コード例 #1
ファイル: stringed_ingame.cpp プロジェクト: AlexXT/OpenJK
void CStringEdPackage::SetupNewFileParse( const char *psFileName, SE_BOOL bLoadDebug )
	char sString[ iSE_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH ];

	strcpy(sString, Filename_WithoutPath( Filename_WithoutExt( psFileName ) ));

	m_strCurrentFileRef_ParseOnly = sString;	// eg "OBJECTIVES"
	m_strLoadingLanguage_ParseOnly = ExtractLanguageFromPath( psFileName );
	m_bLoadingEnglish_ParseOnly = (!Q_stricmp( m_strLoadingLanguage_ParseOnly.c_str(), "english" )) ? SE_TRUE : SE_FALSE;
	m_bLoadDebug = bLoadDebug;
コード例 #2
ファイル: mainfrm.cpp プロジェクト: DT85/ModView
void CMainFrame::OnViewScreenshotFile() 
	if (Model_Loaded())
		CWaitCursor wait;

		// slightly iffy here, I'm going to assume that the rendering context is still valid from last time.
		// I can't do much else because I need to supply DC shit that I don't have in order to issue an OnDraw
		//	command to do it legally, so f**k it...
		gbTextInhibit = AppVars.bCleanScreenShots;	//true;
			ModelList_Render( g_iScreenWidth, g_iScreenHeight );	// render to back buffer
			// generate a filename...
			char sBaseName[MAX_PATH];
			sprintf(sBaseName, Filename_WithoutPath(Filename_PathOnly(Model_GetFullPrimaryFilename())));
			// look for a numbered slot to snapshot to...
			#define NUM_SAVE_SLOTS 1000
			for (int iName=0; iName<NUM_SAVE_SLOTS; iName++)
				char sFilename[MAX_PATH];

				if (iName==NUM_SAVE_SLOTS)
					ErrorBox(va("Couldn't find a free save slot! (tried %d slots)",NUM_SAVE_SLOTS));

				sprintf(sFilename, "c:\\%s_%03d.bmp",sBaseName,iName);

				if (!FileExists(sFilename))
					ScreenShot(sFilename,va("(C) Raven Software %s",GetYearAsString()));					
		gbTextInhibit = false;
		ErrorBox("No model loaded to work out path from!\n\n( So duhhhh... why try to take a snapshot? )");

コード例 #3
ファイル: anims.cpp プロジェクト: Eitani/OpenJK
bool Anims_ReadFile_FRAMES(ModelContainer_t *pContainer, LPCSTR psLocalFilename_GLA)
	LPCSTR psFilename = va("%s%s.frames",gamedir,Filename_WithoutExt(psLocalFilename_GLA));

	FILE *fHandle = fopen(psFilename,"rt");

	if (fHandle)
		// file format is like this per XSI...
		//	models/test/m4/m44keith.xsi
		//	{
		//	startframe	"0"
		//	duration	"2"
		//	}
		// so...

		Sequence_t Sequence;

		bool bStartFrameRead = false;
		bool bDurationRead	 = false;
		bool bFPSRead		 = false;

		char sLine[1024];

		while (fgets(sLine,sizeof(sLine)-1,fHandle)!=NULL)
			if (bStartFrameRead && bDurationRead && bFPSRead)
				bStartFrameRead	 = false;
				bDurationRead	 = false;
				bFPSRead		 = false;


			// :-)
			CString str(sLine);

			if (strstr(sLine,".xsi"))

				// these can be really long...
			if (strnicmp(sLine,"startframe",strlen("startframe"))==0)
				CString str(&sLine[strlen("startframe")]);
				Sequence.iStartFrame = atoi(str);

				bStartFrameRead = true;
			if (strnicmp(sLine,"duration",strlen("duration"))==0)
				CString str(&sLine[strlen("duration")]);
				Sequence.iFrameCount = atoi(str);				

				bDurationRead = true;
			if (strnicmp(sLine,"fps",strlen("fps"))==0)
				CString str(&sLine[strlen("fps")]);
				Sequence.iFPS = atoi(str);				

				bFPSRead = true;
		ErrorBox( va("Couldn't open file: %s\n", psFilename));
		return false;
	return !!(pContainer->SequenceList.size());
コード例 #4
ファイル: common.cpp プロジェクト: LTolosa/Jedi-Outcast
void *Z_Malloc(int iSize, memtag_t eTag, qboolean bZeroit)
	gbMemFreeupOccured = qfalse;

	if (iSize == 0)
		zoneHeader_t *pMemory = (zoneHeader_t *) &gZeroMalloc;
		return &pMemory[1];

	// Add in tracking info and round to a longword...  (ignore longword aligning now we're not using contiguous blocks)
//	int iRealSize = (iSize + sizeof(zoneHeader_t) + sizeof(zoneTail_t) + 3) & 0xfffffffc;
	int iRealSize = (iSize + sizeof(zoneHeader_t) + sizeof(zoneTail_t));

	// Allocate a chunk...
	zoneHeader_t *pMemory = NULL;
	while (pMemory == NULL)
		#ifdef _WIN32
		if (gbMemFreeupOccured)
			Sleep(100);	// sleep for 1/10 of a second, so Windows has a chance to shuffle mem to de-swiss-cheese it

		pMemory = (zoneHeader_t *) malloc ( iRealSize );
		if (!pMemory)
			// new bit, if we fail to malloc memory, try dumping some of the cached stuff that's non-vital and try again...

			// ditch the BSP cache...
			if (CM_DeleteCachedMap(qfalse))
				gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;
				continue;		// we've just ditched a whole load of memory, so try again with the malloc

			// ditch any sounds not used on this level...
			extern qboolean SND_RegisterAudio_LevelLoadEnd(qboolean bDeleteEverythingNotUsedThisLevel);
			if (SND_RegisterAudio_LevelLoadEnd(qtrue))
				gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;
				continue;		// we've dropped at least one sound, so try again with the malloc

			// ditch any image_t's (and associated GL texture mem) not used on this level...
			extern qboolean RE_RegisterImages_LevelLoadEnd(void);
			if (RE_RegisterImages_LevelLoadEnd())
				gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;
				continue;		// we've dropped at least one image, so try again with the malloc

			// ditch the model-binaries cache...  (must be getting desperate here!)
			extern qboolean RE_RegisterModels_LevelLoadEnd(qboolean bDeleteEverythingNotUsedThisLevel);
			if (RE_RegisterModels_LevelLoadEnd(qtrue))
				gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;

			// as a last panic measure, dump all the audio memory, but not if we're in the audio loader 
			//	(which is annoying, but I'm not sure how to ensure we're not dumping any memory needed by the sound
			//	currently being loaded if that was the case)...
			// note that this keeps querying until it's freed up as many bytes as the requested size, but freeing
			//	several small blocks might not mean that one larger one is satisfiable after freeup, however that'll
			//	just make it go round again and try for freeing up another bunch of blocks until the total is satisfied 
			//	again (though this will have freed twice the requested amount in that case), so it'll either work 
			//	eventually or not free up enough and drop through to the final ERR_DROP. No worries...
			extern qboolean gbInsideLoadSound;			
			extern int SND_FreeOldestSound(void);	// I had to add a void-arg version of this because of link issues, sigh
			if (!gbInsideLoadSound)
				int iBytesFreed = SND_FreeOldestSound();
				if (iBytesFreed)
					int iTheseBytesFreed = 0;
					while ( (iTheseBytesFreed = SND_FreeOldestSound()) != 0)
						iBytesFreed += iTheseBytesFreed;
						if (iBytesFreed >= iRealSize)
							break;	// early opt-out since we've managed to recover enough (mem-contiguity issues aside)
					gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;

			// sigh, dunno what else to try, I guess we'll have to give up and report this as an out-of-mem error...
			// findlabel:  "recovermem"

			Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED"Z_Malloc(): Failed to alloc %d bytes (TAG_%s) !!!!!\n", iSize, psTagStrings[eTag]);
			Com_Error(ERR_FATAL,"(Repeat): Z_Malloc(): Failed to alloc %d bytes (TAG_%s) !!!!!\n", iSize, psTagStrings[eTag]);
			return NULL;

	extern char *Filename_WithoutPath(const char *psFilename);

	Q_strncpyz(pMemory->sSrcFileBaseName, Filename_WithoutPath(psFile), sizeof(pMemory->sSrcFileBaseName));
	pMemory->iSrcFileLineNum	= iLine;	
	pMemory->sOptionalLabel[0]	= '\0';
	pMemory->iSnapshotNumber	= giZoneSnaphotNum;

	// Link in
	pMemory->iMagic	= ZONE_MAGIC;
	pMemory->eTag	= eTag;
	pMemory->iSize	= iSize;	
	pMemory->pNext  = TheZone.Header.pNext;
	TheZone.Header.pNext = pMemory;
	if (pMemory->pNext)
		pMemory->pNext->pPrev = pMemory;
	pMemory->pPrev = &TheZone.Header;
	// add tail...
	ZoneTailFromHeader(pMemory)->iMagic = ZONE_MAGIC;

	// Update stats...
	TheZone.Stats.iCurrent += iSize;
	TheZone.Stats.iSizesPerTag	[eTag] += iSize;
	TheZone.Stats.iCountsPerTag	[eTag]++;	

	if (TheZone.Stats.iCurrent > TheZone.Stats.iPeak)
		TheZone.Stats.iPeak	= TheZone.Stats.iCurrent;

	Z_Validate();	// check for corruption

	void *pvReturnMem = &pMemory[1];
	if (bZeroit) {
		memset(pvReturnMem, 0, iSize);
	return pvReturnMem;
コード例 #5
ファイル: stringed_ingame.cpp プロジェクト: AlexXT/OpenJK
const char *CStringEdPackage::ExtractLanguageFromPath( const char *psFileName )
	return Filename_WithoutPath( Filename_PathOnly( psFileName ) );
コード例 #6
ファイル: snd_mp3.cpp プロジェクト: LTolosa/Jedi-Outcast
void R_CheckMP3s( const char *psDir )
//	Com_Printf(va("Scanning Dir: %s\n",psDir));
	Com_Printf(".");	// stops useful info scrolling off screen

	char	**sysFiles, **dirFiles;
	int		numSysFiles, i, numdirs;

	dirFiles = FS_ListFiles( psDir, "/", &numdirs);
	if (numdirs > 2)
		for (i=2;i<numdirs;i++)
			char	sDirName[MAX_QPATH];
			sprintf(sDirName, "%s\\%s", psDir, dirFiles[i]);

	sysFiles = FS_ListFiles( psDir, ".mp3", &numSysFiles );
	for(i=0; i<numSysFiles; i++)
		char	sFilename[MAX_QPATH];
		sprintf(sFilename,"%s\\%s", psDir, sysFiles[i]);		
		Com_Printf("%sFound file: %s",!i?"\n":"",sFilename);


		// read it in...
		byte *pbData = NULL;
		int iSize = FS_ReadFile( sFilename, (void **)&pbData);

		if (pbData)
			id3v1_1* pTAG;

			// do NOT check 'qbForceRescan' here as an opt, because we need to actually fill in 'pTAG' if there is one...
			qboolean qbTagNeedsUpdating = (/* qbForceRescan || */ !MP3_ReadSpecialTagInfo(pbData, iSize, &pTAG))?qtrue:qfalse;

			if (pTAG == NULL || qbTagNeedsUpdating || qbForceRescan)
				Com_Printf(" ( Updating )\n");

				// I need to scan this file to get the volume...
				// For EF1 I used a temp sfx_t struct, but I can't do that now with this new alloc scheme,
				//	I have to ask for it legally, so I'll keep re-using one, and restoring it's name after use.
				//	(slightly dodgy, but works ok if no-one else changes stuff)
				//sfx_t SFX = {0};
				extern sfx_t *S_FindName( const char *name );
				static sfx_t *pSFX = NULL;
				const char sReservedSFXEntrynameForMP3[] = "reserved_for_mp3";	// ( strlen() < MAX_QPATH )

				if (pSFX == NULL)	// once only
					pSFX = S_FindName(sReservedSFXEntrynameForMP3);	// always returns, else ERR_FATAL					

				if (MP3_IsValid(sFilename,pbData, iSize, qbForceStereo))
					wavinfo_t info;

					int iRawPCMDataSize = MP3_GetUnpackedSize(sFilename, pbData, iSize, qtrue, qbForceStereo);

					if (iRawPCMDataSize)	// should always be true, unless file is f****d, in which case, stop this conversion process
						float fMaxVol = 128;	// any old default
						int iActualUnpackedSize = iRawPCMDataSize;	// default, override later if not doing music

						if (!qbForceStereo)	// no point for stereo files, which are for music and therefore no lip-sync
							byte *pbUnpackBuffer = (byte *) Z_Malloc ( iRawPCMDataSize+10, TAG_TEMP_WORKSPACE );	// won't return if fails

							iActualUnpackedSize = MP3_UnpackRawPCM( sFilename, pbData, iSize, pbUnpackBuffer );
							if (iActualUnpackedSize != iRawPCMDataSize)
								Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "******* Whoah! MP3 %s unpacked to %d bytes, but size calc said %d!\n",sFilename,iActualUnpackedSize,iRawPCMDataSize);
							// fake up a WAV structure so I can use the other post-load sound code such as volume calc for lip-synching
							MP3_FakeUpWAVInfo( sFilename, pbData, iSize, iActualUnpackedSize,
												// these params are all references...
												info.format, info.rate, info.width, info.channels, info.samples, info.dataofs

							extern void S_LoadSound_Finalize(wavinfo_t	*info, sfx_t *sfx, byte *data);

							S_LoadSound_Finalize(&info, pSFX, pbUnpackBuffer);	// all this just for lipsynch. Oh well.

							fMaxVol = pSFX->fVolRange;

							// free sfx->data...
								// Hunk_FreeTempMemory( SFX.data );	// this will have been allocated inside S_LoadSound_Finalise()
								// I want a big thankyou from the Mac guys for providing this define... :-) -ste
								// #ifndef INT_MIN
								// #define INT_MIN     (-2147483647 - 1) /* minimum (signed) int value */
								// #endif
								pSFX->iLastTimeUsed = INT_MIN;		// force this to be oldest sound file, therefore disposable...
								pSFX->bInMemory = qtrue;
								SND_FreeOldestSound();		// ... and do the disposal

								// now set our temp SFX struct back to default name so nothing else accidentally uses it...
								strcpy(pSFX->sSoundName, sReservedSFXEntrynameForMP3);
								pSFX->bDefaultSound = qfalse;								

							// other stuff...

						// well, time to update the file now...
						fileHandle_t f = FS_FOpenFileWrite( sFilename );
						if (f)
							// write the file back out, but omitting the tag if there was one...
							int iWritten = FS_Write(pbData, iSize-(pTAG?sizeof(*pTAG):0), f);

							if (iWritten)
								// make up a new tag if we didn't find one in the original file...
								id3v1_1 TAG;
								if (!pTAG)
									pTAG = &TAG;

								strncpy(pTAG->title,	Filename_WithoutPath(Filename_WithoutExt(sFilename)), sizeof(pTAG->title));
								strncpy(pTAG->artist,	"Raven Software",						sizeof(pTAG->artist)	);
								strncpy(pTAG->year,		"2001",									sizeof(pTAG->year)		);
								strncpy(pTAG->comment,	va("%s %g",sKEY_MAXVOL,fMaxVol),		sizeof(pTAG->comment)	);
								strncpy(pTAG->album,	va("%s %d",sKEY_UNCOMP,iActualUnpackedSize),sizeof(pTAG->album)	);
								if (FS_Write( pTAG, sizeof(*pTAG), f ))	// NZ = success
									Com_Printf("*********** Failed write to file!\n");
								Com_Printf("*********** Failed write to file!\n");
							FS_FCloseFile( f );
							Com_Printf("*********** Failed to re-open for write!\n");
						Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "******* This MP3 should be deleted: %s\n",sFilename);
					Com_Printf("*********** File was not a valid MP3!\n");
				Com_Printf(" ( OK )\n");

			FS_FreeFile( pbData );
	FS_FreeFileList( sysFiles );
	FS_FreeFileList( dirFiles );
コード例 #7
ファイル: skins.cpp プロジェクト: 3ddy/Jedi-Academy
// returns true if at least one set of skin data was read, else false...
static bool Skins_Read(LPCSTR psModelFilename)
	LPCSTR psError = NULL;


	LPCSTR psSkinsPath = Skins_ModelNameToSkinPath(psModelFilename);	// eg "models/characters/skins"

	if (psSkinsPath)
		string strThisModelBaseName(String_ToLower(Filename_WithoutExt(Filename_WithoutPath(psModelFilename))));

		char **ppsSkinFiles;
		int iSkinFiles;

		// scan for skin files...
		ppsSkinFiles =	//ri.FS_ListFiles( "shaders", ".shader", &iSkinFiles );
						Sys_ListFiles(	va("%s%s",gamedir,psSkinsPath),// const char *directory, 
										".g2skin",	// const char *extension, 
										NULL,		// char *filter, 
										&iSkinFiles,// int *numfiles, 
										qfalse		// qboolean wantsubs 

		if ( !ppsSkinFiles || !iSkinFiles )
			return false;

		if ( iSkinFiles > MAX_SKIN_FILES ) 
			WarningBox(va("%d skin files found, capping to %d\n\n(tell me if this ever happens -Ste)", iSkinFiles, MAX_SKIN_FILES ));

			iSkinFiles = MAX_SKIN_FILES;

		// load and parse skin files...
		// for now, I just scan each file and if it's out of date then I invalidate it's model-prefs info...
		extern bool GetFileTime(LPCSTR psFileName, FILETIME &ft);
		for (int i=0; i<iSkinFiles; i++)
			bool bReParseThisFile = false;

			char sFileName[MAX_QPATH];
			LPCSTR psFileName = ppsSkinFiles[i];
			Com_sprintf( sFileName, sizeof( sFileName ), "%s/%s", psSkinsPath, psFileName );
			psFileName = &sFileName[0];
			// have a go at getting this time/date stamp if not already present...
			if (!SkinFileTimeDates[psFileName].bValid)
				FILETIME ft;
				if (GetFileTime(psFileName, ft))
					SkinFileTimeDates[psFileName].ft = ft;
					SkinFileTimeDates[psFileName].bValid = true;

			// now see if there's a valid time-stamp, and use it if so, else give up and re-scan all files...
			if (SkinFileTimeDates[psFileName].bValid)
				FILETIME ft;
				if (GetFileTime(psFileName, ft))
					LONG l = CompareFileTime( &SkinFileTimeDates[psFileName].ft, &ft);

					bReParseThisFile = (l<0);
					bReParseThisFile = true;
				bReParseThisFile = true;
			if (bReParseThisFile)
		if (1)//bReParseSkinFiles || !CurrentSkins.size())

			char *buffers[MAX_SKIN_FILES]={0};
//			long iTotalBytesLoaded = 0;
			for ( int i=0; i<iSkinFiles && !psError; i++ )
				char sFileName[MAX_QPATH];

				string strThisSkinFile(ppsSkinFiles[i]);

				Com_sprintf( sFileName, sizeof( sFileName ), "%s/%s", psSkinsPath, strThisSkinFile.c_str() );
				StatusMessage( va("Scanning skin %d/%d: \"%s\"...",i+1,iSkinFiles,sFileName));

				//ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "...loading '%s'\n", sFileName );

				bool _bDiskLoadOccured = false;	// debug use only, but wtf?

#define LOAD_SKIN_FILE									\
/*iTotalBytesLoaded += */ ri.FS_ReadFile( sFileName, (void **)&buffers[i] );	\
if ( !buffers[i] )										\
{														\
	CurrentSkins.clear();								\
	CurrentSkinsSurfacePrefs.clear();					\
	ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "Couldn't load %s", sFileName );\
}														\
_bDiskLoadOccured = true;

				// see if we should pay attention to the contents of this file...
				CGPGroup	*pFileGroup			= NULL;
				CGPGroup *pParseGroup_Prefs	= NULL;
				CGenericParser2 SkinParser;
				bool bParseThisFile = false;
				// if we have any information about this skin file as regards what models it refers to, use the info...
				if (G2SkinModelPrefs[sFileName].size())
					map<string, int>::iterator it = G2SkinModelPrefs[sFileName].find( strThisModelBaseName );
					if (it != G2SkinModelPrefs[sFileName].end())
						// this skin file contains this entry, so just check that we can setup the parse groups ok...

						char *psDataPtr = buffers[i];
						if (SkinParser.Parse(&psDataPtr, true))
							pFileGroup = SkinParser.GetBaseParseGroup();
							if (pFileGroup)
								pParseGroup_Prefs = pFileGroup->FindSubGroup(sSKINKEYWORD_PREFS);//, true);
								if (pParseGroup_Prefs)
									bParseThisFile = true;
							ErrorBox(va("{} - Brace mismatch error in file \"%s\"!",sFileName));
					// no size info for this file, so check it manually...

					if (Skins_ParseThisFile(SkinParser, buffers[i], strThisModelBaseName, pFileGroup, pParseGroup_Prefs, 
											sFileName, G2SkinModelPrefs)
						bParseThisFile = true;

				if (bParseThisFile)
					psError = Skins_Parse( strThisSkinFile, pFileGroup, pParseGroup_Prefs);
					if (psError)
						ErrorBox(va("Skins_Read(): Error reading file \"%s\"!\n\n( Skins will be ignored for this model )\n\nError was:\n\n",sFileName,psError));
					//OutputDebugString(va("Skipping parse of file \"%s\" %s\n",sFileName, _bDiskLoadOccured?"":"( and no load! )"));
			// free loaded skin files...
			for ( i=0; i<iSkinFiles; i++ )
				if (buffers[i])
					ri.FS_FreeFile( buffers[i] );

		Sys_FreeFileList( ppsSkinFiles );

	if (psError)
		return false;

	return !!(CurrentSkins.size());
コード例 #8
ファイル: md3view.cpp プロジェクト: UberGames/MD3View
// if psLOD0Filename != NULL, then we're loading an MD3 LOD model, and psLOD0Filename is a pointer to original name
bool loadmdl_original( char *filename, LPCSTR psLOD0Filename, gl_model* pLOD1, gl_model* pLOD2 )
	gl_model* model = new gl_model; memset( model, 0, sizeof(gl_model) );

	if (pLOD1)
		model->pModel_LOD1 = pLOD1;
		pLOD1->pModel_LOD0 = model;

	if (pLOD2)
		model->pModel_LOD2 = pLOD2;
		pLOD2->pModel_LOD0 = model;

	// if there's a default skin for this model, don't try and load the internal shaders, this is just so
	//	we don't get bugged by loads of file-missing errors if the model is only designed to use skin files...
	bool bDefaultSkinExists = file_exists(SkinName_FromPathedModelName(filename));

	if (bDefaultSkinExists)
		gbIgnoreTextureLoad = true;

	if (!loadmdx( *model, filename )) 
		gbIgnoreTextureLoad = false;
		delete_gl_model( model );model = NULL;
		return false;
	gbIgnoreTextureLoad = false;
	pLastLoadedModel = model;

	strcpy( model->sHeadSkinName,"default");
	strcpy( model->sMDXFullPathname, filename);
	strcpy(	model->sMD3BaseName,Filename_WithoutPath(
//													Filename_WithoutExt(
//																		)

	if (psLOD0Filename)	
		return true;	// don't bother with the rest of this stuff now...

	giTagMenuSubtractValue_Torso  =
	giTagMenuSubtractValue_Head	  =
	giTagMenuSubtractValue_Weapon =
	giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel =
	giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel4= -1;
	Model_ApplySkin(model, SkinName_FromPathedModelName(model->sMDXFullPathname));	

	model->modelListPosition = mdview.modelList->insertLast( model );
	mdview.baseModel = (gl_model *)mdview.modelList->first()->element();

	tagMenu_seperatorAppend( filename );
	for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<model->iNumTags ; i++) 
		tagMenu_append( model->tags[0][i].Name, (GLMODEL_DBLPTR)&model->linkedModels[i] );
		if (!stricmp(model->tags[0][i].Name,"tag_torso"))
			giTagMenuSubtractValue_Torso = i;
		if (!stricmp(model->tags[0][i].Name,"tag_head"))
			giTagMenuSubtractValue_Head	= i;
		if (!stricmp(model->tags[0][i].Name,"tag_weapon"))
			giTagMenuSubtractValue_Weapon = i;
		if (!stricmp(model->tags[0][i].Name,"tag_barrel"))
			giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel = i;
		if (!stricmp(model->tags[0][i].Name,"tag_barrel2"))
			giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel2 = i;
		if (!stricmp(model->tags[0][i].Name,"tag_barrel3"))
			giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel3 = i;
		if (!stricmp(model->tags[0][i].Name,"tag_barrel4"))
			giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel4 = i;

	// arrrghhh!!!!...
	giTagMenuSubtractValue_Torso	= model->iNumTags - giTagMenuSubtractValue_Torso;
	giTagMenuSubtractValue_Head		= model->iNumTags - giTagMenuSubtractValue_Head;
	giTagMenuSubtractValue_Weapon	= (giTagMenuSubtractValue_Weapon ==-1)?-1:model->iNumTags - giTagMenuSubtractValue_Weapon;
	giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel	= (giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel ==-1)?-1:model->iNumTags - giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel;
	giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel2	= (giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel2==-1)?-1:model->iNumTags - giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel2;
	giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel3	= (giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel3==-1)?-1:model->iNumTags - giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel3;
	giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel4	= (giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel4==-1)?-1:model->iNumTags - giTagMenuSubtractValue_Barrel4;
	// this value is now the value (if NZ) to sub from the menu count (then add ID_TAG_START) to reach "tag_torso"ID of the menu item
	SetFaceSkin(0);	// safety to always do this

	return true;