;
  **  double *jointWeightVector;
  **  int numJointStates;
  **  double *firstProbabilityVector;
  **  double *firstWeightVector;
  **  int numFirstStates;
  **  double *secondProbabilityVector;
  **  double *secondWeightVector;
  **  int numSecondStates;
  **} WeightedJointProbState;
  state.jointProbabilityVector = jointStateProbs;
  state.jointWeightVector = jointWeightVec;
  state.numJointStates = jointNumStates;
  state.firstProbabilityVector = firstStateProbs;
  state.firstWeightVector = firstWeightVec;
  state.numFirstStates = firstNumStates;
  state.secondProbabilityVector = secondStateProbs;
  state.secondWeightVector = secondWeightVec;
  state.numSecondStates = secondNumStates;

  return state;
}/*calculateJointProbability(double *,double *, int)*/
コード例 #17
JointProbabilityState calculateJointProbability(double *firstVector, double *secondVector, int vectorLength)
  int *firstNormalisedVector;
  int *secondNormalisedVector;
  int *firstStateCounts;
  int *secondStateCounts;
  int *jointStateCounts;
  double *firstStateProbs;
  double *secondStateProbs;
  double *jointStateProbs;
  int firstNumStates;
  int secondNumStates;
  int jointNumStates;
  int i;
  double length = vectorLength;
  JointProbabilityState state;

  firstNormalisedVector = (int *) checkedCalloc(vectorLength,sizeof(int));
  secondNormalisedVector = (int *) checkedCalloc(vectorLength,sizeof(int));
  firstNumStates = normaliseArray(firstVector,firstNormalisedVector,vectorLength);
  secondNumStates = normaliseArray(secondVector,secondNormalisedVector,vectorLength);
  jointNumStates = firstNumStates * secondNumStates;
  firstStateCounts = (int *) checkedCalloc(firstNumStates,sizeof(int));
  secondStateCounts = (int *) checkedCalloc(secondNumStates,sizeof(int));
  jointStateCounts = (int *) checkedCalloc(jointNumStates,sizeof(int));
  firstStateProbs = (double *) checkedCalloc(firstNumStates,sizeof(double));
  secondStateProbs = (double *) checkedCalloc(secondNumStates,sizeof(double));
  jointStateProbs = (double *) checkedCalloc(jointNumStates,sizeof(double));
  /* optimised version, less numerically stable
  double fractionalState = 1.0 / vectorLength;
  for (i = 0; i < vectorLength; i++)
    firstStateProbs[firstNormalisedVector[i]] += fractionalState;
    secondStateProbs[secondNormalisedVector[i]] += fractionalState;
    jointStateProbs[secondNormalisedVector[i] * firstNumStates + firstNormalisedVector[i]] += fractionalState;
  /* Optimised for number of FP operations now O(states) instead of O(vectorLength) */
  for (i = 0; i < vectorLength; i++)
    firstStateCounts[firstNormalisedVector[i]] += 1;
    secondStateCounts[secondNormalisedVector[i]] += 1;
    jointStateCounts[secondNormalisedVector[i] * firstNumStates + firstNormalisedVector[i]] += 1;
  for (i = 0; i < firstNumStates; i++)
    firstStateProbs[i] = firstStateCounts[i] / length;
  for (i = 0; i < secondNumStates; i++)
    secondStateProbs[i] = secondStateCounts[i] / length;
  for (i = 0; i < jointNumStates; i++)
    jointStateProbs[i] = jointStateCounts[i] / length;

  firstNormalisedVector = NULL;
  secondNormalisedVector = NULL;
  firstStateCounts = NULL;
  secondStateCounts = NULL;
  jointStateCounts = NULL;
  **typedef struct 
  **  double *jointProbabilityVector;
  **  int numJointStates;
  **  double *firstProbabilityVector;
  **  int numFirstStates;
  **  double *secondProbabilityVector;
  **  int numSecondStates;
  **} JointProbabilityState;
  state.jointProbabilityVector = jointStateProbs;
  state.numJointStates = jointNumStates;
  state.firstProbabilityVector = firstStateProbs;
  state.numFirstStates = firstNumStates;
  state.secondProbabilityVector = secondStateProbs;
  state.numSecondStates = secondNumStates;

  return state;
}/*calculateJointProbability(double *,double *, int)*/
コード例 #18
ファイル: CondMI.c プロジェクト: ubaniak/PyFeast
double* CondMI(int k, int noOfSamples, int noOfFeatures, double *featureMatrix, double *classColumn, double *outputFeatures)
    /*holds the class MI values*/
    double *classMI = (double *)CALLOC_FUNC(noOfFeatures,sizeof(double));

    char *selectedFeatures = (char *)CALLOC_FUNC(noOfFeatures,sizeof(char));

    /*holds the intra feature MI values*/
    int sizeOfMatrix = k*noOfFeatures;
    double *featureMIMatrix = (double *)CALLOC_FUNC(sizeOfMatrix,sizeof(double));

    double maxMI = 0.0;
    int maxMICounter = -1;

    double **feature2D = (double**) CALLOC_FUNC(noOfFeatures,sizeof(double*));

    double score, currentScore, totalFeatureMI;
    int currentHighestFeature;

    double *conditionVector = (double *) CALLOC_FUNC(noOfSamples,sizeof(double));

    int arrayPosition;
    double mi, tripEntropy;

    int i,j,x;

    for(j = 0; j < noOfFeatures; j++)
        feature2D[j] = featureMatrix + (int)j*noOfSamples;

    for (i = 0; i < sizeOfMatrix; i++)
        featureMIMatrix[i] = -1;
    }/*for featureMIMatrix - blank to -1*/

    for (i = 0; i < noOfFeatures; i++)
        /*calculate mutual info
        **double calculateMutualInformation(double *firstVector, double *secondVector, int vectorLength);
        classMI[i] = calculateMutualInformation(feature2D[i], classColumn, noOfSamples);

        if (classMI[i] > maxMI)
            maxMI = classMI[i];
            maxMICounter = i;
        }/*if bigger than current maximum*/
    }/*for noOfFeatures - filling classMI*/

    selectedFeatures[maxMICounter] = 1;
    outputFeatures[0] = maxMICounter;


    ** We have populated the classMI array, and selected the highest
    ** MI feature as the first output feature
    ** Now we move into the CondMI algorithm

    for (i = 1; i < k; i++)
        score = 0.0;
        currentHighestFeature = -1;
        currentScore = 0.0;
        totalFeatureMI = 0.0;

        for (j = 0; j < noOfFeatures; j++)
            /*if we haven't selected j*/
            if (selectedFeatures[j] == 0)
                currentScore = 0.0;
                totalFeatureMI = 0.0;

                /*double calculateConditionalMutualInformation(double *firstVector, double *targetVector, double *conditionVector, int vectorLength);*/
                currentScore = calculateConditionalMutualInformation(feature2D[j],classColumn,conditionVector,noOfSamples);

                if (currentScore > score)
                    score = currentScore;
                    currentHighestFeature = j;
            }/*if j is unselected*/
        }/*for number of features*/

        outputFeatures[i] = currentHighestFeature;

        if (currentHighestFeature != -1)
            selectedFeatures[currentHighestFeature] = 1;

    }/*for the number of features to select*/


    classMI = NULL;
    conditionVector = NULL;
    feature2D = NULL;
    featureMIMatrix = NULL;
    selectedFeatures = NULL;

    return outputFeatures;
コード例 #19
ファイル: mRMR_D.c プロジェクト: alecuba16/FEASTR
void mRMR_D(int k, int noOfSamples, int noOfFeatures, double *featureMatrix, double *classColumn, int *outputFeatures,int *noOfOutput)

  /*holds the class MI values*/
  double *classMI = (double *)checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(double));
  int *selectedFeatures = (int *)checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(int));
  /*holds the intra feature MI values*/
  int sizeOfMatrix = k*noOfFeatures;
  double *featureMIMatrix = (double *)checkedCalloc(sizeOfMatrix,sizeof(double));
  /*Changed to ensure it always picks a feature*/
  double maxMI = -1.0;
  int maxMICounter = -1;
  /*init variables*/
  double score, currentScore, totalFeatureMI;
  int currentHighestFeature;
  int arrayPosition, i, j, x;
  /*holds the first element of each sample*/
  double **feature2D = (double **) checkedCalloc(noOfFeatures,sizeof(double *));
  for (i = 0; i < sizeOfMatrix;i++)
    featureMIMatrix[i] = -1;
  }/*for featureMIMatrix - blank to -1*/

  for (i = 0; i < noOfFeatures;i++)
    classMI[i] = calculateMutualInformation(feature2D[i], classColumn, noOfSamples);
    if (classMI[i] > maxMI)
      maxMI = classMI[i];
      maxMICounter = i;
    }/*if bigger than current maximum*/
  }/*for noOfFeatures - filling classMI*/
  selectedFeatures[maxMICounter] = 1;
  outputFeatures[0] = maxMICounter;
  ** Now we have populated the classMI array, and selected the highest
  ** MI feature as the first output feature
  ** Now we move into the mRMR-D algorithm
  for (i = 1; i < k; i++)
    ** to ensure it selects some features
    **if this is zero then it will not pick features where the redundancy is greater than the 
    score = -DBL_MAX;
    currentHighestFeature = 0;
    currentScore = 0.0;
    totalFeatureMI = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < noOfFeatures; j++)
      /*if we haven't selected j*/
      if (selectedFeatures[j] == 0)
        currentScore = classMI[j];
        totalFeatureMI = 0.0;
        for (x = 0; x < i; x++)
          arrayPosition = x*noOfFeatures + j;
          if (featureMIMatrix[arrayPosition] == -1)
            /*work out intra MI*/
            /*double calculateMutualInformation(double *firstVector, double *secondVector, int vectorLength);*/
            featureMIMatrix[arrayPosition] = calculateMutualInformation(feature2D[(int) outputFeatures[x]], feature2D[j], noOfSamples);
          totalFeatureMI += featureMIMatrix[arrayPosition];
        }/*for the number of already selected features*/
        currentScore -= (totalFeatureMI/i);
        if (currentScore > score)
		  score = currentScore;
		  currentHighestFeature = j;
	  }/*if j is unselected*/
	}/*for number of features*/
    selectedFeatures[currentHighestFeature] = 1;
    outputFeatures[i] = currentHighestFeature;
  }/*for the number of features to select*/
  classMI = NULL;
  feature2D = NULL;
  featureMIMatrix = NULL;
  selectedFeatures = NULL;
  //outputFeatures = realloc(outputFeatures, sizeof(double)*(noOfFeatures-*noOfOutput));
コード例 #20
ファイル: CMIM.c プロジェクト: ageek/PyFeast
double* CMIM(int k, int noOfSamples, int noOfFeatures, double *featureMatrix, double *classColumn, double *outputFeatures)
  /*holds the class MI values
  **the class MI doubles as the partial score from the CMIM paper
  double *classMI = (double *)CALLOC_FUNC(noOfFeatures,sizeof(double));
  /*in the CMIM paper, m = lastUsedFeature*/
  int *lastUsedFeature = (int *)CALLOC_FUNC(noOfFeatures,sizeof(int));
  double score, conditionalInfo;
  int iMinus, currentFeature;
  double maxMI = 0.0;
  int maxMICounter = -1;
  int j,i;

  double **feature2D = (double**) CALLOC_FUNC(noOfFeatures,sizeof(double*));

  for(j = 0; j < noOfFeatures; j++)
    feature2D[j] = featureMatrix + (int)j*noOfSamples;
  for (i = 0; i < noOfFeatures;i++)
    classMI[i] = calculateMutualInformation(feature2D[i], classColumn, noOfSamples);
    if (classMI[i] > maxMI)
      maxMI = classMI[i];
      maxMICounter = i;
    }/*if bigger than current maximum*/
  }/*for noOfFeatures - filling classMI*/
  outputFeatures[0] = maxMICounter;
  ** We have populated the classMI array, and selected the highest
  ** MI feature as the first output feature
  ** Now we move into the CMIM algorithm
  for (i = 1; i < k; i++)
    score = 0.0;
    iMinus = i-1;
    for (j = 0; j < noOfFeatures; j++)
      while ((classMI[j] > score) && (lastUsedFeature[j] < i))
        /*double calculateConditionalMutualInformation(double *firstVector, double *targetVector, double *conditionVector, int vectorLength);*/
        currentFeature = (int) outputFeatures[lastUsedFeature[j]];
        conditionalInfo = calculateConditionalMutualInformation(feature2D[j],classColumn,feature2D[currentFeature],noOfSamples);
        if (classMI[j] > conditionalInfo)
          classMI[j] = conditionalInfo;
        }/*reset classMI*/
        /*moved due to C indexing from 0 rather than 1*/
        lastUsedFeature[j] += 1;
      }/*while partial score greater than score & not reached last feature*/
      if (classMI[j] > score)
        score = classMI[j];
        outputFeatures[i] = j;
      }/*if partial score still greater than score*/
	}/*for number of features*/
  }/*for the number of features to select*/
  for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
    outputFeatures[i] += 1; /*C indexes from 0 not 1*/
  }/*for number of selected features*/

  classMI = NULL;
  lastUsedFeature = NULL;
  feature2D = NULL;

  return outputFeatures;
コード例 #21
double calcCondRenyiEnt(double alpha, double *dataVector, double *conditionVector, int uniqueInCondVector, int vectorLength)
    /*uniqueInCondVector = is the number of unique values in the cond vector.*/

    /*condEntropy = sum p(y) * sum p(x|y)^alpha(*/

    ** first generate the seperate variables

    double *seperateVectors = (double *) checkedCalloc(uniqueInCondVector*vectorLength,sizeof(double));
    int *seperateVectorCount = (int *) checkedCalloc(uniqueInCondVector,sizeof(int));
    double seperateVectorProb = 0.0;
    int i,j;
    double entropy = 0.0;
    double tempValue = 0.0;
    int currentValue;
    double tempEntropy;
    ProbabilityState state;

    double **seperateVectors2D = (double **) checkedCalloc(uniqueInCondVector,sizeof(double*));
    for(j=0; j < uniqueInCondVector; j++)
        seperateVectors2D[j] = seperateVectors + (int)j*vectorLength;

    for (i = 0; i < vectorLength; i++)
        currentValue = (int) (conditionVector[i] - 1.0);
        /*printf("CurrentValue = %d\n",currentValue);*/
        seperateVectors2D[currentValue][seperateVectorCount[currentValue]] = dataVector[i];

    for (j = 0; j < uniqueInCondVector; j++)
        tempEntropy = 0.0;
        seperateVectorProb = ((double)seperateVectorCount[j]) / vectorLength;
        state = calculateProbability(seperateVectors2D[j],seperateVectorCount[j]);

        /*H_\alpha(X) = 1/(1-alpha) * log(2)(sum p(x)^alpha)*/
        for (i = 0; i < state.numStates; i++)
            tempValue = state.probabilityVector[i];

            if (tempValue > 0)
                tempEntropy += pow(tempValue,alpha);
                /*printf("Entropy = %f, i = %d\n", entropy,i);*/

        /*printf("Entropy = %f\n", entropy);*/

        tempEntropy = log(tempEntropy);

        tempEntropy /= log(2.0);

        tempEntropy /= (1.0-alpha);

        entropy += tempEntropy;


    seperateVectors2D = NULL;


    seperateVectors = NULL;
    seperateVectorCount = NULL;

    return entropy;
}/*calcCondRenyiEnt(double *,double *,int)*/