コード例 #1
ファイル: pattern.c プロジェクト: OS2World/DEV-LISP-Clips
void DetachPattern(
  int rhsType,
  struct patternNodeHeader *theHeader)
   if (PatternParserArray[rhsType] != NULL)
コード例 #2
ファイル: rulebin.c プロジェクト: ahmed-masud/FuzzyCLIPS
static void ClearBload()
   unsigned long int space;
   long i;
   struct patternParser *theParser = NULL;
   struct patternEntity *theEntity = NULL;
   void *theModule;

   /* Delete all known entities before removing */
   /* the defrule data structures.              */

   while (theEntity != NULL)
      theEntity = NULL;

   /* Remove all activations from the agenda. */

   for (theModule = GetNextDefmodule(NULL);
        theModule != NULL;
        theModule = GetNextDefmodule(theModule))

   /* Remove all partial matches from the beta memories in the */
   /* join network. Alpha memories do not need to be examined  */
   /* since all pattern entities have been deleted by now.     */

   for (i = 0; i < NumberOfJoins; i++)
     { FlushAlphaBetaMemory(JoinArray[i].beta); }

   /* Decrement the symbol count for each rule name. */

   for (i = 0; i < NumberOfDefrules; i++)
     { UnmarkConstructHeader(&DefruleArray[i].header); }

   /* Return the space allocated for the bload arrays. */

   space = NumberOfDefruleModules * sizeof(struct defruleModule);
   if (space != 0) genlongfree((void *) ModuleArray,space);

   space = NumberOfDefrules * sizeof(struct defrule);
   if (space != 0) genlongfree((void *) DefruleArray,space);

   space = NumberOfPatternFuzzyValues * sizeof(struct fzSlotLocator);
   if (space != 0) genlongfree((void *) PatternFuzzyValueArray,space);

   space = NumberOfJoins * sizeof(struct joinNode);
   if (space != 0) genlongfree((void *) JoinArray,space);
コード例 #3
ファイル: rulebin.c プロジェクト: RobotJustina/JUSTINA
static void ClearBload(
  void *theEnv)
   unsigned long int space;
   long i;
   struct patternParser *theParser = NULL;
   struct patternEntity *theEntity = NULL;
   void *theModule;

   /* Delete all known entities before removing */
   /* the defrule data structures.              */

   while (theEntity != NULL)
      theEntity = NULL;

   /* Remove all activations from the agenda. */

   for (theModule = EnvGetNextDefmodule(theEnv,NULL);
        theModule != NULL;
        theModule = EnvGetNextDefmodule(theEnv,theModule))

   /* Remove all partial matches from the beta memories in the */
   /* join network. Alpha memories do not need to be examined  */
   /* since all pattern entities have been deleted by now.     */

   for (i = 0; i < DefruleBinaryData(theEnv)->NumberOfJoins; i++)
     { FlushAlphaBetaMemory(theEnv,DefruleBinaryData(theEnv)->JoinArray[i].beta); }

   /* Decrement the symbol count for each rule name. */

   for (i = 0; i < DefruleBinaryData(theEnv)->NumberOfDefrules; i++)
     { UnmarkConstructHeader(theEnv,&DefruleBinaryData(theEnv)->DefruleArray[i].header); }

   /* Return the space allocated for the bload arrays. */

   space = DefruleBinaryData(theEnv)->NumberOfDefruleModules * sizeof(struct defruleModule);
   if (space != 0) genlongfree(theEnv,(void *) DefruleBinaryData(theEnv)->ModuleArray,space);
   DefruleBinaryData(theEnv)->NumberOfDefruleModules = 0;

   space = DefruleBinaryData(theEnv)->NumberOfDefrules * sizeof(struct defrule);
   if (space != 0) genlongfree(theEnv,(void *) DefruleBinaryData(theEnv)->DefruleArray,space);
   DefruleBinaryData(theEnv)->NumberOfDefrules = 0;

   space = DefruleBinaryData(theEnv)->NumberOfJoins * sizeof(struct joinNode);
   if (space != 0) genlongfree(theEnv,(void *) DefruleBinaryData(theEnv)->JoinArray,space);
   DefruleBinaryData(theEnv)->NumberOfJoins = 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ruledlt.c プロジェクト: ahmed-masud/FuzzyCLIPS
static void DetachJoins(
  struct defrule *theRule)
   struct joinNode *join;
   struct joinNode *prevJoin;
   struct joinNode *joinPtr, *lastJoin, *rightJoin;

   /* Find the last join for the rule. */

   join = theRule->lastJoin;
   theRule->lastJoin = NULL;
   if (join == NULL) return;

   /* Remove the activation link from the last join. If */
   /* there are joins below this join, then all of the  */
   /* joins for this rule were shared with another rule */
   /* and thus no joins can be deleted.                 */

   join->ruleToActivate = NULL;
   if (join->nextLevel != NULL) return;

   /* Begin removing the joins. */

   while (join != NULL)
      /* Remember the join "above" this join (the one that enters */
      /* from the left). If the join is entered from the right by */
      /* another join, remember the right entering join as well.  */

      prevJoin = join->lastLevel;
      if (join->joinFromTheRight)
        { rightJoin = (struct joinNode *) join->rightSideEntryStructure; }
        { rightJoin = NULL; }

      /* If the join was attached to a pattern, remove   */
      /* any structures associated with the pattern that */
      /* are no longer needed.                           */

      if ((join->rightSideEntryStructure != NULL) && (join->joinFromTheRight == FALSE))
        { RemoveIntranetworkLink(join); }

      /* Remove any partial matches contained */
      /* in the beta memory of the join.      */

      join->beta = NULL;

      /* Remove the expressions associated */
      /* with the join.                    */


      /* Remove the link to the join from the join above. */

      if (prevJoin == NULL)

      lastJoin = NULL;
      joinPtr = prevJoin->nextLevel;
      while (joinPtr != NULL)
         if (joinPtr == join)
            if (lastJoin == NULL)
              { prevJoin->nextLevel = joinPtr->rightDriveNode; }
              { lastJoin->rightDriveNode = joinPtr->rightDriveNode; }

            joinPtr = NULL;
            lastJoin = joinPtr;
            joinPtr = joinPtr->rightDriveNode;

      /* Delete the join. */


      /* Remove the right join link if it exists. */

      if (rightJoin != NULL)
         rightJoin->nextLevel = NULL;
         prevJoin = rightJoin;

      /* Move on to the next join to be removed. All the joins of  */
      /* a rule can be deleted by following the right joins links  */
      /* (when these links exist) and then following the left join */
      /* links. This works because if join A enters join B from    */
      /* the right, the right/left links of join A eventually lead */
      /* to the join which enters join B from the left.            */

      if (prevJoin->ruleToActivate != NULL)
        { join = NULL; }
      else if (prevJoin->nextLevel == NULL)
        { join = prevJoin; }
        { join = NULL; }