コード例 #1
ファイル: CloudMapper.cpp プロジェクト: 382309009/FaceCept3D
    pcl::CorrespondencesPtr CloudMapper::LandmarksToCorresponencies(Cloud::Ptr &cloud1, CloudMapper::Landmarks &landmarks1, Cloud::Ptr &cloud2, CloudMapper::Landmarks &landmarks2)
        pcl::CorrespondencesPtr result(new pcl::Correspondences);

        int resultSize = std::min(landmarks1.size(), landmarks2.size());

        for (int i = 0; i < resultSize; i++)
            auto sourcePoint1 = landmarks1.at(i).point;
            auto sourcePoint2 = landmarks2.at(i).point;

            auto p1IsNotNan = IsNotNAN(sourcePoint1);
            auto p2IsNotNan = IsNotNAN(sourcePoint2);
            if (p1IsNotNan && p2IsNotNan)
                CloudMapper::Landmarks::value_type pt1 = FindClosestPoint(cloud1, sourcePoint1);
                CloudMapper::Landmarks::value_type pt2 = FindClosestPoint(cloud2, sourcePoint2);

                float distance = CalculateDistance(pt1.point, pt2.point);
                pcl::Correspondence correspondence(pt1.index, pt2.index, distance);


        return result;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Triangle.cpp プロジェクト: tianxind/rendering
bool TriangleEdgesSegmentIntersect(const Vector3f & p1, const Vector3f & p2, const Vector3f p3, const Vector3f & e0, const Vector3f & e1,
	Vector3f & intersectionPos, int & edgeIdx, Mesh & mesh, Mesh::FaceHandle & currentFace, Mesh::FaceHandle & previousFace)
	int r[3] = {0};
	//float d1 = DistanceToTrianglePlane(p1, p2, p3, e0);
	//float d2 = DistanceToTrianglePlane(p1, p2, p3, e1);
	//Vector3f dif = e1 - e0;
	//std::cout << '\n' << std::endl;
	Vector3f interPos[3];
	r[0] = FindClosestPoint(e0, e1, p3, p1, interPos[0]);
	r[1] = FindClosestPoint(e0, e1, p1, p2, interPos[1]);
	r[2] = FindClosestPoint(e0, e1, p2, p3, interPos[2]);
	if (r[0]+r[1]+r[2] == 3) {
		__debugbreak();	//Triangle too small
	if (r[0]+r[1]+r[2] == 2) {
		edgeIdx = 0;
		/*for (Mesh::FaceFaceIter ff_it=mesh.ff_begin(currentFace), end=mesh.ff_end(currentFace); ff_it != end; ++ff_it) {

			Mesh::FaceHandle ffff = ff_it.handle();
			int nodthing=0;
		for (Mesh::FaceFaceIter ff_it=mesh.ff_begin(currentFace), end=mesh.ff_end(currentFace); ff_it != end; ++ff_it, ++edgeIdx) {
			// Never should happen
			if (edgeIdx >= 3 || edgeIdx < 0)

			//Mesh::FaceHandle ffff = ff_it.handle();
			if (r[edgeIdx] != 0 && ff_it.handle() != previousFace)  break;
		intersectionPos = interPos[edgeIdx];
		return 1;
	if (r[0]+r[1]+r[2] == 0)
		return 0;//__debugbreak(); //Never should happen

	edgeIdx = 0*r[0] + 1*r[1] + 2*r[2];
	intersectionPos = interPos[edgeIdx];
	return 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: cities.C プロジェクト: petehawkes/Greenhouse
  void IndividualPointerInteract (PointingEvent *e)
    { int64 last = LastClosestPoint ();
      if (last > -1)
        SetPointSize (last, 2.0);

      int64 closest = FindClosestPoint (e);
      if (closest > -1)
        SetPointSize (closest, 4.0);

      //  todo: document this
      Vect abs_loc = UnWrangleLoc (PointLocation (closest));

      UpdateLabel (e, city_name[closest], abs_loc);
コード例 #4
ファイル: GisCalc.cpp プロジェクト: dulton/53_hero
void tGisCalc::EstimateRelativeDistanceToLeg( const tMCoord& Start, const tMCoord& End, const tMCoord& Reference, long& Distance, bool& ClosestToStart )
    tMCoord PerpPoint, ClosestPoint;

    PerpPoint = EstimatePerpendicularPoint(Start, End, Reference);
    // See if closest point on line is on the line segment bounded by the two endpoints
    // If not, use the endpoints to find the nearest distance
    ClosestPoint = FindClosestPoint(Start, End, PerpPoint);

    ClosestToStart = ( ClosestPoint == Start );

    long DeltaLat = ClosestPoint.Y() - Reference.Y();
    long DeltaLon = ClosestPoint.X() - Reference.X();
    Distance = DoubleToLong(sqrt((double)DeltaLat * DeltaLat + (double)DeltaLon * DeltaLon));
コード例 #5
ファイル: csoftbody2d_mouse.c プロジェクト: jsj2008/GUTZ
/* Clicked mouse */
void Mouse (int button, int state, int x, int y)
	if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON)
		if (state == GLUT_DOWN)
			mousedown = 1;

			xMouse = SCRSIZE * 2.0 * ((float)x/(float)windW - 0.5);
			yMouse = -SCRSIZE * 2.0 * ((float)y/(float)windH - 0.5);

		else if (state == GLUT_UP)
	       	mousedown = 0;
コード例 #6
avtLocateNodeQuery::Execute(vtkDataSet *ds, const int dom)
    if (ds == NULL)

    if (!RayIntersectsDataSet(ds))

    avtDataObjectInformation &info = GetInput()->GetInfo();
    double dist, isect[3] = { 0., 0., 0.};
    int foundNode = -1;
    int origNode = -1;
    int topodim = info.GetAttributes().GetTopologicalDimension();
    int spatdim = info.GetAttributes().GetSpatialDimension();

    // Find the cell, intersection point, and distance along the ray.
    if (ds->GetDataObjectType() != VTK_RECTILINEAR_GRID)
        if (topodim == 1 && spatdim == 2) // LINES
            dist = minDist;
            foundNode = FindClosestPointOnLine(ds, dist, isect);
            int foundCell = LocatorFindCell(ds, dist, isect); 
            if (foundCell != -1)
                if (!pickAtts.GetMatSelected())
                    foundNode = DeterminePickedNode(ds, foundCell, isect);
                    foundNode = FindClosestPoint(ds,foundCell,isect,origNode);
        foundNode = RGridFindNode(ds, dist, isect); 

    if ((foundNode != -1) && (dist < minDist))
        minDist = dist;

        if (!pickAtts.GetMatSelected())
            vtkDataArray *origNodes = 

            if (origNodes)
                int comp = origNodes->GetNumberOfComponents() -1;
                foundElement = (int) origNodes->GetComponent(foundNode, comp);
            else if (info.GetValidity().GetNodesPreserved() &&
                     info.GetValidity().GetOriginalZonesIntact() &&
                     (info.GetValidity().GetZonesPreserved()   ||
                     !info.GetValidity().GetPointsWereTransformed()) &&
                        != AVT_CREATED_GHOSTS)
                foundElement = foundNode;
            // else ... Zones not preserved or we created ghosts, or points 
            // were transformed, so node id found here is not valid, so don't 
            // set it.
        else if (origNode != -1)
            // MaterialSelection occurred, but we found an original node, 
            // use that
            foundElement = origNode; 
        else if (!info.GetValidity().SubdivisionOccurred())
            // MaterialSelection occurred without subdivision, can use the
            // node id found here.
            foundElement = foundNode; 
        // else ... MaterialSelection occurred with subdivision, and the 
        // original nodes array was not present, so the node id found here 
        // will not be valid, so don't set it.
        foundDomain = dom;
    } // if node was found
コード例 #7
ファイル: GisCalc.cpp プロジェクト: dulton/53_hero
void tGisCalc::EstimateRelativeDistanceToLegSquared( long DistShift, const tMCoord& Start, const tMCoord& End, const tMCoord& Reference, long& Distance, tMCoord& ClosestPoint )
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(CHECKED_BUILD)
    bool SpotCheck = false;
    long SDeltaLat = Reference.Y() - Start.Y();
    long EDeltaLat = Reference.Y() - End.Y();
    long SDeltaLon = Reference.X() - Start.X();
    long EDeltaLon = Reference.X() - End.X();
    if(sgn(SDeltaLat) == sgn(EDeltaLat) && min(labs(EDeltaLat), labs(SDeltaLat)) > (MAX_ESITMATED_DIST << DistShift))
        Distance = LONG_MAX;
        if(labs(EDeltaLat) < labs(SDeltaLat))
            ClosestPoint = End;
            ClosestPoint = Start;
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(CHECKED_BUILD)
        SpotCheck = true;
    if(sgn(SDeltaLon) == sgn(EDeltaLon) && min(labs(EDeltaLon), labs(SDeltaLon)) > (MAX_ESITMATED_DIST << DistShift))
        Distance = LONG_MAX;
        if(labs(EDeltaLon) < labs(SDeltaLon))
            ClosestPoint = End;
            ClosestPoint = Start;
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(CHECKED_BUILD)
        SpotCheck = true;

    // AC - If we are off both ends, we don't need to calculate the perpendicular point...
    if(((Reference.Y() < Start.Y() && Reference.Y() < End.Y()) || (Reference.Y() > Start.Y() && Reference.Y() > End.Y())) &&
       ((Reference.X() < Start.X() && Reference.X() < End.X()) || (Reference.X() > Start.X() && Reference.X() > End.X())))
        // See if closest point on line is on the line segment bounded by the two endpoints
        // If not, use the endpoints to find the nearest distance
        ClosestPoint = FindClosestPoint(Start, End, Reference);
        tMCoord PerpPoint;

        PerpPoint = EstimatePerpendicularPoint(Start, End, Reference);
        // See if closest point on line is on the line segment bounded by the two endpoints
        // If not, use the endpoints to find the nearest distance
        ClosestPoint = FindClosestPoint(Start, End, PerpPoint);
    long DeltaLat = labs(ClosestPoint.Y() - Reference.Y()) >> DistShift;
    long DeltaLon = labs(ClosestPoint.X() - Reference.X()) >> DistShift;

    if(DeltaLat < MAX_ESITMATED_DIST && DeltaLon < MAX_ESITMATED_DIST)  
        Distance = DeltaLat * DeltaLat + DeltaLon * DeltaLon;
        Distance = LONG_MAX;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(CHECKED_BUILD)
    assert(!SpotCheck || Distance == LONG_MAX);
コード例 #8
ファイル: GisCalc.cpp プロジェクト: dulton/53_hero
void tGisCalc::EstimateDistanceSquaredToSegment( const tVector2l& End1, const tVector2l& End2, long MaxDist, long& DistanceSquared, tVector2l& ClosestPoint )
    // If we are too far away, we don't need to calculate anything...
    if((End1.x < -MaxDist && End2.x < -MaxDist)
        || (End1.x > MaxDist && End2.x > MaxDist)
        || (End1.y < -MaxDist && End2.y < -MaxDist)
        || (End1.y > MaxDist && End2.y > MaxDist))
        DistanceSquared = MaxDist * MaxDist;

        ClosestPoint = End1;
        assert(DistanceSquared >= 0);
    // Check for an undefined slope
    if(End1.x == End2.x)
        if(sgn(End1.y) != sgn(End2.y))
            ClosestPoint.y = 0;
            ClosestPoint.y = End1.y;
            if(labs(End2.y) < labs(ClosestPoint.y))
                ClosestPoint.y = End2.y;

        ClosestPoint.x = End1.x;
        DistanceSquared = (ClosestPoint.x * ClosestPoint.x + ClosestPoint.y * ClosestPoint.y);

        assert(DistanceSquared >= 0);
        // First, assume the best possible distance to see if it beats our MaxDist
        if(sgn(End1.x) == sgn(End2.x))
            if(labs(End1.x) > MaxDist || labs(End2.x) > MaxDist)
                DistanceSquared = MaxDist * MaxDist;
        if(sgn(End1.y) == sgn(End2.y))
            if(labs(End1.y) > MaxDist || labs(End2.y) > MaxDist)
                DistanceSquared = MaxDist * MaxDist;

        // Write out the equation for two lines, the line segment, and a line perpendicular to the semgent.  y=mx+b and y'=-x'/m   Set y'=y and x'=x and solve for x.
        float m, ReturnY;
        float dx;
        dx = (float)(End1.x - End2.x);
        m = (End1.y - End2.y) / dx;
        ReturnY = (End1.y - End1.x * m) / (1.0F + m * m);
        ClosestPoint.y = FloatToLong(ReturnY);
        ClosestPoint.x = FloatToLong(-m * ReturnY);

        ClosestPoint = FindClosestPoint(End1, End2, ClosestPoint);
        DistanceSquared = (ClosestPoint.x * ClosestPoint.x + ClosestPoint.y * ClosestPoint.y);

        assert(DistanceSquared >= 0);
コード例 #9
double Cluster::DistanceMetric(Cluster* c1){
	Cluster* c2 = new Cluster(center, points);
	Point* p1 = FindClosestPoint(&c1->points);
	Point* p2 = c2->FindClosestPoint(&points);
	return pntfnc.distance(p1, p2);