コード例 #1
ファイル: sdmc_dev.c プロジェクト: CarlosEFML/ctrulib
/*! Create a directory
 *  @param[in,out] r    newlib reentrancy struct
 *  @param[in]     path Path of directory to create
 *  @param[in]     mode Permissions of created directory
 *  @returns 0 for success
 *  @returns -1 for error
static int
sdmc_mkdir(struct _reent *r,
           const char    *path,
           int           mode)
  Result rc;
  const char *pathptr = NULL;

  pathptr = sdmc_fixpath(path);

    return -1;

  /* TODO: Use mode to set directory attributes. */

  rc = FSUSER_CreateDirectory(NULL, sdmcArchive, FS_makePath(PATH_CHAR, pathptr));
  if(rc == 0)
    return 0;

  r->_errno = ENOSYS;
  return -1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: filesystem.cpp プロジェクト: Flareninja/PHBank
// ==================================================
Result FS_createDirectory(char* path, Handle* fsHandle, FS_archive* fsArchive)
// --------------------------------------------------
	if (!path || !fsHandle || !fsArchive) return -1;

	Result ret;

	ret = FSUSER_CreateDirectory(fsHandle, *fsArchive, FS_makePath(PATH_CHAR, path));

	return ret;
コード例 #3
ファイル: arnutil.cpp プロジェクト: XeQMuK3K4/lumaupdate
bool renameRecursive(const FS_Archive archive, const std::string source, const std::string target) {
	const FS_Path sourcePath = fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, source.c_str());
	const FS_Path targetPath = fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, target.c_str());

	// Open source directory
	Handle directory = NULL;
	if (FSUSER_OpenDirectory(&directory, archive, sourcePath) != 0) {
		std::printf("\nCould not open %s\n\n", source.c_str());
		return false;

	// Make target directory
	if (FSUSER_CreateDirectory(archive, targetPath, FS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) {
		std::printf("\nCould not create %s\n\n", target.c_str());
		return false;

	u32 fileRead = 0;
	while (true) {
		FS_DirectoryEntry entry = {};
		FSDIR_Read(directory, &fileRead, 1, &entry);
		if (!fileRead) {

		// Convert name to ASCII (just cut the other bytes)
		char name8[262] = { 0 };
		for (size_t i = 0; i < 262; i++) {
			name8[i] = entry.name[i] % 0xff;
		std::string filePath = std::string("/") + name8;
		std::string from = source + filePath;
		std::string to = target + filePath;

		// Is a directory? Recurse rename
		if (entry.attributes & FS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
			std::printf("  %s -> %s (DIR)\n", from.c_str(), to.c_str());
			if (!renameRecursive(archive, source + filePath, target + filePath)) {
				return false;
		} else {
			FS_Path sourceFilePath = fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, from.c_str());
			FS_Path targetFilePath = fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, to.c_str());
			if (FSUSER_RenameFile(archive, sourceFilePath, archive, targetFilePath) != 0) {
				std::printf("\nCould not rename %s\n\n", (char*)sourceFilePath.data);
				return false;
			std::printf("  %s -> %s\n", (char*)sourceFilePath.data, (char*)targetFilePath.data);

	return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: config.c プロジェクト: ST3ALth/mGBA-Core
void GBAConfigDirectory(char* out, size_t outLength) {
	struct VFile* portable;
#ifdef _WIN32
	wchar_t wpath[MAX_PATH];
	wchar_t wprojectName[MAX_PATH];
	MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, projectName, -1, wprojectName, MAX_PATH);
	HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleW(NULL);
	GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, wpath, MAX_PATH);
	WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wpath, -1, out, outLength, 0, 0);
	StringCchCatA(out, outLength, "\\portable.ini");
	portable = VFileOpen(out, O_RDONLY);
	if (portable) {
	} else {
		wchar_t* home;
		SHGetKnownFolderPath(&FOLDERID_RoamingAppData, 0, NULL, &home);
		StringCchPrintfW(wpath, MAX_PATH, L"%ws\\%ws", home, wprojectName);
		CreateDirectoryW(wpath, NULL);
	WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wpath, -1, out, outLength, 0, 0);
#elif defined(PSP2)
	snprintf(out, outLength, "cache0:/%s", projectName);
	sceIoMkdir(out, 0777);
#elif defined(GEKKO)
	snprintf(out, outLength, "/%s", projectName);
	mkdir(out, 0777);
#elif defined(_3DS)
	snprintf(out, outLength, "/%s", projectName);
	FSUSER_CreateDirectory(sdmcArchive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, out), 0);
	getcwd(out, outLength);
	strncat(out, PATH_SEP "portable.ini", outLength - strlen(out));
	portable = VFileOpen(out, O_RDONLY);
	if (portable) {
		getcwd(out, outLength);

	char* home = getenv("HOME");
	snprintf(out, outLength, "%s/.config", home);
	mkdir(out, 0755);
	snprintf(out, outLength, "%s/.config/%s", home, binaryName);
	mkdir(out, 0755);
コード例 #5
ファイル: pastefiles.c プロジェクト: gnmmarechal/FBI
static Result action_paste_files_make_dst_directory(void* data, u32 index) {
    paste_files_data* pasteData = (paste_files_data*) data;

    Result res = 0;

    u32 attributes = ((file_info*) ((list_item*) linked_list_get(&pasteData->contents, index))->data)->attributes;

    char dstPath[FILE_PATH_MAX];
    action_paste_files_get_dst_path(pasteData, index, dstPath);

    FS_Path* fsPath = util_make_path_utf8(dstPath);
    if(fsPath != NULL) {
        Handle dirHandle = 0;
        if(R_SUCCEEDED(FSUSER_OpenDirectory(&dirHandle, pasteData->target->archive, *fsPath))) {
        } else {
            res = FSUSER_CreateDirectory(pasteData->target->archive, *fsPath, attributes);

    } else {
        res = R_FBI_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    if(R_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
        char parentPath[FILE_PATH_MAX];
        util_get_parent_path(parentPath, dstPath, FILE_PATH_MAX);

        char baseDstPath[FILE_PATH_MAX];
        if(pasteData->target->attributes & FS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
            strncpy(baseDstPath, pasteData->target->path, FILE_PATH_MAX);
        } else {
            util_get_parent_path(baseDstPath, pasteData->target->path, FILE_PATH_MAX);

        if(strncmp(parentPath, baseDstPath, FILE_PATH_MAX) == 0) {
            list_item* dstItem = NULL;
            if(R_SUCCEEDED(res) && R_SUCCEEDED(task_create_file_item(&dstItem, pasteData->target->archive, dstPath, attributes))) {
                linked_list_add(pasteData->items, dstItem);

    return res;
コード例 #6
ファイル: ttp.c プロジェクト: DayVeeBoi/KernelTimeMachine
bool installTTP(char* path, u8 mediatype) { // Install a TTP file. (needs libzip and installCIA)

	Result res;
	FS_Archive archive = {ARCHIVE_SDMC, {PATH_EMPTY, 0, 0}};
	FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/tmp/cias"));
	FSUSER_CreateDirectory(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/tmp/cias"), 0);
	FILE* ttp = fopen(path, "rb");
	FILE* tmp = fopen("/tmp/cias/ttp.tmp", "wb");

	u32 titlesAmount;
	AM_GetTitleCount(mediatype, &titlesAmount);
	u64* titleIDs = malloc(sizeof(u64) * titlesAmount);
	AM_GetTitleIdList(mediatype, titlesAmount, titleIDs);

	u32 size;
	fseek(ttp, 0x19, SEEK_SET);
	fread(&size, 0x4, 1, ttp);
	fseek(ttp, 0x1D, SEEK_SET);

	u32 blockAmount = size / 0x160000; // Finds how many blocks of 4MB you have in the file
	u32 i;
	char* block = malloc(0x160000);
	for (i = 0; i < blockAmount; i++) {
		fread(block, 1, 0x160000, ttp);
		fwrite(block, 1, 0x160000, tmp);

	if (size % 0x160000 != 0) {
		fread(block, 1, size-0x160000*blockAmount, ttp);
		fwrite(block, 1, size-0x160000*blockAmount, tmp);



	FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/tmp/cias"));
	FSUSER_CreateDirectory(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/tmp/cias"), 0);

	Zip *zipHandle = ZipOpen("/tmp/cias/ttp.tmp");
	ZipExtract(zipHandle, NULL);

	Handle ciaDir;
	FS_Archive fsarchive;
	u32 actualAmount;
	FS_DirectoryEntry* entries;

	FSUSER_DeleteFile(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/tmp/cias/ttp.tmp"));
	res = FSUSER_OpenDirectory(&ciaDir, fsarchive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/tmp/cias"));
	if (res != 0) { free(titleIDs); return false; }
	entries = malloc(256 * sizeof(FS_DirectoryEntry));
	res = FSDIR_Read(ciaDir, &actualAmount, 256, entries);
	if (res != 0) { free(titleIDs); return false; }

	char* ciaPath;
	Handle ciaFileHandle;
	AM_TitleEntry ciaInfo;
	for (i = 0; i < actualAmount; i++) {
		ciaPath = malloc(14 + strlen(entries[i].shortName));
		strcpy(ciaPath, "/tmp/cias/");
		strcat(ciaPath, entries[i].shortName);
		strcat(ciaPath, ".cia");
		FSUSER_OpenFile(&ciaFileHandle, archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, ciaPath), FS_OPEN_READ, 0);
		AM_GetCiaFileInfo(mediatype, &ciaInfo, ciaFileHandle);
		if (ciaInfo.titleID == 0x0004013800000002LL || ciaInfo.titleID == 0x0004013820000002LL) {
			if (!installCIA(ciaPath, mediatype, titleIDs, entries[i].shortName))
				if (!installCIA(ciaPath, mediatype, titleIDs, entries[i].shortName)) // Tries to install the CIA 3 times then give up. If it has to give up, that probably means brick.
					if (!installCIA(ciaPath, mediatype, titleIDs, entries[i].shortName))
						return false;


	for (i = 0; i < actualAmount; i++) {
		ciaPath = malloc(14 + strlen(entries[i].shortName));
		strcpy(ciaPath, "/tmp/cias/");
		strcat(ciaPath, entries[i].shortName);
		strcat(ciaPath, ".cia");
		if (!installCIA(ciaPath, mediatype, titleIDs, entries[i].shortName))
			if (!installCIA(ciaPath, mediatype, titleIDs, entries[i].shortName)) // Tries to install the CIA 3 times then give up. If it has to give up, that probably means brick.
				installCIA(ciaPath, mediatype, titleIDs, entries[i].shortName);


	FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/tmp/cias"));



	return true;
