コード例 #1
ファイル: fileio-plain.c プロジェクト: Morgawr/minix-pkgsrc
FileHandle *
FileHandlePlain(int *fd_p)
	FileHandle  *fh;

	fh = FileHandleCreate(PlainCloseFunc, PlainReadFunc, sizeof(int));
	if (fh != NULL) {
		int *new_fd_p = fh->fh_InstData;

		*new_fd_p = *fd_p;
		*fd_p = -1;

	return fh;
コード例 #2
ファイル: grafdata.c プロジェクト: mingpen/OpenNT
BOOL SaveChart (HWND hWndGraph, HANDLE hInputFile, BOOL bGetFileName)
   PGRAPHSTRUCT   pGraph ;
   PLINE          pLine ;
   HANDLE         hFile ;
   DISKCHART      DiskChart ;
   TCHAR          szFileName [256] ;
   BOOL           newFileName = FALSE ;

   if (hInputFile)
      // use the input file handle if it is available
      // this is the case for saving workspace data
      hFile = hInputFile ;
      if (pChartFullFileName)
         lstrcpy (szFileName, pChartFullFileName) ;
      if (bGetFileName || pChartFullFileName == NULL)
//         if (!pChartFullFileName)
//            {
//            StringLoad (IDS_GRAPH_FNAME, szFileName) ;
//            }

         if (!FileGetName (hWndGraph, IDS_CHARTFILE, szFileName))
            return (FALSE) ;
         newFileName = TRUE ;

      hFile = FileHandleCreate (szFileName) ;

      if (hFile && newFileName)
         ChangeSaveFileName (szFileName, IDM_VIEWCHART) ;
      else if (!hFile)
         DlgErrorBox (hWndGraph, ERR_CANT_OPEN, szFileName) ;

   if (!hFile)
      return (FALSE) ;

   pGraph = pGraphs ;
   if (!pGraph)
      if (!hInputFile)
         CloseHandle (hFile) ;
      return (FALSE) ;

   if (!hInputFile)
      // only need to write file header if not workspace 
      memset (&FileHeader, 0, sizeof (FileHeader)) ;
      lstrcpy (FileHeader.szSignature, szPerfChartSignature) ;
      FileHeader.dwMajorVersion = ChartMajorVersion ;
      FileHeader.dwMinorVersion = ChartMinorVersion ;
      if (!FileWrite (hFile, &FileHeader, sizeof (PERFFILEHEADER)))
         goto Exit0 ;

   DiskChart.Visual = pGraph->Visual ;
   DiskChart.gOptions = pGraph->gOptions ;
   DiskChart.gMaxValues = pGraph->gMaxValues ;
   DiskChart.dwNumLines = NumLines (pGraph->pLineFirst) ;
   DiskChart.bManualRefresh = pGraph->bManualRefresh ;
   DiskChart.perfmonOptions = Options ;

   if (!FileWrite (hFile, &DiskChart, sizeof (DISKCHART)))
      goto Exit0 ;

   for (pLine = pGraph->pLineFirst ;
        pLine ;
        pLine = pLine->pLineNext)
      {  // for
      if (!WriteLine (pLine, hFile))
         goto Exit0 ;
      }  // for

   if (!hInputFile)
      CloseHandle (hFile) ;

   return (TRUE) ;

   if (!hInputFile)
      CloseHandle (hFile) ;

      // only need to report error if not workspace 
      DlgErrorBox (hWndGraph, ERR_SETTING_FILE, szFileName) ;
   return (FALSE) ;

   }  // SaveChart
コード例 #3
ファイル: export.c プロジェクト: mingpen/OpenNT
// This routine opens the export file and put in the header info.
// It is used by ExportChart, ExportAlert, & ExportReport.
INT  ExportFileOpen (HWND hWnd, HANDLE *phFile, int IntervalMSecs, LPTSTR *ppFileName)
   CHAR           TempBuff [LongTextLen] ;
   TCHAR          UnicodeBuff [LongTextLen] ;
   TCHAR          UnicodeBuff1 [MiscTextLen] ;
   SYSTEMTIME     SystemTime ;
   int            StringLen ;
   INT            ErrCode = 0 ;
   FLOAT          eIntervalSecs ;

   // defined and setup in status.c
   extern TCHAR   szCurrentActivity [] ;
   extern TCHAR   szStatusFormat [] ;

   *phFile = 0 ;

   if (!FileGetName (hWnd, IDS_EXPORTFILE, UnicodeBuff))
      // user cancel 
      goto Exit0 ;

   *ppFileName = StringAllocate (UnicodeBuff) ;

   // open the file..
   if (!(*phFile = FileHandleCreate (UnicodeBuff)))
      // can't open the file
      ErrCode = ERR_CANT_OPEN ;
      goto Exit0 ;

   // export header
   StringLoad (IDS_REPORT_HEADER, UnicodeBuff) ;
   ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ;
   StringLen = strlen (TempBuff) ;
   ConvertUnicodeStr (&TempBuff[StringLen], LocalComputerName) ;
   strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;

   if (!FileWrite (*phFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))
      ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ;
      goto Exit0 ;

   // export today's date time
   GetLocalTime (&SystemTime) ;

   StringLoad (IDS_EXPORT_DATE, UnicodeBuff) ;
   StringLen = lstrlen (UnicodeBuff) ;
   UnicodeBuff[StringLen] = TEXT(':') ;
   UnicodeBuff[StringLen+1] = TEXT(' ') ;
   SystemTimeDateString (&SystemTime, &UnicodeBuff[StringLen+2]) ;
   ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ;
   strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;

   if (!FileWrite (*phFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))
      ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ;
      goto Exit0 ;

   StringLoad (IDS_EXPORT_TIME, UnicodeBuff) ;
   StringLen = lstrlen (UnicodeBuff) ;
   UnicodeBuff[StringLen] = TEXT(':') ;
   UnicodeBuff[StringLen+1] = TEXT(' ') ;
   SystemTimeTimeString (&SystemTime, &UnicodeBuff[StringLen+2], FALSE) ;
   ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ;
   strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;

   if (!FileWrite (*phFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))
      ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ;
      goto Exit0 ;

   // export data source
   TSPRINTF (UnicodeBuff, szStatusFormat,
      PlayingBackLog () ?
      PlaybackLog.szFileTitle : szCurrentActivity) ;
   ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ;
   strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;
   if (!FileWrite (*phFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))
      ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ;
      goto Exit0 ;

   if (!PlayingBackLog())
      eIntervalSecs = (FLOAT)IntervalMSecs / (FLOAT) 1000.0 ;
      StringLoad (IDS_CHARTINT_FORMAT, UnicodeBuff1) ;
      TSPRINTF (UnicodeBuff, UnicodeBuff1, eIntervalSecs) ;
      ConvertDecimalPoint (UnicodeBuff) ;
      ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ;
      strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;
      if (!FileWrite (*phFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))

         ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ;
         goto Exit0 ;
      // export the log start and stop date/time
      StringLoad (IDS_START_TEXT, UnicodeBuff) ;
      StringLen = lstrlen (UnicodeBuff) ;
      LogPositionSystemTime (&(PlaybackLog.StartIndexPos), &SystemTime) ;
      SystemTimeDateString (&SystemTime, &UnicodeBuff[StringLen]) ;
      StringLen = lstrlen (UnicodeBuff) ;
      UnicodeBuff[StringLen] = TEXT(' ') ;
      StringLen++ ;
      SystemTimeTimeString (&SystemTime, &UnicodeBuff[StringLen], FALSE) ;
      ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ;
      strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;

      if (!FileWrite (*phFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))

         ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ;
         goto Exit0 ;

      StringLoad (IDS_STOP_TEXT, UnicodeBuff) ;
      StringLen = lstrlen (UnicodeBuff) ;
      LogPositionSystemTime (&(PlaybackLog.StopIndexPos), &SystemTime) ;
      SystemTimeDateString (&SystemTime, &UnicodeBuff[StringLen]) ;
      StringLen = lstrlen (UnicodeBuff) ;
      UnicodeBuff[StringLen] = TEXT(' ') ;
      StringLen++ ;
      SystemTimeTimeString (&SystemTime, &UnicodeBuff[StringLen], FALSE) ;
      ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ;
      strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;

      if (!FileWrite (*phFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))
         ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ;
         goto Exit0 ;

      if (hWnd == hWndAlert)
         eIntervalSecs = (FLOAT)IntervalMSecs / (FLOAT) 1000.0 ;
         StringLoad (IDS_CHARTINT_FORMAT, UnicodeBuff1) ;
         TSPRINTF (UnicodeBuff, UnicodeBuff1, eIntervalSecs) ;
         ConvertDecimalPoint (UnicodeBuff) ;
         ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ;
         strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;
         if (!FileWrite (*phFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))
            ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ;
            goto Exit0 ;

   return (0) ;


   return (ErrCode) ;

}  // ExportFileOpen