コード例 #1
ファイル: Border_Show.c プロジェクト: ngocthanhtnt/ledshow
void Clr_Border(S_Show_Data *pDst, INT8U Area_No)

    INT16U Area_Width, Area_Height;//, Border_Width, Border_Height;
    INT8U  Height;
    S_Point P0;

    Area_Width = Get_Area_Width(Area_No); //分区的宽度和高度
    Area_Height = Get_Area_Height(Area_No);
    //Width = Get_Area_Border_Width(Area_No);
    Height = Get_Area_Border_Height(Area_No);
    //Border_Width = Get_Area_Border_Width(Area_No);
    //Border_Height = Get_Area_Border_Height(Area_No);

    P0.X = 0;
    P0.Y = 0;

    Fill_Rect(pDst, Area_No, &P0, Area_Width, Height, 0);

    P0.Y = Area_Height - Height;
    Fill_Rect(pDst, Area_No, &P0, Area_Width, Height, 0);

    P0.Y = 0;
    Fill_Rect(pDst, Area_No, &P0, Height, Area_Height, 0);

    P0.X = Area_Width - Height;
    Fill_Rect(pDst, Area_No, &P0, Height, Area_Height, 0);
コード例 #2
Assemble_Combat_Picture (int mask)
  int MapBrick;
  int line, col;
  int i;
  static float TimeSinceLastFPSUpdate=10;
  static int FPS_Displayed=1;
  SDL_Rect TargetRectangle;
  SDL_Rect TxtRect;
  finepoint pos, vect;
  float len;
  bool vis = TRUE;
  grob_point upleft, downright;


  DebugPrintf (2, "\nvoid Assemble_Combat_Picture(...): Real function call confirmed.");

  SDL_SetClipRect (ne_screen , &User_Rect);

  if ( !GameConfig.AllMapVisible )
    Fill_Rect (User_Rect, Black);

  if ( (mask & SHOW_FULL_MAP) != 0 )
      upleft.x = -5; upleft.y = -5;
      downright.x = CurLevel->xlen + 5; downright.y = CurLevel->ylen + 5;
      upleft.x = Me.pos.x - 6; upleft.y = Me.pos.y - 5;
      downright.x = Me.pos.x + 7; downright.y = Me.pos.y + 5;

  for (line = (int)upleft.y; line < (int)downright.y; line++)
      for (col = (int)upleft.x; col < (int)downright.x; col++)
	  vis = TRUE;
	  if ( !GameConfig.AllMapVisible && ( (mask & SHOW_FULL_MAP) == 0x0) )
	      pos.x = col;
	      pos.y = line;
	      vect.x = Me.pos.x - pos.x;
	      vect.y = Me.pos.y - pos.y;
	      len = sqrt( vect.x * vect.x + vect.y * vect.y) + 0.01;
	      vect.x /= len;
	      vect.y /= len;
	      if (len > 0.5)
		  pos.x += vect.x;
		  pos.y += vect.y;
	      if ( !IsVisible (&pos) )

	  MapBrick = GetMapBrick( CurLevel, col , line );
	  TargetRectangle.x = UserCenter_x + (int)rint( (-Me.pos.x+1.0*col-0.5 )*Block_Rect.w);
	  TargetRectangle.y = UserCenter_y + (int)rint( (-Me.pos.y+1.0*line-0.5 )*Block_Rect.h);
	  SDL_BlitSurface( MapBlockSurfacePointer[CurLevel->color][MapBrick], NULL, ne_screen, &TargetRectangle);
	}			// for(col)
    }				// for(line)

  // if we don't use Fullscreen mode, we have to clear the text-background manually
  // for the info-line text:

  TxtRect.x = Full_User_Rect.x;
  TxtRect.y = Full_User_Rect.y+Full_User_Rect.h - FontHeight (Font0_BFont);
  TxtRect.h = FontHeight (Font0_BFont);
  TxtRect.w = Full_User_Rect.w;
  SDL_SetClipRect (ne_screen, &TxtRect);
  if (!GameConfig.FullUserRect)
    SDL_FillRect(ne_screen, &TxtRect, 0);

  if ( GameConfig.Draw_Position )
      PrintStringFont( ne_screen , Font0_BFont , Full_User_Rect.x+Full_User_Rect.w/6 ,
		       Full_User_Rect.y+Full_User_Rect.h - FontHeight( Font0_BFont ),
		       "GPS: X=%d Y=%d Lev=%d" , (int) rintf(Me.pos.x) , (int) rintf(Me.pos.y) ,
		       CurLevel->levelnum );

  if (!(mask & ONLY_SHOW_MAP) )
      if ( GameConfig.Draw_Framerate )
	  TimeSinceLastFPSUpdate += Frame_Time();
	  if ( TimeSinceLastFPSUpdate > UPDATE_FPS_HOW_OFTEN )

	  PrintStringFont( ne_screen , Font0_BFont , Full_User_Rect.x ,
			   Full_User_Rect.y+Full_User_Rect.h - FontHeight( Font0_BFont ),
			   "FPS: %d " , FPS_Displayed );

      if ( GameConfig.Draw_Energy )
	  PrintStringFont( ne_screen , Font0_BFont , Full_User_Rect.x+Full_User_Rect.w/2 ,
			   Full_User_Rect.y+Full_User_Rect.h - FontHeight( Font0_BFont ),
			   "Energy: %d" , (int)Me.energy);
      if (GameConfig.Draw_DeathCount)
	  PrintStringFont( ne_screen , Font0_BFont , Full_User_Rect.x+2*Full_User_Rect.w/3 ,
			   Full_User_Rect.y+Full_User_Rect.h - FontHeight( Font0_BFont ),
			   "Deathcount: %d", (int)DeathCount );

      SDL_SetClipRect (ne_screen, &User_Rect);

      // make sure Ashes are displayed _before_ droids, so that they are _under_ them!
      for (i = 0; i < NumEnemys ; i++)
	if ( (AllEnemys[i].status == TERMINATED) && (AllEnemys[i].levelnum == CurLevel->levelnum) )
	    if (IsVisible (&(AllEnemys[i].pos) ) )
	      PutAshes (AllEnemys[i].pos.x, AllEnemys[i].pos.y);

      for (i = 0; i < NumEnemys ; i++)
	if ( (AllEnemys[i].levelnum != CurLevel->levelnum) || (AllEnemys[i].status == OUT) ||
	     (AllEnemys[i].status == TERMINATED) )
	  PutEnemy (i , -1 , -1 );

      if (Me.energy > 0)
	PutInfluence ( -1 , -1 );

      for (i = 0; i < (MAXBULLETS); i++)
	if (AllBullets[i].type != OUT)
	  PutBullet (i);

      for (i = 0; i < (MAXBLASTS); i++)
	if (AllBlasts[i].type != OUT)
	  PutBlast (i);


  // At this point we are done with the drawing procedure
  // and all that remains to be done is updating the screen.

  if ( mask & DO_SCREEN_UPDATE )
      SDL_UpdateRect (ne_screen, User_Rect.x, User_Rect.y, User_Rect.w, User_Rect.h);
      SDL_UpdateRect (ne_screen, TxtRect.x, TxtRect.y, TxtRect.w, TxtRect.h);

  SDL_SetClipRect (ne_screen, NULL);


} // void Assemble_Combat_Picture(...)
コード例 #3
 * @Desc: play takeover-game against a druid 
 * @Ret: TRUE/FALSE:  user has won/lost
Takeover (int enemynum)
  int row;
  int FinishTakeover = FALSE;
  static int RejectEnergy = 0;	/* your energy if you're rejected */
  char *message;
  SDL_Rect buf;
  Uint32 now;

  /* Prevent distortion of framerate by the delay coming from 
   * the time spend in the menu.
  Activate_Conservative_Frame_Computation ();

  // release fire keys

  // Takeover game always uses Classic User_Rect:
  Copy_Rect (User_Rect, buf);
  Copy_Rect (Classic_User_Rect, User_Rect);

  Fill_Rect (User_Rect, to_bg_color);

  Me.status = MOBILE; /* the new status _after_ the takeover game */

  SDL_ShowCursor (SDL_DISABLE); // no mouse-cursor in takeover game!

  show_droid_info ( Me.type, -1 , 0);
  show_droid_portrait (Cons_Droid_Rect, Me.type, DROID_ROTATION_TIME, UPDATE);
  while (!FirePressedR())
    show_droid_portrait (Cons_Droid_Rect, Me.type, DROID_ROTATION_TIME, 0);

  show_droid_info ( AllEnemys[enemynum].type, -2 ,0);
  show_droid_portrait (Cons_Droid_Rect,  AllEnemys[enemynum].type, DROID_ROTATION_TIME, UPDATE);
  while (!FirePressedR())
    show_droid_portrait (Cons_Droid_Rect,  AllEnemys[enemynum].type, DROID_ROTATION_TIME, 0);

  SDL_BlitSurface (takeover_bg_pic, NULL, ne_screen, NULL);

  while (!FinishTakeover)
      /* Init Color-column and Capsule-Number for each opponenet and your color */
      for (row = 0; row < NUM_LINES; row++)
	  DisplayColumn[row] = (row % 2);
	  CapsuleCountdown[GELB][0][row] = -1;
	  CapsuleCountdown[VIOLETT][0][row] = -1;
	}			/* for row */

      YourColor = GELB;
      OpponentColor = VIOLETT;

      CapsuleCurRow[GELB] = 0;
      CapsuleCurRow[VIOLETT] = 0;
      DroidNum = enemynum;
      OpponentType = AllEnemys[enemynum].type;
      NumCapsules[YOU] = 3 + ClassOfDruid (Me.type);
      NumCapsules[ENEMY] = 4 + ClassOfDruid (OpponentType);

      InventPlayground ();

      ShowPlayground ();

      ChooseColor ();

      PlayGame ();

      /* Ausgang beurteilen und returnen */
      if (InvincibleMode || (LeaderColor == YourColor))
	  Takeover_Game_Won_Sound ();
	  if (Me.type == DRUID001)
	      RejectEnergy = Me.energy;
	      PreTakeEnergy = Me.energy;

	  // We provide some security agains too high energy/health values gained
	  // by very rapid successions of successful takeover attempts
	  if (Me.energy > Druidmap[DRUID001].maxenergy) Me.energy = Druidmap[DRUID001].maxenergy;
	  if (Me.health > Druidmap[DRUID001].maxenergy) Me.health = Druidmap[DRUID001].maxenergy;

	  // We allow to gain the current energy/full health that was still in the 
	  // other droid, since all previous damage must be due to fighting damage,
	  // and this is exactly the sort of damage can usually be cured in refreshes.
	  Me.energy += AllEnemys[enemynum].energy;
	  Me.health += Druidmap[OpponentType].maxenergy;

	  Me.type = AllEnemys[enemynum].type;

	  RealScore += Druidmap[OpponentType].score;

	  DeathCount += OpponentType * OpponentType;   // quadratic "importance", max=529

	  AllEnemys[enemynum].status = OUT; // removed droid silently (no blast!)

	  if (LeaderColor != YourColor)	/* only won because of InvincibleMode */
	    message = "You cheat";
	  else				/* won the proper way */
	    message = "Complete";

	  FinishTakeover = TRUE;
	}				/* LeaderColor == YourColor */
      else if (LeaderColor == OpponentColor)
	  // you lost, but enemy is killed too --> blast it!
	  AllEnemys[enemynum].energy = -1.0;  /* to be sure */

	  Takeover_Game_Lost_Sound ();
	  if (Me.type != DRUID001)
	      message = "Rejected";
	      Me.type = DRUID001;
	      Me.energy = RejectEnergy;
	      message = "Burnt Out";
	      Me.energy = 0;
	  FinishTakeover = TRUE;
	}			/* LeadColor == OpponentColor */
	  Takeover_Game_Deadlock_Sound ();
	  message = "Deadlock";
	}			/* LeadColor == REMIS */

      DisplayBanner (message, NULL , 0 );	
      ShowPlayground ();
      now = SDL_GetTicks();
      while ((!FirePressedR()) && (SDL_GetTicks() - now < SHOW_WAIT) ) SDL_Delay(1);

    }	/* while !FinishTakeover */

  // restore User_Rect
  Copy_Rect (buf, User_Rect);


  if (LeaderColor == YourColor)
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

} /* Takeover() */
コード例 #4
@Desc: PutBullet: draws a Bullet into the combat window.  The only
       parameter given is the number of the bullet in the AllBullets
       array. Everything else is computed in here.

@Ret: void
* $Function----------------------------------------------------------*/
PutBullet (int BulletNummer)
  Bullet CurBullet = &AllBullets[BulletNummer];
  SDL_Rect dst;
  // SDL_Surface *tmp;
  int PhaseOfBullet;
  int i;

  DebugPrintf (2, "\nvoid PutBullet(int BulletNummer): real function call confirmed.\n");

  // in case our bullet is of the type "FLASH", we only
  // draw a big white or black rectangle right over the
  // combat window, white for even frames and black for
  // odd frames.
  if (CurBullet->type == FLASH)
      // Now the whole window will be filled with either white
      // or black each frame until the flash is over.  (Flash
      // deletion after some time is done in CheckBulletCollisions.)
      if ( CurBullet->time_in_seconds <= FLASH_DURATION/4)
	Fill_Rect (User_Rect, Flash_Light);
      else if (CurBullet->time_in_seconds <= FLASH_DURATION/2)
	Fill_Rect (User_Rect, Flash_Dark);
      else if (CurBullet->time_in_seconds <= 3*FLASH_DURATION/4)
	Fill_Rect (User_Rect, Flash_Light);
      else if (CurBullet->time_in_seconds <= FLASH_DURATION)
	Fill_Rect (User_Rect, Flash_Dark);

    } // if type == FLASH

  PhaseOfBullet = (CurBullet->time_in_seconds * Bulletmap[ CurBullet->type ].phase_changes_per_second );

  PhaseOfBullet = PhaseOfBullet % Bulletmap[CurBullet->type].phases ;

  // DebugPrintf( 0 , "\nPhaseOfBullet: %d.", PhaseOfBullet );

  // Maybe it's the first time this bullet is displayed.  But then, the images
  // of the rotated bullet in all phases are not yet attached to the bullet.
  // Then, we'll have to generate these
  //if ( CurBullet->time_in_frames == 1 )
  if ( !CurBullet->Surfaces_were_generated )
      for ( i=0; i<Bulletmap[ CurBullet->type ].phases ; i++ )
	  CurBullet->SurfacePointer[i] =
	    rotozoomSurface( Bulletmap[CurBullet->type].SurfacePointer[ i ] , CurBullet->angle , 1.0 , FALSE );
      DebugPrintf( 1 , "\nvoid PutBullet(i): This was the first time for this bullet, so images were generated... angle=%f" , CurBullet->angle);

  // WARNING!!! PAY ATTENTION HERE!! After the rotozoom was applied to the image, it is NO
  // LONGER of dimension Block_Rect.w times Block_Rect.h, but of the dimesions of the smallest
  // rectangle containing the full rotated Block_Rect.h x Block_Rect.w rectangle!!!
  // This has to be taken into account when calculating the target position for the
  // blit of these surfaces!!!!
  dst.x = UserCenter_x
    - (Me.pos.x-CurBullet->pos.x)*Block_Rect.w-CurBullet->SurfacePointer[ PhaseOfBullet ]->w/2;
  dst.y = UserCenter_y
    - (Me.pos.y-CurBullet->pos.y)*Block_Rect.w-CurBullet->SurfacePointer[ PhaseOfBullet ]->h/2;

  SDL_BlitSurface( CurBullet->SurfacePointer[ PhaseOfBullet ] , NULL, ne_screen , &dst );
  tmp = rotozoomSurface( Bulletmap[CurBullet->type].SurfacePointer[ PhaseOfBullet ] , CurBullet->angle , 1.0 , FALSE );

  // WARNING!!! PAY ATTENTION HERE!! After the rotozoom was applied to the image, it is NO
  // LONGER of dimension Block_Rect.w times Block_Rect.h, but of the dimesions of the smallest
  // rectangle containing the full rotated Block_Rect.h x Block_Rect.w rectangle!!!
  // This has to be taken into account when calculating the target position for the
  // blit of these surfaces!!!!
  dst.x = UserCenter_x
    - (Me.pos.x-CurBullet->pos.x)*Block_Rect.w-CurBullet->SurfacePointer[ PhaseOfBullet ]->w/2;
  dst.y = UserCenter_y
    - (Me.pos.y-CurBullet->pos.y)*Block_Rect.w-CurBullet->SurfacePointer[ PhaseOfBullet ]->h/2;

  SDL_BlitSurface( tmp , NULL, ne_screen , &dst );
  SDL_FreeSurface( tmp );

  DebugPrintf ( 1 , "\nvoid PutBullet(int BulletNummer): end of function reched.\n");

}; // void PutBullet (int Bulletnumber )