コード例 #1
ファイル: tf_gamemovement.cpp プロジェクト: Navton/TF2Classic
// Purpose: Overridden to allow players to run faster than the maxspeed
void CTFGameMovement::ProcessMovement( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer, CMoveData *pMove )
	// Verify data.
	Assert( pBasePlayer );
	Assert( pMove );
	if ( !pBasePlayer || !pMove )

	// Reset point contents for water check.

	// Cropping movement speed scales mv->m_fForwardSpeed etc. globally
	// Once we crop, we don't want to recursively crop again, so we set the crop
	// flag globally here once per usercmd cycle.
	m_iSpeedCropped = SPEED_CROPPED_RESET;

	// Get the current TF player.
	m_pTFPlayer = ToTFPlayer( pBasePlayer );
	player = m_pTFPlayer;
	mv = pMove;

	// The max speed is currently set to the scout - if this changes we need to change this!
	mv->m_flMaxSpeed = TF_MAX_SPEED; /*tf_maxspeed.GetFloat();*/

	// Run the command.
コード例 #2
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *pMove - 
void CPortalGameMovement::ProcessMovement( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CMoveData *pMove )
	Assert( pMove && pPlayer );

	float flStoreFrametime = gpGlobals->frametime;

	//!!HACK HACK: Adrian - slow down all player movement by this factor.
	//!!Blame Yahn for this one.
	gpGlobals->frametime *= pPlayer->GetLaggedMovementValue();

//	ResetGetPointContentsCache();

	// Cropping movement speed scales mv->m_fForwardSpeed etc. globally
	// Once we crop, we don't want to recursively crop again, so we set the crop
	//  flag globally here once per usercmd cycle.
	m_bSpeedCropped = false;

	player = pPlayer;
	mv = pMove;
	mv->m_flMaxSpeed = sv_maxspeed.GetFloat();
	m_bInPortalEnv = (((CPortal_Player *)pPlayer)->m_hPortalEnvironment != NULL);

	g_bAllowForcePortalTrace = m_bInPortalEnv;
	g_bForcePortalTrace = m_bInPortalEnv;

	// Run the command.


	g_bAllowForcePortalTrace = false;
	g_bForcePortalTrace = false;

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	pPlayer->UnforceButtons( IN_DUCK );
	pPlayer->UnforceButtons( IN_JUMP );

	//This is probably not needed, but just in case.
	gpGlobals->frametime = flStoreFrametime;
コード例 #3
ファイル: player_command.cpp プロジェクト: paralin/hl2sdk
// Purpose: Runs movement commands for the player
// Input  : *player - 
//			*ucmd - 
//			*moveHelper - 
// Output : void CPlayerMove::RunCommand
void CPlayerMove::RunCommand ( CBasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *moveHelper )
	StartCommand( player, ucmd );

	// Set globals appropriately
	gpGlobals->curtime		=  player->m_nTickBase * TICK_INTERVAL;
	gpGlobals->frametime	=  player->m_bGamePaused ? 0 : TICK_INTERVAL;

	if ( player->m_bGamePaused )
		// If no clipping and cheats enabled and noclipduring game enabled, then leave
		//  forwardmove and angles stuff in usercmd
		if ( player->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP &&
			 sv_cheats->GetBool() && 
			 sv_noclipduringpause.GetBool() )
			gpGlobals->frametime = TICK_INTERVAL;

	// TODO:  We can check whether the player is sending more commands than elapsed real time
	cmdtimeremaining -= ucmd->msec;
	if ( cmdtimeremaining < 0 )
	//	return;

	IGameSystem::FrameUpdatePrePlayerRunCommandAllSystems( player, ucmd );

	// Do weapon selection
	if ( ucmd->weaponselect != 0 )
		CBaseCombatWeapon *weapon = dynamic_cast< CBaseCombatWeapon * >( CBaseEntity::Instance( ucmd->weaponselect ) );
		if ( weapon )
			VPROF( "player->SelectItem()" );
			player->SelectItem( weapon->GetName(), ucmd->weaponsubtype );

	IServerVehicle *pVehicle = player->GetVehicle();

	// Latch in impulse.
	if ( ucmd->impulse )
		// Discard impulse commands unless the vehicle allows them.
		// FIXME: UsingStandardWeapons seems like a bad filter for this. The flashlight is an impulse command, for example.
		if ( !pVehicle || player->UsingStandardWeaponsInVehicle() )
			player->m_nImpulse = ucmd->impulse;

	// Update player input button states
	VPROF_SCOPE_BEGIN( "player->UpdateButtonState" );
	player->UpdateButtonState( ucmd->buttons );

	CheckMovingGround( player, TICK_INTERVAL );

	g_pMoveData->m_vecOldAngles = player->pl.v_angle;

	// Copy from command to player unless game .dll has set angle using fixangle
	if ( player->pl.fixangle == FIXANGLE_NONE )
		player->pl.v_angle = ucmd->viewangles;
	else if( player->pl.fixangle == FIXANGLE_RELATIVE )
		player->pl.v_angle = ucmd->viewangles + player->pl.anglechange;

	// Call standard client pre-think
	RunPreThink( player );

	// Call Think if one is set
	RunThink( player, TICK_INTERVAL );

	// Setup input.
	SetupMove( player, ucmd, moveHelper, g_pMoveData );

	// Let the game do the movement.
	if ( !pVehicle )
		VPROF( "g_pGameMovement->ProcessMovement()" );
		Assert( g_pGameMovement );
		g_pGameMovement->ProcessMovement( player, g_pMoveData );
		VPROF( "pVehicle->ProcessMovement()" );
		pVehicle->ProcessMovement( player, g_pMoveData );
	// Copy output
	FinishMove( player, ucmd, g_pMoveData );

	// Let server invoke any needed impact functions
	VPROF_SCOPE_BEGIN( "moveHelper->ProcessImpacts" );

	RunPostThink( player );

	FinishCommand( player );

	// Let time pass
コード例 #4
// Purpose: Runs movement commands for the player
// Input  : *player - 
//			*ucmd - 
//			*moveHelper - 
// Output : void CPlayerMove::RunCommand
void CPlayerMove::RunCommand ( CBasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *moveHelper )
	const float playerCurTime = player->m_nTickBase * TICK_INTERVAL; 
	const float playerFrameTime = player->m_bGamePaused ? 0 : TICK_INTERVAL;
	const float flTimeAllowedForProcessing = player->ConsumeMovementTimeForUserCmdProcessing( playerFrameTime );
	if ( !player->IsBot() && ( flTimeAllowedForProcessing < playerFrameTime ) )
		// Make sure that the activity in command is erased because player cheated or dropped too many packets
		double dblWarningFrequencyThrottle = sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks_warning.GetFloat();
		if ( dblWarningFrequencyThrottle >= 0 )
			static double s_dblLastWarningTime = 0;
			double dblTimeNow = Plat_FloatTime();
			if ( !s_dblLastWarningTime || ( dblTimeNow - s_dblLastWarningTime >= dblWarningFrequencyThrottle ) )
				s_dblLastWarningTime = dblTimeNow;
				Warning( "sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks_warning at server tick %u: Ignored client %s usrcmd (%.6f < %.6f)!\n", gpGlobals->tickcount, player->GetPlayerName(), flTimeAllowedForProcessing, playerFrameTime );
		return; // Don't process this command

	StartCommand( player, ucmd );

	// Set globals appropriately
	gpGlobals->curtime		=  playerCurTime;
	gpGlobals->frametime	=  playerFrameTime;

	// Prevent hacked clients from sending us invalid view angles to try to get leaf server code to crash
	if ( !ucmd->viewangles.IsValid() || !IsEntityQAngleReasonable(ucmd->viewangles) )
		ucmd->viewangles = vec3_angle;

	// Add and subtract buttons we're forcing on the player
	ucmd->buttons |= player->m_afButtonForced;
	ucmd->buttons &= ~player->m_afButtonDisabled;

	if ( player->m_bGamePaused )
		// If no clipping and cheats enabled and noclipduring game enabled, then leave
		//  forwardmove and angles stuff in usercmd
		if ( player->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP &&
			 sv_cheats->GetBool() && 
			 sv_noclipduringpause.GetBool() )
			gpGlobals->frametime = TICK_INTERVAL;

	// TODO:  We can check whether the player is sending more commands than elapsed real time
	cmdtimeremaining -= ucmd->msec;
	if ( cmdtimeremaining < 0 )
	//	return;

	g_pGameMovement->StartTrackPredictionErrors( player );

	CommentarySystem_PePlayerRunCommand( player, ucmd );

	// Do weapon selection
	if ( ucmd->weaponselect != 0 )
		CBaseCombatWeapon *weapon = dynamic_cast< CBaseCombatWeapon * >( CBaseEntity::Instance( ucmd->weaponselect ) );
		if ( weapon )
			VPROF( "player->SelectItem()" );
			player->SelectItem( weapon->GetName(), ucmd->weaponsubtype );

	IServerVehicle *pVehicle = player->GetVehicle();

	// Latch in impulse.
	if ( ucmd->impulse )
		// Discard impulse commands unless the vehicle allows them.
		// FIXME: UsingStandardWeapons seems like a bad filter for this. The flashlight is an impulse command, for example.
		if ( !pVehicle || player->UsingStandardWeaponsInVehicle() )
			player->m_nImpulse = ucmd->impulse;

	// Update player input button states
	VPROF_SCOPE_BEGIN( "player->UpdateButtonState" );
	player->UpdateButtonState( ucmd->buttons );

	CheckMovingGround( player, TICK_INTERVAL );

	g_pMoveData->m_vecOldAngles = player->pl.v_angle;

	// Copy from command to player unless game .dll has set angle using fixangle
	if ( player->pl.fixangle == FIXANGLE_NONE )
		player->pl.v_angle = ucmd->viewangles;
	else if( player->pl.fixangle == FIXANGLE_RELATIVE )
		player->pl.v_angle = ucmd->viewangles + player->pl.anglechange;

	// Call standard client pre-think
	RunPreThink( player );

	// Call Think if one is set
	RunThink( player, TICK_INTERVAL );

	// Setup input.
	SetupMove( player, ucmd, moveHelper, g_pMoveData );

	// Let the game do the movement.
	if ( !pVehicle )
		VPROF( "g_pGameMovement->ProcessMovement()" );
		Assert( g_pGameMovement );
		g_pGameMovement->ProcessMovement( player, g_pMoveData );
		VPROF( "pVehicle->ProcessMovement()" );
		pVehicle->ProcessMovement( player, g_pMoveData );
	// Copy output
	FinishMove( player, ucmd, g_pMoveData );

	// If we have to restore the view angle then do so right now
	if ( !player->IsBot() && ( gpGlobals->tickcount - player->GetLockViewanglesTickNumber() < sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks_holdaim.GetInt() ) )
		player->pl.v_angle = player->GetLockViewanglesData();

	// Let server invoke any needed impact functions
	VPROF_SCOPE_BEGIN( "moveHelper->ProcessImpacts" );

	RunPostThink( player );

	g_pGameMovement->FinishTrackPredictionErrors( player );

	FinishCommand( player );

	// Let time pass
	if ( gpGlobals->frametime > 0 )
コード例 #5
void CBPGameMovement::ProcessMovement( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CMoveData *pMove )
	Assert( pMove && pPlayer );

	float flStoreFrametime = gpGlobals->frametime;

	//!!HACK HACK: Adrian - slow down all player movement by this factor.
	//!!Blame Yahn for this one.
	gpGlobals->frametime *= pPlayer->GetLaggedMovementValue();


	Assert( player == pPlayer );
	player = pPlayer;

	mv = pMove;
	bpmv = (CBPMoveData*) pMove ;
	mv->m_flMaxSpeed = pPlayer->GetPlayerMaxSpeed();

	// Add trigger to history for interp stuff
	m_flInterpLTrigger.AddToTail( float_time( bpmv->m_flLTrigger, gpGlobals->curtime ) );
	m_flInterpRTrigger.AddToTail( float_time( bpmv->m_flRTrigger, gpGlobals->curtime ) );

	m_flLTriggerAvg = 0;
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_flInterpLTrigger.Count(); i++ )
		m_flLTriggerAvg += m_flInterpLTrigger[i].m_flValue;
	m_flLTriggerAvg /= m_flInterpLTrigger.Count();
	m_flLTriggerDiff = bpmv->m_flLTrigger - m_flLTriggerAvg;

	//DevMsg("Diff = %.2f - %.2f = %.2f\n",bpmv->m_flLTrigger,lDiff, m_flLTriggerDiff,m_flLTriggerDiff);
	m_flRTriggerAvg = 0;
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_flInterpRTrigger.Count(); i++ )
		m_flRTriggerAvg += m_flInterpRTrigger[i].m_flValue;
	m_flRTriggerAvg /= m_flInterpRTrigger.Count();
	m_flRTriggerDiff = bpmv->m_flRTrigger - m_flRTriggerAvg;

	int iCount = m_flInterpLTrigger.Count();
	for ( int i = iCount-1; i >= 0; i-- )
		if ( m_flInterpLTrigger[i].m_flTime < gpGlobals->curtime-0.15 )
	iCount = m_flInterpRTrigger.Count();
	for ( int i = iCount-1; i >= 0; i-- )
		if ( m_flInterpRTrigger[i].m_flTime < gpGlobals->curtime-0.15 )

	DiffPrint( "start %f %f %f", mv->GetAbsOrigin().x, mv->GetAbsOrigin().y, mv->GetAbsOrigin().z );

	// Run the command.


	DiffPrint( "end %f %f %f", mv->GetAbsOrigin().x, mv->GetAbsOrigin().y, mv->GetAbsOrigin().z );

	//This is probably not needed, but just in case.
	gpGlobals->frametime = flStoreFrametime;
コード例 #6
void CHL2WarsPlayerMove::RunCommand( CBasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *moveHelper )
	CHL2WarsPlayer *pWarsPlayer = static_cast<CHL2WarsPlayer*>( player );
	Assert( pWarsPlayer );

	StartCommand( player, ucmd );

	// Set globals appropriately
	gpGlobals->curtime		=  player->m_nTickBase * TICK_INTERVAL;
	gpGlobals->frametime	=  player->m_bGamePaused ? 0 : TICK_INTERVAL;

	// Add and subtract buttons we're forcing on the player
	ucmd->buttons |= player->m_afButtonForced;
	ucmd->buttons &= ~player->m_afButtonDisabled;

	if ( player->m_bGamePaused )
		// If no clipping and cheats enabled and noclipduring game enabled, then leave
		//  forwardmove and angles stuff in usercmd
		if ( player->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP &&
			sv_cheats->GetBool() )// && 
			//sv_noclipduringpause.GetBool() )
			gpGlobals->frametime = TICK_INTERVAL;

	// TODO:  We can check whether the player is sending more commands than elapsed real time
	cmdtimeremaining -= ucmd->msec;
	if ( cmdtimeremaining < 0 )
	//	return;

	g_pGameMovement->StartTrackPredictionErrors( player );

	//CommentarySystem_PePlayerRunCommand( player, ucmd );

	IServerVehicle *pVehicle = player->GetVehicle();

	// Latch in impulse.
	if ( ucmd->impulse )
		// Discard impulse commands unless the vehicle allows them.
		// FIXME: UsingStandardWeapons seems like a bad filter for this. The flashlight is an impulse command, for example.
		if ( !pVehicle || player->UsingStandardWeaponsInVehicle() )
			player->m_nImpulse = ucmd->impulse;

	// Update player input button states
	VPROF_SCOPE_BEGIN( "player->UpdateButtonState" );
	player->UpdateButtonState( ucmd->buttons );

	CheckMovingGround( player, TICK_INTERVAL );

	g_pMoveData->m_vecOldAngles = player->pl.v_angle;

	// Copy from command to player unless game .dll has set angle using fixangle
	if ( player->pl.fixangle == FIXANGLE_NONE )
		player->pl.v_angle = ucmd->viewangles;
	else if( player->pl.fixangle == FIXANGLE_RELATIVE )
		player->pl.v_angle = ucmd->viewangles + player->pl.anglechange;

	// TrackIR
	// TrackIR

	// Call standard client pre-think
	RunPreThink( player );

	// Call Think if one is set
	RunThink( player, TICK_INTERVAL );

	// Setup input.
	SetupMove( player, ucmd, moveHelper, g_pMoveData );

	// Let the game do the movement.
	if( pWarsPlayer && !pWarsPlayer->GetControlledUnit() )
		if( ucmd->directmove )
			g_pMoveData->SetAbsOrigin( ucmd->vecmovetoposition );
			if ( !pVehicle )
				VPROF( "g_pGameMovement->ProcessMovement()" );
				Assert( g_pGameMovement );
				g_pGameMovement->ProcessMovement( player, g_pMoveData );
				VPROF( "pVehicle->ProcessMovement()" );
				pVehicle->ProcessMovement( player, g_pMoveData );

	// Copy output
	FinishMove( player, ucmd, g_pMoveData );

	// Let server invoke any needed impact functions
	VPROF_SCOPE_BEGIN( "moveHelper->ProcessImpacts" );

	// put lag compensation here so it affects weapons
	//lagcompensation->StartLagCompensation( player, LAG_COMPENSATE_BOUNDS );
	RunPostThink( player );
	//lagcompensation->FinishLagCompensation( player );

	// let the player drive marine movement here
	if( pWarsPlayer->GetControlledUnit() )
		pWarsPlayer->GetControlledUnit()->GetIUnit()->UserCmd( ucmd );

	g_pGameMovement->FinishTrackPredictionErrors( player );

	FinishCommand( player );

	// Let time pass
コード例 #7
ファイル: asw_prediction.cpp プロジェクト: Au-heppa/swarm-sdk
// Purpose: Predicts a single movement command for player
// Input  : *moveHelper - 
//			*player - 
//			*u - 
void CASW_Prediction::RunCommand( C_BasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *moveHelper )
#if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
	VPROF( "CPrediction::RunCommand" );
#if defined( _DEBUG )
	char sz[ 32 ];
	Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "runcommand%04d", ucmd->command_number );

	C_ASW_Player *pASWPlayer = (C_ASW_Player*)player;
	Assert( pASWPlayer );

	StartCommand( player, ucmd );

	pASWPlayer->SetHighlightEntity( C_BaseEntity::Instance( ucmd->crosshair_entity ) );

	// Set globals appropriately
	gpGlobals->curtime		= player->m_nTickBase * TICK_INTERVAL;
	gpGlobals->frametime	= TICK_INTERVAL;
	g_pGameMovement->StartTrackPredictionErrors( player );

	// TODO
	// TODO:  Check for impulse predicted?

	// Do weapon selection
	if ( ucmd->weaponselect != 0 )
		C_BaseCombatWeapon *weapon = dynamic_cast< C_BaseCombatWeapon * >( CBaseEntity::Instance( ucmd->weaponselect ) );
		if (weapon)
			pASWPlayer->ASWSelectWeapon(weapon, 0); //ucmd->weaponsubtype);		// asw - subtype var used for sending marine profile index instead

	// Latch in impulse.
	IClientVehicle *pVehicle = player->GetVehicle();
	if ( ucmd->impulse )
		// Discard impulse commands unless the vehicle allows them.
		// FIXME: UsingStandardWeapons seems like a bad filter for this. 
		// The flashlight is an impulse command, for example.
		if ( !pVehicle || player->UsingStandardWeaponsInVehicle() )
			player->m_nImpulse = ucmd->impulse;

	// Get button states
	player->UpdateButtonState( ucmd->buttons );

	// TODO
	//	CheckMovingGround( player, ucmd->frametime );

	// TODO
	//	g_pMoveData->m_vecOldAngles = player->pl.v_angle;

	// Copy from command to player unless game .dll has set angle using fixangle
	// if ( !player->pl.fixangle )
		player->SetLocalViewAngles( ucmd->viewangles );

	// Call standard client pre-think
	RunPreThink( player );

	// Call Think if one is set
	RunThink( player, TICK_INTERVAL );

	// Setup input.

		SetupMove( player, ucmd, moveHelper, g_pMoveData );

	// Run regular player movement if we're not controlling a marine
	if ( asw_allow_detach.GetBool() )
		if ( !pVehicle )
			Assert( g_pGameMovement );
			g_pGameMovement->ProcessMovement( player, g_pMoveData );
			pVehicle->ProcessMovement( player, g_pMoveData );

// 	if ( !asw_allow_detach.GetBool() && pASWPlayer->GetMarine() )
// 	{
// 		g_pMoveData->SetAbsOrigin( pASWPlayer->GetMarine()->GetAbsOrigin() );
// 	}

	pASWPlayer->SetCrosshairTracePos( ucmd->crosshairtrace );

	FinishMove( player, ucmd, g_pMoveData );

	RunPostThink( player );

	// let the player drive marine movement here
	pASWPlayer->DriveMarineMovement( ucmd, moveHelper );

	g_pGameMovement->FinishTrackPredictionErrors( player );	

	FinishCommand( player );
