コード例 #1
ファイル: grf.cpp プロジェクト: Latexi95/openttd
uint8 LoadSpriteV1(SpriteLoader::Sprite *sprite, uint8 file_slot, size_t file_pos, SpriteType sprite_type, bool load_32bpp)
	/* Check the requested colour depth. */
	if (load_32bpp) return 0;

	/* Open the right file and go to the correct position */
	FioSeekToFile(file_slot, file_pos);

	/* Read the size and type */
	int num = FioReadWord();
	byte type = FioReadByte();

	/* Type 0xFF indicates either a colourmap or some other non-sprite info; we do not handle them here */
	if (type == 0xFF) return 0;

	ZoomLevel zoom_lvl = (sprite_type == ST_NORMAL) ? ZOOM_LVL_OUT_4X : ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL;

	sprite[zoom_lvl].height = FioReadByte();
	sprite[zoom_lvl].width  = FioReadWord();
	sprite[zoom_lvl].x_offs = FioReadWord();
	sprite[zoom_lvl].y_offs = FioReadWord();

	if (sprite[zoom_lvl].width > INT16_MAX) {
		WarnCorruptSprite(file_slot, file_pos, __LINE__);
		return 0;

	/* 0x02 indicates it is a compressed sprite, so we can't rely on 'num' to be valid.
	 * In case it is uncompressed, the size is 'num' - 8 (header-size). */
	num = (type & 0x02) ? sprite[zoom_lvl].width * sprite[zoom_lvl].height : num - 8;

	if (DecodeSingleSprite(&sprite[zoom_lvl], file_slot, file_pos, sprite_type, num, type, zoom_lvl, SCC_PAL, 1)) return 1 << zoom_lvl;

	return 0;
コード例 #2
void FioOpenFile(int slot, const char *filename)
	FILE *f;

#if defined(LIMITED_FDS)
#endif /* LIMITED_FDS */
	f = FioFOpenFile(filename);
	if (f == NULL) usererror("Cannot open file '%s'", filename);
	uint32 pos = ftell(f);

	FioCloseFile(slot); // if file was opened before, close it
	_fio.handles[slot] = f;
	_fio.filenames[slot] = filename;

	/* Store the filename without path and extension */
	const char *t = strrchr(filename, PATHSEPCHAR);
	_fio.shortnames[slot] = strdup(t == NULL ? filename : t);
	char *t2 = strrchr(_fio.shortnames[slot], '.');
	if (t2 != NULL) *t2 = '\0';

#if defined(LIMITED_FDS)
	_fio.usage_count[slot] = 0;
#endif /* LIMITED_FDS */
	FioSeekToFile(slot, pos);
コード例 #3
ファイル: sound.cpp プロジェクト: blackberry/OpenTTD
static bool SetBankSource(MixerChannel *mc, const SoundEntry *sound)
	assert(sound != NULL);

	if (sound->file_size == 0) return false;

	int8 *mem = MallocT<int8>(sound->file_size + 2);
	/* Add two extra bytes so rate conversion can read these
	 * without reading out of its input buffer. */
	mem[sound->file_size    ] = 0;
	mem[sound->file_size + 1] = 0;

	FioSeekToFile(sound->file_slot, sound->file_offset);
	FioReadBlock(mem, sound->file_size);

	/* 16-bit PCM WAV files should be signed by default */
	if (sound->bits_per_sample == 8) {
		for (uint i = 0; i != sound->file_size; i++) {
			mem[i] += -128; // Convert unsigned sound data to signed

	if (sound->bits_per_sample == 16) {
		uint num_samples = sound->file_size / 2;
		int16 *samples = (int16 *)mem;
		for (uint i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) {
			samples[i] = BSWAP16(samples[i]);

	assert(sound->bits_per_sample == 8 || sound->bits_per_sample == 16);
	assert(sound->channels == 1);
	assert(sound->file_size != 0 && sound->rate != 0);

	MxSetChannelRawSrc(mc, mem, sound->file_size, sound->rate, sound->bits_per_sample == 16);

	return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: grf.cpp プロジェクト: Latexi95/openttd
uint8 LoadSpriteV2(SpriteLoader::Sprite *sprite, uint8 file_slot, size_t file_pos, SpriteType sprite_type, bool load_32bpp)
	static const ZoomLevel zoom_lvl_map[6] = {ZOOM_LVL_OUT_4X, ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL, ZOOM_LVL_OUT_2X, ZOOM_LVL_OUT_8X, ZOOM_LVL_OUT_16X, ZOOM_LVL_OUT_32X};

	/* Is the sprite not present/stripped in the GRF? */
	if (file_pos == SIZE_MAX) return 0;

	/* Open the right file and go to the correct position */
	FioSeekToFile(file_slot, file_pos);

	uint32 id = FioReadDword();

	uint8 loaded_sprites = 0;
	do {
		int64 num = FioReadDword();
		size_t start_pos = FioGetPos();
		byte type = FioReadByte();

		/* Type 0xFF indicates either a colourmap or some other non-sprite info; we do not handle them here. */
		if (type == 0xFF) return 0;

		byte colour = type & SCC_MASK;
		byte zoom = FioReadByte();

		if (colour != 0 && (load_32bpp ? colour != SCC_PAL : colour == SCC_PAL) && (sprite_type == ST_NORMAL ? zoom < lengthof(zoom_lvl_map) : zoom == 0)) {
			ZoomLevel zoom_lvl = (sprite_type == ST_NORMAL) ? zoom_lvl_map[zoom] : ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL;

			if (HasBit(loaded_sprites, zoom_lvl)) {
				/* We already have this zoom level, skip sprite. */
				DEBUG(sprite, 1, "Ignoring duplicate zoom level sprite %u from %s", id, FioGetFilename(file_slot));
				FioSkipBytes(num - 2);

			sprite[zoom_lvl].height = FioReadWord();
			sprite[zoom_lvl].width  = FioReadWord();
			sprite[zoom_lvl].x_offs = FioReadWord();
			sprite[zoom_lvl].y_offs = FioReadWord();

			if (sprite[zoom_lvl].width > INT16_MAX || sprite[zoom_lvl].height > INT16_MAX) {
				WarnCorruptSprite(file_slot, file_pos, __LINE__);
				return 0;

			/* Mask out colour information. */
			type = type & ~SCC_MASK;

			/* Convert colour depth to pixel size. */
			int bpp = 0;
			if (colour & SCC_RGB)   bpp += 3; // Has RGB data.
			if (colour & SCC_ALPHA) bpp++;    // Has alpha data.
			if (colour & SCC_PAL)   bpp++;    // Has palette data.

			/* For chunked encoding we store the decompressed size in the file,
			 * otherwise we can calculate it from the image dimensions. */
			uint decomp_size = (type & 0x08) ? FioReadDword() : sprite[zoom_lvl].width * sprite[zoom_lvl].height * bpp;

			bool valid = DecodeSingleSprite(&sprite[zoom_lvl], file_slot, file_pos, sprite_type, decomp_size, type, zoom_lvl, colour, 2);
			if (FioGetPos() != start_pos + num) {
				WarnCorruptSprite(file_slot, file_pos, __LINE__);
				return 0;

			if (valid) SetBit(loaded_sprites, zoom_lvl);
		} else {
			/* Not the wanted zoom level or colour depth, continue searching. */
			FioSkipBytes(num - 2);

	} while (FioReadDword() == id);

	return loaded_sprites;
コード例 #5
ファイル: grf.cpp プロジェクト: davidwlewis/openttd-cargodist
bool SpriteLoaderGrf::LoadSprite(SpriteLoader::Sprite *sprite, uint8 file_slot, size_t file_pos, SpriteType sprite_type)
	/* Open the right file and go to the correct position */
	FioSeekToFile(file_slot, file_pos);

	/* Read the size and type */
	int num = FioReadWord();
	byte type = FioReadByte();

	/* Type 0xFF indicates either a colourmap or some other non-sprite info; we do not handle them here */
	if (type == 0xFF) return false;

	sprite->height = FioReadByte();
	sprite->width  = FioReadWord();
	sprite->x_offs = FioReadWord();
	sprite->y_offs = FioReadWord();

	/* 0x02 indicates it is a compressed sprite, so we can't rely on 'num' to be valid.
	 *  In case it is uncompressed, the size is 'num' - 8 (header-size). */
	num = (type & 0x02) ? sprite->width * sprite->height : num - 8;

	byte *dest_orig = AllocaM(byte, num);
	byte *dest = dest_orig;
	const int dest_size = num;

	/* Read the file, which has some kind of compression */
	while (num > 0) {
		int8 code = FioReadByte();

		if (code >= 0) {
			/* Plain bytes to read */
			int size = (code == 0) ? 0x80 : code;
			num -= size;
			if (num < 0) return WarnCorruptSprite(file_slot, file_pos, __LINE__);
			for (; size > 0; size--) {
				*dest = FioReadByte();
		} else {
			/* Copy bytes from earlier in the sprite */
			const uint data_offset = ((code & 7) << 8) | FioReadByte();
			if (dest - data_offset < dest_orig) return WarnCorruptSprite(file_slot, file_pos, __LINE__);
			int size = -(code >> 3);
			num -= size;
			if (num < 0) return WarnCorruptSprite(file_slot, file_pos, __LINE__);
			for (; size > 0; size--) {
				*dest = *(dest - data_offset);

	if (num != 0) return WarnCorruptSprite(file_slot, file_pos, __LINE__);

	sprite->AllocateData(sprite->width * sprite->height * ZOOM_LVL_BASE * ZOOM_LVL_BASE);

	/* When there are transparency pixels, this format has another trick.. decode it */
	if (type & 0x08) {
		for (int y = 0; y < sprite->height; y++) {
			bool last_item = false;
			/* Look up in the header-table where the real data is stored for this row */
			int offset = (dest_orig[y * 2 + 1] << 8) | dest_orig[y * 2];

			/* Go to that row */
			dest = dest_orig + offset;

			do {
				if (dest + 2 > dest_orig + dest_size) {
					return WarnCorruptSprite(file_slot, file_pos, __LINE__);

				SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *data;
				/* Read the header:
				 *  0 .. 14  - length
				 *  15       - last_item
				 *  16 .. 31 - transparency bytes */
				last_item  = ((*dest) & 0x80) != 0;
				int length =  (*dest++) & 0x7F;
				int skip   =   *dest++;

				data = &sprite->data[y * sprite->width + skip];

				if (skip + length > sprite->width || dest + length > dest_orig + dest_size) {
					return WarnCorruptSprite(file_slot, file_pos, __LINE__);

				for (int x = 0; x < length; x++) {
					switch (sprite_type) {
						case ST_NORMAL: data->m = _palette_remap_grf[file_slot] ? _palmap_w2d[*dest] : *dest; break;
						case ST_FONT:   data->m = min(*dest, 2u); break;
						default:        data->m = *dest; break;
			} while (!last_item);
	} else {
		if (dest_size < sprite->width * sprite->height) {
			return WarnCorruptSprite(file_slot, file_pos, __LINE__);

		if (dest_size > sprite->width * sprite->height) {
			static byte warning_level = 0;
			DEBUG(sprite, warning_level, "Ignoring %i unused extra bytes from the sprite from %s at position %i", dest_size - sprite->width * sprite->height, FioGetFilename(file_slot), (int)file_pos);
			warning_level = 6;

		dest = dest_orig;

		for (int i = 0; i < sprite->width * sprite->height; i++) {
			switch (sprite_type) {
				case ST_NORMAL: sprite->data[i].m = _palette_remap_grf[file_slot] ? _palmap_w2d[dest[i]] : dest[i]; break;
				case ST_FONT:   sprite->data[i].m = min(dest[i], 2u); break;
				default:        sprite->data[i].m = dest[i]; break;

	if (ZOOM_LVL_BASE != 1 && sprite_type == ST_NORMAL) {
		/* Simple scaling, back-to-front so that no intermediate buffers are needed. */
		int width  = sprite->width  * ZOOM_LVL_BASE;
		int height = sprite->height * ZOOM_LVL_BASE;
		for (int y = height - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
			for (int x = width - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
				sprite->data[y * width + x] = sprite->data[y / ZOOM_LVL_BASE * sprite->width + x / ZOOM_LVL_BASE];

		sprite->width  *= ZOOM_LVL_BASE;
		sprite->height *= ZOOM_LVL_BASE;
		sprite->x_offs *= ZOOM_LVL_BASE;
		sprite->y_offs *= ZOOM_LVL_BASE;

	/* Make sure to mark all transparent pixels transparent on the alpha channel too */
	for (int i = 0; i < sprite->width * sprite->height; i++) {
		if (sprite->data[i].m != 0) sprite->data[i].a = 0xFF;

	return true;