GabbleConnection * gabble_call_member_get_connection (GabbleCallMember *self) { TpBaseChannel *base_chan = TP_BASE_CHANNEL (self->priv->call); return GABBLE_CONNECTION (tp_base_channel_get_connection (base_chan)); }
static void location_request_location ( TpSvcConnectionInterfaceLocation *iface, TpHandle handle, DBusGMethodInvocation *context) { GabbleConnection *self = GABBLE_CONNECTION (iface); TpBaseConnection *base = (TpBaseConnection *) self; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_handles = tp_base_connection_get_handles (base, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); const gchar *jid; WockyBareContact *contact; YetAnotherContextStruct *ctx; GError *error = NULL; if (!tp_handle_is_valid (contact_handles, handle, &error)) { dbus_g_method_return_error (context, error); g_error_free (error); return; } /* Oh! for GDBus. */ ctx = g_slice_new (YetAnotherContextStruct); ctx->self = g_object_ref (self); ctx->handle = handle; ctx->context = context; jid = tp_handle_inspect (contact_handles, handle); contact = ensure_bare_contact_from_jid (self, jid); DEBUG ("fetching location for '%s'", jid); wocky_pep_service_get_async (self->pep_location, contact, NULL, request_location_reply_cb, ctx); g_object_unref (contact); }
static gboolean poll_unread_mails_cb (gpointer user_data) { GabbleConnection *conn = GABBLE_CONNECTION (user_data); GabbleConnectionMailNotificationPrivate *priv = conn->mail_priv; if (priv->poll_count * POLL_DELAY >= POLL_DURATION) { DEBUG ("%i seconds since <new-mail>, stopping polling", priv->poll_count * POLL_DELAY); priv->poll_timeout_id = 0; priv->poll_count = 0; return FALSE; } priv->poll_count++; /* When no subscriber, keep counting time, but don't actually update the * data since nobody would care about it */ if (priv->interested) { update_unread_mails (conn); DEBUG ("%i seconds since <new-mail>, still polling", priv->poll_count * POLL_DELAY); } return TRUE; }
static void query_unread_mails_cb (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) { GError *error = NULL; WockyPorter *porter = WOCKY_PORTER (source_object); WockyStanza *reply = wocky_porter_send_iq_finish (porter, res, &error); GabbleConnection *conn = GABBLE_CONNECTION (user_data); if (reply == NULL || wocky_stanza_extract_errors (reply, NULL, &error, NULL, NULL)) { DEBUG ("Failed retreive unread emails information: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); } else if (conn->mail_priv->interested) { WockyNode *node = wocky_node_get_child ( wocky_stanza_get_top_node (reply), "mailbox"); DEBUG ("Got unread mail details"); if (node != NULL) store_unread_mails (conn, node); } /* else we no longer care about unread mail, so ignore it */ tp_clear_object (&reply); return_from_request_inbox_url (conn); }
void conn_location_properties_getter (GObject *object, GQuark interface, GQuark name, GValue *value, gpointer getter_data) { GabbleConnection *conn = GABBLE_CONNECTION (object); if (!tp_strdiff (g_quark_to_string (name), "LocationAccessControlTypes")) { guint access_control_type = TP_RICH_PRESENCE_ACCESS_CONTROL_TYPE_PUBLISH_LIST; GArray *access_control = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (guint), 1); g_array_append_val (access_control, access_control_type); g_value_take_boxed (value, access_control); } else if (!tp_strdiff (g_quark_to_string (name), "LocationAccessControl")) { GValueArray *access_control = g_value_array_new (2); GValue type = {0,}; GValue variant = {0,}; GValue *allocated_value; /* G_TYPE_UINT is the D-Bus type of TpRichPresenceAccessControlType */ g_value_init (&type, G_TYPE_UINT); g_value_set_uint (&type, TP_RICH_PRESENCE_ACCESS_CONTROL_TYPE_PUBLISH_LIST); g_value_array_append (access_control, &type); g_value_unset (&type); g_value_init (&variant, G_TYPE_VALUE); /* For Publish_List, the variant isn't used, so we set a dummy value, * (guint) 0 */ allocated_value = tp_g_value_slice_new (G_TYPE_UINT); g_value_set_uint (allocated_value, 0); g_value_set_boxed (&variant, allocated_value); g_value_array_append (access_control, &variant); g_value_unset (&variant); tp_g_value_slice_free (allocated_value); g_value_take_boxed (value, access_control); } else if (name == g_quark_from_static_string ("SupportedLocationFeatures")) { TpLocationFeatures flags = 0; if (conn->features & GABBLE_CONNECTION_FEATURES_PEP) flags |= TP_LOCATION_FEATURE_CAN_SET; g_value_set_uint (value, flags); } else { g_assert_not_reached (); } }
static void location_set_location (TpSvcConnectionInterfaceLocation *iface, GHashTable *location, DBusGMethodInvocation *context) { GabbleConnection *conn = GABBLE_CONNECTION (iface); LmMessage *msg; LmMessageNode *geoloc; WockyNode *item; GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key, value; GError *err = NULL; TP_BASE_CONNECTION_ERROR_IF_NOT_CONNECTED ((TpBaseConnection *) conn, context); if (!(conn->features & GABBLE_CONNECTION_FEATURES_PEP)) { GError error = { TP_ERRORS, TP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Server does not support PEP, cannot publish geolocation" }; dbus_g_method_return_error (context, &error); return; } gabble_connection_ensure_capabilities (conn, gabble_capabilities_get_geoloc_notify ()); msg = wocky_pep_service_make_publish_stanza (conn->pep_location, &item); geoloc = wocky_node_add_child_ns (item, "geoloc", NS_GEOLOC); DEBUG ("SetLocation to"); build_mapping_tables (); g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, location); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) { if (!add_to_geoloc_node ((const gchar *) key, (GValue *) value, geoloc, &err)) { DEBUG ("%s", err->message); dbus_g_method_return_error (context, err); g_error_free (err); goto out; } } if (!_gabble_connection_send_with_reply (conn, msg, set_location_sent_cb, G_OBJECT (conn), context, NULL)) { GError error = { TP_ERRORS, TP_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR, "Failed to send msg" }; dbus_g_method_return_error (context, &error); } out: lm_message_unref (msg); }
static void conn_power_saving_set_power_saving ( TpSvcConnectionInterfacePowerSaving *conn, gboolean enable, DBusGMethodInvocation *context) { GabbleConnection *self = GABBLE_CONNECTION (conn); TpBaseConnection *base = TP_BASE_CONNECTION (self); gboolean enabled; TP_BASE_CONNECTION_ERROR_IF_NOT_CONNECTED (base, context); g_object_get (G_OBJECT (self), "power-saving", &enabled, NULL); if (enable == enabled) { /* no-op */ tp_svc_connection_interface_power_saving_return_from_set_power_saving ( context); return; } DEBUG ("%sabling presence queueing", enable ? "en" : "dis"); /* google:queue is loosely described here: * <>. Since * April 2011, it is advertised as a stream feature by the Google Talk * server; the development version of M-Link, and possibly other servers, * also implement the protocol and advertise this stream feature. */ if (self->features & GABBLE_CONNECTION_FEATURES_GOOGLE_QUEUE) { ToggleQueueingContext *queueing_context; queueing_context = g_slice_new0 (ToggleQueueingContext); queueing_context->enabling = enable; queueing_context->dbus_context = context; google_queueing_send_command (self, enable ? "enable" : "disable", toggle_google_queueing_cb, queueing_context); } else { /* If the server doesn't support any method of queueing, we can still * do it locally by enabling power save mode on Wocky. */ WockyPorter *porter = gabble_connection_dup_porter (self); wocky_c2s_porter_enable_power_saving_mode (WOCKY_C2S_PORTER (porter), enable); DEBUG ("%sabled local stanza queueing", enable ? "En" : "Dis"); g_object_unref (porter); maybe_emit_power_saving_changed (self, enable); tp_svc_connection_interface_power_saving_return_from_set_power_saving ( context); } }
void conn_location_properties_getter (GObject *object, GQuark interface, GQuark name, GValue *value, gpointer getter_data) { GabbleConnection *conn = GABBLE_CONNECTION (object); if (!tp_strdiff (g_quark_to_string (name), "LocationAccessControlTypes")) { guint access_control_type = TP_RICH_PRESENCE_ACCESS_CONTROL_TYPE_PUBLISH_LIST; GArray *access_control = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (guint), 1); g_array_append_val (access_control, access_control_type); g_value_take_boxed (value, access_control); } else if (!tp_strdiff (g_quark_to_string (name), "LocationAccessControl")) { GValueArray *access_control; GValue dummy = G_VALUE_INIT; /* For Publish_List, the variant isn't used, so we set a dummy value, * (guint) 0 */ g_value_init (&dummy, G_TYPE_UINT); g_value_set_uint (&dummy, 0); access_control = tp_value_array_build (2, G_TYPE_UINT, (guint) TP_RICH_PRESENCE_ACCESS_CONTROL_TYPE_PUBLISH_LIST, G_TYPE_VALUE, &dummy, G_TYPE_INVALID); g_value_unset (&dummy); g_value_take_boxed (value, access_control); } else if (name == g_quark_from_static_string ("SupportedLocationFeatures")) { TpLocationFeatures flags = 0; if (conn->features & GABBLE_CONNECTION_FEATURES_PEP) flags |= TP_LOCATION_FEATURE_CAN_SET; g_value_set_uint (value, flags); } else { g_assert_not_reached (); } }
static void gabble_mail_notification_request_mail_url ( TpSvcConnectionInterfaceMailNotification *iface, const gchar *in_id, const GValue *in_url_data, DBusGMethodInvocation *context) { GabbleConnection *conn = GABBLE_CONNECTION (iface); GabbleConnectionMailNotificationPrivate *priv = conn->mail_priv; if (check_supported_or_dbus_return (conn, context)) return; /* TODO Make sure we don't have to authenticate again */ if (priv->inbox_url != NULL && priv->inbox_url[0] != 0) { GValueArray *result; gchar *url = NULL; GPtrArray *empty_array; /* IDs are decimal on the XMPP side and hexadecimal on the wemail side. */ guint64 tid = g_ascii_strtoull (in_id, NULL, 0); url = g_strdup_printf ("%s/#inbox/%" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "x", priv->inbox_url, tid); empty_array = g_ptr_array_new (); result = tp_value_array_build (3, G_TYPE_STRING, url ? url : "", G_TYPE_UINT, TP_HTTP_METHOD_GET, TP_ARRAY_TYPE_HTTP_POST_DATA_LIST, empty_array, G_TYPE_INVALID); tp_svc_connection_interface_mail_notification_return_from_request_mail_url ( context, result); g_value_array_free (result); g_ptr_array_free (empty_array, TRUE); g_free (url); } else { GError error = { TP_ERRORS, TP_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR, "Failed to retrieve URL from server."}; dbus_g_method_return_error (context, &error); } }
static void gabble_mail_notification_request_inbox_url ( TpSvcConnectionInterfaceMailNotification *iface, DBusGMethodInvocation *context) { GabbleConnection *conn = GABBLE_CONNECTION (iface); GabbleConnectionMailNotificationPrivate *priv = conn->mail_priv; if (check_supported_or_dbus_return (conn, context)) return; /* TODO Make sure we don't have to authenticate again */ priv->inbox_url_requests = g_list_append (priv->inbox_url_requests, context); if (priv->inbox_url != NULL) return_from_request_inbox_url (conn); }
static void location_get_locations (TpSvcConnectionInterfaceLocation *iface, const GArray *contacts, DBusGMethodInvocation *context) { GabbleConnection *conn = GABBLE_CONNECTION (iface); TpBaseConnection *base = (TpBaseConnection *) conn; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_handles; guint i; GError *error = NULL; GHashTable *return_locations = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify) g_hash_table_unref); DEBUG ("GetLocation for contacts:"); gabble_connection_ensure_capabilities (conn, gabble_capabilities_get_geoloc_notify ()); /* Validate contacts */ contact_handles = tp_base_connection_get_handles (base, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); if (!tp_handles_are_valid (contact_handles, contacts, TRUE, &error)) { dbus_g_method_return_error (context, error); g_error_free (error); g_hash_table_unref (return_locations); return; } for (i = 0; i < contacts->len; i++) { TpHandle contact = g_array_index (contacts, TpHandle, i); GHashTable *location = get_cached_location (conn, contact); if (location != NULL) g_hash_table_insert (return_locations, GUINT_TO_POINTER (contact), location); } tp_svc_connection_interface_location_return_from_get_locations (context, return_locations); g_hash_table_unref (return_locations); }
static void toggle_google_queueing_cb (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) { GabbleConnection *self = GABBLE_CONNECTION (source_object); ToggleQueueingContext *queueing_context = (ToggleQueueingContext *) user_data; GError *error = NULL; gboolean enabling; enabling = queueing_context->enabling; if (!conn_util_send_iq_finish (self, res, NULL, &error)) { DEBUG ("Failed to %sable queueing: %s", enabling ? "en" : "dis", error->message); enabling = FALSE; dbus_g_method_return_error (queueing_context->dbus_context, error); g_error_free (error); } else { DEBUG ("%sabled queueing", enabling ? "en" : "dis"); tp_svc_connection_interface_power_saving_return_from_set_power_saving ( queueing_context->dbus_context); if (!enabling) google_queueing_send_command (self, "flush", NULL, NULL); } maybe_emit_power_saving_changed (self, enabling); g_slice_free (ToggleQueueingContext, queueing_context); }
static void conn_location_fill_contact_attributes (GObject *obj, const GArray *contacts, GHashTable *attributes_hash) { GabbleConnection *self = GABBLE_CONNECTION (obj); guint i; for (i = 0; i < contacts->len; i++) { TpHandle handle = g_array_index (contacts, TpHandle, i); GHashTable *location = get_cached_location (self, handle); if (location != NULL) { GValue *val = tp_g_value_slice_new_take_boxed ( TP_HASH_TYPE_STRING_VARIANT_MAP, location); tp_contacts_mixin_set_contact_attribute (attributes_hash, handle, TP_IFACE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_LOCATION"/location", val); } } }
static gboolean new_mail_handler (WockyPorter *porter, WockyStanza *stanza, gpointer user_data) { GabbleConnection *conn = GABBLE_CONNECTION (user_data); if (conn->mail_priv->interested) { DEBUG ("Got Google <new-mail> notification"); update_unread_mails (conn); conn->mail_priv->poll_count = 0; if (conn->mail_priv->poll_timeout_id == 0) { DEBUG ("Starting to poll mail for next %i seconds", POLL_DURATION); conn->mail_priv->poll_timeout_id = g_timeout_add_seconds ( POLL_DELAY, (GSourceFunc) poll_unread_mails_cb, conn); } } return TRUE; }