コード例 #1
ファイル: globber.cpp プロジェクト: it3ration/opcpp
void Globber::FindFilesInDirectoryRecursive(const path& directory,
                                            const opString& ext,
                                            set<path>& foundfiles) {
    // does this directory exist?
    if (!exists(directory)) return;

    directory_iterator end_itr;  // default construction yields past-the-end
    for (directory_iterator itr(directory); itr != end_itr; ++itr) {
        if (is_directory(*itr)) {
            FindFilesInDirectoryRecursive(*itr, ext, foundfiles);
        } else {
            // get the path opstring..
            path path_found = *itr;

            // does the extension match?
            if (extension(path_found) == ext) foundfiles.insert(path_found);
コード例 #2
ファイル: globber.cpp プロジェクト: TwinsenEd/opcpp
bool Globber::Glob(const opParameters& p)
	//NOTE: Here's what we're trying to do here
	//		first we find all the oh files
	//		then we find where all the ocpp files SHOULD be
	//		then we find where all the ooh files SHOULD be
	//		now, we only want to include an oh file in the index
	//			if the matching ooh and ocpp files exist (because maybe its not in the project anymore
	//				...orphaned or whatever)
	//		and we only want to update the indexes if they're out of date (if no ooh files changed why update it?)
	//			so, only if the above conditions hold do we include an oh file in the index and print the index.

	//NOTE: we must replace all '\' characters with '/' or else
	//		boost filesystem will complain.
	//		that is done in opParameters now.

	//TEST: these are test inputs, the real ones should be parameter derived
	opString outputdir = p.GeneratedDirectory.GetValue();
	//TODO: it only supports oh files, should definitely do this differently.
	//		the issue is .doh file output, it looks like an oh file (maybe use .h?)
	opString extension = "oh";
	//NOTE: heres the new process...
	//I need to recursively find all ooh files
	//within the output directory
	//we only want ooh files with matching ocpp files
	//once we have narrowed these down,
	//we only want to include ooh/ocpp files with matching oh files
	//so back-convert all these paths
	//and do checks, this builds our validohfiles vector,
	//which is now usable.
	path outputpath = p.GeneratedDirectory.GetString();

	set<path> oohfiles;
	set<path> ocppfiles;

	typedef set<path>::const_iterator pathit;

	// find the valid oh files
	vector<ohfileinfo> validohfiles;

	pathit oohend = oohfiles.end();
	for(pathit oohit = oohfiles.begin(); oohit != oohend; ++oohit)
		pathit ocppend = ocppfiles.end();
		for(pathit ocppit = ocppfiles.begin(); ocppit != ocppend; ++ocppit)
			//now we want to remove their extensions
			path oohpath = (*oohit);
			path ocpppath = (*ocppit);
			opString ocppstring = ocpppath.string();
			opString oohstring = oohpath.string();
			ocppstring = ocppstring.RLeft(5);
			oohstring = oohstring.RLeft(4);
			//potential oh file!
			if(ocppstring == oohstring)
				//now convert the path...
				opString ohstring = oohstring;
				ohstring = opDriver::FromGeneratedPath(ohstring);
				//ohstring = ohstring.Replace("_up/","../");
				//ohstring = ohstring.Right(outputpath.string() + "/");
				path ohpath = ohstring.GetString();
				//found a valid oh file!
					if( opString(ohpath.leaf().c_str()).Right('.') == extension)
	//find the dialect doh files
// 	pathit dohend = dohfiles.end();
// 	for(pathit dohit = dohfiles.begin(); dohit != dohend; ++dohit)
// 	{
// 		//check if the .ooh file exists...
// 		//if it does we'll use it??
// 	}
	//TODO: hook it up to spheroid...
	//		now I need to add a test .oh file
	//		from spheroid, and gradually pound
	//		the data statement grammar into a usable condition
	//    - past this, we want sectioned streams (which aren't required, but enable other later things)
	//now we have all the valid filenames!
	if(validohfiles.size() && p.Verbose)
		for(size_t i = 0; i < validohfiles.size(); i++)
			Log(opString("Globber: found oh file : ") + validohfiles[i].ohfilepath.string());
	//now we need to check whether to build any of the indexes..
	//determine whether or not to update the ooh index (only if there is an ooh newer than an oh)
	//so, we need to iterate over all the ooh paths
	//and see if any of the files are newer than this..
	path headerindex = outputpath / "Generated.oohindex";
	//we always build the ocpp index
	//determine whether or not to update the ocpp index (yes always)
	path sourceindex = outputpath / "Generated.ocppindex";
	return true;