コード例 #1
ファイル: pfrload.c プロジェクト: AaronNGray/texlive-libs
  pfr_log_font_count( FT_Stream  stream,
                      FT_UInt32  section_offset,
                      FT_Long   *acount )
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_UInt   count;
    FT_UInt   result = 0;

    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( section_offset ) ||
         FT_READ_USHORT( count )          )
      goto Exit;

    /* check maximum value and a rough minimum size */
    if ( count > ( ( 1 << 16 ) - 2 ) / 5                ||
         2 + count * 5 >= stream->size - section_offset )
      FT_ERROR(( "pfr_log_font_count:"
                 " invalid number of logical fonts\n" ));
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
      goto Exit;

    result = count;

    *acount = (FT_Long)result;
    return error;
コード例 #2
  static FT_Error
  read_pfb_tag( FT_Stream   stream,
                FT_UShort  *atag,
                FT_ULong   *asize )
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_UShort  tag;
    FT_ULong   size;

    *atag  = 0;
    *asize = 0;

    if ( !FT_READ_USHORT( tag ) )
      if ( tag == 0x8001U || tag == 0x8002U )
        if ( !FT_READ_ULONG_LE( size ) )
          *asize = size;

      *atag = tag;

    return error;
コード例 #3
ファイル: pfrload.c プロジェクト: ImageMagick/ttf
  pfr_log_font_count( FT_Stream  stream,
                      FT_UInt32  section_offset,
                      FT_Long   *acount )
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_UInt   count;
    FT_UInt   result = 0;

    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( section_offset ) ||
         FT_READ_USHORT( count )          )
      goto Exit;

    /* check maximum value and a rough minimum size:     */
    /* - no more than 13106 log fonts                    */
    /* - we need 5 bytes for a log header record         */
    /* - we need at least 18 bytes for a log font record */
    /* - the overall size is at least 95 bytes plus the  */
    /*   log header and log font records                 */
    if ( count > ( ( 1 << 16 ) - 2 ) / 5                ||
         2 + count * 5 >= stream->size - section_offset ||
         95 + count * ( 5 + 18 ) >= stream->size        )
      FT_ERROR(( "pfr_log_font_count:"
                 " invalid number of logical fonts\n" ));
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
      goto Exit;

    result = count;

    *acount = (FT_Long)result;
    return error;
コード例 #4
ファイル: cffload.c プロジェクト: ONLYOFFICE/core
  static FT_Error
  CFF_Load_FD_Select( CFF_FDSelect  fdselect,
                      FT_UInt       num_glyphs,
                      FT_Stream     stream,
                      FT_ULong      offset )
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_Byte   format;
    FT_UInt   num_ranges;

    /* read format */
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( offset ) || FT_READ_BYTE( format ) )
      goto Exit;

    fdselect->format      = format;
    fdselect->cache_count = 0;   /* clear cache */

    switch ( format )
    case 0:     /* format 0, that's simple */
      fdselect->data_size = num_glyphs;
      goto Load_Data;

    case 3:     /* format 3, a tad more complex */
      if ( FT_READ_USHORT( num_ranges ) )
        goto Exit;

      if ( !num_ranges )
        FT_TRACE0(( "CFF_Load_FD_Select: empty FDSelect array\n" ));
        error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
        goto Exit;

      fdselect->data_size = num_ranges * 3 + 2;

      if ( FT_FRAME_EXTRACT( fdselect->data_size, fdselect->data ) )
        goto Exit;

    default:    /* hmm... that's wrong */
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );

    return error;
コード例 #5
ファイル: pfrload.c プロジェクト: Miguel-J/eneboo-core
  pfr_log_font_count( FT_Stream  stream,
                      FT_UInt32  section_offset,
                      FT_UInt   *acount )
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_UInt   count;
    FT_UInt   result = 0;

    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( section_offset ) || FT_READ_USHORT( count ) )
      goto Exit;

    result = count;

    *acount = result;
    return error;
コード例 #6
ファイル: cffload.c プロジェクト: Ali-il/gamekit
  static FT_Error
  cff_charset_load( CFF_Charset  charset,
                    FT_UInt      num_glyphs,
                    FT_Stream    stream,
                    FT_ULong     base_offset,
                    FT_ULong     offset,
                    FT_Bool      invert )
    FT_Memory  memory = stream->memory;
    FT_Error   error  = CFF_Err_Ok;
    FT_UShort  glyph_sid;

    /* If the the offset is greater than 2, we have to parse the */
    /* charset table.                                            */
    if ( offset > 2 )
      FT_UInt  j;

      charset->offset = base_offset + offset;

      /* Get the format of the table. */
      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( charset->offset ) ||
           FT_READ_BYTE( charset->format )   )
        goto Exit;

      /* Allocate memory for sids. */
      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( charset->sids, num_glyphs ) )
        goto Exit;

      /* assign the .notdef glyph */
      charset->sids[0] = 0;

      switch ( charset->format )
      case 0:
        if ( num_glyphs > 0 )
          if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( ( num_glyphs - 1 ) * 2 ) )
            goto Exit;

          for ( j = 1; j < num_glyphs; j++ )
            charset->sids[j] = FT_GET_USHORT();


      case 1:
      case 2:
          FT_UInt  nleft;
          FT_UInt  i;

          j = 1;

          while ( j < num_glyphs )
            /* Read the first glyph sid of the range. */
            if ( FT_READ_USHORT( glyph_sid ) )
              goto Exit;

            /* Read the number of glyphs in the range.  */
            if ( charset->format == 2 )
              if ( FT_READ_USHORT( nleft ) )
                goto Exit;
              if ( FT_READ_BYTE( nleft ) )
                goto Exit;

            /* Fill in the range of sids -- `nleft + 1' glyphs. */
            for ( i = 0; j < num_glyphs && i <= nleft; i++, j++, glyph_sid++ )
              charset->sids[j] = glyph_sid;

        FT_ERROR(( "cff_charset_load: invalid table format!\n" ));
        error = CFF_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
        goto Exit;
      /* Parse default tables corresponding to offset == 0, 1, or 2.  */
      /* CFF specification intimates the following:                   */
      /*                                                              */
      /* In order to use a predefined charset, the following must be  */
      /* true: The charset constructed for the glyphs in the font's   */
      /* charstrings dictionary must match the predefined charset in  */
      /* the first num_glyphs.                                        */

      charset->offset = offset;  /* record charset type */

      switch ( (FT_UInt)offset )
      case 0:
        if ( num_glyphs > 229 )
          FT_ERROR(( "cff_charset_load: implicit charset larger than\n"
                     "predefined charset (Adobe ISO-Latin)!\n" ));
          error = CFF_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
          goto Exit;

        /* Allocate memory for sids. */
        if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( charset->sids, num_glyphs ) )
          goto Exit;

        /* Copy the predefined charset into the allocated memory. */
        FT_ARRAY_COPY( charset->sids, cff_isoadobe_charset, num_glyphs );


      case 1:
        if ( num_glyphs > 166 )
          FT_ERROR(( "cff_charset_load: implicit charset larger than\n"
                     "predefined charset (Adobe Expert)!\n" ));
          error = CFF_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
          goto Exit;

        /* Allocate memory for sids. */
        if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( charset->sids, num_glyphs ) )
          goto Exit;

        /* Copy the predefined charset into the allocated memory.     */
        FT_ARRAY_COPY( charset->sids, cff_expert_charset, num_glyphs );


      case 2:
        if ( num_glyphs > 87 )
          FT_ERROR(( "cff_charset_load: implicit charset larger than\n"
                     "predefined charset (Adobe Expert Subset)!\n" ));
          error = CFF_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
          goto Exit;

        /* Allocate memory for sids. */
        if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( charset->sids, num_glyphs ) )
          goto Exit;

        /* Copy the predefined charset into the allocated memory.     */
        FT_ARRAY_COPY( charset->sids, cff_expertsubset_charset, num_glyphs );


        error = CFF_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
        goto Exit;

    /* we have to invert the `sids' array for subsetted CID-keyed fonts */
    if ( invert )
      error = cff_charset_compute_cids( charset, num_glyphs, memory );

    /* Clean up if there was an error. */
    if ( error )
      FT_FREE( charset->sids );
      FT_FREE( charset->cids );
      charset->format = 0;
      charset->offset = 0;
      charset->sids   = 0;

    return error;
コード例 #7
ファイル: cffload.c プロジェクト: Ali-il/gamekit
  static FT_Error
  cff_encoding_load( CFF_Encoding  encoding,
                     CFF_Charset   charset,
                     FT_UInt       num_glyphs,
                     FT_Stream     stream,
                     FT_ULong      base_offset,
                     FT_ULong      offset )
    FT_Error   error = CFF_Err_Ok;
    FT_UInt    count;
    FT_UInt    j;
    FT_UShort  glyph_sid;
    FT_UInt    glyph_code;

    /* Check for charset->sids.  If we do not have this, we fail. */
    if ( !charset->sids )
      error = CFF_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
      goto Exit;

    /* Zero out the code to gid/sid mappings. */
    for ( j = 0; j < 256; j++ )
      encoding->sids [j] = 0;
      encoding->codes[j] = 0;

    /* Note: The encoding table in a CFF font is indexed by glyph index;  */
    /* the first encoded glyph index is 1.  Hence, we read the character  */
    /* code (`glyph_code') at index j and make the assignment:            */
    /*                                                                    */
    /*    encoding->codes[glyph_code] = j + 1                             */
    /*                                                                    */
    /* We also make the assignment:                                       */
    /*                                                                    */
    /*    encoding->sids[glyph_code] = charset->sids[j + 1]               */
    /*                                                                    */
    /* This gives us both a code to GID and a code to SID mapping.        */

    if ( offset > 1 )
      encoding->offset = base_offset + offset;

      /* we need to parse the table to determine its size */
      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( encoding->offset ) ||
           FT_READ_BYTE( encoding->format )   ||
           FT_READ_BYTE( count )              )
        goto Exit;

      switch ( encoding->format & 0x7F )
      case 0:
          FT_Byte*  p;

          /* By convention, GID 0 is always ".notdef" and is never */
          /* coded in the font.  Hence, the number of codes found  */
          /* in the table is `count+1'.                            */
          /*                                                       */
          encoding->count = count + 1;

          if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( count ) )
            goto Exit;

          p = (FT_Byte*)stream->cursor;

          for ( j = 1; j <= count; j++ )
            glyph_code = *p++;

            /* Make sure j is not too big. */
            if ( j < num_glyphs )
              /* Assign code to GID mapping. */
              encoding->codes[glyph_code] = (FT_UShort)j;

              /* Assign code to SID mapping. */
              encoding->sids[glyph_code] = charset->sids[j];


      case 1:
          FT_UInt  nleft;
          FT_UInt  i = 1;
          FT_UInt  k;

          encoding->count = 0;

          /* Parse the Format1 ranges. */
          for ( j = 0;  j < count; j++, i += nleft )
            /* Read the first glyph code of the range. */
            if ( FT_READ_BYTE( glyph_code ) )
              goto Exit;

            /* Read the number of codes in the range. */
            if ( FT_READ_BYTE( nleft ) )
              goto Exit;

            /* Increment nleft, so we read `nleft + 1' codes/sids. */

            /* compute max number of character codes */
            if ( (FT_UInt)nleft > encoding->count )
              encoding->count = nleft;

            /* Fill in the range of codes/sids. */
            for ( k = i; k < nleft + i; k++, glyph_code++ )
              /* Make sure k is not too big. */
              if ( k < num_glyphs && glyph_code < 256 )
                /* Assign code to GID mapping. */
                encoding->codes[glyph_code] = (FT_UShort)k;

                /* Assign code to SID mapping. */
                encoding->sids[glyph_code] = charset->sids[k];

          /* simple check; one never knows what can be found in a font */
          if ( encoding->count > 256 )
            encoding->count = 256;

        FT_ERROR(( "cff_encoding_load: invalid table format!\n" ));
        error = CFF_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
        goto Exit;

      /* Parse supplemental encodings, if any. */
      if ( encoding->format & 0x80 )
        FT_UInt  gindex;

        /* count supplements */
        if ( FT_READ_BYTE( count ) )
          goto Exit;

        for ( j = 0; j < count; j++ )
          /* Read supplemental glyph code. */
          if ( FT_READ_BYTE( glyph_code ) )
            goto Exit;

          /* Read the SID associated with this glyph code. */
          if ( FT_READ_USHORT( glyph_sid ) )
            goto Exit;

          /* Assign code to SID mapping. */
          encoding->sids[glyph_code] = glyph_sid;

          /* First, look up GID which has been assigned to */
          /* SID glyph_sid.                                */
          for ( gindex = 0; gindex < num_glyphs; gindex++ )
            if ( charset->sids[gindex] == glyph_sid )
              encoding->codes[glyph_code] = (FT_UShort)gindex;
      /* We take into account the fact a CFF font can use a predefined */
      /* encoding without containing all of the glyphs encoded by this */
      /* encoding (see the note at the end of section 12 in the CFF    */
      /* specification).                                               */

      switch ( (FT_UInt)offset )
      case 0:
        /* First, copy the code to SID mapping. */
        FT_ARRAY_COPY( encoding->sids, cff_standard_encoding, 256 );
        goto Populate;

      case 1:
        /* First, copy the code to SID mapping. */
        FT_ARRAY_COPY( encoding->sids, cff_expert_encoding, 256 );

        /* Construct code to GID mapping from code to SID mapping */
        /* and charset.                                           */

        encoding->count = 0;

        error = cff_charset_compute_cids( charset, num_glyphs,
                                          stream->memory );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;

        for ( j = 0; j < 256; j++ )
          FT_UInt  sid = encoding->sids[j];
          FT_UInt  gid = 0;

          if ( sid )
            gid = cff_charset_cid_to_gindex( charset, sid );

          if ( gid != 0 )
            encoding->codes[j] = (FT_UShort)gid;

            if ( encoding->count < j + 1 )
              encoding->count = j + 1;
            encoding->codes[j] = 0;
            encoding->sids [j] = 0;

        FT_ERROR(( "cff_encoding_load: invalid table format!\n" ));
        error = CFF_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
        goto Exit;


    /* Clean up if there was an error. */
    return error;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ftpatent.c プロジェクト: sheldonrobinson/VcXsrv
  static FT_Bool
  _tt_face_check_patents( FT_Face  face )
    FT_Stream  stream = face->stream;
    FT_UInt    gindex;
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_Bool    result;

    FT_Service_TTGlyf  service;

    result = _tt_check_patents_in_table( face, TTAG_fpgm );
    if ( result )
      goto Exit;

    result = _tt_check_patents_in_table( face, TTAG_prep );
    if ( result )
      goto Exit;

    FT_FACE_FIND_SERVICE( face, service, TT_GLYF );
    if ( service == NULL )
      goto Exit;

    for ( gindex = 0; gindex < (FT_UInt)face->num_glyphs; gindex++ )
      FT_ULong  offset, num_ins, size;
      FT_Int    num_contours;

      offset = service->get_location( face, gindex, &size );
      if ( size == 0 )

      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( offset )      ||
           FT_READ_SHORT( num_contours ) )

      if ( num_contours >= 0 )  /* simple glyph */
        if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( 8 + num_contours * 2 ) )
      else  /* compound glyph */
        FT_Bool  has_instr = 0;

        if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( 8 ) )

        /* now read each component */
        for (;;)
          FT_UInt  flags, toskip;

          if( FT_READ_USHORT( flags ) )

          toskip = 2 + 1 + 1;

          if ( ( flags & ( 1 << 0 ) ) != 0 )       /* ARGS_ARE_WORDS */
            toskip += 2;

          if ( ( flags & ( 1 << 3 ) ) != 0 )       /* WE_HAVE_A_SCALE */
            toskip += 2;
          else if ( ( flags & ( 1 << 6 ) ) != 0 )  /* WE_HAVE_X_Y_SCALE */
            toskip += 4;
          else if ( ( flags & ( 1 << 7 ) ) != 0 )  /* WE_HAVE_A_2x2 */
            toskip += 8;

          if ( ( flags & ( 1 << 8 ) ) != 0 )       /* WE_HAVE_INSTRUCTIONS */
            has_instr = 1;

          if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( toskip ) )
            goto NextGlyph;

          if ( ( flags & ( 1 << 5 ) ) == 0 )       /* MORE_COMPONENTS */

        if ( !has_instr )
          goto NextGlyph;

      if ( FT_READ_USHORT( num_ins ) )

      result = _tt_check_patents_in_range( stream, num_ins );
      if ( result )
        goto Exit;


    return result;
コード例 #9
ファイル: cffload.c プロジェクト: Ali-il/gamekit
  static FT_Error
  cff_index_init( CFF_Index  idx,
                  FT_Stream  stream,
                  FT_Bool    load )
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_Memory  memory = stream->memory;
    FT_UShort  count;

    FT_MEM_ZERO( idx, sizeof ( *idx ) );

    idx->stream = stream;
    idx->start  = FT_STREAM_POS();
    if ( !FT_READ_USHORT( count ) &&
         count > 0                )
      FT_Byte   offsize;
      FT_ULong  size;

      /* there is at least one element; read the offset size,           */
      /* then access the offset table to compute the index's total size */
      if ( FT_READ_BYTE( offsize ) )
        goto Exit;

      if ( offsize < 1 || offsize > 4 )
        error = FT_Err_Invalid_Table;
        goto Exit;

      idx->count    = count;
      idx->off_size = offsize;
      size          = (FT_ULong)( count + 1 ) * offsize;

      idx->data_offset = idx->start + 3 + size;

      if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( size - offsize ) )
        goto Exit;

      size = cff_index_read_offset( idx, &error );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      if ( size == 0 )
        error = CFF_Err_Invalid_Table;
        goto Exit;

      idx->data_size = --size;

      if ( load )
        /* load the data */
        if ( FT_FRAME_EXTRACT( size, idx->bytes ) )
          goto Exit;
        /* skip the data */
        if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( size ) )
          goto Exit;

    if ( error )
      FT_FREE( idx->offsets );

    return error;
コード例 #10
ファイル: ttpost.c プロジェクト: hsmith/freetype
  static FT_Error
  load_format_20( TT_Face    face,
                  FT_Stream  stream,
                  FT_ULong   post_limit )
    FT_Memory   memory = stream->memory;
    FT_Error    error;

    FT_Int      num_glyphs;
    FT_UShort   num_names;

    FT_UShort*  glyph_indices = NULL;
    FT_Char**   name_strings  = NULL;

    if ( FT_READ_USHORT( num_glyphs ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* UNDOCUMENTED!  The number of glyphs in this table can be smaller */
    /* than the value in the maxp table (cf. cyberbit.ttf).             */

    /* There already exist fonts which have more than 32768 glyph names */
    /* in this table, so the test for this threshold has been dropped.  */

    if ( num_glyphs > face->max_profile.numGlyphs )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
      goto Exit;

    /* load the indices */
      FT_Int  n;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY ( glyph_indices, num_glyphs ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( num_glyphs * 2L )          )
        goto Fail;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_glyphs; n++ )
        glyph_indices[n] = FT_GET_USHORT();


    /* compute number of names stored in table */
      FT_Int  n;

      num_names = 0;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_glyphs; n++ )
        FT_Int  idx;

        idx = glyph_indices[n];
        if ( idx >= 258 )
          idx -= 257;
          if ( idx > num_names )
            num_names = (FT_UShort)idx;

    /* now load the name strings */
      FT_UShort  n;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( name_strings, num_names ) )
        goto Fail;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_names; n++ )
        FT_UInt  len;

        if ( FT_STREAM_POS() >= post_limit )
          FT_TRACE6(( "load_format_20: %d byte left in post table\n",
                      post_limit - FT_STREAM_POS() ));

          if ( FT_READ_BYTE( len ) )
            goto Fail1;

        if ( len > post_limit                   ||
             FT_STREAM_POS() > post_limit - len )
          FT_Int  d = (FT_Int)post_limit - (FT_Int)FT_STREAM_POS();

          FT_ERROR(( "load_format_20:"
                     " exceeding string length (%d),"
                     " truncating at end of post table (%d byte left)\n",
                     len, d ));
          len = (FT_UInt)FT_MAX( 0, d );

        if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( name_strings[n], len + 1 ) ||
             FT_STREAM_READ( name_strings[n], len   ) )
          goto Fail1;

        name_strings[n][len] = '\0';

      if ( n < num_names )
        FT_ERROR(( "load_format_20:"
                   " all entries in post table are already parsed,"
                   " using NULL names for gid %d - %d\n",
                    n, num_names - 1 ));
        for ( ; n < num_names; n++ )
          if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( name_strings[n], 1 ) )
            goto Fail1;
            name_strings[n][0] = '\0';

    /* all right, set table fields and exit successfully */
      TT_Post_20  table = &face->postscript_names.names.format_20;

      table->num_glyphs    = (FT_UShort)num_glyphs;
      table->num_names     = (FT_UShort)num_names;
      table->glyph_indices = glyph_indices;
      table->glyph_names   = name_strings;
    return FT_Err_Ok;

      FT_UShort  n;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_names; n++ )
        FT_FREE( name_strings[n] );

    FT_FREE( name_strings );
    FT_FREE( glyph_indices );

    return error;
コード例 #11
ファイル: ttpost.c プロジェクト: hsmith/freetype
  static FT_Error
  load_format_25( TT_Face    face,
                  FT_Stream  stream,
                  FT_ULong   post_limit )
    FT_Memory  memory = stream->memory;
    FT_Error   error;

    FT_Int     num_glyphs;
    FT_Char*   offset_table = NULL;

    FT_UNUSED( post_limit );

    /* UNDOCUMENTED!  This value appears only in the Apple TT specs. */
    if ( FT_READ_USHORT( num_glyphs ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* check the number of glyphs */
    if ( num_glyphs > face->max_profile.numGlyphs || num_glyphs > 258 )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
      goto Exit;

    if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( offset_table, num_glyphs )   ||
         FT_STREAM_READ( offset_table, num_glyphs ) )
      goto Fail;

    /* now check the offset table */
      FT_Int  n;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_glyphs; n++ )
        FT_Long  idx = (FT_Long)n + offset_table[n];

        if ( idx < 0 || idx > num_glyphs )
          error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
          goto Fail;

    /* OK, set table fields and exit successfully */
      TT_Post_25  table = &face->postscript_names.names.format_25;

      table->num_glyphs = (FT_UShort)num_glyphs;
      table->offsets    = offset_table;

    return FT_Err_Ok;

    FT_FREE( offset_table );

    return error;
コード例 #12
ファイル: pfrload.c プロジェクト: ImageMagick/ttf
  pfr_log_font_load( PFR_LogFont  log_font,
                     FT_Stream    stream,
                     FT_UInt      idx,
                     FT_UInt32    section_offset,
                     FT_Bool      size_increment )
    FT_UInt    num_log_fonts;
    FT_UInt    flags;
    FT_UInt32  offset;
    FT_UInt32  size;
    FT_Error   error;

    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( section_offset ) ||
         FT_READ_USHORT( num_log_fonts )  )
      goto Exit;

    if ( idx >= num_log_fonts )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

    if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( idx * 5 ) ||
         FT_READ_USHORT( size )    ||
         FT_READ_UOFF3 ( offset )  )
      goto Exit;

    /* save logical font size and offset */
    log_font->size   = size;
    log_font->offset = offset;

    /* now, check the rest of the table before loading it */
      FT_Byte*  p;
      FT_Byte*  limit;
      FT_UInt   local;

      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( offset ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( size )   )
        goto Exit;

      p     = stream->cursor;
      limit = p + size;

      PFR_CHECK( 13 );

      log_font->matrix[0] = PFR_NEXT_LONG( p );
      log_font->matrix[1] = PFR_NEXT_LONG( p );
      log_font->matrix[2] = PFR_NEXT_LONG( p );
      log_font->matrix[3] = PFR_NEXT_LONG( p );

      flags = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

      local = 0;
      if ( flags & PFR_LOG_STROKE )
        if ( flags & PFR_LOG_2BYTE_STROKE )

        if ( ( flags & PFR_LINE_JOIN_MASK ) == PFR_LINE_JOIN_MITER )
          local += 3;
      if ( flags & PFR_LOG_BOLD )
        if ( flags & PFR_LOG_2BYTE_BOLD )

      PFR_CHECK( local );

      if ( flags & PFR_LOG_STROKE )
        log_font->stroke_thickness = ( flags & PFR_LOG_2BYTE_STROKE )
                                     ? PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p )
                                     : PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

        if ( ( flags & PFR_LINE_JOIN_MASK ) == PFR_LINE_JOIN_MITER )
          log_font->miter_limit = PFR_NEXT_LONG( p );

      if ( flags & PFR_LOG_BOLD )
        log_font->bold_thickness = ( flags & PFR_LOG_2BYTE_BOLD )
                                   ? PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p )
                                   : PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

      if ( flags & PFR_LOG_EXTRA_ITEMS )
        error = pfr_extra_items_skip( &p, limit );
        if ( error )
          goto Fail;

      PFR_CHECK( 5 );
      log_font->phys_size   = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );
      log_font->phys_offset = PFR_NEXT_ULONG( p );
      if ( size_increment )
        PFR_CHECK( 1 );
        log_font->phys_size += (FT_UInt32)PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p ) << 16;


    return error;

    FT_ERROR(( "pfr_log_font_load: invalid logical font table\n" ));
    error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
    goto Fail;
コード例 #13
ファイル: ttpost.c プロジェクト: 1tgr/mobius
  static FT_Error
  load_format_20( TT_Face    face,
                  FT_Stream  stream )
    FT_Memory   memory = stream->memory;
    FT_Error    error;

    FT_Int      num_glyphs;
    FT_UShort   num_names;

    FT_UShort*  glyph_indices = 0;
    FT_Char**   name_strings  = 0;

    if ( FT_READ_USHORT( num_glyphs ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* UNDOCUMENTED!  The number of glyphs in this table can be smaller */
    /* than the value in the maxp table (cf. cyberbit.ttf).             */

    /* There already exist fonts which have more than 32768 glyph names */
    /* in this table, so the test for this threshold has been dropped.  */

    if ( num_glyphs > face->root.num_glyphs )
      error = SFNT_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
      goto Exit;

    /* load the indices */
      FT_Int  n;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY ( glyph_indices, num_glyphs ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( num_glyphs * 2L )          )
        goto Fail;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_glyphs; n++ )
        glyph_indices[n] = FT_GET_USHORT();


    /* compute number of names stored in table */
      FT_Int  n;

      num_names = 0;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_glyphs; n++ )
        FT_Int  idx;

        idx = glyph_indices[n];
        if ( idx >= 258 )
          idx -= 257;
          if ( idx > num_names )
            num_names = (FT_UShort)idx;

    /* now load the name strings */
      FT_UShort  n;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( name_strings, num_names ) )
        goto Fail;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_names; n++ )
        FT_UInt  len;

        if ( FT_READ_BYTE  ( len )                    ||
             FT_NEW_ARRAY( name_strings[n], len + 1 ) ||
             FT_STREAM_READ  ( name_strings[n], len ) )
          goto Fail1;

        name_strings[n][len] = '\0';

    /* all right, set table fields and exit successfuly */
      TT_Post_20  table = &face->postscript_names.names.format_20;

      table->num_glyphs    = (FT_UShort)num_glyphs;
      table->num_names     = (FT_UShort)num_names;
      table->glyph_indices = glyph_indices;
      table->glyph_names   = name_strings;
    return SFNT_Err_Ok;

      FT_UShort  n;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_names; n++ )
        FT_FREE( name_strings[n] );

    FT_FREE( name_strings );
    FT_FREE( glyph_indices );

    return error;
コード例 #14
ファイル: cffload.c プロジェクト: OS2World/LIB-SDL
  static FT_Error
  cff_new_index( CFF_Index  idx,
                 FT_Stream  stream,
                 FT_Bool    load )
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_Memory  memory = stream->memory;
    FT_UShort  count;

    FT_MEM_ZERO( idx, sizeof ( *idx ) );

    idx->stream = stream;
    if ( !FT_READ_USHORT( count ) &&
         count > 0                )
      FT_Byte*   p;
      FT_Byte    offsize;
      FT_ULong   data_size;
      FT_ULong*  poff;

      /* there is at least one element; read the offset size,           */
      /* then access the offset table to compute the index's total size */
      if ( FT_READ_BYTE( offsize ) )
        goto Exit;

      idx->stream   = stream;
      idx->count    = count;
      idx->off_size = offsize;
      data_size     = (FT_ULong)( count + 1 ) * offsize;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( idx->offsets, count + 1 ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( data_size )             )
        goto Exit;

      poff = idx->offsets;
      p    = (FT_Byte*)stream->cursor;

      for ( ; (FT_Short)count >= 0; count-- )
        poff[0] = cff_get_offset( p, offsize );
        p += offsize;


      idx->data_offset = FT_STREAM_POS();
      data_size        = poff[-1] - 1;

      if ( load )
        /* load the data */
        if ( FT_FRAME_EXTRACT( data_size, idx->bytes ) )
          goto Exit;
        /* skip the data */
        if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( data_size ) )
          goto Exit;

    if ( error )
      FT_FREE( idx->offsets );

    return error;
コード例 #15
ファイル: pcfread.c プロジェクト: 4nakin/Aquaria_clean
  static FT_Error
  pcf_get_metrics( FT_Stream  stream,
                   PCF_Face   face )
    FT_Error    error    = PCF_Err_Ok;
    FT_Memory   memory   = FT_FACE(face)->memory;
    FT_ULong    format, size;
    PCF_Metric  metrics  = 0;
    FT_ULong    nmetrics, i;

    error = pcf_seek_to_table_type( stream,
                                    &size );
    if ( error )
      return error;

    if ( FT_READ_ULONG_LE( format ) )
      goto Bail;

    if ( !PCF_FORMAT_MATCH( format, PCF_DEFAULT_FORMAT )     &&
      return PCF_Err_Invalid_File_Format;

      if ( PCF_BYTE_ORDER( format ) == MSBFirst )
        (void)FT_READ_ULONG( nmetrics );
        (void)FT_READ_ULONG_LE( nmetrics );
      if ( PCF_BYTE_ORDER( format ) == MSBFirst )
        (void)FT_READ_USHORT( nmetrics );
        (void)FT_READ_USHORT_LE( nmetrics );
    if ( error )
      return PCF_Err_Invalid_File_Format;

    face->nmetrics = nmetrics;

    FT_TRACE4(( "pcf_get_metrics:\n" ));

    FT_TRACE4(( "  number of metrics: %d\n", nmetrics ));

    /* rough estimate */
      if ( nmetrics > size / PCF_METRIC_SIZE )
        return PCF_Err_Invalid_Table;
      if ( nmetrics > size / PCF_COMPRESSED_METRIC_SIZE )
        return PCF_Err_Invalid_Table;

    if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( face->metrics, nmetrics ) )
      return PCF_Err_Out_Of_Memory;

    metrics = face->metrics;
    for ( i = 0; i < nmetrics; i++ )
      error = pcf_get_metric( stream, format, metrics + i );

      metrics[i].bits = 0;

      FT_TRACE5(( "  idx %d: width=%d, "
                  "lsb=%d, rsb=%d, ascent=%d, descent=%d, swidth=%d\n",
                  ( metrics + i )->characterWidth,
                  ( metrics + i )->leftSideBearing,
                  ( metrics + i )->rightSideBearing,
                  ( metrics + i )->ascent,
                  ( metrics + i )->descent,
                  ( metrics + i )->attributes ));

      if ( error )

    if ( error )
      FT_FREE( face->metrics );

    return error;
コード例 #16
  static FT_Error
  pcf_get_metrics( FT_Stream  stream,
                   PCF_Face   face )
    FT_Error    error    = PCF_Err_Ok;
    FT_Memory   memory   = FT_FACE(face)->memory;
    FT_ULong    format   = 0;
    FT_ULong    size     = 0;
    PCF_Metric  metrics  = 0;
    int         i;
    int         nmetrics = -1;

    error = pcf_seek_to_table_type( stream,
                                    &size );
    if ( error )
      return error;

    error = FT_READ_ULONG_LE( format );

    if ( !PCF_FORMAT_MATCH( format, PCF_DEFAULT_FORMAT )     &&
      return PCF_Err_Invalid_File_Format;

      if ( PCF_BYTE_ORDER( format ) == MSBFirst )
        (void)FT_READ_ULONG( nmetrics );
        (void)FT_READ_ULONG_LE( nmetrics );
      if ( PCF_BYTE_ORDER( format ) == MSBFirst )
        (void)FT_READ_USHORT( nmetrics );
        (void)FT_READ_USHORT_LE( nmetrics );
    if ( error || nmetrics == -1 )
      return PCF_Err_Invalid_File_Format;

    face->nmetrics = nmetrics;

    if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( face->metrics, nmetrics ) )
      return PCF_Err_Out_Of_Memory;

    metrics = face->metrics;
    for ( i = 0; i < nmetrics; i++ )
      pcf_get_metric( stream, format, metrics + i );

      metrics[i].bits = 0;

      FT_TRACE4(( "%d : width=%d, "
                  "lsb=%d, rsb=%d, ascent=%d, descent=%d, swidth=%d\n",
                  ( metrics + i )->characterWidth,
                  ( metrics + i )->leftSideBearing,
                  ( metrics + i )->rightSideBearing,
                  ( metrics + i )->ascent,
                  ( metrics + i )->descent,
                  ( metrics + i )->attributes ));

      if ( error )

    if ( error )
      FT_FREE( face->metrics );
    return error;
コード例 #17
ファイル: pcfread.c プロジェクト: OpenTechEngine/OpenTechBFG
  static FT_Error
  pcf_get_metrics( FT_Stream  stream,
                   PCF_Face   face )
    FT_Error    error;
    FT_Memory   memory  = FT_FACE( face )->memory;
    FT_ULong    format, size;
    PCF_Metric  metrics = 0;
    FT_ULong    nmetrics, i;

    error = pcf_seek_to_table_type( stream,
                                    &size );
    if ( error )
      return error;

    if ( FT_READ_ULONG_LE( format ) )
      goto Bail;

    if ( !PCF_FORMAT_MATCH( format, PCF_DEFAULT_FORMAT )     &&
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );

      if ( PCF_BYTE_ORDER( format ) == MSBFirst )
        (void)FT_READ_ULONG( nmetrics );
        (void)FT_READ_ULONG_LE( nmetrics );
      if ( PCF_BYTE_ORDER( format ) == MSBFirst )
        (void)FT_READ_USHORT( nmetrics );
        (void)FT_READ_USHORT_LE( nmetrics );
    if ( error )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );

    face->nmetrics = nmetrics;

    if ( !nmetrics )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );

    FT_TRACE4(( "pcf_get_metrics:\n" ));

    FT_TRACE4(( "  number of metrics: %d\n", nmetrics ));

    /* rough estimate */
      if ( nmetrics > size / PCF_METRIC_SIZE )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
      if ( nmetrics > size / PCF_COMPRESSED_METRIC_SIZE )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );

    if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( face->metrics, nmetrics ) )
      return FT_THROW( Out_Of_Memory );

    metrics = face->metrics;
    for ( i = 0; i < nmetrics; i++, metrics++ )
      error = pcf_get_metric( stream, format, metrics );

      metrics->bits = 0;

      FT_TRACE5(( "  idx %d: width=%d, "
                  "lsb=%d, rsb=%d, ascent=%d, descent=%d, swidth=%d\n",
                  metrics->attributes ));

      if ( error )

      /* sanity checks -- those values are used in `PCF_Glyph_Load' to     */
      /* compute a glyph's bitmap dimensions, thus setting them to zero in */
      /* case of an error disables this particular glyph only              */
      if ( metrics->rightSideBearing < metrics->leftSideBearing ||
           metrics->ascent + metrics->descent < 0               )
        metrics->characterWidth   = 0;
        metrics->leftSideBearing  = 0;
        metrics->rightSideBearing = 0;
        metrics->ascent           = 0;
        metrics->descent          = 0;

        FT_TRACE0(( "pcf_get_metrics:"
                    " invalid metrics for glyph %d\n", i ));

    if ( error )
      FT_FREE( face->metrics );

    return error;
コード例 #18
  tt_face_get_metrics( TT_Face     face,
                       FT_Bool     vertical,
                       FT_UInt     gindex,
                       FT_Short   *abearing,
                       FT_UShort  *aadvance )
    FT_Error        error;
    FT_Stream       stream = face->root.stream;
    TT_HoriHeader*  header;
    FT_ULong        table_pos, table_size, table_end;
    FT_UShort       k;

    FT_Service_MetricsVariations  var =

    if ( vertical )
      void*  v = &face->vertical;

      header     = (TT_HoriHeader*)v;
      table_pos  = face->vert_metrics_offset;
      table_size = face->vert_metrics_size;
      header     = &face->horizontal;
      table_pos  = face->horz_metrics_offset;
      table_size = face->horz_metrics_size;

    table_end = table_pos + table_size;

    k = header->number_Of_HMetrics;

    if ( k > 0 )
      if ( gindex < (FT_UInt)k )
        table_pos += 4 * gindex;
        if ( table_pos + 4 > table_end )
          goto NoData;

        if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( table_pos ) ||
             FT_READ_USHORT( *aadvance ) ||
             FT_READ_SHORT( *abearing )  )
          goto NoData;
        table_pos += 4 * ( k - 1 );
        if ( table_pos + 4 > table_end )
          goto NoData;

        if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( table_pos ) ||
             FT_READ_USHORT( *aadvance ) )
          goto NoData;

        table_pos += 4 + 2 * ( gindex - k );
        if ( table_pos + 2 > table_end )
          *abearing = 0;
          if ( !FT_STREAM_SEEK( table_pos ) )
            (void)FT_READ_SHORT( *abearing );
      *abearing = 0;
      *aadvance = 0;

    if ( var )
      FT_Face  f = FT_FACE( face );
      FT_Int   a = (FT_Int)*aadvance;
      FT_Int   b = (FT_Int)*abearing;

      if ( vertical )
        if ( var->vadvance_adjust )
          var->vadvance_adjust( f, gindex, &a );
        if ( var->tsb_adjust )
          var->tsb_adjust( f, gindex, &b );
        if ( var->hadvance_adjust )
          var->hadvance_adjust( f, gindex, &a );
        if ( var->lsb_adjust )
          var->lsb_adjust( f, gindex, &b );

      *aadvance = (FT_UShort)a;
      *abearing = (FT_Short)b;
コード例 #19
ファイル: ttmtx.c プロジェクト: sloopdoom/ftgles-gles2
  tt_face_get_metrics( TT_Face     face,
                       FT_Bool     vertical,
                       FT_UInt     gindex,
                       FT_Short   *abearing,
                       FT_UShort  *aadvance )
    FT_Error        error;
    FT_Stream       stream = face->root.stream;
    TT_HoriHeader*  header;
    FT_ULong        table_pos, table_size, table_end;
    FT_UShort       k;

    if ( vertical )
      void*  v = &face->vertical;

      header     = (TT_HoriHeader*)v;
      table_pos  = face->vert_metrics_offset;
      table_size = face->vert_metrics_size;
      header     = &face->horizontal;
      table_pos  = face->horz_metrics_offset;
      table_size = face->horz_metrics_size;

    table_end = table_pos + table_size;

    k = header->number_Of_HMetrics;

    if ( k > 0 )
      if ( gindex < (FT_UInt)k )
        table_pos += 4 * gindex;
        if ( table_pos + 4 > table_end )
          goto NoData;

        if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( table_pos ) ||
             FT_READ_USHORT( *aadvance ) ||
             FT_READ_SHORT( *abearing )  )
          goto NoData;
        table_pos += 4 * ( k - 1 );
        if ( table_pos + 4 > table_end )
          goto NoData;

        if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( table_pos ) ||
             FT_READ_USHORT( *aadvance ) )
          goto NoData;

        table_pos += 4 + 2 * ( gindex - k );
        if ( table_pos + 2 > table_end )
          *abearing = 0;
          if ( !FT_STREAM_SEEK( table_pos ) )
            (void)FT_READ_SHORT( *abearing );
      *abearing = 0;
      *aadvance = 0;

    return SFNT_Err_Ok;
コード例 #20
  TT_CharMap_Load( TT_Face       face,
                   TT_CMapTable  cmap,
                   FT_Stream     stream )
    FT_Error     error;
    FT_Memory    memory;
    FT_UShort    num_SH, num_Seg, i;
    FT_ULong     j, n;

    FT_UShort    u, l;

    TT_CMap0     cmap0;
    TT_CMap2     cmap2;
    TT_CMap4     cmap4;
    TT_CMap6     cmap6;
    TT_CMap8_12  cmap8_12;
    TT_CMap10    cmap10;

    TT_CMap2SubHeader  cmap2sub;
    TT_CMap4Segment    segments;
    TT_CMapGroup       groups;

    if ( cmap->loaded )
      return SFNT_Err_Ok;

    memory = stream->memory;

    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( cmap->offset ) )
      return error;

    switch ( cmap->format )
    case 0:
      cmap0 = &cmap->c.cmap0;

      if ( FT_READ_USHORT( cmap0->language )           ||
           FT_ALLOC( cmap0->glyphIdArray, 256L )       ||
           FT_STREAM_READ( cmap0->glyphIdArray, 256L ) )
        goto Fail;

      cmap->get_index     = code_to_index0;
      cmap->get_next_char = code_to_next0;

    case 2:
      num_SH = 0;
      cmap2  = &cmap->c.cmap2;

      /* allocate subheader keys */

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( cmap2->subHeaderKeys, 256 ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( 2L + 512L )               )
        goto Fail;

      cmap2->language = FT_GET_USHORT();

      for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
        u = (FT_UShort)( FT_GET_USHORT() / 8 );
        cmap2->subHeaderKeys[i] = u;

        if ( num_SH < u )
          num_SH = u;


      /* load subheaders */

      cmap2->numGlyphId = l = (FT_UShort)(
        ( ( cmap->length - 2L * ( 256 + 3 ) - num_SH * 8L ) & 0xFFFFU ) / 2 );

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( cmap2->subHeaders, num_SH + 1 ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( ( num_SH + 1 ) * 8L )         )
        FT_FREE( cmap2->subHeaderKeys );
        goto Fail;

      cmap2sub = cmap2->subHeaders;

      for ( i = 0; i <= num_SH; i++ )
        cmap2sub->firstCode     = FT_GET_USHORT();
        cmap2sub->entryCount    = FT_GET_USHORT();
        cmap2sub->idDelta       = FT_GET_SHORT();
        /* we apply the location offset immediately */
        cmap2sub->idRangeOffset = (FT_UShort)(
          FT_GET_USHORT() - ( num_SH - i ) * 8 - 2 );



      /* load glyph IDs */

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( cmap2->glyphIdArray, l ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( l * 2L )               )
        FT_FREE( cmap2->subHeaders );
        FT_FREE( cmap2->subHeaderKeys );
        goto Fail;

      for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ )
        cmap2->glyphIdArray[i] = FT_GET_USHORT();


      cmap->get_index = code_to_index2;
      cmap->get_next_char = code_to_next2;

    case 4:
      cmap4 = &cmap->c.cmap4;

      /* load header */

      if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( 10L ) )
        goto Fail;

      cmap4->language      = FT_GET_USHORT();
      cmap4->segCountX2    = FT_GET_USHORT();
      cmap4->searchRange   = FT_GET_USHORT();
      cmap4->entrySelector = FT_GET_USHORT();
      cmap4->rangeShift    = FT_GET_USHORT();

      num_Seg = (FT_UShort)( cmap4->segCountX2 / 2 );


      /* load segments */

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( cmap4->segments, num_Seg )   ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( ( num_Seg * 4 + 1 ) * 2L ) )
        goto Fail;

      segments = cmap4->segments;

      for ( i = 0; i < num_Seg; i++ )
        segments[i].endCount = FT_GET_USHORT();


      for ( i = 0; i < num_Seg; i++ )
        segments[i].startCount = FT_GET_USHORT();

      for ( i = 0; i < num_Seg; i++ )
        segments[i].idDelta = FT_GET_SHORT();

      for ( i = 0; i < num_Seg; i++ )
        segments[i].idRangeOffset = FT_GET_USHORT();


      cmap4->numGlyphId = l = (FT_UShort)(
        ( ( cmap->length - ( 16L + 8L * num_Seg ) ) & 0xFFFFU ) / 2 );

      /* load IDs */

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( cmap4->glyphIdArray, l ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( l * 2L )               )
        FT_FREE( cmap4->segments );
        goto Fail;

      for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ )
        cmap4->glyphIdArray[i] = FT_GET_USHORT();


      cmap4->last_segment = cmap4->segments;

      cmap->get_index     = code_to_index4;
      cmap->get_next_char = code_to_next4;

    case 6:
      cmap6 = &cmap->c.cmap6;

      if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( 6L ) )
        goto Fail;

      cmap6->language   = FT_GET_USHORT();
      cmap6->firstCode  = FT_GET_USHORT();
      cmap6->entryCount = FT_GET_USHORT();


      l = cmap6->entryCount;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( cmap6->glyphIdArray, l ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( l * 2L )               )
        goto Fail;

      for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ )
        cmap6->glyphIdArray[i] = FT_GET_USHORT();

      cmap->get_index     = code_to_index6;
      cmap->get_next_char = code_to_next6;

    case 8:
    case 12:
      cmap8_12 = &cmap->c.cmap8_12;

      if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( 8L ) )
        goto Fail;

      cmap->length       = FT_GET_ULONG();
      cmap8_12->language = FT_GET_ULONG();


      if ( cmap->format == 8 )
        if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( 8192L ) )
          goto Fail;

      if ( FT_READ_ULONG( cmap8_12->nGroups ) )
        goto Fail;

      n = cmap8_12->nGroups;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( cmap8_12->groups, n ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( n * 3 * 4L )        )
        goto Fail;

      groups = cmap8_12->groups;

      for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
        groups[j].startCharCode = FT_GET_ULONG();
        groups[j].endCharCode   = FT_GET_ULONG();
        groups[j].startGlyphID  = FT_GET_ULONG();


      cmap8_12->last_group = cmap8_12->groups;

      cmap->get_index     = code_to_index8_12;
      cmap->get_next_char = code_to_next8_12;

    case 10:
      cmap10 = &cmap->c.cmap10;

      if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( 16L ) )
        goto Fail;

      cmap->length          = FT_GET_ULONG();
      cmap10->language      = FT_GET_ULONG();
      cmap10->startCharCode = FT_GET_ULONG();
      cmap10->numChars      = FT_GET_ULONG();


      n = cmap10->numChars;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( cmap10->glyphs, n ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( n * 2L )          )
        goto Fail;

      for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
        cmap10->glyphs[j] = FT_GET_USHORT();

      cmap->get_index     = code_to_index10;
      cmap->get_next_char = code_to_next10;

    default:   /* corrupt character mapping table */
      return SFNT_Err_Invalid_CharMap_Format;


    return SFNT_Err_Ok;

    TT_CharMap_Free( face, cmap );
    return error;