コード例 #1
GrB_Info GB_emult           // C = A.*B
    GrB_Matrix *Chandle,    // output matrix (unallocated on input)
    const GrB_Type ctype,   // type of output matrix C
    const bool C_is_csc,    // format of output matrix C
    const GrB_Matrix A,     // input A matrix
    const GrB_Matrix B,     // input B matrix
    const GrB_BinaryOp op,  // op to perform C = op (A,B)
    GB_Context Context

    // check inputs

    ASSERT (Chandle != NULL) ;
    ASSERT_OK (GB_check (A, "A for C=A.*B", GB0)) ;
    ASSERT_OK (GB_check (B, "B for C=A.*B", GB0)) ;
    ASSERT_OK (GB_check (op, "op for C=A.*B", GB0)) ;
    ASSERT (A->vdim == A->vdim && B->vlen == A->vlen) ;

    ASSERT (GB_Type_compatible (ctype,   op->ztype)) ;
    ASSERT (GB_Type_compatible (A->type, op->xtype)) ;
    ASSERT (GB_Type_compatible (B->type, op->ytype)) ;

    (*Chandle) = NULL ;

    // allocate the output matrix C

    // C is hypersparse if A or B are hypersparse (contrast with GB_add)
    bool C_is_hyper = (A->is_hyper || B->is_hyper) && (A->vdim > 1) ;

    // [ allocate the result C; C->p is malloc'd
    // worst case nnz (C) is min (nnz (A), nnz (B))
    GrB_Info info ;
    GrB_Matrix C = NULL ;           // allocate a new header for C
    GB_CREATE (&C, ctype, A->vlen, A->vdim, GB_Ap_malloc, C_is_csc,
        GB_SAME_HYPER_AS (C_is_hyper), B->hyper_ratio,
        GB_IMIN (A->nvec_nonempty, B->nvec_nonempty),
        GB_IMIN (GB_NNZ (A), GB_NNZ (B)), true) ;
    if (info != GrB_SUCCESS)
        return (info) ;

    // get functions and type sizes

    GB_cast_function cast_A_to_X, cast_B_to_Y, cast_Z_to_C ;

    cast_A_to_X = GB_cast_factory (op->xtype->code, A->type->code) ;
    cast_B_to_Y = GB_cast_factory (op->ytype->code, B->type->code) ;
    cast_Z_to_C = GB_cast_factory (C->type->code,   op->ztype->code) ;

    // If types are user-defined, the cast* function is just
    // GB_copy_user_user, which requires the size of the type.  No typecast is
    // done.

    GxB_binary_function fmult = op->function ;

    size_t xsize = op->xtype->size ;
    size_t ysize = op->ytype->size ;
    size_t zsize = op->ztype->size ;
    size_t asize = A->type->size ;
    size_t bsize = B->type->size ;
    size_t csize = C->type->size ;

    // no typecasting needed if all the types match the operator
    bool nocasting =
        (A->type->code == op->xtype->code) &&
        (B->type->code == op->ytype->code) &&
        (C->type->code == op->ztype->code) ;

    // scalar workspace
    char xwork [nocasting ? 1 : xsize] ;
    char ywork [nocasting ? 1 : ysize] ;
    char zwork [nocasting ? 1 : zsize] ;

    // C = A .* B, where .*+ is defined by z=fmult(x,y)

    int64_t *Ci = C->i ;
    GB_void *Cx = C->x ;

    int64_t jlast, cnz, cnz_last ;
    GB_jstartup (C, &jlast, &cnz, &cnz_last) ;

    const int64_t *Ai = A->i, *Bi = B->i ;
    const GB_void *Ax = A->x, *Bx = B->x ;

    GB_for_each_vector2 (A, B)

        // get the next column, A (:,j) and B (:j)

        int64_t GBI2_initj (Iter, j, pa, pa_end, pb, pb_end) ;
        int64_t ajnz = pa_end - pa ;
        int64_t bjnz = pb_end - pb ;

        // compute C (:,j): pattern is the set intersection

        if (ajnz == 0 || bjnz == 0)

            // one or both columns are empty; set intersection is empty

        else if (Ai [pa_end-1] < Bi [pb])

            // all entries in A are in lower row indices than all the
            // entries in B; set intersection is empty

        else if (Bi [pb_end-1] < Ai [pa])
            // all entries in B are in lower row indices than all the
            // entries in A; set intersection is empty

        else if (ajnz > 256 * bjnz)

            // A (:,j) has many more nonzeros than B (:,j)

            for ( ; pa < pa_end && pb < pb_end ; )
                int64_t ia = Ai [pa] ;
                int64_t ib = Bi [pb] ;
                if (ia < ib)
                    // A (ia,j) appears before B (ib,j)
                    // discard all entries A (ia:ib-1,j)
                    int64_t pleft = pa + 1 ;
                    int64_t pright = pa_end ;
                    GB_BINARY_TRIM_SEARCH (ib, Ai, pleft, pright) ;
                    ASSERT (pleft > pa) ;
                    pa = pleft ;
                else if (ia > ib)
                    // B (ib,j) appears before A (ia,j)
                    pb++ ;
                else // ia == ib
                    // A (i,j) and B (i,j) match
                    GB_EMULT ;

        else if (bjnz > 256 * ajnz)

            // B (:,j) has many more nonzeros than A (:,j)

            for ( ; pa < pa_end && pb < pb_end ; )
                int64_t ia = Ai [pa] ;
                int64_t ib = Bi [pb] ;
                if (ia < ib)
                    // A (ia,j) appears before B (ib,j)
                    pa++ ;
                else if (ia > ib)
                    // B (ib,j) appears before A (ia,j)
                    // discard all entries B (ib:ia-1,j)
                    int64_t pleft = pb + 1 ;
                    int64_t pright = pb_end ;
                    GB_BINARY_TRIM_SEARCH (ia, Bi, pleft, pright) ;
                    ASSERT (pleft > pb) ;
                    pb = pleft ;
                else // ia == ib
                    // A (i,j) and B (i,j) match
                    GB_EMULT ;


            // A (:,j) and B (:,j) have about the same number of entries

            for ( ; pa < pa_end && pb < pb_end ; )
                int64_t ia = Ai [pa] ;
                int64_t ib = Bi [pb] ;
                if (ia < ib)
                    // A (ia,j) appears before B (ib,j)
                    pa++ ;
                else if (ia > ib)
                    // B (ib,j) appears before A (ia,j)
                    pb++ ;
                else // ia == ib
                    // A (i,j) and B (i,j) match
                    GB_EMULT ;

        // finalize C(:,j)

        // this cannot fail since C->plen is the upper bound: min of the
        // non-empty vectors of A and B
        info = GB_jappend (C, j, &jlast, cnz, &cnz_last, Context) ;
        ASSERT (info == GrB_SUCCESS) ;

        #if 0
        // if it could fail, do this:
        if (info != GrB_SUCCESS) { GB_MATRIX_FREE (&C) ; return (info) ; }
コード例 #2
GrB_Info GB_to_hyper        // convert a matrix to hypersparse
    GrB_Matrix A,           // matrix to convert to hypersparse
    GB_Context Context

    // check inputs

    // GB_subref_numeric can return a matrix with jumbled columns, since it
    // soon be transposed (and sorted) in GB_accum_mask.  However, it passes
    // the jumbled matrix to GB_to_hyper_conform.  This function does not
    // access the row indices at all, so it works fine if the columns have
    // jumbled row indices.

    ASSERT_OK_OR_JUMBLED (GB_check (A, "A converting to hypersparse", GB0)) ;

    #ifndef NDEBUG
    GrB_Info info ;

    // convert A to hypersparse form

    if (!A->is_hyper)
        ASSERT (A->h == NULL) ;
        ASSERT (A->nvec == A->plen && A->plen == A->vdim) ;

        // count the number of non-empty vectors in A

        int64_t *restrict Ap_old = A->p ;
        bool Ap_old_shallow = A->p_shallow ;

        int64_t n = A->vdim ;
        int64_t nvec_new = A->nvec_nonempty ;

        // allocate the new A->p and A->h

        int64_t *restrict Ap_new ;
        int64_t *restrict Ah_new ;
        GB_MALLOC_MEMORY (Ap_new, nvec_new+1, sizeof (int64_t)) ;
        GB_MALLOC_MEMORY (Ah_new, nvec_new,   sizeof (int64_t)) ;
        if (Ap_new == NULL || Ah_new == NULL)
            // out of memory
            A->is_hyper = true ;    // A is hypersparse, but otherwise invalid
            GB_FREE_MEMORY (Ap_new, nvec_new+1, sizeof (int64_t)) ;
            GB_FREE_MEMORY (Ah_new, nvec_new,   sizeof (int64_t)) ;
            GB_CONTENT_FREE (A) ;
            return (GB_OUT_OF_MEMORY (GBYTES (2*nvec_new+1, sizeof (int64_t))));

        // transplant the new A->p and A->h into the matrix

        // this must be done here so that GB_jappend, just below, can be used.

        A->is_hyper = true ;
        A->plen = nvec_new ;
        A->nvec = 0 ;

        A->p = Ap_new ;
        A->h = Ah_new ;
        A->p_shallow = false ;
        A->h_shallow = false ;

        // construct the new hyperlist in the new A->p and A->h

        int64_t jlast, anz, anz_last ;
        GB_jstartup (A, &jlast, &anz, &anz_last) ;

        for (int64_t j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
            anz = Ap_old [j+1] ;
            ASSERT (A->nvec <= A->plen) ;
            #ifndef NDEBUG
            info = 
            GB_jappend (A, j, &jlast, anz, &anz_last, Context) ;
            ASSERT (info == GrB_SUCCESS) ;
            ASSERT (A->nvec <= A->plen) ;
        GB_jwrapup (A, jlast, anz) ;
        ASSERT (A->nvec == nvec_new) ;
        ASSERT (A->nvec_nonempty == nvec_new) ;

        // free the old A->p unless it's shallow

        // this cannot use GB_ph_free because the new A->p content has already
        // been placed into A, as required by GB_jappend just above.

        if (!Ap_old_shallow)
            GB_FREE_MEMORY (Ap_old, n+1, sizeof (int64_t)) ;

    // A is now in hypersparse form

    ASSERT_OK_OR_JUMBLED (GB_check (A, "A converted to hypersparse", GB0)) ;
    ASSERT (A->is_hyper) ;
    return (GrB_SUCCESS) ;