コード例 #1
ファイル: Semantics.c プロジェクト: tyman7/compiler
struct ExprRes *  doRval(char * name)  { 
   struct ExprRes *res;
   struct SymEntry * e;
   if( global ){
       e = FindName(locTable, name);
       if( !e) {
           e = FindName(table, name);
   else {
       e = FindName(table, name);
   if (!e) {
		WriteMessage("Undeclared variable");
        exit(1); //doing something stupid like "print ln;" will cause me to segfault if we don't quit
  struct Vtype * vtype = ((struct Vtype *)e->Attributes);

  res = (struct ExprRes *) malloc(sizeof(struct ExprRes));
  res->Reg = AvailTmpReg();
  if ( vtype->Local == 0 ){
         res->Instrs = GenInstr(NULL,"lw",TmpRegName(res->Reg),name,NULL); 
  else {
      res->Instrs = GenInstr(NULL, "lw", TmpRegName(res->Reg), RegOff(vtype->StackIndex, "$sp"), NULL);
  res->Type = vtype->Type;
  return res;
コード例 #2
ファイル: name.cpp プロジェクト: Edward850/zdoom
void FName::NameManager::InitBuckets ()
	Inited = true;
	memset (Buckets, -1, sizeof(Buckets));

	// Register built-in names. 'None' must be name 0.
	for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(PredefinedNames); ++i)
		assert((0 == FindName(PredefinedNames[i], true)) && "Predefined name already inserted");
		FindName (PredefinedNames[i], false);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Semantics.c プロジェクト: tyman7/compiler
struct InstrSeq * doArrayAssign( char * name, struct ExprRes * index, struct ExprRes * val){
    struct SymEntry *e;
    if( global ){
        e = FindName(locTable, name);
        if( !e){
            e = FindName(table, name);
        e = FindName(table, name);
    struct Vtype * vtype = ((struct Vtype *)e->Attributes);
    struct InstrSeq * code;
    int reg = AvailTmpReg();
    char * buffer;
    if (!e){
        WriteMessage("Undeclared variable");
    if(index->Type != TYPE_INT){
    else if( val->Type != -1 && ((vtype->Type ==  TYPE_BOOLARR &&  val->Type != TYPE_BOOL) || (vtype->Type == TYPE_INTARR && val->Type != TYPE_INT ))){
    buffer = RegOff(0, TmpRegName(reg));
    code = val->Instrs;
    AppendSeq(code, index->Instrs);
    // change for locality later
    if (! vtype->Local){
        AppendSeq( code, GenInstr( NULL, "la", TmpRegName(reg), name, NULL));
    else {
        AppendSeq(code, GenInstr(NULL, "addi", TmpRegName(reg), "$sp", Imm(vtype->StackIndex)));
    AppendSeq( code, GenInstr( NULL, "mul", TmpRegName(index->Reg), TmpRegName(index->Reg), "4"));
    AppendSeq( code, GenInstr(NULL, "add", TmpRegName(reg), TmpRegName(reg), TmpRegName(index->Reg)));
    AppendSeq( code, GenInstr(NULL, "sw", TmpRegName(val->Reg), buffer, NULL));

    return code;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Utils.cpp プロジェクト: Harurow/DSFilters
void DbgLogMediaTypeInfo(DWORD type, DWORD level, const CMediaType* pmt)
	DbgLogInfo(type, level,
		TEXT(" MediaType Info : %s %s %s %s SampleSize=%ld"),
			FindName(g_MediaTypes, &pmt->majortype),
			FindName(g_MediaSubTypes, &pmt->subtype),
				? TEXT("FixedSamples")
				: TEXT("NotFixedSamples")),
				? TEXT("TemporalCompression")
				: TEXT("NotTemporalCompression")),
コード例 #5
CSrResourceFolder* CSrResourceHandler::GetScriptsFolder (void)
	CSrResourceBase* pBasePath = FindName("scripts\\source\\");
	if (pBasePath == NULL || !pBasePath->IsFolder()) return NULL;

	return (CSrResourceFolder *) pBasePath;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Utils.cpp プロジェクト: Harurow/DSFilters
HRESULT GetName(const NamedGuid* pTable, LPTSTR pszString, int cchBuf,
				const GUID *pGuid)

	if (cchBuf < 1) {
		return E_INVALIDARG;


	pszString[0] = TEXT('\0');

	const LPCTSTR pName = FindName(pTable, pGuid);
	if (pName) 	{
		if (_tcscpy_s(pszString, cchBuf, pName) == 0) {
			return S_OK;

	if (FAILED(hr)) {
		hr = StringFromGUID2(*pGuid, pszString, cchBuf);

	return hr;
コード例 #7
ファイル: name.c プロジェクト: cycl0ne/poweros_x86
static struct NamedObj *searchns(pUtility UtilBase, struct NamedObj *object, struct NameSpace *ns, STRPTR search)
	struct NamedObj *ret;
	if (!search)
		if (object->no_Non.non_Node.ln_Succ) return object;
		return NULL;

	if ((ns->ns_Flags & NSB_CASE) != 0)
		 ret = (struct NamedObj *)FindName((struct List *)object->no_Non.non_Node.ln_Pred, search);
		 return ret;
	ForeachNode(object, ret)
		if (Stricmp((const char*)search, (const char*)ret->no_Non.non_Node.ln_Name) == 0)
			if (ret->no_Non.non_Node.ln_Succ) return ret;
			return NULL;
	return NULL;
コード例 #8
ファイル: pb_opt2.c プロジェクト: musicguitar/phonebook_opt
double time_of_find_name(char *Last)
	struct timespec t_start, t_end;
        uint64_t nsec1 = 0;
        uint64_t nsec2 = 0;
        uint64_t elapsed_nsec = 0;

        PhoneBook *pb_found;

        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t_start);
        nsec1 = ((uint64_t)(t_start.tv_sec) * 1000000000LL + t_start.tv_nsec);

        pb_found = FindName(Last, pb);

        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t_end);
        nsec2 = (uint64_t)(t_end.tv_sec) * 1000000000LL + t_end.tv_nsec;
        elapsed_nsec = nsec2 - nsec1;

        if(pb_found != NULL)
                printf("%s found ",Last);
                printf("%s not found\n",Last);

        //printf("used time :%.3f sec\n",(double)elapsed_nsec/1000000000.0);

        return (double)elapsed_nsec/1000000000.0;
コード例 #9
int main(void)
	PhoneBook *pb[DATA];
    int i = 0;

    clock_t start_time, end_time;

	pb[i] = (PhoneBook*) malloc(sizeof(PhoneBook));
	strncpy(pb[i]->LastName, "aaa", sizeof("aaa"));
	// strncpy(pb[i]->LastName, "pjay", sizeof("pjay"));
    while (i++ < DATA) {
    	pb[i] = (PhoneBook*) malloc(sizeof(PhoneBook));
    	strncpy(pb[i]->LastName, "aaa", sizeof("aaa"));
    	pb[i-1]->pNext = pb[i];
    strncpy(pb[DATA - 1]->LastName, "pjay", sizeof("pjay"));
    printf("%ld Byte * %d = %ld KByte\n", sizeof(PhoneBook), DATA, (sizeof(PhoneBook) * DATA)/1024);

    start_time = clock();
    PhoneBook *getPb = FindName("pjay", pb[0]);
    end_time = clock();

    printf("%f microsec\n", (float)(end_time - start_time));

    if (getPb != NULL) {
    	printf("%s\n", getPb->LastName);

    return 0;
コード例 #10
ファイル: icons.c プロジェクト: MrZammler/opus_magellan
// Patched PutDiskObject()
BOOL __asm __saveds L_WB_PutDiskObject(
	register __a0 char *name,
	register __a1 struct DiskObject *diskobj)
	struct LibData *data;
	struct MyLibrary *libbase;
	BOOL result,magic=0;

	// Get library
	if (!(libbase=(struct MyLibrary *)FindName(&((struct ExecBase *)*((ULONG *)4))->LibList,"dopus5.library")))
		return 0;

	// Get data pointer
	data=(struct LibData *)libbase->ml_UserData;

	// See if icon type is set to inverse magic
	if (diskobj->do_Magic==(USHORT)~WB_DISKMAGIC)
		// Fix it

		// Set magic flag, which will stop us sending notification

	// Write icon

	// Succeeded?
	if (result && !magic) icon_notify(data,name,0,0);

	return result;
コード例 #11
ファイル: icons.c プロジェクト: MrZammler/opus_magellan
// Patched DeleteDiskObject()
BOOL __asm __saveds L_WB_DeleteDiskObject(register __a0 char *name)
	struct LibData *data;
	struct MyLibrary *libbase;
	BOOL result;
	char *full_name;

	// Get library
	if (!(libbase=(struct MyLibrary *)FindName(&((struct ExecBase *)*((ULONG *)4))->LibList,"dopus5.library")))
		return 0;

	// Get data pointer
	data=(struct LibData *)libbase->ml_UserData;

	// Get full name

	// Write icon

#define DOSBase (data->dos_base)

	// Succeeded?
	if ((result || IoErr()==ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND) && full_name)

#undef DOSBase

	// Free full name buffer
	return result;
コード例 #12
/** @param type :: Data type of the column.
    @param name :: Column name.
    @return A shared pointer to the created column (will be null on failure).
API::Column_sptr TableWorkspace::addColumn(const std::string &type,
                                           const std::string &name) {
  API::Column_sptr c;
  if (type.empty()) {
    g_log.error("Empty string passed as type argument of createColumn.");
    return c;
  if (name.empty()) {
    g_log.error("Empty string passed as name argument of createColumn.");
    return c;
  // Check that there is no column with the same name.
  auto ci = std::find_if(m_columns.begin(), m_columns.end(), FindName(name));
  if (ci != m_columns.end()) {
    g_log.error() << "Column with name " << name << " already exists.\n";
    return c;
  try {
    c = API::ColumnFactory::Instance().create(type);
    resizeColumn(c.get(), rowCount());
  } catch (Kernel::Exception::NotFoundError &e) {
    g_log.error() << "Column of type " << type << " and name " << name
                  << " has not been created.\n";
    g_log.error() << e.what() << '\n';
    return c;
  return c;
コード例 #13
ファイル: 2240.c プロジェクト: UsuallyGO/POJ
int main()
	int n;
	int index;
	int edges;
	int first, second;
	int counter;
	char tmp[MAX_LENGTH];
	double tr;

	counter = 0;
		scanf("%d", &n);

		for(index=1; index<=n; index++)
			scanf("%s", names[index]);

		for(edges=0; edges<index; edges++)
			scanf("%s", tmp);
			eArr[edges].x = FindName(tmp, n);
			scanf("%lf", &eArr[edges].rate);
			scanf("%s", tmp);
			eArr[edges].y = FindName(tmp, n); 


		printf("Case %d: ", counter);
		if(Bellman_Ford(edges) < 0)


	return 0;
コード例 #14
/// Gets the shared pointer to a column.
API::Column_sptr TableWorkspace::getColumn(const std::string &name) {
  auto ci = std::find_if(m_columns.begin(), m_columns.end(), FindName(name));
  if (ci == m_columns.end()) {
    std::string str = "Column " + name + " does not exist.\n";
    throw std::runtime_error(str);
  return *ci;
コード例 #15
void TableWorkspace::removeColumn(const std::string &name) {
  auto ci = std::find_if(m_columns.begin(), m_columns.end(), FindName(name));
  if (ci != m_columns.end()) {
    if (!ci->unique()) {
      g_log.error() << "Deleting column in use (" << name << ").\n";
コード例 #16
ファイル: semaphore.c プロジェクト: michalsc/AROS
sem_t *sem_open(const char *name, int oflag, mode_t mode, unsigned int value)
    sem_t *sem;

    D(bug("%s(%s, %d, %u, %u)\n", __FUNCTION__, name, oflag, mode, value));

    pthread_once(&once_control, _Init_Semaphore);

    if (name == NULL)
        errno = EINVAL;
        return SEM_FAILED;

    sem = (sem_t *)FindName(&semaphores, (STRPTR)name);
    if (sem != NULL)
        if ((oflag & (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) == (O_CREAT | O_EXCL))
            errno = EEXIST;
            return SEM_FAILED;
        if (!(oflag & O_CREAT))
            errno = ENOENT;
            return SEM_FAILED;
        sem = malloc(sizeof(sem_t));
        if (sem == NULL)
            errno = ENOMEM;
            return SEM_FAILED;

        if (sem_init(sem, 0, value))
            return SEM_FAILED;
        // TODO: this string should be duplicated
        sem->node.ln_Name = (char *)name;
        AddTail(&semaphores, (struct Node *)sem);

    return sem;
コード例 #17
ファイル: input.c プロジェクト: eakmeister/cc65
static AFile* NewAFile (IFile* IF, FILE* F)
/* Create a new AFile, push it onto the stack, add the path of the file to
 * the path search list, and finally return a pointer to the new AFile struct.

    /* Allocate a AFile structure */
    AFile* AF = (AFile*) xmalloc (sizeof (AFile));

    /* Initialize the fields */
    AF->Line  = 0;
    AF->F     = F;
    AF->Input = IF;

    /* Increment the usage counter of the corresponding IFile. If this
     * is the first use, set the file data and output debug info if
     * requested.
    if (IF->Usage++ == 0) {

 	/* Get file size and modification time. There a race condition here,
         * since we cannot use fileno() (non standard identifier in standard
         * header file), and therefore not fstat. When using stat with the
         * file name, there's a risk that the file was deleted and recreated
         * while it was open. Since mtime and size are only used to check
         * if a file has changed in the debugger, we will ignore this problem
         * here.
     	struct stat Buf;
 	if (FileStat (IF->Name, &Buf) != 0) {
 	    /* Error */
 	    Fatal ("Cannot stat `%s': %s", IF->Name, strerror (errno));
       	IF->Size  = (unsigned long) Buf.st_size;
 	IF->MTime = (unsigned long) Buf.st_mtime;

 	/* Set the debug data */
 	g_fileinfo (IF->Name, IF->Size, IF->MTime);

    /* Insert the new structure into the AFile collection */
    CollAppend (&AFiles, AF);

    /* Get the path of this file and add it as an extra search path.
     * To avoid file search overhead, we will add one path only once.
     * This is checked by the PushSearchPath function.
    SB_CopyBuf (&Path, IF->Name, FindName (IF->Name) - IF->Name);
    SB_Terminate (&Path);
    AF->SearchPath = PushSearchPath (UsrIncSearchPath, SB_GetConstBuf (&Path));
    SB_Done (&Path);

    /* Return the new struct */
    return AF;
コード例 #18
ファイル: objfile.c プロジェクト: gilligan/snesdev
static unsigned GetModule (const char* Name)
/* Get a module name index from the file name */
    /* Make a module name from the file name */
    const char* Module = FindName (Name);
    if (*Module == 0) {
        Error ("Cannot make module name from `%s'", Name);
    return GetStringId (Module);
コード例 #19
bool c_CustomRendererVector::Add( c_CustomRenderer* DataLayer )
  if( FindName(DataLayer->m_Name.c_str()) )
    return false;
  return true;
コード例 #20
bool csArchive::FileExists (const char *name, size_t *size) const
  ArchiveEntry *f = (ArchiveEntry *) FindName (name);

  if (!f)
    return false;
  if (size)
    *size = f->info.ucsize;
  return true;
コード例 #21
ファイル: CPokerTrackerThread.cpp プロジェクト: ohzooboy/oh
/*Returns true if found an appropriate name in the DB for chr, or false if 
  it did not found such name. Also changes nameChanged if the name was found but 
  changed since the last time we've called CheckName function */
bool CPokerTrackerThread::CheckName(int chr, bool &nameChanged)
	char		oh_scraped_name[k_max_length_of_playername]; 
	char		best_name[k_max_length_of_playername];
	bool		result = false, ok_scrape = false;
	int			i;

	assert(chr >= k_min_chair_number); 
	assert(chr <= k_max_chair_number);
	memset(oh_scraped_name, 0, k_max_length_of_playername);
	memset(best_name, 0, k_max_length_of_playername);
	nameChanged = false;
	if (p_game_state->state((p_game_state->state_index()-1)&0xff)->m_player[chr].m_name_known == 0)
		return false;

	strcpy_s(oh_scraped_name, k_max_length_of_playername, p_game_state->state((p_game_state->state_index()-1)&0xff)->m_player[chr].m_name);

	// Check for bad name scrape
	int len = (int) strlen(oh_scraped_name);
	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
		if (oh_scraped_name[i]!='l' && oh_scraped_name[i]!='i' && oh_scraped_name[i]!='.' && oh_scraped_name[i]!=',')
			ok_scrape = true;
	if (!ok_scrape)
		return false;

	// We already have the name, and it has not changed since we last checked, so do nothing
	if (_player_stats[chr].found && 0 == strcmp(_player_stats[chr].scraped_name, oh_scraped_name))
		return true;
	nameChanged = true;

	// We have not found the name in PT, go find it
	// First see if we can find the exact scraped name
	result = FindName(oh_scraped_name, best_name);

	if (result)
		SetPlayerName(chr, true, best_name, oh_scraped_name);
		SetPlayerName(chr, false, "", "");

	return result;
コード例 #22
ファイル: name.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
void FName::NameManager::InitBuckets ()
	Inited = true;
	memset (Buckets, -1, sizeof(Buckets));

	// Register built-in names. 'None' must be name 0.
	for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(PredefinedNames); ++i)
		FindName (PredefinedNames[i], false);
コード例 #23
CDotNetClass* CDotNetClass::GetObject(string name)
	size_t nIndex = FindName(name);
	if (nIndex == -1)
		return nullptr;
	CDotNetField* pField = m_arFieldValues[nIndex];
	CUserClassField* pValue = dynamic_cast<CUserClassField*>(pField);
	if (pValue == nullptr)
		return nullptr;
	return pValue->GetClassObject();
コード例 #24
char *csArchive::Read (const char *name, size_t *size)
  ArchiveEntry *f = (ArchiveEntry *) FindName (name);

  if (!f)
    return NULL;
  if (size)
    *size = f->info.ucsize;

  return ReadEntry (file, f);
コード例 #25
ファイル: NameTable.hpp プロジェクト: robfinch/Cores
 int AddName(char *nm) {
     int ret;
     int olen;
     if ((ret = FindName(nm)) > 0)
        return ret;
     olen = length;
     strcpy_s(&nametext[length], sizeof(nametext)-length, nm);
     length += strlen(nm) + 1;
     return olen;
コード例 #26
ファイル: FileSystem.c プロジェクト: acbueff/MAARKos
// get info about a specific obj. if not found, returns an error code.
int ChkObj( char *name, attr_t *attr_p ) {
   dir_t *dir_p = FindName( name );

   if( ! dir_p ) return UNFOUND;

   Dir2Attr( dir_p, attr_p ); // copy what dir_p points to to where attr_p points to

// this should be included to pass the filename (add 1 to length for null)
   MyMemcpy( (char *)( attr_p + 1 ), dir_p->name, MyStrlen( dir_p->name ) + 1 );

   return GOOD;
コード例 #27
string CDotNetClass::GetString(string name)
	string sValue;
	size_t nIndex = FindName(name);
	if (nIndex == -1)
		return sValue;
	CDotNetField* pField = m_arFieldValues[nIndex];
	CStringField* pValue = dynamic_cast<CStringField*>(pField);
	if (pValue == nullptr)
		return sValue;
	return pValue->Value();
コード例 #28
bool TableWorkspace::addColumn(boost::shared_ptr<API::Column> column) {
  auto ci = std::find_if(m_columns.begin(), m_columns.end(),
  if (ci != m_columns.end()) {
    g_log.error() << "Column with name " << column->name()
                  << " already exists.\n";
    return false;
  } else {
  return true;
コード例 #29
/* Returns true if found an appropriate name in the DB for chr, or false if 
   it did not found such name.*/
bool CPokerTrackerThread::CheckIfNameExistsInDB(int chair)
	char		oh_scraped_name[kMaxLengthOfPlayername]; 
	char		best_name[kMaxLengthOfPlayername];

	assert(chair >= kFirstChair); 
	assert(chair <= kLastChair);
	memset(oh_scraped_name, 0, kMaxLengthOfPlayername);
	memset(best_name, 0, kMaxLengthOfPlayername);

	 write_log(preferences.debug_pokertracker(), "[PokerTracker] CheckIfNameExistsInDB() chair = %i\n", chair);
	if (LAST_STATE.m_player[chair].m_name_known == 0)	{
		 write_log(preferences.debug_pokertracker(), "[PokerTracker] CheckIfNameExistsInDB() No name known for this chair\n");
		return false;

	if (strlen(LAST_STATE.m_player[chair].m_name) <= kMaxLengthOfPlayername) 	{
		strcpy_s(oh_scraped_name, kMaxLengthOfPlayername, LAST_STATE.m_player[chair].m_name);

	 write_log(preferences.debug_pokertracker(), "[PokerTracker] CheckIfNameExistsInDB() Scraped name: [%s]\n", oh_scraped_name);

	if (NameLooksLikeBadScrape(oh_scraped_name))
		 write_log(preferences.debug_pokertracker(), "[PokerTracker] CheckIfNameExistsInDB() Name looks like a bad scrape\n");
		return false;
	// We already have the name, and it has not changed since we last checked, so do nothing
	if (_player_data[chair].found && 0 == strcmp(_player_data[chair].scraped_name, oh_scraped_name))
		 write_log(preferences.debug_pokertracker(), "[PokerTracker] CheckIfNameExistsInDB() Name is known and good\n");
		return true;
	// We have not found the name in PT, go find it
	// First see if we can find the exact scraped name
	if (FindName(oh_scraped_name, best_name))
		 write_log(preferences.debug_pokertracker(), "[PokerTracker] CheckIfNameExistsInDB() Name found in database\n");
		SetPlayerName(chair, true, best_name, oh_scraped_name);
		return true;
		 write_log(preferences.debug_pokertracker(), "[PokerTracker] CheckIfNameExistsInDB() Name not found in database\n");
		SetPlayerName(chair, false, "", "");
		return false;
コード例 #30
ファイル: geo_names.c プロジェクト: hkaiser/TRiAS
char *GTIFValueName(geokey_t key, int value)
   KeyInfo *info;
   switch (key)
	/* All codes using linear/angular/whatever units */
	case GeogLinearUnitsGeoKey: 
	case ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey: 
	case GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey: 
	case GeogAzimuthUnitsGeoKey: 
		                      info=_geounitsValue; break;

   	/* put other key-dependent lists here */
	case GTModelTypeGeoKey:       info=_modeltypeValue; break;
	case GTRasterTypeGeoKey:      info=_rastertypeValue; break;
	case GeographicTypeGeoKey:    info=_geographicValue; break;
	case GeogGeodeticDatumGeoKey: info=_geodeticdatumValue; break;
	case GeogEllipsoidGeoKey:     info=_ellipsoidValue; break;
	case GeogPrimeMeridianGeoKey: info=_primemeridianValue; break;
	case ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey:   info=_pcstypeValue; break;
	case ProjectionGeoKey:        info=_projectionValue; break;
	case ProjCoordTransGeoKey:    info=_coordtransValue; break;
	case VerticalCSTypeGeoKey:    info=_vertcstypeValue; break;
	case VerticalDatumGeoKey:     info=_vdatumValue; break;

	/* And if all else fails... */
   	default:                      info = _csdefaultValue;break;
   return FindName( info,value);