コード例 #1
ファイル: ScrollableArea.cpp プロジェクト: 13W/phantomjs
void ScrollableArea::scrollToXOffsetWithoutAnimation(float x)
    scrollToOffsetWithoutAnimation(FloatPoint(x, m_scrollAnimator->currentPosition().y()));
コード例 #2
WebCompositorInputHandlerImpl::EventDisposition WebCompositorInputHandlerImpl::handleGestureFling(const WebGestureEvent& gestureEvent)
    WebInputHandlerClient::ScrollStatus scrollStatus = m_inputHandlerClient->scrollBegin(WebPoint(gestureEvent.x, gestureEvent.y), WebInputHandlerClient::ScrollInputTypeGesture);
    switch (scrollStatus) {
    case WebInputHandlerClient::ScrollStatusStarted: {
        m_wheelFlingCurve = PlatformGestureCurveFactory::get()->createCurve(gestureEvent.data.flingStart.sourceDevice, FloatPoint(gestureEvent.data.flingStart.velocityX, gestureEvent.data.flingStart.velocityY));
        TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN1("cc", "WebCompositorInputHandlerImpl::handleGestureFling::started", this, "curve", m_wheelFlingCurve->debugName());
        m_wheelFlingParameters.delta = WebFloatPoint(gestureEvent.data.flingStart.velocityX, gestureEvent.data.flingStart.velocityY);
        m_wheelFlingParameters.point = WebPoint(gestureEvent.x, gestureEvent.y);
        m_wheelFlingParameters.globalPoint = WebPoint(gestureEvent.globalX, gestureEvent.globalY);
        m_wheelFlingParameters.modifiers = gestureEvent.modifiers;
        m_wheelFlingParameters.sourceDevice = gestureEvent.data.flingStart.sourceDevice;
        return DidHandle;
    case WebInputHandlerClient::ScrollStatusOnMainThread: {
        TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("cc", "WebCompositorInputHandlerImpl::handleGestureFling::scrollOnMainThread");
        return DidNotHandle;
    case WebInputHandlerClient::ScrollStatusIgnored: {
        TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("cc", "WebCompositorInputHandlerImpl::handleGestureFling::ignored");
        // We still pass the curve to the main thread if there's nothing scrollable, in case something
        // registers a handler before the curve is over.
        return DidNotHandle;
    return DidNotHandle;
コード例 #3
FloatPoint Path::currentPoint() const 
    // FIXME: return current point of subpath.
    float quietNaN = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
    return FloatPoint(quietNaN, quietNaN);
コード例 #4
void TileController::setTopContentInset(float topContentInset)
    m_topContentInset = topContentInset;
    setTiledScrollingIndicatorPosition(FloatPoint(0, m_topContentInset));
コード例 #5
void GraphicsLayerCACF::updateAnchorPoint()
    primaryLayer()->setAnchorPoint(FloatPoint(m_anchorPoint.x(), m_anchorPoint.y()));
コード例 #6
void Path::addBeziersForRoundedRect(const FloatRect& rect, const FloatSize& topLeftRadius, const FloatSize& topRightRadius, const FloatSize& bottomLeftRadius, const FloatSize& bottomRightRadius)
    bool equalWidths = (topLeftRadius.width() == topRightRadius.width() && topRightRadius.width() == bottomLeftRadius.width() && bottomLeftRadius.width() == bottomRightRadius.width());
    bool equalHeights = (topLeftRadius.height() == bottomLeftRadius.height() && bottomLeftRadius.height() == topRightRadius.height() && topRightRadius.height() == bottomRightRadius.height());

    if (equalWidths && equalHeights) {
        CGPathAddRoundedRect(m_path, 0, rect, topLeftRadius.width(), topLeftRadius.height());
    moveTo(FloatPoint(rect.x() + topLeftRadius.width(), rect.y()));

    addLineTo(FloatPoint(rect.maxX() - topRightRadius.width(), rect.y()));
    addBezierCurveTo(FloatPoint(rect.maxX() - topRightRadius.width() * gCircleControlPoint, rect.y()),
                     FloatPoint(rect.maxX(), rect.y() + topRightRadius.height() * gCircleControlPoint),
                     FloatPoint(rect.maxX(), rect.y() + topRightRadius.height()));
    addLineTo(FloatPoint(rect.maxX(), rect.maxY() - bottomRightRadius.height()));
    addBezierCurveTo(FloatPoint(rect.maxX(), rect.maxY() - bottomRightRadius.height() * gCircleControlPoint),
                     FloatPoint(rect.maxX() - bottomRightRadius.width() * gCircleControlPoint, rect.maxY()),
                     FloatPoint(rect.maxX() - bottomRightRadius.width(), rect.maxY()));
    addLineTo(FloatPoint(rect.x() + bottomLeftRadius.width(), rect.maxY()));
    addBezierCurveTo(FloatPoint(rect.x() + bottomLeftRadius.width() * gCircleControlPoint, rect.maxY()),
                     FloatPoint(rect.x(), rect.maxY() - bottomLeftRadius.height() * gCircleControlPoint),
                     FloatPoint(rect.x(), rect.maxY() - bottomLeftRadius.height()));
    addLineTo(FloatPoint(rect.x(), rect.y() + topLeftRadius.height()));
    addBezierCurveTo(FloatPoint(rect.x(), rect.y() + topLeftRadius.height() * gCircleControlPoint),
                     FloatPoint(rect.x() + topLeftRadius.width() * gCircleControlPoint, rect.y()),
                     FloatPoint(rect.x() + topLeftRadius.width(), rect.y()));

コード例 #7
LayoutState::LayoutState(LayoutState* prev, RenderBox* renderer, const LayoutSize& offset, LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight, bool pageLogicalHeightChanged, ColumnInfo* columnInfo)
    : m_columnInfo(columnInfo)
    , m_lineGrid(0)
    , m_next(prev)
    , m_exclusionShapeInsideInfo(0)
#ifndef NDEBUG
    , m_renderer(renderer)

    bool fixed = renderer->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && renderer->style()->position() == FixedPosition;
    if (fixed) {
        // FIXME: This doesn't work correctly with transforms.
        FloatPoint fixedOffset = renderer->view()->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint(), IsFixed);
        m_paintOffset = LayoutSize(fixedOffset.x(), fixedOffset.y()) + offset;
    } else
        m_paintOffset = prev->m_paintOffset + offset;

    if (renderer->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && !fixed) {
        if (RenderObject* container = renderer->container()) {
            if (container->isInFlowPositioned() && container->isRenderInline())
                m_paintOffset += toRenderInline(container)->offsetForInFlowPositionedInline(renderer);

    m_layoutOffset = m_paintOffset;

    if (renderer->hasPaintOffset() && renderer->hasLayer())
        m_paintOffset += renderer->layer()->paintOffset();

    m_clipped = !fixed && prev->m_clipped;
    if (m_clipped)
        m_clipRect = prev->m_clipRect;

    if (renderer->hasOverflowClip()) {
        LayoutRect clipRect(toPoint(m_paintOffset) + renderer->view()->layoutDelta(), renderer->cachedSizeForOverflowClip());
        if (m_clipped)
        else {
            m_clipRect = clipRect;
            m_clipped = true;

        m_paintOffset -= renderer->scrolledContentOffset();

    // If we establish a new page height, then cache the offset to the top of the first page.
    // We can compare this later on to figure out what part of the page we're actually on,
    if (pageLogicalHeight || m_columnInfo || renderer->isRenderFlowThread()) {
        m_pageLogicalHeight = pageLogicalHeight;
        bool isFlipped = renderer->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode();
        m_pageOffset = LayoutSize(m_layoutOffset.width() + (!isFlipped ? renderer->borderLeft() + renderer->paddingLeft() : renderer->borderRight() + renderer->paddingRight()),
                               m_layoutOffset.height() + (!isFlipped ? renderer->borderTop() + renderer->paddingTop() : renderer->borderBottom() + renderer->paddingBottom()));
        m_pageLogicalHeightChanged = pageLogicalHeightChanged;
    } else {
        // If we don't establish a new page height, then propagate the old page height and offset down.
        m_pageLogicalHeight = m_next->m_pageLogicalHeight;
        m_pageLogicalHeightChanged = m_next->m_pageLogicalHeightChanged;
        m_pageOffset = m_next->m_pageOffset;
        // Disable pagination for objects we don't support. For now this includes overflow:scroll/auto, inline blocks and
        // writing mode roots.
        if (renderer->isUnsplittableForPagination())
            m_pageLogicalHeight = 0;
    // Propagate line grid information.

    if (!m_columnInfo)
        m_columnInfo = m_next->m_columnInfo;

    if (renderer->isRenderBlock()) {
        const RenderBlock* renderBlock = toRenderBlock(renderer);
        m_exclusionShapeInsideInfo = renderBlock->exclusionShapeInsideInfo();
        if (!m_exclusionShapeInsideInfo && m_next->m_exclusionShapeInsideInfo && renderBlock->allowsExclusionShapeInsideInfoSharing())
            m_exclusionShapeInsideInfo = m_next->m_exclusionShapeInsideInfo;

    m_layoutDelta = m_next->m_layoutDelta;
    m_layoutDeltaXSaturated = m_next->m_layoutDeltaXSaturated;
    m_layoutDeltaYSaturated = m_next->m_layoutDeltaYSaturated;
    m_isPaginated = m_pageLogicalHeight || m_columnInfo || renderer->isRenderFlowThread();

    if (lineGrid() && renderer->hasColumns() && renderer->style()->hasInlineColumnAxis())

    // If we have a new grid to track, then add it to our set.
    if (renderer->style()->lineGrid() != RenderStyle::initialLineGrid() && renderer->isBlockFlow())

    // FIXME: <http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13443> Apply control clip if present.
コード例 #8
ファイル: Sprite.cpp プロジェクト: jporsay/cricketGE
FloatPoint Sprite::getOrigin() const {
    return FloatPoint(_sprite->getOrigin().x, _sprite->getOrigin().y);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Sprite.cpp プロジェクト: jporsay/cricketGE
FloatPoint Sprite::getScale() const {
    return FloatPoint(_sprite->getScale().x, _sprite->getScale().y);
コード例 #10
bool RenderSVGRoot::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction hitTestAction)
    LayoutPoint pointInParent = locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset);
    LayoutPoint pointInBorderBox = pointInParent - toLayoutSize(location());

    // Only test SVG content if the point is in our content box.
    // FIXME: This should be an intersection when rect-based hit tests are supported by nodeAtFloatPoint.
    if (contentBoxRect().contains(pointInBorderBox)) {
        FloatPoint localPoint = localToParentTransform().inverse().valueOr(AffineTransform()).mapPoint(FloatPoint(pointInParent));

        for (RenderObject* child = lastChild(); child; child = child->previousSibling()) {
            // FIXME: nodeAtFloatPoint() doesn't handle rect-based hit tests yet.
            if (child->nodeAtFloatPoint(request, result, localPoint, hitTestAction)) {
                updateHitTestResult(result, pointInBorderBox);
                if (!result.addNodeToRectBasedTestResult(child->node(), request, locationInContainer))
                    return true;

    // If we didn't early exit above, we've just hit the container <svg> element. Unlike SVG 1.1, 2nd Edition allows container elements to be hit.
    if (hitTestAction == HitTestBlockBackground && visibleToHitTesting()) {
        // Only return true here, if the last hit testing phase 'BlockBackground' is executed. If we'd return true in the 'Foreground' phase,
        // hit testing would stop immediately. For SVG only trees this doesn't matter. Though when we have a <foreignObject> subtree we need
        // to be able to detect hits on the background of a <div> element. If we'd return true here in the 'Foreground' phase, we are not able 
        // to detect these hits anymore.
        LayoutRect boundsRect(accumulatedOffset + location(), size());
        if (locationInContainer.intersects(boundsRect)) {
            updateHitTestResult(result, pointInBorderBox);
            if (!result.addNodeToRectBasedTestResult(&svgSVGElement(), request, locationInContainer, boundsRect))
                return true;

    return false;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Sprite.cpp プロジェクト: jporsay/cricketGE
FloatPoint Sprite::getPosition() const {
    return FloatPoint(_sprite->getPosition().x, _sprite->getPosition().y);
コード例 #12
// Helper functions
static inline FloatPoint blendFloatPoint(const FloatPoint& a, const FloatPoint& b, float progress)
    return FloatPoint(blend(a.x(), b.x(), progress), blend(a.y(), b.y(), progress));
コード例 #13
ファイル: FloatPoint.cpp プロジェクト: CannedFish/webkitgtk
FloatPoint FloatPoint::narrowPrecision(double x, double y)
    return FloatPoint(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y));
コード例 #14
ファイル: ScrollableArea.cpp プロジェクト: 13W/phantomjs
void ScrollableArea::scrollToYOffsetWithoutAnimation(float y)
    scrollToOffsetWithoutAnimation(FloatPoint(m_scrollAnimator->currentPosition().x(), y));
コード例 #15
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* context, const SimpleFontData* font, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer,
                      int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const
    cairo_t* cr = context->platformContext();

    cairo_set_scaled_font(cr, font->platformData().scaledFont());

    GlyphBufferGlyph* glyphs = (GlyphBufferGlyph*)glyphBuffer.glyphs(from);

    float offset = 0.0f;
    for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
        glyphs[i].x = offset;
        glyphs[i].y = 0.0f;
        offset += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + i);

    Color fillColor = context->fillColor();

    // Synthetic Oblique
    if(font->platformData().syntheticOblique()) {
        cairo_matrix_t mat = {1, 0, -tanf(SYNTHETIC_OBLIQUE_ANGLE * acosf(0) / 90), 1, point.x(), point.y()};
        cairo_transform(cr, &mat);
    } else {
        cairo_translate(cr, point.x(), point.y());

    // Text shadow, inspired by FontMac
    FloatSize shadowOffset;
    float shadowBlur = 0;
    Color shadowColor;
    bool hasShadow = context->textDrawingMode() & cTextFill
                     && context->getShadow(shadowOffset, shadowBlur, shadowColor);

    // TODO: Blur support
    if (hasShadow) {
        // Disable graphics context shadows (not yet implemented) and paint them manually
        Color shadowFillColor(shadowColor.red(), shadowColor.green(), shadowColor.blue(), shadowColor.alpha() * fillColor.alpha() / 255);

        float red, green, blue, alpha;
        shadowFillColor.getRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha);
        cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, red, green, blue, alpha);

        cairo_text_extents_t extents;
        cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents(font->platformData().scaledFont(), glyphs, numGlyphs, &extents);

        FloatRect rect(FloatPoint(), FloatSize(extents.width, extents.height));
        IntSize shadowBufferSize;
        FloatRect shadowRect;
        float radius = 0;
        context->calculateShadowBufferDimensions(shadowBufferSize, shadowRect, radius, rect, shadowOffset, shadowBlur);

        // Draw shadow into a new ImageBuffer
        OwnPtr<ImageBuffer> shadowBuffer = ImageBuffer::create(shadowBufferSize);
        GraphicsContext* shadowContext = shadowBuffer->context();
        cairo_t* shadowCr = shadowContext->platformContext();

        cairo_translate(shadowCr, radius, extents.height + radius);

        cairo_set_scaled_font(shadowCr, font->platformData().scaledFont());
        cairo_show_glyphs(shadowCr, glyphs, numGlyphs);
        if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) {
            cairo_translate(shadowCr, font->syntheticBoldOffset(), 0);
            cairo_show_glyphs(shadowCr, glyphs, numGlyphs);
        cairo_translate(cr, 0.0, -extents.height);
        context->applyPlatformShadow(shadowBuffer.release(), shadowColor, shadowRect, radius);
        cairo_translate(cr, shadowOffset.width(), shadowOffset.height());
        cairo_show_glyphs(cr, glyphs, numGlyphs);
        if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) {
            cairo_translate(cr, font->syntheticBoldOffset(), 0);
            cairo_show_glyphs(cr, glyphs, numGlyphs);


    if (context->textDrawingMode() & cTextFill) {
        if (context->fillGradient()) {
            cairo_set_source(cr, context->fillGradient()->platformGradient());
            if (context->getAlpha() < 1.0f) {
                cairo_paint_with_alpha(cr, context->getAlpha());
        } else if (context->fillPattern()) {
            AffineTransform affine;
            cairo_pattern_t* pattern = context->fillPattern()->createPlatformPattern(affine);
            cairo_set_source(cr, pattern);
            if (context->getAlpha() < 1.0f) {
                cairo_paint_with_alpha(cr, context->getAlpha());
        } else {
            float red, green, blue, alpha;
            fillColor.getRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha);
            cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, red, green, blue, alpha * context->getAlpha());
        cairo_show_glyphs(cr, glyphs, numGlyphs);
        if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) {
            cairo_translate(cr, font->syntheticBoldOffset(), 0);
            cairo_show_glyphs(cr, glyphs, numGlyphs);

    // Prevent running into a long computation within cairo. If the stroke width is
    // twice the size of the width of the text we will not ask cairo to stroke
    // the text as even one single stroke would cover the full wdth of the text.
    //  See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33759.
    if (context->textDrawingMode() & cTextStroke && context->strokeThickness() < 2 * offset) {
        if (context->strokeGradient()) {
            cairo_set_source(cr, context->strokeGradient()->platformGradient());
            if (context->getAlpha() < 1.0f) {
                cairo_paint_with_alpha(cr, context->getAlpha());
        } else if (context->strokePattern()) {
            AffineTransform affine;
            cairo_pattern_t* pattern = context->strokePattern()->createPlatformPattern(affine);
            cairo_set_source(cr, pattern);
            if (context->getAlpha() < 1.0f) {
                cairo_paint_with_alpha(cr, context->getAlpha());
        } else {
            Color strokeColor = context->strokeColor();
            float red, green, blue, alpha;
            strokeColor.getRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha);
            cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, red, green, blue, alpha * context->getAlpha());
        cairo_glyph_path(cr, glyphs, numGlyphs);
        cairo_set_line_width(cr, context->strokeThickness());

    // Re-enable the platform shadow we disabled earlier
    if (hasShadow)
        context->setShadow(shadowOffset, shadowBlur, shadowColor, DeviceColorSpace);

コード例 #16
ファイル: PathCairo.cpp プロジェクト: bearmingo/UI
void Path::addArcTo(const FloatPoint& p1, const FloatPoint& p2, float radius)
    if (isEmpty())

    cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context();

    double x0, y0;
    cairo_get_current_point(cr, &x0, &y0);
    FloatPoint p0(x0, y0);

    // Draw only a straight line to p1 if any of the points are equal or the radius is zero
    // or the points are collinear (triangle that the points form has area of zero value).
    if ((p1.x() == p0.x() && p1.y() == p0.y()) || (p1.x() == p2.x() && p1.y() == p2.y()) || !radius
        || !areaOfTriangleFormedByPoints(p0, p1, p2)) {
        cairo_line_to(cr, p1.x(), p1.y());

    FloatPoint p1p0((p0.x() - p1.x()),(p0.y() - p1.y()));
    FloatPoint p1p2((p2.x() - p1.x()),(p2.y() - p1.y()));
    float p1p0_length = sqrtf(p1p0.x() * p1p0.x() + p1p0.y() * p1p0.y());
    float p1p2_length = sqrtf(p1p2.x() * p1p2.x() + p1p2.y() * p1p2.y());

    double cos_phi = (p1p0.x() * p1p2.x() + p1p0.y() * p1p2.y()) / (p1p0_length * p1p2_length);
    // all points on a line logic
    if (cos_phi == -1) {
        cairo_line_to(cr, p1.x(), p1.y());
    if (cos_phi == 1) {
        // add infinite far away point
        unsigned int max_length = 65535;
        double factor_max = max_length / p1p0_length;
        FloatPoint ep((p0.x() + factor_max * p1p0.x()), (p0.y() + factor_max * p1p0.y()));
        cairo_line_to(cr, ep.x(), ep.y());

    float tangent = radius / tan(acos(cos_phi) / 2);
    float factor_p1p0 = tangent / p1p0_length;
    FloatPoint t_p1p0((p1.x() + factor_p1p0 * p1p0.x()), (p1.y() + factor_p1p0 * p1p0.y()));

    FloatPoint orth_p1p0(p1p0.y(), -p1p0.x());
    float orth_p1p0_length = sqrt(orth_p1p0.x() * orth_p1p0.x() + orth_p1p0.y() * orth_p1p0.y());
    float factor_ra = radius / orth_p1p0_length;

    // angle between orth_p1p0 and p1p2 to get the right vector orthographic to p1p0
    double cos_alpha = (orth_p1p0.x() * p1p2.x() + orth_p1p0.y() * p1p2.y()) / (orth_p1p0_length * p1p2_length);
    if (cos_alpha < 0.f)
        orth_p1p0 = FloatPoint(-orth_p1p0.x(), -orth_p1p0.y());

    FloatPoint p((t_p1p0.x() + factor_ra * orth_p1p0.x()), (t_p1p0.y() + factor_ra * orth_p1p0.y()));

    // calculate angles for addArc
    orth_p1p0 = FloatPoint(-orth_p1p0.x(), -orth_p1p0.y());
    float sa = acos(orth_p1p0.x() / orth_p1p0_length);
    if (orth_p1p0.y() < 0.f)
        sa = 2 * piDouble - sa;

    // anticlockwise logic
    bool anticlockwise = false;

    float factor_p1p2 = tangent / p1p2_length;
    FloatPoint t_p1p2((p1.x() + factor_p1p2 * p1p2.x()), (p1.y() + factor_p1p2 * p1p2.y()));
    FloatPoint orth_p1p2((t_p1p2.x() - p.x()),(t_p1p2.y() - p.y()));
    float orth_p1p2_length = sqrtf(orth_p1p2.x() * orth_p1p2.x() + orth_p1p2.y() * orth_p1p2.y());
    float ea = acos(orth_p1p2.x() / orth_p1p2_length);
    if (orth_p1p2.y() < 0)
        ea = 2 * piDouble - ea;
    if ((sa > ea) && ((sa - ea) < piDouble))
        anticlockwise = true;
    if ((sa < ea) && ((ea - sa) > piDouble))
        anticlockwise = true;

    cairo_line_to(cr, t_p1p0.x(), t_p1p0.y());

    addArc(p, radius, sa, ea, anticlockwise);
コード例 #17
ファイル: Path.cpp プロジェクト: azrul2202/WebKit-Smartphone
Path Path::createRoundedRectangle(const FloatRect& rectangle, const FloatSize& roundingRadii)
    Path path;
    float x = rectangle.x();
    float y = rectangle.y();
    float width = rectangle.width();
    float height = rectangle.height();
    float rx = roundingRadii.width();
    float ry = roundingRadii.height();
    if (width <= 0.0f || height <= 0.0f)
        return path;

    float dx = rx, dy = ry;
    // If rx is greater than half of the width of the rectangle
    // then set rx to half of the width (required in SVG spec)
    if (dx > width * 0.5f)
        dx = width * 0.5f;

    // If ry is greater than half of the height of the rectangle
    // then set ry to half of the height (required in SVG spec)
    if (dy > height * 0.5f)
        dy = height * 0.5f;

    path.moveTo(FloatPoint(x + dx, y));

    if (dx < width * 0.5f)
        path.addLineTo(FloatPoint(x + width - rx, y));

    path.addBezierCurveTo(FloatPoint(x + width - dx * (1 - QUARTER), y), FloatPoint(x + width, y + dy * (1 - QUARTER)), FloatPoint(x + width, y + dy));

    if (dy < height * 0.5)
        path.addLineTo(FloatPoint(x + width, y + height - dy));

    path.addBezierCurveTo(FloatPoint(x + width, y + height - dy * (1 - QUARTER)), FloatPoint(x + width - dx * (1 - QUARTER), y + height), FloatPoint(x + width - dx, y + height));

    if (dx < width * 0.5)
        path.addLineTo(FloatPoint(x + dx, y + height));

    path.addBezierCurveTo(FloatPoint(x + dx * (1 - QUARTER), y + height), FloatPoint(x, y + height - dy * (1 - QUARTER)), FloatPoint(x, y + height - dy));

    if (dy < height * 0.5)
        path.addLineTo(FloatPoint(x, y + dy));

    path.addBezierCurveTo(FloatPoint(x, y + dy * (1 - QUARTER)), FloatPoint(x + dx * (1 - QUARTER), y), FloatPoint(x + dx, y));


    return path;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Shape.cpp プロジェクト: MYSHLIFE/webkit
PassOwnPtr<Shape> Shape::createShape(const BasicShape* basicShape, const LayoutSize& logicalBoxSize, WritingMode writingMode, Length margin, Length padding)

    bool horizontalWritingMode = isHorizontalWritingMode(writingMode);
    float boxWidth = horizontalWritingMode ? logicalBoxSize.width() : logicalBoxSize.height();
    float boxHeight = horizontalWritingMode ? logicalBoxSize.height() : logicalBoxSize.width();
    OwnPtr<Shape> shape;

    switch (basicShape->type()) {

    case BasicShape::BasicShapeCircleType: {
        const BasicShapeCircle* circle = static_cast<const BasicShapeCircle*>(basicShape);
        float centerX = floatValueForCenterCoordinate(circle->centerX(), boxWidth);
        float centerY = floatValueForCenterCoordinate(circle->centerY(), boxHeight);
        float radius = circle->floatValueForRadiusInBox(boxWidth, boxHeight);
        FloatPoint logicalCenter = physicalPointToLogical(FloatPoint(centerX, centerY), logicalBoxSize.height(), writingMode);

        shape = createCircleShape(logicalCenter, radius);

    case BasicShape::BasicShapeEllipseType: {
        const BasicShapeEllipse* ellipse = static_cast<const BasicShapeEllipse*>(basicShape);
        float centerX = floatValueForCenterCoordinate(ellipse->centerX(), boxWidth);
        float centerY = floatValueForCenterCoordinate(ellipse->centerY(), boxHeight);
        float radiusX = ellipse->floatValueForRadiusInBox(ellipse->radiusX(), centerX, boxWidth);
        float radiusY = ellipse->floatValueForRadiusInBox(ellipse->radiusY(), centerY, boxHeight);
        FloatPoint logicalCenter = physicalPointToLogical(FloatPoint(centerX, centerY), logicalBoxSize.height(), writingMode);

        shape = createEllipseShape(logicalCenter, FloatSize(radiusX, radiusY));

    case BasicShape::BasicShapePolygonType: {
        const BasicShapePolygon& polygon = *static_cast<const BasicShapePolygon*>(basicShape);
        const Vector<Length>& values = polygon.values();
        size_t valuesSize = values.size();
        ASSERT(!(valuesSize % 2));
        OwnPtr<Vector<FloatPoint>> vertices = adoptPtr(new Vector<FloatPoint>(valuesSize / 2));
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < valuesSize; i += 2) {
            FloatPoint vertex(
                floatValueForLength(values.at(i), boxWidth),
                floatValueForLength(values.at(i + 1), boxHeight));
            (*vertices)[i / 2] = physicalPointToLogical(vertex, logicalBoxSize.height(), writingMode);

        shape = createPolygonShape(vertices.release(), polygon.windRule());

    case BasicShape::BasicShapeInsetType: {
        const BasicShapeInset& inset = *static_cast<const BasicShapeInset*>(basicShape);
        float left = floatValueForLength(inset.left(), boxWidth);
        float top = floatValueForLength(inset.top(), boxHeight);
        FloatRect rect(left,
            std::max<float>(boxWidth - left - floatValueForLength(inset.right(), boxWidth), 0),
            std::max<float>(boxHeight - top - floatValueForLength(inset.bottom(), boxHeight), 0));
        FloatRect logicalRect = physicalRectToLogical(rect, logicalBoxSize.height(), writingMode);

        FloatSize boxSize(boxWidth, boxHeight);
        FloatSize topLeftRadius = physicalSizeToLogical(floatSizeForLengthSize(inset.topLeftRadius(), boxSize), writingMode);
        FloatSize topRightRadius = physicalSizeToLogical(floatSizeForLengthSize(inset.topRightRadius(), boxSize), writingMode);
        FloatSize bottomLeftRadius = physicalSizeToLogical(floatSizeForLengthSize(inset.bottomLeftRadius(), boxSize), writingMode);
        FloatSize bottomRightRadius = physicalSizeToLogical(floatSizeForLengthSize(inset.bottomRightRadius(), boxSize), writingMode);
        FloatRoundedRect::Radii cornerRadii(topLeftRadius, topRightRadius, bottomLeftRadius, bottomRightRadius);

        cornerRadii.scale(calcBorderRadiiConstraintScaleFor(logicalRect, cornerRadii));

        shape = createInsetShape(FloatRoundedRect(logicalRect, cornerRadii));


    shape->m_writingMode = writingMode;
    shape->m_margin = floatValueForLength(margin, 0);
    shape->m_padding = floatValueForLength(padding, 0);

    return shape.release();
コード例 #19
void GraphicsLayer::dumpProperties(TextStream& ts, int indent, LayerTreeAsTextBehavior behavior) const
    if (m_position != FloatPoint()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(position " << m_position.x() << " " << m_position.y() << ")\n";

    if (m_anchorPoint != FloatPoint3D(0.5f, 0.5f, 0)) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(anchor " << m_anchorPoint.x() << " " << m_anchorPoint.y() << ")\n";

    if (m_size != IntSize()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(bounds " << m_size.width() << " " << m_size.height() << ")\n";

    if (m_opacity != 1) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(opacity " << m_opacity << ")\n";
    if (m_usingTiledLayer) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(usingTiledLayer " << m_usingTiledLayer << ")\n";

    if (m_preserves3D) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(preserves3D " << m_preserves3D << ")\n";

    if (m_drawsContent) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(drawsContent " << m_drawsContent << ")\n";

    if (!m_backfaceVisibility) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(backfaceVisibility " << (m_backfaceVisibility ? "visible" : "hidden") << ")\n";

    if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextDebug) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(";
        if (m_client)
            ts << "client " << static_cast<void*>(m_client);
            ts << "no client";
        ts << ")\n";

    if (m_backgroundColorSet) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(backgroundColor " << m_backgroundColor.name() << ")\n";

    if (!m_transform.isIdentity()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(transform ";
        ts << "[" << m_transform.m11() << " " << m_transform.m12() << " " << m_transform.m13() << " " << m_transform.m14() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_transform.m21() << " " << m_transform.m22() << " " << m_transform.m23() << " " << m_transform.m24() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_transform.m31() << " " << m_transform.m32() << " " << m_transform.m33() << " " << m_transform.m34() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_transform.m41() << " " << m_transform.m42() << " " << m_transform.m43() << " " << m_transform.m44() << "])\n";

    // Avoid dumping the sublayer transform on the root layer, because it's used for geometry flipping, whose behavior
    // differs between platforms.
    if (parent() && !m_childrenTransform.isIdentity()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(childrenTransform ";
        ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m11() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m12() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m13() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m14() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m21() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m22() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m23() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m24() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m31() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m32() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m33() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m34() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m41() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m42() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m43() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m44() << "])\n";

    if (m_replicaLayer) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(replica layer";
        if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextDebug)
            ts << " " << m_replicaLayer;
        ts << ")\n";
        m_replicaLayer->dumpLayer(ts, indent + 2, behavior);

    if (m_replicatedLayer) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(replicated layer";
        if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextDebug)
            ts << " " << m_replicatedLayer;;
        ts << ")\n";
    if (m_children.size()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(children " << m_children.size() << "\n";
        unsigned i;
        for (i = 0; i < m_children.size(); i++)
            m_children[i]->dumpLayer(ts, indent + 2, behavior);
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << ")\n";
コード例 #20
void RenderView::absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>& quads, bool* wasFixed) const
    if (wasFixed)
        *wasFixed = false;
    quads.append(FloatRect(FloatPoint(), layer()->size()));
コード例 #21
void MouseRelatedEvent::computePageLocation()
    float zoomFactor = pageZoomFactor(this);
    setAbsoluteLocation(roundedIntPoint(FloatPoint(pageX() * zoomFactor, pageY() * zoomFactor)));
コード例 #22
bool SVGPathParser::parsePathDataFromSource(PathParsingMode pathParsingMode, bool checkForInitialMoveTo)

    m_pathParsingMode = pathParsingMode;

    m_controlPoint = FloatPoint();
    m_currentPoint = FloatPoint();
    m_subPathPoint = FloatPoint();
    m_closePath = true;

    // Skip any leading spaces.
    if (!m_source->moveToNextToken())
        return false;

    SVGPathSegType command;
    m_lastCommand = PathSegUnknown;

    // Path must start with moveto.
    if (checkForInitialMoveTo && command != PathSegMoveToAbs && command != PathSegMoveToRel)
        return false;

    while (true) {
        // Skip spaces between command and first coordinate.
        m_mode = AbsoluteCoordinates;
        switch (command) {
        case PathSegMoveToRel:
            m_mode = RelativeCoordinates;
        case PathSegMoveToAbs:
            if (!parseMoveToSegment())
                return false;
        case PathSegLineToRel:
            m_mode = RelativeCoordinates;
        case PathSegLineToAbs:
            if (!parseLineToSegment())
                return false;
        case PathSegLineToHorizontalRel:
            m_mode = RelativeCoordinates;
        case PathSegLineToHorizontalAbs:
            if (!parseLineToHorizontalSegment())
                return false;
        case PathSegLineToVerticalRel:
            m_mode = RelativeCoordinates;
        case PathSegLineToVerticalAbs:
            if (!parseLineToVerticalSegment())
                return false;
        case PathSegClosePath:
        case PathSegCurveToCubicRel:
            m_mode = RelativeCoordinates;
        case PathSegCurveToCubicAbs:
            if (!parseCurveToCubicSegment())
                return false;
        case PathSegCurveToCubicSmoothRel:
            m_mode = RelativeCoordinates;
        case PathSegCurveToCubicSmoothAbs:
            if (!parseCurveToCubicSmoothSegment())
                return false;
        case PathSegCurveToQuadraticRel:
            m_mode = RelativeCoordinates;
        case PathSegCurveToQuadraticAbs:
            if (!parseCurveToQuadraticSegment())
                return false;
        case PathSegCurveToQuadraticSmoothRel:
            m_mode = RelativeCoordinates;
        case PathSegCurveToQuadraticSmoothAbs:
            if (!parseCurveToQuadraticSmoothSegment())
                return false;
        case PathSegArcRel:
            m_mode = RelativeCoordinates;
        case PathSegArcAbs:
            if (!parseArcToSegment())
                return false;
            return false;
        if (!m_consumer->continueConsuming())
            return true;

        m_lastCommand = command;

        if (!m_source->hasMoreData())
            return true;

        command = m_source->nextCommand(command);

        if (m_lastCommand != PathSegCurveToCubicAbs
            && m_lastCommand != PathSegCurveToCubicRel
            && m_lastCommand != PathSegCurveToCubicSmoothAbs
            && m_lastCommand != PathSegCurveToCubicSmoothRel
            && m_lastCommand != PathSegCurveToQuadraticAbs
            && m_lastCommand != PathSegCurveToQuadraticRel
            && m_lastCommand != PathSegCurveToQuadraticSmoothAbs
            && m_lastCommand != PathSegCurveToQuadraticSmoothRel)
            m_controlPoint = m_currentPoint;


    return false;
コード例 #23
void TileController::adjustTileCoverageRect(FloatRect& coverageRect, const FloatSize& newSize, const FloatRect& previousVisibleRect, const FloatRect& visibleRect, float contentsScale) const
    // If the page is not in a window (for example if it's in a background tab), we limit the tile coverage rect to the visible rect.
    if (!m_isInWindow) {
        coverageRect = visibleRect;

    // FIXME: unify the iOS and Mac code.
    if (m_tileCoverage == CoverageForVisibleArea || MemoryPressureHandler::singleton().isUnderMemoryPressure()) {
        coverageRect = visibleRect;

    double horizontalMargin = tileSize().width() / contentsScale;
    double verticalMargin = tileSize().height() / contentsScale;

    double currentTime = monotonicallyIncreasingTime();
    double timeDelta = currentTime - m_velocity.lastUpdateTime;

    FloatRect futureRect = visibleRect;
        futureRect.location().x() + timeDelta * m_velocity.horizontalVelocity,
        futureRect.location().y() + timeDelta * m_velocity.verticalVelocity));

    if (m_velocity.horizontalVelocity) {
        futureRect.setWidth(futureRect.width() + horizontalMargin);
        if (m_velocity.horizontalVelocity < 0)
            futureRect.setX(futureRect.x() - horizontalMargin);

    if (m_velocity.verticalVelocity) {
        futureRect.setHeight(futureRect.height() + verticalMargin);
        if (m_velocity.verticalVelocity < 0)
            futureRect.setY(futureRect.y() - verticalMargin);

    if (!m_velocity.horizontalVelocity && !m_velocity.verticalVelocity) {
        if (m_velocity.scaleChangeRate > 0) {
            coverageRect = visibleRect;
        futureRect.setWidth(futureRect.width() + horizontalMargin);
        futureRect.setHeight(futureRect.height() + verticalMargin);
        futureRect.setX(futureRect.x() - horizontalMargin / 2);
        futureRect.setY(futureRect.y() - verticalMargin / 2);

    // Can't use m_tileCacheLayer->bounds() here, because the size of the underlying platform layer
    // hasn't been updated for the current commit.
    IntSize contentSize = expandedIntSize(newSize);
    if (futureRect.maxX() > contentSize.width())
        futureRect.setX(contentSize.width() - futureRect.width());
    if (futureRect.maxY() > contentSize.height())
        futureRect.setY(contentSize.height() - futureRect.height());
    if (futureRect.x() < 0)
    if (futureRect.y() < 0)


    // FIXME: look at how far the document can scroll in each dimension.
    FloatSize coverageSize = visibleRect.size();

    bool largeVisibleRectChange = !previousVisibleRect.isEmpty() && !visibleRect.intersects(previousVisibleRect);

    // Inflate the coverage rect so that it covers 2x of the visible width and 3x of the visible height.
    // These values were chosen because it's more common to have tall pages and to scroll vertically,
    // so we keep more tiles above and below the current area.
    float widthScale = 1;
    float heightScale = 1;

    if (m_tileCoverage & CoverageForHorizontalScrolling && !largeVisibleRectChange)
        widthScale = 2;

    if (m_tileCoverage & CoverageForVerticalScrolling && !largeVisibleRectChange)
        heightScale = 3;
    coverageSize.scale(widthScale, heightScale);

    FloatRect coverageBounds = boundsForSize(newSize);
    FloatRect coverage = expandRectWithinRect(visibleRect, coverageSize, coverageBounds);
    LOG_WITH_STREAM(Scrolling, stream << "TileController::computeTileCoverageRect newSize=" << newSize << " mode " << m_tileCoverage << " expanded to " << coverageSize << " bounds with margin " << coverageBounds << " coverage " << coverage);
コード例 #24
// This works by converting the SVG arc to "simple" beziers.
// Partly adapted from Niko's code in kdelibs/kdecore/svgicons.
// See also SVG implementation notes: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/implnote.html#ArcConversionEndpointToCenter
bool SVGPathParser::decomposeArcToCubic(float angle, float rx, float ry, FloatPoint& point1, FloatPoint& point2, bool largeArcFlag, bool sweepFlag)
    FloatSize midPointDistance = point1 - point2;

    AffineTransform pointTransform;

    FloatPoint transformedMidPoint = pointTransform.mapPoint(FloatPoint(midPointDistance.width(), midPointDistance.height()));
    float squareRx = rx * rx;
    float squareRy = ry * ry;
    float squareX = transformedMidPoint.x() * transformedMidPoint.x();
    float squareY = transformedMidPoint.y() * transformedMidPoint.y();

    // Check if the radii are big enough to draw the arc, scale radii if not.
    // http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/implnote.html#ArcCorrectionOutOfRangeRadii
    float radiiScale = squareX / squareRx + squareY / squareRy;
    if (radiiScale > 1) {
        rx *= sqrtf(radiiScale);
        ry *= sqrtf(radiiScale);

    pointTransform.scale(1 / rx, 1 / ry);

    point1 = pointTransform.mapPoint(point1);
    point2 = pointTransform.mapPoint(point2);
    FloatSize delta = point2 - point1;

    float d = delta.width() * delta.width() + delta.height() * delta.height();
    float scaleFactorSquared = std::max(1 / d - 0.25f, 0.f);

    float scaleFactor = sqrtf(scaleFactorSquared);
    if (sweepFlag == largeArcFlag)
        scaleFactor = -scaleFactor;

    FloatPoint centerPoint = point1 + point2;
    centerPoint.scale(0.5f, 0.5f);
    centerPoint.move(-delta.height(), delta.width());

    float theta1 = FloatPoint(point1 - centerPoint).slopeAngleRadians();
    float theta2 = FloatPoint(point2 - centerPoint).slopeAngleRadians();

    float thetaArc = theta2 - theta1;
    if (thetaArc < 0 && sweepFlag)
        thetaArc += 2 * piFloat;
    else if (thetaArc > 0 && !sweepFlag)
        thetaArc -= 2 * piFloat;

    pointTransform.scale(rx, ry);

    // Some results of atan2 on some platform implementations are not exact enough. So that we get more
    // cubic curves than expected here. Adding 0.001f reduces the count of sgements to the correct count.
    int segments = ceilf(fabsf(thetaArc / (piOverTwoFloat + 0.001f)));
    for (int i = 0; i < segments; ++i) {
        float startTheta = theta1 + i * thetaArc / segments;
        float endTheta = theta1 + (i + 1) * thetaArc / segments;

        float t = (8 / 6.f) * tanf(0.25f * (endTheta - startTheta));
        if (!std::isfinite(t))
            return false;
        float sinStartTheta = sinf(startTheta);
        float cosStartTheta = cosf(startTheta);
        float sinEndTheta = sinf(endTheta);
        float cosEndTheta = cosf(endTheta);

        point1 = FloatPoint(cosStartTheta - t * sinStartTheta, sinStartTheta + t * cosStartTheta);
        point1.move(centerPoint.x(), centerPoint.y());
        FloatPoint targetPoint = FloatPoint(cosEndTheta, sinEndTheta);
        targetPoint.move(centerPoint.x(), centerPoint.y());
        point2 = targetPoint;
        point2.move(t * sinEndTheta, -t * cosEndTheta);

        m_consumer->curveToCubic(pointTransform.mapPoint(point1), pointTransform.mapPoint(point2),
                                 pointTransform.mapPoint(targetPoint), AbsoluteCoordinates);
    return true;
コード例 #25
ファイル: mass.hpp プロジェクト: Mindwerks/plate-tectonics
 FloatPoint massCenter() const {
     return FloatPoint(cx, cy);
コード例 #26
FloatPoint SVGSVGElement::createSVGPoint()
    return FloatPoint();
コード例 #27
FloatRect WebChromeClient::pageRect()
    return FloatRect(FloatPoint(), m_page->size());
コード例 #28
ファイル: SVGDocument.cpp プロジェクト: Czerrr/ISeeBrowser
void SVGDocument::startPan(const FloatPoint& start)
    if (rootElement())
        m_translate = FloatPoint(start.x() - rootElement()->currentTranslate().x(), rootElement()->currentTranslate().y() + start.y());
コード例 #29
ファイル: ExclusionShape.cpp プロジェクト: gobihun/webkit
PassOwnPtr<ExclusionShape> ExclusionShape::createExclusionShape(const BasicShape* basicShape, float logicalBoxWidth, float logicalBoxHeight, WritingMode writingMode)
    if (!basicShape)
        return nullptr;

    bool horizontalWritingMode = isHorizontalWritingMode(writingMode);
    float boxWidth = horizontalWritingMode ? logicalBoxWidth : logicalBoxHeight;
    float boxHeight = horizontalWritingMode ? logicalBoxHeight : logicalBoxWidth;
    OwnPtr<ExclusionShape> exclusionShape;

    switch (basicShape->type()) {

    case BasicShape::BASIC_SHAPE_RECTANGLE: {
        const BasicShapeRectangle* rectangle = static_cast<const BasicShapeRectangle*>(basicShape);
        float x = floatValueForLength(rectangle->x(), boxWidth);
        float y = floatValueForLength(rectangle->y(), boxHeight);
        float width = floatValueForLength(rectangle->width(), boxWidth);
        float height = floatValueForLength(rectangle->height(), boxHeight);
        Length radiusXLength = rectangle->cornerRadiusX();
        Length radiusYLength = rectangle->cornerRadiusY();
        float radiusX = radiusXLength.isUndefined() ? 0 : floatValueForLength(radiusXLength, boxWidth);
        float radiusY = radiusYLength.isUndefined() ? 0 : floatValueForLength(radiusYLength, boxHeight);

        exclusionShape = horizontalWritingMode
            ? createExclusionRectangle(FloatRect(x, y, width, height), FloatSize(radiusX, radiusY))
            : createExclusionRectangle(FloatRect(y, x, height, width), FloatSize(radiusY, radiusX));

    case BasicShape::BASIC_SHAPE_CIRCLE: {
        const BasicShapeCircle* circle = static_cast<const BasicShapeCircle*>(basicShape);
        float centerX = floatValueForLength(circle->centerX(), boxWidth);
        float centerY = floatValueForLength(circle->centerY(), boxHeight);
        float radius =  floatValueForLength(circle->radius(), std::max(boxHeight, boxWidth));

        exclusionShape = horizontalWritingMode
            ? createExclusionCircle(FloatPoint(centerX, centerY), radius)
            : createExclusionCircle(FloatPoint(centerY, centerX), radius);

    case BasicShape::BASIC_SHAPE_ELLIPSE: {
        const BasicShapeEllipse* ellipse = static_cast<const BasicShapeEllipse*>(basicShape);
        float centerX = floatValueForLength(ellipse->centerX(), boxWidth);
        float centerY = floatValueForLength(ellipse->centerY(), boxHeight);
        float radiusX = floatValueForLength(ellipse->radiusX(), boxWidth);
        float radiusY = floatValueForLength(ellipse->radiusY(), boxHeight);

        exclusionShape = horizontalWritingMode
            ? createExclusionEllipse(FloatPoint(centerX, centerY), FloatSize(radiusX, radiusY))
            : createExclusionEllipse(FloatPoint(centerY, centerX), FloatSize(radiusY, radiusX));

    case BasicShape::BASIC_SHAPE_POLYGON: {
        const BasicShapePolygon* polygon = static_cast<const BasicShapePolygon*>(basicShape);
        const Vector<Length>& values = polygon->values();
        size_t valuesSize = values.size();
        ASSERT(!(valuesSize % 2));
        Vector<FloatPoint>* vertices = new Vector<FloatPoint>(valuesSize / 2);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < valuesSize; i += 2) {
            FloatPoint vertex(
                floatValueForLength(values.at(i), boxWidth),
                floatValueForLength(values.at(i + 1), boxHeight));
            (*vertices)[i / 2] = horizontalWritingMode ? vertex : vertex.transposedPoint();
        exclusionShape = createExclusionPolygon(adoptPtr(vertices), polygon->windRule());


    exclusionShape->m_logicalBoxWidth = logicalBoxWidth;
    exclusionShape->m_logicalBoxHeight = logicalBoxHeight;
    exclusionShape->m_writingMode = writingMode;

    return exclusionShape.release();
コード例 #30
void PinchViewport::reset()