コード例 #1
ファイル: sv_client.c プロジェクト: codetwister/qfusion
* SV_BeginDownload_f
* Responds to reliable download packet with reliable initdownload packet
static void SV_BeginDownload_f( client_t *client )
	const char *requestname;
	const char *uploadname;
	size_t alloc_size;
	unsigned checksum;
	char *url;
	const char *errormsg = NULL;
	qboolean allow, requestpak;
	qboolean local_http = SV_Web_Running() && sv_uploads_http->integer != 0;

	requestpak = ( atoi( Cmd_Argv( 1 ) ) == 1 );
	requestname = Cmd_Argv( 2 );

	if( !requestname[0] || !COM_ValidateRelativeFilename( requestname ) )
		SV_DenyDownload( client, "Invalid filename" );

	if( !SV_FilenameForDownloadRequest( requestname, requestpak, &uploadname, &errormsg ) ) {
		assert( errormsg != NULL );
		SV_DenyDownload( client, errormsg );

	if( FS_CheckPakExtension( uploadname ) )
		allow = qfalse;

		// allow downloading paks from the pure list, if not spawned
		if( client->state < CS_SPAWNED )
			purelist_t *purefile;

			purefile = svs.purelist;
			while( purefile )
				if( !strcmp( uploadname, purefile->filename ) )
					allow = qtrue;
				purefile = purefile->next;

		// game module has a change to allow extra downloads
		if( !allow && !SV_GameAllowDownload( client, requestname, uploadname ) )
			SV_DenyDownload( client, "Downloading of this file is not allowed" );
		if( !SV_GameAllowDownload( client, requestname, uploadname ) )
			SV_DenyDownload( client, "Downloading of this file is not allowed" );

	// we will just overwrite old download, if any
	if( client->download.name )
		if( client->download.data )
			FS_FreeBaseFile( client->download.data );
			client->download.data = NULL;

		Mem_ZoneFree( client->download.name );
		client->download.name = NULL;

		client->download.size = 0;
		client->download.timeout = 0;

	client->download.size = FS_LoadBaseFile( uploadname, NULL, NULL, 0 );
	if( client->download.size == -1 )
		Com_Printf( "Error getting size of %s for uploading\n", uploadname );
		client->download.size = 0;
		SV_DenyDownload( client, "Error getting file size" );

	checksum = FS_ChecksumBaseFile( uploadname );
	client->download.timeout = svs.realtime + 1000 * 60 * 60; // this is web download timeout

	alloc_size = sizeof( char ) * ( strlen( uploadname ) + 1 );
	client->download.name = Mem_ZoneMalloc( alloc_size );
	Q_strncpyz( client->download.name, uploadname, alloc_size );

	Com_Printf( "Offering %s to %s\n", client->download.name, client->name );

	if( FS_CheckPakExtension( uploadname ) && ( local_http || sv_uploads_baseurl->string[0] != 0 ) )
		// .pk3 and .pak download from the web
		if( local_http )
			url = TempCopyString( va( "files/%s", uploadname ) );
			alloc_size = sizeof( char ) * ( strlen( sv_uploads_baseurl->string ) + 1 );
			url = Mem_TempMalloc( alloc_size );
			Q_snprintfz( url, alloc_size, "%s/", sv_uploads_baseurl->string );
	else if( SV_IsDemoDownloadRequest( requestname ) && ( local_http || sv_uploads_demos_baseurl->string[0] != 0 ) )
		// demo file download from the web
		if( local_http )
			url = TempCopyString( va( "files/%s", uploadname ) );
			alloc_size = sizeof( char ) * ( strlen( sv_uploads_demos_baseurl->string ) + 1 );
			url = Mem_TempMalloc( alloc_size );
			Q_snprintfz( url, alloc_size, "%s/", sv_uploads_demos_baseurl->string );
		url = NULL;

	// start the download
	SV_InitClientMessage( client, &tmpMessage, NULL, 0 );
	SV_SendServerCommand( client, "initdownload \"%s\" %i %u %i \"%s\"", client->download.name,
		client->download.size, checksum, local_http ? 1 : 0, ( url ? url : "" ) );
	SV_AddReliableCommandsToMessage( client, &tmpMessage );
	SV_SendMessageToClient( client, &tmpMessage );

	if( url )
		Mem_TempFree( url );
		url = NULL;
コード例 #2
ファイル: sv_client.c プロジェクト: codetwister/qfusion
* SV_NextDownload_f
* Responds to reliable nextdl packet with unreliable download packet
* If nextdl packet's offet information is negative, download will be stopped
static void SV_NextDownload_f( client_t *client )
	int blocksize;
	int offset;

	if( !client->download.name )
		Com_Printf( "nextdl message for client with no download active, from: %s\n", client->name );

	if( Q_stricmp( client->download.name, Cmd_Argv( 1 ) ) )
		Com_Printf( "nextdl message for wrong filename, from: %s\n", client->name );

	offset = atoi( Cmd_Argv( 2 ) );

	if( offset > client->download.size )
		Com_Printf( "nextdl message with too big offset, from: %s\n", client->name );

	if( offset == -1 )
		Com_Printf( "Upload of %s to %s%s completed\n", client->download.name, client->name, S_COLOR_WHITE );
		if( client->download.data )
			FS_FreeBaseFile( client->download.data );
			client->download.data = NULL;
		Mem_ZoneFree( client->download.name );
		client->download.name = NULL;
		client->download.size = 0;
		client->download.timeout = 0;

	if( offset < 0 )
		Com_Printf( "Upload of %s to %s%s failed\n", client->download.name, client->name, S_COLOR_WHITE );
		if( client->download.data )
			FS_FreeBaseFile( client->download.data );
			client->download.data = NULL;
		Mem_ZoneFree( client->download.name );
		client->download.name = NULL;
		client->download.size = 0;
		client->download.timeout = 0;

	if( !client->download.data )
		Com_Printf( "Starting server upload of %s to %s\n", client->download.name, client->name );

		FS_LoadBaseFile( client->download.name, (void **)&client->download.data, NULL, 0 );
		if( !client->download.data )
			Com_Printf( "Error loading %s for uploading\n", client->download.name );
			Mem_ZoneFree( client->download.name );
			client->download.name = NULL;
			client->download.size = 0;
			client->download.timeout = 0;

	SV_InitClientMessage( client, &tmpMessage, NULL, 0 );
	SV_AddReliableCommandsToMessage( client, &tmpMessage );

	blocksize = client->download.size - offset;
	// jalfixme: adapt download to user rate setting and sv_maxrate setting.
	if( blocksize > FRAGMENT_SIZE * 2 )
		blocksize = FRAGMENT_SIZE * 2;
	if( offset + blocksize > client->download.size )
		blocksize = client->download.size - offset;

	MSG_WriteByte( &tmpMessage, svc_download );
	MSG_WriteString( &tmpMessage, client->download.name );
	MSG_WriteLong( &tmpMessage, offset );
	MSG_WriteLong( &tmpMessage, blocksize );
	MSG_CopyData( &tmpMessage, client->download.data + offset, blocksize );
	SV_SendMessageToClient( client, &tmpMessage );

	client->download.timeout = svs.realtime + 10000;
コード例 #3
ファイル: sv_client.c プロジェクト: codetwister/qfusion
* SV_DropClient
* Called when the player is totally leaving the server, either willingly
* or unwillingly.  This is NOT called if the entire server is quiting
* or crashing.
void SV_DropClient( client_t *drop, int type, const char *format, ... )
	va_list	argptr;
	char *reason;
	char string[1024];

	if( format )
		va_start( argptr, format );
		Q_vsnprintfz( string, sizeof( string ), format, argptr );
		va_end( argptr );
		reason = string;
		Q_strncpyz( string, "User disconnected", sizeof( string ) );
		reason = NULL;

	// remove the rating of the client
	if( drop->edict )
		ge->RemoveRating( drop->edict );

	// add the disconnect
	if( drop->edict && ( drop->edict->r.svflags & SVF_FAKECLIENT ) )
		ge->ClientDisconnect( drop->edict, reason );
		SV_ClientResetCommandBuffers( drop ); // make sure everything is clean
		SV_InitClientMessage( drop, &tmpMessage, NULL, 0 );
		SV_SendServerCommand( drop, "disconnect %i \"%s\"", type, string );
		SV_AddReliableCommandsToMessage( drop, &tmpMessage );

		SV_SendMessageToClient( drop, &tmpMessage );
		Netchan_PushAllFragments( &drop->netchan );

		if( drop->state >= CS_CONNECTED )
			// call the prog function for removing a client
			// this will remove the body, among other things
			ge->ClientDisconnect( drop->edict, reason );
		else if( drop->name[0] )
			Com_Printf( "Connecting client %s%s disconnected (%s%s)\n", drop->name, S_COLOR_WHITE, reason,

	SV_MM_ClientDisconnect( drop );

	SNAP_FreeClientFrames( drop );

	if( drop->download.name )
		if( drop->download.data )
			FS_FreeBaseFile( drop->download.data );
			drop->download.data = NULL;

		Mem_ZoneFree( drop->download.name );
		drop->download.name = NULL;

		drop->download.size = 0;
		drop->download.timeout = 0;

	if( drop->individual_socket )
		NET_CloseSocket( &drop->socket );

	if( drop->mv )
		drop->mv = qfalse;

	drop->tvclient = qfalse;
	drop->state = CS_ZOMBIE;    // become free in a few seconds
	drop->name[0] = 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: sv_main.c プロジェクト: hettoo/racesow
* SV_CheckTimeouts
* If a packet has not been received from a client for timeout->value
* seconds, drop the conneciton.  Server frames are used instead of
* realtime to avoid dropping the local client while debugging.
* When a client is normally dropped, the client_t goes into a zombie state
* for a few seconds to make sure any final reliable message gets resent
* if necessary
static void SV_CheckTimeouts( void )
	client_t *cl;
	int i;

	// timeout incoming connections
	for( i = 0; i < MAX_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS; i++ )
		if( svs.incoming[i].active && svs.incoming[i].time + 1000 * 15 < svs.realtime )
			Com_Printf( "Incoming TCP connection from %s timed out\n", NET_AddressToString( &svs.incoming[i].address ) );
			NET_CloseSocket( &svs.incoming[i].socket );
			svs.incoming[i].active = qfalse;

	// timeout clients
	for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, cl++ )
		// fake clients do not timeout
		if( cl->edict && ( cl->edict->r.svflags & SVF_FAKECLIENT ) )
			cl->lastPacketReceivedTime = svs.realtime;

		// message times may be wrong across a changelevel
		else if( cl->lastPacketReceivedTime > svs.realtime )
			cl->lastPacketReceivedTime = svs.realtime;

		if( cl->state == CS_ZOMBIE && cl->lastPacketReceivedTime + 1000 * sv_zombietime->value < svs.realtime )
			cl->state = CS_FREE; // can now be reused
			if( cl->individual_socket )
				NET_CloseSocket( &cl->socket );

		if( ( cl->state != CS_FREE && cl->state != CS_ZOMBIE ) &&
			( cl->lastPacketReceivedTime + 1000 * sv_timeout->value < svs.realtime ) )
			SV_DropClient( cl, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: Connection timed out" );
			cl->state = CS_FREE; // don't bother with zombie state
			if( cl->socket.open )
				NET_CloseSocket( &cl->socket );

		// timeout downloads left open
		if( ( cl->state != CS_FREE && cl->state != CS_ZOMBIE ) &&
			( cl->download.name && cl->download.timeout < svs.realtime ) )
			Com_Printf( "Download of %s to %s%s timed out\n", cl->download.name, cl->name, S_COLOR_WHITE );

			if( cl->download.data )
				FS_FreeBaseFile( cl->download.data );
				cl->download.data = NULL;

			Mem_ZoneFree( cl->download.name );
			cl->download.name = NULL;

			cl->download.size = 0;
			cl->download.timeout = 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: tv_downstream.c プロジェクト: Kaperstone/warsow
* TV_Downstream_CheckTimeouts
void TV_Downstream_CheckTimeouts( void )
	client_t *client;
	int i;

	// timeout incoming upstreams
	for( i = 0; i < MAX_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS; i++ )
		if( tvs.incoming[i].active && tvs.incoming[i].time + 1000 * 15 < tvs.realtime )
			Com_Printf( "Incoming TCP upstream from %s timed out\n", NET_AddressToString( &tvs.incoming[i].address ) );
			NET_CloseSocket( &tvs.incoming[i].socket );
			tvs.incoming[i].active = qfalse;

	// timeout clients
	for( i = 0, client = tvs.clients; i < tv_maxclients->integer; i++, client++ )
		// message times may be wrong across a changelevel
		if( client->lastPacketReceivedTime > tvs.realtime )
			client->lastPacketReceivedTime = tvs.realtime;

		if( client->state == CS_ZOMBIE && client->lastPacketReceivedTime + 1000 * tv_zombietime->value < tvs.realtime )
			client->state = CS_FREE; // can now be reused
			if( client->individual_socket )
				NET_CloseSocket( &client->socket );

		if( ( client->state != CS_FREE && client->state != CS_ZOMBIE ) &&
			( client->lastPacketReceivedTime + 1000 * tv_timeout->value < tvs.realtime ) )
			TV_Downstream_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Upstream timed out" );
			client->state = CS_FREE; // don't bother with zombie state
			if( client->socket.open )
				NET_CloseSocket( &client->socket );

		// timeout downloads left open
		if( ( client->state != CS_FREE && client->state != CS_ZOMBIE ) &&
			( client->download.name && client->download.timeout < tvs.realtime ) )
			Com_Printf( "Download of %s to %s" S_COLOR_WHITE " timed out\n", client->download.name, client->name );

			if( client->download.data )
				FS_FreeBaseFile( client->download.data );
				client->download.data = NULL;

			Mem_ZoneFree( client->download.name );
			client->download.name = NULL;

			client->download.size = 0;
			client->download.timeout = 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: tv_downstream.c プロジェクト: Kaperstone/warsow
* TV_Downstream_DropClient
void TV_Downstream_DropClient( client_t *drop, int type, const char *format, ... )
	va_list	argptr;
	char string[1024];
	msg_t Message;
	qbyte MessageData[MAX_MSGLEN];

	va_start( argptr, format );
	Q_vsnprintfz( string, sizeof( string ), format, argptr );
	va_end( argptr );

	Com_Printf( "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " dropped: %s\n", drop->name, string );

	TV_Downstream_InitClientMessage( drop, &Message, MessageData, sizeof( MessageData ) );

	TV_Downstream_SendServerCommand( drop, "disconnect %i \"%s\"", type, string );
	TV_Downstream_AddReliableCommandsToMessage( drop, &Message );

	TV_Downstream_SendMessageToClient( drop, &Message );
	Netchan_PushAllFragments( &drop->netchan );

	if( drop->relay && /*drop->relay->state == CA_ACTIVE && */drop->state >= CS_CONNECTING )
		TV_Relay_ClientDisconnect( drop->relay, drop );

	// make sure everything is clean
	TV_Downstream_ClientResetCommandBuffers( drop, qtrue );

	SNAP_FreeClientFrames( drop );

	if( drop->download.name )
		if( drop->download.data )
			FS_FreeBaseFile( drop->download.data );
			drop->download.data = NULL;

		Mem_ZoneFree( drop->download.name );
		drop->download.name = NULL;

		drop->download.size = 0;
		drop->download.timeout = 0;

	if( drop->individual_socket )
		NET_CloseSocket( &drop->socket );

	if( drop->mv )
		drop->mv = qfalse;

	memset( &drop->flood, 0, sizeof( drop->flood ) );

	drop->edict = NULL;
	drop->relay = NULL;
	drop->tv = qfalse;
	drop->state = CS_ZOMBIE;    // become free in a few seconds
	drop->name[0] = 0;