コード例 #1
ファイル: vhtjako.c プロジェクト: jedbrown/dohp
static dErr JakoFindPixel(VHTCase scase,const dReal x[3],dInt *ix,dInt *iy)
  VHTCase_Jako *jako = scase->data;
  double xpixel,ypixel;
  dInt i,j;

  *ix = -1;
  *iy = -1;
  if (x[0] < scase->bbox[0][0] || scase->bbox[0][1] < x[0])
    dERROR(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"x[0]=%f not in bounding box %f:%f",x[0],scase->bbox[0][0],scase->bbox[0][1]);
  if (x[1] < scase->bbox[1][0] || scase->bbox[1][1] < x[1])
    dERROR(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"x[1]=%f not in bounding box %f:%f",x[1],scase->bbox[1][0],scase->bbox[1][1]);
  i = (dInt)xpixel;
  j = (dInt)ypixel;
  if (i < 0 || jako->nx <= i) dERROR(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Computed xp=%D not in range %D:%D",i,0,jako->nx);
  if (j < 0 || jako->ny <= j) dERROR(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Computed yp=%D not in range %D:%D",j,0,jako->ny);
  *ix = i;
  *iy = j;
コード例 #2
ファイル: vhtjako.c プロジェクト: jedbrown/dohp
static dErr VHTCaseSetUp_Jako(VHTCase scase)
  VHTCase_Jako *jako = scase->data;
  dErr err;
  OGRErr oerr;

  jako->utmref = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
  oerr = OSRSetProjCS(jako->utmref,"UTM 22N (WGS84)");dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS(jako->utmref,"WGS84");dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetUTM(jako->utmref,22,1);dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetLinearUnits(jako->utmref,SRS_UL_METER,1.0);dOGRCHK(oerr);

  jako->llref  = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
  oerr = OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS(jako->llref,"WGS84");dOGRCHK(oerr);

  jako->ianref = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
  oerr = OSRSetProjCS(jako->ianref,"Stereographic Greenland (WGS84)");dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS(jako->ianref,"WGS84");dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetStereographic(jako->ianref,70.0,-45.0,100.0,-217.75e3,-2302.0e3);dOGRCHK(oerr);

  // The computational domain is in UTM 22N
  jako->myref = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
  oerr = OSRSetProjCS(jako->myref,"Computational Domain: UTM 22N (WGS84)");dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS(jako->myref,"WGS84");dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetUTM(jako->myref,22,1);dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetLinearUnits(jako->myref,SRS_UL_METER,1.0);dOGRCHK(oerr);

  jako->fromutm = OCTNewCoordinateTransformation(jako->utmref,jako->myref);
  jako->fromll  = OCTNewCoordinateTransformation(jako->llref,jako->myref);
  jako->fromian = OCTNewCoordinateTransformation(jako->ianref,jako->myref);

  if (jako->verbose) {err = VHTCaseView_Jako(scase,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD);dCHK(err);}

  if (1) {
    GDALProgressFunc gdalprogress = jako->verbose ? GDALTermProgress : GDALDummyProgress;
    double x0,y0,Lx,Ly,dx,dy;
    GDALDatasetH filedata;
    GDALErr gerr;
    GDALRasterBandH band;
    CPLErr cplerr;

    x0 = scase->bbox[0][0];
    y0 = scase->bbox[1][0];
    Lx = scase->bbox[0][1] - x0;
    Ly = scase->bbox[1][1] - y0;
    // It appears from gdalwarp.cpp that pixels are cell centered
    dx = Lx / jako->nx;
    dy = Ly / jako->ny;

    // Extend the domain in the positive direction for slope evaluation
    jako->nx += 2;
    jako->ny += 2;
    Lx += 2*dx;
    Ly += 2*dy;

    // Convert a pixel to a physical coordinate in the current projection
    jako->mygeo[0] = x0 + dx/2;
    jako->mygeo[1] = dx;
    jako->mygeo[2] = 0;
    jako->mygeo[3] = y0 + Ly - dy/2; // Physical coordinates are "y up", pixels are "y down"
    jako->mygeo[4] = 0;
    jako->mygeo[5] = -dy;

    // Convert a physical coordinate in the current projection to a pixel coordinate
    gerr = GDALInvGeoTransform(jako->mygeo,jako->myinvgeo);dGDALCHK(gerr);
    if (jako->verbose) {
      dInt i,j;
      double a,b;
      err = dRealTableView(3,2,&scase->bbox[0][0],PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD,"bbox");dCHK(err);
      err = dRealTableView(2,3,jako->mygeo,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD,"mygeo");dCHK(err);
      GDALApplyGeoTransform(jako->mygeo,0,0,&a,&b); printf("geo[0,0] = %f,%f\n",a,b);
      GDALApplyGeoTransform(jako->mygeo,1,1,&a,&b); printf("geo[1,1] = %f,%f\n",a,b);
      GDALApplyGeoTransform(jako->mygeo,0.5,0.5,&a,&b); printf("geo[0.5,0.5] = %f,%f\n",a,b);
      err = JakoFindPixel(scase,(dReal[]){scase->bbox[0][0],scase->bbox[1][0]},&i,&j);dCHK(err);
      printf("xmin,ymin: (%d,%d)\n",i,j);
      err = JakoFindPixel(scase,(dReal[]){scase->bbox[0][1],scase->bbox[1][1]},&i,&j);dCHK(err);
      printf("xmax,ymax: (%d,%d)\n",i,j);
コード例 #3
ファイル: gdalmatching.cpp プロジェクト: AsgerPetersen/gdal
/** GDALComputeMatchingPoints. TODO document */
GDALComputeMatchingPoints( GDALDatasetH hFirstImage,
                           GDALDatasetH hSecondImage,
                           char **papszOptions,
                           int *pnGCPCount )
    *pnGCPCount = 0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Override default algorithm parameters.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nOctaveStart, nOctaveEnd;
    double dfSURFThreshold;

    nOctaveStart =atoi(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "OCTAVE_START", "2"));
    nOctaveEnd = atoi(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "OCTAVE_END", "2"));

    dfSURFThreshold = CPLAtof(
        CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "SURF_THRESHOLD", "0.001"));
    const double dfMatchingThreshold = CPLAtof(
        CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "MATCHING_THRESHOLD", "0.015"));

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Identify the bands to use.  For now we are effectively          */
/*      limited to using RGB input so if we have one band only treat    */
/*      it as red=green=blue=band 1.  Disallow non eightbit imagery.    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int anBandMap1[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };
    if( GDALGetRasterCount(hFirstImage) >= 3 )
        anBandMap1[1] = 2;
        anBandMap1[2] = 3;

    int anBandMap2[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };
    if( GDALGetRasterCount(hSecondImage) >= 3 )
        anBandMap2[1] = 2;
        anBandMap2[2] = 3;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collect reference points on each image.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    std::vector<GDALFeaturePoint> *poFPCollection1 =
        GatherFeaturePoints(reinterpret_cast<GDALDataset *>(hFirstImage),
                            nOctaveStart, nOctaveEnd, dfSURFThreshold);
    if( poFPCollection1 == nullptr )
        return nullptr;

    std::vector<GDALFeaturePoint> *poFPCollection2 =
        GatherFeaturePoints(reinterpret_cast<GDALDataset *>(hSecondImage),
                            nOctaveStart, nOctaveEnd,

    if( poFPCollection2 == nullptr )
        delete poFPCollection1;
        return nullptr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to find corresponding locations.                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    std::vector<GDALFeaturePoint *> oMatchPairs;

    if( CE_None != GDALSimpleSURF::MatchFeaturePoints(
        &oMatchPairs, poFPCollection1, poFPCollection2,
        dfMatchingThreshold ))
        delete poFPCollection1;
        delete poFPCollection2;
        return nullptr;

    *pnGCPCount = static_cast<int>(oMatchPairs.size()) / 2;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Translate these into GCPs - but with the output coordinate      */
/*      system being pixel/line on the second image.                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDAL_GCP *pasGCPList =
        static_cast<GDAL_GCP*>(CPLCalloc(*pnGCPCount, sizeof(GDAL_GCP)));

    GDALInitGCPs(*pnGCPCount, pasGCPList);

    for( int i=0; i < *pnGCPCount; i++ )
        GDALFeaturePoint *poPoint1 = oMatchPairs[i*2  ];
        GDALFeaturePoint *poPoint2 = oMatchPairs[i*2+1];

        pasGCPList[i].dfGCPPixel = poPoint1->GetX() + 0.5;
        pasGCPList[i].dfGCPLine = poPoint1->GetY() + 0.5;

        pasGCPList[i].dfGCPX = poPoint2->GetX() + 0.5;
        pasGCPList[i].dfGCPY = poPoint2->GetY() + 0.5;
        pasGCPList[i].dfGCPZ = 0.0;

    // Cleanup the feature point lists.
    delete poFPCollection1;
    delete poFPCollection2;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Optionally transform into the georef coordinates of the         */
/*      output image.                                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const bool bGeorefOutput =
        CPLTestBool(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "OUTPUT_GEOREF", "NO"));

    if( bGeorefOutput )
        double adfGeoTransform[6] = {};

        GDALGetGeoTransform( hSecondImage, adfGeoTransform );

        for( int i=0; i < *pnGCPCount; i++ )

    return pasGCPList;
コード例 #4
ファイル: rasterdataset.cpp プロジェクト: jacklibj/redowxGIS
bool wxGISRasterDataset::Open(void)
		return true;

	wxCriticalSectionLocker locker(m_CritSect);

	m_poDataset = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpen( wgWX2MB(m_sPath.c_str()), GA_ReadOnly );
	if( m_poDataset == NULL )
		return false;

	int nXSize = m_poDataset->GetRasterXSize();
	int nYSize = m_poDataset->GetRasterYSize();

	bool bHasOverviews = false;

	char** papszFileList = m_poDataset->GetFileList();
	if ( CSLCount(papszFileList) == 0 )
		wxLogDebug(wxT( "Files: none associated" ));
		wxLogDebug(wxT("Files: %s"), wgMB2WX(papszFileList[0]) );
		for (int i = 1; papszFileList[i] != NULL; i++)
			wxString sFileName = wgMB2WX(papszFileList[i]);
			if(sFileName.Find(wxT(".rrd")) != wxNOT_FOUND || sFileName.Find(wxT(".ovr")) != wxNOT_FOUND)
				bHasOverviews = true;
			wxLogDebug( wxT("       %s"), sFileName.c_str() );
	CSLDestroy( papszFileList );

	CPLSetConfigOption( "USE_RRD", "YES" );
	CPLSetConfigOption( "HFA_USE_RRD", "YES" );
	CPLSetConfigOption( "COMPRESS_OVERVIEW", "LZW" );

	bool bAskCreateOvr = false; 
	if(!bHasOverviews && bAskCreateOvr)
		int anOverviewList[5] = { 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 };
		CPLErr err = m_poDataset->BuildOverviews( "CUBIC", 5, anOverviewList, 0, NULL, GDALDummyProgress, NULL );


	m_psExtent = new OGREnvelope();
	double adfGeoTransform[6];
	if(m_poDataset->GetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform ) != CE_Fatal )
		double inX[4];
		double inY[4];

		inX[0] = 0;
		inY[0] = 0;
		inX[1] = nXSize;
		inY[1] = 0;
		inX[2] = nXSize;
		inY[2] = nYSize;
		inX[3] = 0;
		inY[3] = nYSize;

		m_psExtent->MaxX = 0;
		m_psExtent->MaxY = 0;
		m_psExtent->MinX = 1000000000;
		m_psExtent->MinY = 1000000000;
		for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			double rX, rY;
			GDALApplyGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform, inX[i], inY[i], &rX, &rY);
			if(m_psExtent->MaxX < rX)
				m_psExtent->MaxX = rX;
			if(m_psExtent->MinX > rX)
				m_psExtent->MinX = rX;
			if(m_psExtent->MaxY < rY)
				m_psExtent->MaxY = rY;
			if(m_psExtent->MinY > rY)
				m_psExtent->MinY = rY;
		m_psExtent = NULL;

	m_bIsOpened = true;
	return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: rasterdataset.cpp プロジェクト: jacklibj/r5
bool wxGISRasterDataset::Open(void)
		return true;

	wxCriticalSectionLocker locker(m_CritSect);

	m_poDataset = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpen( wgWX2MB(m_sPath.c_str()), GA_ReadOnly );
	if( m_poDataset == NULL )
		return false;

	int nXSize = m_poDataset->GetRasterXSize();
	int nYSize = m_poDataset->GetRasterYSize();

	bool bHasOverviews = false;

	char** papszFileList = m_poDataset->GetFileList();
    if( CSLCount(papszFileList) == 0 )
        wxLogDebug(wxT( "Files: none associated" ));
        wxLogDebug(wxT("Files: %s"), wgMB2WX(papszFileList[0]) );
        for(int i = 1; papszFileList[i] != NULL; i++ )
			wxString sFileName = wgMB2WX(papszFileList[i]);
			if(sFileName.Find(wxT(".rrd")) != wxNOT_FOUND || sFileName.Find(wxT(".ovr")) != wxNOT_FOUND)
				bHasOverviews = true;
			wxLogDebug( wxT("       %s"), sFileName.c_str() );
    CSLDestroy( papszFileList );

	CPLSetConfigOption( "USE_RRD", "YES" );
	CPLSetConfigOption( "HFA_USE_RRD", "YES" );
	CPLSetConfigOption( "COMPRESS_OVERVIEW", "LZW" );

	bool bAskCreateOvr = false;
	if(!bHasOverviews && bAskCreateOvr)
		int anOverviewList[5] = { 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 };
		CPLErr err = m_poDataset->BuildOverviews( "CUBIC", 5, anOverviewList, 0, NULL, GDALDummyProgress, NULL );

	//GDALDriver* pDrv = m_poDataset->GetDriver();
	//const char* desc = pDrv->GetDescription();
	//wxLogDebug( wxT("Driver: %s/%s"), wgMB2WX(GDALGetDriverShortName( pDrv )), wgMB2WX(GDALGetDriverLongName( pDrv )) );

	//char** papszMetadata = m_poDataset->GetMetadata();
 //   if( CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
 //   {
 //       wxLogDebug( wxT( "Metadata:" ));
 //       for(int i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
 //       {
 //           wxLogDebug( wxT( "  %s"), wgMB2WX(papszMetadata[i]) );
 //       }
 //   }

	///* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	///*      Report "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" metadata.                              */
	///* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 //   papszMetadata = m_poDataset->GetMetadata("IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
 //   if( CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
 //   {
 //       wxLogDebug( wxT( "Image Structure Metadata:" ));
 //       for(int i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
 //       {
 //           wxLogDebug( wxT(  "  %s"), wgMB2WX(papszMetadata[i]) );
 //       }
 //   }

	///* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	///*      Report subdatasets.                                             */
	///* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 //   papszMetadata = m_poDataset->GetMetadata("SUBDATASETS");
 //   if( CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
 //   {
 //       wxLogDebug( wxT( "Subdatasets:" ));
 //       for(int i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
 //       {
 //           wxLogDebug( wxT( "  %s"), wgMB2WX(papszMetadata[i]) );
 //       }
 //   }

	///* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	///*      Report geolocation.                                             */
	///* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 //   papszMetadata = m_poDataset->GetMetadata("GEOLOCATION");
 //   if( CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
 //   {
 //       wxLogDebug( wxT( "Geolocation:" ));
 //       for(int i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
 //       {
 //           wxLogDebug( wxT( "  %s"), wgMB2WX(papszMetadata[i]) );
 //       }
 //   }

	///* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	///*      Report RPCs                                                     */
	///* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 //   papszMetadata = m_poDataset->GetMetadata("RPC");
 //   if( CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
 //   {
 //       wxLogDebug( wxT( "RPC Metadata:" ));
 //       for(int i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
 //       {
 //           wxLogDebug( wxT( "  %s"), wgMB2WX(papszMetadata[i]) );
 //       }
 //   }

	//for(int nBand = 0; nBand < m_poDataset->GetRasterCount(); nBand++ )
 //   {
 //       double      dfMin, dfMax, adfCMinMax[2], dfNoData;
 //       int         bGotMin, bGotMax, bGotNodata, bSuccess;
 //       int         nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, nMaskFlags;
 //       double      dfMean, dfStdDev;
 //       GDALColorTable*	hTable;
 //       CPLErr      eErr;

	//	GDALRasterBand* pBand = m_poDataset->GetRasterBand(nBand + 1);

 //       //if( bSample )
 //       //{
 //       //    float afSample[10000];
 //       //    int   nCount;

 //       //    nCount = GDALGetRandomRasterSample( hBand, 10000, afSample );
 //       //    printf( "Got %d samples.\n", nCount );
 //       //}
	//	pBand->GetBlockSize(&nBlockXSize, &nBlockYSize);
	//	wxLogDebug( wxT( "Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%s, ColorInterp=%s"), nBand + 1, nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, wgMB2WX(GDALGetDataTypeName(pBand->GetRasterDataType())), wgMB2WX(GDALGetColorInterpretationName(pBand->GetColorInterpretation())));

	//	wxString sDescription = wgMB2WX(pBand->GetDescription());
 //       wxLogDebug( wxT( "  Description = %s"), sDescription.c_str());

	//	dfMin = pBand->GetMinimum(&bGotMin);
	//	dfMax = pBand->GetMaximum(&bGotMax);
 //       if( bGotMin || bGotMax )
 //       {
 //           if( bGotMin )
 //               wxLogDebug( wxT( "Min=%.3f "), dfMin );
 //           if( bGotMax )
 //               wxLogDebug( wxT( "Max=%.3f "), dfMax );
	//		pBand->ComputeRasterMinMax(FALSE, adfCMinMax );
 //           wxLogDebug( wxT("  Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f"), adfCMinMax[0], adfCMinMax[1] );
 //       }

 //       eErr = pBand->GetStatistics(TRUE, TRUE, &dfMin, &dfMax, &dfMean, &dfStdDev );
 //       if( eErr == CE_None )
 //       {
 //           wxLogDebug( wxT("  Minimum=%.3f, Maximum=%.3f, Mean=%.3f, StdDev=%.3f"), dfMin, dfMax, dfMean, dfStdDev );
 //       }

 //       //if( bReportHistograms )
 //       //{
 //       //    int nBucketCount, *panHistogram = NULL;

 //       //    eErr = GDALGetDefaultHistogram( hBand, &dfMin, &dfMax, 
 //       //                                    &nBucketCount, &panHistogram, 
 //       //                                    TRUE, GDALTermProgress, NULL );
 //       //    if( eErr == CE_None )
 //       //    {
 //       //        int iBucket;

 //       //        printf( "  %d buckets from %g to %g:\n  ",
 //       //                nBucketCount, dfMin, dfMax );
 //       //        for( iBucket = 0; iBucket < nBucketCount; iBucket++ )
 //       //            printf( "%d ", panHistogram[iBucket] );
 //       //        printf( "\n" );
 //       //        CPLFree( panHistogram );
 //       //    }
 //       //}

 //       //wxLogDebug( wxT("  Checksum=%d"), GDALChecksumImage(pBand, 0, 0, nXSize, nYSize));

	//	dfNoData = pBand->GetNoDataValue(&bGotNodata );
 //       if( bGotNodata )
 //       {
 //           wxLogDebug( wxT("  NoData Value=%.18g"), dfNoData );
 //       }

	//	if( pBand->GetOverviewCount() > 0 )
 //       {
	//		wxString sOut(wxT("  Overviews: " ));
 //           for(int iOverview = 0; iOverview < pBand->GetOverviewCount(); iOverview++ )
 //           {
 //               const char *pszResampling = NULL;

 //               if( iOverview != 0 )
 //                   sOut += wxT( ", " );

	//			GDALRasterBand*	pOverview = pBand->GetOverview( iOverview );
	//			sOut += wxString::Format(wxT("%dx%d"), pOverview->GetXSize(), pOverview->GetYSize());

	//			pszResampling = pOverview->GetMetadataItem("RESAMPLING", "" );
 //               if( pszResampling != NULL && EQUALN(pszResampling, "AVERAGE_BIT2", 12) )
 //                   sOut += wxT( "*" );
 //           }
 //           wxLogDebug(sOut);

 //  //         sOut = wxT( "  Overviews checksum: " );
 //  //         for(int iOverview = 0; iOverview < pBand->GetOverviewCount(); iOverview++ )
	//		//{
 //  //             if( iOverview != 0 )
 //  //                 sOut += wxT( ", " );

	//		//	GDALRasterBand*	pOverview = pBand->GetOverview( iOverview );
	//		//	sOut += GDALChecksumImage(pOverview, 0, 0, pOverview->GetXSize(), pOverview->GetYSize());
 //  //         }
 //  //         wxLogDebug(sOut);
	//	}

	//	if( pBand->HasArbitraryOverviews() )
 //       {
 //          wxLogDebug( wxT("  Overviews: arbitrary" ));
 //       }
	//	nMaskFlags = pBand->GetMaskFlags();
 //       if( (nMaskFlags & (GMF_NODATA|GMF_ALL_VALID)) == 0 )
 //       {
	//		GDALRasterBand* pMaskBand = pBand->GetMaskBand() ;

 //           wxLogDebug( wxT("  Mask Flags: " ));
 //           if( nMaskFlags & GMF_PER_DATASET )
 //               wxLogDebug( wxT("PER_DATASET " ));
 //           if( nMaskFlags & GMF_ALPHA )
 //               wxLogDebug( wxT("ALPHA " ));
 //           if( nMaskFlags & GMF_NODATA )
 //               wxLogDebug( wxT("NODATA " ));
 //           if( nMaskFlags & GMF_ALL_VALID )
 //              wxLogDebug( wxT("ALL_VALID " ));    

	//		if( pMaskBand != NULL && pMaskBand->GetOverviewCount() > 0 )
 //           {
 //               int		iOverview;

 //               wxLogDebug( wxT("  Overviews of mask band: " ));
 //               for( int nOverview = 0; nOverview < pMaskBand->GetOverviewCount(); nOverview++ )
 //               {
 //                   GDALRasterBand*	pOverview;

 //                   if( nOverview != 0 )
 //                       wxLogDebug( wxT(", " ));

	//				pOverview = pMaskBand->GetOverview( nOverview );
 //                   wxLogDebug( wxT("%dx%d"), pOverview->GetXSize(), pOverview->GetYSize());
 //               }
 //           }
 //       }

	//	if( strlen(pBand->GetUnitType()) > 0 )
 //       {
	//		wxLogDebug( wxT("  Unit Type: %s"),wgMB2WX( pBand->GetUnitType()) );
 //       }

	//	char **papszCategories = pBand->GetCategoryNames();
 //       if( papszCategories != NULL )
 //       {            
 //           int i;
 //           wxLogDebug( wxT("  Categories:" ));
 //           for( i = 0; papszCategories[i] != NULL; i++ )
 //               wxLogDebug( wxT("    %3d: %s"), i, wgMB2WX(papszCategories[i]) );
 //       }

	//	if( pBand->GetScale( &bSuccess ) != 1.0 || pBand->GetOffset( &bSuccess ) != 0.0 )
 //           wxLogDebug( wxT("  Offset: %.15g,   Scale:%.15g"), pBand->GetOffset( &bSuccess ), pBand->GetScale( &bSuccess ) );

	//	papszMetadata = pBand->GetMetadata();
 //       if( CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
 //       {
 //           wxLogDebug( wxT("  Metadata:" ));
 //           for( int i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
 //           {
 //               wxLogDebug( wxT("    %s"), wgMB2WX(papszMetadata[i]) );
 //           }
 //       }

 //       papszMetadata = pBand->GetMetadata( "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" );
 //       if( CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
 //       {
 //           wxLogDebug( wxT("  Image Structure Metadata:" ));
 //           for( int i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
 //           {
 //               wxLogDebug( wxT("    %s"), wgMB2WX(papszMetadata[i]));
 //           }
 //       }

	//	if( pBand->GetColorInterpretation() == GCI_PaletteIndex && (hTable = pBand->GetColorTable()) != NULL )
 //       {
 //           int			i;

	//		wxLogDebug( wxT("  Color Table (%s with %d entries)"), wgMB2WX(GDALGetPaletteInterpretationName(hTable->GetPaletteInterpretation())), hTable->GetColorEntryCount() );

	//		for( i = 0; i < hTable->GetColorEntryCount(); i++ )
 //           {
 //               GDALColorEntry	sEntry;

	//			hTable->GetColorEntryAsRGB(i, &sEntry );
 //               wxLogDebug( wxT("  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d"), i, sEntry.c1, sEntry.c2, sEntry.c3, sEntry.c4 );
 //           }
 //       }

	//	if( pBand->GetDefaultRAT() != NULL )
 //       {
	//		const GDALRasterAttributeTable* pRAT = (const GDALRasterAttributeTable*)pBand->GetDefaultRAT();
	//		GDALRasterAttributeTable* pRATn = (GDALRasterAttributeTable*)pRAT;
	//		pRATn->DumpReadable();
 //       }


	m_psExtent = new OGREnvelope();
	double adfGeoTransform[6];	
	if(m_poDataset->GetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform ) != CE_Fatal )
		double inX[4];
		double inY[4];

		inX[0] = 0;
		inY[0] = 0;
		inX[1] = nXSize;
		inY[1] = 0;
		inX[2] = nXSize;
		inY[2] = nYSize;
		inX[3] = 0;
		inY[3] = nYSize;

		m_psExtent->MaxX = 0;
		m_psExtent->MaxY = 0;
		m_psExtent->MinX = 1000000000;
		m_psExtent->MinY = 1000000000;
		for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			double rX, rY;
			GDALApplyGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform, inX[i], inY[i], &rX, &rY );
			if(m_psExtent->MaxX < rX)
				m_psExtent->MaxX = rX;
			if(m_psExtent->MinX > rX)
				m_psExtent->MinX = rX;
			if(m_psExtent->MaxY < rY)
				m_psExtent->MaxY = rY;
			if(m_psExtent->MinY > rY)
				m_psExtent->MinY = rY;
		m_psExtent = NULL;

//    if( poDataset->GetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None )
//    {
//        printf( "Origin = (%.6f,%.6f)\n",
//                adfGeoTransform[0], adfGeoTransform[3] );
//        printf( "Pixel Size = (%.6f,%.6f)\n",
//                adfGeoTransform[1], adfGeoTransform[5] );
//    }

	m_bIsOpened = true;
	return true;
コード例 #6
 * Init()
bool OGRNGWDataset::Init(int nOpenFlagsIn)
    // NOTE: Skip check API version at that moment. We expected API v3.

    // Get resource details.
    CPLJSONDocument oResourceDetailsReq;
    char **papszHTTPOptions = GetHeaders();
    bool bResult = oResourceDetailsReq.LoadUrl( NGWAPI::GetResource( osUrl,
        osResourceId ), papszHTTPOptions );

    CPLDebug("NGW", "Get resource %s details %s", osResourceId.c_str(),
        bResult ? "success" : "failed");

    if( bResult )
        CPLJSONObject oRoot = oResourceDetailsReq.GetRoot();

        if( oRoot.IsValid() )
            std::string osResourceType = oRoot.GetString("resource/cls");
            FillMetadata( oRoot );

            if( osResourceType == "resource_group" )
                // Check feature paging.
                FillCapabilities( papszHTTPOptions );
                if( oRoot.GetBool( "resource/children", false ) ) {
                    // Get child resources.
                    bResult = FillResources( papszHTTPOptions, nOpenFlagsIn );
            else if( (osResourceType == "vector_layer" ||
                osResourceType == "postgis_layer") )
                // Cehck feature paging.
                FillCapabilities( papszHTTPOptions );
                // Add vector layer.
                AddLayer( oRoot, papszHTTPOptions, nOpenFlagsIn );
            else if( osResourceType == "mapserver_style" ||
                osResourceType == "qgis_vector_style" ||
                osResourceType == "raster_style" ||
                osResourceType == "wmsclient_layer" )
                // GetExtent from parent.
                OGREnvelope stExtent;
                std::string osParentId = oRoot.GetString("resource/parent/id");
                bool bExtentResult = NGWAPI::GetExtent(osUrl, osParentId,
                    papszHTTPOptions, 3857, stExtent);

                if( !bExtentResult )
                    // Set full extent for EPSG:3857.
                    stExtent.MinX = -20037508.34;
                    stExtent.MaxX = 20037508.34;
                    stExtent.MinY = -20037508.34;
                    stExtent.MaxY = 20037508.34;

                CPLDebug("NGW", "Raster extent is: %f, %f, %f, %f",
                    stExtent.MinX, stExtent.MinY,
                    stExtent.MaxX, stExtent.MaxY);

                int nEPSG = 3857;
                // Get parent details. We can skip this as default SRS in NGW is 3857.
                if( osResourceType == "wmsclient_layer" )
                    nEPSG = oRoot.GetInteger("wmsclient_layer/srs/id", nEPSG);
                    CPLJSONDocument oResourceReq;
                    bResult = oResourceReq.LoadUrl( NGWAPI::GetResource( osUrl,
                        osResourceId ), papszHTTPOptions );

                    if( bResult )
                        CPLJSONObject oParentRoot = oResourceReq.GetRoot();
                        if( osResourceType == "mapserver_style" ||
                            osResourceType == "qgis_vector_style" )
                            nEPSG = oParentRoot.GetInteger("vector_layer/srs/id", nEPSG);
                        else if( osResourceType == "raster_style")
                            nEPSG = oParentRoot.GetInteger("raster_layer/srs/id", nEPSG);

                // Create raster dataset.
                std::string osRasterUrl = NGWAPI::GetTMS(osUrl, osResourceId);
                char* pszRasterUrl = CPLEscapeString(osRasterUrl.c_str(), -1, CPLES_XML);
                const char *pszConnStr = CPLSPrintf("<GDAL_WMS><Service name=\"TMS\">"
                22,      // NOTE: We have no limit in zoom levels.
                nEPSG,   // NOTE: Default SRS is EPSG:3857.

                CPLFree( pszRasterUrl );

                poRasterDS = reinterpret_cast<GDALDataset*>(GDALOpenEx(pszConnStr,
                    GDAL_OF_READONLY | GDAL_OF_RASTER | GDAL_OF_INTERNAL, nullptr,
                    nullptr, nullptr));

                if( poRasterDS )
                    bResult = true;
                    nRasterXSize = poRasterDS->GetRasterXSize();
                    nRasterYSize = poRasterDS->GetRasterYSize();

                    for( int iBand = 1; iBand <= poRasterDS->GetRasterCount();
                            iBand++ )
                        SetBand( iBand, new NGWWrapperRasterBand(
                            poRasterDS->GetRasterBand( iBand )) );

                    // Set pixel limits.
                    bool bHasTransform = false;
                    double geoTransform[6] = { 0.0 };
                    double invGeoTransform[6] = { 0.0 };
                    if(poRasterDS->GetGeoTransform(geoTransform) == CE_None)
                        bHasTransform = GDALInvGeoTransform(geoTransform,
                            invGeoTransform) == TRUE;

                        GDALApplyGeoTransform(invGeoTransform, stExtent.MinX,
                            stExtent.MinY, &stPixelExtent.MinX, &stPixelExtent.MaxY);

                        GDALApplyGeoTransform(invGeoTransform, stExtent.MaxX,
                            stExtent.MaxY, &stPixelExtent.MaxX, &stPixelExtent.MinY);

                        CPLDebug("NGW", "Raster extent in px is: %f, %f, %f, %f",
                            stPixelExtent.MinX, stPixelExtent.MinY,
                            stPixelExtent.MaxX, stPixelExtent.MaxY);
                        stPixelExtent.MinX = 0.0;
                        stPixelExtent.MinY = 0.0;
                        stPixelExtent.MaxX = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
                        stPixelExtent.MaxY = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
                    bResult = false;
            else if( osResourceType == "raster_layer" ) //FIXME: Do we need this check? && nOpenFlagsIn & GDAL_OF_RASTER )
                AddRaster( oRoot, papszHTTPOptions );
                bResult = false;
            // TODO: Add support for baselayers, webmap, wfsserver_service, wmsserver_service.

    CSLDestroy( papszHTTPOptions );
    return bResult;
コード例 #7
ファイル: gdal_rpc.cpp プロジェクト: afarnham/gdal
int GDALRPCTransform( void *pTransformArg, int bDstToSrc, 
                      int nPointCount, 
                      double *padfX, double *padfY, double *padfZ,
                      int *panSuccess )

    VALIDATE_POINTER1( pTransformArg, "GDALRPCTransform", 0 );

    GDALRPCTransformInfo *psTransform = (GDALRPCTransformInfo *) pTransformArg;
    GDALRPCInfo *psRPC = &(psTransform->sRPC);
    int i;

    if( psTransform->bReversed )
        bDstToSrc = !bDstToSrc;

    int bands[1] = {1};
    int nRasterXSize = 0, nRasterYSize = 0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Lazy opening of the optionnal DEM file.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if(psTransform->pszDEMPath != NULL &&
       psTransform->bHasTriedOpeningDS == FALSE)
        int bIsValid = FALSE;
        psTransform->bHasTriedOpeningDS = TRUE;
        psTransform->poDS = (GDALDataset *)
                                GDALOpen( psTransform->pszDEMPath, GA_ReadOnly );
        if(psTransform->poDS != NULL && psTransform->poDS->GetRasterCount() >= 1)
            const char* pszSpatialRef = psTransform->poDS->GetProjectionRef();
            if (pszSpatialRef != NULL && pszSpatialRef[0] != '\0')
                OGRSpatialReference* poWGSSpaRef =
                        new OGRSpatialReference(SRS_WKT_WGS84);
                OGRSpatialReference* poDSSpaRef =
                        new OGRSpatialReference(pszSpatialRef);
                    psTransform->poCT =OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(
                                                    poWGSSpaRef, poDSSpaRef );
                delete poWGSSpaRef;
                delete poDSSpaRef;

            if (psTransform->poDS->GetGeoTransform(
                                psTransform->adfGeoTransform) == CE_None &&
                GDALInvGeoTransform( psTransform->adfGeoTransform,
                                     psTransform->adfReverseGeoTransform ))
                bIsValid = TRUE;

        if (!bIsValid && psTransform->poDS != NULL)
            psTransform->poDS = NULL;
    if (psTransform->poDS)
        nRasterXSize = psTransform->poDS->GetRasterXSize();
        nRasterYSize = psTransform->poDS->GetRasterYSize();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      The simple case is transforming from lat/long to pixel/line.    */
/*      Just apply the equations directly.                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( bDstToSrc )
        for( i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++ )
                double dfX, dfY;
                //check if dem is not in WGS84 and transform points padfX[i], padfY[i]
                    double dfXOrig = padfX[i];
                    double dfYOrig = padfY[i];
                    double dfZOrig = padfZ[i];
                    if (!psTransform->poCT->Transform(
                                                1, &dfXOrig, &dfYOrig, &dfZOrig))
                        panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
                    GDALApplyGeoTransform( psTransform->adfReverseGeoTransform,
                                           dfXOrig, dfYOrig, &dfX, &dfY );
                    GDALApplyGeoTransform( psTransform->adfReverseGeoTransform,
                                           padfX[i], padfY[i], &dfX, &dfY );
                int dX = int(dfX);
                int dY = int(dfY);

                if (!(dX >= 0 && dY >= 0 &&
                      dX+2 <= nRasterXSize && dY+2 <= nRasterYSize))
                    panSuccess[i] = FALSE;

                double dfDEMH(0);
                double dfDeltaX = dfX - dX;
                double dfDeltaY = dfY - dY;
                if(psTransform->eResampleAlg == DRA_Cubic)
                    int dXNew = dX - 1;
                    int dYNew = dY - 1;
                    if (!(dXNew >= 0 && dYNew >= 0 && dXNew + 4 <= nRasterXSize && dYNew + 4 <= nRasterYSize))
                        panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
                    //cubic interpolation
                    int adElevData[16] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
                    CPLErr eErr = psTransform->poDS->RasterIO(GF_Read, dXNew, dYNew, 4, 4,
                                                              &adElevData, 4, 4,
                                                              GDT_Int32, 1, bands, 0, 0, 0);
                    if(eErr != CE_None)
                        panSuccess[i] = FALSE;

                    double dfSumH(0);
                    for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
                        // Loop across the X axis
                        for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ )
                            // Calculate the weight for the specified pixel according
                            // to the bicubic b-spline kernel we're using for
                            // interpolation
                            int dKernIndX = j - 1;
                            int dKernIndY = i - 1;
                            double dfPixelWeight = BiCubicKernel(dKernIndX - dfDeltaX) * BiCubicKernel(dKernIndY - dfDeltaY);

                            // Create a sum of all values
                            // adjusted for the pixel's calculated weight
                            dfSumH += adElevData[j + i * 4] * dfPixelWeight;
                    dfDEMH = dfSumH;
                else if(psTransform->eResampleAlg == DRA_Bilinear)
                    if (!(dX >= 0 && dY >= 0 && dX + 2 <= nRasterXSize && dY + 2 <= nRasterYSize))
                        panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
                    //bilinear interpolation
                    int anElevData[4] = {0,0,0,0};
                    CPLErr eErr = psTransform->poDS->RasterIO(GF_Read, dX, dY, 2, 2,
                                                              &anElevData, 2, 2,
                                                              GDT_Int32, 1, bands, 0, 0, 0);
                    if(eErr != CE_None)
                        panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
                    double dfDeltaX1 = 1.0 - dfDeltaX;                
                    double dfDeltaY1 = 1.0 - dfDeltaY;

                    double dfXZ1 = anElevData[0] * dfDeltaX1 + anElevData[1] * dfDeltaX;
                    double dfXZ2 = anElevData[2] * dfDeltaX1 + anElevData[3] * dfDeltaX;
                    double dfYZ = dfXZ1 * dfDeltaY1 + dfXZ2 * dfDeltaY;
                    dfDEMH = dfYZ;
                    if (!(dX >= 0 && dY >= 0 && dX <= nRasterXSize && dY <= nRasterYSize))
                        panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
                    CPLErr eErr = psTransform->poDS->RasterIO(GF_Read, dX, dY, 1, 1,
                                                              &dfDEMH, 1, 1,
                                                              GDT_Int32, 1, bands, 0, 0, 0);
                    if(eErr != CE_None)
                        panSuccess[i] = FALSE;

                RPCTransformPoint( psRPC, padfX[i], padfY[i], 
                                   padfZ[i] + (psTransform->dfHeightOffset + dfDEMH) *
                                   padfX + i, padfY + i );
                RPCTransformPoint( psRPC, padfX[i], padfY[i], 
                                   padfZ[i] + psTransform->dfHeightOffset *
                                   padfX + i, padfY + i );
            panSuccess[i] = TRUE;

        return TRUE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute the inverse (pixel/line/height to lat/long).  This      */
/*      function uses an iterative method from an initial linear        */
/*      approximation.                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++ )
        double dfResultX, dfResultY;

            RPCInverseTransformPoint( psTransform, padfX[i], padfY[i], 
                      padfZ[i] + psTransform->dfHeightOffset *
                      &dfResultX, &dfResultY );

            double dfX, dfY;
            //check if dem is not in WGS84 and transform points padfX[i], padfY[i]
                double dfZ = 0;
                if (!psTransform->poCT->Transform(1, &dfResultX, &dfResultY, &dfZ))
                    panSuccess[i] = FALSE;

            GDALApplyGeoTransform( psTransform->adfReverseGeoTransform,
                                    dfResultX, dfResultY, &dfX, &dfY );
            int dX = int(dfX);
            int dY = int(dfY);

            double dfDEMH(0);
            double dfDeltaX = dfX - dX;
            double dfDeltaY = dfY - dY;

            if(psTransform->eResampleAlg == DRA_Cubic)
                int dXNew = dX - 1;
                int dYNew = dY - 1;
                if (!(dXNew >= 0 && dYNew >= 0 && dXNew + 4 <= nRasterXSize && dYNew + 4 <= nRasterYSize))
                    panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
                //cubic interpolation
                int adElevData[16] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
                CPLErr eErr = psTransform->poDS->RasterIO(GF_Read, dXNew, dYNew, 4, 4,
                                                          &adElevData, 4, 4,
                                                          GDT_Int32, 1, bands, 0, 0, 0);
                if(eErr != CE_None)
                    panSuccess[i] = FALSE;

                double dfSumH(0);
                for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
                    // Loop across the X axis
                    for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ )
                        // Calculate the weight for the specified pixel according
                        // to the bicubic b-spline kernel we're using for
                        // interpolation
                        int dKernIndX = j - 1;
                        int dKernIndY = i - 1;
                        double dfPixelWeight = BiCubicKernel(dKernIndX - dfDeltaX) * BiCubicKernel(dKernIndY - dfDeltaY);

                        // Create a sum of all values
                        // adjusted for the pixel's calculated weight
                        dfSumH += adElevData[j + i * 4] * dfPixelWeight;
                dfDEMH = dfSumH;
            else if(psTransform->eResampleAlg == DRA_Bilinear)
                if (!(dX >= 0 && dY >= 0 && dX + 2 <= nRasterXSize && dY + 2 <= nRasterYSize))
                    panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
                //bilinear interpolation
                int adElevData[4] = {0,0,0,0};
                CPLErr eErr = psTransform->poDS->RasterIO(GF_Read, dX, dY, 2, 2,
                                                          &adElevData, 2, 2,
                                                          GDT_Int32, 1, bands, 0, 0, 0);
                if(eErr != CE_None)
                    panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
                double dfDeltaX1 = 1.0 - dfDeltaX;                
                double dfDeltaY1 = 1.0 - dfDeltaY;

                double dfXZ1 = adElevData[0] * dfDeltaX1 + adElevData[1] * dfDeltaX;
                double dfXZ2 = adElevData[2] * dfDeltaX1 + adElevData[3] * dfDeltaX;
                double dfYZ = dfXZ1 * dfDeltaY1 + dfXZ2 * dfDeltaY;
                dfDEMH = dfYZ;
                if (!(dX >= 0 && dY >= 0 && dX <= nRasterXSize && dY <= nRasterYSize))
                    panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
                CPLErr eErr = psTransform->poDS->RasterIO(GF_Read, dX, dY, 1, 1,
                                                          &dfDEMH, 1, 1,
                                                          GDT_Int32, 1, bands, 0, 0, 0);
                if(eErr != CE_None)
                    panSuccess[i] = FALSE;

            RPCInverseTransformPoint( psTransform, padfX[i], padfY[i], 
                                      padfZ[i] + (psTransform->dfHeightOffset + dfDEMH) *
                                      &dfResultX, &dfResultY );
            RPCInverseTransformPoint( psTransform, padfX[i], padfY[i], 
                                      padfZ[i] + psTransform->dfHeightOffset *
                                      &dfResultX, &dfResultY );

        padfX[i] = dfResultX;
        padfY[i] = dfResultY;

        panSuccess[i] = TRUE;

    return TRUE;
コード例 #8
ファイル: rasterrenderer.cpp プロジェクト: jacklibj/r5
void wxGISRasterRGBRenderer::Draw(wxGISDataset* pRasterDataset, wxGISEnumDrawPhase DrawPhase, IDisplay* pDisplay, ITrackCancel* pTrackCancel)
	wxGISRasterDataset* pRaster = dynamic_cast<wxGISRasterDataset*>(pRasterDataset);
	IDisplayTransformation* pDisplayTransformation = pDisplay->GetDisplayTransformation();
	OGRSpatialReference* pDisplaySpatialReference = pDisplayTransformation->GetSpatialReference();
	OGRSpatialReference* pRasterSpatialReference = pRaster->GetSpatialReference();
	bool IsSpaRefSame(true);
	if(pDisplaySpatialReference && pDisplaySpatialReference)
		IsSpaRefSame = pDisplaySpatialReference->IsSame(pRasterSpatialReference);
	OGREnvelope VisibleBounds = pDisplayTransformation->GetVisibleBounds();
	OGREnvelope* pRasterExtent = pRaster->GetEnvelope();
	OGREnvelope RasterEnvelope, DisplayEnvelope;

		RasterEnvelope = TransformEnvelope(pRasterExtent, pRasterSpatialReference, pDisplaySpatialReference);
		RasterEnvelope = *pRasterExtent;
	bool IsZoomIn(false);
	//IsZoomIn = RasterEnvelope.Contains(VisibleBounds);
	IsZoomIn = RasterEnvelope.MaxX > VisibleBounds.MaxX || RasterEnvelope.MaxY > VisibleBounds.MaxY || RasterEnvelope.MinX < VisibleBounds.MinX || RasterEnvelope.MinY < VisibleBounds.MinY;
		//intersect bounds
		OGREnvelope DrawBounds;
		DrawBounds.MinX = MAX(RasterEnvelope.MinX, VisibleBounds.MinX);
		DrawBounds.MinY = MAX(RasterEnvelope.MinY, VisibleBounds.MinY);
		DrawBounds.MaxX = MIN(RasterEnvelope.MaxX, VisibleBounds.MaxX);
		DrawBounds.MaxY = MIN(RasterEnvelope.MaxY, VisibleBounds.MaxY);

		OGRRawPoint OGRRawPoints[2];
		OGRRawPoints[0].x = DrawBounds.MinX;
		OGRRawPoints[0].y = DrawBounds.MinY;
		OGRRawPoints[1].x = DrawBounds.MaxX;
		OGRRawPoints[1].y = DrawBounds.MaxY;
		wxPoint* pDCPoints = pDisplayTransformation->TransformCoordWorld2DC(OGRRawPoints, 2);	


		int nDCXOrig = pDCPoints[0].x;
		int nDCYOrig = pDCPoints[1].y;
		int nWidth = pDCPoints[1].x - pDCPoints[0].x;
		int nHeight = pDCPoints[0].y - pDCPoints[1].y;

        if(nWidth <= 20 || nHeight <= 20)

		GDALDataset* pGDALDataset = pRaster->GetRaster();

		int nBandCount = pGDALDataset->GetRasterCount();
		int bands[3];
		if(nBandCount < 3)
			bands[0] = 1;
			bands[1] = 1;
			bands[2] = 1;	
			bands[0] = 1;
			bands[1] = 2;
			bands[2] = 3;		

		double adfGeoTransform[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        double adfReverseGeoTransform[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
		CPLErr err = pGDALDataset->GetGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform);
        bool bNoTransform(false);
        if(err != CE_None)
            bNoTransform = true;
            int nRes = GDALInvGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform, adfReverseGeoTransform );

		//2. get image data from raster - draw part of the raster
			double rMinX, rMinY, rMaxX, rMaxY;

            int nXSize = pGDALDataset->GetRasterXSize();
            int nYSize = pGDALDataset->GetRasterYSize();

                rMinX = DrawBounds.MinX;
                rMaxX = DrawBounds.MaxX;
                rMaxY = nYSize - DrawBounds.MinY;
                rMinY = nYSize - DrawBounds.MaxY;
    			GDALApplyGeoTransform( adfReverseGeoTransform, DrawBounds.MinX, DrawBounds.MinY, &rMinX, &rMaxY );
	    		GDALApplyGeoTransform( adfReverseGeoTransform, DrawBounds.MaxX, DrawBounds.MaxY, &rMaxX, &rMinY );
            //double rRealMinX, rRealMinY, rRealMaxX, rRealMaxY;
            //rRealMinX = MIN(rMinX, rMaxX);
            //rRealMinY = MIN(rMinY, rMaxY);
            //rRealMaxX = MAX(rMinX, rMaxX);
            //rRealMaxY = MAX(rMinY, rMaxY);

            double rImgWidth = rMaxX - rMinX;
            double rImgHeight = rMaxY - rMinY;
			int nImgWidth = ceil(rImgWidth) + 1;
			int nImgHeight = ceil(rImgHeight) + 1;
			//read in buffer
            int nMinX = floor(rMinX);
            int nMinY = floor(rMinY);
			if(nMinX < 0) nMinX = 0;
			if(nMinY < 0) nMinY = 0;

            if(nImgWidth > nXSize - nMinX) nImgWidth -= 1;
            if(nImgHeight > nYSize - nMinY) nImgHeight -= 1;

		    //create buffer
			int nWidthOut = nWidth > nImgWidth ? nImgWidth : (double)nWidth + 1.0  /*/ 1.2 / 2 * 2/ 1.5 + 1) / 2*/;
			int nHeightOut = nHeight > nImgHeight ? nImgHeight : (double)nHeight + 1.0  /*/ 1.2 / 2 * 2 / 1.5 + 1) / 2*/;
			double rImgWidthOut = nWidth > nImgWidth ? rImgWidth : (double)nWidthOut * rImgWidth / nImgWidth;
			double rImgHeightOut = nHeight > nImgHeight ? rImgHeight : (double)nHeightOut * rImgHeight / nImgHeight;

		    unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[nWidthOut * nHeightOut * 3];

		    err = pGDALDataset->AdviseRead(nMinX, nMinY, nImgWidth, nImgHeight, nWidthOut/*nImgWidth*/, nHeightOut/*nImgHeight*/, GDT_Byte, 3, bands, NULL);
		    if(err != CE_None)

		    err = pGDALDataset->RasterIO(GF_Read, nMinX, nMinY, nImgWidth, nImgHeight, data, nWidthOut/*nImgWidth*/, nHeightOut/*nImgHeight*/, GDT_Byte, 3, bands, sizeof(unsigned char) * 3, 0, sizeof(unsigned char));
		    if(err != CE_None)
		    //scale pTempData to data using interpolation methods
		    pDisplay->DrawBitmap(Scale(data, nWidthOut/*nImgWidth*/, nHeightOut/*nImgHeight*/, rImgWidthOut/*rImgWidth*/, rImgHeightOut/*rImgHeight*/, nWidth + 1 , nHeight + 1, rMinX - nMinX, rMinY - nMinY, /*enumGISQualityNearest*/enumGISQualityBilinear, pTrackCancel), nDCXOrig, nDCYOrig);

		//void *hTransformArg = GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer( hSrcDS, pszSrcWKT, NULL, pszDstWKT, FALSE, 0, 1 );
		//GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer( hTransformArg );
	////		//get new envelope - it may rotate
	////		OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT = OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation( pDisplaySpatialReference, pRasterSpatialReference);
	//////		get real envelope
	//////		poCT->Transform(1, &pRasterExtent->MaxX, &pRasterExtent->MaxY);
	//////		poCT->Transform(1, &pRasterExtent->MinX, &pRasterExtent->MinY);
	//////		poCT->Transform(1, &pRasterExtent->MaxX, &pRasterExtent->MinY);
	//////		poCT->Transform(1, &pRasterExtent->MinX, &pRasterExtent->MaxY);
	////		OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation(poCT);
		//1. convert newrasterenvelope to DC		
		OGRRawPoint OGRRawPoints[2];
		OGRRawPoints[0].x = RasterEnvelope.MinX;
		OGRRawPoints[0].y = RasterEnvelope.MinY;
		OGRRawPoints[1].x = RasterEnvelope.MaxX;
		OGRRawPoints[1].y = RasterEnvelope.MaxY;
		wxPoint* pDCPoints = pDisplayTransformation->TransformCoordWorld2DC(OGRRawPoints, 2);	

		//2. get image data from raster - buffer size = DC_X and DC_Y - draw full raster
		int nDCXOrig = pDCPoints[0].x;
		int nDCYOrig = pDCPoints[1].y;
		int nWidth = pDCPoints[1].x - pDCPoints[0].x;
		int nHeight = pDCPoints[0].y - pDCPoints[1].y;

		GDALDataset* pGDALDataset = pRaster->GetRaster();
		int nImgWidth = pGDALDataset->GetRasterXSize();
		int nImgHeight = pGDALDataset->GetRasterYSize();

		int nBandCount = pGDALDataset->GetRasterCount();
		int bands[3];
		if(nBandCount < 3)
			bands[0] = 1;
			bands[1] = 1;
			bands[2] = 1;	
			bands[0] = 1;
			bands[1] = 2;
			bands[2] = 3;		

		//create buffer
		unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[nWidth * nHeight * 3];
			//read in buffer
			CPLErr err = pGDALDataset->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, 0, nImgWidth, nImgHeight, data, nWidth, nHeight, GDT_Byte, 3, bands, sizeof(unsigned char) * 3, 0, sizeof(unsigned char));
			if(err != CE_None)
			//1. calc Width & Height of TempData with same aspect ratio of raster
			//2. create pTempData buffer
			unsigned char* pTempData;
			//3. fill data
			//4. for each pixel of data buffer get pixel from pTempData using OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation
		//3. draw //think about transparancy!
		wxImage ResultImage(nWidth, nHeight, data);
		pDisplay->DrawBitmap(ResultImage, nDCXOrig, nDCYOrig);

コード例 #9
int GDALRPCTransform( void *pTransformArg, int bDstToSrc,
                      int nPointCount,
                      double *padfX, double *padfY, double *padfZ,
                      int *panSuccess )

    VALIDATE_POINTER1( pTransformArg, "GDALRPCTransform", 0 );

    GDALRPCTransformInfo *psTransform = (GDALRPCTransformInfo *) pTransformArg;
    GDALRPCInfo *psRPC = &(psTransform->sRPC);
    int i;

    if( psTransform->bReversed )
        bDstToSrc = !bDstToSrc;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Lazy opening of the optionnal DEM file.                         */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if(psTransform->pszDEMPath != NULL &&
            psTransform->bHasTriedOpeningDS == FALSE)
        int bIsValid = FALSE;
        psTransform->bHasTriedOpeningDS = TRUE;
        psTransform->poDS = (GDALDataset *)
                            GDALOpen( psTransform->pszDEMPath, GA_ReadOnly );
        if(psTransform->poDS != NULL && psTransform->poDS->GetRasterCount() >= 1)
            const char* pszSpatialRef = psTransform->poDS->GetProjectionRef();
            if (pszSpatialRef != NULL && pszSpatialRef[0] != '\0')
                OGRSpatialReference* poWGSSpaRef =
                    new OGRSpatialReference(SRS_WKT_WGS84);
                OGRSpatialReference* poDSSpaRef =
                    new OGRSpatialReference(pszSpatialRef);
                    psTransform->poCT =OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(
                                           poWGSSpaRef, poDSSpaRef );
                delete poWGSSpaRef;
                delete poDSSpaRef;

            if (psTransform->poDS->GetGeoTransform(
                        psTransform->adfGeoTransform) == CE_None &&
                    GDALInvGeoTransform( psTransform->adfGeoTransform,
                                         psTransform->adfReverseGeoTransform ))
                bIsValid = TRUE;

        if (!bIsValid && psTransform->poDS != NULL)
            psTransform->poDS = NULL;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      The simple case is transforming from lat/long to pixel/line.    */
    /*      Just apply the equations directly.                              */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( bDstToSrc )
        for( i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++ )
                double dfX, dfY;
                //check if dem is not in WGS84 and transform points padfX[i], padfY[i]
                    double dfXOrig = padfX[i];
                    double dfYOrig = padfY[i];
                    double dfZOrig = padfZ[i];
                    if (!psTransform->poCT->Transform(
                                1, &dfXOrig, &dfYOrig, &dfZOrig))
                        panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
                    GDALApplyGeoTransform( psTransform->adfReverseGeoTransform,
                                           dfXOrig, dfYOrig, &dfX, &dfY );
                    GDALApplyGeoTransform( psTransform->adfReverseGeoTransform,
                                           padfX[i], padfY[i], &dfX, &dfY );

                double dfDEMH(0);
                if( !GDALRPCGetDEMHeight( psTransform, dfX, dfY, &dfDEMH) )
                    if( psTransform->bHasDEMMissingValue )
                        dfDEMH = psTransform->dfDEMMissingValue;
                        panSuccess[i] = FALSE;

                RPCTransformPoint( psRPC, padfX[i], padfY[i],
                                   padfZ[i] + (psTransform->dfHeightOffset + dfDEMH) *
                                   padfX + i, padfY + i );
                RPCTransformPoint( psRPC, padfX[i], padfY[i],
                                   padfZ[i] + psTransform->dfHeightOffset *
                                   padfX + i, padfY + i );
            panSuccess[i] = TRUE;

        return TRUE;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Compute the inverse (pixel/line/height to lat/long).  This      */
    /*      function uses an iterative method from an initial linear        */
    /*      approximation.                                                  */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++ )
        double dfResultX, dfResultY;

            RPCInverseTransformPoint( psTransform, padfX[i], padfY[i],
                                      padfZ[i] + psTransform->dfHeightOffset *
                                      &dfResultX, &dfResultY );

            double dfX, dfY;
            //check if dem is not in WGS84 and transform points padfX[i], padfY[i]
                double dfZ = 0;
                if (!psTransform->poCT->Transform(1, &dfResultX, &dfResultY, &dfZ))
                    panSuccess[i] = FALSE;

            GDALApplyGeoTransform( psTransform->adfReverseGeoTransform,
                                   dfResultX, dfResultY, &dfX, &dfY );

            double dfDEMH(0);
            if( !GDALRPCGetDEMHeight( psTransform, dfX, dfY, &dfDEMH) )
                if( psTransform->bHasDEMMissingValue )
                    dfDEMH = psTransform->dfDEMMissingValue;
                    panSuccess[i] = FALSE;

            RPCInverseTransformPoint( psTransform, padfX[i], padfY[i],
                                      padfZ[i] + (psTransform->dfHeightOffset + dfDEMH) *
                                      &dfResultX, &dfResultY );
            RPCInverseTransformPoint( psTransform, padfX[i], padfY[i],
                                      padfZ[i] + psTransform->dfHeightOffset *
                                      &dfResultX, &dfResultY );

        padfX[i] = dfResultX;
        padfY[i] = dfResultY;

        panSuccess[i] = TRUE;

    return TRUE;