コード例 #1
ファイル: aslutils.c プロジェクト: eaglexmw/acpica
UtDisplaySummary (
    UINT32                  FileId)
    UINT32                  i;

    if (FileId != ASL_FILE_STDOUT)
        /* Compiler name and version number */

        FlPrintFile (FileId, "%s version %X%s [%s]\n\n",

    /* Summary of main input and output files */

    if (Gbl_FileType == ASL_INPUT_TYPE_ASCII_DATA)
        FlPrintFile (FileId,
            "%-14s %s - %u lines, %u bytes, %u fields\n",
            "Table Input:",
            Gbl_Files[ASL_FILE_INPUT].Filename, Gbl_CurrentLineNumber,
            Gbl_InputByteCount, Gbl_InputFieldCount);

        if ((Gbl_ExceptionCount[ASL_ERROR] == 0) || (Gbl_IgnoreErrors))
            FlPrintFile (FileId,
                "%-14s %s - %u bytes\n",
                "Binary Output:",
                Gbl_Files[ASL_FILE_AML_OUTPUT].Filename, Gbl_TableLength);
        FlPrintFile (FileId,
            "%-14s %s - %u lines, %u bytes, %u keywords\n",
            "ASL Input:",
            Gbl_Files[ASL_FILE_INPUT].Filename, Gbl_CurrentLineNumber,
            Gbl_InputByteCount, TotalKeywords);

        /* AML summary */

        if ((Gbl_ExceptionCount[ASL_ERROR] == 0) || (Gbl_IgnoreErrors))
            FlPrintFile (FileId,
                "%-14s %s - %u bytes, %u named objects, %u executable opcodes\n",
                "AML Output:",
                Gbl_Files[ASL_FILE_AML_OUTPUT].Filename, Gbl_TableLength,
                TotalNamedObjects, TotalExecutableOpcodes);

    /* Display summary of any optional files */

        if (!Gbl_Files[i].Filename || !Gbl_Files[i].Handle)

        /* .SRC is a temp file unless specifically requested */

        if ((i == ASL_FILE_SOURCE_OUTPUT) && (!Gbl_SourceOutputFlag))

        /* .I is a temp file unless specifically requested */

        if ((i == ASL_FILE_PREPROCESSOR) && (!Gbl_PreprocessorOutputFlag))

        FlPrintFile (FileId, "%14s %s - %u bytes\n",
            Gbl_Files[i].Filename, FlGetFileSize (i));

    /* Error summary */

    FlPrintFile (FileId,
        "\nCompilation complete. %u Errors, %u Warnings, %u Remarks",
        Gbl_ExceptionCount[ASL_WARNING] +
            Gbl_ExceptionCount[ASL_WARNING2] +

    if (Gbl_FileType != ASL_INPUT_TYPE_ASCII_DATA)
        FlPrintFile (FileId,
            ", %u Optimizations", Gbl_ExceptionCount[ASL_OPTIMIZATION]);

    FlPrintFile (FileId, "\n");
コード例 #2
ファイル: adisasm.c プロジェクト: JamesLinus/acpica
AdAmlDisassemble (
    BOOLEAN                 OutToFile,
    char                    *Filename,
    char                    *Prefix,
    char                    **OutFilename)
    ACPI_STATUS             Status;
    ACPI_STATUS             GlobalStatus = AE_OK;
    char                    *DisasmFilename = NULL;
    char                    *ExternalFilename;
    ACPI_EXTERNAL_FILE      *ExternalFileList = AcpiGbl_ExternalFileList;
    FILE                    *File = NULL;
    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       *Table = NULL;
    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       *ExternalTable;
    ACPI_OWNER_ID           OwnerId;

     * Input: AML code from either a file or via GetTables (memory or
     * registry)
    if (Filename)
        Status = AcpiDbGetTableFromFile (Filename, &Table, FALSE);
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
            return (Status);

         * External filenames separated by commas
         * Example: iasl -e file1,file2,file3 -d xxx.aml
        while (ExternalFileList)
            ExternalFilename = ExternalFileList->Path;
            if (!strcmp (ExternalFilename, Filename))
                /* Next external file */

                ExternalFileList = ExternalFileList->Next;

            Status = AcpiDbGetTableFromFile (ExternalFilename, &ExternalTable, TRUE);
            if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
                if (Status == AE_TYPE)
                    ExternalFileList = ExternalFileList->Next;
                    GlobalStatus = AE_TYPE;
                    Status = AE_OK;
                return (Status);

            /* Load external table for symbol resolution */

            if (ExternalTable)
                Status = AdParseTable (ExternalTable, &OwnerId, TRUE, TRUE);
                if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
                    AcpiOsPrintf ("Could not parse external ACPI tables, %s\n",
                        AcpiFormatException (Status));
                    return (Status);

                 * Load namespace from names created within control methods
                 * Set owner id of nodes in external table
                AcpiDmFinishNamespaceLoad (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot,
                    AcpiGbl_RootNode, OwnerId);
                AcpiPsDeleteParseTree (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot);

            /* Next external file */

            ExternalFileList = ExternalFileList->Next;

        if (ACPI_FAILURE (GlobalStatus))
            return (GlobalStatus);

        /* Clear external list generated by Scope in external tables */

        if (AcpiGbl_ExternalFileList)
            AcpiDmClearExternalList ();

        /* Load any externals defined in the optional external ref file */

        AcpiDmGetExternalsFromFile ();
        Status = AdGetLocalTables ();
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
            AcpiOsPrintf ("Could not get ACPI tables, %s\n",
                AcpiFormatException (Status));
            return (Status);

        if (!AcpiGbl_DmOpt_Disasm)
            return (AE_OK);

        /* Obtained the local tables, just disassemble the DSDT */

        Status = AcpiGetTable (ACPI_SIG_DSDT, 0, &Table);
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
            AcpiOsPrintf ("Could not get DSDT, %s\n",
                AcpiFormatException (Status));
            return (Status);

        AcpiOsPrintf ("\nDisassembly of DSDT\n");
        Prefix = AdGenerateFilename ("dsdt", Table->OemTableId);

     * Output: ASL code. Redirect to a file if requested
    if (OutToFile)
        /* Create/Open a disassembly output file */

        DisasmFilename = FlGenerateFilename (Prefix, FILE_SUFFIX_DISASSEMBLY);
        if (!DisasmFilename)
            fprintf (stderr, "Could not generate output filename\n");
            Status = AE_ERROR;
            goto Cleanup;

        File = fopen (DisasmFilename, "w+");
        if (!File)
            fprintf (stderr, "Could not open output file %s\n", DisasmFilename);
            Status = AE_ERROR;
            goto Cleanup;

        AcpiOsRedirectOutput (File);

    *OutFilename = DisasmFilename;

    /* ForceAmlDisassembly means to assume the table contains valid AML */

    if (!AcpiGbl_ForceAmlDisassembly && !AcpiUtIsAmlTable (Table))
        AdDisassemblerHeader (Filename, ACPI_IS_DATA_TABLE);
        AcpiOsPrintf (" * ACPI Data Table [%4.4s]\n *\n",
        AcpiOsPrintf (" * Format: [HexOffset DecimalOffset ByteLength]  "
            "FieldName : FieldValue\n */\n\n");

        AcpiDmDumpDataTable (Table);
        fprintf (stderr, "Acpi Data Table [%4.4s] decoded\n",

        if (File)
            fprintf (stderr, "Formatted output:  %s - %u bytes\n",
                DisasmFilename, CmGetFileSize (File));
        /* Always parse the tables, only option is what to display */

        Status = AdParseTable (Table, &OwnerId, TRUE, FALSE);
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
            AcpiOsPrintf ("Could not parse ACPI tables, %s\n",
                AcpiFormatException (Status));
            goto Cleanup;

        if (AslCompilerdebug)
            AcpiOsPrintf ("/**** Before second load\n");

            if (File)
                NsSetupNamespaceListing (File);
                NsDisplayNamespace ();
            AcpiOsPrintf ("*****/\n");

        /* Load namespace from names created within control methods */

        AcpiDmFinishNamespaceLoad (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot,
            AcpiGbl_RootNode, OwnerId);

         * Cross reference the namespace here, in order to
         * generate External() statements
        AcpiDmCrossReferenceNamespace (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot,
            AcpiGbl_RootNode, OwnerId);

        if (AslCompilerdebug)
            AcpiDmDumpTree (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot);

        /* Find possible calls to external control methods */

        AcpiDmFindOrphanMethods (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot);

         * If we found any external control methods, we must reparse
         * the entire tree with the new information (namely, the
         * number of arguments per method)
        if (AcpiDmGetExternalMethodCount ())
            fprintf (stderr,
                "\nFound %u external control methods, "
                "reparsing with new information\n",
                AcpiDmGetExternalMethodCount ());

            /* Reparse, rebuild namespace */

            AcpiPsDeleteParseTree (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot);
            AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot = NULL;
            AcpiNsDeleteNamespaceSubtree (AcpiGbl_RootNode);

            AcpiGbl_RootNode                    = NULL;
            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.Name.Integer = ACPI_ROOT_NAME;
            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.DescriptorType = ACPI_DESC_TYPE_NAMED;
            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.Type         = ACPI_TYPE_DEVICE;
            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.Parent       = NULL;
            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.Child        = NULL;
            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.Peer         = NULL;
            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.Object       = NULL;
            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.Flags        = 0;

            Status = AcpiNsRootInitialize ();

            /* New namespace, add the external definitions first */

            AcpiDmAddExternalsToNamespace ();

            /* Parse the table again. No need to reload it, however */

            Status = AdParseTable (Table, NULL, FALSE, FALSE);
            if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
                AcpiOsPrintf ("Could not parse ACPI tables, %s\n",
                    AcpiFormatException (Status));
                goto Cleanup;

            /* Cross reference the namespace again */

            AcpiDmFinishNamespaceLoad (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot,
                AcpiGbl_RootNode, OwnerId);

            AcpiDmCrossReferenceNamespace (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot,
                AcpiGbl_RootNode, OwnerId);

            if (AslCompilerdebug)
                AcpiOsPrintf ("/**** After second load and resource conversion\n");
                if (File)
                    NsSetupNamespaceListing (File);
                    NsDisplayNamespace ();
                AcpiOsPrintf ("*****/\n");

                AcpiDmDumpTree (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot);

         * Now that the namespace is finalized, we can perform namespace
         * transforms.
         * 1) Convert fixed-offset references to resource descriptors
         *    to symbolic references (Note: modifies namespace)
        AcpiDmConvertResourceIndexes (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot, AcpiGbl_RootNode);

        /* Optional displays */

        if (AcpiGbl_DmOpt_Disasm)
            /* This is the real disassembly */

            AdDisplayTables (Filename, Table);

            /* Dump hex table if requested (-vt) */

            AcpiDmDumpDataTable (Table);

            fprintf (stderr, "Disassembly completed\n");
            if (File)
                fprintf (stderr, "ASL Output:    %s - %u bytes\n",
                    DisasmFilename, CmGetFileSize (File));

            if (Gbl_MapfileFlag)
                fprintf (stderr, "%14s %s - %u bytes\n",
                    FlGetFileSize (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT));


    if (Table && !AcpiGbl_ForceAmlDisassembly &&!AcpiUtIsAmlTable (Table))
        ACPI_FREE (Table);

    if (File)
        if (AslCompilerdebug) /* Display final namespace, with transforms */
            NsSetupNamespaceListing (File);
            NsDisplayNamespace ();

        fclose (File);
        AcpiOsRedirectOutput (stdout);

    AcpiPsDeleteParseTree (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot);
    AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot = NULL;
    return (Status);
コード例 #3
ファイル: aslhex.c プロジェクト: eyberg/rumpkernel-netbsd-src
static void
HxDoHexOutputAsm (
    UINT8                   FileData[HEX_TABLE_LINE_SIZE];
    UINT32                  LineLength;
    UINT32                  Offset = 0;
    UINT32                  AmlFileSize;
    UINT32                  i;

    /* Get AML size, seek back to start */

    AmlFileSize = FlGetFileSize (ASL_FILE_AML_OUTPUT);
    FlSeekFile (ASL_FILE_AML_OUTPUT, 0);

    FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "; Assembly code source output\n");
    FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "; AML code block contains 0x%X bytes\n;\n",

    while (Offset < AmlFileSize)
        /* Read enough bytes needed for one output line */

        LineLength = HxReadAmlOutputFile (FileData);
        if (!LineLength)

        FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "  db  ");

        for (i = 0; i < LineLength; i++)
             * Print each hex byte.
             * Add a comma until the last byte of the line
            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "0%2.2Xh", FileData[i]);
            if ((i + 1) < LineLength)
                FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, ",");

        FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, " ");

        /* Add fill spaces if needed for last line */

        if (LineLength < HEX_TABLE_LINE_SIZE)
            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "%*s",
                5 * (HEX_TABLE_LINE_SIZE - LineLength), " ");

        /* Emit the offset and ascii dump for the entire line */

        FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "  ; %8.8X", Offset);
        LsDumpAsciiInComment (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, LineLength, FileData);
        FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "\n");

        Offset += LineLength;

    FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "\n");
コード例 #4
ファイル: aslhex.c プロジェクト: eyberg/rumpkernel-netbsd-src
static void
HxDoHexOutputAsl (
    UINT8                   FileData[HEX_TABLE_LINE_SIZE];
    UINT32                  LineLength;
    UINT32                  Offset = 0;
    UINT32                  AmlFileSize;
    UINT32                  i;

    /* Get AML size, seek back to start */

    AmlFileSize = FlGetFileSize (ASL_FILE_AML_OUTPUT);
    FlSeekFile (ASL_FILE_AML_OUTPUT, 0);

    FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, " * ASL source code output\n");
    FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, " * AML code block contains 0x%X bytes\n *\n */\n",
    FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "    Name (BUF1, Buffer()\n    {\n");

    while (Offset < AmlFileSize)
        /* Read enough bytes needed for one output line */

        LineLength = HxReadAmlOutputFile (FileData);
        if (!LineLength)

        FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "        ");

        for (i = 0; i < LineLength; i++)
             * Print each hex byte.
             * Add a comma until the very last byte of the AML file
             * (Some C compilers complain about a trailing comma)
            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "0x%2.2X", FileData[i]);
            if ((Offset + i + 1) < AmlFileSize)
                FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, ",");
                FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, " ");

        /* Add fill spaces if needed for last line */

        if (LineLength < HEX_TABLE_LINE_SIZE)
            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "%*s",
                5 * (HEX_TABLE_LINE_SIZE - LineLength), " ");

        /* Emit the offset and ascii dump for the entire line */

        FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "  /* %8.8X", Offset);
        LsDumpAsciiInComment (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, LineLength, FileData);
        FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "%*s*/\n",
            HEX_TABLE_LINE_SIZE - LineLength + 1, " ");

        Offset += LineLength;

    FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_HEX_OUTPUT, "    })\n");
コード例 #5
ファイル: aslstartup.c プロジェクト: ahs3/acpica-tools
AslDoOneFile (
    char                    *Filename)
    ACPI_STATUS             Status;

    /* Re-initialize "some" compiler/preprocessor globals */

    AslInitializeGlobals ();
    PrInitializeGlobals ();

     * Extract the directory path. This path is used for possible include
     * files and the optional AML filename embedded in the input file
     * DefinitionBlock declaration.
    Status = FlSplitInputPathname (Filename, &AslGbl_DirectoryPath, NULL);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        return (Status);

    /* Take a copy of the input filename, convert any backslashes */

    AslGbl_Files[ASL_FILE_INPUT].Filename =
        UtLocalCacheCalloc (strlen (Filename) + 1);

    strcpy (AslGbl_Files[ASL_FILE_INPUT].Filename, Filename);
    UtConvertBackslashes (AslGbl_Files[ASL_FILE_INPUT].Filename);

     * AML Disassembly (Optional)
    if (AcpiGbl_DisasmFlag)
        Status = AslDoDisassembly ();
        if (Status != AE_CTRL_CONTINUE)
            return (Status);

     * Open the input file. Here, this should be an ASCII source file,
     * either an ASL file or a Data Table file
    Status = FlOpenInputFile (AslGbl_Files[ASL_FILE_INPUT].Filename);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        AePrintErrorLog (ASL_FILE_STDERR);
        return (AE_ERROR);

    AslGbl_OriginalInputFileSize = FlGetFileSize (ASL_FILE_INPUT);

    /* Determine input file type */

    AslGbl_FileType = AslDetectSourceFileType (&AslGbl_Files[ASL_FILE_INPUT]);
    if (AslGbl_FileType == ASL_INPUT_TYPE_BINARY)
        return (AE_ERROR);

     * If -p not specified, we will use the input filename as the
     * output filename prefix
    if (AslGbl_UseDefaultAmlFilename)
        AslGbl_OutputFilenamePrefix = AslGbl_Files[ASL_FILE_INPUT].Filename;

    /* Open the optional output files (listings, etc.) */

    Status = FlOpenMiscOutputFiles (AslGbl_OutputFilenamePrefix);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        AePrintErrorLog (ASL_FILE_STDERR);
        return (AE_ERROR);

     * Compilation of ASL source versus DataTable source uses different
     * compiler subsystems
    switch (AslGbl_FileType)
     * Data Table Compilation

        Status = DtDoCompile ();
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
            return (Status);

        if (AslGbl_Signature)
            AslGbl_Signature = NULL;

        /* Check if any errors occurred during compile */

        Status = AslCheckForErrorExit ();
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
            return (Status);

        /* Cleanup (for next source file) and exit */

        AeClearErrorLog ();
        PrTerminatePreprocessor ();
        return (Status);

     * ASL Compilation

        /* ACPICA subsystem initialization */

        Status = AdInitialize ();
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
            return (Status);

        (void) CmDoCompile ();
        (void) AcpiTerminate ();

        /* Check if any errors occurred during compile */

        Status = AslCheckForErrorExit ();
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
            return (Status);

        /* Cleanup (for next source file) and exit */

        AeClearErrorLog ();
        PrTerminatePreprocessor ();

        /* ASL-to-ASL+ conversion - Perform immediate disassembly */

        if (AslGbl_DoAslConversion)
             * New input file is the output AML file from above.
             * New output is from the input ASL file from above.
            AslGbl_OutputFilenamePrefix = AslGbl_Files[ASL_FILE_INPUT].Filename;
            CvDbgPrint ("OUTPUTFILENAME: %s\n", AslGbl_OutputFilenamePrefix);
            AslGbl_Files[ASL_FILE_INPUT].Filename =
            AcpiGbl_DisasmFlag = TRUE;
            fprintf (stderr, "\n");
            AslDoDisassembly ();

            /* delete the AML file. This AML file should never be utilized by AML interpreters. */

            FlDeleteFile (ASL_FILE_AML_OUTPUT);

        return (AE_OK);

     * Binary ACPI table was auto-detected, disassemble it

        /* We have what appears to be an ACPI table, disassemble it */

        FlCloseFile (ASL_FILE_INPUT);
        AslGbl_DoCompile = FALSE;
        AcpiGbl_DisasmFlag = TRUE;
        Status = AslDoDisassembly ();
        return (Status);

    /* Unknown binary table */


        AePrintErrorLog (ASL_FILE_STDERR);
        return (AE_ERROR);


        printf ("Unknown file type %X\n", AslGbl_FileType);
        return (AE_ERROR);
コード例 #6
ファイル: adisasm.c プロジェクト: ryo/netbsd-src
AdDisassembleOneTable (
    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       *Table,
    FILE                    *File,
    char                    *Filename,
    char                    *DisasmFilename)
    ACPI_STATUS             Status;
    ACPI_OWNER_ID           OwnerId;

    /* ForceAmlDisassembly means to assume the table contains valid AML */

    if (!AcpiGbl_ForceAmlDisassembly && !AcpiUtIsAmlTable (Table))
        AdDisassemblerHeader (Filename, ACPI_IS_DATA_TABLE);

        /* This is a "Data Table" (non-AML table) */

        AcpiOsPrintf (" * ACPI Data Table [%4.4s]\n *\n",
        AcpiOsPrintf (" * Format: [HexOffset DecimalOffset ByteLength]  "
            "FieldName : FieldValue\n */\n\n");

        AcpiDmDumpDataTable (Table);
        fprintf (stderr, "Acpi Data Table [%4.4s] decoded\n",

        if (File)
            fprintf (stderr, "Formatted output:  %s - %u bytes\n",
                DisasmFilename, CmGetFileSize (File));

        return (AE_OK);

     * This is an AML table (DSDT or SSDT).
     * Always parse the tables, only option is what to display
    Status = AdParseTable (Table, &OwnerId, TRUE, FALSE);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        AcpiOsPrintf ("Could not parse ACPI tables, %s\n",
            AcpiFormatException (Status));
        return (Status);

    /* Debug output, namespace and parse tree */

    if (AslCompilerdebug && File)
        AcpiOsPrintf ("/**** Before second load\n");

        NsSetupNamespaceListing (File);
        NsDisplayNamespace ();

        AcpiOsPrintf ("*****/\n");

    /* Load namespace from names created within control methods */

    AcpiDmFinishNamespaceLoad (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot,
        AcpiGbl_RootNode, OwnerId);

     * Cross reference the namespace here, in order to
     * generate External() statements
    AcpiDmCrossReferenceNamespace (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot,
        AcpiGbl_RootNode, OwnerId);

    if (AslCompilerdebug)
        AcpiDmDumpTree (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot);

    /* Find possible calls to external control methods */

    AcpiDmFindOrphanMethods (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot);

     * If we found any external control methods, we must reparse
     * the entire tree with the new information (namely, the
     * number of arguments per method)
    if (AcpiDmGetExternalMethodCount ())
        Status = AdReparseOneTable (Table, File, OwnerId);
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
            return (Status);

     * Now that the namespace is finalized, we can perform namespace
     * transforms.
     * 1) Convert fixed-offset references to resource descriptors
     *    to symbolic references (Note: modifies namespace)
    AcpiDmConvertResourceIndexes (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot, AcpiGbl_RootNode);

    /* Optional displays */

    if (AcpiGbl_DmOpt_Disasm)
        /* This is the real disassembly */

        AdDisplayTables (Filename, Table);

        /* Dump hex table if requested (-vt) */

        AcpiDmDumpDataTable (Table);

        fprintf (stderr, "Disassembly completed\n");
        if (File)
            fprintf (stderr, "ASL Output:    %s - %u bytes\n",
                DisasmFilename, CmGetFileSize (File));

        if (Gbl_MapfileFlag)
            fprintf (stderr, "%14s %s - %u bytes\n",
                FlGetFileSize (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT));

    return (AE_OK);