static int FtpOpenPort(struct stream_priv_s* p) { int resp,fd; char rsp_txt[256]; char* par,str[128]; int num[6]; resp = FtpSendCmd("PASV",p,rsp_txt); if(resp != 2) { mp_msg(MSGT_OPEN,MSGL_WARN, "[ftp] command 'PASV' failed: %s\n",rsp_txt); return 0; } par = strchr(rsp_txt,'('); if(!par || !par[0] || !par[1]) { mp_msg(MSGT_OPEN,MSGL_ERR, "[ftp] invalid server response: %s ??\n",rsp_txt); return 0; } sscanf(par+1,"%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u",&num[0],&num[1],&num[2], &num[3],&num[4],&num[5]); snprintf(str,127,"%d.%d.%d.%d",num[0],num[1],num[2],num[3]); fd = connect2Server(str,(num[4]<<8)+num[5],0); if(fd < 0) mp_msg(MSGT_OPEN,MSGL_ERR, "[ftp] failed to create data connection\n"); return fd; }
/* * FtpLogin - log in to remote server * * return 1 if logged in, 0 otherwise */ GLOBALDEF int FtpLogin(const char *user, const char *pass, netbuf *nControl) { char tempbuf[64]; if (((strlen(user) + 7) > sizeof(tempbuf)) || ((strlen(pass) + 7) > sizeof(tempbuf))) return 0; sprintf(tempbuf,"USER %s",user); if (!FtpSendCmd(tempbuf,'3',nControl)) { if (nControl->response[0] == '2') return 1; return 0; } sprintf(tempbuf,"PASS %s",pass); return FtpSendCmd(tempbuf,'2',nControl); }
/* * FtpQuit - disconnect from remote * * return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise */ GLOBALDEF void FtpQuit (netbuf *nControl) { if (nControl->dir != FTPLIB_CONTROL) return; FtpSendCmd("QUIT", '2', nControl); net_close(nControl->handle); free(nControl->buf); free(nControl); }
/* * FtpRmdir - remove directory at remote * * return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise */ GLOBALDEF int FtpRmdir (const char *path, netbuf *nControl) { char buf[256]; if ((strlen(path) + 6) > sizeof (buf)) return 0; sprintf(buf, "RMD %s", path); if (!FtpSendCmd(buf, '2', nControl)) return 0; return 1; }
/* * FtpDelete - delete a file at remote * * return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise */ GLOBALDEF int FtpDelete (const char *fnm, netbuf *nControl) { char cmd[256]; if ((strlen(fnm) + 7) > sizeof (cmd)) return 0; sprintf(cmd, "DELE %s", fnm); if (!FtpSendCmd(cmd, '2', nControl)) return 0; return 1; }
/* * FtpRestart - issue a REST command * * return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise */ GLOBALDEF int FtpRestart(int offset, netbuf *nControl) { char cmd[256]; int rv=1; sprintf(cmd,"REST %d",offset); if (!FtpSendCmd(cmd,'3',nControl)) rv = 0; return rv; }
/* * FtpSite - send a SITE command * * return 1 if command successful, 0 otherwise */ GLOBALDEF int FtpSite (const char *cmd, netbuf *nControl) { char buf[256]; if ((strlen(cmd) + 7) > sizeof (buf)) return 0; sprintf(buf, "SITE %s", cmd); if (!FtpSendCmd(buf, '2', nControl)) return 0; return 1; }
/* * FtpSize - determine the size of a remote file * * return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise */ GLOBALDEF int FtpSize (const char *path, int *size, char mode, netbuf *nControl) { char cmd[256]; int resp, sz, rv = 1; if ((strlen(path) + 7) > sizeof (cmd)) return 0; sprintf(cmd, "TYPE %c", mode); if (!FtpSendCmd(cmd, '2', nControl)) return 0; sprintf(cmd, "SIZE %s", path); if (!FtpSendCmd(cmd, '2', nControl)) rv = 0; else { if (sscanf(nControl->response, "%d %d", &resp, &sz) == 2) *size = sz; else rv = 0; } return rv; }
static int seek(stream_t *s,off_t newpos) { struct stream_priv_s* p = s->priv; int resp; char rsp_txt[256]; if(s->pos > s->end_pos) { s->eof=1; return 0; } // Check to see if the server did not already terminate the transfer if(fd_can_read(p->handle, 0)) { if(readresp(p,rsp_txt) != 2) mp_msg(MSGT_OPEN,MSGL_WARN, "[ftp] Warning the server didn't finished the transfer correctly: %s\n",rsp_txt); closesocket(s->fd); s->fd = -1; } // Close current download if(s->fd >= 0) { static const char pre_cmd[]={TELNET_IAC,TELNET_IP,TELNET_IAC,TELNET_SYNCH}; //int fl; // First close the fd closesocket(s->fd); s->fd = 0; // Send send the telnet sequence needed to make the server react // Dunno if this is really needed, lftp have it. I let // it here in case it turn out to be needed on some other OS //fl=fcntl(p->handle,F_GETFL); //fcntl(p->handle,F_SETFL,fl&~O_NONBLOCK); // send only first byte as OOB due to OOB braindamage in many unices send(p->handle,pre_cmd,1,MSG_OOB); send(p->handle,pre_cmd+1,sizeof(pre_cmd)-1,0); //fcntl(p->handle,F_SETFL,fl); // Get the 426 Transfer aborted // Or the 226 Transfer complete resp = readresp(p,rsp_txt); if(resp != 4 && resp != 2) { mp_msg(MSGT_OPEN,MSGL_ERR, "[ftp] Server didn't abort correctly: %s\n",rsp_txt); s->eof = 1; return 0; } // Send the ABOR command // Ignore the return code as sometimes it fail with "nothing to abort" FtpSendCmd("ABOR",p,rsp_txt); } return FtpOpenData(s,newpos); }
/* * FtpSysType - send a SYST command * * Fills in the user buffer with the remote system type. If more * information from the response is required, the user can parse * it out of the response buffer returned by FtpLastResponse(). * * return 1 if command successful, 0 otherwise */ GLOBALDEF int FtpSysType (char *buf, int max, netbuf *nControl) { int l = max; char *b = buf; char *s; if (!FtpSendCmd("SYST", '2', nControl)) return 0; s = &nControl->response[4]; while ((--l) && (*s != ' ')) *b++ = *s++; *b++ = '\0'; return 1; }
/* * FtpModDate - determine the modification date of a remote file * * return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise */ GLOBALDEF int FtpModDate (const char *path, char *dt, int max, netbuf *nControl) { char buf[256]; int rv = 1; if ((strlen(path) + 7) > sizeof (buf)) return 0; sprintf(buf, "MDTM %s", path); if (!FtpSendCmd(buf, '2', nControl)) rv = 0; else strncpy(dt, &nControl->response[4], max); return rv; }
/* * FtpPwd - get working directory at remote * * return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise */ GLOBALDEF int FtpPwd (char *path, int max, netbuf *nControl) { int l = max; char *b = path; char *s; if (!FtpSendCmd("PWD", '2', nControl)) return 0; s = strchr(nControl->response, '"'); if (s == NULL) return 0; s++; while ((--l) && (*s) && (*s != '"')) *b++ = *s++; *b++ = '\0'; return 1; }
static void close_f(stream_t *s) { struct stream_priv_s* p = s->priv; if(!p) return; if(s->fd > 0) { closesocket(s->fd); s->fd = 0; } FtpSendCmd("QUIT",p,NULL); if(p->handle) closesocket(p->handle); if(p->buf) free(p->buf); m_struct_free(&stream_opts,p); }
static int FtpSendCmd(const char *cmd, struct stream_priv_s *nControl,char* rsp) { int l = strlen(cmd); int hascrlf = cmd[l - 2] == '\r' && cmd[l - 1] == '\n'; if(hascrlf && l == 2) mp_msg(MSGT_STREAM,MSGL_V, "\n"); else mp_msg(MSGT_STREAM,MSGL_V, "[ftp] > %s",cmd); while(l > 0) { int s = send(nControl->handle,cmd,l,0); if(s <= 0) { mp_msg(MSGT_OPEN,MSGL_ERR, "[ftp] write error: %s\n",strerror(errno)); return 0; } cmd += s; l -= s; } if (hascrlf) return readresp(nControl,rsp); else return FtpSendCmd("\r\n", nControl, rsp); }
/* * FtpAccess - return a handle for a data stream * * return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise */ GLOBALDEF int FtpAccess(const char *path, int typ, int mode, netbuf *nControl, netbuf **nData) { char buf[256]; int dir; if ((path == NULL) && ((typ == FTPLIB_FILE_WRITE) || (typ == FTPLIB_FILE_READ))) { sprintf(nControl->response, "Missing path argument for file transfer\n"); return 0; } sprintf(buf, "TYPE %c", mode); if (!FtpSendCmd(buf, '2', nControl)) return 0; switch (typ) { case FTPLIB_DIR: strcpy(buf,"NLST"); dir = FTPLIB_READ; break; case FTPLIB_DIR_VERBOSE: strcpy(buf,"LIST"); dir = FTPLIB_READ; break; case FTPLIB_FILE_READ: strcpy(buf,"RETR"); dir = FTPLIB_READ; break; case FTPLIB_FILE_WRITE: strcpy(buf,"STOR"); dir = FTPLIB_WRITE; break; default: sprintf(nControl->response, "Invalid open type %d\n", typ); return 0; } if (path != NULL) { int i = strlen(buf); buf[i++] = ' '; if ((strlen(path) + i) >= sizeof(buf)) return 0; strcpy(&buf[i],path); } if (FtpOpenPort(nControl, nData, mode, dir) == -1) return 0; if (!FtpSendCmd(buf, '1', nControl)) { FtpClose(*nData); *nData = NULL; return 0; } (*nData)->ctrl = nControl; nControl->data = *nData; if (nControl->cmode == FTPLIB_PORT) { if (!FtpAcceptConnection(*nData,nControl)) { FtpClose(*nData); *nData = NULL; nControl->data = NULL; return 0; } } return 1; }
static int open_f(stream_t *stream,int mode, void* opts, int* file_format) { int len = 0,resp; struct stream_priv_s* p = (struct stream_priv_s*)opts; char str[256],rsp_txt[256]; if(mode != STREAM_READ) { mp_msg(MSGT_OPEN,MSGL_ERR, "[ftp] Unknown open mode %d\n",mode); m_struct_free(&stream_opts,opts); return STREAM_UNSUPPORTED; } if(!p->filename || !p->host) { mp_msg(MSGT_OPEN,MSGL_ERR, "[ftp] Bad url\n"); m_struct_free(&stream_opts,opts); return STREAM_ERROR; } // Open the control connection p->handle = connect2Server(p->host,p->port,1); if(p->handle < 0) { m_struct_free(&stream_opts,opts); return STREAM_ERROR; } // We got a connection, let's start serious things stream->fd = -1; stream->priv = p; p->buf = malloc(BUFSIZE); if (readresp(p, NULL) == 0) { close_f(stream); m_struct_free(&stream_opts,opts); return STREAM_ERROR; } // Login snprintf(str,255,"USER %s",p->user); resp = FtpSendCmd(str,p,rsp_txt); // password needed if(resp == 3) { snprintf(str,255,"PASS %s",p->pass); resp = FtpSendCmd(str,p,rsp_txt); if(resp != 2) { mp_msg(MSGT_OPEN,MSGL_ERR, "[ftp] command '%s' failed: %s\n",str,rsp_txt); close_f(stream); return STREAM_ERROR; } } else if(resp != 2) { mp_msg(MSGT_OPEN,MSGL_ERR, "[ftp] command '%s' failed: %s\n",str,rsp_txt); close_f(stream); return STREAM_ERROR; } // Set the transfer type resp = FtpSendCmd("TYPE I",p,rsp_txt); if(resp != 2) { mp_msg(MSGT_OPEN,MSGL_WARN, "[ftp] command 'TYPE I' failed: %s\n",rsp_txt); close_f(stream); return STREAM_ERROR; } // Get the filesize snprintf(str,255,"SIZE %s",p->filename); resp = FtpSendCmd(str,p,rsp_txt); if(resp != 2) { mp_msg(MSGT_OPEN,MSGL_WARN, "[ftp] command '%s' failed: %s\n",str,rsp_txt); } else { int dummy; sscanf(rsp_txt,"%d %d",&dummy,&len); } if(len > 0) { stream->seek = seek; stream->end_pos = len; } // The data connection is really opened only at the first // read/seek. This must be done when the cache is used // because the connection would stay open in the main process, // preventing correct abort with many servers. stream->fd = -1; stream->priv = p; stream->fill_buffer = fill_buffer; stream->close = close_f; return STREAM_OK; }
/* * FtpOpenPort - set up data connection * * return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise */ static int FtpOpenPort(netbuf *nControl, netbuf **nData, int mode, int dir) { int sData; union { struct sockaddr sa; struct sockaddr_in in; } sin; struct linger lng = { 0, 0 }; unsigned int l; int on=1; netbuf *ctrl; char *cp; unsigned int v[6]; char buf[256]; if (nControl->dir != FTPLIB_CONTROL) return -1; if ((dir != FTPLIB_READ) && (dir != FTPLIB_WRITE)) { sprintf(nControl->response, "Invalid direction %d\n", dir); return -1; } if ((mode != FTPLIB_ASCII) && (mode != FTPLIB_IMAGE)) { sprintf(nControl->response, "Invalid mode %c\n", mode); return -1; } l = sizeof(sin); if (nControl->cmode == FTPLIB_PASSIVE) { memset(&sin, 0, l); = AF_INET; if (!FtpSendCmd("PASV",'2',nControl)) return -1; cp = strchr(nControl->response,'('); if (cp == NULL) return -1; cp++; sscanf(cp,"%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u",&v[2],&v[3],&v[4],&v[5],&v[0],&v[1]);[2] = v[2];[3] = v[3];[4] = v[4];[5] = v[5];[0] = v[0];[1] = v[1]; } else { if (getsockname(nControl->handle, &, &l) < 0) { perror("getsockname"); return 0; } } sData = socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); if (sData == -1) { perror("socket"); return -1; } if (setsockopt(sData,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR, SETSOCKOPT_OPTVAL_TYPE &on,sizeof(on)) == -1) { perror("setsockopt"); net_close(sData); return -1; } if (setsockopt(sData,SOL_SOCKET,SO_LINGER, SETSOCKOPT_OPTVAL_TYPE &lng,sizeof(lng)) == -1) { perror("setsockopt"); net_close(sData); return -1; } if (nControl->cmode == FTPLIB_PASSIVE) { if (connect(sData, &, sizeof( == -1) { perror("connect"); net_close(sData); return -1; } } else { = 0; if (bind(sData, &, sizeof(sin)) == -1) { perror("bind"); net_close(sData); return 0; } if (listen(sData, 1) < 0) { perror("listen"); net_close(sData); return 0; } if (getsockname(sData, &, &l) < 0) return 0; sprintf(buf, "PORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", (unsigned char)[2], (unsigned char)[3], (unsigned char)[4], (unsigned char)[5], (unsigned char)[0], (unsigned char)[1]); if (!FtpSendCmd(buf,'2',nControl)) { net_close(sData); return 0; } } ctrl = calloc(1,sizeof(netbuf)); if (ctrl == NULL) { perror("calloc"); net_close(sData); return -1; } if ((mode == 'A') && ((ctrl->buf = malloc(FTPLIB_BUFSIZ)) == NULL)) { perror("calloc"); net_close(sData); free(ctrl); return -1; } ctrl->handle = sData; ctrl->dir = dir; ctrl->idletime = nControl->idletime; ctrl->idlearg = nControl->idlearg; ctrl->xfered = 0; ctrl->xfered1 = 0; ctrl->cbbytes = nControl->cbbytes; if (ctrl->idletime.tv_sec || ctrl->idletime.tv_usec || ctrl->cbbytes) ctrl->idlecb = nControl->idlecb; else ctrl->idlecb = NULL; *nData = ctrl; return 1; }
/* * FtpCDUp - move to parent directory at remote * * return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise */ GLOBALDEF int FtpCDUp(netbuf *nControl) { if (!FtpSendCmd("CDUP",'2',nControl)) return 0; return 1; }