コード例 #1
ファイル: SSection.cpp プロジェクト: colwalder/unrealengine
FSelectedKey SSection::GetKeyUnderMouse( const FVector2D& MousePosition, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry ) const
	UMovieSceneSection& Section = *SectionInterface->GetSectionObject();

	// Search every key area until we find the one under the mouse
	for( int32 KeyAreaIndex = 0; KeyAreaIndex < KeyAreas.Num(); ++KeyAreaIndex )
		const FKeyAreaElement& Element = KeyAreas[KeyAreaIndex];
		TSharedRef<IKeyArea> KeyArea = Element.KeyAreaNode.GetKeyArea( SectionIndex ); 

		// Compute the current key area geometry
		FGeometry KeyAreaGeometryPadded = GetKeyAreaGeometry( Element, AllottedGeometry );

		// Is the key area under the mouse
		if( KeyAreaGeometryPadded.IsUnderLocation( MousePosition ) )
			FGeometry SectionGeometry = AllottedGeometry.MakeChild(FVector2D(SequencerSectionConstants::SectionGripSize, 0), AllottedGeometry.GetDrawSize() - FVector2D(SequencerSectionConstants::SectionGripSize*2, 0.0f));
			FGeometry KeyAreaGeometry = GetKeyAreaGeometry( Element, SectionGeometry );

			FVector2D LocalSpaceMousePosition = KeyAreaGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MousePosition );

			FTimeToPixel TimeToPixelConverter = Section.IsInfinite() ? 			
				FTimeToPixel( ParentGeometry, GetSequencer().GetViewRange()) : 
				FTimeToPixel( KeyAreaGeometry, TRange<float>( Section.GetStartTime(), Section.GetEndTime() ) );

			// Check each key until we find one under the mouse (if any)
			TArray<FKeyHandle> KeyHandles = KeyArea->GetUnsortedKeyHandles();
			for( int32 KeyIndex = 0; KeyIndex < KeyHandles.Num(); ++KeyIndex )
				FKeyHandle KeyHandle = KeyHandles[KeyIndex];
				float KeyPosition = TimeToPixelConverter.TimeToPixel( KeyArea->GetKeyTime(KeyHandle) );

				FGeometry KeyGeometry = KeyAreaGeometry.MakeChild( 
					FVector2D( KeyPosition - FMath::TruncToFloat(SequencerSectionConstants::KeySize.X/2.0f), ((KeyAreaGeometry.Size.Y*.5f)-(SequencerSectionConstants::KeySize.Y*.5f)) ),
					SequencerSectionConstants::KeySize );

				if( KeyGeometry.IsUnderLocation( MousePosition ) )
					// The current key is under the mouse
					return FSelectedKey( Section, KeyArea, KeyHandle );

			// no key was selected in the current key area but the mouse is in the key area so it cannot possibly be in any other key area
			return FSelectedKey();

	// No key was selected in any key area
	return FSelectedKey();
コード例 #2
    virtual int32 OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const override
        float Alpha = Sequencer.Pin()->GetOverlayFadeCurve();

        if (Alpha > 0.f)
            FTimeToPixel TimeToPixelConverter = FTimeToPixel(AllottedGeometry, ViewRange.Get());

            TRange<float> TimeBounds = TRange<float>(TimeToPixelConverter.PixelToTime(0),

            TArray< TRange<float> > OverlayRanges = ComputeOverlayRanges(TimeBounds, CachedFilteredRanges);

            for (int32 i = 0; i < OverlayRanges.Num(); ++i)
                float LowerBound = TimeToPixelConverter.TimeToPixel(OverlayRanges[i].GetLowerBoundValue());
                float UpperBound = TimeToPixelConverter.TimeToPixel(OverlayRanges[i].GetUpperBoundValue());
                    AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(FVector2D(LowerBound, 0), FVector2D(UpperBound - LowerBound, AllottedGeometry.Size.Y)),
                    FLinearColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, Alpha)

        return LayerId;
コード例 #3
FTimeToPixel SSequencerSectionAreaView::GetTimeToPixel( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry ) const
	return FTimeToPixel( AllottedGeometry, ViewRange.Get() );
コード例 #4
ファイル: SSection.cpp プロジェクト: colwalder/unrealengine
FReply SSection::OnMouseMove( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if( HasMouseCapture() )
		// Have mouse capture and there are drag operations that need to be performed
		if( MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::LeftMouseButton ) )
			DistanceDragged += FMath::Abs( MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X );
			FVector2D LocalMousePos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() );

			if( !bDragging )
				// If we are not dragging determine if the mouse has moved far enough to start a drag
				if( DistanceDragged >= SequencerSectionConstants::SectionDragStartDistance )
					bDragging = true;

					if( PressedKey.IsValid() )
						// Clear selected sections when beginning to drag keys

						bool bSelectDueToDrag = true;
						HandleKeySelection( PressedKey, MouseEvent, bSelectDueToDrag );

						bool bKeysUnderMouse = true;
						CreateDragOperation( MyGeometry, MouseEvent, bKeysUnderMouse );
						// Clear selected keys when beginning to drag a section

						HandleSectionSelection( MouseEvent );

						bool bKeysUnderMouse = false;
						CreateDragOperation( MyGeometry, MouseEvent, bKeysUnderMouse );
					if( DragOperation.IsValid() )
						DragOperation->OnBeginDrag(LocalMousePos, ParentSectionArea);

			else if( DragOperation.IsValid() )
				// Already in a drag, tell all operations to perform their drag implementations
				FTimeToPixel TimeToPixelConverter = SectionInterface->GetSectionObject()->IsInfinite() ? 			
					FTimeToPixel( ParentGeometry, GetSequencer().GetViewRange()) : 
					FTimeToPixel( MyGeometry, TRange<float>( SectionInterface->GetSectionObject()->GetStartTime(), SectionInterface->GetSectionObject()->GetEndTime() ) );

				DragOperation->OnDrag( MouseEvent, LocalMousePos, TimeToPixelConverter, ParentSectionArea );

		return FReply::Handled();
		// Not dragging


		// Checked for hovered key
		// @todo Sequencer - Needs visual cue
		HoveredKey = GetKeyUnderMouse( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition(), MyGeometry );

		// Only check for edge interaction if not hovering over a key
		if( !HoveredKey.IsValid() )
			CheckForEdgeInteraction( MouseEvent, MyGeometry );

	return FReply::Unhandled();
コード例 #5
ファイル: SSection.cpp プロジェクト: colwalder/unrealengine
void SSection::PaintKeys( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle ) const
	UMovieSceneSection& SectionObject = *SectionInterface->GetSectionObject();

	FSequencer& Sequencer = ParentSectionArea->GetSequencer();

	static const FName BackgroundBrushName("Sequencer.SectionArea.Background");
	static const FName KeyBrushName("Sequencer.Key");

	const FSlateBrush* BackgroundBrush = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(BackgroundBrushName);

	const FSlateBrush* KeyBrush = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(KeyBrushName);

	static const FName SelectionColorName("SelectionColor");
	static const FName SelectionInactiveColorName("SelectionColorInactive");
	static const FName SelectionColorPressedName("SelectionColor_Pressed");

	const FLinearColor PressedKeyColor = FEditorStyle::GetSlateColor(SelectionColorPressedName).GetColor( InWidgetStyle );
	const FLinearColor SelectedKeyColor = FEditorStyle::GetSlateColor(SelectionColorName).GetColor( InWidgetStyle );
	const FLinearColor SelectedInactiveColor = FEditorStyle::GetSlateColor(SelectionInactiveColorName).GetColor( InWidgetStyle )
		* FLinearColor(.25, .25, .25, 1);  // Make the color a little darker since it's not very visible next to white keyframes.

	// @todo Sequencer temp color, make hovered brighter than selected.
	FLinearColor HoveredKeyColor = SelectedKeyColor * FLinearColor(1.5,1.5,1.5,1.0f);

	// Draw all keys in each key area
	for( int32 KeyAreaIndex = 0; KeyAreaIndex < KeyAreas.Num(); ++KeyAreaIndex )
		const FKeyAreaElement& Element = KeyAreas[KeyAreaIndex];

		// Get the key area at the same index of the section.  Each section in this widget has the same layout and the same number of key areas
		const TSharedRef<IKeyArea>& KeyArea = Element.KeyAreaNode.GetKeyArea( SectionIndex );

		FGeometry KeyAreaGeometry = GetKeyAreaGeometry( Element, AllottedGeometry );

		FTimeToPixel TimeToPixelConverter = SectionObject.IsInfinite() ? 			
			FTimeToPixel( ParentGeometry, GetSequencer().GetViewRange()) : 
			FTimeToPixel( KeyAreaGeometry, TRange<float>( SectionObject.GetStartTime(), SectionObject.GetEndTime() ) );

		// Draw a box for the key area 
		// @todo Sequencer - Allow the IKeyArea to do this
			FLinearColor( .1f, .1f, .1f, 0.7f ) ); 

		int32 KeyLayer = LayerId + 1;

		TArray<FKeyHandle> KeyHandles = KeyArea->GetUnsortedKeyHandles();
		for( int32 KeyIndex = 0; KeyIndex < KeyHandles.Num(); ++KeyIndex )
			FKeyHandle KeyHandle = KeyHandles[KeyIndex];
			float KeyTime = KeyArea->GetKeyTime(KeyHandle);

			// Omit keys which would not be visible
			if( SectionObject.IsTimeWithinSection( KeyTime ) )
				FLinearColor KeyColor( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );

				// Where to start drawing the key (relative to the section)
				float KeyPosition =  TimeToPixelConverter.TimeToPixel( KeyTime );

				FSelectedKey TestKey( SectionObject, KeyArea, KeyHandle );

				bool bSelected = Sequencer.GetSelection().IsSelected( TestKey );
				bool bActive = Sequencer.GetSelection().GetActiveSelection() == FSequencerSelection::EActiveSelection::KeyAndSection;

				if( TestKey == PressedKey )
					KeyColor = PressedKeyColor;
				else if( TestKey == HoveredKey )
					KeyColor = HoveredKeyColor;
				else if( bSelected )
					if (bActive)
						KeyColor = SelectedKeyColor;
						KeyColor = SelectedInactiveColor;

				// Draw the key
					// always draw selected keys on top of other keys
					bSelected ? KeyLayer+1 : KeyLayer,
					// Center the key along Y.  Ensure the middle of the key is at the actual key time
					KeyAreaGeometry.ToPaintGeometry( FVector2D( KeyPosition - FMath::CeilToFloat(SequencerSectionConstants::KeySize.X/2.0f), ((KeyAreaGeometry.Size.Y*.5f)-(SequencerSectionConstants::KeySize.Y*.5f)) ), SequencerSectionConstants::KeySize ),